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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [1.0.0] - 2022-04-03
### Added
- Core gfx mod with pixelart tileset. Both core and core_gfx should be enabled
unless someone would like to play ASCII.
- Steam Workshop integration:
- Publishing mods to Steam Workshop.
- Loading subscribed mods.
- Steam Leaderboards integration:
- Scoring per profession
- Number of items crafted
- Number of souls consumed
- Quickest win (in turns count)
- Placement will display in a notification when the player dies or wins.
- Steam Achievements integration
- Added 69 achievements
- 5 new enemies.
- 30 new alternative region maps
- New tutorial entry about going back to Dreamworld.
- Added "thumbnail icon" input in the mod edit form, that allows changing the
Workshop thumbnail. The path to the image is relative to the mod folder.
- Added notifications on publishing to Steam Workshop with the result.
- Added mouse wheel scrolling on the Tutorial screen.

### Changed
- Javelin is considered a throwing weapon instead of spear (being strength-based
instead of dex).
- Improved some entity animations.
- Smite now scales with 20% weapon damage.

### Fixed
- True damage is no longer reduced by endurance.
- Fixed rare crash when disarming weapon that provides access to an ability.
- Fixed crash when attempting to shoot Lightning Arrow without arrows equipped.
- Fixed issue causing Steam Workshop id to reset, publishing the mod twice.
- Fixed copy-paste in modding between different region maps.
- UI no longer stays hidden after winning the game and immediately starting a new

## [0.7.3] - 2022-02-12
### Added
- Playable race: Gnoll
- Added 4K resolution option.
- Added Animation speed option, allowing to speed up ability animations up to x4.
- Added 64x64, 80x80, 96x96 tile dimension selections in options.
- Added missing sound to Poison Cloud ability.
- 1 new alternative map.
- Added sounds for Summon Rotting Corpses and Pools of Blood abilities.

### Changed
- Instead of using a weapon with the highest average damage for ability
calculation, the weapon in the main hand is chosen.
- Spear weapon type physical damage now scales with dexterity instead of strength.
- Chain Slash, Backstab, and Storm of Steel can be used with a Spear.
- Banshee buffed to level 9 from level 7.
- Corrupted targets immediately attempt to attack the closest enemy of the caster.
- Summons attack the closest enemy of the caster immediately upon creation.
- Production actions (butchering, woodcutting, etc.) targeting can be cancelled
with the right mouse button.
- Buffed Human Monks.
- Light spell can also be cast on objects instead of only on living beings.
- Royal Rings and Amulets are craftable.
- Weapon damage buffs like Bless Weapon apply to ability damage.
- Sun amulet is now craftable.
- Speed up some animations.
- Cut down a plant in Church of the Sun.
- Holy Water now breaks when used for melee attacks.
- Broken Sword weight reduced to 0.5 from 1.0.
- Goblins start with Humanoid Leg and Broken Sword.
- Bless Weapon duration increased from 10 to 20 turns.
- Shield Wall cast time reduced from 1.0 to 0.2 turns, and duration increased from
3 to 4 turns.
- Bushido cast time was reduced from 1.0 to 0.2 turns.
- Weaken Body cast time reduced from 1.0 to 0.2 turns.
- Acid Blade duration increased from 10 to 20 turns.
- Prayer duration increased from 5 to 10 turns.
- Break Mind cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.2 turns.

### Fixed
- Stone Bed is no longer collidable.
- Added missing stepping stone on some Marble Floors.
- Fixed some Blood tiles spawning above characters.
- Added missing Rest until Healed circle action icon.
- Poison Cloud can be cast directly on characters.
- God's death animation plays at least once.
- Walking on pond tiles plays a proper walk sound.
- Fixed Chain Lightning and Bouncing Arrow are sometimes not damaging targets.
- Fixed overlapping tooltips when looking at the very bottom of the screen.
- Fixed Deadly Grasp animation not playing under a roof.
- Fixed roof in Quarantine Zone.
- Fixed entities spawn inside walls in Barracks.
- Ores in Dirt tiles have the same height as Dirt Wall.
- Hidden entities don't show up when they move.
- Fixed ranged enemies sometimes get stuck when not having a clear line of sight.
- Fixed AI cone abilities deal damage to all targets in the cone instead of just
the main one.
- Zombies are no longer afraid to go through the bloodied bridge.
- Fixed AI behavior when feared while having nowhere to escape.
- Debug is no longer enabled by default.
- Winds of Decay correctly rotate toward the target.
- Tile dimensions selection applies the change immediately instead of after exiting
- Fixed Deflection ability dealing damage back at the attacker.
- Damage buffs now correctly display damage scaling in the Equipment Screen Combat
section if half of the damage is magical.
- Fixed Vanish ability changing the opacity of the player glyph to indicate hidden
- Fixed world map issues when changing z-level.
- Fixed world map update after the death of a god that affects the whole world.
- Ability damage applies bonuses from Demon and Bone Wraith passives.

### Modding
- Added button click sounds in Modding Editors.
- Fixed crash when deleting tiles on the empty area selected.
## [0.7.2] - 2022-01-16
### Added
- Crop goblins are lurking in the wheat fields.
- Added switch for "Directional" movement based on Numpad keys in Keymap settings,
with automatic rotation before the move. Movement without rotation can be performed
while holding the left ctrl key.
- Marked item tooltips with a known recipe to quickly indicate if the item is
already learned.
- Added impassable edge regions around the world.
- 35 alternative region maps.
- Added 64x64 tile dimensions in settings.
- Right mouse click to remove the ability from the action bar.
- Added social icons on the main menu screen.
- Alternative images for stones and a pile of bones.
- Animation for underground river, stone wall with a torch, and wandering soul.

### Changed
- Corpse explosion now works on summoned zombies and skeletons.
- Poacher ability Sense Life now shows glyphs of the actual enemies discovered
instead of generic hearing markers. Sense Life cast time is now 0.5 turns (from
- Equipping a stackable item (for example, arrows) when there's already a stackable
item equipped will combine the stacks instead of replacing it.
- It's now possible to rest in the equipment screen by pressing `r` as long as a
repairable item is not selected.
- Rest until healed and sleep actions now provide a progressive bonus to health
regeneration that equals 1 HP / 10 turns passed, until reaching a limit of 1/10th
of endurance.
- Willpower now reduces fatigue twice as fast during sleep (-0.2 per turn per point
from -0.1).
- Changed required mods in Continue game screen to display mod names with the
author instead of folder names.
- Improved bleed, water wave, cripple animations.
- Alarm removed from level 2 ability selection.
- Vampire Bloodlust drops twice as fast.
- Corruption ability duration changed from 5 turns to 6, it's possible to corrupt
target of higher level, damaging the controlled entity no longer breaks the effect,
success is determined by contesting willpower test.
- Poison Cloud ability now deals nature damage immediately and poisons targets in
the area. Few random tiles may be covered with the cloud sometimes for 2 turns.
- Improvements in AI behavior during combat.
- Skeleton champion move speed increased to 1.1 turns per tile from 1.5.
- Skeletons, just like zombies, no longer have fatigue and will not require sleep.
- Zombies and skeleton champions have higher death and nature resistances but lower
fire and holy.
- Poor citizens were removed from the village near the entrance to the city.
- Most guards in the city were replaced with militiaman.
- Tweaked enemy numbers across the Capital.
- Added more light sources in the Capital.
- Golden amulet is now craftable.
- Quicker Piercing shot animation.
- Changed weight of multiple items.
- Primitive bow durability bumped to 60 (from 40), Short bow to 80 (from 60).
- When learning a new ability on level up, it's placed on the action bar as long as
there's an empty slot.
- Chairs and crates are no longer considered items.
- Animations of attacks and abilities performed outside the field of view will be
- Fixed pickup of items produced by woodcutting or other production actions to pick
up only the amount that can be carried.
- Changed action progress circle icons.

### Fixed
- Fixed UI scaling above 1920x1080 in level up screen, death screen, cheat console,
crafting progress bar, split stack box, artifact salvage confirmation box.
- Fixed font size in certain parts of the game on 1920x1080 resolution.
- Fixed main menu background sometimes having animation issues.
- Core gfx always loads after core.
- Fixed issue with part of world map not unloading correctly when starting a new
- Fixed fireball and firebolt animations.
- Minimap fills up with pixel tiles on 2560x1600 resolution.
- Fixed summoned zombies getting stuck while hugging each other.
- Whetstone gets destroyed after a single use.
- Fixed resolution select in settings overlapping label.
- Fixed color of maple log.
- Fixed blank tiles in one of the alternative maps of Western Yelling Mountains.
- Blocked creation of a mod without author or name.
- Fixed Holy Water to be equippable.
- Fixed click sounds in the exit menu when selecting options.
- Fixed the graphical issue of targeting borders when line targetting was selected
immediately after looking at the tile tooltip.
- Dialogues won't trigger multiple times for NPC characters when hit too many times
in a single turn.

