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DépartementdeMinéralogie Prof.UrsSchaltegger






Schütte, P.: Geochronology, geochemistry, and isotopic composition (Sr, Nd, Pb) of Tertiary porphyry systems in Ecuador.
Terre & Environnement, vol. 87, xviii + 182 pp. (2010)

ISBN 2-940153-86-8
Section des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Genève, 13 rue des Maraîchers, CH-1205 Genève, Suisse
Téléphone ++41-22-702.61.11 - Fax ++41-22-320.57.32
Acknowledgements ...........................................................................................................................................iii
Abstract ..............................................................................................................................................................v
Resumen ...........................................................................................................................................................vii

Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 1
References ......................................................................................................................................................... 3


Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 6
RegionalGeologyofEcuador ............................................................................................................................ 6
Tertiaryarcsegmentationandgeologyofinvestigatedmagmaticcenters...................................................... 8
Analyticaltechniquesandsamplematerial .................................................................................................... 14
Results ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Discussion ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Conclusions...................................................................................................................................................... 34
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
theTertiary ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
plutonsinEcuador........................................................................................................................................... 42
AppendixIII–AccuracyofpublishedKAr(andZFT)agesofTertiaryintrusionsinEcuador.......................... 48
AppendixIV–Datatables ............................................................................................................................... 54

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 66
Regionalgeologyandgeodynamicsetting...................................................................................................... 68
LocalgeologyofMioceneEcuadorianoredepositsinvestigatedinthisstudy............................................... 69
Samplingandanalyticaltechniques ................................................................................................................ 73
Results ............................................................................................................................................................. 74
Discussion ........................................................................................................................................................ 76
Conclusions...................................................................................................................................................... 92
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 92

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................... 97
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 98
Geologicalframework ................................................................................................................................... 100
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 100
Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 103
Discussion ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
Conclusions.................................................................................................................................................... 112
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 112
Appendix:Datatables ................................................................................................................................... 115

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 120
TertiaryQuaternaryadakitelikemagmatisminEcuador............................................................................. 120
Regionalgeologyandgeodynamicsetting.................................................................................................... 122
Samplingandanalyticaltechniques .............................................................................................................. 126
Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 128
Rareearthelementdistributionpatterns ..................................................................................................... 134
AdakitelikefeaturesofLateTertiaryEcuadorianarcmagmas .................................................................... 139
Isotopicconstraintsonshallowvs.deepcrustalmagmaevolution.............................................................. 144
mineralizationinEcuador.............................................................................................................................. 151
Conclusions.................................................................................................................................................... 152
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 153
AppendixI–Rockalterationandelementmobilityinporphyryrelatedhydrothermalsystems ................ 157
AppendixII–Datatables............................................................................................................................... 159

Conclusions.................................................................................................................................................... 179
Outlook .......................................................................................................................................................... 180

ble without the organizational support of Bernardo Beate whose personal commitment to this project is
discussions with Richard Spikings, Miguel "No More Mr. Nice Guy" Ponce, and, in particular, Diego Vil
néraux), and the Bourse Lombard for providing travel grants to support congress participation and field
in the beginning, Léo Mastrodicasa for advice during the initial stages of computer administration, and
This project benefited substantially from countless helpful people and exploration companies in Ecuador
sometimes challenging climate. These include (with their affiliations back then): Patricio Salazar (Escuela
Politécnica Nacional & Ascendant Copper), Carlos Moncayo and James Stonehouse (Ascendant Copper),
Luis Bravo and Edgar Almeida (Dynasty Metals & Mining), Francisco Soria and Miguel Ponce (IMC), Luis
Lucero and Patricio Perez Salazar (Iamgold), John Bolaños and Danilo Ortega (Ecuagold), Graeme Smith,
Don Allen, and Eduardo Vaca (Atlas Moly), Osman Poma (Channel Resources), and Christian Vallejo

topic. A general introduction (Chapter 1) explains some of the ideas this project was originally based on,
acterization is mostly based on KAr (and zircon fission track) data. Chapter 2 presents the first regional
Ecuador. Zircons were dated either by means of isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry
onaregionalscale.SpatiotemporaldistributiontrendsofTertiaryintrusions andarcvolcanicsindicate a
Late Oligocene to Early/MidMiocene arc magmatic flareup event in Ecuador comprising widespread ig
nimbriteeruptionand batholith constructionwithinanoveralltensionalregionalstressfield.Initiation of
ica convergence rates suggesting a positive feedback between faster plate convergence, asthenospheric
Cu and associated epithermal mineralization within the Ecuadorian and Peruvian metallogenic belt seg
ments is similar. Intersections of Andean (NNE) trending structures with arctransverse faults and linea
vorable erosion levels are key parameters to preserve and expose widespread Miocene porphyryrelated
(seamount chain) subduction or pulses of regional compression, as proposed elsewhere in the South
The crustal basement of Ecuador comprises a collage of mostly PaleozoicMesozoic tectonostratigraphic
units of both continental and oceanic affinity in the Eastern Cordillera, and oceanic plateau units in the
Western Cordillera and forearc region which were accreted in the Late Cretaceous. The diffuse paleo

continental suture zone is situated between the Eastern and Western Cordillera ranges where basement
for volcanoes situated east and west of the regional, roughly marginparallel Peltetec Fault, respectively.
isotopically with recent arc volcanics in northern Ecuador suggesting alongarc continuity of similar base
dor, where additional prominent shallow crustal assimilation is recorded. Isotopic compositions of arc
magmas in northerncentral Ecuador follow a systematic acrossarc pattern where they evolve towards
progressively more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr and 207Pb/204Pb, and less radiogenic 143Nd/144Nd compositions at
Chapter 5 presents a comprehensive dataset of the geochemical composition of Late Oligocene to Late
ploring their significance for porphyryrelated mineralization. The overall spatiotemporal distribution of
adakitelike features in Ecuadorian arc magmas associated with porphyry systems is semisystematic; the
relative proportion of adakitelike (high Sr/Y) magmas increases with decreasing age, and is higher in
evolve towards adakitelike compositions in the Early to MidMiocene, combined amphibole and garnet
Apreferentialassociation ofadakitelikefeatureswithaspecific basementlithologycannotbeobserved.
but thelatterarefurther modulatedbyasetofparameterswhichdynamicallycontrolmineralstabilities
in a given crustal column and melt composition (degree of differentiation and melt water content). Por
sor magmatism where porphyry emplacement commonly represents a late intrusive event. Porphyry pa
rental melts tend to evolve towards more adakitelike compositions than precursor intrusions if a signifi
changes between porphyry and precursor intrusions are not recorded if the relative age difference be
tween their respective emplacement events is small. As such, compositional changes between porphyry
andprecursormagmatismmostlyreflectbroad changesinarc magma compositionthrough timeat are
magma of a sufficient volume has the potential to form porphyryrelated mineralization. In some cases
adakitelike magmatism may, however, reflect favorable tectonomagmatic preconditioning of porphyry

Esta tesis de PhD presenta resultados geocronológicos en rocas del arco magmático del Terciario Tardío
rocas volcánicas y plutónicas del arcoOligocenoMioceno asociadas con sistemas porfiríticos. Resúmenes
Ecuador presenta un gran número de granitoides y rocas volcánicas relacionadas con el arco magmático
a partir de disolución isotópica  ionización termal y también a partir de ablación laser. Excepto por una
concordantes entre 14 Ma, lo que sugiere que las edades K/Ar pueden ser usadas como un proxi semi
de la rocas magmáticas terciarias indican un evento de "flareup" desde el Oligoceno Tardío al Mioceno
Sudamérica sugiriendo que hay una relación directa entre la convergencia rápida de placas tectónicas, la
mineralizaciones y alteraciones de los depósitos de tipo pórfido y epitermales del Oligoceno Tardío y del
Mioceno. Estos nuevos resultados geocronológicos nos permiten inferir que el cinturón metalogénico de
los Andes Norcentrales del Perú se extendieron al norte hacia el Sur de Ecuador e incluso posiblemente
neralizaciones epitermales asociadas dentro de los cinturones metalogénicos del Ecuador y Perú es muy
tos. Un magmatismo intenso en la corteza superior durante los mayores picos construcción de batolitos
posiblemente no es favorable para la formación y preservación de los depósitos asociados con pórfidos,

caatravésdelarcodondeestasevolucionanprogresivamentehaciavalores 87Sr/86Sry 207Pb/204Pbmasra
diogénicosycomposicionesde 143Nd/144Ndmenosradiogénicasaprofundidaddecortezamediaconforme
distribución espaciotemporal de características geoquímicas adakíticas y explora además la importancia
terísticas adakíticas en las rocas magmáticas de arco que tienen sistemas porfiríticos asociados es semi

es que la edad relativa entre sus respectivos emplazamientos es pequeña. De esta manera, los cambios
pueden sin embargo, reflejar precondiciones tectonomagmáticas favorables de los fundidos parentales

Résuméétendu Cangrejos; 20.7±0.9 Ma pour un pluton au nord
d’Zaruma; 24.04±0.07 Ma pour une intrusion
Le travail de cette thèse présente des données porphyrique à Portovelo, et 92.0±1.6 Ma pour
géochronologiques concernant la mise en place uneintrusionporphyriqueàCuriplaya.
des intrusions d’âge Tertiaire supérieures en Sauf l'échantillon de Tres Chorreras, dans toutes
Equateur, et sur les événements de minéralisa les intrusions (ou les roches subvolcaniques)
tion et d'altération hydrothermale liés à ses in étudiées, les zircons hérités sont complètement
trusions, ainsi que la composition isotopique et absents suggérant la base de la croûte est océa
géochimique des roches volcaniques et plutoni niqueetappauvrieenzircons;leszirconsdetype
quesassociéesàl’arcd’âgeOligocèneMiocène. "antecryst" sont relativement abondants dans
Les granitoïdes d'âge Oligocène ancien arc avait pris place. Lorsque les données
Miocène et l'influence des facteurs des deux méthodes de datation géochronologi
ques, KAr et UPb, coexistent pour un système
géodynamiques pour l'arc magmati intrusif, les âges obtenus par les différentes mé
queenEquateur thodes sont généralement concordant et dévoi
L’Equateur hôte un très grand nombre de grani lent une différence d'âge entre 14 Ma au maxi
toïdes et des roches volcaniques liées à l’arc mum, ce qui implique que les âges de KAr peu
d’âge Tertiaire, dont les caractéristiques géo vent être utilisé comme des données semi
chronologiques sont principalement basées sur précisespourl’arcmagmatiqued’âgeTertiaireen
les données de la méthode de datation KAr (et Équateuràl'échellerégionale.
lestracesdefissionssurdeszircons).Lechapitre Larépartitionspatiotemporelledesintrusionset
1decettethèseprésentelespremièresdonnées rochesvolcaniquesd'âgeTertiairesindiqueunvif
régionales des âges UPb des zircons provenant échauffement de magmatisme d’âge Oligocène
des intrusions plutoniques et porphyriques de la terminal jusqu’au Miocène inférieure et moyen
cordillère Ouest et le sud de la région de Sierra en Équateur, comprenant l'éruption régionale
(Fig. 1), permettant une calibration temporale des ignimbrites et la construction des batholites
robuste de l’histoire intrusive d'âge Tertiaire en dansunchampdecontraintedetension,généra
Equateur. lementàunepenteconstanteduslab.L’initiation
Les zircons étaient datés avec deux méthodes, del’événementd’échauffementrégionalecoïnci
soit par TIMS (spectrométrie de masse par ther de dans le temps avec une accélération impor
moionisation), soit par LAMCICPMS (émission tante dans le taux de convergence des plaques
en plasma induit couplée à la spectrométrie de Sud Amérique et Farallon/Nazca, suggérant une
masseetlaserablation).Dunordausud,lesâges relation positive entre une convergence très ra
suivantsontétéobtenus:12.87±0.05Mapourla pidedesplaques,générationdelafusionpartielle
batholite d’Apuela à Cuellaje, pénétrée par des dans l'asthénosphère, le flux de la fusion entre
dykes porphyriques de 9.01±0.06 Ma à Junin; manteau et croûte, et la productivité de l'arc
25.5±0.7MapourleplutondeTelimbelacentra magmatiqueenÉquateur.
le;21.46±0.09Maet21.22±0.17Mapourleplu Celapourraitêtreenvisagéeparuntauxpluséle
tonBalsapambaetuneintrusiondudykeporphy védufluidegénéréduslabsubductédansunvo
riquedanslazoned’ElTorneadorespectivement; lume donné dans le coin mantellique, et/ou par
14.8415.33 Ma pour le batholite de Chaucha et un changement dans la dynamique des flux as
9.79±0.03 Ma pour une intrusion porphyrique à thénosphériques où des anomalies thermiques
Tunas;20.26±0.07Maet19.89±0.07Mapourles positivessedéveloppentdanslecoinmantellique
deux porphyres à GabyPapa Grande; 7.13±0.07 etlestauxdereconstitutiondumatérielduman
Mapourundômeintracaldeiraducentrevolca teau fertile augmente en réponse du retour
nique de Quimsacocha; 30.7±0.7 Ma pour une
roche subvolcanique de Saraguro à Tres Chorre
ras; 16.04±0.04 Ma pour une intrusion porphyri
que à El Mozo ; 26.0±0.7 Ma pour un pluton à


Figure 1: Carte géologique de la région des Cordillères d'Equateur, montrant les éléments géologiques principaux de 
l'Equateur et l'arc magmatique d'âge Tertiaire. La figure au‐dessous à gauche montre la situation géodynamique du 
bassin de Panama. Adapté par Litherland et al. (1994), Steinmann (1997), Dunkley & Gaibor (1997), McCourt et al.
(1997), Pratt et al. (1997), Hughes et al. (1998), Meschede & Barckhausen (2001), et Palacios et al. (2008). 

du flux induit. L'intensification des transferts de La ceinture métallogénique d'âge
chaleur de la conduction et l’advection dans la
tion positive tectonomagmatique et thermique, Lechapitre2présentelesâgescalculésgrâceaux
quipeutfaciliterl’intensificationdelafusionpar méthodesgéochronologiquesdanslamolybdéni
tielle de la croûte et le volumineux stockage du teselonlesystèmeReOsetdanslatitaniteselon
magma à des niveaux supérieurs, menant à la lesystèmeUPb;cesâgessontliésàlaminérali
construction des batholites, et/ou l’éruption des sation/altération hydrothermale associée avec
ignimbrites en Équateur au cours de l'Oligocène des intrusions des gisements de porphyre cupri
terminalàMiocèneinferieurmoyen. fèreouépithermauxd’âgeOligocèneetMiocène

rieur. Dans un système batholitique donné (Apuela, BalsapambaTelimbela, Chaucha) la minéralisation se manifeste
Pourcomparaisonlespulsescompressives(I=Inca;Q=Quechua) enEquateur(boxesnoires;Hungerbühleretal.2002)


Lamolybdéniteassociéeàl’altérationpotassique sites très favorables pourla minéralisation. L'ab
etphylliteuseàJunin(gisementporphyreCuMo) sence de la couverture volcanique quaternaires
a donné des âges de 6.63±0.04 Ma et 6.13±0.03 et l'érosion globale des niveaux favorables sont
Ma.Lesâgescalculésselonlesystèmechronolo des paramètres clés pour préserver et exposer
gique ReOs dans les molybdénites associées à généralement les gisements de porphyres cupri
l’altérationpotassiquedanslessystèmesporphy fères et épithermaux d’âge Miocène dans le sud
riques de Telimbela et Balsapamba sont de de l'Équateur. Dans la Cordillère de l'Ouest de
19.2±0.1 Ma et 21.5±0.1 Ma, respectivement. l'Équateur la minéralisation des porphyres cupri
Dans les systèmes porphyriques de CuMo à fères à été localement préservée, tandis que les
Chaucha,lesâgesobtenusdansdesmolybdénites cœurs profonds érodés des systèmes porphyri
associées aux altérations potassiques et phylli quessontexposésàd'autresendroitsetdespar
teusesselonlesystèmeReOssontde9.92±0.05 tiesimportantesdelaminéralisationontétéen
Ma(àTunasNaranjos)et9.5±0.2Ma(àGurGur), levés.
respectivement. Dans le système porphyrique
Alors que les complexes de batholites peuvent
minéralisation, de vaste magmatisme dans la
croûte supérieure pendant les pics de la cons
furées(éventuellementassociésàune altération
truction des batholites peut être désavantageux
pour la formation et la préservation des gise
système chronologique UPb pour une titanite
ments de porphyre cuprifères. En revanche, le
associé à l’altération de type NaCa a été obte
préconditionnement pétrogénétique favorable
nue. Au gisement polymétalliques de Tres Chor
duire vers la phase finale d'assemblage des ba
logique ReOs dans les molybdénites sont à
12.93±0.07 Ma et 12.75±0.07 Ma, et sont asso
gisements, une générale association spatio
ciées à une brèche hydrothermale liée à une in
trusion et une veine polymétalliques, respecti
des chaînes montagneuses sousmarines n'est
type NaCa dans le système porphyrique AuCu
Les nouvelles données géochronologiques nous La composition isotopique des mag
permettent de déduire que la ceinture métallo mas d'âge OligocèneMiocène et les
dunordverslesuddel'Équateur,etpotentielle domaines isotopiques de la croûte
mentplusaunordjusqu'àlaColombie.Laminé équatorienne
ralisation d’âge Miocène suit de près la réparti EnEquateur,danslaCordillèreOrientale,labase
tiondel’arcmagmatiqued’âgeMiocèneenEqua delacroûtecomprendunensembled’unitéstec
teur,quisecaractérisesouventpardesdéforma tonostratigraphiques de la plupart d’âge Paléo
tions synmagmatiques. Sur une échelle régiona zoïque et Mésozoïque d'affinité à la fois conti
le, la distribution spatiotemporelle des gise nentale et océanique. Des unités du plateau
ments de porphyre cuprifères et épithermaux océanique accumulés au Crétacé supérieur for
associéedanslessegmentsdelaceinturemétal mentlabasedelacroûtedanslaCordillèreOcci
logénique équatorienne et péruvienne est simi dentaleetlarégiond’avantarc.Lazonedesutu
laire. re paléocontinentale est située entre l'Est et
L’intersectiondesstructuresAndines(NNE)avec l'OuestdelasériedeCordillèreoùdesunitésde
de failles transversales et des traits liés à des labasedelacroûtesontcouvertspardesroches
géométriesdezonesdesuturesetderotationde volcaniquesduTertiaireetQuaternaire.Ungrand
blocsdanslesuddel'Equateurreprésententdes nombre d'information sur la géochimie des ro

ches volcaniques du Quaternaire existe pour l'arc 
de  la  Zone  Volcanique  du  Nord  dans  le  nord  de 
l'Equateur, alors que les séquences de la couver‐
ture  Tertiaire  en  Équateur  centrale  et  sud  sont 
mal  caractérisées  isotopiquement.  Le  chapitre  3 
présente  un  ensemble  de  58  nouveaux  résultats 
de roche totales des compositions isotopiques de 
Sr,  Nd  et  Pb  des  échantillons  Tertiaire  de  l’arc 
volcanique  et  des  intrusions  associées  de  la  Cor‐
dillère  Occidentale  et  du  sud  de  la  région  de  la 
Sierra équatorienne. La combinaison de ce nouvel 
ensemble  de  données  avec  les  données  existan‐
tes sur l’arc volcanique Quaternaire nous permet 
de suivre les unités basales de la croûte de la zo‐
ne de suture du Crétacé terminal en profondeur. 
L’arc  volcanique  d’âge  Quaternaire  définit  des 
groupes  isotopiques  distincts  pour  des  volcans 
situés à l'est et à l'ouest de la faille Peltetec. Les 
roches  volcaniques  et  les  intrusions  de  la  région 
sud  équatorienne  de  Sierra  d’âge  Oligocène  ter‐
minal‐Miocène  terminal  chevauchent  isotopi‐
quement avec des roches volcaniques récentes à 
l’est  de  la  faille  Peltetec  dans  le  nord  de  l'Equa‐
teur  suggérant  ainsi  une  continuité  des  unités 
basales de la croûte similaires en profondeur. 
Les  granitoïdes  d’âge  Oligocène‐Miocène  de  la 
Cordillère Occidentale et sur ses contreforts occi‐
dentaux  montrent  des  compositions  isotopiques 
les plus primitives de Sr et Nd identifiées à ce jour 
dans  l’arc  magmatique  équatorien  d’âge  Tertiai‐
re‐Quaternaire;  les  unités  primitives  du  plateau 
océanique du Crétacé constituent leurs assimilant 
en  profondeur,  entraînant  de  ces  magmas  d’arc 
de  devenir  plus  primitifs  isotopiquement  avec 
l'assimilation de la croûte. 
La  contamination  isotopique  crustale  du  magma  Figure 3: Diagrammes de 87Sr/86Sr, εNdinitial, 206Pb/204Pb, 
d’arc  d’âge  Tertiaire‐Quaternaire  a  lieu  principa‐ et  207Pb/204Pb  vs.  Sr/Y;  Sr/Y  est  utilisé  comme  indica‐
teur d'évolution magmatique dans le croûte supérieur 
lement  à  des  niveaux  profonds  à  moyens  de  la 
vs. inférieur (Sr/Y >30 pour le dernier). Dans l'ordre de 
croûte  à  l'exception  de  la  ceinture  intrusive  des 
leurs  distribution  géographique,  les  centres  magmati‐
granitoïdes  du  Cangrejos‐Zaruma  dans  le  sud  de  ques  forment  des  groupes  isotopiques  subparallèles 
l'Équateur, où plus éminente assimilation de ma‐ pour  des  valeurs  de  Sr/Y  >30  ce  qui  implique  que  les 
tériau de la croûte supérieure est caractérisé par  processus  de  AFC  (assimilation  et  cristallisation  frac‐
une  composition  de  Sr  et  Pb  très  radiogéniques,  tionnelle) incluent des unités différents à la base de la 
et  une  composition  isotopique  de  Nd  peu  radio‐ croûte. En plus, il y a d'évolution magmatique dans la
géniques  (Fig.  3).  Les  compositions  isotopiques  croûte supérieur pour le Tertiaire supérieur (particuliè‐
du  Sr,  Nd  et  Pb  des  magmas  d'arc  dans  le  nord‐ rement pour les intrusions de Cangrejos‐Zaruma) dont 
central de l'Équateur suivent un schéma systéma‐ l'assimilation  comprend  des  lithologies  caractérisées 
par  des  compositions  plus  radiogéniques  en  Sr  et 
tique  dans  l'ensemble  d’arc  où  ils  évoluent  pro‐
87 moins radiogéniques en Nd. 
gressivement  vers  Sr/86Sr  et 

Pb/204Pb  plus  radiogéniques,  et  une  composi‐ sions  associées  dans  l'espace  et  dans  le  temps 
tion  moins  radiogénique  en  143Nd/144Nd  du  pro‐ avec les porphyres cuprifères et la minéralisation 
fond au moyen niveau de la croûte avec la crois‐ épithermal  en  Equateur,  complétées  par  des 
sance  de  la  distance  depuis  la  tranchée.  Ceci  est  données en plusieurs formations de l'arc volcani‐
cohérent  avec  la  poussée  régionale  du  matériel  que du même âge. Notre objectif est de décrire la 
des plateaux océanique accrété le long d'une vas‐ distribution  spatio‐temporelle  des  compositions 
te zone de suture en dessous de la marge paléo‐ "adakite‐like"  dans  le  contexte  de  l'évolution 
continentale  comme  précédemment  déduit  à  géochimique  d'arc  du  Tertiaire  terminal,  et  d'ex‐
partir des études sismiques.  plorer  son  importance  pour  les  intrusions  asso‐
ciées  à  la  minéralisation  cuprifère/aurifère  en 
La  géochimie  des  granitoïdes  et  ro‐ Équateur. 
ches  volcaniques  d'âge  Oligocène‐ La plupart des intrusions représentent des tonali‐
Miocène  et  la  distribution  temporelle  tes,  granodiorites  et  diorites  quartzeuse  modé‐
rément  à  fortement  différenciées  et  portant  de 
des compositions "adakite‐like" 
l'hornblende  ±  biotite,  et  font  souvent  partie  de 
Enfin,  le  chapitre  4  présente  un  ensemble  de  plus grands complexes batholitiques d’âge Oligo‐
données  de  l’Oligocène  terminal  au  Miocène  su‐ cène‐Miocène;  les  roches  volcaniques  allant
périeur de la composition géochimique des intru‐

Figure 4: Diagrammes des éléments de traces et leurs rapports vs. l'âge. La distribution des éléments de traces impli‐
que  un  épaississement  progressif  de  la  croûte  pendant  l'Oligocène‐Miocène. En  plus,  des  facteurs  pétrogénétiques 
(fractionnement de l'amphibole) contrôlent l'appauvrissement extrême en Y pour les compositions magmatiques silici‐

d'une  composition  andésitique  à  dacitique‐
rhyolitique.  L'ensemble  spatio‐temporel  de  la 
distribution  des  magmas  de  type  "adakite‐like" 
dans  l'arc  équatorien  est  semi‐systématique;  la 
proportion  relative  des  magmas  "adakite‐like" 
augmente avec la diminution de l'âge, et est plus 
élevé  dans  le  centre‐nord  que  dans  le  sud  de 
l'Équateur. Les centres magmatiques caractérisée 
par,  en  partie,  un  magmatisme  "adakite‐like" 
sont  principalement  encaissés  par  la  Cordillère 
Occidentale  et  comprennent  Balsapamba  (c.  21 
Ma),  Apuela‐Junin  (13‐6  Ma),  Chaucha  (vers  10 
Ma), et Quimsacocha (7 Ma). Les caractéristiques 
"adakite‐like"  (haute  Sr/Y)  des  magmas  d’arcs 
équatoriens  d’âge  Tertiaire  terminal  sont  princi‐
palement  dues  à  un  fort  appauvrissement  en  Y 
(et  les  terres  rares  lourdes)  de  leurs  liquides  pa‐
rentaux  en  gardant  les  teneurs  plus  ou  moins 
constantes  en  Sr,  et  sont  liés  au  fractionne‐
ment/effets d’équilibration de restite d'amphibo‐
le, grenat, et titanite. 
Du  Miocène  inférieur  au  moyen,  le  fractionne‐
ment/l'équilibration  de  restite  d’amphibole  (± 
titanite comme accessoire) a causé l’évolution du 
liquide  silicique  vers  une  composition  "adakite‐
like".  La  combinaison  du  fractionnement/ 
l’équilibration  de  restite  d’amphibole  et  grenat 
dans les magmas d'arc équatorien n'a été généra‐
lisée  que  depuis  le  Miocène  supérieur.  L'appau‐
vrissement de Y par fractionnement/équilibration 
de restite d'amphibole est très efficace mais seu‐
lement  pour  les  liquides  de  compositions  silici‐
ques. Par contre, le fractionnement/équilibration 
de restite de grenat produit un appauvrissement 
fort  de  Y  déjà  dans  les  liquides  de  compositions 
plus mafiques, c'est à dire, pendant la  phase ini‐
tiale  de  différenciation.  Le  fractionnement  des 
plagioclases  dans  la  croûte  supérieure  affecte 
certains,  mais  pas  tous  les  magmas  d’arc  d’âge 
Tertiaire  dans  le  sud  de  l'Equateur;  il  est  d'une 
importance  pétrogénétique  mineure  pour  les  in‐
trusions d’âge Miocène de la Cordillère Occiden‐
tale dans le nord‐centre de l'Equateur. Une asso‐
ciation  de  caractéristiques  préférentielles  des

