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Unit Title: La Comida y El Restaurante Grade Level(s): Spanish 2

(grades 10-12)
Subject/Content & Topic Area(s): Spanish 2 – food, ordering in a restaurant, express likes,
use stem-changing verbs for ordering, compare and contrast eating routines and foods in the
United States and Spanish-speaking countries.

Key Words: pedir, servir, la comida, el restaurante

Designed By: Kristin DeLuca Time Frame: 3 weeks

School District: Chippewa Valley Schools School: Chippewa Valley HS

Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):
• Students will be introduced vocabulary for common foods and culturally relevant
foods to Spanish-speaking countries. Students will be able to recognize, pronounce,
and identify vocabulary in the target-language for foods, ordering in a restaurant,
expressing likes/dislikes. At the end of the unit, students should have the ability to
read a menu in Spanish and order food in a Spanish-speaking country.
• Students will be able to:
o Order food in a Mexican restaurant.
o Recognize, identify, and translate words associated with food and restaurants in
the target language.
o Express likes with adjectives
o Utilize stem-changing verbs for ordering and serving purposes.
o Express likes and dislikes
Understanding by Design
Final Design Template

Title: La Comida y El Restaurante Subject/Course: Spanish 2

Topic: Food and Restaurant Grade: 10-12

Designer(s): Kristin DeLuca

Stage 1—Desired Results

Established Goal(s): Content Standards & Benchmarks (written out or paraphrased)
1.1 Interpersonal Communication: students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information,
express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2 Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a
variety of topics.
3.1 Knowledge: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the world
4.2 Comparing cultures: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through
comparisons of cultures studied and their own.

Enduring Understanding(s): Big Ideas Essential Question(s):

o How are mealtimes and norms different
Students will understand that… in the United State and Spanish-
o Different cultures have different practices for speaking countries.
meals, food, and restaurant etiquette. o Why does the verb gustar work the way
o How to identify words and grammatical it does grammatically?
structures in the target language in order to o Which verbs change from e-i in the
communicate in a Spanish-speaking country. stem and why?
o How to conjugate irregular verbs in the present o How do we conjugate e-i stem-
tense? changing verbs in the present tense?
o How to expressing likes and dislikes using the o Students will be able to respond to the
verb gustar. following questions IN SPANISH.
o ¿Qué comidas te gusta(n)/no te
gusta(n)? (What foods do you like/not
o ¿Qué pides en tu restaurante favorito?
(What do you order in your favorite
o Cuál es tu restaurante favorito?
(What is your favorite restaurant?)
o ¿Qué tipo de comida sirve el
(What type of food does the restaurant
(Knowledge) (Skills)

Students will know… Students will be able to…

o The difference between mealtime norms, both o Identify cultural similarities and differences
in the home and in restaurants, in Spanish- regarding food and restaurants among the
speaking countries. United States and Spanish-speaking countries.
o Food and beverage vocabulary and vocabulary o Order food in a restaurant in Spanish.
necessary for ordering in a restaurant in the o Read a menu in Spanish.
target language. o Use grammatical structures (present tense and
o How to express likes and dislikes using the gustar formation) to formulate sentences for
verb gustar in relation to food. serving/ordering food and expressing likes and
o How to use stem-changing verbs like pedir and dislikes.
servir to order in a restaurant.
Stage 2-Determine Acceptable Evidence
Performance Task(s)* (2-3 tasks) Include a Product and Performance for each task:
o Task 1: Students will create a menu for a restaurant. On the menu, the students will
identify foods in both the target language and English. The students will include a
small description of the food and a price. Students should use a Spanish currency on
their menus and it should reflect appropriate pricing.
o Task 2: Using the menus created, students will create a skit and present it to the class
in groups of three. Two students will be customers in a restaurant and one will be the
server. The students will engage in a dialogue and order off the menus as they would in
a Spanish-speaking country.

Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples):

o Teacher will observe vocabulary activities/exit tickets such as: matamosca, kahoot, whiteboards and
other games to determine students understanding of vocabulary and grammatical structures.
o Teacher will review student work samples both on an individualized basis and by going over homework
assignments to determine student understanding.
o Teacher will listen to verbal activities assigned in class to determine student understanding of topics.
o Teacher will provide formative feedback on both the menu project and skit prior to grading.
o Teacher will issue a unit test, in addition to dialogue, to assess students on written language.

Student Self- Assessment (which should be included at the end of Stage 3) and Reflections:
o In the beginning of the unit, the students will be given essential questions they should be able to respond
to by the end of the unit. The students will have time to review their progress weekly and determine
what they can do and what the teacher can do to help them achieve their goals.
o Students will receive data on both quizlet and kahoot to help them understand where they need
additional practice.
o During in-class activities, teacher will provide formative feedback to assist the students in focusing on
weakness and reteach as needed.
Performance Task Blueprints-Provide a blueprint for at least one task.
What understandings and goals will be assessed though this task? What essential questions
will be uncovered in this performance task?

Students will understand that…

o Spanish words and their English equivalent.
o Learn how to properly spell and write the words
from the unity vocab list.
o Different currencies.

Essential Questions:
o Students will be able to identify Spanish vocabulary
and their English equivalents.
o Students will be able to describe authentic Spanish
dishes such as flan, tres leches, etc.

Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate understanding? Describe
task(s) in detail so students clearly understand the expectations. (Optional use of GRASPS here)

Task 1: Our first goal in the unit is for students to be able to recognize, write, read, pronounce and translate the
unit vocabulary words in the target language. By assigning the students the menu creation performance task,
students will have the opportunity to write and translate words from the vocabulary list in order to familiarize
themselves with the words. Students will also be responsible for describing at least one food from each section
of the menu, in the target language. During this project, students will also learn more about authentic Spanish
dishes. Once the teacher has assessed student understanding through this performance task, it will later be used
in a dialogue so students will have the opportunity to read/use these menus in a life-like simulation of ordering
in a restaurant. Students will receive a rubric so they are aware of the project expectations.

Task 2: Students will use the menus created in task 1, to engage in a realistic dialogue with two of their peers.
The students will be responsible for ordering from the menu, expressing their like or dislike of a specific dish,
asking for the bill, and paying the bill/leaving a tip (if applicable). In this task, students will be able to apply
their knowledge of the unit’s vocabulary and grammatical lessons. Students will have the opportunity for
formative feedback prior to presenting to the class.

What student products and performances will provide evidence of desired

El Menú Rubric
Me llamo_______________________________________________Fecha______________________Hora____
There are many delicacies that each Spanish-speaking county is known for. In order to experience this part of
the culture, travelers must have the skills to read and interpret a menu in Español. Your job is to create a menu
in Español. First, invent a creative name for your restaurant, then follow the rubric…
Your menú should include the following:
• Creative Name for your restaurant. ________/1 puntos

• Your menu should include at least five categories.

These may include, but are not limited to: soup, salad,
entrees, desserts, beverages, side dishes, ________/5 puntos

• You must include at least four food items/dishes in

each category for a total of at least 20 food items. ________/20 puntos

• All the dishes should be translated in English below the Spanish. ________/10 puntos

• A picture of at least two dishes in each category. ________/5 puntos

• The price of each item in a currency from a Spanish-speaking

country. The price should be reasonable; therefore, you may have
to use a converter online to check the exchange rates. ________/5 puntos

• Days and Hours of Operation in SPANISH ________/2 puntos

• Specify if the tip is included or not. ________/2 puntos

• All work should be neat and visually appealing. ________/5 puntos

TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE ________/55 puntos
Extra credit: Include the address and phone number IN SPANISH. The phone number and address should
both appear how they would in the Spanish country that your restaurant is located in. NOTE: currency
should match with the country’s currency in which your restaurant is located. +3 points

*Use your class time wisely, you will be receiving daily participation grades!*
When designing the actual menu, take the opportunity to create a unique design for your menu to attract people
to your restaurant. Use pictures, computer graphics, glitter, paint, or whatever your imagination can invent!
Have fun!
á = Alt + 160
é = ALT + 130
í = ALT + 161
ó = ALT + 162
ú = ALT + 163
ñ = ALT + 164
Español II Nombre
Unidad 4.3 Hora
Restaurant Skit Rubric Fecha

