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1. In your own opinion, how do you design a survey feedback intervention program that
will promote the retention of key organizational personnel?

The feedback mechanism is important in every system in the organization because it helps
the company to check on every perspective of persons involved regarding the activities in the
company. Feedback helps the company to ensure the success of the activities like the retention
policies in the company. To build successful feedback intervention programs regarding the
retention of the personnel, the company needs to consider the gathering of the necessary data,
analysis of the data, policies making or adjusting, and communication of the result to the

Gathering the necessary data is a vital process in the feedback intervention program of the
company. It will be the basis of the company whether there is something wrong with the policies
or there is a need for new policies. In this phase of the process, the company will survey the
employees regarding their satisfaction regarding the company’s policies. They can use the Job
Descriptive Index (JDI) or the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) as their tool in measuring
the employee’s job satisfaction. These tools should cover the factors of the job withdrawal of the
employee to ensure the retainment rate or lower the voluntary turnover of the company

After gathering the necessary data, the company should analyze the data to process it to
information. They should use the necessary tools to analyze the data, it is either a qualitative
approach or quantitative approach depending on the content of the gathered data. This
information will be the basis for the making of the policies of the company. Some policies that
have already been implemented could also be adjusted depending on the given information. In
addition, the maker of the policy should be wise in the decision that they will make because it
will affect the employees, the company, and its stakeholders. They can use the cost-benefit
method in decision-making without disregarding the qualitative aspect of the decision.

Lastly, the final decision of the company should be communicated throughout the
organization. This will ensure that the employees are aware of the changes or new policies made
in the company. It will make the employee change their mind regarding the company and might
stay longer due to the change of policy that conforms with their feedback.

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