Figure 5: Distribution de  Sr/Y vs. Y pour les intrusions
porphyriques d'âge Tertiaire tardif et les roches intru‐
sives  phanéritiques  associées  avec  les  porphyres
e  n Equateur. Sauf le porphyre de Cangrejos, tous les porphyres ne montrent pas d'évidence pour l'évolution des liqui‐
des parentaux dans la croûte supérieure (fractionnement de plagioclase). Par contre, les liquides parentaux (sauf Can‐
grejos et Gaby) sont caractérisé par le fractionnement de l'amphibole ± titanite ± grenat aux niveaux plus profonds de 
la croûte (et/ou les liquides parentaux sont plus riches en H2O) en montrant des compositions "adakite‐like". 

compositions "adakitelike" avec une lithologie Hughes, R.A., Bermudez, R., Espinel, G. (1998): Mapa
delabasedelacroûtenepeutêtreobservée. geológicodelaCordilleraOccidentaldelEcuadorentre
0°1°S, escala 1:200.000. CODIGEMMinisterio de En
Une variation systématique des éléments traces ergíayMinasBGSpubls.,Quito.
(Sr, Y, REE) dans le temps sont révélateurs d’un
Hungerbühler, D., Steinmann, M., Winkler, W., Sew
progressif épaississement de la croûte équato
riennedel'OligocèneterminalauMiocènetermi (2002):NeogenestratigraphyandAndeangeodynam
nal(Fig.4).Toutenaugmentantl'épaisseurdela icsofsouthernEcuador.EarthScienceReviews57;75–
croûte influence favorablement l'apparition des 124.
compositions "adakitelike" à l'échelle régionale;
Litherland, M., Aspden, J. A., Jemielita, R. A. (1994):
ces derniers sont en outre modulées par un en
semble de paramètres qui contrôlent dynami 11.BGS,Keyworth.
cients de partage minéralliquide à l'échelle plu McCourt, W. J., Duque, P., Pilatasig, L. F. and Villago
tôt locale. Il s'agit notamment de l'évolution du mez, R. (1997): Mapa geológico de la Cordillera Occi
dental del Ecuador entre 1°  2° S., escala 1/200.000.
magma en profondeur (pression) dans une co
lonne donnée de la croûte et la composition du
liquide (degré de différenciation et la teneur en Meschede,M.&Barckhausen,U.(2001):Therelation
eau).Celuiciindiquenotammentlamigrationdu shipoftheCocosandCarnegieridges:ageconstraints
magmatisme crustal à une plus grande profon from paleogeographic reconstructions. International
systèmemagmatique. Noble,D.C.&McKee,E.H.(1999):TheMiocenemet
allogenic belt of central and northern Perú. SEG Spe
Des changements systématiques dans la compo cialPublication7;155193.
sition entre les intrusions porphyriques et des
R., Feininger, T. (2008): Mapa geologico binacional
faible(Fig.5).Lefaitquelaminéralisationdetype 500,000.
porphyre cuprifère et épithermal "high sulfida
tion" en Équateur existe de l'Oligocène terminal Pratt,W.T.,Figueroa,J.F.,Flores,B.G.(1997):Mapa
3°4°S. escale 1/200.000. CODIGEMMin. Energ. Min.
ge latitude de grande taille (c. 0° à 3° 30'S) sou
tient l'idée que toutes les magmas d'un arc de
volume suffisant ont le potentiel pour causer de Steinmann, M. (1997): The Cuenca basin of southern
minéralisation liée aux intrusions. Le magmatis Ecuador:tectonosedimentaryhistoryandtheTertiary
Andean evolution. PhD Thesis, Institute of Geology
me de composition "adakitelike" peut, cepen
dant, indiquer un favorable environnement tec
tonomagmatique et un préconditionnement fa

BenavidesCáceres, V. (1999): Orogenic evolution of
la Cordillera Occidental del Ecuador entre2°3°S. es
cale 1/200.000. CODIGEMMin. Energ. Min.BGS


melt batch, the silicate melt will become de
Introduction pletedinchalcophilemetals(suchasCuandAu),
Porphyry Cu deposits and associated epithermal thusdecreasingitspotentialforsubsequentpor
and polymetallic vein mineralization, hereafter phyry CuAu mineralization. Although mass bal
referred to as "porphyryrelated ore deposits", ance calculations indicate that, in principle, any
formaspartsofhydrothermalsystemsrelatedto arcmagma(averageandesiteCucontent60ppm;
fluid exsolution from shallow crustal intrusions Cline&Bodnar1991)maycontribute tothefor
(e.g.,Seedorffetal.2005).Theycanbefoundin mationofaporphyryrelatedoredepositaslong
subduction zone settings worldwide, and are re as the integrated magmatic system comprises a
garded as the product of a series of common sufficient volume (100 km3; Cline & Bodnar
place geologic processes which have to combine 1991), parental melts related to large porphyry
favorablytoeventuallyresultineconomicminer related ore deposits may be expected to be
alization (e.g., Tosdal & Richards 2001). Parental highly oxidized, sulfatedominated silicate melts
melts to porphyry intrusions ultimately derive whose metal budget has not been substantially
from the supraslab mantle wedge, the latter depletedbymetallosstoimmisciblesulfidemelts
fluxed by a volatilerich slab component. Subse in or close to the magma source region (Sillitoe
quent lower to midcrustal magma evolution of 2000;Mungall2002).
porphyry parental melts produces volatile Porphyryrelatedoredepositdistributionandsize
enriched andesitic or more differentiated melt isdiachronousthroughtimeandspace,implying
compositionswhichthenascendtouppercrustal that certain tectonomagmatic environments are
levels where porphyry intrusive and associated particularlyprolific(orunfavorable)formaximiz
hydrothermalsystemsmayform.Thelocalization ing the potential of intrusionrelated mineraliza
ofthelatterisoftenstructurallycontrolled(e.g., tion. Spatiotemporal clusters of porphyry
Richards 2003), although this is not always the relatedoredepositsmaybeduetofavorableex
case(Sillitoe2000). posure and preservation conditions, and/or in
Asfarasmagmasourcesandearlydifferentiation creased rates of deposit formation (Wilkinson &
stagesareconcerned,ahighfO2isofteninferred Kesler 2009). Considering the latter, the in
forporphyryparentalmeltswiththepotentialto creased abundance of porphyryrelated ore de
form hightonnage ore deposits (e.g., Sillitoe posits(ortheiroveralllargertonnage)mayreflect
2000; Mungall 2002). Depending on the prevail favorable tectonomagmatic settings which, in
ingfO2,Sasacomponentofasilicatemeltcom part,mightderivefromspecialgeodynamicenvi
monly occurs in variable proportions of sulfide ronments (Tosdal & Richards 2001). Amongst
and sulfate where the melt S solubility is signifi others, the subduction of seamount chains has
cantlyhigherifsulfate,ratherthansulfide,forms been proposed to show a positive spatio
the dominant S species (e.g. Jugo et al. 2005). If temporal correlation with porphyrystyle miner
the S content of a silicate melt at supraliquidus alization(e.g.,inthesouthernandcentralAndes;
conditions exceeds the melt S solubility, Srich Rosenbaum et al. 2005; see also Cooke et al.
immiscible liquids will form, which scavenge 2005). Constraining potentially favorable condi
lithophileandchalcophileelementsfromthesili tions for porphyryrelated mineralization is of
catemelt(Jugoetal.2005).If,byvirtueoftheir major interest for the design of regional mineral
higher density, Srich immiscible melt globules exploration campaigns for this type of ore de
coalesce and fractionate from a given silicate posit.

In this context, Thieblémont et al. (1997) note SincetheworksofThieblémontetal.(1997)and
that intrusions associated with porphyrystyle Oyarzun et al. (2001), the notion to associate
mineralization often tend to be of "adakitic" "adakitic" magmatism with porphyryrelated ore
composition, potentially implying that “adakitic” depositshasgainedsomeappealintheeconomic
featuresmightbeusedasalocalregionalexplo geologyliterature(seereviewbyRichards&Ker
rationtoolforporphyryrelatedoredeposits.The rich2007,andreferencestherein).However,the
term "adakite" sensu stricto refers to a special conclusions of Oyarzun et al. (2001) have been
geochemical composition of island arc magmas vigorously debated (Oyarzun et al. 2002; Rabbia
indicative of parental melt evolution outside the et al. 2002; Richards 2002; see also Richards &
stability field of plagioclase, and melt equilibra Kerrich 2007), in part because a straightforward
tion with residual garnet (Defant & Drummond "adakite"slab melt correlation cannot be unam
1990).Defant&Drummond(1990)arguethatthe biguously demonstrated in a continental arc set
appropriatePTconditionstostabilizeordestabi ting where similar chemical signatures (referred
lizethesemineralphases inanisland arcsetting to as adakitelike) may also be acquired through
associated with a thin layer of continental crust crustal magma evolution (Richards & Kerrich
would apply to slab melting. Modern island arc 2007).Moreover,eveninislandarcsettingsada
subduction zones are usually characterized by kitelike features of arc magmas may be pro
lowgeothermalgradientssuchthatthedowngo duced by other processes than slab melting, ei
ing slab dehydrates before it melts; augmenting ther in the mantle wedge (e.g., Castillo et al.
thelocalgeothermalgradientsufficientlytofacili 1999) and/or in the crust (AlonsoPerez et al.
tateslabmeltingpriortosignificantslabdehydra 2009).Consequently,the(occasionally)observed
tion may only apply to a number of special geo association of adakitelike magma chemistry and
dynamic settings such as subduction zone initia porphyryrelatedoredepositsdoesnotnecessar
tion, subduction of young, hot oceanic litho ily relate to a specific process in the magma
sphere (<25 Ma), or, possibly, flat subduction source,butmayalsoreflectcertainpetrogenetic
(e.g., Defant & Drummond 1990; Gutscher et al. processes of crustal magma evolution such as
2000). progressive volatile enrichment, which are
equally regarded as favorable for porphyrystyle
The empirical observation of Thieblémont et al.
mineralization (Sillitoe 2000; Rohrlach & Loucks
(1997) might imply that special geodynamic set
chemical compositions may be indicative of, but The Late Tertiary Ecuadorian arc system at the
see below) favor the formation of porphyry NW South American margin hosts a number of
related ore deposits. As slab melting may be a moderatetonnageporphyryrelatedoredeposits
highly effective means of oxidizing the upper (Prodeminca 2000a, b), and regionally connects
mantleinthesupraslabregion,apositivecorrela with the centralnorthern Peruvian Tertiary arc
tion between slab melting and porphyryrelated whose Miocene metallogenic belt is of major
ore deposit formation had also been envisaged economic importance (e.g., Noble & McKee
from theoretical considerations based on ther 1999). Porphyryrelated ore deposits along the
modynamic modeling (Mungall 2002). Indeed, Ecuadorianmarginformedonthebackgroundof
Oyarzun et al. (2001) speculate that large por ageodynamicsettingcharacterizedbyahighde
phyryrelatedoredeposits(partlyassociatedwith gree of complexity involving Late Cretaceous
"adakitic"intrusions)ofLateEocenetoEarlyOli oceanic terrane collision and major strikeslip
gocene age in Chile formed in a special geody partitioningintheupperplate(e.g.,Vallejoetal.
namic setting (flat subduction) allowing slab 2006), the Late Oligocene breakup of the Faral
meltingtotakeplace;incontrast,non“adakitic” lon plate and subsequent subduction of newly
Paleocene to Early Eocene porphyryrelated ore formed Nazca seafloor, abandoned spreading
deposits in Chile are smaller in tonnage, and centers, and oceanic fracture zones at the Ecua
might be related to "standard" arc magmatism doriantrench(e.g.,Lonsdale2005),andcollision
where slab melting does not contribute to arc of the Carnegie Ridge seamount chain with the
magmagenesis(Oyarzunetal.2001). margin since the Late Miocene (e.g., Michaud et

al.2009).Theoverallcharacterofarcmagmatism andontheirsignificanceforporphyryrelated
seems to shift from dominantly nonadakitic to oredeposits.
adakitelike in the Late Miocene, possibly in re
(3) Whereappropriateinagivenchapterofthis
sponse to the changing geodynamic regime, al
thesis, I test spatiotemporal correlations of
though the timing of the change is only loosely
ore deposit formation, variations in arc
magma chemistry, and geodynamic changes
The highly dynamic nature of the Tertiary Ecua at the Late Tertiary Ecuadorian margin to
dorianmarginrepresentsanopportunitytostudy identifypotentialfeedbackmechanisms.This
the complex interactions between geodynamic includesacriticalreviewoftheinferredgeo
setting, arc magmatism, and ore deposit forma dynamicevolutionoftheTertiaryEcuadorian
tion.Theprincipalaimofthisthesisistoevaluate arc system, and an adjustment of published
the mutual relevance of these different factors convergence parameters to the Ecuadorian
foreachother.Astheamountofavailablestate margin (parts of chapters 2 and 3; see also
oftheart geochronologic and geochemical data Appendix of Chapter 2). A short synthesis of
(outsideofthisthesis)onTertiaryarcmagmatism the results of this analysis is presented in
and ore deposits in Ecuador is very limited, the Chapter6.
present work can only serve as a first step to
wards a better understanding of the Tertiary Ec References
AlonsoPerez, R., Müntener, O., Ulmer, P. (2009): Ig
Indetail,thisthesisaimstoaddressthefollowing neousgarnetandamphibolefractionationintheroots
issues: of island arcs: experimental constraints on andesitic
liquids. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
(1) Arobust,regionalgeochronologicframework
lyingontheKArisotopicsystem)fortheEc Chiaradia,M.,Fontboté,L.,Beate,B.(2004):Cenozoic
uadorian arc segment and its porphyry sys continentalarcmagmatismandassociatedmineraliza
temshasnotbeenestablishedyet.Thiswork tioninEcuador.MineraliumDeposita39;204–222.
presents robust zircon and titanite UPb (ID Chiaradia, M., Müntener, O., Beate, B., Fontignie, D.
TIMS, LAMCICPMS), molybdenite ReOs, (2009):AdakitelikevolcanismofEcuador:lowercrust
andbiotiteaswellasalunite40Ar/39Ar(results magmatic evolution and recycling. Contributions to
were pending during thesis compilation, but MineralogyandPetrology158;563588.
will be available for subsequent manuscript Cline, J. S. & Bodnar, R. J. (1991): Can economic por
editing)massspectrometricdataallowingthe phyrycoppermineralizationbegeneratedbyatypical
dating of intrusive and hydrothermal pulses calcalkaline melt? Journal of Geophysical Research
ofseveralEcuadorianporphyrysystemsona 96,8113–8126.
regional scale. These data are presented in Cooke, D. R., Hollings, P., Walshe, J. L. (2005): Giant
Chapters2(magmatism)and3(hydrothermal porphyry deposits: characteristics, distribution, and
systems). tectoniccontrols.EconomicGeology100;801818.
(2) Building on a pilot study by Chiaradia et al. Defant,M.J.&Drummond,M.S.(1990):Derivationof
(20004),thisthesisprovidesnewandextends some modern arc magmas by melting of young sub
existingdatasetsonTertiaryporphyryrelated ductedlithosphere.Nature347;662665.
arcmagmaisotopiccompositions(Sr,Nd,Pb; Gutscher, M.A., Maury, R., Eissen, J.P., Bourdon, E.
Chapter 4) and geochemistry (multielement (2000):Canslabmeltingbecausedbyflatsubduction?
XRF, LAICPMS; Chapter 5). These data may Geology28;535538.
be used to track heterogeneous crustal Jugo, P. J., Luth, R. W., Richards, J. P. (2005): An ex
basementunitsatdepth,andtobroadlycon perimentalstudyofthesulfurcontentinbasalticmelts
strain the petrogenetic features of Tertiary saturated with immiscible sulfide or sulfate liquids at
arcmagmatism.Particularemphasisisplaced 1300°Cand1.0GPa.JournalofPetrology46;783798.
on the generation of adakitelike features,

Lonsdale, P. (2005): Creation of the Cocos and Nazca Richards, J. P. (2003): TectonoMagmatic Precursors
platesbyfissionoftheFarallonPlate:Tectonophysics, for Porphyry Cu(MoAu) Deposit Formation. Ec Geol.
v.404,p.237264. 98;15151533.
Michaud, F., Witt, C., Royer, J. Y. (2009): Influence of Richards,J.P.&Kerrich,R.(2007):Adakitelikerocks:
the subduction of the Carnegie volcanic ridge on Ec their diverse origins and questionable role in metal
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Americas: shallow subduction, plateau uplift, and
year cyclic rampup of volatiles in a lower crustal
ridge and terrane collision. Geological Society of
magma reservoir trapped below the Tampakan cop
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allogenic belt of central and northern Perú. SEG Spe Weinberg, R.F., Duboz, C. (2005): Subduction of the
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(2002): Reply to Discussion on "Giant versus small
porphyrycopperdepositsofCenozoicageinnorthern Sillitoe,R.H.(2000):Goldrichporphyrydeposits:de
Chile:adakiticversusnormalcalcalkalinemagmatism" scriptiveandgeneticmodelsandtheirroleinexplora
by Oyarzun et al. (Mineralium Deposita 36; 794798, tion and discovery. Society of Economic Geologists
2001).MineraliumDeposita37;791794. Reviews13;315–345.
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Escobar, L. (2002): Discussion on "Giant versus small Chew, D., Page, L., (2006): The early interaction be
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northern Chile: adakitic versus normal calcalkaline
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Intrusion emplacement ages range from about 31 to 7 Ma, and mainly pool in the Late OligoceneEarly
ing of Tertiary arc magmatism on a regional scale. Except for a single sample, the investigated intrusions
completely lack externally inherited zircons, in agreement with dominantly zirconpoor, oceanic crustal
low southernmost Ecuador in the Mid to Late Miocene, and of moderate slab shallowing in northern

Introduction RegionalGeologyofEcuador
Ecuador’s fundamental physiographic elements
The spatiotemporal distribution of arc magma
coincide with major geologic domains and com
tism, typically manifested as distinct belt seg
prise the flatlying western Costa forearc and
eastern Oriente foreland regions, enclosing be
interplay of multiple tectonomagmatic parame
tween them the central Andean chain which
ters which derive from the complex interactions
splits into the Western and Eastern Cordillera,
of descending slab, overriding plate, and the
separated by the Interandean Depression (IAD;
ficultramafic oceanic basement domains, inter
geodynamic evolution and subductionrelated
preted as hotspotderived oceanic plateau frag
MesozoicCenozoic arc magmatism along the
ments and mainly accreted in the Late Creta
ceous, floor the presentday forearc and frontal
& Soler 1996; Kay et al. 2005), but data for the
arc regions of Ecuador (e.g., Vallejo et al. 2009).
Late Tertiary tectonomagmatic evolution of the
Locally, especially in the Western Cordillera and
northern Andes are lacking. In this contribution,
its western foothills, these oceanic plateau units
host or are tectonically juxtaposed against sev
zircon ages of Late Tertiary intrusions in the
eral pre and postaccretionary island arc com
northern Andes of Ecuador which to date have
plexes of Late CretaceousEarly Tertiary age
only been characterized by KAr geochronologic
built upon IAD basement units which are likely
Our new data, combined with previously pub heterogeneous in nature, comprising tectonized
lished radiometric age information, allow us to slices of Eastern Cordillera and oceanic plateau
discusstherelationshipsbetweenarcmagmatism material(Feininger&Seguin1983;Spikingsetal.
and changes in the Tertiary geodynamic regime 2005; Chiaradia et al. 2009). Older Tertiary
of the northern Andean margin. Because a side subaerial arc volcanic formations are exposed in
outcome of this study (discussed in Chapters 3 the Interandean region south of 2.5°S where ac
and5)istoinvestigatelinksbetweenthegeody tive volcanism of the Northern Volcanic Zone
namic setting, magma chemistry, and intrusion ceases(Hungerbühleretal.2002).Characteristics
related mineralization in Ecuador, our study fo of the major Tertiary arc volcanic formations of
cusesonintrusionsspatiallyassociatedwithpor EcuadorarelistedinTable1.
phyryrelated ore deposits and their respective
host rocks. Mineralized porphyry intrusions are
zones structure the Western Cordillera (Fig. 2).
typically small (few km2 outcrop area), but are
The CalacalíPujiliPallatanga fault zone (CPPF)
thought to represent the uppermost crustal
forms the Cordillera's eastern structural limit; it
manifestations of significantly larger magmatic
intersects the Western Cordillera at 3°S to splay
systems at depth, which constitute the major
source of the mineralizing fluids (e.g., Sillitoe
2005). The ChimboToachi shear zone (CTSZ)
1973). Therefore, knowledge of the age of em
placement of porphyry stocks can serve as a


sequence (Hughes & Pilatasig 2002). Seismic arc units (Rio Cala arc; Vallejo 2007; Chiaradia
studies suggest that, while subvertical in their 2009).
uppermost portions, both fault zones extend
down to middeep crustal levels where they are
ment contrast in the Saraguro arc segment, the
defined by 35° Edipping fault planes (Guillier et
4). It might be located close to the CPPF at ca.
3°S, or further south towards the Jubones or Pi
ñasPortovelo faults, and corresponds to the
Ecuador the Amotape terrane forms a distinct
northern limit of Amotape basement units vs.
tectonic unit which extends further south into
allochthonous Cretaceous oceanic plateau mate
northern Peru (Mitouard et al. 1990; Litherland
et al. 1994). Its Paleozoic basement units, ex
ings et al. 2005). Petrologically, most pre
Miocene arc units north of 2.53°S and west of
covered by volcanicsedimentary sequences of
the CPPF represent a progressively maturing is
the Cretaceous CelicaLancones basin (Jaillard et
land arc system emplaced in a submarine envi
ronment on oceanic plateau basement. In con
crocontinental block accreted to South America
trast, subaerial arc magmatism taking place east
represents a major structural break from the
prominent ESEWNW structural trend to the re
gional tectonic framework which structurally fo Tertiary arc segmentation and
cused intrusion emplacement in acrossarc di geologyofinvestigatedmagmatic
Assembly of multiple exotic terrane fragments,
syn and postaccretionary block rotation and ThenorthernEcuadorianarcsegment
fragmentation, largescale forearc sliver dis
placement, and an oblique subduction setting, The northern Ecuadorian arc segment comprises
concentratedinanarrowrangeoflatitudes,pro thewholeTertiaryarcsystemofcentralnorthern
duced a tectonically heterogeneous Tertiary arc Ecuador (Fig. 2). Its main outcrop unit is the Pa
system in Ecuador (e.g., Mitouard et al. 1990; leoceneEocene Macuchi Unit, representing a
Hungerbühler et al. 2002; Spikings et al. 2005; submarine sequence of pillow lavas and hyalo
Vallejo et al. 2009). Therefore, it is useful to in clastites, and their redistributed sedimentary
spectthearcinitsregionalcontextalongtheNW equivalents (Hughes & Pilatasig 2002; Vallejo
South American margin. Based on their spatial 2007).DuetodeeperosionlevelsintheWestern
distribution and tectonic context, three major Cordillera, postMacuchi arc volcanics are spa
Tertiary arc segments (northern, central, and tially underrepresented. Aerially extensive Oligo
southern Ecuador) can be distinguished in Ecua ceneMiocene volcanic cover sequences can be
dor(Fig.2).TheregionaloutcroppatternofTer inferred from prominent coeval batholith intru
tiary arc magmatic units of NW South America sions in central and northern Ecuador (see be
demonstrates an essentially uninterrupted mag low). Locally preserved postMacuchi volcanic or
matic chain developed along the northern Peru volcaniclasticrockscomprise:(1)minorSaraguro
vian (Calipuy) and southern Ecuadorian margin, Group volcanics cropping out in small, isolated
geometrically continuous with the central patchesinthecentralWesternCordilleracloseto
northern Ecuadorian arc segments. The north the CPPF. In southern Ecuador, the Saraguro
wards continuation of the northern arc segment Group is mainly of OligoceneEarly Miocene age
into southern Colombia is less obvious, as this (Hungerbühler et al. 2002; Tab. 1), but Saraguro
area, the Naranjal block, is characterized by a Group(OcañaFormation)volcanicsoverlyingthe
highdegreeofstructuralcomplexityincludingthe Paleogene Yunguilla turbidites at the eastern
appearance of additional Late Cretaceous island edge of the Western Cordillera have KAr and

zircon  fission  track  (ZFT)  ages  of  36‐39  Ma,  thus  rocks  of  the  Zumbagua  Unit  in  central  Ecuador 
overlapping  in  age  with  the  youngest  Macuchi  unconformably overlie Eocene turbidites (Hughes 
Unit (Dunkley & Gaibor 1997; Tab. 1); (2) the Oli‐ et  al.  1998);  (4)  Pliocene‐Holocene  volcanism  in 
gocene‐Early Miocene San Juan de Lachas Forma‐ Ecuador  and  Colombia,  constituting  the  present‐
tion, contemporaneous with the Saraguro Group,  day Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, covers 
crops out in small areas close to the Ecuadorian‐ part of the older arc units of the Western Cordil‐
Colombian border, where it overlies the Macuchi  lera  and  is  prominently  exposed  further  east‐
Unit  (Vallejo  2007);  (3)  Miocene  volcaniclastic  wards  in  the  IAD.  Considering  the  relatively 

Figure  2:  Regional  Tertiary 

arc  outcrop  pattern  along 
the  NW  South  American 
margin  showing  arc  seg‐
ments  as  discussed  in  the 
text  (Northern,  Central,  and 
Southern  Ecuador,  and 
Calipuy,  Peru),  and  major 
fault  systems  which  con‐
trolled  Tertiary  intrusion 
emplacement  in  Ecuador. 
Tertiary  intrusions  (italics) 
are  aligned  along  major 
structures  (thick  lines)  or 
inferred  major  structures 
(dashed  thick  lines).  The 
Raspas  complex  of  the  NW 
El  Oro  range  indicates  prox‐
imity  to  the  ancient  Amo‐
tape  suture  zone  (Bosch  et 
al. 2002). Age ranges of vol‐
canic‐volcaniclastic  forma‐
tions  referenced  in  the  leg‐
end  are  approximate,  and 
refer to the base of the cor‐
responding  unit;  Calipuy 
Group  volcanism  extends 
throughout most of the Ter‐
tiary  (Navarro  et  al.  2008). 
Also  shown  are  Wadati‐
Benioff  zones  (Gutscher  et 
al.  1999a,  b;  Guillier  et  al. 
2001)  outlining  the  flat  slab 
segment  below  northern 
Peru  and  southern  Ecuador. 
Map  compiled  from  same 
sources  as  Fig.  1,  plus 
Gómez  Tapias  et  al.  (2006), 
and Winkler et al. (2005). 