✓ You will present a skit in front of the class where you order food as if you were in a Mexican

✓ The skit should have the following requirements.

o One waiter/waitress and one/two costumers.

o Use note cards for your lines if necessary (not your script)

o Use prop/products for the plates, menu, etc.

o Menu used should be the menus created in performance task 1.

o You must order a drink, main dish, ask for the bill and ask if the tip is included.

o You must turn in one neatly handwritten script. **SKIP LINES**

o All 4.3 vocab words (minimum 10) should be highlighted.

o At least 8 lines/person

o Use “salsa words.” Spice it up!

Category Points possible Your points

Grammar and Vocabulary 8

Speaking 4
(Are your lines rehearsed with few
Use of props 2
Overall Enthusiasm 4
At least 8 lines/person 2
Total 20
Product Performance (some kind of discussion,
presentation, or explanation of the task and their
Task 1: results or findings)
o Menu in the target language Task 1:
o Descriptions on one food from o Self-reflection
every section. o Accurate currency exchange
o Currency exchange
Task 2:
Task 2: o Verbal presentation in target language.
o Written dialogue

By what criteria will student products and performances be evaluated? Provide

standards or rubrics by which the task will be judged.

Product Performance
Task 1: Task 1:
o Rubric o Completed menu that fits the criteria with
accurate translations.
o Spelling of words and translation o Food descriptions using appropriate
o Currency exchange accuracy vocabulary and grammar.
o Creativity: either written or digital. o Accurate pricing and currency exchange.

Task 2: Task 2:
o Written dialogue o Written dialogue for formative feedback
o Presentation with spoken dialogue in the target
o Spoken dialogue presented to the language.
Stage 3-Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Learning Experiences: (Be sure to include a self-assessment by the students of their

learning near or at the end of the Learning Experiences in this stage.) Consider the
WHERETO elements.

Week 1:

• Monday:
o Students will receive a vocabulary list with the unit vocabulary and learning targets for
the unit. Teacher will review new vocab on PowerPoint and have a class discussion
about mealtimes in Spanish-speaking countries and how that differs from norms in the
o Vocabulary game: matamosca. Students will be divided into teams. Two students from
each team will come up to the board, Teacher will say a word in English and the first
student to hit the word on the board in Spanish gets a point for their team. Class will
play 2-3 rounds, depending on time. Winning team will get 2 extra puntos.
o Class notes: present e-i stem-changing verbs to students and teach them how to
conjugate each of the step changing verbs from their vocab list.
o Exit slip/homework assignment: students will complete a written assignment where they
are to complete sentences by filling the e-i stem-changing verb in the blank.
• Tuesday:
o Warm up: Students will complete a graphic organizer IN SPANISH, by filling in the
breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and drink sections with words from their Spanish
vocabulary list.
o BINGO: students will complete a Bingo sheet. Each column will be labeled with a
pronoun and students will conjugate the verbs in the boxes according to the pronoun.
The teacher will then say the words in English and the students will cross off the
Spanish equivalent. When a student gets a bingo, the teacher will check their bingo
sheet to make sure the verbs are conjugated correctly before issuing a prize to the
o Quizlet Live: Students will play a Quizlet Live game on their computers to assess the
students’ knowledge on current vocabulary and e-i stem-changers. Teacher and
students will receive immediate feedback through their results to each question and the
whole quiz.
• Wednesday:

o Warm-up: verbal activity: pedir. Students will use the stem-changing verb pedir and ask
and answer questions about what they order in a restaurant with their shoulder partner.
Students will have five minutes to complete the assignment. Teacher will walk around
to assess and choose pairs to say the short dialogue in front of the class.
o Teacher will pass out the rubric for the first performance task (menu project) to the
students and explain. Students will have time to map out their ideas and ask questions.

