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15th class: Contractions

Contractions /kənˈtrækʃənz/. Esta última parte de pronunciación al igual que the weak forms y linking, es muy
importante para la compresión del habla, puesto a que en inglés se usan muchas contracciones de palabras (en el
habla y en la escritura), por lo que debemos estar familiarizados con las tales para que cuando las oigamos o
leamos las podamos reconocer.
Vale destacar que no es correcto usar contracciones en la escritura formal (cartas, ensayos, trabajos, etc.), sólo
en escritura informal (también se usan en canciones). La contracción se escribe usando un apóstrofo que
sustituye la letra que se omite. A continuación una lista con las contracciones del idioma y su escritura

Contracciones positivas:
I'm - I am /aɪm - aɪ æm/ I'll - I will or I shall /aɪl - aɪ wɪl or aɪ ʃɔ:l /
I'd - I would, I should or I had /aɪd - aɪ wʊd, aɪ ʃʊd or aɪ hæd/ I've - I have /aɪv - aɪ hæv/
you're - you are / ˈjʊər – ju: ɑ:r/ you'll - you will /ju:l – ju: wɪl/
you'd - you had or you would /ju:d – ju: hæd or ju: wʊd/ you've - you have /ju:v – ju: hæv/
he's - he has or he is /hi:z – hi: hæz or hi: ɪz/ he'll - he will /hi:l – hi: wɪl/
he'd - he had or he would /hi:d – hi: hæd or hi: wʊd/ she'll - she will /ʃi:l - ʃi: wɪl/
she's - she has or she is /ʃi:z - ʃi: hæz or ʃi: ɪz/
she'd - she had or she would /ʃi:d - ʃi: hæd or ʃi: wʊd/
they'd - they had or they would /ðeɪd - ðeɪ hæd or ðeɪ wʊd/
we'd - we had or we would /wi:d – wi: hæd or wi: wʊd/
it's - it has or it is /ɪts - ɪt hæz or ɪt ɪz/ we're - we are / wɪər – wi: ɑr/
we've - we have /wi:v – wi: hæv/ we'll - we will /wi:l – wi: wɪl/
they're - they are /ðɛər - ðeɪ ɑ:r/ they've - they have /ðeɪv - ðeɪ hæv/
they'll - they will /ðeɪl - ðeɪ wɪl/ it'll - it will /ˈɪtəl - ɪt wɪl/

Contracciones negativas:
aren't - are not /ˈɑrənt - ɑ:r nɑt/ can't - cannot (not can not) /kænt - ˈkænɑt/
couldn't - could not /ˈkʊdənt - kʊd nɑt/ daren't - dare not /ˈdɛərənt - dɛər nɑt/
didn't - did not /ˈdɪdənt - dɪd nɑt/ doesn't - does not /ˈdʌzənt - dʌz nɑt/
don't - do not /dəʊnt – du: nɑt/ hasn't - has not /ˈhæzənt - hæz nɑt/
haven't - have not /ˈhævənt - hæv nɑt/ hadn't - had not /ˈhædənt - hæd nɑt/
isn't - is not /ˈɪzənt - ɪz nɑt/ mayn't - may not /ˈmeɪənt - meɪ nɑt/
mightn't - might not /ˈmaɪtənt - maɪt nɑt/ mustn't - must not /ˈmʌsənt - mʌst nɑt/
needn't - need not /ˈni:dənt – ni:d nɑt/ oughtn't - ought not /ˈɔ:tənt - ɔ:t nɑt/
shan't - shall not /ʃænt - ʃæl nɑt/ shouldn't - should not /ˈʃʊdənt - ʃʊd nɑt/
wasn't - was not /ˈwʌzənt - wʌz nɑt/ weren't - were not /ˈwɜ:rənt - wɜ:r nɑt/
won't - will not /wəʊnt - wɪl nɑt/ wouldn't - would not /ˈwʊdənt - wʊd nɑt/

Nota: Para el verbo to be se puede contraer de dos formas, se puede contraer tanto el pronombre personal con
el verbo to be, como el to be con el not: Ej. “we are not”: we´re not / we aren´t

Otras contracciones:

Forma contraída Forma original Oración de ejemplo

here's /hɪrz/ here is /hɪr ɪz/ Here's your meal.

there'll /ðeərəl/ there will /ðeər There'll be nobody here tomorrow.


there's /ðeərz/ there is/ðeər ɪz/ There's a taxi.

that's / ðæts/ that is /ðæt ɪz/ That's my car.

that'll /ðætəl/ that will /ðæt That'll be $10, please.


how's /haʊz/ how is? /haʊz How's your wife?


what'll /ˈwɒtəl/ what will? /wɒt What'll people think?

what's /hwʌts, what is? /hwʌt, What's the matter?
hwɑts, wʌts, hwɑt, wʌt, wɑt;
wɑts/ unstressed
hwət, wət ɪz/

when's /hwenz, when is? When's the wedding?

wenz/ /hwen, wen;
hwən, wən ɪz/

where's where is? /hwer, Where's the cinema?