narrowwidthoftheMacuchiarcsegmenttothe plutons (McCourt et al. 1997; Prodeminca
west of the CPPF (mostly 50 km or less) com 2000a).Combined,theseintrusivecomplexesare
pared to a typical average arc width of 97 km of batholithic dimension and form the most
(Stern2002),oneexpectsPliocenerecentvolcan prominentclusterofplutonsexposedinwestern
icstoconcealthelandwardextentofMioceneor centralEcuador.AvailableKArages(hornblende
oldervolcanicsequencesspatiallyassociatedwith or biotite) for the TelimbelaChazo Juan pluton
the northern Ecuadorian arc segment which, for rangefrom2115MawhereasagesfortheBalsa
example,mightconstitutethesourceareaforthe pambaLasGuardiasplutonaremostlyolder(34
PaleoceneSilanteortheMioceneZumbaguavol 30 Ma) except for two hornblende KAr ages of
caniclasticunitsoftheWesternCordillera. 19.8±3.0 Ma and 25.7±0.9 Ma (Kennerley 1980;
MMAJ/JICA 1989, 1991; McCourt et al. 1997).
Furthermore, the hydrothermal system of a por
foothills. Relatively few, mostly smallsized Eo
has been dated at 19.7 ± 0.3 Ma (ReOs molyb
cene stocks and plutons are exposed, with the
denite; Chiaradia et al. 2004). Ages reported for
Santiago pluton close to the Ecuadorian
Colombian border representing the only major
in time with these ages (Kennerley 1980;
form two regional intrusive clusters and were
In northern Ecuador the Junin and Cuellaje por
The central Ecuadorian arc segment, structurally
phyry systems are emplaced in the Apuela
bracketed between the PiñasPortovelo Fault at
mainly subaerial volcanic formations spanning
the whole Tertiary (Tab. 1), with the Oligocene
quences (Boland et al. 1998; Prodeminca 2000a;
Chiaradia 2009). The ApuelaNanegal batholith
outcrop unit. Several Miocene basins filled with
covers an area of 750 km2 thus forming one of
volcaniclasticsedimentary sequences overlie the
the largest Tertiary intrusive complexes in Ecua
Saraguro Group volcanics and form prominent
dor. It dominantly comprises hornblende and
outcrop units in this arc segment (Steinmann
biotitebearing quartzdiorites and granodiorites
which are punctured by several porphyry stocks
anddikesofvariable,mainlydacitic,composition. TheoldestvolcanicformationisthePaleocene(?)
Available geochronological data (hornblende, Sacapalca Formation which mainly occurs in the
biotiteandwholerockKAr;VanThournout1991; northwards projection of the Catamayo graben
MMAJ/JICA 1992; Boland et al. 1998) indicate a (Hungerbühler et al. 2002), but also well to the
period of protracted magmatism from 19 to 6 westofit(Prattetal.1997).TheEoceneChinchín
Ma,althoughsomeKAragesmightreflect ther Formation forms the base of the local Quingeo
mal resetting caused by intense hydrothermal basin SW of Cuenca (Steinmann 1997; Hunger
alteration associated with porphyry stock em bühler et al. 2002). PostSaraguro volcanism is
placement. represented by the Sta. Isabel and Quimsacocha
formations which overlie older volcanics in the
southwestern prolongation of the Cuenca basin.
biotitebearing tonaliticgranodioritic plutonic
The Late MiocenePliocene Tarqui Formation
complexes of TelimbelaChazo Juan and Balsa
represents the youngest major volcanic forma
tion in southern Ecuador, with outcrop areas
concentrated along the eastern border of the
are situated at a close distance to the western
Saraguro arc segment, where it overlies Saca

palca, Chinchín, and Saraguro volcanics (Pratt et In a tectonized zone characterized by regional
al.1997;Hungerbühleretal.2002). CPPF splay faults, the GabyPapa Grande por
phyry system forms a minor intrusive complex.
Two major and one minor intrusive centers of
The porphyry system is hosted by basalts of the
this arc segment were investigated in this study.
Pallatanga oceanic plateau unit and consists of
several small (few km2 in total) intrusive units
the Chaucha batholith, exposed adjacent to the
comprising a tonalite pluton as well as plagio
CPPF, intrude or are tectonically juxtaposed
clasehornblende porphyry stocks and dikes.
against undifferentiated metasedimentary rocks,
Prodeminca (2000a) report a KAr age of 19.3 ±
mafic lavas of the Pallatanga Unit, sedimentary
1.0 Ma for the Gaby porphyry without providing
rocks of the Late CretaceousEocene Yunguilla
further details as to which mineral was used for
and Angamarca turbidite series, and Saraguro
Group volcanics (Dunkley & Gaibor 1997;
Prodeminca2000a).TheChauchabatholithhosts Apart from these deeply eroded intrusive cen
severalporphyryintrusionsanditsSEportionhas ters, a number of subvolcanic domes and plugs
beendatedat13.39.8Ma(KArvariousminerals; associated with epithermal ore deposits were
Kennerley 1980; INEMINAGCD 1989; additional investigated in this work. These comprise the
referencesinProdeminca2000a). high sulfidation type epithermal systems of
Quimsacocha and El Mozo, as well as the poly
metallic vein deposit of Tres Chorreras; spatially
hereafter referred to as CangrejosZaruma intru
sive belt. These plutons intrude the southern Quimsacocha forms a topographically prominent
flankandpartlythehingeofaWNWESEtrending calderaofc.5kmdiameter,surroundedbycoge
regional antiform. Amongst others, the plutonic netic andesitic lavas and breccias, and rhyolitic
complexes comprise, from west to east, Cangre ignimbrites(Beateetal.2001).Thecalderahosts
jos,Paccha,andElPoglio,andareassociatedwith several rhyodacitic domes whose emplacement
severalmineralizedporphyryintrusionsaswellas postdatestheepithermalmineralizationeventat
a large epithermal vein system at Zaruma and the caldera flank. Zircon fission track ages ob
Portovelo(Prattetal.1997;Spenceretal.2002). tained on ignimbrites (5.24.9 Ma) and subvol
The regional basement is mostly obscured by canic intracaldera domes (3.6 Ma) indicate a
overlying Saraguro Group volcanics which form LateMiocenephaseofvolcanicactivity(Beateet
the major host lithology for the Tertiary intru al. 2001). Polymetallic veins and mineralized
sions, but it is exposed as several metamorphic brecciabodiesassociatedwiththeTresChorreras
inliers along the intrusive belt. Towards the east diatreme complex, situated between the
the belt is disrupted by a network of Andean Chaucha,Gaby,andQuimsacochamagmaticcen
trending (NNE) regional faults, which juxtapose ters, are hosted by silicic volcanic units ascribed
unitsoftheSaraguroGroupagainsttheSacapalca to the Saraguro Group (Pratt et al. 1997).
Formation further east (Pratt et al. 1997). Prodeminca (2000a) mentions the occurrence of
Spenceretal.(2002)regardtheSacapalcahosted syn to postmineral intrusions, but we failed to
Fierro Urcu porphyry center as the eastern pro clearly identify these in the field due to intense
longationoftheCangrejosZarumaintrusivebelt. hydrothermal alteration. The El Mozo high sulfi
The beltisinferredto be mainly Mioceneinage dation type epithermal mineralization occurs at
butonlyasingleKArageof16.9±0.2Maforthe thewesternflankoftheEasternCordillera.TheEl
Paccha intrusion has been reported so far (Pratt Mozo complex includes strongly altered volcanic
etal.1997).ThePaleoceneEarlyEoceneSanLu units which are hosted by rhyolitic tuffs of the
caspluton(6652Ma;Aspdenetal.1992),occur uppermost Saraguro Group (La Paz Formation).
ringattheeasternterminationoftheCangrejos Exploration drill cores encountered altered
Zaruma intrusive belt at the border to the Saca granodiorite porphyry intrusions occurring at
palca arc segment (Fig. 2), significantly predates shallow depth below the epithermal high

sulfidation mineralization; an alunite KAr age of yieldedaLateCretaceousage.TheCuriplayapor
15.4±0.7 Ma is thought to date the high phyrysystemisthusassociatedwithmagmatism
sulfidation alteration and mineralization event of the Tangula batholith, rather than with Terti
(Prodeminca2000b). arySacapalcaLomaBlancamagmatism.

ThesouthernEcuadorianarcsegment Analyticaltechniquesandsample
Outcropunitsofthisarcsegmentsouthof3°45' material
Saremainly preservedin theNStrendingCata
mayograbenattheborderbetweentheEastern Weusedbothisotopedilutionthermalionization
Cordillera and the Amotape terrane in southern massspectrometry(IDTIMS;inthefollowingre
Ecuador (Figs. 1, 2). An inferred Late Maas ferred to as TIMS) and laser ablation multi
trichtianPaleoceneageofthevolcanicSacapalca collector inductively coupled plasma mass spec
Formationispoorlyresolvedandbasedonasin trometry (LAMCICPMS) for UPb isotopic
gle ZFT age of 67±6 Ma (Hungerbühler et al. measurements to obtain age information on our
2002), in conjunction with the Paleocene samples. Samples where, based on the regional
Miocene ages of several plutons intruding the geological setting (i.e., proximity to basement
Sacapalca Formation, including the major Paleo units with a high potential for recycled crustal
ceneEarlyEoceneSanLucasplutonattheborder components; e.g., Noble et al. 1997; Vallejo
totheSaraguroarcsegment(Aspdenetal.1992; 2007), we suspected significant external zircon
Jaillardetal.1996).Locally,volcanicsoftheLate inheritance were dated by LAMCICPMS
EoceneEarly Oligocene Loma Blanca Formation, whereas all other samples were dated by TIMS.
forming the base of the Saraguro Group, overlie Samples were crushed and milled to <350 m,
the Sacapalca Formation (Hungerbühler et al. and inclusionfree zircons suited for isotopic
2002). The major Early to MidMiocene analysis were handpicked from the nonmagnetic
Portachuela batholith is exposed in the Eastern heavymineral(>3.32g/cm3)fractionusingabin
Cordillera directly to the east of the Las Aradas ocular.Theobtainedzirconfractionswereeither
fault (Aspden et al. 1992). In combination with processed for annealing (TIMS) or mounted in
several minor, Sacapalcahosted intrusions, it epoxyandpolishedsuchthatgraininteriorswere
demonstrates Early to MidMiocene arc magma exposed for scanning electron microscopy and
tism in this region where the young volcanic cathodoluminescence (SEMCL) imaging and,
coverhasnotbeenpreserved. whereapplicable,LAMCICPMSanalysis.
We did not study any magmatic centers directly
associated with this arc segment in the present
work,butweinvestigatedtheCuriplayaporphyry SamplingdetailsaresummarizedinTable2.Out
system,whichislocatedc.60kmWoftheCata cropsamplingforzircondatingcomprisedc.5kg
mayograbenandc.25kmWofthewesternmost of rock material; proximal lithologic contact
Loma Blanca and Sacapalca Formation outcrops. zones or rock heterogeneities (xenoliths, en
The Curiplaya porphyry intrusions are hosted by claves) were avoided as far as possible. In addi
CretaceousvolcanicrocksoftheCelicaFormation tion, a number of drill core samples were col
in the CelicaLancones basin and crop out proxi lectedforthisstudy;duetoitslimitedavailability
mal to the major Tangula batholith of MidLate drillcoresamplequantitiesaresmaller(c.12kg).
Cretaceousage(Hall&Calle1982;Palaciosetal. Where not directly avoidable during sampling,
2008). The quartzdiorite porphyry intrusions rockheterogeneitieswereremovedlaterusinga
wereinferredtobeTertiaryinageandarepartly diamondbladediscsaw.ForsampleswhereTIMS
overlain by dacitic tuffs tentatively assigned to single grain analyses were performed we indi
theLomaBlancaFormation.Theyarestructurally viduallyimagedca.2030zircons/samplebySEM
disruptedbyacomplexnetworkofNNESSWand CL. For zircons where UPb measurements were
ESEWSW trending faults (Howe International carriedoutbymeansofLAMCICPMSonlybulk
2006). However, anticipating our results, a sample (2550 zircons) SEMCL images were ob
Curiplaya porphyry intrusion dated in this study tainedwhichdonotprovidesufficientresolution

todiscusszircontexturesindetail.ZirconSEMCL tematicallyovertherangeoftotalblankcommon
characteristics are summarized in Table 2 and a Pbamounts(0.57.4pg).Followingtheinitialan
selectionofSEMCLimagesispresentedinFigure nealing/leaching step sample common Pb con
3. tents were identical within error to total blank
common Pb amounts and were thus solely at
TIMSanalysis tributedtolaboratorycontaminationexceptfora
Zirconsinglegrain(and,inonecase,atwograin minornumberofsampleswherepart(<1.2pg)of
fraction) dissolution and UPb separation at the the common Pb was corrected with the isotopic
DepartmentofMineralogy,UniversityofGeneva, compositionofStacey&Kramers(1975)usingan
followedthetechniquesdescribedbyOvtcharova appropriate sample age estimate based on geo
et al. (2006). An initial annealing/leaching logicalfieldrelationshipsandpublishedgeochro
"chemical abrasion" zircon treatment step (Ov nologic data. Whole rock Th and U contents
tcharova et al. 2006, based on Mattinson 2005) measured by multielement ICPMS analysis
served to minimize effects of post (Chapter 5) were used as a proxy to estimate
crystallizationalradiogenicPblosswhichareoth meltTh/UratiosforThdisequilibriumcorrection.
erwise expected to be significant given the high EstimatedTh/Uratiosaretypicallyintherangeof
degree of zirconfluid interaction displayed by 23,andarbitrarymodificationofthisratiotoup
somezircons(Fig.3).Sampleswerespikedusing to four (a commonly assumed Th/U ratio if geo
amixed 205Pb233U235Uspikesolution,andzircon chemical information is lacking; e.g., Ovtcharova
dissolutionin63lconcentratedHFwithatrace et al. 2006) does not change the obtained UPb
of 7N HNO3 took place at 180°C for seven days, agesbeyondanalyticaluncertainties.
followed by evaporation and overnight re The uncertainties of spike and blank Pb isotopic
dissolutionin36l3NHCl. composition, mass fractionation correction, and
Isotopic analyses at the University of Geneva tracer calibration were propagated to the final
were performed using a Thermo Fisher TRITON uncertainties of isotopic ratios and ages of each
mass spectrometer equipped with a MasCom2 individual analysis. In addition, uncertainties in
electronmultiplierandadigitalioncountingsys thedecayconstantsof 238Uand 235U(238U:0.16%,
tem. Loading of U and Pb on previously out U:0.21%;Jaffeyetal.1971valueswithanad
gassedsingleRefilamentstookplaceusing1lof ditionaluncertaintyfactorof1.5assuggestedby
a silica gelH3PO4 mixture (Gerstenberger & Mattinson (1987) to ensure direct compatibility
Haase 1997). Lead isotopes were measured by withLAMCICPMSdata)werepropagatedsepa
peakhopping on the MasCom2 electron multi ratelyandaddedquadraticallytoweightedmean
plier, and U isotopes as oxides were measured or single zircon uncertainties discussed in the
either by peakhopping on the MasCom2 elec text. 207Pb/235U age information is only used to
tron multiplier or, at signal intensities of >3 mV, evaluate the concordancy of individual zircon
simultaneously (static mode) on Faraday cups analyses. Concordia plots and weighted average
linked to amplifiers equipped with 1012 Ohm re agecalculationswerepreparedusing theIsoplot
sistors. Mass fractionation of Pb v.3.31 Excel macro of Ludwig (2003). All uncer
(0.08±0.05%/amu) was controlled by SRM981 tainties and error ellipses are reported as 2,
standardmeasurements.MassfractionationofU and weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages are pre
wascorrectedonlinebyusingadouble 233U235U sentedat95%confidencelevel.
The total procedural common lead blank was
Epoxy grain mounts of sample zircons and SL1
2.07 ± 1.97 pg (average of 20 total blank meas
standard zircon fragments for controlling inter
urements in the 20072008 period) and has the
fractionationcorrected): 206/204Pb: 18.36±0.34;
207/204 sity of Geneva, and isotopic measurements took
Pb: 15.59±0.20; 208/204Pb: 38.00±0.69; the
place at the Arizona LaserChron Center, Univer
sity of Arizona. Zircons measured by

(OZP) with resorbed lowCL internal zone and concordant lowCL rim; several melt inclusions disturb OZP pattern
tures(E05090).D–MultipleresorbedOZPdomainsandovergrowthzones(E06206).E– Zirconwithpartlyresorbed

LAMCICPMS were not annealed/leached prior LAMCICPMSdatareduction
display Pb loss features than annealed/leached
zircons measured by TIMS. However, in most
cases the magnitude of this effect is probably
histograms or cumulative probability plots are
smaller than the analytical LAMCICPMS preci
used to statistically evaluate the number of zir
sion, such that zircon ages obtained by LAMC
con populations present. To explain polymodal
ICPMS are not supposed to be systematically
age distributions investigators often invoke ra
biased outside of their analytical uncertainty
to reject young zircon ages (e.g., Maksaev et al.
Analytical procedures and measurement condi 2004), and zircon inheritance or ‘subtle inheri
tions for LAMCICPMS analysis on a GV Instru tance’torejectoldzirconages(e.g.,Campbellet
ments Isoprobe with an attached New al.2006).Zirconagesatthelowerandupperage
Wave/Lambda Physik DUV193 Excimer laser are range are then progressively rejected until the
outlined in Gehrels et al. (2008). Laser ablation MSWD is decreased to a statistically acceptable
spotdiameterswere25or35m.Measurements value, typically on the order of the analyzed
were carried out in static mode using Faraday standard zircons (e.g., Bryan et al. 2008). How
detectors for 238U, 232Th, 208Pb, 207Pb and 206Pb, ever, unless a large number of zircons are ana
and an ioncounting channel for 204Pb. Back lyzed, the usage of histograms or cumulative
ground onpeak measurement for 20s with the probabilityplots,whereinflectionpointsareused
laseroffwasfollowedby20onesecondintegra to identify different zircon populations expected
tions with the laser on; delay time between two to follow a Gaussian distribution, can fail to
sampleswas30s.Theanalyseswerecorrectedfor clearlyresolvemultipleormixedagepopulations.
commonPbusingthemeasured 204Pbandanas
If the magnitude of assigned analytical random
Random measurement errors at 2 level were tribution is always unity. Deviation from unity
propagated into individual analyses. As the used either indicates underestimation of analytical
standard material is of significantly older age random errors or reflects real geological scatter
thantheunknownzircons,relativerandomerrors which might be caused by analytically irresolv
of unknowns are typically 23 times higher than able external inheritance, antecrystic compo
random errors of the standard zircon. Measured nentsorPblossfeatures.AsoutlinedbyWendt&
low 207Pb intensities (<0.4 mV) resulted in very Carl(1991)astandarddeviationcanbeassigned
large errors in the 207Pb/235U and 206Pb/207Pb ra to the MSWD, the size of which depends on the
tios producing poorly reliable ages calculated system's degrees of freedom, f, equaling the
from these isotopic ratios; we therefore exclu numberofunknownsminustwo.At2level,the
sively use 206Pb/238U age information. Additional maximum statistically acceptable value of the
systematic errors, discussed in detail by Gehrels MSWDis1+2(2/f)1/2(Wendt&Carl1991).
cay constants (cf. TIMS analytics), SL1 standard
analyses (weighted mean age of 566.3±2.7 Ma
separately yielding an average 2 error of
1.42±0.54%on 206Pb/238Uages;thisaverageerror
our dataset without major external inheritance
was added quadratically to final weighted mean
features are commonly higher than the statisti
age calculation (see below). Following the rea
soning of Wendt & Carl (1991) sample MSWD

valuesexceedingits2rangethusshouldreflect ‘xenocryst’ which are defined as follows: ‘auto
real geological scatter due to external zircon in crysts’ refer to zircons grown from the youngest
heritance,antecrysticcomponents,orradiogenic meltbatchparticipatinginmagmachambercon
Pb loss; elevated MSWD values may also reflect structionpriortoeruptionorfinalplutonsolidifi
incorporation of mixed signals ('subtle inheri cation(Milleretal.2007).Incontrast,‘antecrysts’
tance'), i.e., ablating and mixing different age crystallized from earlier melt batches contribut
domains of a given zircon, as the dated zircons ing to incremental pluton growth (Miller et al.
are commonly small (<100 m in the longest di 2007). The maximum age difference between
mension)comparedtoappliedlaserspotdiame antecrystsandautocrystsrelatestotheduration
ters(2535m).Mostofoursamplesshowbroad of magmatism at a single volcanic center or plu
unimodal age peaks in histogram plots and do ton(uptoafewm.y.;Milleretal.2007),orona
not allow a clear distinction of multiple popula regionalscale(upto>10m.y.;Bryanetal.2008).
tionsoncumulativeprobabilityplots.Thus,zircon ‘Xenocrysts’ are incorporated into the magma
age scatter from the sources outlined above in fromgeneticallyunrelatedwallrockunits(Miller
fluences our dataset, but cannot be clearly re etal.2007;Bryanetal.2008).
solved at our analytical precision; consequently,
It is important to note that porphyry intrusions
quenched melt batches (e.g., Seedorff et al.
For these reasons, we prefer to include a rather 2005).Whiletheythusmightcontainantecrystic
largenumberofzirconanalysesinthecalculation orxenocrysticzirconsderivedfromtheirparental
of weighted mean ages, unless analyses are melts,theyarenotaffectedbylatermeltreplen
clearlyrejectablebasedonhistogramdistribution ishment, protracted residual melt crystallization,
criteria or significant age offsets. This practice and incremental pluton growth as large phan
avoidsbiasingweightedmeanagesbybiasedzir eritic intrusions potentially are (e.g., Schaltegger
con age selection aimed at decreasing the etal.2009).
MSWD. Weighted mean ages built from a broad
zircon population are negligibly susceptible to TIMSanalysis
age bias by radiogenic Pb loss, as these ages of A combined TIMS and LAMCICPMS results
ten show increased individual errors and thus summary is presented in Table 3 whereas de
contribute less to the weighted mean age. As it tailed TIMS results are shown in Table A1 (Ap
will be shown below, excluding zircons at the pendix). Concordia plots of individual samples,
lower and upper age range of a given sample of togetherwithweightedmean 206Pb/238Uagedia
ourdataset(wheretheMSWDofthewholesam grams are shown in Figure 4. For the following
ple zircon population exceeds the statistically results presentation reported single grain and
acceptable value) generally allows driving down weighted mean ages are always 206Pb/238U ages
the MSWD to a statistically acceptable value where errors include decay constant uncertain
withoutaffectingtheweightedmeanagebeyond ties such that these ages can be compared to
analytical errors. Weighted mean ages obtained ages obtained from other isotopic systems. Due
in this manner thus correspond to a mixture of toextremelylowradiogenicPbcontents,sample
auto and antecrystic age components reflecting zircons analyzed by TIMS generally show low ra
the terminal stages of incremental pluton diogenic/commonPbratios(<1formostzircons)
growth. producing comparatively high age uncertainties
on single zircon analyses. As the MSWD of most
Results ofour 206Pb/238Uagesissignificantlybelowunity,
Terminology sibly be overestimated. However, MSWD values
In the following sections we repeatedly use the presented below always overlap with the ex
terms zircon ‘autocryst’, ‘antecryst’ and pected MSWD uncertainty range (Wendt & Carl
1991) and are thus statistically acceptable.

Zircons of the Gaby and Papa Grande horn age of 21.34±0.11 Ma with a statistically accept
blendeplagioclase porphyry intrusions (samples able MSWD (MSWD = 0.70), indicating that they
E05083andE05090)yieldweightedmeanagesof couldbetreatedasasinglepopulation.Thus,al
20.26±0.07 Ma (n=5) and 19.89±0.07 Ma (n=6) thoughthereisnostatisticaljustificationfordis
withMSWDvaluesof0.10and0.11,respectively. carding these two zircon analyses as antecrysts
Fourzirconsobtainedfromadaciticintracaldera from the weighted mean age, we do exclude
domeatQuimsacocha(E06017)yieldaweighted them based on crosscutting field relationships
mean age of 7.13±0.07 Ma (MWSD = 0.23). All and the high precision age obtained on the host
zircon analyses are concordant and overlap lithology. Consequently, we prefer the first op
within error; we interpret the weighted mean tion and use the age of 21.22±0.17 Ma as em
ages to approximate the final emplacement of placementageestimateoftheporphyrydike,but
therespectiveintrusions. note that both ages are identical within error.
Three zircons of the plagioclasehornblende por
Abundancia Mine at Portovelo (E06112) overlap
within error and define a weighted mean age of Six zircon analyses of the Apuela batholith at
24.04±0.06 Ma (MSWD = 0.52). Zircon PO2 dis Cuellaje (granodiorite; E06206) overlap within
plays negative discordance; the analysis is offset error and yield a weighted mean age of
to the left of the Concordia curve (Fig. 4). Re 12.87±0.05 Ma (MSWD = 0.26), interpreted to
cordedisotopicratioswerestablethroughoutthe approximate the final emplacement pulse of the
whole measurement of this sample and do not granodiorite pluton. Three of these zircon analy
indicateanykindofmassspectrometricanalytical sesdiscordantlyplottotherightoftheConcordia
problem.Astheanalysisisstillconcordantwithin curve(Fig.4)possiblyreflectinganimperfectiso
errorandthe 206Pb/238Uagedoesnotseemtobe topic composition used for common Pb blank
significantly affected by this disturbance we in correction for this sample. To some extent, this
cludethisanalysisintheweightedmeanage. offset might also represent an effect of Pa dis
tion(Parrish&Noble2003).The 206Pb/238Uageis
rite; E06140) overlap within error and yield a
not significantly affected, however, and the
weighted mean age of 21.46±0.09 Ma (MSWD =
weighted mean age when excluding these three
0.23) which we interpret to approximate final
con gives an age of 21.13±0.28 Ma possibly re
flecting postcrystallization radiogenic Pb loss IndividualzirconagesobtainedfromtheChaucha
caused by hydrothermal alteration and is there batholith (granodiorite; E07003) do not overlap
foreexcluded;allanalysesareconcordant.Seven withinerrorandshowacontinuousagedistribu
zircons of a hornblende quartzdiorite porphyry tion along the Concordia curve ranging from
dike(E06131)intrudingtheplutonwereanalyzed 15.33±0.06 Ma to 14.84±0.07 Ma (Fig. 4). This
yielding a somewhat scattered age distribution age distribution might be produced by mixing
(Fig.4):zirconsBA5andBA6showagesof21.39 variable proportions of antecrystic zircon core
21.41Mawhichisidenticaltotheageofthehost domainsandautocrystic overgrowthrims.Inad
rock (E06140); we thus consider them as ante dition (or alternatively), antecrystic components
crysts derived from the latter which is in agree ofvariableagemightbepresent.Zirconcrystalli
ment with resorbed core domains observed in zation over a time range of c. 0.5 m.y. is consis
some zircon CL images of this sample (Fig. 3). tent with protracted incremental pluton growth
Four slightly younger zircons from this sample as observed elsewhere (e.g., Schaltegger et al.
(BA14)wouldthendefineaweightedmeanage 2009).Amaximumageforthefinalpulseofplu
of 21.22±0.17 Ma (MSWD = 0.09). The two ton emplacement may be estimated form the
slightly older zircons could also be included in a twoyoungest(i.e.,closesttoautocrystic)zircons
6grain weighted mean age for sample E06131 which overlap within error and yield a weighted
(dashed line in Fig. 4) yielding a weighted mean mean age of 14.84±0.07 Ma. Five concordant