### Modding
- Added undo (ctrl + z) and redo (ctrl + y) actions in Map Maker for placed and
removed tiles.
- Fixes in scaling UI in Entity Maker editor.
- Fixed memory leak in Map Editor causing crash after loading too many regions.
- On Enter component ability trigger now has new properties defining chance to
trigger and restricting the on entering ability trigger to the player alone.
- Summon count effect now applies to the Construct effect to restrict the amount.

## [0.7.1] - 2021-12-31
### Added
- 2560x1600 resolution support.
- Display screen selection in Options.
- Drag & drop functionality for ability placement on action bar.
- 13 new alternative maps.

### Changed
- Item tooltips now show the weight of the whole stack as well as single item in
- Damaging environment with abilities no longer logs the message.
- Life drain ability property works only on Actor entities, can no longer apply to

### Fixed
- Fixed artifacts in text when playing on a non-standard resolution.
- Remapping keys in Options screen during playthrough no longer executes the
- Environment tiles no longer "die" as was indicated by messages in the log.
- Pressing "g" while draggin an item, stops dragging without the need to hover the
cursor over the body again.
- Fixed cheats "thirst" and "hunger" to not break limits and add or reduce
dehydration and starvation.
- Fixed carpets sometimes loading above tables.
- Fixed random crash when opening animated entities.
- Fixed overlaping text in tooltips on New Game Screen.

### Modding
- In debug mode, tooltips display index of the entity in a bracket, which can be
useful when using Cheat Console to create more entities.
- Moved 0-level abilities to the side so they no longer go outside the screen on
content - abilities modding screen.
- Fixed crashing entities in mods extending Soulash, and items that didn't spawn on
enemies or on maps.
- Fixed crashing dialogues in non-overwriting mods.
- Fixed some GUI issues in non-standard resolutions.
- Added highlight to Entity Editor and Ability Editor to mark the entity, ability
or animation being edited.
- Fixed scrolling in editor lists sometimes getting stuck when mouse wheel was used
outside the bounds of the lists.
- Fixed teleportation and change entities set up in single On Destruction component
that could cause entities to not change on map where player gets teleported.

## [0.7.0] - 2021-12-18
### Added
- Dreamworld accessible with Emperor's Crown or Hand of Sandaver - game has to
start in version 0.7 to spawn these items.
- New item Phoenix Feather designed by Sinful, allowing to cheat death!
- Endgame and two victory scenarios.
- 30 new locations
- 11 new enemies
- New indicator for hearing sounds in tiles outside vision.
- Option in settings to disable camera shakes.
- Option in user settings to disable world map generation during debug.
- Added scrolling in menu screens (Cemetery, Modding) with mouse wheel, for list of
resources and content sections.
- Added scrolling in modding editors (Map, Entity, Ability) with mouse wheel.
- Added damage number animations for damage over time effects.
- Griphon leaves a brand new corpse.

### Changed
- Changed scoring formula and added Scoring tutorial.
- Changed tutorial popups to not trigger too often at the very beginning of the
- Improved camera shakes.
- Improved performance in AI heavy areas.
- Increased Halberd durability from 100 to 200.
- Changed notification animation when you hear the enemy outside line of sight.
- Moat and blood moat can be frozen.

### Fixed
- Abilities no longer stop weather animations.
- Fixed animation for Storm of Steel.
- Fixed selection markers in graphic mods editor.
- Durability drops correctly on uwielded tools when crafting.
- Fixed message that shows up when Sangre comes.
- Fixed Blizzard, Storm and Ghastly Weather animations under roof.
- Fixed pickup and equip sound for shields.
- Fixed energy potion effect.
### Modding
- The first version of the modding documentation is available in
Soulash/docs/index.html with instructions on how to make your own maps and
- New component Resurrector that can be attached to the item to allow cheating
death for the wielder or to the actor itself.
- While holding the left ctrl key, you can now select tiles in Map Editor multiple
times to add them.
- While holding the left alt key, you can now deselect tiles in Map Editor multiple
times to remove only some of the selected tiles.
- Added scrolling in modding editors (Map, Entity, Ability) with the mouse wheel.
- Fixed crash on entity editing when added equipment component without any item.
- Ignore roof checkbox in Animation Editor now correctly saves when unchecked.
- Items are properly saved in the backpack when selected in the Equipment

## [0.6.2] - 2021-11-27
### Added
- New playable race Djinni - designed by Sishio.
- Damage number animations.

### Changed
- Damage over time effects no longer show up on invisible entities.
- Dwarf berserkers have new dialogues.
- New action icons.
- Invisible tiles are a little more visible.

### Fixed
- Fixed rare issues that could cause save file corruption on worldwide
- Fixed "Command allies" ability to no longer suggest attacking other allies.
- Fixed sight direction marker transition animation and sped it up for the player
- Zima correctly spawns instead of Vedna.
- Fixed AoE self-targeting abilities used by AI.
- Fixed an issue that caused summoned Ents to eat themselves.
- Fixed crash on knockback before movement animation stops playing.
- Fixed AI entities moving to target as they use Jump Pierce ability.
- Fixed AI sometimes stopped attacking after not being hit for a while.
- Fixed true damage permanently destroying some tiles, like Gnelm River.
- Fixed rare crashes related to AI abilities.
- Fixed crash on shooting self with piercing arrow.
- Fixed random crash on gathering honey.
- Fixed roof in alternative maps of Mensfield Granary.
- Fixed crash when using indestructible tools.
- Fixed player icon changing to goblin after cleaning action in core gfx mod.

### Modding
- Added position display in Map Editor screen.
- Light source default duration changed to -1 (infinite)
- New weather property "stop_on_map_exit" causes the weather to stop immediately on
exiting the region map.

## [0.6.1] - 2021-10-23
### Added
- New playable race Abomination - designed by OccultOnion.
- Animations for some static entities like rivers, campfires, and more.
- New ability "Command allies", encouraging your allies to move or attack entities
in the selected area, available to everyone since the start of the game.
- It's now possible to dig graves with a shovel.
- Burned bed has a new image.
- 10 new items.
- 6 new artifacts.
- New universal ability is available at level 14.
- Salvaging artifacts requires an additional confirmation step.

### Changed
- Humans gained new passive - reduced required souls to level up by 10%.
- Chairs and crates can be used as improvised weapons.
- Changed ability icon graphics.
- Energy potion now restores up to 100 stamina, still being limited by fatigue.
- Closing split stack box unselects the stack.
- Killing one of the gods now teleports to a safer place in the Maze.

### Fixed
- Fixed rare crash on teleportation.
- Fixed teleportation sometimes didn't consume stamina.
- AI charging only hits the enemy instead of the whole path.
- Fixed some crashing related to AI attacking temporary summons.
- Fixed bard dialogue player name placeholder.
- Golem dies when bumping walls drops its health to 0.
- Fixed Goddess of Dreams spawning.
- Fixed some issues causing cooldown of abilities to be less than 0.1 turns when it
- Fixed dialogues sometimes happen with the human player character as if it was an
- Fixed production action hotkey, now it's smarter when picking action for a
certain target when multiple actions use the same hotkey.
- Fixed multiplying production action sounds.
- Caught fish didn't get pulled to the player character.
- AI casting lunge sometimes dealt damage but didn't move.
- Fixed issue when fishing sometimes provided multiple fish at once.
- Fixed walking sound on obsidian tiles.
- Added missing dialogue for Dalene, the Goddess of Dreams.
- Fixed transition tiles sometimes didn't render properly.

### Modding
- Added support for Glyph animations. This caused a change to Glyph json structure,
but it's going to be automatically converted to a new format for all mods when
starting the game.
- MinimapPixel component is now used for coloring entity names in messages instead
of Glyph color.
- Added slider for particle glyph selection.
- Maps without names are no longer unloaded in Map Editor.

## [] - 2021-10-02
### Added
- Added information in ability tooltip informing about weapon damage scaling.
- Added possibility to override a single entry of dialogue in mods.

### Changed
- Endurance from passive race bonus adds extra health per level.
- Skinning bear and wolf gives fur now.
### Fixed
- Fixed crash related to AI attempting to attack invalid entity.
- Chain abilities no longer attempt to jump to targets on a different z-level.
- Fixed (this time for real) entities moving too fast after player stops sleeping.
- Player may once again shoot and use line abilities through invisible tiles.
- Properly shows ability cooldown when it's below 0.1 turn.
- World event next event check timer resets correctly when starting a new game.
- Character creation screen Nomad selection properly shows Chain slach as the
starting ability.
- Backstabbing self now displays appropriate message.
- Sight after casting rollback is correctly refreshed.
- Equipped items under split stack popup don't get selected while changing stack
- Fixed world effect on Sukuna death.

