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Network Programming

1 - What do we call it when a browser uses the HTTP protocol to load a file or page
from a server and display it in the browser?

Answer: The Request/Response Cycle

//When a petition it's started, a series of requests begin until obtaining a
satisfactory response
for every package needed. Look at 'The Odin Project' Foundations for more info
about packages
and the internet.

2 - What separates the HTTP headers from the body of the HTTP document?

Answer: A blank line

//It's a convention in the design of WebPages to separate the header or metadata
(that allows to
the search engine to look for the pages needed) and the body (which contains the
page and it's
audio-visual elements).

3 - Which of the following is most similar to a TCP port number?

Answer: A telephone extension

// The TCP is the number assigned to every machine that has a connection to the
internet through a modem.
Your modem is the main line of the telephone and then he assigns a number to the
other machines that connect
through him..

4 - What must you do in Python before opening a socket?

Answer: import socket

// If you don't import the socket you will need to writte the algorithm for the
connection rigth from
the scratch, and if you do well, probally you will be ended with something very
similar to the 'socket'

5 - In a client-server application on the web using sockets, which must come up


Answer: server
// Because is the server that contains the data we are looking for,
it must first accept our request for connection.

6 - Which of the following TCP sockets is most commonly used for the web protocol

Answer: 80
// As you know already, the world of computers has a series of conventions of how
to do all
kinds of things. Connections through port 80 for internet is one of them.

7 - Which of the following is most like an open socket in an application?

Answer: An "in-progress" phone conversation

// That it's because when a connection is established between computers, they will
send and receive
data from that connection until is ended.

8 - What does the "H" of HTTP stand for?

Answer: HyperText
// Remeber the whole meaning of HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol.

9 - What is an important aspect of an Application Layer protocol like HTTP?

Answer: Which application talks first? The client or server?

// See question 5

10 - What are the three parts of this URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

Answer: Protocol, host, and document

// A web page has these 3 elements:
Protocol: http(s) (how we wanna connect)
Domain (the owner): (with whom)
Document: page1.htm (or any kind of file)

11- When you click on an anchor tag in a web page like below, what HTTP request is
sent to the server?

<p>Please click <a href="page1.htm">here</a>.</p>

Answer: GET
// Usually you can see any time in a page like Wikipedia in the form of blue
that takes you to other elements of the page or other pages.

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