Figure4:UPbConcordiadiagramsandweightedmean 206Pb/238UageplotsofsamplesdatedbyTIMS.Errorbars


zirconsofagranodioriticporphyrydike(E07005) weighted mean age is 26.0±0.6 Ma (MSWD =
intruding the batholith overlap within error and 2.9).Furtherexclusionofthenextthreeyoungest
define a weighted mean age of 9.79±0.03 Ma grainsproducesawithinerroridenticalweighted
(MSWD = 1.09) which we interpret to approxi mean age of 26.2±0.5 Ma with a statistically ac
mate the age of porphyry dike emplacement. A ceptable MSWD of 1.7. As Pb loss or the ante
singlezircon(CH2)plotsslightlyoffthemainage crystic cutoff age cannot be clearly analytically
cluster (Fig. 4); excluding this zircon from the resolvedinthesegrainsweuse26.0±0.6Maasa
weighted mean does not have any effect on the robust estimate for the final pulse of intrusion
age but leads to a decrease of the MSWD from emplacement.
Sample E07011, a strongly altered Saraguro
Ma, not overlapping within error with the main
Group felsite, contains a xenocrystic zircon core
FourzirconsoftheElMozogranodioriteporphyry age of 37.1Ma vs. a 30.3 Ma tip age. The histo
dike (E07018) overlap within error and define a gramagedistributionisclearlypolymodal(Fig.5).
weighted mean age of 16.04±0.04 Ma (MSWD = Excludingthe446Macoreasxenocrystplusthe
0.53)whichweinterprettoapproximatetheage next six oldest analyses as xeno/antecrystic zir
of emplacement of the porphyry dike. Two zir consweobtainaweightedmeanageof30.7±0.5
consdatedat16.16±.0.09Maand16.36±0.06Ma Ma (MSWD = 4.8) for 22 zircon analyses which
do not overlap within error with the main age weinterpretasdatingthetimingoffinalmagma
cluster(Fig.4)andareinterpretedasantecrysts. chamberassemblypriortoeruptionofthefelsite;
there might be a small age difference to the de
Four concordant zircon analyses of the Junin
positional age of the tuff. Treating the seven
granodiorite porphyry stock (E07032) overlap
youngest ages as Pb loss results in a weighted
within error and yield a weighted mean age of
mean age of 30.9±0.3 Ma for the remaining 15
zircons, with a statistically acceptable MSWD of
to approximate the age of porphyry stock em
placement. A single zircon (JU1) shows an older
ageof9.48±0.20Ma(Fig.4)andisconsideredas The histogram plot of sample E07023, a horn
anantecryst. blendebiotite granodiorite intrusion north of
Zaruma, shows a bimodal age distribution with
LAMCICPMSanalysis peaks around 21 Ma and 29.5 Ma (Fig. 5). The
Results are presented as weighted mean latter comprises the five oldest analyses and
Pb/238U age plots and corresponding histo seemstorepresentanendmemberxenooran
gramsinFigure5andinTable3;detailedanalyti tecrystic component yielding a weighted mean
cal results are listed in Table A2 (Appendix). In ageof29.5±1.0Ma.The15youngestzirconages
the following results presentation we only refer defineaweightedmeanageof20.7±0.8Mawith
to random measurement errors; additional sys astatisticallyacceptableMSWDof1.07whichwe
tematicerrorsareconsideredforweightedmean useasaproxyforthelastpulseofintrusionem
agespresentedinTable3. placement. Five analyses are transitional be
Zircons obtained from a biotitebearing quartz able proportions of the older and younger age
diorite intrusion at Cangrejos (sample E06066) groups, and/or antecrystic zircon components of
display a broadly unimodal histogram age distri variableage.
major age peak, skewed towards younger ages Sample E07030, a Curiplaya hornblende quartz
(Fig.5).Weinterpretthispatternasanantecrys dioriteporphyrystock,showstwozirconanalyses
ticagecomponentinthetwooldestgrains,anda clearlyoffsetfromthebulkofthezirconanalyses
group of zircons which suffered radiogenic Pb (Fig. 5). We interpret these two ages as strongly
loss at the younger age range. When excluding influenced by radiogenic Pb loss and exclude
the two oldest and three youngest analyses the them from further discussion. Otherwise, the

histogram age distribution is unimodal, albeit casetheyarereferredtoas"inherited"(weaddi
slightlyskewedtowardsyoungeragessuggesting tionally use the qualifier "external" to stress the
subtle radiogenic Pb loss for some younger xenocrysticcharacterofthesezircons,andtoset
grains.Thebulkofsamplezircons(n=26)givesa them apart from recycled antecrysts related to
weighted mean age of 92.0±1.0 Ma (MSWD = the same magmatic system), as well as during
3.3). Progressively narrowing down the range of magma ascent and laterstage midshallow
analyses by excluding the three oldest and eight crustal differentiation. The presence of inherited
youngest ages produces a within error identical xenocrystic zircon cores with thick magmatic
weightedmeanageof92.4±0.7Mawithastatis overgrowth rims is usually indicative of constant
ticallyacceptableMSWDof1.3.Weprefertouse zirconmelt immersion and zircon saturation of
thefirstvalueof92.0±1.0Mawhichweuseasa melts from the magma source region onwards.
proxyforemplacementoftheporphyryintrusion. Duetorapiddissolutionkinetics,preservationof
The zircon age histogram of sample E07045, a
TelimbelaChazo Juan pluton, shows a broadly
unimodal age distribution which is slightly
Miller et al. 2003). In a study of a wide range of
skewed towards younger ages, possibly as a re
sult of radiogenic Pb loss (Fig. 5). Where meas
distribution pattern with either external zircon
within error. Excluding the four oldest grains of
inheritancepoor or rich granitoids; the former
this sample, the 24 remaining zircons yield a
are mainly of calcalkaline type, mostly meta
weighted mean age of 25.5±0.6 Ma with an
MSWD of 2.2, where the maximum statistically
approximatefinalintrusionemplacement.Reject Our TIMS and LAMCICPMS age data suggest
ingthefiveyoungestand threeoldest zirconsof thattheoccurrenceofexternallyinheritedzircon
thisgroupyieldsawithinerroridenticalweighted coresinallintrusionsinvestigatedinthisstudyis
mean age of 25.5±0.5 Ma with a statistically ac extremely limited. This is in marked contrast to
ceptable MSWD of 1.2 for the remaining 16 zir some Paleozoic intrusions in Ecuador where ex
cons. ternal zircon inheritance is an abundant feature
(Noble et al. 1997). Zircon textural analysis by
Discussion SEMCL imaging prior to TIMS analysis demon
tinct zircon core domains in some Tertiary intru
Causes for limited external zircon in
sions(Fig.3; Tab.2). Thesedomains donotrep
heritanceinTertiaryintrusions resentxenocrystic,externallyinheritedcores,but
Zircon xenocrysts can become incorporated into instead seem to reflect antecrystic zircon, or
arc magma either in its source region, in which

in the text. Preferred weighted mean ages are marked by thin black horizontal lines. Empty boxes = rejected zircon
by analytically not clearly resolvable antecrystic components or Pb loss; black boxes = zircon analyses accepted for
andblack,arepreferredasproxiesforthefinalphase ofintrusionemplacement(ormagmachamberassemblypriorto
error ellipses, and weighted mean uncertainties correspond to analytical random errors at 2 level; see Table 3 for
distinct autocrystic zircon growth sequences cons such that (if zircons were present; see
whichdonotshowsignificantlydifferentisotopic above) assimilation of zircon antecrysts (sensu
age domains, and do not change UPb age con Bryan et al. 2008) originating from arc intrusive
cordancy between the 238U/206Pb and 235U/207Pb roots was favored. This scenario is in agreement
isotopic systems. Zircon core and tip ages ob with the relatively common occurrence of ante
tained by LAMCICPMS are mostly indistin crysticzircondomainsinseveralsamplesinvesti
guishable within error. Zircon selection for TIMS gatedinthisstudy,andisfurthercompatiblewith
analysis in this study was restricted to picking the reasoning of Dungan & Davidson (2004)
freshlooking, inclusionfree zircons to minimize where crustal contamination of arc magmas in a
alterationinduced Pb loss and high common Pb broadly stationary magmatic arc complex tends
contents.Singlegrainhandpickingformassspec to be restricted to arc intrusive root zones of
trometric analysis did not discriminate zircons similarisotopiccomposition.
based on their morphologies, such that a rela
(3) Hot, mantlederived melts are often zircon
Ecuador, this could apply to deepmid crustal
of externally inherited zircon components sug
domains where hot, mantlederived melts tem
gested by TIMS age data does not seem to be a
porally stall and evolve, i.e., the MASH zone of
function of morphologyselective zircon hand
Hildreth & Moorbath (1988), or the hot zone of
picking, and is mirrored by our LAMCICPMS
Annen et al. (2006). Granitoid parental melts
results. The extremely limited occurrence of ex
would only become zirconsaturated with de
ternal zircon inheritance in Tertiary intrusions
creasing temperature shortly prior to or during
Tres Chorreras assigned to the Saraguro Group
Interandean region of Ecuador are dominantly
(E07011; 30.7±1.6 Ma), a few Early Oligocene
primitive and thus zirconpoor (e.g., Spikings et
xeno or antecrystic zircons are present, and a
al. 2005; Chiaradia et al. 2009; Vallejo et al.
2009). For the most part, detrital zirconbearing
a thick Early Oligocene overgrowth rim was de
sedimentary formations partly sourced from
landward metamorphic regions constitute the
only potentially effective assimilant source for
zircon xenocrysts in the Western Cordillera, as
age was identified, it likely does not represent
external source inheritance but rather contami
guangal formations, as well as for the sedimen
ied detrital zircons of the Yunguilla Formation
A Late Cretaceous Curiplaya porphyry intrusion,
and identified five populations spanning a total
Tangula batholith (Fig. 1), does not contain any
His subpopulation B1 (384639 Ma) overlaps in
inherited zircon component indicating a domi
age with the inherited Ordovician core at Tres
Chorreras. Given that the Cretaceous Yunguilla
the mature continental basement in the El Oro
basin corresponding to the presentday Western
(2) Ascending melts repeatedly exploited the CordilleraandInterandeanregion(Vallejo2007),
samestructuresthroughtime(Tab.4,andfurther this formation could likely constitute an assimi
discussionintheAppendix).Crystallizationofarc lant for the Tres Chorreras (Saraguro) parental
intrusive root zones along these structures melt.
shielded ascending and accumulating melt
batches from contamination by xenocrystic zir

Geodynamic controls on Tertiary arc that he expects his rotational parameters to be
slightly more precise, mainly due to improved
magmatism accuracy and resolution of the geologic time
Inordertoevaluatefeedbackreactionsbetween scale.
arc magmatism and the geodynamic regime at
theTertiaryEcuadorianmargin,wecompiledKAr Assuming 25% relative uncertainties for conver
andZFTdatafromalargenumberofsourcesfor gence rates plotted in Figure 6 results in within
TertiaryvolcanicandplutonicrocksinEcuador,in error overlapping rates throughout most of the
addition to UPb data presented in this study Miocene, but allows identification of a peak of
(Tab. A3 in the Appendix). As discussed in the nearly orthogonal plate convergence at >120
Appendix,KArdatacanlargelyserveasanaccu mm/yintheLateOligoceneEarlyMiocene.Com
rate proxy for arc magmatism on a regional, pared to Late EoceneEarly Oligocene conver
multim.y.scale,althoughatindividualmagmatic gence rates, the significant acceleration and
centersdisturbedKAragesmayoccasionallyoc obliquity change starting at 28.325.8 Ma and
cur(e.g.,atApuela/Junin).WhereKArandUPb culminating in the 25.820.2 Ma period is in
data for the same lithology are available, maxi agreement with the postulated change in Faral
mum age differences between the two methods lonplatemotionpriortoitsfissionat24Maand
are on the order of 14 m.y. Potentially inaccu initiationofCocosNazcaseafloorspreadingat23
rate and disturbed ages were omitted from the Ma(Lonsdale2005;Barckhausenetal.2008).The
data base (Tab. A3) such that the data used for changeinbothconvergencerateandobliquityin
the following discussion are thought to be accu the 20.216.0 Ma period cannot be clearly re
rate for the timing of magmatism on a regional solvedat25%relativeuncertainty.Itmightrelate
scale. to a shortterm variation caused by the estab
Tertiaryconvergenceratesandobliquitiesatthe motion commencing at c. 20 Ma when the east
Ecuadorianmargin wardpropagating plate rupture eventually inter
sectedthe MesoSouthAmericantrenchsystem;
We computed Mid to Late Tertiary (400 Ma)
convergence velocities and obliquities at
ian trench (Fig. 6), using the most recent set of
available Farallon/NazcaSouth America rota
tional parameters (Somoza 1998) and the
UNAVCO online plate motion calculator
el). Alongarc variations in convergence velocity
given rotation pole are negligible for the small
latitudinal difference between southern and
northernmostEcuador(5°Sto1°N).Convergence Figure6: Convergenceparametersfrom400Maatthe
parametersinFigure6areplottedwithoutuncer Ecuadorian margin. Calculated at 2°S/82°W (present
tainty ranges because Somoza (1998) does not daycentralEcuadoriantrenchposition)usingtheFaral
quantify the uncertainties associated with his lon/NazcaSouth America rotational poles of Somoza
rotationpoles.PardoCasas&Molnar(1987)pre (1998). Note discussion of associated uncertainties in
sentrelativeconvergencerateuncertaintiesofc. thetext.Alsoshownaremajortectoniceventsaffect
25% for Miocene Farallon/NazcaSouth America ingtheFarallon/Nazcaplateduringtheplatereorgani
zation in the OligoceneMiocene (Lonsdale 2005;
convergence rates around 100 mm/y at 10°S.
Barckhausen et al. 2008) which comprise: 1  Farallon
SinceSomoza’s(1998)studyisbasedonthesame platefissioninitiatesatFarallonPacificspreadingcen
platereconstructionsystematicsastheapproach terandpropagatestowardsSouthAmerica;2–Cocos
ofPardoCasas&Molnar(1987)itseemsjustified Nazca seafloor spreading initiates; 3 – plate rupture
toapplyidenticalrelativeuncertaintiesasafirst intersects South American trench; independent Nazca
order estimate, although Somoza (1998) notes andCocosplatemotionstarts.


 7: Pluton and volcanic radiometric age versus latitude plot of southern Ecuador (SE of the CPPF) illustrating
youngnorthwards(redarrow) fromthePeruvianborderregion(Portachuelabatholith)towardsthesouthernendof
10 Ma inception of the Inca plateau at the northern Peruvian/southern Ecuadorian margin (Gutscher et al. 1999a;

thisprocesswasaccompaniedbyareorientation 2.3±0.8 Ma for pyroclastic rocks of the Salapa
of the young CocosNazca spreading center Formation near Loja in southern Ecuador (Hun
(Barckhausenetal.2008). gerbühler et al. 2002) could be in conflict with
AlongarcdistributionofTertiaryarcmagmatism The mixed average ZFT age of this sample is
The Tertiary latitudinal migration pattern of arc 16.4±7.4Ma(n=23)witha2probabilityof0%,
magmatism through time for southern Ecuador leadingtheseauthorstoinferadepositionalage
(SE of the CPPF) is shown in Figure 7. Minimum of 2.3±0.8 Ma based on the youngest zircon.
agesofexposedvolcanicandplutonicrockspro Given these statistical ambiguities and the in
gressively young northwards. The youngest tensealterationfeaturesdisplayedbytheSalapa
phasesofactivearcmagmatisminsouthernmost volcanics(Hungerbühleretal.2002)theinferred
Ecuador are recorded by the Portachuela batho Salapaagemightbyinaccurateandwetherefore
lith (c. 4°30'5°S) and the Tarqui Formation (c. excludeitfromourdatabase.
qui units occur only further north (e.g., Hunger Acrossarc distribution of Tertiary arc magma
bühler et al. 2002). The cessation of active arc tism
magmatisminnorthernPeruandsouthernEcua Bulk acrossarc migration patterns may be used
dor is temporally and spatially associated with totrackchangesinslabdip,althoughstructurally
the establishment of a flat slab subduction set controlled magma ascent and emplacement, as
ting due to subduction of the buoyant Inca pla well as crustal thickening additionally influence
teaustartingat1410Ma(Gutscheretal.1999a; arcmagmaticoutcroppatterns(e.g.,Trumbullet
Rosenbaumetal.2005).Thenorthwarddecrease al.2006).Figure8illustratesTertiarylongitudinal
inminimumagesofarcmagmatismtowardsthe migration patterns of arc magmatism through
southernmostactivearcvolcanoinEcuador,San time, combinedwithradiometricage histograms
gay, thus probably reflects the progressive (UPb, KAr, and ZFT data from screened data
northwardbroadeningoftheflatslabregion(see base; see discussion below) for two major Ecua
Fig.2forpresentdayextent).AsingleZFTageof dorian arc segments. Data for southern and

northernmost Ecuador (45°S and 1°N1°S, re relatetoslabsteepening(increasinghotastheno
spectively) are not shown in Figure 8 as for the sphere convection into the mantle wedge, and,
former the scarcity of available data does not ultimately, increased crustal melting; see discus
allow a reliable analysis of acrossarc migration sionbelow),similarlytowhatisinferredinparts
patterns, and for the latter the presentday of the central and southern Andes at that time
trench obliquity is high and partly irregular, the (e.g.,Mamanietal.2010).However,thereararc
paleotrench configuration cannot be predicted position in all Ecuadorian arc segments remains
with confidence, and, consequently, the age relatively stable (Fig. 8) until the Late Miocene
longitude distribution of this arc segment is not insteadofsystematicallymigratingwestwardsas
directlycomparabletotheothers. mightbeexpectedfromslabsteepening.
TheradiometricagebaseinnortherncentralEc Eastward arc migration and broadening during
uador(100kmarcstrikelength)isdominatedby the Late MiocenePliocene in all Ecuadorian arc
plutonic rock samples. Regional Andean (NNE) segmentsisconsistentwithminormoderateslab
trendingstructures(mainlytheCTSZ)exertama flattening, although eastward arc migration (but
jor control on pluton emplacement in Ecuador notbroadening)couldinadditionpartlyrelateto
(Fig. 2 and Tab. 4; further discussion in the Ap subductionerosionwhichaffectsthepresentday
pendix)suchthattherelativestabilityoftheOli Ecuadorian margin (e.g., Sage et al. 2006). The
goceneMiocene acrossarc position (Fig. 8) may timingofthelandwardarcfrontmigrationinthe
partlyrelatetostructurallycontrolledplutonem LateMiocenecanbetracedbytheyoungestplu
placement,andtheoverallarcmagmaticoutcrop tons exposed in deeply eroded parts of the
pattern may be biased trenchwards as major Western Cordillera: c. 6 Ma marks the youngest
structures dip 35°E at deep to midcrustal levels magmatism in northern Ecuador (Junin porphyry
(Guillier et al. 2001). Figure 8 shows that signifi intrusions),whereastheyoungestmajorplutonic
cant eastward frontal arc migration occurred in activity in central Ecuador occurred at c. 1415
the Mid to Late Miocene; major rear arc east Ma (TelimbelaChazo Juan and Corazon intru
ward broadening is recorded for the Late Mio sions), either indicating Late MiocenePliocene
cenePliocene. eastward arc migration might have proceeded
The radiometric age database for southern
central Ecuador (200 km arc strike length) com
plutonic samples in subequal proportions. Data
for this arc segment are thus potentially more
oftheCarnegieRidgeseamount chain atthe Ec
sensitive to record arc migration patterns than
data for northerncentral Ecuador. The age
Gutscher et al. 1999b; Chapter 2); the latter
Late Oligocene while the rear arc position re
pulses of preLate Miocene subduction erosion
reversed by progressive (?) eastward frontal arc
migration in the MidMiocene and culminates in
a Late MiocenePliocene period of eastward arc
migration comprising both the frontal and rear Radiometric age histograms (Fig. 8) have been
arcregions,andmirroringtheLateMioceneage used as proxies for plutonic and volcanic rock
longitude distribution trend in northerncentral volumes(e.g.,Glazner1991).Theycanonlyserve
Ecuador. as firstorder proxies for arc magma production
because they reflect arc exposure and erosion
Although partly structurally controlled, major conditionsaswell.
uador in the Late Oligocene (Fig. 8) might thus Both major Ecuadorian arc segments display age
peaks initiating in the Late OligoceneEarly Mio

cene (yellow boxes in Fig. 8). Only in the northern  that,  as  we  do  not  attempted  to  quantify  arc 
part of the northern Ecuadorian arc segment (not  magma  production  rates  at  these  times,  this 
shown),  the  peak  initiates  slightly  later  in  the  flare‐up event may not correspond to the scale of 
Early to Mid‐Miocene. The peak in volcanism es‐ an  arc  magmatic  flare‐up  event  in  the  sense  of, 
sentially corresponds to the widespread eruption  for example, Ducea & Barton (2007) with magma 
of  upper  Saraguro  Group  volcanics  which  mainly  production  rates  >  75‐100  km3/m.y.  arc  km‐1. 
comprise ignimbrites in its upper portion (Tab. 1).  Here,  we  are  using  the  term  flare‐up  to  indicate 
The  peak  in  plutonism  dominantly  reflects  the  qualitatively  a significant increase in arc magma‐
construction  of  the  central  Ecuadorian  batholith  tism  compared  to  the  Eocene‐Early  Oligocene.  A 
system, the Cangrejos‐Zaruma intrusive belt, and  second peak in volcanism occurs in the Late Mio‐
associated  smaller  intrusions.  Combined,  this  cene and probably reflects the increasing preser‐
peak  distribution  suggests  a  relative  arc  mag‐ vation potential of young volcanic sequences, and 
matic  flare‐up  event  in  Ecuador  during  the  Late  eastward arc broadening associated with moder‐
Oligocene‐Early  Miocene.  It  is  important  to  note  ate slab flattening. 

Figure  8:  Pluton  and  volcanic  radiometric  age  versus  longitude  plots  and  age  histograms  illustrating  the  Tertiary  arc 
position (migration marked by red arrows) and arc magmatic intensity in Ecuador (from 1‐4°S). Used radiometric ages 
(U‐Pb, K‐Ar, ZFT) were carefully screened, and potentially inaccurate or duplicate ages have been removed from the
database (Appendix Table A3). The Paleocene‐Eocene arc position is relatively stable in all arc segments. Arc broaden‐
ing occurs by a c. 50 km westwards jump of the frontal arc during the Late Oligocene in southern‐central Ecuador; this 
is not clearly observed in the arc segment further north because of structurally controlled pluton emplacement (along 
the CTSZ and CPPF) and almost complete erosion of Oligocene‐Miocene volcanic rocks. Progressive eastward migration 
of the frontal arc at constant rear arc positions during the Early to Mid‐Miocene is followed by a Late Miocene‐Pliocene 
period of significant eastward broadening of the rear arc. Age histograms show Late Oligocene‐Early Miocene peaks in 
arc magmatism in all arc segments indicative of a regional arc magmatic flare‐up event (yellow boxes). 

Glazner (1991) suggests that periods of intense atic migration of the reararc position is not ob
plutonismmightbeassociatedwithobliquecon served.
vergence settings as the latter result in crustal
In addition, the flareup event in Ecuador coin
strikeslip deformation and thus space creation
systematic correlations between convergence
ian trench (Fig. 6). This suggests a feedback
mechanism between the arc magmatic flareup
Ecuadorian arc magmatism. However, as the Ec
uadorian margin represents an oblique subduc
spheric scale. The same has been proposed for
tion system (where obliquity is variably accom
the southern Chilean margin for the same time
modated by oblique subduction slip and crustal
interval during which neither subducting slab
properties nor overriding plate motion under
the Tertiary margin has probably undergone
largescale crustal strikeslip deformation
throughouttheTertiarysuchthatplutonismwas Melt production in the mantle wedge is concen
principally continuous. Peak periods of pluton trated in the region where slab dehydration
emplacement might in part, however, relate to derived volatiles first encounter fertile mantle
reactivationoflargestrikeslipfaultsystems. materialofasufficiently hightemperaturetoin
Asthenospheric controls on a Late Oligocene note that, additionally, decompression melting
Early Miocene flareup event in Ecuadorian arc mighttakeplaceinotherregions).Subsequently,
magmatism themeltfractionmaybemodifiedbyinteraction
Mamani et al. (2010) attribute widespread Late oftheascendingmeltwiththesurroundingman
OligoceneEarly Miocene ignimbrite eruptions in tle peridotite (e.g., Grove et al. 2003). Several
the central Andes to increased crustal melting parameters control increased mantle melting
and asthenospheric melt production in response and, by inference, increased arc magma produc
to slab steepening. As discussed above, Late Oli tion and development of a broader arc at faster
goceneEarly Miocene arc broadening in south convergenceratesand/orduringslabsteepening.
erncentral Ecuador, and the correlated peaks in These essentially comprise variations in slab
arcvolcanismandplutonismmightalsobeasso derivedvolatileflux,thevolatilefractionreaching
ciated with slab steepening, although a system the zone of partial melting in the supraslab

Table 4: Regional structures in Ecuador associated with Tertiary intrusions investigated or

referenced in this study
Structure associated intrusions remarks
Chimbo-Toachi Santiago, Apuela-Nanegal extends to deep to mid-crustal levels (c. 35°E dip; Guillier et al.
shear zone (-Junin/Cuellaje), Corazon, 2001); originally regarded as suture zone for Macuchi island arc
(CTSZ) Telimbela-Chazo Juan, (Hughes & Pilatasig 2002), but more recently dismissed as suture
Balsapamba-Las Guardias, with autochtonous Macuchi origin (Vallejo 2007; Vallejo et al. 2009)

Calacalí-Pujili- Chaucha extends to deep to mid-crustal levels (c. 35°E dip; Guillier et al.
Pallatanga fault 2001); western limit of regional suture zone between accreted oce-
zone (CPPF) anic plateau units and the paleocontinental margin (Spikings et al.
2005; Vallejo et al. 2009)

northern Amo- Cangrejos-Zaruma intrusive bracketed between Piñas-Portovelo and Jubones fault systems;
tape suture zone belt Piñas-Portovelo fault joins westwards with La Palma-El Guayabo
and Tahuin Dam (Naranjos) faults, delimiting the deeply exhumed
metamorphic Raspas complex whose structural position has been
related to the ancient Amotape suture zone (Bosch et al. 2002)

See Appendix for a more detailed discussion on structurally controlled intrusion emplacement.

mantle  wedge  by  porous  flow,  mantle  wedge  mantle  wedge  is  balanced  by  forced  return  flow 
temperatures and the (lateral) extent of the zone  of  hot,  fertile  mantle  material  sourced  from  a 
where  wet  melting  occurs,  as  well  as  the  supply  lower backarc region (Kincaid & Sacks 1997); in a 
rate  of  fertile  mantle  material  from  induced  re‐ more  realistic  three‐dimensional  environment 
turn flow (Fig. 9). The relative importance of each  return  flow  sources  could  additionally  be  dy‐
parameter may vary depending on which bound‐ namically distributed in along‐arc dimension (e.g., 
ary conditions apply (Cagnioncle et al. 2007).  Behn  et  al.  2007).  The  return  flow  rate,  coupled 
to  the  slab  velocity,  thus  directly  controls  two 
In a simplified two‐dimensional numerical mantle 
main  parameters  for  partial  melt  production  in 
flow model of a slice oriented parallel to the sub‐
the  mantle  wedge,  namely  the  supply  of  fertile 
duction  slip,  Kincaid  &  Sacks  (1997)  show  that  a 
mantle material and mantle wedge temperatures 
temperature‐controlled  viscous  boundary  layer 
(Cagnioncle et al. 2007). 
forms  in  the  asthenosphere  adjacent  to  the 
downgoing  slab,  where  mantle  material  is  Kincaid  &  Sacks  (1997)  demonstrate  that  the 
dragged  downwards  parallel  to  the  slab  at  rates  maximum  mantle  wedge  temperature  increases 
proportional  to  the  subduction  slip.  Removal  of  as a function of subduction slip; the effect is not 
asthenospheric boundary layer material from the  linear, but becomes more significant for changes 

Figure 9: Simplified schematic subduction zone cross section of the Ecuadorian margin as broadly applicable for Late 
Oligocene‐recent  times  illustrating  multiple  stages  of  arc  magma  petrogenesis.  Progressive  slab  dehydration  takes 
place below the forearc and main arc regions. Temperature‐controlled formation of a viscous boundary layer couples 
asthenospheric  material  with  slab  motion,  and  induces  return  flow  into  the  mantle  wedge.  In  simplified  two‐
dimensional models, melt production in the mantle wedge is controlled by the amount of slab‐derived fluids reaching 
the region of partial melting in the mantle wedge, and by asthenospheric return flow rates providing fertile mantle ma‐
terial and possibly increasing mantle wedge temperatures (e.g., Cagnioncle et al. 2007). These processes operate more 
vigorously at higher subduction slip velocities and may thus increase partial melt production in the mantle wedge. Note
that in a three‐dimensional environment additional along‐arc controls may influence the productivity of partial melting
and arc magmatism (e.g., Tamura et al. 2002). Major fault geometries shown in the Figure correspond to the present‐
day configuration based on Guillier et al. (2001); fault systems of the sub‐Andean zone and the Eastern Cordillera are 
not  shown.  Upper plate  Tertiary  pluton distribution  suggests  strong  structural  control  of  major  structures  (partly  su‐
tures) on magma ascent (possibly in part non‐vertical) and pluton emplacement (see Tab. 4 and further discussion in
the Appendix). General petrogenetic aspects of cross section adapted from Kincaid & Sacks (1997), Stern (2002), Grove 
et al. (2003), Annen et al. (2006), and Cagnioncle et al. (2007). 