## [0.6.0] - 2021-09-25
### Added
- Gods come to the mortal realm to wage war against player character, with many new
powers to provide with their powerful souls.
- Golem playable race with unique mechanics.
- 4 new weather conditions.
- New action called "ritual summoning", allowing to summon a god at the altar with
"ritual resource".
- New Inquisitor ability on level 6 - Cleanse.
- New Inquisitor ability on level 7 - Shield throw.
- New Inquisitor ability on level 11 - Stoning.
- New Inquisitor ability on level 12 - Seven deadly sins.
- Player character can be frightened.
- Added flax flower spawns to 3 regions in the world.

### Changed
- Increased base damage of: Spiked sword, Great axe, War banner, Wide spear, War
hammer, Halberd.
- War hammer is now 2-handed weapon.
- Doubled durability of stone knife, stone axe and stone mallet.
- AI improvements in casting buff, debuff, summon and movement abilities.
- Fatigue gain is now related to stamina gained - less stamina regained due to max
value during resting means lower fatigue increase.
- Zombies no longer gain fatigue - they don't require sleep.
- Rollback cast time changed to 0.3 turn from 0.25.
- Player will no longer continue game in sleeping state.
- Changed world progress during sleeping and rest until healed actions to wait for
AI to process actions, preventing accumulation of turns.
- Chain lightning cooldown changed to 4 turns from 3 and hits up to 5 targets
instead of 6.
- Bouncing shot cooldown changed to 5 turns from 4 and hits up to 4 targets instead
of 5.
- Enemies give at least 1 experience point, despite level difference.

### Fixed
- Fixed AI enemies casting spells and shooting arrows despite them loosing sight of
the player.
- Fixed missing tile glyph on unseen locations when AI entity or item was there.
- Minimum range ability property works with line targets.
- Fixed experience gain from some small entities.
- Fixed crash on game start when any AI entity has over 12 abilities.
- Fixed crash related to AI casting abilities.
- Fixed some issues related to fullscreen resolution.
- Fixed bouncing shot hitting enemies behind a wall.
- Fixed "Placeholder" description of all elves in the game.
- Added missing Bushido ability animation and sound.
- Added missing sound for oil hit.
- Actions no longer activate when changing pages on crafting screen on low
- Ravaging corpses progress no longer shows on corpse tooltips if you're not a
- Items are properly deselected after leaving equipment screen by pressing escape
- Tutorial scrolls are properly reset after leaving tutorial window.
- Hunting hounds are alive!
- Fixed issue with cooldown being displayed as 0.0 and blocking ability cast.
- Fixed duplicated repair button when repair process is interrupted.
- Shooting and throwing properly recalculates weight of equipment.
- Casting abilities properly recalculates weight of equipment when item are
- Added missing sound when learning new recipe by using it in backpack.
- Fixed stacking sounds.
- Bouncing shot and chain lightning won't go through wall anymore.
- Removed underground wire connection between doors that allowed opening any door
by standing close to a different door.

### Modding
- New component On Destruction allowing to introduce global scale changes to the
- Destroy certain types of entities globally.
- Replace certain types of entities with new ones.
- Permanent day / night.
- Make blood drinkable by everyone, but cause some damage.
- Disable hearing entities.
- Disable fatigue for everyone.
- Add new and change existing weather.
- Teleport player to specific location in the world.
- Reduce percentage of max durability from all items in the world.
- Infinite durability for crafted items.
- Learn abilities.
- Learn recipes.
- New world event system that allows spawning entities near player during different
stages of the game. The system supports notifications to the user about incoming
events. See examples in events.json file.
- Added possibility to change only parts of messages.json file in mods.
- Fixed invalid entity being selected in the Map editor after scrolling.
- Copying color in Entity Editor loads minimap pixel color as well.
- Fixed desynchronized position of delete buttons when there's many options
selected in a multiselect.
- Neutralize ability effect now supports multiple entries per ability, see Cleanse
ability for example.

## [0.5.4] - 2021-08-28
### Added
- Hidden location with teleports that can allow quick travel and access to a set of
crafting stations.
- New enemies - Animated armors are guarding the hidden location.
- New cultist ability on level 7 - Water wave.
- New inquisitor ability on level 13 - Burning sun.
- New messages that indicate an invalid target for abilities.
- New animation for corpse explosion.
### Changed
- Abilities Piercing shot, Lightning shot, Poison shot, and Holy shot now have a
90% chance to leave the ammo consumed as cost, making it the same recovery rate as
regular shooting.
- Piercing shot has 4 turns cooldown.
- When a controlled entity makes the kill, the controller gets the credit on the
death screen. This applies to summoned entities and entities temporarily controlled
with spells.
- Silence heretic! is now an Inquisitor ability instead of Cultist.
- Freeze ability bumped from level 7 Cultist to level 10 Cultist, with increased
- Summoning multiple entities now result in a single message.
- Charge now requires a target with health (animate or inanimate) at the end of its
- Deflection ability now lasts 5 seconds instead of 4 and has a 10 second cooldown.
- Last rites ability healing bumped from 10 - 30 to 20 - 40.
- Poison shot ability has a cooldown of 5 turns.
- Artifacts are no longer destroyed when durability drops to 0. Instead, they are
unequipped same as other items.
- Changed Demon and Bone Wraith bonuses to be applied before ability effects and
- Paralyzing darts no longer require pile of bones.

### Fixed
- Fixed crash on game start when mods are selected that are not available in the
game directory.
- Fixed crash when attempting to disarm an enemy without any weapon.
- Fixed crash on knocking enemy outside map bounds.
- Fixed rare crashes caused by charging or lunging at enemies.
- Fixed crash when starting a new game and enemy that dies at the same time as a
player in the previous game wasn't processed yet.
- Fixed crash caused by murdering a tree.
- Fixed crash on player death caused by a trap.
- Fixed occasional crash when leaving the game to main menu and continuing from
- Fixed lag when AI attempts to walk into the unloaded region.
- Fixed occasional crashes on producing items.
- Blood no longer spills on Chasm.
- Improved performance in enemy-heavy areas like the Capital city.
- Updated Last rites ability description to indicate it consumes the targeted
corpse for instant health regen.
- Item cost type now displays appropriately in the ability description and prevents
casting when missing.
- Circle abilities are now calculated more accurately.
- Fixed and improved Poison Cloud ability animation to cover the whole area.
- Miriane, the Harpy Queen, now has a proper description. She's also wearing a
crown instead of a diadem.
- Harpy nest has a proper description now.
- Resting places no longer display decimal values in tile descriptions. The same
fix applies to the movement speed bonus on items.
- Fixed bonuses to move speed and attack speed coming from artifacts.
- Fixed message on casting Break Mind ability to indicate it reduces willpower and
- Fixed road near Mensfield being covered in grass sometimes.
- Fixed Painless ability damage reduction bonus.
- Fixed some cases of input freeze after attempting to use the ability when it's
not possible.
- Fixed damage calculation from Revenge ability.
- Fixed duration of poison, burn and bleed.
- Fixed disappearing items when salvaging and not picking up the resources due to
low weight.
- Fixed wisps getting stuck attempting to pick up torches.
- When using an item in equipment that gives access to ability with full abilities
bar, the last ability in the bar is replaced.

### Modding
- Added teleport property to OnEnter component, allowing to move the player to a
different location when walking into a tile.
- Added summon count ability effect, allowing to summon multiple entities in random
locations of the targeted area.
- Added summon weather ability effect.
- Added new particle setting - Area filled traverse, allowing for particles
covering more than 1 tile to traverse a path toward the target.
- Added sight ability effect of increasing or reducing sight range.
- Changed rotating animation glyph to degrees/second.
- Particle color inputs now fill correctly after selecting them.
- Ability item cost became entity cost. It's now possible to make a targeted entity
that is not an item to be consumed as the ability's cost.
- Entity Maker screen and Map Maker screen entity filter inputs now correctly
display all matching entities instead of skipping the last one on the list.
- Multiselect becomes correctly deselected when choosing an option.
- Fixed duplicated selections in particle settings.
- Background color now resets properly under glyph when the background component is
- Bows and crossbows now require new item types - arrow and bolt, respectively, as
ammunition. Previously both were of item type Ammunition.
- New ability property - cost ammo. Will consume 1 or more arrows or bolts when
casting the ability and using a bow or crossbow.
- New ability effect construct cost - a chance to spawn entity consumed as the cost
of ability (cost item, cost item type, cost ammo) on the targeted location.
- Summon, construct, and corruption ability effects with duration 0 remain in the
world without time limit - until destroyed.
- Added escape support to close the ability editor window.

## [] - 2021-08-08
### Added
- New option in graphics settings that disables fade effect on tiles when moving.
- It's possible to fast forward time with Cheat Console.

### Fixed
- Fixed crash in Map Editor when attempting to copy tiles when nothing is selected.
- Fixed damage dealt to water related tiles.
- Damaging for 0 will no longer display a message.
- Fixed on destruction component player teleportation, it now properly clears the
destroyed entity.
- Fixed crash on movement between corner neighboring regions.
- Fixed crash in editors when writing full name in multiselect input, like tags.
- Fixed issue related to reading recipe with button in equipment screen.
- Changing name of animation in editor no longer causes creation of duplicated
- Fixed AI being unable to attack when their weapon breaks.

