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- Search engines employ a complex algorithm that determines your position in their search engine.
This algorithm is constantly changing.
- The goal of the algorithm is to create the best experience for users. The better the user experience,
the more likely it is that search engines will rank your website.
- In order to provide a good user experience, different aspects of the website need to be optimized
such as the web structure, the development of content and the frequency with which it is updated.
- SEO positioning is a laborious work that must be understood as a long-term strategy.
- Algorithm is constantly changing. We must always be aware of the updates. Daily changes and
more important changes periodically.
- In SEO we are not looking for visits or traffic, we are looking for business generation thanks to an
alignment between supply and demand.
- The objective is that when a potential client searches for our services/products, the business can
be found.
What does google consider: For Google, the most important thing is to match the user's search intent
(intención de busca del usuario) with the content. Thus, the content must be:
- CONSUMABLE: In formats that appeal to the user.
- TRUSTED: The sources must include a high degree of information to be trusted by the user.
- RELEVANT: Match the user's question as closely as possible to he answers that can be found on the

- Cost-Effectiveness: Unlike SEM, once optimized, your site continues to attract traffic without ongoing
- Visibility: Ranking higher in search results, more likely to have more traffic
- Targeted Traffic: Thanks to the optimization by relevant keywords, SEO attracts users actively seeking
information related to your content or products, improving conversion potential.
- Customer behavior insights: SEO tools and analytics provide valuable data on your website visitors,
gaining knowledge about their behavior and preferences.
- Credibility and Trust: Securing a top spot in search results through SEO enhances your website's
perceived trustworthiness and credibility among users.
- Improved User Experience: SEO involves optimizing your website's structure and content, making it
more user- friendly, not just for search engines but for visitors as well.
- Global Audience: SEO strategies will enable your website to reach a global audience, breaking
through geographical constraints and expanding market.

On-site SEO (on-page): is the practice of optimizing websites to rank higher in search engines, through
actions carried out on the website itself. Examples: Content strategies, heading structure, titles and meta
descriptions, internal linking strategy, web architecture, URL structure, image optimization
Off page SEO: includes all those actions that lead to improve the positioning of your website and that are
carried out outside the website. Examples: Link building, google Business Profile, Social
Networking, Podcasts, Reviews
Off Page SEO is related to the term POPULARITY and sometimes it does not depend on us (we do not
always control who links to our website or what they think of our products).


- Crawling: Your site must be "crawlable", i.e., visible to search engines. If the search engine doesn't
find you, it doesn't know you exist. Google uses automated programs called "spiders" to crawl the
web and find new web pages. These spiders follow links from one page to another and
collect information about the content of each page they find. This process is
called crawlingàGooglebot.
- Indexing: Once the spider finds a page, it analyses the content and adds it to Google's index.
The index is like a giant catalogue of all the web pages that Google has crawled and deemed
of sufficient quality to include in the search results. → Google Caffeine. When someone searches for
something on Google, the search engine uses a complex algorithm to go through the index and find
the most relevant pages to display in the search results.
o Ranking: Pages are ranked based on a number of factors, such as the content of the page, the
number and quality of links pointing to it, and the user's location and search history
- Content
- Popularity


Search terms (key words). Any content we want to position must include the relevant KEYWORDS. In other
words, the relevant words to attract our audience and that will match consumer search intention. A
previous content strategy is necessary to define them.
- Keyword Research (KWR): It is research of the keywords or search terms that are relevant to our
business and customers, and for which we want to be visible in search engines to attract traffic to our
website aligned with our business objectives.
Any SEO strategy must be based on a KWR, from web architecture to content strategy to internal linking.
1. We start with some keywords and then create the semantic field that we want to include in the
different contents of our site such us URLs, home, posts…
2. There are several tools to find out which search terms we want to use.

- Quality and relevant: Every content of our site must be: Clear and concise, no spelling mistakes,
orderly, in a natural way, including authorship where appropriate. There are quality reviewers who
focus especially on this aspect.
- Titles: The Title, also called page title, is the element that is clicked on when our page appears in
the SERPs. At SEO level, its importance lies in the fact that it is the element that captures the
user's attention. It is not a factor that has special relevance in terms of positioning, but once you place
your website on the first page it can make you stand out from the competition. This element is placed
in the <head> To optimize them:
o Use meaningful phrases, not a repertoire of unconnected keywords.
o It should be longer than 30 characters but less than 60.
o It should contain the main keyword.
o That they are unique, that they have a hook.
- Meta descriptions: Meta description= An HTML element that summarizes the content of a web page.
It appears on the search results page (SERP) below the page title and URL. This element is also placed
in the <head> and has the following structure:<meta name="description" content="Description of
the page to appear in the search results"> To optimize it:
o Use keywords.
o Use text that is descriptive and catches the user's attention.
o Make descriptions unique and creative.
o Between 70 and 160 characters in length
- Headers <Hs>: The headings and structure of content are crucial for search engines to understand
the topic of the URL. That=s why they are fundamental for SEO. All content, even quality content,
loses its value if it is improperly structured. àWe must consider the structure of headings and respect
certain aspect. <h1>It is the title of the content (whether it is a post, a category, or aproduct).</h1>
o It must contain the main keyword.
o It must describe what the content is about.
o It must Be different from the title.
o It Must not be duplicated.
<h2> These are subtitles that can be used to introduce other keywords within the same search
intention. There can be more than one per URL. It must always go below the <h1> at the html level.
- Images and Alt text: It is crucial to optimize images in terms of weight and size to improve the
performance of our website. Images account for 22.6% of all searches so it is a key point for SEO. The
alt text or alternative text is a written description of an image and allows Google to know what is
being displayed. It is also the text that accompanies images and is read aloud by screen readers, as a
way of helping the visually impaired to navigate the web.

Elements to work on to improve your SEO positioning: SEO OFF-SITE
- INCOMING LINKS: Also known as backlinks, they are one of the most important aspects for search
engines. They help to create notoriety and reliability.

Keyword surfer: Keyword Surfer is a browser extension for SEO. It displays search volume data directly
on Google search pages, provides estimated monthly search volumes for specific keywords. It offers
insights into related keywords and their search volumes. Assists SEO professionals and content creators
in making informed keyword decisions. Convenient tool for conducting keyword research and refining
SEO strategies.
SEMrush: It is an invaluable tool for analyzing websites and competition for SEO and SEM positioning, as
well as conducting keyword research.
- It allows you to analyze your domain: You will be able to know which KW are positioned, your position
in different countries, whether or not you have backlinks, etc.
- It allows you to analyze the different KW of the domain, its % of organic traffic, the number of results.
- Backlinks Analysis.
- Very useful for doing KW research: KW search volume, distribution by country, trend...

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