from slowmoderate to fast subduction slips, are not considered in the simplified two
whereasitbecomesnearlynegligibleforvelocity dimensionalmodelsdiscussedabove.
slips(>c.100mm/y,dependingontheoverriding Crustmantle wedge feedback impacts on arc
plate thickness). Calculating the dueeast Faral magmatism
lon/NazcaSouth America convergence rates Increased partial melt production in the mantle
(fromFig.6)asafirstorderproxyforsubduction wedgeheatsthecrustoftheoverridingplateby
slip at the Ecuadorian margin reveals a Late Oli advection (due to a larger volume of ascending
goceneEarlyMioceneincreasefrom6070mm/y partial melts) and by increased conductive basal
to 120140 mm/y thus representing a critical in heat flow into the overlying South American
crease from moderate to high subduction slips lithosphere.Thisimpliesahighermeltfractionin
where a significant effect on maximum mantle a deep crustal hot zone (Annen et al. 2006) and
wedgetemperaturewouldbeexpected. could increase the crustal contribution to arc
Higher plate convergence rates (and more magmatism by lowering the relative thermal
trenchorthogonal convergence), if proportional thresholdforassimilation.Increasedcrustalmelt
tolocalsubductionslipvelocities,mightincrease ing is inferred for arc magmatic flareup events
theamountofvolatilesintroducedintotheman elsewhere,andmightalsobedrivenbyadditional
tle wedge by slab dehydration, but at the same factors such as crustal thickening or lithospheric
time decrease the volatile fraction reaching the delamination (e.g., Ducea & Barton 2007). The
regionofpartialmeltingbyincreaseddownwards widespread occurrence of Late OligoceneEarly
volatile advection due to more vigorous return Miocene silicic ignimbrites as part of the upper
flow; the latter effect becomes less pronounced Saraguro Group (Tab. 1) is consistent with in
at higher mantle wedge permeability, i.e., faster creased crustal melting. Wholerock isotopic
volatile migration rates (Cagnioncle et al. 2007; compositions of Tertiary arc units do not show
seealsoZellmer2008).Intwodimensionalmod any straightforward systematic variations in the
els, faster convergence rates result in higher Late OligoceneEarly Miocene indicative of bulk
ratesofmantlepartialmeltproductionwherethe increased continental crust contributions (Chap
proportionality between the two may vary as a ter 4). However, this is anticipated as mid to
function of the interplay of various control pa deepcrustalbasementunitsoftheTertiaryarcin
rameters (Cagnioncle et al. 2007). Consequently, Ecuador are mostly composed of isotopically
the arc magmatic flareup event observed in Ec primitive oceanic material, and spatiotemporal
uador during the Late OligoceneEarly Miocene isotopic variations mainly relate to the tectoni
mightultimatelyreflectincreasedasthenospheric cally controlled occurrence of continental base
meltinputintothearccrustdrivenbyincreased ment units, and the vertical level of arc magma
plate convergence rates, possibly further accen differentiation in the crust, instead of the total
tuatedbyslabsteepening.Withincreasingreturn amountofcrustalcontamination(Chapter4).
flow rates, mantle wedge partial melts may be Increasedheatflowintotheoverridingplatetrig
advected closer towards the trench, thus princi gered a regional uplift event and resulted in re
pally causing trenchward arc broadening as ob gional horizontal extension along the Chilean
served in the Saraguro arc segment during the main arc in the Late OligoceneEarly Miocene
Late OligoceneEarly Miocene; however, the vol (Jordan et al. 2001). This tectonic setting is con
canic front position might also be controlled by sistent with the inferred tensional environment
additionalfactorssuchasmeltcollectioninade during deposition of the Saraguro Group (e.g.,
compactionchannel(Cagnioncleetal.2007).Itis Steinmann 1997) and correlates in time with
importanttonotethatalongarcheterogeneities widespread elevated cooling and exhumation
in mantle wedge partial melt production are rates along the Ecuadorian margin in the Mio
likely to further influence arc magmatic distribu cene,asinferredfromthermochronologicmodel
tionpatterns(e.g.,Tamuraetal.2002);thelatter ing(e.g.,Spikingsetal.2005).

Conclusions givenmantlewedgevolume,andbyachangein
ThisstudypresentsthefirstdatasetofrobustU positivethermalanomaliesdevelopinthesubarc
PbzirconagesonLateTertiaryintrusiverocksof mantlewedgeandreplenishmentratesoffertile
Ecuador. The regional distribution trends of Ter mantle material increase in response to more
tiaryplutonsattheEcuadorianmarginmirrorthe vigorous induced return flow. The latter might
along and acrossarc orientations of deeply additionallybeinfluencedbyslabsteepening.
rooted major fault zones suggesting crustal
Therefore, we attribute the flareup event in arc
magma ascent and intrusion emplacement were
magmatism to increased melt production in the
mantle wedge causing increased mantlecrust
modulated by distributed (mainly transpres
melt flux and increased heat transfer into the
sional) shear in the upper crust. External zircon
crust of the overriding plate. As elsewhere (e.g.,
inheritance in Tertiary intrusions of the Western
Ducea & Barton 2007) a positive tectonomag
maticthermal feedback mechanism may be in
duced, facilitating increased partial crustal melt
ing, voluminous magma storage at upper crustal
lants. In addition, zircon assimilation during
levels leading to batholith construction, and/or
ignimbrite eruption at the Earth’s surface. How
entiation was mainly restricted to antecrysts de
rived from intrusive root zones, likely as a result
of continuous preferential channeling of arc
be mainly triggered by increased asthenospheric
magmas through the same, deeplyrooted struc
power input into the lithosphere, instead of
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Appendix I – Accommodation of struction.Theseauthorsshowthatintherecon
convergence obliquity at the Ec basins are juxtaposed against Interandean re
uadorian margin throughout the gions of Miocene marine transgressions; these
depositional environments are correlatable in
Tertiary terms of a continuous proximaldistal basin fa
The occurrence of nonorthogonal plate conver cies, thus indicating that the scale of their dis
gence implies two endmember geodynamic placement estimate is accurate. Consequently,
situations where convergence obliquity is either using CPPF slip rates as a proxy for the oblique
accommodated by oblique subduction slip or convergence component accommodated by the
overriding plate strain partitioning possibly in upperplate,onewouldassumethattheEcuador
cluding forearc sliver displacement (McCaffrey ian margin must have been constantly weakly
1992). Whereas the former is likely to influence decoupledsincetheMidMiocene.
asthenospheric flow dynamics, the latter consti However, the direction of plate convergence at
tutes an important factor for crustal magma as theEcuadorianmarginhasbeenalmostdueeast
centandplutonemplacementmechanisms(e.g., since 28.3 Ma (Chapter 2: Fig. 6), paralleling the
Glazner 1991). Therefore, the mode of conver presentday subduction slip (instead of the pre
gence obliquity accommodation at a convergent sentdaydirectionofconvergence).Ifpresentday
plate margin has to be critically evaluated in or subductionslipdirectionswereapplied,thecen
der to discuss potential controls on overriding tral Ecuadorian margin would be almost com
platemagmatism(cf.AppendixII). pletely coupled during most of the Late Oligo
Egoetal.(1996)showthatthepresentdayEcua ceneMiocene, and weakly to moderately de
dorianmarginisweaklydecoupledwhere7590% coupledonlyfrom20.216.0Maandfrom4.9Ma
oftheconvergenceobliquityaretransferredinto until the present day. Significant convergence
trenchoblique, due east (87°) subduction slip, obliquity accommodated by major forearc sliver
whereas only 1025% obliquity are accommo displacement would thus be restricted to these
datedbytheupperplate.Currentdextralforearc periods. Clearly, these considerations are in dis
sliver displacement rates along the CPPF can ac agreementwiththeexpectedupperplatestrike
count for most of the northwards increasing up slip displacement from the reconstruction of
per plate trenchparallel component (Ego et al. Hungerbühler et al. (2002), as displacing the
1996), although a number of additional Andean forearc sliver for 100130 km since only 4.9 Ma
trending fault systems (including the CTSZ and required unrealistically high displacement rates,
thePeltetecfaultinEcuador)alsoaccommodate whichwouldbedifficulttoreconcilewithPleisto
convergence obliquity and currently act as a re cenevalues(Trenkampetal.2002).
gionalrestrainingbend(Winkleretal.2005).The Consistentevidenceforstrainpartitioningwitha
highlyobliquesubductionslipoftheEcuadorian significant dextral strikeslip component along
Colombian margin is uncharacteristic for the the repeatedly reactivated major fault systems
southerncentral Andes where subduction is belowtheWesternCordilleraduringtheTertiary
mostly trenchnormal; Sébrier & Bellier (1993) exists, although the exact time periods are not
suggest that the allochthonous, rheologically always well constrained. Dextral shearing along
strongoceanicplateaubasementofthenorthern theCTSZinnorthernEcuadorhasaminimumage
Andes might control the degree of margin de of 48.3±0.6 Ma (hornblende KAr age of foliated
couplingofthisregionalarcsegment. diorite emplaced within the CTSZ; Hughes & Pi
Using slip rates comparable to Pliocenepresent latasig2002).Ashortdistancetothewestofthe
day values Hungerbühler et al. (2002) obtain a CTSZ, Chiaradia et al. (2008) show SC fabrics in
totaldisplacementestimateof100130kmalong alteredrocksassociatedwiththeMacuchihosted
the CPPF since the MidMiocene which they use La Plata oredeposit; these authors interpret the
to perform a palinspastic forearc sliver recon structures as indicative of Late Eocene dextral

transpression related to distributed shearing the EcuadorianColombian margin to the Nazca
along the CTSZ. MidLate Eocene wholescale CocosCaribbean plate boundary to the north,
dextral strikeslip motion of the Ecuadorian the transition to the northern Peruvian flat slab
forearcsliveralongtheprotoCPPFandCTSZfur segmenttothesouth,andthepotentialinfluence
ther produced intraforearc block rotations of Carnegie Ridge subduction, which all likely in
whereindividualblocksareseparatedbyasetof creases the Miocene subducting slab geometric
NNWtrendingsinistraldipslipfaults(Daly1989). complexity(e.g.,Gutscheretal.1999;Taboadaet
The whole structure of the Western Cordillera is al.2000).Thecomplexmargingeometryandout
interpretedasapositiveflowerstructureformed crop pattern of Tertiary arc units in Ecuador
in response to dextral transpressional reactiva (Chapter2:Figs.1;2)preventsanarcgeometry
tionofthe35°Edippingsuturezoneformingthe based discussion of paleosubduction slip direc
root of the CPPF, as well as the deeplyrooted tionsevenif,forsimplicity,subverticaltranslitho
CTSZ(Guillieretal.2001,andreferencestherein). sphericmagmaascentwasassumed.Overall,one
Finally, Winkler et al. (2005) infer that dextral expects a regionally more homogenous subduc
transpressionalongarestrainingbend(including tion geometry along the NW South American
the CTSZ, CPPF, Peltetec fault, and ChingualLa marginpriortotheLateOligoceneFarallonplate
Sofia fault in Ecuador) has been active since at fission.
least 15 Ma, with a pulse of increased activity
(3) The Ecuadorian margin and trench geometry
changed through time; the margin geometry
Four possible explanations for the discrepancy sliver displacement. Daly (1989) estimates a
between convergence obliquitybased predicted minimum clockwise trench rotation of 20° since
limited strikeslip motion since the MidMiocene the Oligocene, but does not present any argu
and upper plate geological evidence for more mentsinfavorofthisestimate.
significant strikeslip motion exist, and might all
(4) The timedependent correlation of sedimen
tary basin facies by Hungerbühler et al. (2002)
(1) Computation of Somoza’s (1998) rotation basedoncontinuousdisplacementsincetheMid
poles for the Ecuadorian margin (Chapter 2: Fig. Miocene is inaccurate and overestimates the to
6)slightlyunderestimatesconvergenceobliquity. talforearcsliverdisplacementinthelatestTerti
However, using convergence parameters calcu ary; instead, forearc sliver displacement of 100
lated from PardoCasas & Molnar (1987) instead 130kmalongtheprotoCPPFrepresentscumula
yields an even less oblique direction of conver tive, noncontinuous displacement processes
gencewithrespecttothepresentdaysubduction throughoutthewholeTertiary(Wittetal.2006).
slip. While Somoza (1998) does not present any
rotation pole uncertainties, the uncertainty
gence partitioning at the Ecuadorian margin
ranges shown by PardoCasas & Molnar (1987)
holds some significance for the Tertiary subduc
tion system, and at the same time substantial
insufficient to further evaluate temporal varia
forearc sliver displacement took place since the
tions in obliquity at this time scale, as was al
ready noted by Daly (1989). Generally, recon
plate motion over multim.y. periods such that
oblique plate convergence, varied through time.
any shortterm variations are smoothened out
Therefore, overriding versus downgoing plate
strain partitioning in response to changing con
(2) The Tertiary paleosubduction slip deviated vergenceobliquitiescannotbereliablypredicted
fromthedirectionofthepresentdaysubduction with currently available data, but geological evi
slip.Consideringamultim.y.lagtime,thiswould dence for multiple phases of Tertiary strikeslip
be a likely response to changes of the conver deformation in the overriding plate exists. From
gencedirection,especiallygiventheproximityof the Eocene to the Late Oligocene, plate conver

gencewassignificantlymoreobliquewithrespect convergent subduction: the Andean case. Extended
to the presentday subduction slip (Chapter 2: conferenceabstracts,ISAG1993,Oxford,139142.
Fig.6)makingshorttermvariationsinsubduction Somoza, R. (1998): Updated Nazca (Farallon)—South
slip less likely, such that consistently increased Americarelativemotionsduringthelast40My:impli
margin decoupling was a likely consequence. cations for mountain building in the central Andean
These considerations are in general agreement region.JSAmEarthSc11;211215.
with the notion of Witt et al. (2006) discussed Taboada,A.,L.A.Rivera,A.Fuenzalida,A.Cisternas,H.
above, and would thus be equally applicable if Philip,H.Bijwaard,J.Olaya,andC.Rivera(2000),Geo
theMidMiocenesedimentarybasinfaciescorre dynamics of the northern Andes: Subductions and
lation of Hungerbühler et al. (2002) was incor intracontinental deformation (Colombia), Tectonics,
rect. 19(5),787–813.
References P. (2002): Wide plate margin deformation, southern
Chiaradia,M.,Tripodi,D.,Fontboté,L.,Reza,B.(2008): Central America and northwestern South America,
Geologicsetting,mineralogy,andgeochemistryofthe CASA GPS observations: Journal of South American
Early Tertiary Aurich volcanichosted massive sulfide EarthSciences,v.15,p.157171.
Winkler, W., Villagomez, D.,Spikings,R.,Abegglen, P,
Tobler, S, Eguez, A. (2005): The Chota basin and its
Daly, M. C. (1989): Correlation between significance for the inception and tectonic setting if
Nazca/Farallonplatekinematicsandforearcbasinevo the interAndean depression in Ecuador. Journal of
lutioninEcuador.Tectonics8:769–790. SouthAmericanEarthSciences19;519.
Ego, F., Sébrier, M., Lavenu, A., Yepes, H., Egues, A. Witt,C.,J.Bourgois,F.Michaud,M.Ordoñez,N.Jimé
(1996):QuaternarystateofstressintheNorthernAn nez,andM.Sosson(2006):DevelopmentoftheGulfof
desandtherestrainingbendmodelfortheEcuadorian Guayaquil (Ecuador) during the Quaternary as an ef
Andes.Tectonophysics259;101116. fect of the North Andean block tectonic escape, Tec
Glazner, A. F. (1991): Plutonism, oblique subduction,
and continental growth: an example from the Meso
Guillier, B. Chatelain J.L. Jaillard, E., Yepes, H.,
Poupinet, G., Fels, J.F. (2001): Seismological evidence
on the geometry of the orogenic system in central
northern Ecuador (South America): Geophysical Re
Hughes R. A., Pilatasig L. F. (2002): Cretaceous and
Hungerbühler, D., Steinmann, M., Winkler, W., Sew
Vectors, and Forearc Deformation, J. Geophys. Res.,
PardoCasas, F. & Molnar, P. (1987): Relative Motion
of The Nazca (Farallón) and South American Plates
the paralleltothetrench slip component in oblique

they commonly provide subvertically oriented
Appendix II – Overriding plate highpermeability structures (e.g., Richards
structuralcontrolsonthespatio 2003). However, particularly in the upper crust,
ascending magma may use any available struc
temporal distribution of Tertiary turalweaknesssuchthatascentisnotnecessarily
plutonsinEcuador vertical(SaintBlanquatetal.1998;Kalakayetal.
2001). Furthermore, the stress regime prevailing
Overriding plate tectonics, stress regime and arc at a given time does not control the orientation
magmatismshowcoupledbehavioronaregional of preexisting structures (Cembrano & Lara
to local scale: strikeslip deformation as a result 2009).Spacecreationforintrusionemplacement
of strain partitioning in the overriding plate is in the upper crust involves displacement of the
mainly localized in the rheologically weak arc crustal host rocks, either by means of deforma
magmatic zone (Dewey et al. 1998). Melt ascent tion where fault kinetics control emplacement
and emplacement in the crust can be efficiently rates(Glazner1991;Grocottetal.1994;Acocella
focusedbystructuresandissignificantlyaidedby et al. 2008) or/and by ballooning and roof uplift
deformation (Saint Blanquat et al. 1998; Vigner (Paterson & Fowler 1993; Saint Blanquat et al.
esse & Clemens 2000), and may in turn induce 2006). Thus, emplacement of intrusions along
further strikeslip partitioning (Saint Blanquat et preexisting or newly formed structures com
al.1998).Detailedrecentreviewsofthecomplex bined with synintrusive deformation does not
mechanisms of arc magma ascent and emplace seem to be a general requirement for crustal
mentarepresentedbyRichards(2003)andCem magmaascentorplutonemplacement,butthese
brano & Lara (2009). In the following, we focus processes are expected to be positively corre
oninvestigatingwhetherandhowthespatialand lated, and possibly feedbackrelated with each
temporal distribution of Tertiary plutonism in other.
Ecuador is affected by: (1) the regional signifi
cance of structural control for localizing intru The spatial distribution of Tertiary intrusions in
sions; and (2) the role of synintrusive deforma EcuadorcloselyfollowsthemajorNNEandESE
tion and the localregional stress field on pluton trends of upper plate structures (Fig. 2). In this
emplacement. Plutons mapped as Tertiary intru context, plutons are not expected to be directly
sions in the Eastern Cordillera have Late Creta localized along major firstorder structures but
ceousEarly Tertiary KAr ages which are poten should rather be emplaced in associated periph
tially thermally disturbed on a regionalscale eral areas of dilation (Richards 2003). Major in
(Peltetec event; Litherland et al. 1994), and are trusive belts center on deeplyrooted faults and
thusexcludedfromanyfurtherdiscussionhere. translithospheric suture zones between the
Afewgeneralconsiderationsapplyforthesetwo domain or the southern Amotape terrane, re
points.Duetointrinsicoverpressuringarcmagma spectively:
surface irrespective of the prevailing local ƒ TheNtoNEtrendingCTSZatthewestern
regional stress regime (e.g., Paterson & Fowler flank of the Western Cordillera is spatially
1993; Saint Blanquat et al. 1998; Cembrano & associated and aligned with the northern
Lara 2009); a compressional stress component batholithsofSantiagoandApuelaNanegal,
does not prevent magma from ascending along the central Ecuadorian batholith system
preexisting ornewlyformedstructuresbutmay (Corazon, TelimbelaChazo Juan, Balsa
in fact enhance magma ascent by tectonic over pambaLas Guardias, EcheandiaIndustria)
pressuring (especially at lower crustal levels; as well as multiple small intrusions. Until
SaintBlanquatetal.1998).Localtranspressional recently,theCTSZusedtoberegardedasa
or transtensional stress settings (e.g., associated suture zone (Hughes & Pilatasig 2002) al
with restraining or releasing bend geometries of thoughVallejoetal.(2006,2009)proposed
large strikeslip systems; Sylvester 1988) prefer a geodynamic model for the Ecuadorian
entially localize rapid magma ascent, because margin where the Macuchi island arc is

of the CTSZ. Nonetheless, the great strike voluminous Portachuela batholith is em
length of the shear zone and seismic stud placed and exhumed along the NS trend
ies (Guillier et al. 2001) indicate that the ingLasAradasfaultbetweentheAmotape
structure extends to deep crustal (possibly terrane and the Eastern Cordillera (Lither
transcrustal) levels, although it might not landetal.1994).
be a translithospheric transform fault such
parallel orientation with respect to the central
northern Ecuadorian margin and the downgoing
multiple phases of dextral transpressional
slab, and are thus potentially favorably aligned
movement along the shear zone since the
lithospheric magma ascent. In contrast, the Can
ƒ The NE to NNEtrending CPPF represents grejosZaruma intrusive belt forms a transverse
the western limit of a Late Cretaceous su structurewithrespecttothemargintrend,char
ture zone below the Western Cordillera acterizedbyroughlycoeval(onatimescaleofa
(e.g.,Vallejoetal.2006);ithasbeenreacti fewm.y.)plutonemplacementatitseasternand
vated as the presentday CPPF with a dex western end and, by inference, along its whole
tral transpressional sense of movement strikelength.Whilethepresentdayslabgeome
and accommodates a significant compo try below this arc segment is likely contorted or
nent of the presentday convergence discontinuous as a result of the flatsteep slab
obliquity(Egoetal.1996).Itisspatiallyas transition between northern Peru and central
sociated with the Chaucha batholith and Ecuador (Gutscher et al. 1999), such geometric
multiple smaller intrusions at its southern complexities are unlikely to have existed in the
end where it splays off and intersects the Late OligoceneEarly Miocene when most of the
Western Cordillera towards the Gulf of intrusions formed; a continuous subduction of
Guayaquil. The preferential emplacement theFarallonplatecanbeassumedforthattime.
of Tertiary intrusions along the CPPF and Slabgeometryandtheorientationofthezoneof
CTSZ was already noted by Litherland & asthenospheric partial melting alone thus fail to
Aspden (1992), although the tectonomag explaintheintrusivebeltalignment,suchthatthe
matic model presented by these authors arctransverse pluton emplacement trend must
doesnotwithstandmodernconceptsofarc havebeensignificantlystructurallycontrolled.
magma genesis (e.g., Stern 2002; Richards
The concentrated occurrence of Oligocene
Miocene plutons along the flanks of the CTSZ
ƒ The CangrejosZaruma intrusive belt occu suggests this structure in partcontrolledmagma
pies a central axial position between the ascent and pluton emplacement. Subvertical
PiñasPortoveloandJubonesfaultsystems, transcrustal structures are expected to channel
probably in the vicinity of the northern ize ascending magma (e.g., Cembrano & Lara
limit of Amotape basement (Litherland et 2009).However,atc.1°30’Slatitude,Guillieret
al. 1994). Towards the west, the Piñas al. (2001) show presentday seismicity patterns
Portovelo fault joins with the La PalmaEl defining 35°E dipping planes at mid to deep
GuayaboandTahuinDam(Naranjos)faults; crustal levels which these authors interpret as
these faults delimit the deeply exhumed the traces of the CTSZ and CPPF fault planes, as
metamorphicRaspascomplexwhosestruc they intersect these structures at surface levels.
tural position has been related to the an Reactivation of the faults caused deformation of
cient Amotape suture zone (Bosch et al. their upper portions resulting in subvertical dips
2002).Thus,whiletheexactlocationofthe closetothesurface(Guillieretal.2001).Ifasimi
northern Amotape suture is concealed be lar,nonverticaldiphadalreadybeenestablished
low Tertiary cover sequences, the Cangre duringtheOligoceneMiocenethisscenariocould
josZarumabeltseemstobeemplacedina beinterpretedinthefollowingways:(1)anaddi
proximal and subparallel position with re tionaldeepersubverticalportionoftheCTSZex
specttothesuturezone.Furthersouth,the istsandwasexploitedbyascendingmagmas,but

isnotseismicallyactiveatpresent;(2)theproto tween two major structures, the CPPF and the
CTSZ only controlled pluton emplacement (by CTSZ, and secondorder lineaments associated
tectonicspacecreation)atshallowcrustallevels, withthesestructures(butseediscussiononaddi
but did not significantly influence magma ascent tionalacrossarclineamentsinChapter2).While
at depth; (3) significant nonvertical magma as the batholithic intrusions in central Ecuador
centalongtheprotoCTSZatdeeptomidcrustal (BalsapambaLasGuardias,TelimbelaChazoJuan,
levels took place. Given the deep crustal nature plus associated intrusions) are spatially associ
oftheCTSZ,weexpectittobeprincipallyableto ated with lineaments of various orientations
efficientlychannelizemagmasthroughthewhole mostly trending subparallel to the CTSZ
crust, in particular as the maficultramafic oce (Prodeminca 2000a), none of these have been
anicbasementunitsoftheWesternCordilleraare mapped as faults on regional Western Cordillera
rheologically strong and require a high differen maps (Fig. 1; McCourt et al. 1998; Hughes et al.
tial stress to fracture. Repeated transpressional 1998).AtthesouthernendoftheWesternCordil
reactivation of the shear zone throughout the lera, Chaucha batholith emplacement is inferred
Tertiary might have aided magma ascent by tec to be generally related to the Bulubulu fault
tonicoverpressuring.Nonverticalmagmaascent whichformspartoftheCPPF;anumberofasso
along thrust ramps has been documented in a ciatedNEandNWtrendingfaultsarethoughtto
number of settings and can be a viable mecha havecontrolledindividualintrusionemplacement
nism for magma ascent in an overall transpres andporphyrymineralization(Prodeminca2000a).
sionalcompressional stress regime (e.g., Kalakay Rapid unroofing of the relatively young Chaucha
etal.2001).IfmagmaascentinthenorthernEc batholith was associated with regional contrac
uadorian arc segment during the Oligocene tionleadingtobasininversionintheInterandean
Miocene was partly controlled by eastdipping regionatc.9Ma(Hungerbühleretal.2002).
thrust geometries, the zone of partial melting at
depth could extend well to the east of the pre
the Late OligoceneEarly Miocene Cangrejos
sentday CTSZ, in agreement with the broad
sionhosting Saraguro Group volcanics form
erncentral Ecuadorian arc segments further
thickening wedges towards the southern Piñas
Portovelo fault, indicative of synvolcanic normal
While detailed kinematic structural studies of fault slip (Spencer et al. 2002). Further north, a
Tertiary pluton emplacement in Ecuador’s West normal slip component, albeit of unconstrained
ernCordilleraarelacking,itcanbeinferredfrom age, is detected at the EWtrending Jubones
the discussion above that distributed shear re fault (Litherland et al. 1994). These observations
lated to forearc sliver displacement along the are in agreement with Steinmann’s (1997) pro
CPPF and CTSZ, combined with strikeslip reacti posalofregionalhorizontalextensionduringthe
vation of the older suture zones further east OligoceneEarly Miocene deposition of Saraguro
(Litherland et al. 1994; Winkler et al. 2005) has Group ignimbrites, which are inferred to have
been intermittently active throughout the Terti beensourcedfromfissureeruptionsandcaldera
ary,andprobablyresultedinpartiallysyntectonic formingevents.
Horizontal extension in southern Ecuador was
the major intrusions of the Western Cordillera
followed by transpression which is recorded by
erally support this notion. Prodeminca (2000a)
in the area north of the fault producing a major
anticline subparallel to the CangrejosZaruma
with secondorder NE to ENEtrending faults
which under dextral transpression should pro
for dextral movement (Prodeminca 2000a). Fur
In the northern Western Cordillera voluminous thermore, wholescale tilting of the Saraguro
magmatism of the ApuelaNanegal batholith Group volcanic sequence north of the Piñas
might be related to its structural position be Portovelo fault is observed (now dipping 30° to