## [] - 2021-08-01
### Added
- Added Kunyak as a potential Orc NPC name.
### Changed
- Reduced save size by 15%.
- Improved performance of changing region maps.

### Fixed
- Teleportation is no longer available by clicking on a map screen.
- Fixed enable teleport checkbox in OnDestruction component
- Fixed long range OnDestruction teleportation between z-levels
- Fixed typo in shield slam description

## [0.5.3] - 2021-07-25
### Added
- New playable race: Lizardman

### Changed
- Royal trees now have a unique description.
- Added messages about repair action result, indicating when there's not enough max
durability for item repair.
- Statistics may no longer drop below 1 due to ability effects, dehydration or

### Fixed
- Fixed veins spawn in Yelling Mountains.
- Diamonds of count 0 no longer drop from mining.
- Fixed rain falling in the animation editor.
- Fixed roof at region 33,25,2.
- Fixed Bard's song ability to work in AoE, and fixed its description.
- Attempting to use summon ability on a collidable spot will cancel the spell with
correct message instead of casting the spell without any effect.
- Fixed issue with stacked height objects causing different map tiles to be
- Cheat console teleport no longer crashes when inputing invalid position.
- Combat music now stops properly when only non-aggressive entities are nearby.
- Using production action on a stack of items outside inventory now correctly
consumes a single stack.
- It's no longer possible to use production actions with broken tool.
- Fixed death by starvation / dehydration.
- Drinking while dehydrated will no longer cause drinking over the limit.
- Long distance travel is now possible in Cheat Console.
- Fixed crash related to disarm ability.
- Fixed attack animations in some of the bows.

## [0.5.2] - 2021-06-19
### Added
- New playable race: Bone Wraith
- New playable race: Demon
- Credits screen with info about Soulash Team and our Patrons.
- Added tweet button to cemetery and death screen that allows sharing about the
playthrough results.

### Changed
- Replaced progress bar in the New Game Screen.

### Fixed
- Fixed crash on changing resolution.
- Stacking bushes in the same tile caused the world to tear apart.
## [0.5.1] - 2021-06-05
### Added
- New images for races and professions in new game screen.
- Added a new set of images indicating time of day in the top right corner.
- Added back the use key in the backpack for items that give access to abilities.
It will assign the ability to action bar either in the first empty slot or override
the last one and then select it for use immediately.
- Scrolling for races, professions, items, and recipes on the New Game screen shows
up if there's more available than can fit on the screen.
- Added tooltip about looking at tiles on cursor position that will display at the
start of every game until the look is performed at least once.
- Pause player character monologues until the level-up screen is closed.
- Added animated sight markers for player and AI actors.
- Added Cheat Console in the game.
- Added Buubdurub as a potential goblin male name.

### Changed
- Adjusted leveling formula to get first levels quicker and later levels slower.
- Removed tavern as a potential starting location.
- Hide ability effect now triggers a message.
- Owlking now has a unique corpse.
- Bumped opacity of rare item borders in equipment screen to make them more
- New sounds for Cripple and Shield Wall abilities.
- Changed "Reduce" to "Resist" keyword for resistances in tooltips.
- Lantern is now a weapon.
- Lantern oil now gives access to ability throw oil - reduces fire resistance on
- Reduced save directory by 20%.
- Updated item graphics in inventory screen.

### Fixed
- Fixed cooking meat.
- Weather events now properly add a message to the message log.
- Fixed duplicated Soda Ash deposits.
- Fixed naga description.
- Fixed attack animation select in weapon component.
- Fixed crash on editing burned door in Mod Editor.
- Spawned entities had too much time to act when they were created from the death
of other entities.
- Burning frozen gnelm river now correctly turns it back into gnelm river.
- Fixed issue with recipe counter on death that was showing invalid value.
- Candle is again considered a weapon and can be wielded and lit.
- Fixed imps descriptions to spawn as a demonic race instead of a human.
- Using a recipe that's already known will consume the item correctly.
- Blood doesn't make the tile walkable anymore.
- Fixed 3d ascii glyphs displaying twice.
- Fixed not being able to click the repair button twice.
- Fixed tooltips to be displayed in screen bounds for items in equipment screen and
entities on the map.
- Fixed message log window requiring to click twice to move sometimes.
- Location music properly starts when starting or continuing the game.
- Using stackable item in backpack deselects the stack.
- Fixed antidote and other neutralize effects.
- Enemies properly focus on player after being attacked.
- Clean up action now refreshes the character immediately instead of on movement.
### Modding
- Most abilities are now applicable during weather events and in OnEnter component.
- Reworked most ability effects to be applicable in AoE abilities.
- Reworked most negative ability effects to be applicable in abilities that target
- New component MinimapPixel that's responsible for representing the entity in the
minimap and world map.
- Added option in Animation Editor to chain particles. When selected, every
particle is played after another until there are no particles left, ignoring delay
- Added support for modding different player tiles per race and profession.
- Fixed selection markers in Map Editor to be displayed on top of glyphs.
- Fixed issue when creating a recipe for the chosen item through modding, and it
would not be possible to use it in-game.
- Fixed crash when attempting to add an item that is not craftable in base recipes.
- Fixed alternative maps being overridden even if the map is not edited in the mod.
- Fixed abilities assigned to a profession that is not loaded into the game will be
replaced as universal
- Fixed crashes when using some invalid signs in entity names that would cause
issues in Windows file naming, like ":".
- Fixed tools added in mods inside messages.json.
- Fixed some visual issues on lower resolution in the editor's GUI.
- Fixed an issue with camera shaking effect persisting after changing the
- New animations display correctly before being saved in Animation editor.
- Resistance effect is now usable with duration.
- Experience requirement for level up is now configurable in characters.json.

## [] - 2021-03-10
### Fixed
- Fixed background tile height when display all glyphs is selected in mod.
- Fixed some issues with disappearing items when using production actions like

## [] - 2021-02-13
### Added
- Added input for RGBA colors in Entity editor that allows inputing whole color
string instead of just using sliders.
- Added support for copying text from clipboard into string inputs with ctrl + v.
- Added reload assets button for images in animation and ability editors.

### Fixed
- Reloading assets in entity editor doesn't save empty entity anymore.
- Fixed earthquake animation.
- Some aoe abilities like earthquake no longer deal damage to caster when they

## [] - 2021-02-03
### Added
- New button in Entity maker to reload all graphic assets without restarting the
### Fixed
- Alpha in map editor is now properly set to 255.

## [] - 2021-02-02
### Fixed
- Fixed tiles disappearing (bridges, floors) during world generation, sometimes
preventing movement.

## [] - 2021-02-01
### Fixed
- Fixed mod properties: "draw all glyphs", "disable 3d", "disable transition tiles"
to be loaded after "required mods", so that local mod settings can override them.

## [] - 2021-01-16
### Added
- It's now possible to jump to an invalid space where there is no tile with
abilities: Charge, Lunge, Phaseshift if there is a map below. Dropping to a map
below in such case will cause damage to the caster and potentially to the entity
- In mods editor it's now possible to disable tile transitions.

### Changed
- Default hotkey for repair action is now `r`, while clear container is changed to
- Description of rest action now indicates it can be used to pass time.

### Fixed
- Fixed crash related to rock throwing.
- Cemetery now properly displays the full description of player character killer.
- Inability to gather resource after picking up something from the same tile.
- After producing items, through production action, they will be automatically
picked up upon action completion.
- Items nearby box has disabled interactions on lower resolutions when equipment
screen covers it.
- Fixed fading animation of field of view.
- Fixed issue causing player character to spawn twice during world generation.
- Fixed issue that sometimes locked input when entering mod editor.
- Leaving map editor to main menu screen now properly saves the changes to the map.
- When repairing items, items on the map are used with priority over equipment and
- Transition tiles now spawn correctly after mass damage, like from a fireball

## [] - 2021-01-10
### Fixed
- Fixed artifact descriptions.
- Fixed crash related to fishing.
- Fixed crash related to item crafting.
- Fixed crash related to too big number provided in crafting screen.

## [] - 2020-12-29
### Added
- New checkbox for mods "Clear map" that removes all existing maps from mods loaded
before this one.

### Fixed
- Crash when AI entity decides to unwield an artifact and attempts to cast the
received spell.
- Unequipping artifact item now properly removes the ability from spellbook and
action bar.
- Using abilities with "weapon range" now properly throw "throwable" item at the
- Fixed issue with throwing weapons not being thrown and abilities that use the
range of the weapon wielded.

## [] - 2020-12-23
### Fixed
- Fixed performance issue when an animal tries to get under a roof during rain, but
can't open the door.