/werz/ wer ɪz/

who's /huz/ who is? /hu ɪz/ Who's your teacher?

who'd /hud/ who would? /hu Who'd like ice-cream?


who'll /hul/ who will? /hu Who'll be there?


También es posible en el habla rápida, contraer tres palabras, incluyendo por ejemplo el pronombre, un verbo
modal y otro auxiliar:
I would have thought so = I'd've thought so

Contracciones informales:
Las contracciones vistas antes son por así llamarlas “formales” o “aceptables”, pues son parte natural del
idioma, como ya se dijo, del idioma hablado sobre todo. Ahora veremos unas contracciones que son usadas por
la gente al hablar también, pero son consideradas muy informales, inclusive muchos las consideran hasta
“vulgares” (aunque no son vulgares u ofensivas como tal), es importante entender que son usadas por mucha
gente cuando habla rápido, pero no es necesario incluirlas dentro de nuestro vocabulario para decirlas, sino
saber que existen y lo que significan para que cuando las oigamos (o leamos) las podamos reconocer.
Las más comunes son:

ain't /ˈeɪnt/ = am not-are not-is not /æm nɑt-ɑ:r nɑt-ɪz nɑt/. Ej.I ain't sure. / You ain't my boss.
ain't /ˈeɪnt/= has not-have not. /hæz nɑt- hæv nɑt/ Ej. I ain't done it. / She ain't finished yet.
gimme /ˈgɪmɪ/= give me /gɪv mi:/ Ej. Gimme your money / Don't gimme that/ Can
you gimme a hand?
gonna /ˈgɔnə/= going to /ˈgoʊɪŋ tu/ Ej. Nothing's gonna change my love for you./
I'm not gonna tell you./ What are you gonna do?
gotta /ˈgɒtə/= (have) got a /(hæv) gɑt a/ Ej. I've gotta gun. / I gotta gun. / She hasn't gotta
penny./ Have you gotta car?
gotta /ˈgɒtə/= (have) got to /(hæv) gɑt tu/ Ej. I've gotta go now. / I gotta go now./
We haven't gotta do that./ Have they gotta work?
hafta /ˈhæftə/= have to /’hæv tu/ Ej. I hafta go./ you hafta go. / they hafta go.
hasta /ˈhæstə/= has to /'hæz tu/ Ej. He/She hasta go
kinda /ˈkaɪndə/= kind of /’kaɪnd ʌv/ Ej. She's kinda cute. / I´m feeling kinda hungry
lemme /ˈlemi/= let me /let mi:/ Ej. Lemme go!
letcha /ˈlɛtʃə/= let you /let ju:/ Ej. I´m not gonna letcha go.
outta/ˈaʊɾə/,/ˈaːɾə/,/ˈæːɾə/=out of /aʊt ʌv/ Ej. I can´t get you outta my head.
wanna /ˈwɑ.nə/,/ˈwʌnə/=want to /wɑnt, wɔnt tu/ Ej. I wanna go home.
wanna /ˈwɑ.nə/, /ˈwʌnə/= want a /wɑnt, wɔnt ə/ Ej. I wanna coffee.
wansta /wansta/= wants to /wɑnt, wɔnt tu/ Ej. He/she wansta go.
whatcha /ˈwʌtʃə/,/ˈwʌtʃjə/=what are you /hwɑt ɑ:r ju:/ Ej. Whatcha going to do?
whatcha /ˈwʌtʃə/,/ˈwʌtʃjə/=what have you /hwɑt ɑ:r ju:/ Ej. Whatcha got there?
ya /yə/= you /ju:/ Ej. Who saw ya?
coulda /ˈkʊdə/= could have /kʊd hæv/ Ej. I coulda done that.
shoulda /ˈʃʊdə/= should have /ʃʊd hæv/ Ej. I shoulda bought it.
woulda /ˈwʊdə/= would have /wʊd hæv/ Ej. I woulda done it.
alotta/lotsa = a lot of /ə lɑt ʌv/ Ej. You have alotta/lotsa money
sorta /ˈsɔ:rtə/= sort of (kind of) /ˈsɔːrt (’kaɪnd ʌv)/ Ej. It´s sorta good / I sorta wanna go to
´cuz /kɘz/, /kʌz/= because /biˈkɔ:z/ Ej. I wanna go ´cuz I like it.
how´sit /ˈhaʊzɪt/= how is it /haʊ ɪz ɪt/ Ej. How´sit going? (Informal: ¿cómo va todo?, ¿cómo va la

Un par de ejemplos prácticos sobre cómo usan los nativos estas contracciones:
“What are you going to do?” → Whatcha going to do? → Whatcha gonna do?

“Do you want a beer?” → Do you wanna beer? → D'you wanna beer? → D'ya wanna beer?→

→Ya wanna beer? → Wanna beer?

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