theSW;Spenceretal.2002).Plutonsnorthofthe more likely that plutonic activity increased con
PiñasPortovelo fault which, based on the radio comitant with volcanism during the Late Oligo
metric ages obtained in this study, can be in cene to MidMiocene as part of the flareup
ferred to be of mainly Early Miocene age, show event in arc magmatism discussed in Chapter 2,
asymmetric sigmoidal planview geometries in for which larger geodynamic controls are ulti
dicative of syntectonic intrusion into a dextral matelyinferred.
transpressional stress field. Further, Aubearing
On a local scale, Prodeminca (2000a) note that
Portovelo mining district are related to NW
tend to be associated with inferred changes in
striking faults moderately dipping to the SW;
the local stress regime, particularly at the onset
these faults show SC fabrics and shear banding,
of postcompressional tensional periods. As dis
in agreement with vein formation under dextral
cussed above, however, local variations in stress
regime might in part reflect coupling between
magmatic and tectonic processes such that local
ing roughly coeval and hence syntectonic mag
extension might in part be induced by intrusive
matism (Spencer et al. 2002). These considera
tions indicate that Late OligoceneEarly Miocene
are needed to further discuss the relationships
between plutonism and the regional and local
either be related to the oblique subduction set
ting, or, possibly, to the postPaleocene 25±12° Significant Tertiary forearc sliver displacement
clockwise block rotation inferred for the Amo impliesthattheplutonsoftheWesternCordillera
tape terrane from paleomagnetic studies (Mi intruded at more southern latitudes than their
touardetal.1990). presentday position, relative to the Ecuadorian
mainland and the “fixed” Tertiary intrusions
hosted by the southerncentral Ecuadorian arc
ship between the intensity of plutonism, in par
ticular the significant increase in the Late Oligo
mate of 100130 km since the MidMiocene by
cene, and changes of the regional stress regime
in Ecuador. Steinmann (1997) and Hungerbühler
latitudinal displacement, as their timing of em
placement predates the displacement period.
19 Ma, followed by another period of horizontal
Alternatively, following the reasoning of Witt et
tensional stress in the Interandean region from
1511 Ma, and compression from 98 Ma. How
with pluton age significantly beyond the Mid
ever, compared to their detailed studies of Mid
Miocene. A forearc sliver displacement of 100
Late Miocene sedimentary basins, the geologic
tion of the OligoceneEarly Miocene batholithic
intrusions of central Ecuador with the volumi
limited, as it is solely based on extensional
nous, slightly younger intrusions in the Chaucha
forearc deformation at that time described by
area at the limit between the northern and cen
Daly (1989), combined with an inferred cause
tral Ecuadorian arc segments. The concentration
effect relationship of regional extension and
of intrusive activity in this presently highly tec
Saraguro Group ignimbrite eruption. Conse
tonized region could reflect a concentration of
quently, the lack of correlation between varia
strikeslip deformation potentially favorable for
tions in the regional stress field and the peak in
crustal magma ascent, space creation, and thus
shallow crustal arc magmatism initiating in the
pluton emplacement (e.g., Glazner 1991; Rich
Late OligoceneEarly Miocene might be due to
ards 2003). Alternatively, or in addition to the
preceding point, a positive asthenospheric heat
the Ecuadorian margin. Overall, however, it is
anomaly might have locally persisted below the

region of the central Ecuadorian arc segment, Daly, M. C. (1989): Correlation between
further accentuating (or causing?; cf. discussion Nazca/Farallonplatekinematicsandforearcbasinevo
inChapter2)thegeneralpeakinarcmagmapro lutioninEcuador.Tectonics8;769–790.
ductivityintheLateOligocenetoMidMiocene. Dewey,J.E,R.E.Holdsworth&R.A.Strachan(1998):
In conclusion, Tertiary intrusions are preferen
tially localized along deeplyrooted fault zones, talTranspressionalandTranstensionalTectonics.Geo
most of them sutures, between the Ecuadorian logical Society, London, Special Publications, 135, 1
mainlandandtheAmotapeterrane,orthealloch 14.
Ego, F., Sébrier, M., Lavenu, A., Yepes, H., Egues, A.
basement, suggesting a fundamental control of
these structures on magma ascent and pluton desandtherestrainingbendmodelfortheEcuadorian
emplacement. Overriding plate deformation in Andes.Tectonophysics259;101116.
response to oblique plate convergence and par
tial decoupling of the Ecuadorian margin was Glazner, A. F. (1991): Plutonism, oblique subduction,
and continental growth: an example from the Meso
mainly transpressionaltranstensional, and is ex
pected to have been intermittently active
throughout large parts of the Tertiary until the Grocott,J.,Brown,M.,Dallmeyer,R.D.,Taylor,G.K.,
present day. Transpressional reactivation of ma Treloar, P. J. (1994): Mechanisms of continental
jor fault zones and the associated distributed growth in extensional arcs: An example from the An
shear might have aided magma ascent and con
tributed to space creation for intrusion em Guillier, B. Chatelain J.L. Jaillard, E., Yepes, H.,
placement. The inferred middeep crustal thrust Poupinet, G., Fels, J.F. (2001): Seismological evidence
geometry of the CTSZ and CPPF (Guillier et al. on the geometry of the orogenic system in central
northern Ecuador (South America): Geophysical Re
2001) implies that magma ascent along these
structures was not necessarily subvertical. The
high spatial concentration of cogenetic Oligo Gutscher, M.A., Malavieille, J., Lallemand, S., Collot,
ceneMiocene intrusions and volcanics in the J.Y. (1999): Tectonic segmentation of the North An
central Ecuadorian arc segment, bracketed be dean margin: impact of the Carnegie Ridge collision.
centrated deformation along the margins of this Hughes,R.A.&Pilatasig,L.F.(2002):Cretaceousand
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Hornblende KAr ages of granodiorites of the
Appendix III – Accuracy of pub ApuelaNanegal batholith are 18.5±0.9 Ma (Van
lishedKAr(andZFT)agesofTer Thournout 1991), 16.5±0.8 Ma (Prodeminca
tiaryintrusionsinEcuador additional biotite KAr ages of 16.0±0.8 Ma
Before the present work the geochronologic (Prodeminca 2000a), 15.8±0.6 Ma (Van
frameworkonthetimingofTertiaryplutonismin Thournout 1991) and 13.0±0.6 Ma (MMAJ/JICA
EcuadorexclusivelyreliedonKAr(mostlybiotite 1992). The latter age, reported by MMAJ/JICA
andhornblendefractions,orwholerocksamples) (1992)fortheCuellajeprospectarea,isidentical
plus few ZFT datations. An exception is Bineli within error with our zircon UPb age of
Betsi (2007) who presents two zircon UPb ages 12.87±0.08 Ma on the same lithology, i.e., por
of intrusions spatially associated with the Rio phyryhosting hornblendebiotitebearing grano
Blanco low sulfidation epithermal deposit in the diorite, and is thus inferred to represent a mag
central Western Cordillera of Ecuador. The clo maticcoolingage.Thisindicatesthat theyoung
sure temperature range (e.g., Chesley 1999) for est pulse of batholith emplacement at Cuellaje
the KAr isotopic systems of hornblende (490 occurred at relatively shallow crustal levels at
570°C) and, particularly, biotite (260350°C) wallrocktemperatures<260350°C(thebiotiteK
makesthesemineralssusceptibletothermaldis Ar closure temperature range). Batholith mag
turbancebyeitherburial,proximalemplacement matic cooling rates were very high as evidenced
ofyoungerintrusions,or,especially,byporphyry by identical zircon and biotite ages; subsequent
related hydrothermal alteration where initial burialandreheatingtotemperatures>260350°C
fluid temperatures of >500°C for early potassic did not take place. Similarly, we consider the
alteration are common (e.g., Seedorff et al. olderhornblendeKAragesreferredtoaboveto
2005). This issue is even more pertinent for define distinct pulses of batholith emplacement
wholerock KAr ages, where a reliable closure at shallow crustal levels, since the KAr horn
temperature is difficult to estimate, or for ZFT blendeandbiotiteagesofMMAJ/JICA(1992)are
data(closuretemperature260±25°C;Fosteretal. identical within error. Geochronologic data thus
1996). A field example illustrating this effect is suggest a composite, multiintrusive nature of
the small El Tingo pluton in southern Ecuador thebatholithwhichisinagreementwithdetailed
with KAr hornblende and biotite ages of 4750 geologicandpetrographicinvestigationsbySala
Ma (Kennerley 1980) where Hungerbühler et al. zar (2007), defining various, often faultbounded
(2002)obtainedaMioceneZFTageof21±3Ma. batholith lithologies including tonalite, quartz
monzonite, quartzdiorite and monzogranite, in
Zircon UPb age data acquired on Late Tertiary additiontoamajorgranodioritelithology.
intrusions allow us to evaluate whether previ
ously reported ages obtained by these methods Age data for the multiple porphyry stocks and
represent magmatic cooling, or whether they dikesintrudingthebatholithdefineagerangesof
havebeenthermallydisturbed,thuspartlyoffset 11.18.8MafortheporphyriesatCuellaje(whole
towards a younger intrusive or hydrothermal rock KAr; MMAJ/JICA 1992) and 7.95.6 Ma at
event,orplutonexhumation.Furthermore,most Junin(wholerockKAr,MMAJ/JICA1992;biotite
Kbearing minerals are highly susceptible to al hornblende KAr, Prodeminca 2000a). While we
teration,andalreadysmallamountsofsecondary cannot assess the accuracy of the Cuellaje ages,
replacement minerals may suffice to produce K agesreportedfortheJuninporphyries,classified
Ar ages of uncertain geological significance, an as"quartziferousporphyry"byMMAJ/JICA(1992)
issue which also pertains to ArAr ages (Snee and Prodeminca (2000a), are significantly
2002).Asdifferenttypesofhydrothermalaltera younger than our hornblende granodiorite por
tionofvariableintensityareacommonfeatureof phyrydikezirconUPbageof9.01±0.05Ma.The
most intrusive complexes of Ecuador's Western lithological classification as "quartziferous por
Cordillera(e.g.,Prodeminca2000a),theaccuracy phyry" used by MMAJ/JICA (1992) and
ofKAragescanbetestedwitharelativelyaltera Prodeminca (2000a) is somewhat ambiguous as
tionresistantmineralsuchaszircon. evidenced by their reported 2 m.y. KAr age dif

ference for "quartziferous porphyry" exceeding hydrothermal alteration affected the biotite
analytical errors, and we infer that these KAr and/or hornblende thus rendering these ages
agesdatecoolingor(partial)thermalresettingof potentiallyinaccurate.IntheBalsapambaarea,K
one or more younger porphyry intrusive events Arhornblendeagesof33.1±0.4and25.7±0.9Ma
and/or their associated hydrothermal systems. are reported (MMAJ/JICA 1989; McCourt et al.
Fieldevidenceindicatesatleastthreemajorand 1997). There, the younger age cluster is more
severalminorporphyryphasesarepresentatthe dominant including our new zircon UPb ages at
Junin prospect (Salazar 2007). The 9 Ma horn 21.46±0.08 Ma (batholith) and 21.22±0.17 Ma
blende granodiorite porphyry age presented in (porphyry dike), and hydrothermal molybdenite
this study seems to define the earliest timing of ReOsagesof19.9±0.3Ma(Chiaradiaetal.2004)
porphyryemplacement,butolderpulsesofactiv and 21.5±0.1 Ma (Chapter 3) related to the
ity are likely to have occurred, as indicated by a Balsapambaporphyrysystem.
9.5±0.2 Ma zircon antecryst. Younger pulses ap
graphic evidence of highT potassic alteration
younging from hornblende to biotite KAr ages
overprinted by pervasive phyllic alteration (Sala
biotite KAr ages show intracluster scattering
7.5±0.2 Ma biotite KAr age of altered host
granodiorite (Prodeminca 2000a). Continuous
batholith emplacement should have taken place
scatter reflects magmatic cooling from multiple
not be used as accurate estimates for intrusive
low crustal emplacement environment at least
ment with our field observations of intrusive
as proxies for the latter. A further discussion of
requiring brittle deformation mechanisms. The
Chiaradia et al. (2004) is indicative of the addi
tional presence of a younger, post21.2 Ma por
phyry intrusion at Balsapamba, since the maxi
Previousstudiesbasedonhornblendeandbiotite mum estimate for the lifetime of a large, single
KAr ages, and UPb data presented in this work intrusiondriven hydrothermal system is 0.8 m.y.
define two age clusters for the BalsapambaLas (Cathlesetal.1997),andtypicallifetimesaresig
Guardias batholith in central Ecuador. In the Las nificantly shorter still (e.g., Shinohara & Heden
Guardias area an earlier peak comprises three quist 1997). This is in agreement with published
hornblendeandbiotiteagesrangingfrom34.3to lithologicaldataindicatingacompositenatureof
30.1Ma(MMAJ/JICA1989;McCourtetal.1997). the batholith (MMAJ/JICA 1989). We attribute
In addition, Henderson (1979) reports ages of the limited scatter of ages within a given age
30.8±1 Ma (KAr biotite) and 19.2±3 Ma (KAr cluster to multiple intrusions with two batholith
hornblende)onaquartzdioritesamplefromthe emplacement peaks during the Early Oligocene
same area where he prefers the latter as esti and Early Miocene, where magmatism might
mate for the age of pluton emplacement. These have been semicontinuous in between these
ageswererecalculatedbyKennerley(1980)using peakevents,assuggestedbyasingleLateOligo
decay constants of Steiger & Jäger (1977) to ceneKArhornblendeageatBalsapamba.
31.7±1 Ma and 19.8±3 Ma. The fact that his
Our zircon UPb emplacement age of 25.5±0.7
Ma for the central part of the Chazo Juan
Telimbela batholith significantly predates pub

lished biotite ± hornblende KAr ages of several granodiorite porphyry dike intruding the batho
batholith facies which range in age from 14.5 to lith suggesting that the porphyryrelated hydro
17.5 Ma and 19.1 to 21.4 Ma across the whole thermal system might have thermally reset the
batholith (MMAJ/JICA 1989; MMAJ/JICA 1991; surrounding batholith facies, but this cannot be
McCourt et al. 1997), again reflecting a multi verified due to uncertainties in the sample loca
intrusive batholith assembly. A ReOs molyb tion of MüllerKahle & Damon (1970). Wide
deniteageof19.2±0.1Ma(Chapter3)relatesto spread porphyryrelated hydrothermal activity is
the younger phase of intrusive activity inferred documented by two ReOs molybdenite ages of
fromKArdata.Themainpulseofplutonicactiv 9.92±0.05 Ma and 9.5±0.2 Ma (Chapter 3). Age
ityoftheChazoJuanTelimbelabatholithandthe scatterinthe1510Maperiodmightreflectmul
youngest pulse of the BalsapambaLas Guardias tiple intrusive events as evidenced by the occur
batholith overlap in age. Likewise, the youngest rence of an antecrystic zircon in the quartz
plutonicpulseofChazoJuanTelimbelaseemsto diorite porphyry intrusion dated at 10.3±0.2 Ma
coincide with the age of the Corazon intrusion in the present study. The identical hornblende
further north. Antecrystic zircons of Early Oligo and biotite ages reported by INEMINAGCD
ceneageidentifiedinthepresentstudycouldbe (1989) indicate that individual intrusive pulses
related to an earlier phase of the Chazo Juan wereemplacedatwallrock temperaturesbelow
Telimbelabatholithconstruction,contemporane the KAr biotite closure temperature and cooled
ouswith,orslightlypostdatingthefirstintrusive relatively rapidly. Taken in concert, these results
peak of BalsapambaLas Guardias. These age re suggestthatamainphaseoftheChauchabatho
sults, in conjunction with petrographic similari lith construction occurred during the Mid
ties, and the spatial proximity and continuity in Miocene although still earlier intrusive pulses
mapviewsuggestthattheintrusivecomplexesof (e.g., in the Early Miocene; Prodeminca 2000a),
BalsapambaLas Guardias and Chazo Juan similartoChazoJuanTelimbela,cannotberuled
Telimbela, combined with the adjacent Corazon out.
and EcheandiaLa Industria complexes and sev
single large batholithic system assembled from
been the only available age for the whole belt.
Ages reported for the Chaucha batholith range The scarcity of available data prevents further
from 13.3±0.5 Ma and 13.2±0.5 Ma (KAr horn discussionoftheaccuracyofthisKArage.Inthis
blende and biotite; INEMINAGCD 1989), study,arelativelytightclusterofLateOligocene
12.8±0.6 Ma (biotite KAr; Kennerley 1980), Early Miocene emplacement ages was obtained
12.0±0.6 Ma (Snelling 1970), to 9.8±0.3 (whole fromzirconsforintrusionsatCangrejos,Zaruma,
rockKAr;MüllerKahle&Damon1970).Inaddi and Portovelo attesting coeval pluton emplace
tion, INEMINAGCD (1989) provide an age of ment along the whole strike length of the belt.
11±1 Ma for a dacitic porphyry intrusion. The intrusions at Zaruma and Cangrejos contain
Prodeminca (2000a) note that these ages might antecrysticzirconsofMidOligoceneagedemon
be disturbed and could significantly postdate strating slightly older magmatic activity in this
main batholith emplacement. Our new zircon region. Combined with mainly Late Oligocene
ages confirm this notion, and provide a new ba Early Miocene KAr and ZFT ages for volcanic
tholithminimumemplacementageof14.84±0.06 rocksoftheSaraguroGroupinthearea(Prattet
Ma. Ubiquitous zircon antecrysts ranging in age al. 1997; Hungerbühler et al. 2002, and refer
from 15.3 to 14.8 Ma testify older pulses of encestherein)thissuggeststhewholeregionun
magmatism, and a closeby intrusion at the Rio derwent widespread coeval plutonism and vol
Blancoprospect,datedat15.75±0.04Ma(zircon canism in the Late Oligocene and Early (Mid)
UPb TIMS; Bineli Betsi 2007) might represent a Miocene.
KAr batholith age of MüllerKahle & Damon
(1970) is identical to our age of 9.79±0.03 for a
overlap within error with a 19.3±1.0 Ma KAr

(wholerock?) age for the Gaby porphyry stock Quimsacocha volcanic center comprise andesite
reportedbyProdeminca(2000a),andarefurther daciteflowsandbreccias,followedbyignimbrite
in agreement with ReOs molybdenite (20.6±0.1 eruption and caldera formation; daciticrhyolitic
Ma) and UPb hydrothermal titanite (20.2±0.2 calderahosted domes represent the final phase
Ma) ages obtained for various porphyryrelated of activity of the volcanic center. Typical dura
hydrothermalsystemsatGaby(Chapter3).These tions of volcanic activity at longlived arc volca
agescoincidewiththeyoungestphasesofbatho noes are on the order of c. 1 m.y. (e.g., Tatara
lithconstructionfurthernorthatBalsapambaLas SanPedro;Dunganetal.2001).AsignimbriteZFT
Guardias, and testify a significant Early Miocene agesof5.24.9MaandanintracalderadomeZFT
peakofplutonicactivityintheWesternCordillera ageof3.6±0.3Ma(Beateetal.2001)significantly
ofEcuador. postdatethezirconUPbageobtainedforadac
itic dome in the present study, the ZFT ages
biotitebearing granodiorite porphyry dike at El
turbance by a younger hydrothermal system.
Mozo, hosted by tuffs of the La Paz Formation
assigned to the uppermost Saraguro Group
(Prodeminca 2000b) is contemporaneous with
the time range of Sta. Isabel volcanism further
cant burial is not a likely option for the caldera
hosted facies, and hydrothermal fluids, possibly
14.8 Ma zircon ages for the Chaucha batholith
(this study) suggesting relatively widespread
have any geological significance, or their preci
previously reported hydrothermal alunite KAr
age at El Mozo is 15.4±0.7 Ma (a second age of ThezirconUPbageof30.7±0.5Maforastrongly
12.3±0.7Maissupposedtobeinaccuratedueto alteredfelsiteintheTresChorrerasprospectarea
significant alunite concentrate contamination by assignedtotheSaraguroGroup(Prattetal.1997)
barite;Prodeminca2000b).The15.4±0.7MaKAr places it at the base of the stratigraphic time
aluniteageoverlapswithinerrorwith ourzircon range for the Saraguro Formation provided by
age, in agreement with the general notion that Hungerbühleretal.(2002),andoverlapswiththe
porphyry intrusions and highsulfidation epi time range given by the same authors for the
thermalsystemsaregeneticallylinkedandclosely LomaBlancaFormationwhichtheyregardasthe
correlated in time (e.g., Shinohara & Hedenquist baseoftheSaraguroGroupinsouthernEcuador.
1997). It overlaps with the Late EoceneEarly Oligocene
Volcanic formations genetically related to the
Quimsacocha volcanic center were not specifi
Gaibor 1997). Taken in combination with an age
cally addressed by Hungerbühler et al. (2002) in
of 35.77±0.06 Ma (UPb TIMS; Bineli Betsi 2007)
for a voluminous quartzmonzodiorite intrusion
derahosted biotitehornblendebearing dacite
International Minerals Corporation, pers. comm.
cene, regionally widespread Tarqui Formation,
and coincides on a regional scale with several
spatially isolated outcrops of the Loma Blanca
shallowlevelintrusionsinthearea (cf.summary
Formation, although it is clearly subordinate to
by Hungerbühler et al. 2002). Our new zircon U
Late OligoceneEarly Miocene volcanism of the
Saraguro Formation and the associated intrusive
the volcanic stratigraphic sequence provided by

The dismembered Curiplaya porphyry intrusions although they may be of doubtful accuracy at a
hosted by the Albian Celica Formation in south local scale to resolve intrusive emplacement
ernmost Ecuador were of uncertain age before events at higher precision. A similar conclusion
this work; we therefore included them in this can be drawn from a detailed geochronologic
studyofTertiarymagmatism.Theporphyryintru study conducted at the Jurassic Nambija skarn
sions occur only a short distance from the com deposit in southern Ecuador: while existing KAr
posite Tangula batholith, and thus might repre age data on feldspar and sericite are shown to
sentacomagmaticequivalentofthisvoluminous yielddisturbedages, zirconUPbdatationsover
intrusive complex. A major batholith emplace lap within error with hornblende KAr ages
ment pulse is inferred at c. 110 Ma based on (Chiaradiaetal.2009,andreferencestherein).
hornblende KAr ages of 111±30 Ma for the
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age of 108±3 Ma is available (Kennerley 1980). geochronological control for the tectonomagmatic
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respectively (Kennerley 1980). Due to their high 6;7796.
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long can a hydrothermal system be sustained by a
single intrusive event?: Economic Geology, v. 92, p.
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younger intrusions and their associated hydro Chesley, J. (1999): Integrative geochronology of ore
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Table A2: Results of U-Pb age determinations (LA-MC-ICP-MS)

concentrations isotopic ratios apparent ages [Ma]

sample U Th Th/U 206 206 ±2 207 ±2 206 ±2 corr. 206 ±2 207 ±2 207 ±2

[ppm] [ppm] 204 207 [%] 235 [%] 238 [%] coef. 238 235 206

PS10-12 21 7 0.36 348 26.7 71 0.06 72 0.0110 12 0.17 70.7 8.7 56 39 -528 1946

PS10-10A 26 8 0.31 504 18.2 83 0.09 84 0.0123 14 0.17 78.5 11 90 73 415 1937

PS10-13 43 16 0.37 600 18.6 155 0.10 156 0.0134 16 0.10 85.7 13 96 143 357 4256
PS10-10 26 7 0.29 468 35.4 126 0.05 128 0.0135 22 0.17 86.2 19 52 65 1345 4437

PS10-20 54 34 0.63 1002 20.3 45 0.09 45 0.0137 6.0 0.13 87.7 5.2 90 39 162 1060

PS10-5 51 19 0.37 834 24.0 95 0.08 95 0.0137 2.0 0.02 87.8 1.7 77 71 -247 2534
PS10-25 35 17 0.49 720 33.9 77 0.06 78 0.0137 16 0.21 87.8 14 55 42 1214 2457

PS10-4 38 13 0.33 672 19.8 111 0.10 112 0.0137 6.8 0.06 87.8 5.9 93 99 220 2788

PS10-11 41 18 0.42 474 8.0 41 0.24 48 0.0138 24 0.51 88.3 21 218 93 2038 731

PS10-6 128 98 0.76 1542 19.5 16 0.10 16 0.0139 2.3 0.14 89.2 2.0 95 15 249 376

PS10-17 42 27 0.63 660 20.5 57 0.09 58 0.0140 5.8 0.10 89.6 5.2 91 51 141 1373

PS10-15 43 15 0.36 810 26.0 108 0.07 109 0.0140 6.9 0.06 89.8 6.1 73 76 -449 3053

PS10-19 148 128 0.87 1740 17.4 39 0.11 40 0.0141 4.0 0.10 90.4 3.6 108 40 509 873

PS10-8 84 38 0.45 1242 20.4 22 0.10 22 0.0141 2.3 0.10 90.5 2.1 93 20 147 519

PS10-22A 58 22 0.39 1038 27.9 73 0.07 73 0.0142 2.0 0.03 90.7 1.8 69 48 -646 2058

PS10-2 31 12 0.38 456 30.7 107 0.06 108 0.0144 5.4 0.05 92.2 5.0 64 66 -909 3327

PS10-16 114 91 0.79 1536 22.0 25 0.09 25 0.0144 2.0 0.08 92.4 1.9 88 21 -35 607

PS10-22 44 13 0.30 918 19.6 64 0.10 65 0.0145 9.4 0.14 92.6 8.6 99 61 247 1514

PS10-23A 70 34 0.48 1404 25.7 57 0.08 57 0.0145 2.8 0.05 93.1 2.6 76 42 -428 1525
PS10-3 30 11 0.36 570 37.4 159 0.05 159 0.0146 7.8 0.05 93.2 7.2 53 82 1530 6311