## [] - 2020-12-22
### Fixed
- Crashing on abilities unlocked from special items.
- Crashing from AI trying to pick up an item that no longer exists.
- Crashing on some abilities received from items when ability level was low.
- Occasional crashing after item crafting.
- Crashing when player character starts with over 12 abilities.
- Fixed performance issue when AI couldn't get to stash.
- Fixed AI getting stuck on rotations when attempting to move up or down.

## [0.5.0] - 2020-12-05
### Added
- New AI behaviors:
- run away if no allies nearby.
- gather valuable items in stash locations.
- don't wander off spawn region.
- hide from weather under a roof.
- production actions: harvesting, threshing, milling, crafting, repairing,
cooking, gathering, milking, digging, woodcutting, mining, butchering, skinning,
- New Tag behavior: cover from weather under roof if available.
- New container type "Stash" added to all existing regions, marking a spot where AI
groups can gather their bounty.
- Random crafting recipes and loot spawn on "Stash" locations during world
- New action Harvest, allowing to cut down wheat with scythe.
- New action Milk, allowing to get milk from cows and goats.
- New action Gather, allowing to gather resources from special entities.
- Dragging items with liquid source leaves a trail of that liquid if available.
- Added message indicating picking up items.
- Added tile transition between background tiles to make it less edgy.
- AI actors learned to use abilities granted by items.
- Added support for mouse wheel on save game screen, cemetary and mod screen.
- Drag & drop support in equipment screen.
- Crafting screen extended to support crafting multiple items of the same type one
after another.
- 24 artifact rarity items that give temporary access to abilities. Abilities on
items with durability will reduce it on use. Durability lost is equal to half of
the ability level.
- 6 new enemies.
- 9 new alternative maps.
- 2 new alternative starting positions.
- 69 new items.
- 16 new abilities, including Cultist abilities up to level 13.
### Changed
- Improved gameplay performance.
- Massive game rebalance accross the board, reduced power of enemies at level 1 -
4, excluding minibosses and increased statistics of enemies at level 6 - 13.
- Added information about the stack count of items laying on a tile.
- Increased backpack size to 50 slots to accomodate extended versatility of
available items.
- Enhanced some of the existing maps.
- Actors without moveable component (immobile AI actors) can now exist in the
- Actors without stamina or health can now cast spells without paying the cost.
- AI no longer notices player on different z-level.
- Changed the way Usable component works. Instead of allowing the use of usable
items by action "use item", items now add the attached ability to the skill book as
a temporary ability that consumes the item on use or reduce it's durability by the
ability level on cast. Usable items that can be equipped, has to be equipped before
the ability is granted, but items that are not equippable like bandages or scrolls
grant the ability by being placed in the backpack.
- Increased chances to spawn items with affixes.
- Added durability to all pieces of jewelry.
- Corpse explosion damage increase by 20% weapon damage.
- Added sources of light to Forgotten Temple starting area.
- Tooltips now display for entities on a lower z-level with message on tooltip
indicating position difference.
- Added a generic system for actions that create new entities, and applied it to
woodcutting, mining, fishing, butchering and skinning actions. This change allows
adding new production actions through mods.
- Entity rotation is now based on Sight component instead of Moveable component,
allowing for stationary entities with a rotating vision.

### Fixed
- AI actors fight unarmed when out of arrows.
- Fixed error causing cutting wood to progress time at double speed.
- Fixed crash when looking at enemy that tries to pickup arrows.
- Cats no longer weight as much as cows.
- Added missing stat bonuses on Fabulous prefixes.
- Fixed AI rotation bug that sometimes caused full circle rotation.
- Race tooltips fitting the screen in low resolution.
- Fixed targeting border color when hovering over appropriate target when using
open, drag, butcher or skin actions.
- Fixed roof on one of the Mensfield alternative maps.
- Fixed entities prefering to sleep in bed when available.
- Picking up stack of items now display the count in message log.
- Iron vein didn't produce iron ore when mining.
- Fixed input lock when selecting ability on cooldown.
- Fixed combat music sometimes didn't stop playing.

## Mods

### Added
- Concept of behaviors that can be assigned to entities in Artificial Intelligence
- Added 360 degree vision as an editable property of Sight component.
- Summon and construct effect display entity select in animation editor.
- Added logging information in the "logs/errors.log" file for outcome of mods
- Added support to edit existing maps from required mods in custom mods. Previously
the existing maps didn't load, only the maps around the one being created.
- Random resource component respawn rate now works during playthrough, allowing
respawning entities in the world.
- Mod setting - disable 3d, that will disable all 3d effects.
- Mod setting - draw all glyphs, that will draw all entity glyph on a tile instead
of just the top one.
- Usable component now supports learning new recipes.
- It's now possible to add new production actions in character.json files for mods.
Production actions can be any action that allow interacting with entities that have
Producer component and produce any entity in result. An example could be a cut wood
action that requires woodcutting tool and may replace tree with tree trunk. Another
option could be to kick an altar and summon an angry god. Lot's of options.
- Added the ability to move between region maps in Map Maker by holding control key
(left or right) and pressing arrow keys or numpad keys. Moving up down can be done
with +/- or page up/down with control key held.
- Added support for moving current map in Map Maker with numpad keys.
- New ability effects: Silence, Restore energy.

### Changed
- Renamed ability effect "cage" to "construct", as it can construct any entity for
a set duration.
- It's now possible to change only a small part of assets.json when overwriting
core mod. For example it's possible to replace only ASCII glyph tilesheet without
editing other parts like sounds or music.
- Removed item type cost in ability editor "Any" as it was redundant - works the
same as no value at all.
- Disabled automatic map saving until there has been any changes done to the map.
- Changing a map in a mod set as overwrite will no longer disable all existing maps
of required mods, they can still be overwritten manually by removing all tiles and
- Changed Random Resource component respawn timer to allow values up to 10000 turns
from previous 100.
- Replaced Woodcutter, Fisher, Miner, Cutter, Anvil, Smelter, Workbench, Tailor
tool, Tailor workplace components with Tool component. It's now possible to add new
tool types by simply adding them to the list of messages.json file.
- Replaced Woodcutting, Mineable, Butcherable, Skinnable, and fishes from Water
component with a generic Producer component. Some of the mentioned components could
only produce a single type of entity, but Producer allows creation of multiple
entities at once and assigning percent chance to drop to all of the custom
production actions.

### Fixed
- Fixed mod loading order.
- Fixed multiple crashes related to mods.
- Dynamically assigned ids for entities now work with character entities, allowing
to add new recipes and items into professions and races without crashes.
- When editing existing mod and saving, the selected mod changed to the last one on
the list.
- Fixed entity maker scroll positions after multiple entry.
- Fixed entity maker loading entities data being edited.
- Selecting options on multiselect sometimes caused invalid options to be selected
- Fixed not saving design maps when only pasting or cutting tiles.
- Fixed crash on adding a random resource when there are multiple entities with the
same name.
- Fixed multiselect options slider to reduce in size after filtering.
- Fixed particle slider in animation editor.

## [0.4.2] - 2020-04-13
### Added
- AI actors learned how to climb stairs.
- Added information about the source of death when the player died by an indirect
source of damage, for example, burning.
- It's now possible to butcher generic corpses to gain a pile of bones.

### Changed
- Walking on walls and other inanimate destructible objects no longer make an
attack. It's still possible to use all damaging abilities to destroy terrain.
- Reduced max health increase per level from 10 + endurance to 4 + endurance.

### Fixed
- Cooldown applies to abilities only when it's successfully cast.
- Vampiric touch spell cooldown increased to 20 from 10. Health gained increased to
50% damage done from 33% and damage scaling from weapon and intelligence to 150%
from 100%.
- Fixed temporary status of summoned entities that are not AI actors. For example,
the wall of flame was not disappearing after ability duration.
- Fixed rare crash on looking at the enemy description.
- Fixed visual issue that indicated the character is alive with 0 hp.
- Fixed damage over time or entering a location that deals damage not killing
someone when dropping health below 0.
- Fixed crash during talking between different AI actors when one of them dies.
- Fixed crash when starting a lich playthrough on the demo version.
- Fixed crash when attempting to pick up a too big stack of items.
- Fixed error allowing duplication of stackable items.
- Changed Raise skeleton champion ability to target any tile and fixed it to
consume only a single stack of Pile of bones from the ground.
- Fixed consumption of items as the cost of abilities, items under targeted tile
will be prioritized over backpack items instead of consuming both.
- Fixed AI attempting to cast revenge type abilities when no damage has been dealt
with them yet.
- Fixed starting player location other than 30,27,0 being safe from wandering

## [0.4.1] - 2020-03-29
### Added
- Dialogues for actor entities.
- Display enemy planned action in its tooltip.
- Rotate left and right actions added to keymapping.
- Added support for keymapping of arrow keys, numpad keys, and many others.