• Thursday:
o Students will work in the media center on their projects. Teacher will be available to
answer questions and walk around to assess student understanding.
• Friday:
o Students will work in the media center on their projects. Teacher will be available to
answer questions and walk around to assess student understanding. Projects
(performance task 1) will be due Monday and assess by teacher based on the rubric
given. Students have the opportunity receive feedback prior to grading the project.

Week 2:
• Monday:
o Warm-up: Students will receive a menu IN SPANISH and will have to answer questions
IN SPANISH regarding what is on the menu to review last week’s content. Students will
have ten minutes to work on this assignment with their shoulder partner before
discussing in class.
o Notes: Ordering in a restaurant. Students will be given guided notes about using the
stem-changing verbs discussed last week and how they can use them in context to
order in a restaurant.
o Students will have an impromptu dialogue (one waiter/waitress and one customer) to
order in a restaurant using the phrases from the notes. Teacher will walk around the
room to assess.
o Exit slip/homework assignment to review stem-changers and vocabulary. Students will
have a formative assessment tomorrow.
• Tuesday:
o Warm-up: Students will play partner bingo with their shoulder partner while the teacher
checks in the homework and reviews the answers to three questions on each student’s
assignment for accuracy.
o Teacher will call on students to go over the homework assignment and the correct
answers from the night before.
o Quiz: students will have a short quiz over e-i stem-changers and vocabulary.

• Wednesday
o Warm up: Students will receive the essential questions that they should be able to
answer IN SPANISH at the end of the unit. The students will work with their table
partners to write Spanish responses to the questions they are able to answer at this
point. This will allow them to assess what they have already mastered and see where
we are headed for the rest of the unit.
o Grammar Notes: teacher will present the notes on expressing likes and dislikes in
o Students will have the opportunity to practice and receive immediate feedback on the
grammar lesson by practicing using whiteboards. Teacher will walk around to assess
student understanding and reteach. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions
and see the proper grammatical structures.
o Exit Slip: Students will review the essential questions and work with their tables to
answer the questions in the target language so they can determine what they
understand and what questions they may have.
• Thursday
o Warm up: students will complete a fill in the blank assignment, on their own, with gustar
to review the lesson from the day prior.
o Teacher will go over the warm-up with the students.
o Students will play spoons card game to review gustar construction to express likes and
dislikes. Teacher will walk around during the game to help the students.
o Homework assignment/exit slip: students will complete a written assignment to practice
the proper construction of sentences for verbs like gustar.
• Friday
o Warm-up: students will complete a verbal activity, in Spanish, regarding the foods they
like and dislike while the teacher checks the homework from the previous night. Three
questions will be checked for accuracy.
o Teacher will have the students present their verbal conversation prior to going over the
homework assignment as a class.
o Kahoot: students will play a kahoot game that reviews the two grammatical structures
from the unit and the vocabulary. Teachers and students will be able to assess their
understanding throughout the activity since they can assess which questions are
correct/incorrect and teacher can have immediate results to address specific students or
o Rubric will be passed out and explained for performance task 2: restaurant skit.

Week 3:

• Monday:
o Students will work in groups of three to complete the performance task (restaurant skit).
Students will have the hour to write their scripts with their partners. Teacher will be
available for questions and feedback.
• Tuesday:
o Students will work in groups of three to complete the performance task (restaurant skit).
Students will have the hour to write their scripts with their partners. Teacher will be
available for questions and feedback.

• Wednesday:
o Teacher will have conferences with each group of students to go over their script,
answer any questions they have and provide feedback. The students will have the
opportunity to fix their scripts prior to their presentation so they have proper
grammar/sentence structure.

• Thursday:
o Students will have the hour to fix their scripts based off the teacher feedback and
practice their skits with their groups.

• Friday:
o Students will present their dialogues/presentations to the class. The teacher will grade
them based on the rubric provided for performance task 2.

Week 4:
• Monday:
o Students will work with their tables to review the chapter’s essential questions so they
are able to assess their learning form the unit. They will submit the essential questions
to the teacher so teacher can assess what items from the unit may need additional
reinforcement in the next unit.
o Students will finish their presentations if there was not enough time on Friday.

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