PS10-9 51 18 0.35 858 18.5 53 0.11 54 0.0146 3.8 0.07 93.4 3.5 105 53 370 1224

PS10-14 94 49 0.52 1230 17.8 63 0.11 63 0.0146 2.0 0.03 93.5 1.9 109 65 463 1435

PS10-1T 158 145 0.92 1920 21.3 18 0.09 18 0.0147 2.0 0.11 93.9 1.9 92 16 42 423

PS10-18 49 28 0.58 702 15.4 46 0.13 46 0.0147 2.9 0.06 94.2 2.7 126 55 777 985

PS10-24 147 111 0.76 2556 22.2 32 0.09 33 0.0148 3.6 0.11 94.4 3.3 89 28 -53 795

PS10-7 53 22 0.42 636 12.1 34 0.17 34 0.0149 2.0 0.06 95.6 1.9 159 50 1257 673

PS10-21 82 32 0.39 1554 25.8 49 0.08 49 0.0150 2.6 0.05 95.7 2.5 78 37 -437 1303

PS10-23 104 94 0.90 2358 25.5 54 0.08 55 0.0152 7.5 0.14 97.1 7.3 80 42 -406 1433

PS9-5 465 189 0.41 2184 16.0 25 0.04 27 0.0042 11 0.42 26.9 3.1 36 10 696 528

PS9-16 80 42 0.53 420 7.2 73 0.08 74 0.0042 11 0.15 27.1 3.0 79 56 2206 1321

PS9-4 77 42 0.54 582 18.7 127 0.03 128 0.0043 9.6 0.08 27.5 2.6 31 40 345 3217

PS9-18 311 242 0.78 1932 19.5 26 0.03 27 0.0045 4.8 0.18 28.9 1.4 32 8 256 604

PS9-22 417 409 0.98 1992 19.7 26 0.03 26 0.0046 2.0 0.08 29.4 0.6 32 8 228 612

PS9-14 433 552 1.28 2388 19.2 16 0.03 17 0.0046 3.7 0.22 29.5 1.1 33 5 292 373

PS9-3 724 624 0.86 4392 19.9 15 0.03 16 0.0046 2.7 0.17 29.7 0.8 32 5 201 358

PS9-20 1026 1315 1.28 5742 22.6 11 0.03 11 0.0047 3.6 0.31 30.3 1.1 29 3 -98 268

PS9-2 269 238 0.88 1338 17.1 58 0.04 58 0.0047 2.9 0.05 30.3 0.9 38 22 552 1285

PS9-8 741 812 1.10 2352 16.5 13 0.04 16 0.0047 9.9 0.62 30.4 3.0 39 6 621 270

PS9-15 198 160 0.81 1182 17.2 30 0.04 30 0.0048 3.9 0.13 30.7 1.2 38 11 531 665

PS9-6A 420 300 0.71 2778 18.6 22 0.04 23 0.0048 2.0 0.09 30.7 0.6 35 8 356 509

PS9-17 1439 1348 0.94 4830 18.4 10 0.04 11 0.0048 2.0 0.19 30.8 0.6 36 4 390 234

PS9-23 1497 2013 1.34 5970 19.9 8 0.03 8 0.0048 2.5 0.31 30.9 0.8 33 3 210 180

PS9-6 190 134 0.70 462 6.1 29 0.11 30 0.0048 7.3 0.25 31.0 2.3 106 30 2510 486

PS9-13 1678 1701 1.01 10938 20.7 9 0.03 10 0.0048 3.2 0.33 31.0 1.0 32 3 115 212

PS9-24 193 120 0.62 1056 15.8 41 0.04 41 0.0049 3.3 0.08 31.5 1.0 42 17 716 873


Table A2 (continued)
concentrations isotopic ratios apparent ages [Ma]

sample U Th Th/U 206 206 ±2 207 ±2 206 ±2 corr. 206 ±2 207 ±2 207 ±2

[ppm] [ppm] 204 207 [%] 235 [%] 238 [%] coef. 238 235 206

PS9-25 441 476 1.08 1296 12.5 57 0.05 57 0.0049 3.9 0.07 31.5 1.2 53 29 1189 1142

PS9-9A 103 61 0.60 618 15.0 81 0.05 82 0.0049 6.4 0.08 31.6 2.0 45 36 825 1768

PS9-21 182 126 0.69 786 16.8 86 0.04 86 0.0050 4.1 0.05 32.0 1.3 41 34 591 1951

PS9-7 609 488 0.80 3102 17.0 41 0.04 41 0.0051 2.0 0.05 32.5 0.6 41 16 560 901

PS9-10 1180 1354 1.15 6990 20.3 10 0.03 13 0.0051 7.5 0.58 32.9 2.5 35 4 160 245

PS9-19 126 134 1.06 390 4.3 32 0.17 37 0.0052 19 0.50 33.6 6.3 156 54 3055 523

PS9-12 1404 1875 1.34 6540 17.9 54 0.04 54 0.0053 2.4 0.04 33.9 0.8 40 21 442 1224

PS9-1 399 236 0.59 1356 12.7 34 0.06 34 0.0054 2.3 0.07 34.7 0.8 58 19 1160 673

PS9-9 271 150 0.55 570 5.2 77 0.15 79 0.0056 19 0.24 35.9 6.8 141 105 2769 1323

PS9-2A 133 107 0.80 390 4.5 28 0.18 30 0.0058 8.9 0.30 37.1 3.3 167 46 3011 457

PS9-11 220 173 0.79 1116 12.7 32 0.07 32 0.0066 2.0 0.06 42.3 0.8 70 21 1164 631

PS9-1A 244 86 0.35 12534 15.5 9 0.64 10 0.0716 4.4 0.44 445.7 19 500 39 759 188

PS6-14 119 61 0.51 108 58.3 463 0.01 463 0.0029 24 0.05 18.8 4.5 7 32 3374 0

PS6-13 126 59 0.47 876 16.1 865 0.03 865 0.0032 11 0.01 20.3 2.1 27 233 682 0

PS6-12 253 128 0.50 1332 21.1 48 0.02 49 0.0033 8.6 0.18 21.4 1.8 22 11 74 1161
PS6-4 64 34 0.54 330 35.6 143 0.01 145 0.0034 26 0.18 22.0 5.6 13 19 1364 5208
PS6-9 78 56 0.73 444 44.8 178 0.01 178 0.0036 14 0.08 23.4 3.4 11 20 2184 2817

PS6-18 217 92 0.42 1026 14.3 36 0.04 36 0.0037 5.0 0.14 23.9 1.2 36 13 922 741

PS6-18A 254 131 0.52 702 8.3 38 0.06 39 0.0039 8.9 0.23 25.1 2.2 64 24 1961 688

PS6-6 87 62 0.71 426 12.1 118 0.05 118 0.0040 2.0 0.02 25.6 0.5 45 52 1258 2551

PS6-2 117 51 0.43 468 10.8 60 0.05 61 0.0040 10 0.16 25.9 2.6 51 30 1484 1172

PS6-10 101 57 0.57 378 11.0 100 0.05 101 0.0040 16 0.16 25.9 4.1 50 49 1442 2049

PS6-20 160 122 0.76 372 7.5 25 0.07 26 0.0040 6.5 0.25 26.0 1.7 72 18 2136 447

PS6-17 144 174 1.21 300 5.3 34 0.11 35 0.0042 8.9 0.25 26.9 2.4 105 35 2731 560

PS6-11 238 124 0.52 660 8.5 35 0.07 35 0.0042 3.8 0.11 26.9 1.0 67 23 1930 632

PS6-19 148 50 0.34 510 6.7 53 0.09 53 0.0042 4.1 0.08 27.1 1.1 84 43 2334 924

PS6-8 97 52 0.53 408 6.0 63 0.10 66 0.0042 20 0.30 27.1 5.4 94 59 2532 1083

PS6-7 116 83 0.72 486 10.8 64 0.05 64 0.0042 3.6 0.06 27.2 1.0 53 33 1477 1237

PS6-3 92 49 0.53 288 3.1 45 0.22 51 0.0049 24 0.47 31.5 7.6 200 94 3583 3265

PS6-1 108 58 0.53 246 4.1 44 0.17 45 0.0051 12 0.26 32.5 3.8 159 66 3136 704

PS7-19 66 42 0.63 378 12.0 160 0.03 164 0.0026 37 0.23 16.5 6.1 29 48 1276 14

PS7-21 51 37 0.74 270 28.3 225 0.01 230 0.0026 46 0.20 16.7 7.7 13 29 -686 3557
PS7-19A 57 43 0.75 354 43.4 176 0.01 185 0.0027 55 0.30 17.3 9.6 9 16 2057 2786

PS7-15 71 63 0.90 396 17.3 87 0.02 89 0.0028 17 0.19 18.3 3.1 23 20 525 1996

PS7-8 81 64 0.78 414 29.5 195 0.01 196 0.0029 19 0.10 18.4 3.4 13 26 -800 3372
PS7-13 82 51 0.63 444 52.7 366 0.01 366 0.0030 15 0.04 19.0 2.8 8 29 2872 0
PS7-3A 62 44 0.71 348 37.1 139 0.01 140 0.0030 21 0.15 19.1 3.9 11 16 1502 5173
PS7-20 80 52 0.65 570 39.1 81 0.01 82 0.0032 15 0.19 20.7 3.2 11 9 1675 2890

PS7-1 85 78 0.93 408 23.3 107 0.02 109 0.0032 18 0.17 20.8 3.8 19 21 -171 2854

PS7-3 60 49 0.82 294 27.5 273 0.02 273 0.0033 8.1 0.03 21.4 1.7 17 46 -604 4008

PS7-5A 89 91 1.03 486 26.9 161 0.02 162 0.0034 13 0.08 22.0 2.8 18 28 -539 5262

PS7-10 62 47 0.76 324 11.7 42 0.04 45 0.0034 16 0.35 22.1 3.5 40 18 1326 830

PS7-20A 75 52 0.70 474 29.0 129 0.02 131 0.0034 21 0.16 22.1 4.6 16 21 -752 4004
PS7-10A 73 66 0.91 360 44.2 140 0.01 141 0.0035 9.4 0.07 22.3 2.1 11 15 2127 1093


Table A2 (continued)
concentrations isotopic ratios apparent ages [Ma]

sample U Th Th/U 206 206 ±2 207 ±2 206 ±2 corr. 206 ±2 207 ±2 207 ±2

[ppm] [ppm] 204 207 [%] 235 [%] 238 [%] coef. 238 235 206

PS7-5 117 88 0.75 300 5.0 57 0.10 65 0.0036 33 0.50 22.9 7.5 95 60 2836 944

PS7-17 355 536 1.51 582 6.0 67 0.09 68 0.0038 6.2 0.09 24.6 1.5 85 55 2526 1166

PS7-6 62 50 0.81 330 24.7 122 0.02 123 0.0039 15 0.13 25.0 3.8 22 27 -317 3433

PS7-18 344 325 0.94 1230 12.9 51 0.04 53 0.0040 14 0.26 26.0 3.6 43 22 1138 1030

PS7-14 94 56 0.60 612 18.0 79 0.03 79 0.0042 8.1 0.10 26.7 2.2 32 25 435 1820
PS7-9 75 54 0.73 498 38.8 124 0.02 128 0.0043 32 0.25 27.6 8.7 15 20 1655 4677
PS7-11 139 89 0.64 780 37.2 49 0.02 49 0.0044 4.0 0.08 28.5 1.1 17 8 1511 1637

PS7-16A 302 416 1.38 1668 18.4 19 0.03 20 0.0045 3.5 0.18 28.8 1.0 34 6 390 433

PS7-7 178 107 0.60 1134 22.5 54 0.03 54 0.0045 4.5 0.08 29.0 1.3 28 15 -84 1340

PS7-16 142 124 0.87 786 17.9 44 0.03 44 0.0045 6.1 0.14 29.1 1.8 35 15 446 982

PS7-2 457 801 1.75 2262 18.3 24 0.04 24 0.0047 2.0 0.08 30.2 0.6 35 8 400 541

PS8-8 45 20 0.44 276 18.0 56 0.03 60 0.0033 21 0.36 21.0 4.5 25 15 437 1280

PS8-7A 73 56 0.76 408 17.6 120 0.03 123 0.0034 30 0.24 21.8 6.5 27 32 484 2908

PS8-10 53 21 0.39 384 19.4 254 0.03 254 0.0036 14 0.05 23.1 4.5 90 57 2725 1061

PS8-12 28 14 0.51 156 5.3 63 0.09 66 0.0036 19 0.30 23.1 3.1 25 64 257 2127

PS8-24 129 69 0.54 615 16.4 62 0.03 63 0.0037 5.0 0.08 24.1 1.2 31 19 640 1374

PS8-14 72 34 0.47 576 10.3 29 0.05 30 0.0038 9.5 0.31 24.4 2.3 50 15 1574 540

PS8-26 100 29 0.29 535 11.5 70 0.05 70 0.0039 5.2 0.07 24.8 1.3 46 32 1354 1401

PS8-25 136 77 0.57 670 14.3 32 0.04 34 0.0039 9.8 0.29 24.9 2.4 37 12 921 669

PS8-23 134 42 0.31 755 15.7 34 0.03 34 0.0039 2.4 0.07 25.0 0.6 34 11 734 716

PS8-15 89 40 0.45 400 6.5 43 0.08 44 0.0039 10 0.23 25.0 2.5 80 34 2379 736

PS8-18A 69 27 0.39 430 16.3 83 0.03 86 0.0039 23 0.27 25.3 5.8 33 28 652 1863

PS8-7 64 30 0.47 396 15.2 51 0.04 56 0.0039 22 0.40 25.4 5.7 36 20 794 1090

PS8-28 75 27 0.36 440 13.1 74 0.04 75 0.0040 8.3 0.11 25.5 2.1 42 31 1108 1540

PS8-5 71 48 0.68 390 14.0 67 0.04 67 0.0040 7.5 0.11 25.6 1.9 39 26 970 1396

PS8-8A 37 21 0.57 300 15.0 219 0.04 219 0.0040 20 0.09 25.9 5.1 37 79 817 993

PS8-9 59 34 0.58 612 10.9 50 0.05 52 0.0041 13 0.26 26.2 3.5 51 26 1460 967
PS8-6 30 13 0.43 204 46.4 169 0.01 170 0.0041 17 0.10 26.4 4.6 12 21 2327 2225

PS8-13 55 30 0.55 402 6.2 45 0.09 49 0.0042 19 0.39 26.6 5.1 90 42 2474 778

PS8-18 77 31 0.40 475 16.0 85 0.04 85 0.0042 3.7 0.04 27.1 1.0 36 30 695 1885

PS8-19 86 48 0.56 315 4.8 74 0.12 77 0.0042 22 0.29 27.2 6.1 116 84 2882 1245

PS8-17 86 35 0.41 320 4.4 71 0.14 74 0.0043 20 0.27 28.0 5.6 131 91 3048 1188

PS8-16 80 35 0.43 315 5.5 59 0.11 60 0.0044 6.2 0.10 28.1 1.7 106 60 2684 1004

PS8-22 54 22 0.41 280 5.9 68 0.10 68 0.0044 9.0 0.13 28.2 2.5 100 65 2567 1171

PS8-20 84 36 0.43 315 6.9 54 0.09 55 0.0044 8.3 0.15 28.5 2.3 86 45 2289 946

PS8-2 56 28 0.50 300 5.2 41 0.13 42 0.0049 11 0.27 31.5 3.6 124 49 2759 674

PS8-1 94 65 0.69 288 4.6 58 0.15 59 0.0049 14 0.23 31.8 4.4 139 77 2947 956

PS8-3 49 22 0.45 282 5.3 133 0.13 139 0.0051 38 0.28 33.1 13 127 166 2719 1839

PS8-4 63 33 0.53 246 3.9 59 0.20 69 0.0059 37 0.53 37.6 14 189 120 3208 959

206 238
All errors are random errors at 2-sigma level; the additional systematic error of 1.42+/-0.54% for Pb/ U ages is considered
for weighted mean ages presented in Table 3.


Table A3: Age references used for construction of Fig. 7 & Fig. 8. Disturbed
ages and duplicate samples were removed.
Reference Lithology UTM UTM datation age ±2
east north method [Ma] [Ma]
Aspden et al 1992 Catamayo - bt granodiorite pluton 690000 9560000 K-Ar bt 58 2
Aspden et al 1992 Ishpingo pluton ("unnamed") pluton 765000 9666300 K-Ar bt 39 4
Aspden et al 1992 Pichinal pluton - bt granodiorite pluton 704500 9599900 K-Ar bt 54 4
Aspden et al 1992 Portachuela batholith - bt-bearing felsic pluton 677300 9472300 K-Ar bt 12 1
Aspden et al 1992 Portachuela batholith - hbl bt granodio- pluton 675500 9474400 K-Ar hbl 20 7
Aspden et al 1992 Portachuela batholith - hbl bt granodio- pluton 674500 9476500 K-Ar hbl 24 5
Aspden et al 1992 Pungala pluton - hbl bt granodiorite pluton 768000 9800000 K-Ar hbl 42 2
Aspden et al 1992 Pungala pluton - hbl bt granodiorite pluton 768000 9796500 K-Ar bt/hbl 45 4
Aspden et al 1992 San Lucas pluton - bt granodiorite pluton 698500 9574000 K-Ar bt 59 2
Aspden et al 1992 San Lucas pluton - hbl bt granodiorite pluton 694800 9578500 K-Ar hbl 66 4
Aspden et al 1992 San Lucas pluton - hbl granodiorite pluton 692800 9585700 K-Ar bt 52 2
Aspden et al 1992 San Lucas pluton - porphyritic bt pluton 693300 9584900 K-Ar bt 58 2
Barberi et al 1988 Cojitambo andesite-dacite volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 5.2 0.2
Barberi et al 1988 Mangan Fm. - dacitic lava flow volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 8.0 0.1
Barberi et al 1988 Pisayambo Fm. - andesite volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 12.2 0.4
Barberi et al 1988 Pisayambo Fm. - andesitic lava flow volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 7.1 0.3
Barberi et al 1988 Pisayambo Fm. - andesitic lava flow volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 8.1 0.1
Barberi et al 1988 Pisayambo Fm. - dacite volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 6.1 0.6
Barberi et al 1988 Pisayambo Fm. - dacitic ignimbrite volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 11.2 0.4
Barberi et al 1988 Pisayambo Fm. - ignimbrite volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 15.4 0.7
Barberi et al 1988 Saraguro Fm. - andesite volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 28.9 1.4
Barberi et al 1988 undefined andesite volcanic n/a n/a K-Ar 6.3 0.1
Beate et al 2001 Quimsacocha ignimbrites volcanic 697400 9662500 ZFT 4.9 0.3
Beate et al 2001 Quimsacocha ignimbrites volcanic 697400 9662500 ZFT 5.2 0.3
Bineli- Betsi 2006 Rio Blanco - microdiorite pluton n/a n/a zircon TIMS 15.8 0.04
Bineli- Betsi 2006 Rio Blanco - qtz monzodiorite pluton n/a n/a zircon TIMS 35.8 0.06
Boland et al 1998 Apuela: Cuellaje - qtz-diorite pluton 772702 38721 K-Ar 16.5 1.1
Boland et al 1998 Cachaco intrusion, E of Santiago pluton 789383 94048 K-Ar 34.7 1.7
Boland et al 1998 Chical-Maldonado (intrusion in San pluton 811656 99597 ZFT 7.5 0.4
Juan Unit) - bt-rich porphyry
Boland et al 1998 La Merced (Apuela satellite intrusion) - pluton 789396 71919 K-Ar 15.6 1.1
Boland et al 1998 Rio Naranjal gabbro intrusion pluton 722591 38709 K-Ar 47 2
Boland et al 1998 San Eduardo intrusion, NE of Santiago pluton 783814 95151 K-Ar 42 2
Boland et al 1998 San Juan de Lachas Fm. - andesitic volcanic 796700 91900 ZFT 23.5 1.5
Boland et al 1998 San Juan de Lachas Fm. - andesitic volcanic 796700 91900 ZFT 25 3
Boland et al 1998 Santiago batholith - granodiorite- pluton 761551 77437 K-Ar 35.8 1.8
Boland et al 1998 Santiago batholith - granodiorite- pluton 778256 77445 K-Ar 42 2
Boland et al 1998 Santiago batholith - granodiorite- pluton 778246 94041 K-Ar 45 2
Boland et al 1998 small diorite pluton S of San Miguel de pluton 733730 0 K-Ar 29 3
Los Bancos
Bourgeois et al 1990 Apagua pluton - andesitic porphyry pluton 725501 9891151 K-Ar WR 24.7 1.2
Bourgeois et al 1990 Apagua - dacite volcanic 731254 9893145 K-Ar WR 21.3 1.1
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Cisarán - andesite volcanic 730900 9777600 K-Ar 6.9 0.7
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Cisarán - andesite volcanic 742900 9744100 K-Ar 7.2 0.4
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Molleturo diorite stock pluton 716855 9745631 K-Ar 7.6 0.4
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Saraguro Group volcanic 688700 9701200 ZFT 25.7 1.1
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Saraguro Group volcanic 722800 9720800 ZFT 27.0 1.0
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Saraguro Group volcanic 690700 9679300 ZFT 29.8 1.2
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Saraguro Group volcanic 721700 9719200 ZFT 30.2 1.1
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Saraguro Group volcanic 699900 9691800 ZFT 34.1 1.3
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Saraguro Group volcanic 699800 9725200 ZFT 37.0 1.5
Dunkley & Gaibor 1997 Saraguro Group volcanic 716400 9769200 ZFT 38.6 1.3


Table A3 (continued)
Reference Lithology UTM UTM datation age ±2
east north method [Ma] [Ma]
Eguez 1986 La Esperie (St. Domingo) diorite pluton 700326 9972354 K-Ar WR 38.6 1.9
Eguez 1986 Pilaló-Zumbagua - porphyritic diorite pluton 733695 9889395 K-Ar WR 24.7 1.2
Eguez 1986 syntectonic intrusions in Mulaute Unit - pluton 733727 9966819 K-Ar hbl 48.3 0.6
foliated diorite
Eguez et al 1992 Saraguro Group volcanic 728500 9762000 K-Ar plag 21.0 1.0
Eguez et al 1992 Saraguro Group volcanic 728500 9764800 K-Ar plag 27.0 0.9
Eguez et al 1992 Saraguro Group volcanic 724000 9746700 K-Ar 35.9 0.9
Herbert & Pichler 1983 Amaluza pluton - granodiorite pluton 792500 9712314 K-Ar bt 34 1
Herbert & Pichler 1983 San Lucas pluton - bt granite pluton 694355 9588998 K-Ar bt 52 2
Hughes et al 1998 Chaupicruz - granodiorite pluton 717002 9900465 ZFT 7.0 0.3
Hughes et al 1998 El Tigre, R. Hugshatambo - granodio- pluton 711443 9917057 K-Ar hbl 38.1 0.4
Hughes et al 1998 R. Quindigua - granodiorite pluton 728141 9911519 K-Ar bt/hbl 14.8 0.14
Hughes et al 1998 Zumbagua - porphyritic tonalite volcanic 733698 9894925 K-Ar bt/hbl 6.3 0.7
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Chinchin Fm. volcanic 739467 9680826 ZFT 43 4
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 678920 9562364 ZFT 25 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 685992 9538147 ZFT 27 4
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 680590 9544440 ZFT 29 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 646676 9558934 ZFT 31 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 685900 9538200 ZFT 33 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 687184 9537098 ZFT 33 4
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 699139 9546868 ZFT 36 7
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 700498 9519437 ZFT 41 5
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Loma Blanca Fm. volcanic 647582 9559391 ZFT 42 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Rodanejo pluton pluton 672059 9546653 ZFT 39 6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Sacapalca Fm. volcanic 646051 9555116 ZFT 67 6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 10365 24540 ZFT 19 6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 9820 25430 ZFT 19 4
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 681315 9630791 ZFT 19.1 1.4
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 10450 27840 ZFT 20 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 735092 9706274 ZFT 21 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 671534 9632381 ZFT 21 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 735732 9702400 ZFT 21.2 1.6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 695744 9693134 ZFT 23 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 13480 31070 ZFT 23 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 697035 9625187 ZFT 23 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 735533 9699850 ZFT 23.2 1.8
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 697311 9624303 ZFT 23 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 726472 9673198 ZFT 26 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 730250 9675252 ZFT 26.0 1.8
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 680200 9630300 ZFT 26 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 714257 9685269 ZFT 26 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 12250 29500 ZFT 26 5
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 698991 9674203 ZFT 27 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 730307 9675184 ZFT 27 4
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 730062 9675245 ZFT 27 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 729721 9675308 ZFT 28 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 720997 9667853 ZFT 28 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 725302 9693138 ZFT 29 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 St. Isabel Fm. volcanic 698813 9656909 ZFT 8 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 St. Isabel Fm. volcanic 699931 9642136 ZFT 15.9 1.6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 St. Isabel Fm. volcanic 688300 9629400 ZFT 18 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 St. Isabel Fm. volcanic 689714 9631727 ZFT 18 3
Hungerbühler et al 2002 St. Isabel Fm. volcanic 683296 9633982 ZFT 18.4 1.6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 St. Isabel Fm. volcanic 698428 9640804 ZFT 19 2
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Tarqui Fm. volcanic 732155 9672200 ZFT 5.1 0.6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Tarqui Fm. volcanic 729094 9687475 ZFT 5.5 0.6
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Tarqui Fm. volcanic 731940 9672631 ZFT 5.8 0.8
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Tarqui Fm. volcanic 728773 9664281 ZFT 6.0 1.0
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Tarqui Fm. volcanic 720818 9672195 ZFT 6.1 1.0
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Tarqui Fm. volcanic 729453 9664218 ZFT 6.3 0.8
Hungerbühler et al 2002 Tarqui Fm. volcanic 13550 28200 ZFT 6.3 1.0


Table A3 (continued)
Reference Lithology UTM UTM datation age ±2
east north method [Ma] [Ma]
Hungerbühler et al Tarqui Fm. volcanic 728865 9663789 ZFT 6.6 0.8
Hungerbühler et al Tarqui Fm. volcanic 744998 9700442 ZFT 6.7 0.8
Hungerbühler et al Tarqui Fm. volcanic 723285 9725220 ZFT 6.8 0.8
INEMIN-AGCD 1989 Chaucha batholith - tonalite pluton 666734 9690407 K-Ar bt 13.2 0.5
INEMIN-AGCD 1989 Chaucha batholith - tonalite pluton 666734 9690407 K-Ar hbl 13.3 0.5
INEMIN-AGCD 1989 Chaucha dacitic porphyry pluton 666734 9690407 K-Ar bt 11.0 1.0
Jaillard et al 1996 Palo Blanco pluton - granodiorite pluton 669200 9541800 K-Ar plag 26.6 1.6
Kennerley 1980 Amaluza pluton - granodiorite pluton 770575 9712820 K-Ar hbl 49 2
Kennerley 1980 andesite; Hungerbühler (1997) assigns to pluton 736041 9686336 K-Ar WR 19.7 0.5
El Descanso intrusion
Kennerley 1980 andesite; Hungerbühler (1997) assigns to pluton 736690 9686612 K-Ar WR 21 0.6
El Descanso intrusion
Kennerley 1980 andesite; Hungerbühler (1997) assigns to volcanic 673135 9632347 K-Ar WR 19.5 0.4
St. Isabel Fm.
Kennerley 1980 andesitic porphyry; Hungerbühler (1997) volcanic 698160 9643179 K-Ar WR 14.2 0.5
assigns to St. Isabel Fm.