### Changed
- Performance improvement - now attempting to kill only a couple of things at the
same time, instead of the whole world.
- Improved some of the purple quality gear properties.

### Fixed
- Fixed crash on killing caster enemy.
- Fixed some crashes caused by various enemies.
- Fixed crash on bashing walls and trees.
- Fixed crash related to ability cooldown.
- Fixed crash related to arrows.
- Fixed crash related to AI action planner.
- Fixed damage calculation when multiple damage sources stack with each other, for
example, damage with Blessed Weapon was lower than it should be, but also weapons
with multiple damage types like physical + fire.
- Fixed arrow stack dropping to 0 in some circumstances.
- Fixed enemies rotation toward the player when attacking.
- Weather events won't apply to maps that shouldn't be affected.
- Breaking wooden floor now turns the tile into a dirt tile instead of a stone
- AI actors were crippling themselves.
- Fixed regeneration value precision display in ability tooltip.

## [0.4] - 2020-02-22
### Added
- Ability and animation editors.
- Moddable races, professions, and tags in the JSON file.
- Moddable assets in the JSON file.
- Support for base abilities that can be added to all starting characters
independently of the profession.
- Support for many ability effects like stun or corruption to work with area
- Cooldown support for abilities.
- Sliders to select inputs in editors.
- Music selection input for the map editor.
- 22 new abilities.
- 17 new region maps.
- 19 new enemy groups.
- 14 new enemies.
- 20 new items.
- 4 new minibosses.
- 3 new starting locations.

### Changed
- Improved buff/debuff ability mechanics, instead of blocking the cast when effect
exists, recasting the ability resets the duration.
- Improved the looks of various inputs in editors.
- Copy color in entity editor works with openable if it's selected.
- New entity creation begins with the name component already selected.
- Multiple item damage/protection rebalancing, mostly to make some items a bit more
- Replaced first Nomad ability, Pierce, with Chain Slash.
- Rebalanced many abilities around the new cooldown mechanic.
- AI entities learned how to use a buff and heal abilities.
- Rebalance changes to multiple enemies and items.

### Fixed
- Rare crash on attacking or casting offensive abilities.
- Disarm, and Corruption abilities are now correctly processed on failure.
- Sense life animation.
- Rare crashes on fireball impact.
- Wind glitch when leaving underground.
- Rendering bug on entity movement.
- Light source component dimensions in entity editor.
- Spiked sword, Flame sword, and Claymore are considered swords now instead of
- Select options now display on top of everything on the screen.
- Ability tooltips now display on top of everything in Entity Maker screen.
- When consuming stackable resources during crafting, the weight is properly
- AI enemies were occasionally casting abilities too often.
- Fixed some ability description placeholders to proper input values.
- Fixed too item names going out of tooltip bounds.
- Reduced the sound volume of the new tutorial popup.
- Fixed holy resistance value on tooltips for craftable items.
- Fixed editing organizations from one of the required mods.
- Fixed fishing.

## [] - 2019-12-24
### Fixed
- Crash on entering entity editor in some cases.

## [] - 2019-12-23
### Fixed
- Entity editor filter input wasn't selecting properly.

## [] - 2019-12-23
### Fixed
- Crash when summoning a zombie.

## [0.3.4] - 2019-12-23
### Added
- Create, Edit, and Content options in Mods screen that allow the creation of mods
and access to content editors.
- Map, Entity, and Spawn groups editors for mods, accessible from Mods screen.
- Support for multiple player spawn locations picked randomly during world
- Support for alternative maps in regions.
- Support for alternative spawn groups in regions with potential restriction to one
or multiple alternative maps.
- New animated targeting marker.
- 9 alternative maps for early game.
- 18 alternative entity groups for early game.
- 14 new items.
- 2 new alternative minibosses for early game.

### Changed
- Improved tile targeting display.
- Buffed outlaws slightly.

### Fixed
- Improvements to AI targeting with cone spells and fighting with unarmed combat.
- Targeting the offset issue for multiple actions.
- Targeting cancelation with the right mouse button.
- Wall display issues on low resolution.
- Stealth breaks after performing an attack.
- Fixed Disarm ability issues.

## [0.3.3] - 2019-11-15
### Added
- Mod loader that can include separate packages of data into the game, either
adding extra stuff to the game or overwrite existing core module. This change
allows the creation of mods that will not get overwritten during patches. It also
allows combining mods from different creators.
- Support for alternative maps randomly chosen during world generation.
- Support for alternative groups of mobs spawned during world generation.
- Mods screen in the main menu, where mods can be enabled or disabled for new game
- Required mods in save files. Mods are required to be in soulash/data/mods
directory to load a game. It's not necessary to have the mods active.
- A message indicating how much experience has been gained after a kill.
### Changed
- Trees are no longer afraid of the player.
- Backstab ability to exchange places can only be applied to entities that can be
moved. Damage still applies.
- Shield wall ability requires a shield.
- Bleed effect deals with physical damage instead of nature.
- Crescent Swing ability sound.
- Energy missile ability animation.
- Corruption ability animation.

### Fixed
- Crash in options screen after entering the continue screen.
- Crash after applying fear on inanimate objects.
- Position of sound indicators out of the field of view.
- Light spell animation placement.
- Backstab position replacement mechanic.
- Targeting calculation of Area of Effects spells to also deal damage to collidable
- Revenge ability turn count in description.
- Stone spike ability image.

## [0.3.2] - 2019-11-04
### Added
- Wind affecting trees.
- Effects applied to enemies displayed near their health bars.
- Close screen button on the New Game screen.
- Animations to health, stamina, hunger, and thirst bars when values change.

### Changed
- Reduced map template sizes by 10 times, changing the game size by over 50 MB.
- Increased rain intensity.
- Swamp grass can be frozen.

### Fixed
- Holes in the walls.
- The gap between stamina and fatigue bars.
- Fixed saving issue when continuing game after going to the main menu from active
- Position of health bars affected by tile height.
- Stairs position in level 2 alchemy guild.

## [0.3.1] - 2019-10-27
### Added
- During character creation, all selected profession abilities will display when
unlocked. You can unlock the ability by taking it during level up.
- Up to 40 save slots in continue screen.
- New sand, ice, wood, and mud walking sounds.

### Changed
- The new game screen no longer overwrites existing save games.
- Changed Piercing Shot animation.
- Reduced fire resistance from Wet effect.
- Reduced chance to start raining.
- Increased damage of Firebolt and Immolate by [1 - 2].
- Fireball cast time increased to 1.2 from 1.0.
- Plate gloves protection increased from "Physical: 2" to "Physical: 3, Holy: 3,
Electricity: 1, Acid: 4, Poison: 2", reduced durability from 100 to 70, reduced
weight from 1.5 to 1.2.
- Added ability to Elrang Mountainsplitter.

### Fixed
- Fixed save file corruption.
- Light spell removed from starting Warlock spells.
- Random crash on the attack.
- Lags related to the AI movement.
- The weather effect didn't reset after new game creation.
- Missing sound indicators.
- Fixed spitter corpse.
- Underground lake no longer destroyed by death damage.
- A pond can be frozen and is no longer collidable.
- Gnelm river now properly freezes.
- Removed no damage animation on inanimate objects when no damage is being done by
- Cleanup applies both parts of Wet effect.
- Added wet effects on interaction with ponds, lakes, and waterfalls.
- Fixed negative damage on death aura and abilities.
- Improved light source range under a roof.
- Fixed damage displayed in physical ability descriptions that relied on strength
based on used weapon.
- Autoequip no longer equips weapons in other slots than hands.
- Fixed crashes on the death screen.
- Cemetery records no longer stay selected for removal after coming back to the
- Improved usage of AOE abilities that target self by AI.

## [] - 2019-10-19
### Fixed
- Fixed Lich starving to death.
- Fixed description of items covered in liquids.
- Light spell now drops light source after it's finished.
- Fixed rest action to take shorter amount of time.
- Fixed light calculation from wielded light sources.

## [] - 2019-10-19
### Fixed
- Keymap screen not processing mouse clicks on buttons and inputs.

## [] - 2019-10-19
### Fixed
- Crash in equipment screen.
- Throwing stones make them disappear or turn into a new item.
- Fixed corruption of v0.2 save files.

## [0.3.0] - 2019-10-19
### Added
- Desert area consisting of multiple new region maps to the east of the Yelling
- Weather events: Rain, Acid Rain
- Playable races: Goblin, Dark dwarf
- Actions: Clean yourself, Clear contents of a container
- Effects: Wet, Bleed, Corrosion, Covered in blood
- New Berserker abilities: Axe throw, Painless, Groundbreaker, Break, Rend,
Infinite Blades, and Revenge Counter.
- New Necromancer abilities: Death ray, Deadly touch.
- New Profession neutral abilities: Cyclone, Poison bite, Disintegrate, Poison ray.
- 16 new regular enemies, 6 new minibosses, and 1 new boss.
- 10 new items.
- New item images: Mastery ring, Moon amulet, Golden legs, Golden boots, Armguards.
- Entities that have corpses filled with blood, now spill blood on being
successfully hit by physical or true damage source.
- Static entities like walls, tables, trees can be damaged by regular attacks or
abilities and destroyed or turned into another type of object.
- If there are no tiles on the current map, tiles from the map below can be
displayed. It includes the field of view calculation, which means the player can
discover the map below this way.
- Background tiles like grass can receive damage and be replaced depending on
damage type applied.
- Active icons with timers of damage over time effects.
- New sounds for open doors, close doors, and dragging items.
- Added random Goblin, Lich, and Rasimi names.
- Player character without a specified name has one randomized depending on the
chosen race.
- Lich has a new passive ability Death aura, also replacing hunger and thirst with
life essence that feeds on death damage.
- Orc has a new passive ability that gives an extra hit chance.

### Changed
- Killing entities on a different level than the player change the experience gain
by 20% for every level of difference. It means taking on higher-level opponents
will give more experience, and lower levels will give less. Enemies with level
difference lower than five or more will give only 1 point of experience.
- Characters with infravision have their sight range reduced to half rounded up if
not under a roof during the day.
- Active effects tooltips display a description of the abilities used to apply
- Health regeneration from willpower now includes decimal values, which translated
into every point of willpower, giving 0.1 health regeneration per tick instead of 1
health every 10 points of willpower.
- Damage buff from "Bless weapon" ability applies to caster instead of weapons.
- Poacher's abilities now consume ammunition instead of arrows.
- Attacks that deal damage to multiple targets drop only one point of durability
per attack instead of per target.
- Cleave ability damage increased to 50% + [3, 6] from 50% + [1, 4]
- Whirlwind ability damage reduced to 50% + [2, 4] from 50% + [3, 7]
- Chakram is now level 6 Nomad ability.
- Blade dance is now level 7 Nomad ability.
- Increased font size in the new game screen, and changed color to improve
- Split stack action is now available when there is more than one item in the
- Moved equipment slots to feel more naturally placed.
- Change lighting during the night to improve visibility in the available range.
- The head candle is now craftable.
- Bandage improves health regeneration by 2 instead of 1.
- Orc has a racial ability that increases his weapon hit bonus by 1, which
translates to a +10% hit chance.
- Performance improvements.

### Fixed
- Clicking on Accept or Reset button in keymap during gameplay will not trigger
action buttons.
- Fixed crash on death when no water or blood was drunk during character lifetime.
- Fixed crash on cutting down the dragged wood trunk.
- Fixed parry calculation.
- Fixed issue with disappearing item when dropped on the ground.
- Removed drink action icon on corpses in the backpack when not playing a Vampire.
- Fixed case when using a stackable item dropped, it counts below 0.
- Belts drop durability when dealt damage.
- Rarity color is used to display crafted items.

## [0.2.8] - 2019-08-17
### Added
- Tooltips for damage hit chance and parry value in equipment screen.
- New butcherable and skinnable corpses for tigers, lions, and elephants.

### Changed
- Firebolt damage changed to 75% weapon damage + (2 - 4) from 100% weapon damage +
(0 - 2).
- Fireball damage changed to 20% weapon damage + (1 - 4) from 100% weapon damage +
(2 - 5).
- Rebalanced damage formula. When doing damage from an attack that does multiple
types of damage, only a single bonus applies from statistics. Then only the lowest
opponent resistance for a rolled body part is picked for reduction.
- Fear check willpower difference increased to 3% instead of 2%.
- Intimidate and Battle cry duration reduced to 3 turns from 5.
- Some performance improvements.

### Fixed
- Fixed issues where AI didn't walk properly on different z-level, causing it to be
- Enemies won't cast spells on the player when hidden.
- Hide effect disappear when the player makes an attack, uses any ability or item.
- Dealing with damage to hidden targets reveals them.
- Resistances in inventory screen now display correctly.
- Damage in inventory screen now displays correctly.
- AI doing lunge now deals damage correctly.
- Lethal hits now display proper damage dealt.

## [0.2.7] - 2019-08-04
### Added
- New action that allows dragging heavy items.
- New action that allows opening and closing doors.
- Pagination on crafting screen and abilities screen.
- Amazon leader learned a new ability.
- Oswald the Forsaken has new description.
- Ezerick the Deceiver has new description.
- Elven Prince has new description.
- Traveling Monster Hunter has new description.
- Aveus has a new description.
- Lion has a new description.
- Tiger has a new description.
- Elephant has a new description.
- Arena champion has a new description.
- Imperial General has a new description.
- Prophet of the Sun has a new description.
- Griphon has a new description.
- The Emperor has a new description.
### Changed
- Crafting screen filter is now reset after exiting the screen.
- Vampiric touch health drain effect reduced from 50% to 20% and can't regain more
than enemy has health anymore.
- Improved fishing rod attack animation.
- Abilities that scale range with throwable ranged weapons now throw them at target
when used.

### Fixed
- Summon zombie now takes 1 stack from stackable corpses.
- Fixed rare crash related to AI ranged combat on map edges.
- Fixed rare crash ralated to ability animations.

## [0.2.6] - 2019-07-21
### Added
- Checking for latest Soulash version on the main menu screen.
- New buttons for changing displayed z-level on the world map.
- A couple more workbenches and spinning wheels in the earlier locations.

### Changed
- Improved world map performance.
- Changed some world map marker glyphs and colors.
- World map markers now display on their respective z-levels.

### Fixed
- Rare crashes on invalid items in the backpack.
- Comparison text doesn't show up on player character anymore.
- When butchering in equipment, only equipped cutter durability is reduced.
- Fixed displayed hotkeys for actions in the inventory screen.
- Fixed crash when attacking "Range target" entity.
- Fixed occasional crash when salvaging.
- When unequipping item with a full backpack, it gets dropped on the ground.
- Fixed situations where it was possible to get items over the carry weight.
- Fixed tailor workbenches were turning into tailor tools.
- Improved some wall visibility issues during the early morning.

## [0.2.5] - 2019-07-13
### Added
- Key reassigning in Options -> Keymap.
- Enemy tooltips now have text indicating potential power difference.

### Changed
- Starting region is now a semi-safe zone. Enemies will not wander into the area on
their own unless aggroed. It should give enough time for any necessary preparations
before going into the fray.
- The full value of willpower is now used to reduce burning or poison damage over
time instead of half.
- Human traveler speed reduced by 10%.
- Fear chance of success is now affected by opposite willpower check. 80% + (caster
willpower + random value between 1 and 10 - target willpower - random value between
1 and 10) * 2%.
- Intimidate ability range reduced from 6 to 3.
- The flame sword is a light source.

### Fixed
- Crash on intimidating when the enemy tried to escape through a wall.
- Crash on some abilities when no weapon equipped.
- Fixed an issue where a shield could be equipped in a wrong slot, causing multiple
ability related crashes.
- Crash when pressing "t" to shoot when only a shield is equipped.
- Some entities no longer spawn without arrows.
- Explosion ability animation now works correctly.
- Messages in console should wrap correctly now.
- It's possible to move to different z-level by clicking the stairs icon.
- AI hits people around when using blade dance instead of itself.
- Rest action takes one turn instead of 2.
- AI will now properly walk into range of its abilities.
- Fixed unequipping items with a hotkey.
- Fixed disappearing targeting border when hovering beyond the range of woodcutting
and mining actions.

## [] - 2019-07-05
### Fixed
- Crash on message log having more than 1000 messages.

## [0.2.4] - 2019-07-04
### Changed
- Blade dance ability now requires dagger or sword.
- Furious blows now require any melee weapon.
- Crescent swing can be used with spears too.
- Pierce ability now requires dagger, sword, or spear.
- Whirlwind now requires any melee weapon.
- Cleave now requires a sword or an axe.
- Backstab now requires a dagger.
- Disarm now requires any melee weapon.
- Summon wolf now requires and consumes Meat.
- Improved AI fleeing path calculations.
- Woodcutting will no longer trigger on walking onto a tree with an axe, only on
pressing `u` key.
- It's now possible to swap held weapons by clicking on each.
- It's possible to use right shift to capitalize letter when writing in inputs.

### Fixed
- Abilities that required stackable items will now properly destroy items when the
last item is used.
- It's possible to stack Rapid Regeneration with Bandage, but it's no longer
possible to stack the same effect (2x bandage use).
- Fixed rapid shot shooting the player character.
- Fixed crash on arrow rain.
- Fixed cemetery entry not being created on consecutive runs without restarting the
- Duplicated references to the same item in the player backpack are cleared, as
well as references to non-existent items. This change doesn't fix the root problem,
but it will prevent the crashes and invalid backpack state.
- Fixed sporadic crash related to messages.
- Fixed crash related to healing wave ability.
- Equip icon is no longer available for food.
- Fixed some typos.
- Area of effect spells can't be cast further than the range of ability.

## [0.2.3] - 2019-07-01
### Added
- Cemetery, available in the main menu, a place to reminisce failed attempts at
world destruction.
- New icon for the exe file.
- The game version now displays on the menu screen.

### Changed
- Zombies don't scale with their summoned number or level.

### Fixed
- Fixed crash when casting spells on empty map parts.
- Fixed damaging targets behind collidable objects with Dragon breath, Winds of
decay, Crescent swing and Arrow shrapnels.
- Walking on bridges over the chasm is now possible with items on the tile.
- AI entities without equipment now attack properly, affects aggressive animals
like wolves or boars, for example.
- Fixed crashes in rare cases where an item from AI entity backpack didn't save
- AI will no longer use abilities on targets in different z-levels.
- Fixed auto-equip message when AI in visible range changes broken equipment.
- The fixed special ability of dragons.
- Charge now deals damage properly when moving across region maps.

## [0.2.2] - 2019-06-28
### Added
- New zombie summoning animation.
- Zombies now spawn with names and descriptions.

### Changed
- Properties of tiles like an anvil, workbench, hammer, swimmable have lighter
color to identify them quickly.
- Level up gives 6 points of stats to distribute instead of 5.
- Storm ability damage increased by 3.

### Fixed
- Fixed occasional crashes on death.
- Fixed occasional crashes when facing AI with ranged weapons.
- Fixed message spamming by AI: "You need arrows to shoot from bow."
- Fixed crash related to chain lightning ability when it couldn't find any viable
target to jump to.
- Fixed walking on some bridges no longer results in the message "Chasm is blocking
your way."
- Fixed world map visibility when exiting to the main menu and creating a new game.
- Fixed fish item type on food.
- Crossbows now have the proper type of weapon set up instead of a bow.
- True damage now scales with strength/dexterity instead of intelligence.
- Fixed crash on death when a player killed the enemy and died in the same turn.
- Poison arrow now displays a poison effect turns correctly.
- Fixed Lunge ability targeting, description, and minimum range.
- Attacking brown bears won't cause crashes anymore.
- Fixed gaining statistics without distribution on level up.
- Fixed unloading different z-level maps when going out of range that caused
multiple issues with entities.
- Eyepatch is no longer stackable and has durability.
- Fixed game freeze when advancing to level 13.
- Fixed message about movement reduction when using Cripple ability.
- Fixed Cripple ability locking enemy on constant use.

## [0.2.1] - 2019-06-22
### Added

### Changed
- Arrows can be salvaged.
- Claws can be crafted and salvaged.
- Names of entities have a brighter color when the glyph is dark, so the text can
be clearly visible.
- Actions will no longer be stopped by allies/summons wandering around.
- Walking on ally targets now trade places with them instead of attacking.
- Zombies now spawn with claws and are more aggressive.
- Zombies movement speed changed from 1.6 to 1.1.

### Fixed
- Broken wearables now count correctly for the final score.
- Fixed crash after entering options screen in the main menu.
- Fixed effects timer font.
- AI properly equips and uses weapons and arrows available in the backpack.
- Summoning zombies now properly consume corpses.

## [0.2.0] - 2019-06-21
### Added
- Over 100 new region maps.
- Over 50 new abilities.
- 5 new professions with skills up to level 5 (can progress with abilities from
other professions above that).
- Very rare quality magic item affixes.
- Fishing tutorial.
- New fishing rod attack animation.
- New message in the console after new game start, describing how to move.
- Information about how many skills are available in the current game version for
every profession on the character selection screen.
- New slider for enemy health bars when they reach the limit for the screen.

### Changed
- Changed font sizes in some places.
- Tooltips of resource bars now have colored names of the bars to make it easier to
identify what the bars mean.
- Improved overall performance.

### Fixed
- Improved stability of region maps reloading.
- Fixed duplicating items when wielding two-handed weapons that caused crashing.
- Fixed music transition when moving to and from the main menu screen.
- Action icons now fit into the circle in the progress bar.
- Clearing message log when starting a new game.
- Human fisherman will no longer throw fishing rod at you (unless you make him very
- Fixed poacher sense life ability.
- Chasm is now collidable.
- Elven wardancers will no longer hit themselves while performing blade dance.
- Cleaned up unused assets reducing game size.
- Fixed bugs related to infinite stamina/fatigue bar.
- Enemy characters will drop excess time accumulated from time progression of
player actions. This fix will prevent multiple attacks done when a player character
sleeps, for example.
- Fixed two statistics tooltips displayed at the same time in the equipment screen.
- Fixed error when new recipes didn't show up on crafting screen.
- Sleeping now breaks on movement.
- Skirt doesn't look like a belt anymore.
- Blocked actions on death screen.
- Blocked starting game without selecting profession and race.

## [0.1.6] - 2019-06-09
### Added
- Pickup sounds.
- Ingots added to base crafting recipes.

### Changed
- Smoother camera movement.

### Fixed
- Movement animation displays properly now.
- When hit with ability during sleeping, sleep is now properly interrupted.
- Autoequipping weapons now work correctly.
- Fixed some ability animations that were not displayed when casting on a range of
1 tile.
- Borders on cursor hovered tiles with height higher than 0 now display correctly.
- Direction markers on tiles with a height higher than 3 now display correctly.
- Some discovered world map parts will no longer disappear.
- No more blinking black screen on moving to another region.
- Targeting borders now display properly on top of tiles with height.

## [0.1.5] - 2019-05-28
### Added
- Animation and sound when using a bandage.
- Base attacks now have alternative names other than "Fist" for the player
character as well as other entities.
- New tutorials counter now animates occasionally.
- New logo

### Changed
- Firebolt ability damage has been increased to 100% weapon damage + [0, 2] from
80% weapon damage + [0, 1]
- When targeting with an ability with targeting type "tile," it's impossible now to
move the target mark out of ability range.
- Charge ability now deals physical damage upon getting to the target equal to
weapon damage + [0, 3] instead of making a regular attack.
- Traveling abilities like charge, lunge, or rollback now have a smoother
transition between tiles.
- Tutorials have been overhauled, and most important information is now color

### Fixed
- Read tutorials are now properly saved.
- After using rollback field of view is now properly calculated.
- Statistics tooltips on level up screen now display properly.
- When unequipping an item without an available slot in the backpack, the item was
lost. An appropriate message will now display in the console.
- When having an axe equipped, it was impossible to take "use" action on an item in
- Hit animation on a ranged attack is now processed after the arrow animation.

## [0.1.4] - 2019-05-14
### Added
- Resistances table now have icons that indicate which part of the body is
protected by the displayed value.
- When hovering the mouse cursor over resistances, item slots affecting the
selected protection are highlighted.

### Fixed
- It's no longer possible to craft items with broken tools.
- Music should now properly transition between combat and exploration.
- Starting a new game should no longer result in a random crash.
- Sleeping should now properly stop on receiving a hit.
- Message log slider no longer loses focus until the mouse cursor is being held.
- When entering higher ground characters display properly on top.

## [0.1.3] - 2019-05-12
### Added
- Added split between static and dynamic actions on the bottom action list.
- Some locations now display markers on the world map to indicate places worth
visiting. Many locations will remain hidden to encourage exploration.

### Changed
- Dynamic sleeping progress speed. When far away from any enemy, the time progress
during sleeping action runs much faster.
- It's now possible to hold movement keys [wsad] and rotate without stopping [qe].

### Fixed
- Arrows and other stackable items caused occasional crashes.
- Ability tooltips no longer display out of window bounds.
- Save folder should now properly clear after New Game start or death.
- Duplicate grass tiles were spawned during world generation.
- The discovered world map is now properly saved and loaded.

## [0.1.2] - 2019-05-05
### Added
- The enemy under cursor has its health indicator to the left of the screen
blinking to identify who it belongs to.
- New tutorial subjects that haven't been read have their background tabs colored
green in tutorial screen.
- A new button that unlocks all tutorials and marks them as read in the tutorial
screen to prevent further notifications about new subjects.

### Changed
- Drinking tutorial has been changed to indicate the need to be near liquid source.
- When defending against attacks, weapons will no longer drop durability on a
successful parry.
- Replaced tooltips to the right with a new message count indicator at the tutorial
icon in the action bar.
- Information about saved games, user settings, and tutorial read information has
been moved outside the game folder to AppData folder, to preserve it between
different versions of the game. This folder may differ depending on operating
system, example location:
C:/Users/{Username}/AppData/Roaming/WizardsOfTheCode/Soulash. The saves folder is
not copied in the new version, if you wish to preserve the save from the previous
version of the game, it would have to be moved manually.

### Fixed
- Fixed the description in the tutorials of penalty for dehydration and starvation
which is -1 to all stats for every mark
## [0.1.1] - 2019-05-04
### Fixed
- After death and creation of a new world, the world stayed the same and resulted
in crashes.

## [0.1.0] - 2019-05-04
Demo released

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