Kennerley 1980 Chaucha batholith - granodiorite pluton 675428 9679338 K-Ar bt 12.8 0.6
Kennerley 1980 El Tingo pluton - granodiorite pluton 678559 9558619 K-Ar bt 50 3
Kennerley 1980 Las Guardias pluton - qtz-diorite pluton 711358 9800935 K-Ar hbl 20 3
Kennerley 1980 Portachuela batholith - granite pluton 674723 9493201 K-Ar bt 29.0 0.8
Kennerley 1980 rhyolite; Hungerbühler (1997) assigns to St. volcanic 700010 9641978 K-Ar WR 21.4 0.8
Isabel Fm.
Kennerley 1980 San Lucas pluton - granodiorite pluton 702191 9573316 K-Ar bt 63 1
Kennerley 1980 Saraguro Group - rhyolite volcanic 672821 9632716 K-Ar WR 26.8 0.7
Lavenu et al 1992 Biblian Fm - rhyolitic tuff volcanic 735300 9701400 K-Ar plag 22.0 0.8
Lavenu et al 1992 Cojitambo - andesite; Hungerbühler (1997): pluton 735300 9695800 K-Ar plag 7.1 0.3
this Cojitambo sample is intrusive, whereas
younger Cojitambo ages are from extrusive
Lavenu et al 1992 Mangan Fm. - rhyolitic tuff volcanic 733500 9697700 K-Ar plag 16.3 0.7
Lavenu et al 1992 Pisayambo Fm - andesite volcanic 739100 9760300 K-Ar WR 7.9 0.4
Lavenu et al 1992 Pisayambo Fm - andesite volcanic 694400 9596400 K-Ar plag 8.2 0.4
Lavenu et al 1992 Pisayambo Fm - andesite volcanic 737400 9893100 K-Ar plag 9.1 0.5
Lavenu et al 1992 Saraguro Fm - andesite volcanic 728000 9764100 K-Ar WR 21.0 1.0
Lavenu et al 1992 Saraguro Fm - andesite volcanic 724300 9747500 K-Ar plag 35.5 1.3
Lavenu et al 1992 Saraguro Fm. - andesite volcanic 733500 9686600 K-Ar plag 35.3 0.9
McCourt et al 1997 Balsapamba - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 700235 9806476 K-Ar bt/hbl 33.1 0.4
McCourt et al 1997 Chaso Juan - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 708060 9845175 K-Ar bt/hbl 19.5 0.3
McCourt et al 1997 Chaso Juan - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 708060 9845175 K-Ar bt/hbl 20.7 0.2
McCourt et al 1997 Corazon batholith - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 722548 9868388 K-Ar bt/hbl 14.1 0.3
McCourt et al 1997 Corazon batholith - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 728113 9867278 K-Ar bt/hbl 14.8 0.2
McCourt et al 1997 Corazon batholith - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 728117 9872808 K-Ar bt/hbl 14.8 0.4
McCourt et al 1997 Corazon batholith - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 728117 9872808 K-Ar bt/hbl 16.1 0.2
McCourt et al 1997 La Industria tonalite-granodiorite pluton 694671 9806481 K-Ar bt/hbl 23.1 0.8
McCourt et al 1997 La Industria tonalite-granodiorite pluton 694676 9812010 K-Ar bt/hbl 25.6 0.3
McCourt et al 1997 La Industria tonalite-granodiorite pluton 689108 9806486 K-Ar bt/hbl 26.5 0.7
McCourt et al 1997 Las Guardias tonalite-granodiorite pluton 705788 9795411 K-Ar bt/hbl 33.4 0.3
McCourt et al 1997 Las Guardias tonalite-granodiorite pluton 705788 9795411 K-Ar bt/hbl 34.3 0.8
McCourt et al 1997 stock intruding Yunguilla Unit at Juan de pluton 733615 9800911 K-Ar 10.1 0.2
Velasco - porphyritic granodiorite
McCourt et al 1997 Tambana pluton pluton 705776 9784352 K-Ar bt/hbl 25.4 0.2
McCourt et al 1997 Telimbela - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 705811 9818635 K-Ar bt/hbl 19.1 0.8
McCourt et al 1997 Telimbela - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 700246 9817534 K-Ar bt/hbl 20.0 0.4
McCourt et al 1997 Telimbela - tonalite-granodiorite pluton 700246 9817534 K-Ar bt/hbl 21.4 0.2
McCourt et al 1997 tonalite dike cutting Apagua Formation pluton 728125 9883869 K-Ar bt/hbl 23.7 0.5
MMAJ/JICA 1989 Balsapamba - qtz-diorite pluton 707560 9807830 K-Ar hbl 25.7 0.9
MMAJ/JICA 1989 Chaso Juan - granodiorite pluton 706170 9845140 K-Ar bt 20.9 0.7
MMAJ/JICA 1989 La Industria - qtz-diorite pluton 690970 9825260 K-Ar hbl 25.5 0.9
MMAJ/JICA 1989 Telimbela - qtz-diorite pluton 703680 9816010 K-Ar bt 19.4 0.6
MMAJ/JICA 1989 Las Guardias - qtz-diorite pluton 708140 9798660 K-Ar hbl 30.1 1.1
MMAJ/JICA 1991 Chaso Juan - diorite pluton n/a n/a K-Ar 17.5 0.6
MMAJ/JICA 1991 Telimbela - hbl qtz-diorite pluton n/a n/a K-Ar 15 3
MMAJ/JICA 1991 Telimbela - qtz porphyry pluton n/a n/a K-Ar 15.7 1.0


Table A3 (continued)
Reference Lithology UTM UTM datation age ±2
east north method [Ma] [Ma]
MMAJ/JICA 1992 Apuela: Cuellaje - granodiorite pluton 778270 42042 K-Ar bt 13.0 0.6
MMAJ/JICA 1992 Apuela: Junin - granodiorite pluton 767136 27657 K-Ar hbl 14.5 0.2
MMAJ/JICA 1992 Cuellaje andesite porphyry pluton 778270 42042 K-Ar WR 11.1 0.6
MMAJ/JICA 1992 Cuellaje qtz porphyry pluton 778270 42042 K-Ar WR 8.8 0.4
MMAJ/JICA 1992 Junin diorite porphyry pluton 767136 27657 K-Ar WR 7.3 0.3
MMAJ/JICA 1992 Junin qtz porphyry pluton 767136 27657 K-Ar WR 6.1 0.2
Müller-Kahle & Chaucha batholith pluton 675053 9676574 K-Ar WR? 9.8 0.3
Damen 1970
OLADE 1980 Cojitambo andesite-dacite volcanic 735316 9695831 K-Ar 6.3 0.2
Pichler & Aly 1983 Pungala pluton - granodiorite pluton 770721 9802708 K-Ar bt 41.3 1.6
Pratt et al 1997 NE Uzhcurrumi - qtz-diorite volcanic 661100 9635129 K-Ar 19.9 0.2
Pratt et al 1997 Paccha granitoid pluton 644386 9601984 K-Ar 16.9 0.2
Pratt et al 1997 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 650200 9591600 ZFT 21.5 1.6
Pratt et al 1997 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 632400 9635400 ZFT 23.2 1.6
Pratt et al 1997 Saraguro Fm. volcanic 661900 9650900 ZFT 28 2
Pratt et al 1997 Saraguro Fm. - dacitic tuff volcanic 690200 9629700 ZFT 22 2
Pratt et al 1997 Saraguro Fm. - dacitic tuff volcanic 690700 9629300 ZFT 27 2
Pratt et al 1997 Saraguro Fm. - ignimbrite volcanic 702934 9614065 ZFT 22.5 1.8
Pratt et al 1997 Saraguro Fm. - ignimbrite volcanic 703862 9618808 ZFT 25.0 1.8
Pratt et al 1997 Shagli intrusion - granodiorite pluton 683353 9651682 K-Ar 17.6 0.6
Pratt et al 1997 Tarqui Fm. - dacite lava flow volcanic 694100 9595400 ZFT 9.6 1.0
Pratt et al 1997 undefined intrusion pluton 658700 9651500 ZFT 13.9 1.0
Prodeminca 2000 Apuela batholith: granodiorite pluton n/a n/a K-Ar hbl 16.5 0.8
Prodeminca 2000 Junin - qtz porphyry pluton n/a n/a K-Ar bt/hbl 5.9 0.1
Prodeminca 2000 Junin - qtz porphyry pluton n/a n/a K-Ar bt/hbl 7.9 0.3
Rivera et al 1992 Saraguro Fm. - ignimbrite volcanic 697700 9675200 K-Ar bt 26.0 0.8
Rivera et al 1992 Saraguro Fm. - ignimbrite volcanic 696300 9676200 K-Ar bt 27.0 0.7
Snelling 1970 Chaucha batholith - granodiorite-tonalite pluton 666734 9690407 K-Ar 12.0 0.6
Spikings et al. 2005 Saraguro Group volcanic rock volcanic 698100 9724200 ZFT 36 3
Steinmann 1997 Calera pluton - granite pluton 650061 9591480 ZFT 26.5 1.8
Steinmann 1997 Cisarán - andesite volcanic 725300 9693000 ZFT 6.8 0.8
Steinmann 1997 El Prado pluton - granite pluton 658870 9578475 ZFT 24 2
Steinmann 1997 Porotillos pluton - granite pluton 653857 9632490 ZFT 20 4
Steinmann 1997 San Antonio pluton - granite pluton 662162 9634470 ZFT 20 3
this study Apuela: Cuellaje granodiorite (E060206) pluton 772701 44253 zircon TIMS 12.87 0.08
this study Balsapamba granodiorite (E06140) pluton 708028 9809786 zircon TIMS 21.46 0.08
this study Balsapamba granodiorite porphyry pluton 708028 9809786 zircon TIMS 21.22 0.17
this study Cangrejos qtz-diorite (E06066) pluton 633163 9614248 zircon 25.7 1.0
this study Chaucha dacitic porphyry (Tunas; E07005) pluton 675055 9677495 zircon TIMS 9.79 0.03
this study Chaucha granodiorite batholith (E07003) pluton 675055 9677495 zircon TIMS 14.84 0.06
this study El Mozo granodiorite porphyry (E07018) pluton 714415 9618449 zircon TIMS 16.04 0.02
this study Gaby plag-hbl porphyry (E05083) pluton 644460 9657265 zircon TIMS 20.26 0.06
this study Junin granodiorite porphyry (E07032) pluton 755998 33186 zircon TIMS 9.01 0.05
this study Papa Grande plag-hbl porphyry (E05090) pluton 645570 9656158 zircon TIMS 19.89 0.06
this study Portovelo plag-hbl porphyry (E06112) pluton 653987 9589516 zircon TIMS 24.04 0.06
this study Quimsacocha altered dacite dome pluton 697346 9662472 zircon TIMS 7.13 0.07
this study Saraguro at Tres Chorreras - felsite volcanic 663344 9649685 zircon 30.7 0.6
(E07011) ICPMS
this study Telimbela granodiorite (E07045) pluton 714543 9834663 zircon 25.5 0.7
this study Zaruma granodiorite (E07023) pluton 653270 9599944 zircon 20.9 1.1
Vallejo 2007 Cizaran Fm. - andesite volcanic 740461 9806100 Ar-Ar gm 12.2 2.2
Vallejo 2007 Macuchi Unit - andesite volcanic 784106 95939 Ar-Ar gm 35.1 1.7
Vallejo 2007 Macuchi Unit - andesite volcanic 725129 9965028 Ar-Ar plag 42.6 1.3
Vallejo 2007 Pilalo Fm. - andesite volcanic 771610 9996629 Ar-Ar px 64.3 0.4
Vallejo 2007 Pilalo Fm. "intrusion" - andesite volcanic 733838 9919774 Ar-Ar hbl 34.8 1.4
Vallejo 2007 Rio Cala Unit - basaltic andesite volcanic 787170 27797 Ar-Ar px 67 7
Vallejo 2007 San Juan de Lachas Fm. - andesite volcanic 806395 83179 Ar-Ar 32.9 1.2
Vallejo 2007 Silante Fm. - basalt volcanic 763379 9995871 Ar-Ar gm 66 2
Vallejo 2007 Silante Fm. - andesite volcanic 766935 2688 Ar-Ar gm 58 2
Vallejo 2007 Silante Fm. - andesite volcanic 768285 1600 Ar-Ar gm 61.0 1.1
Vallejo 2007 Silante Fm. - basalt volcanic 763379 9995871 Ar-Ar gm 66 2


Table A3 (continued)
Reference Lithology UTM UTM datation age ±2
east north method [Ma] [Ma]
van Thournout 1991 Apuela pluton - granodiorite pluton 776600 30100 K-Ar bt 15.8 0.6
van Thournout 1991 Apuela pluton - granodiorite pluton 776600 30100 K-Ar hbl 18.5 0.9
van Thournout 1991 hbl-rich intrusion hosted by San Juan de Lachas pluton n/a n/a K-Ar 20 3
van Thournout 1991 hbl-rich intrusion hosted by San Juan de Lachas pluton n/a n/a K-Ar 36 2
van Thournout 1991 Macuchi Unit. - gabbro pluton 791000 91500 K-Ar hbl 45 9
van Thournout 1991 Maldonado pluton - granodiorite pluton 822200 101500 K-Ar bt 8.9 0.4
van Thournout 1991 Rio Babosa granodiorite pluton 784100 98500 K-Ar hbl 40 3
van Thournout 1991 Tandapi Unit - diorite pluton 806400 83600 K-Ar hbl 32.6 1.3

Acronyms: qtz - quartz, plag - plagioclase, px - pyroxene, hbl - honrblende, gm - groundmass, WR - whole rock, ZFT - zircon fission track

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zerland, 176 pp.
Vallejo, C.(2007): Evolution of the Western Cordillera in the Andes of Ecuador (Late Cretaceous-Paleogene). Unpublished PhD Thesis, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland, 208 pp.
Van Thournout, F. (1991): Stratigraphy, magmatism and tectonism in the Ecuadorian northwestern cordillera: Metallogenic and Geodynamic implications. PhD thesis, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven, 150 pp.

extends northwards into southern Ecuador, and potentially further north until Colombia. Intersections of
geometries and block rotation in southern Ecuador represent highly prospective sites for Miocene por
Porphyryrelated ore deposits in Ecuador are often associated with intrusive clusters of batholith dimen
mineralization in southern Ecuador. In the Western Cordillera of Ecuador porphyry Cu mineralization has
tions where significant parts of the mineralization have been removed. Although possibly applicable for

While the broad extent of the Miocene metal
Introduction logenic belts of Peru and Chile is relatively well
Porphyryrelated (porphyry Cu, epithermal, and established,thenorthwardbeltcontinuationinto
Cordilleran vein type) ore deposits in western Ecuador is less certain. In fact, in his seminal in
SouthAmericatypicallyoccurinelongatedmetal vestigation of intrusionrelated metallogenic
logenic belts of several 100 km strike length beltsoftheAndes,Sillitoe(1988)depictedapro
whichregionallylinkdepositsofasimilarage(Sil nounced metallogenic gap for Ecuador as only a
litoe 1988). Additional subbelts may be defined single Miocene porphyry Cu deposit (Chaucha)
where the density of ore deposits and geochro wasrelativelywell knownat thattime.Over the
nologic control on the timing of mineralization last two decades, Ecuador has increasingly
are sufficiently high (e.g., centralnorthern Peru; moved into the focus of exploration activities of
Noble & McKee 1999). Porphyryrelated ore de publicandprivatelyownedcompaniesaswellas
positsoftheAndesareintimatelyassociatedwith several government agencies, resulting in the
arc magmatism resulting from the subduction of discovery and reassessment of a significant
the Farallon/Nazca plate at the South American number of Miocene and older porphyryrelated
margin (Sillitoe 1988). Consequently, metal ore deposits (Prodeminca 2000a, 2000b; USGS
logenic belts tend to follow the overall spatio 2009).IncombinationwiththeirJurassicequiva
temporaldistributionofarcmagmatismwhichis lents,theMioceneoredepositscontainthebulk
mainlydictatedbythesubductingslabgeometry ofthecountry'sresourcesinCu,Mo,Au,andAg
andupperplatestructures(e.g.,Kayetal.1999; (Prodeminca 2000a). Miocene mineralization
Tosdal&Richards2001;Richards2003). typesmainlycompriseporphyrystyle(e.g.,Junin,
Further geodynamic and tectonomagmatic con cha), intermediate sulfidation (e.g., Portovelo
trols may operate, causing particularly prolific Zaruma), and low sulfidation (e.g., Rio Blanco)
intervals of mineralization in certain belt seg epithermaldeposits.Althoughsomeoftheseore
ments, where it is important to distinguish in depositshavealongstandinghistoryofartisanal
creased rates of porphyryrelated ore deposit production, partly since Inca times, many of Ec
formation from optimum conditions of ore de uador's mineral resources remain undeveloped
posit exposure and preservation (at constant todate(Prodeminca2000a,2000b;Spenceretal.
rates of deposit formation; Wilkinson & Kesler 2002;USGS2009).Wherequantitativelyassessed
2009). Possible factors which have been pro (e.g., Tab. 1, for deposits investigated in this
posedtoshowapositivefeedbackwithporphyry study),theirtonnageseemstolagbehindthatof
related mineralization at regional to local scales somegiantoredepositsoftheMiocenePeruvian
includethesubductionofbathymetricanomalies metallogenic belt (e.g., Noble & McKee 1999;
suchasseamountchains("ridges"),andtheiref Rosenbaumetal.2005).
al.2005;Cookeetal.2005),intensehydrationof In this contribution we present ten new ReOs
the crust and evolving arc magmas by flat slab molybdenite ages related to porphyrystyle or
dehydration (James & Sacks 1999) or amphibole epithermal mineralization (complemented by a
breakdown (Kay et al. 1999), and a broadly fa UPbtitaniteagerelatedtohydrothermalaltera
vorable stress regime and its bearing on the ge tion)atseveralMioceneoredepositsinsouthern,
ometry of crustal structures and transcrustal central, and northern Ecuador (Figs. 1, 2). Com
magmaascent(Tosdal&Richards2001;Richards bined with recent geochronologic works on Late
2003). Furthermore, progressive volatile enrich Tertiary igneous rocks (Chapter 2) and available
mentofporphyryintrusiveparentalmeltsatmid literature data (Prodeminca 2000a, 2000b, and
todeepcrustallevelsmightrepresentafavorable referencestherein),ournewgeochronologicdata
magmatic preconditioning stage for subsequent allowustoassesstheMiocenemetallogenicpo
intrusionrelated mineralization at shallower lev tential of Ecuador, its connectivity with the
els (Rohrlach & Loucks 2005; Chiaradia et al. northerncentral Peruvian Miocene metallogenic
2009a). belt,anditsrelationwiththegeodynamicevolu

Figure  1:  Simplified  geological 
map  of  Tertiary  arc  magmatic 
units at the NW South American 
margin,  location  of  irregular
bathymetric features of the sub‐
ducting  Nazca  plate,  and  Late
Oligocene‐Miocene  intrusion‐
related  ore  deposits.  Only  ore
deposits  dated  in  this  study  are
displayed  for  Ecuador;  deposit 
data  for  northern  Peru  and
southern  Colombia  from  Sillitoe
(1988)  and  Noble  et  al.  (2004),
slightly  modified  to  account  for 
recent  discoveries.  Major  struc‐
tures  (undifferentiated;  mostly 
thrust  faults  which  have  been
variably  reactivated  during  the
Tertiary)  from  references  com‐
piled in Chapter 1, and addition‐
ally Mégard (1984) and McNulty
et  al.  (1998)  for  northern  Peru;
major  structures  of  the  Eastern 
Cordilleras  of  Ecuador  and  Peru 
are  not  shown.  Ore  deposits  in
Peru all plot in the Mid‐Miocene 
to  Early  Pliocene  Cu  metal‐
logenic belt of Sillitoe (1988); ore
deposits  in  southern  Ecuador  fit
well  into  the  northward  projec‐
tion  of  this  belt  in  space  and 
time. Ore deposit density further
north is lower, but suggests that 
the  Miocene  Cu  belt  might  be
broadly  continuous  into  Colom‐
bia,  following  the  magmatic  arc.
Hypothetic  positions  of  older,
already  subducted  oceanic  fea‐
tures  such  as  the  Inca  plateau 
are  not  shown,  but  might  be  of
metallogenetic  significance  (e.g.,
Rosenbaum  et  al.  2005).  The 
Curiplaya  porphyry  intrusions  in
southernmost  Ecuador  are  of 
Late  Cretaceous  age  (Chapter  1)
and do not form part of the Mio‐
cene metallogenic belt. 

Regional  geology  and  geody‐ sively  produced  since  the  break‐up  of  the  Faral‐
lon  plate  in  the  Early  Miocene  (Lonsdale  2005). 
namic setting  The  ENE‐trending  scarp  currently  intersects  the 
Since  the  Late  Cretaceous  the  Ecuadorian  sub‐ Ecuadorian trench at 3°S implying that old Faral‐
duction system has been influenced by a series of  lon crust is now subducted below southern Ecua‐
major geodynamic events starting with the c. 75‐ dor  (and  further  south  in  Peru)  whereas  young 
70  Ma  accretion  of  oceanic  plateau  fragments  Nazca  crust  is  subducted  below  central‐northern 
which  floor  the  present  day  forearc  region  and  Ecuador  (and  further  north  in  Colombia);  Mio‐
possibly  parts  of  the  Interandean  Depression  cene  plate  motions  (Somoza  1998)  dictate  that 
(e.g., Vallejo et al. 2009). Throughout the Tertiary  the  scarp  progressively  swept  southwards  along 
oblique  plate  convergence  between  the  Faral‐ the  margin  (Gutscher  et  al.  1999).  The  Carnegie 
lon/Nazca  and  the  South  American  plates  has  Ridge seamount chain collided with the Ecuador‐
been  accommodated  by  combined  oblique  sub‐ ian  margin  in  the  Late  Miocene  (‐Pliocene?)  al‐
duction slip and trench‐parallel forearc sliver dis‐ though the exact timing of initial collision is still a 
placement  where  the  former  is  the  dominant  matter  of  debate,  and  complicated  by  jumps  of 
mechanism at the present day (Daly 1989; Ego et  the Cocos‐Nazca spreading center and a possibly 
al.  1996).  The  offshore  Grijalvas  scarp  separates  segmented  seamount  track  (Lonsdale  &  Klitgord 
Farallon  and  Nazca  seafloor,  the  latter  progres‐ 1978;  Daly  1989;  Gutscher  et  al.  1999; 

Figure 2: Geological map of the southern Ecuadorian Sierra region showing position of mineral deposits investigated in
this study (Ar‐Ar data is still pending and will be supplemented as it becomes available). Note that a larger number of 
ore  deposits  occurs  in this  area  (Prodeminca  2000a, b). Black  diamonds  correspond  to  U‐Pb  zircon intrusive  ages (in 
Ma: Chapter 1, and Bineli Betsi, 2007, for Rio Blanco intrusions). White diamonds correspond to intrusive ages obtained
by K‐Ar (and in one case zircon fission track) geochronology (Aspden et al. 1992; Pratt et al. 1997). Only ages consid‐
ered as relevant for intrusion emplacement are shown. Ages of Saraguro Group volcanics are mostly 19‐29 Ma (ZFT; 
Hungerbühler et al. 2002). Adapted from Litherland et al. (1994), Pratt et al. (1997) and Dunkley & Gaibor (1997).


Spikingsetal.2001;Wittetal.2006).Ridgecolli tems such as Junin, Balsapamba, and Telimbela,
sionseemstohavecausedshallowingofthesub partlyassociatedwithminorepithermalminerali
ductionanglefromc.3035°to2530°belowcen zation (Prodeminca 2000a). Older porphyry sys
tralnorthern Ecuador in the Late Miocene tems have not been described, but a number of
Pliocene,whereasthesubductionanglehadbeen Aurich Eocene volcanichosted massive sulfide
broadly constant during the OligoceneMiocene deposits occur (Chiaradia & Fontboté 2001;
(Guillieretal.2001;Chapter2).Establishmentof Chiaradiaetal.2008).
a flat slab geometry below northern Peru and
The Late Oligocene to Early Miocene Saraguro
southernmost Ecuador, associated with a gap in
Group constitutes the major outcrop unit of the
southern Ecuadorian Sierra north of the Piñas
cene (e.g., James & Sacks 1999; Gutscher et al.
1999; Chapter 2). The flat slab segment and the
Calipuy Group in northern Peru and is partly
to have broadened progressively towards south
of the Cuenca and associated intramontane ba
erncentral Ecuador where Quaternary arc vol
sins, and by Mid to Late Miocene arc volcanic
formations (Sta. Isabel, Quimsacocha, Tarqui;
and Late Miocene arc volcanic formations cover
Chapter 2). As in northern Peru, extensive Qua
ternary volcanic cover sequences are absent in
southern Ecuador creating a favorable erosion
The Andean chain hosts the bulk of Tertiary arc levelfortheexposureofMiocenemineralization
magmaticproductsandsplitsintoawesternand (Fig.2).
eastern Cordillera in centralnorthern Ecuador,
The Saraguro Group volcanics are punctured by
which are separated by a number of elongated
basins referred to as Interandean Depression
josZaruma intrusive belt, and host a large num
(Litherland et al. 1994; Winkler et al. 2005). In
ber of epithermal and porphyry Cu deposits
southern Ecuador, the Andean structural NNE
which are, as shown below, mainly of Miocene
trend is disrupted where the Western Cordillera
swings towards the Gulf of Guayaquil and is re
define two main districts referred to as Azuay
placed by the El Oro microcontinental block
and El Oro districts, respectively (Prodeminca
which underwent clockwise rotation during the
ary mineralization in the southern Ecuadorian
structural trend at the present day (Mitouard et
Late OligoceneMiocene arc volcanics are mostly evidenced by the Late Cretaceous Curiplaya por
eroded in the Western Cordillera of central phyry intrusions in SW Ecuador (Fig. 1; Chapter
northern Ecuador such that their deeperseated 2), and the highly prolific Jurassic period of min
plutonic equivalents are unroofed (Chapter 2). eralization in the Eastern Cordillera, including,
Theseplutonsarealignedalongmajorfaultzones amongst others, the Fruta del Norte, Mirador,
of several 100’s km strike length which extend andNambijadeposits(Gendalletal.2000;Stew
down to mid to deep crustal levels where they art&Leary2007;Chiaradiaetal.2009b).
aredefined by35°Edippingfaultplanes(Guillier
et al. 2001). The possible eastward continuation Local geology of Miocene Ecua
of Late OligoceneMiocene arc magmatism is
concealed below Quaternary arc volcanic cover dorian ore deposits investigated
sequencesoftheInterandeanDepression(Fig.1; inthisstudy
Cordillera and its western foothills mostly repre Seven ore deposits of northern, central and,
sent moderately to deeply eroded porphyry sys mainly, southern Ecuador were sampled for Re
Os molybdenite dating in this study. These

comprise deposits with porphyrystyle minerali served in places (MMAJ/JICA 1991). Overall, Cu
zation (from north to south: Junin, Telimbela, mineralization related to the Balsapamba por
Balsapamba,Chaucha,Gaby,Cangrejos)andone phyry systems (mainly the El Torneado zone)
brecciarelatedepitomesothermaldeposit(Tres seems to have been mostly eroded, whereas
Chorreras) whose metallogenic classification is various exploration targets in the Telimbela por
not entirely clear (Prodeminca 2000a). In addi phyrysystemhaveahighermineralizationpoten
tion,hydrothermaltitanitewassampledforUPb tial, especially in brecciated areas (MMAJ/JICA
datingattheGabyporphyrysystem.Generalgeo 1991).
The Chaucha CuMo porphyry system is one of
in Table 1. Typical alteration and mineralization
the earliest described porphyry Cu deposits in
characteristics of these deposits are shown in
Ecuador (e.g., Goossens & Hollister 1973). It is
number of key deposits where more detailed
at the SE end of the MidMiocene Chaucha ba
geochronologic studies were carried out (Fig. 4
tholith and comprises at least two major por
phyry intrusions (Tunas and GurGur) hosted by
The Junin CuMo porphyry system is hosted by preTertiarymetapelites,SaraguroGroupvolcan
the MidMiocene Apuela batholith (Fig. 1; Chap ics, and older intrusive phases of the Chaucha
ter 2). It occurs in the center of a belt of three batholith (Figs. 2, 6; Prodeminca 2000a; Micon
porphyry deposits (including El Pacto to the SW 2005b;Chapter2).Thespatialdistributionofhy
and Cuellaje to the NE; plus a meso (?) to epi drothermalalterationreflectsthetrendsofprin
thermal Au deposit at El Corazon) which are cipal tectonic structures and overall affects an
aligned in NE directions parallel to the Chimbo area of several km2; highest ore grades are en
Toachi shear zone, and are collectively referred counteredinzonesoftransitionalpotassicphyllic
to as Imbaoeste district (MMAJ/JICA 1998; alteration both in porphyry stocks and batholith
Prodeminca2000a;Micon2005a;Chapter2).The hostunits(Micon2005b).
Junin prospect comprises a well developed zone
The GabyPapa Grande AuCu porphyry system
of phyllicpotassic alteration partly extending
comprises multiple Early Miocene porphyry and
hornblende granodiorite porphyry dikes of vari
in oceanic plateau basalts (Pallatanga Unit), oc
able thickness striking NNE to ENE and dipping
tures show a major ~NE trend and secondary N
NW structures which were repeatedly active at
pre, syn, and postmineral times, and are in
sodiccalcic alteration (mostly as free Au) and is
ferred to have controlled porphyry dike em
particularly well developed in previously frac
placement by facilitating local dilation (Micon
tured porphyry intrusions and hydrothermal
breccias which show an overall NW distribution
The Balsapamba and Telimbela CuMo porphyry trend (Srivastava et al. 2008). Local highgrade
systems define the Bolivar district in central Ec mineralizationisstructurallycontrolledandasso
uador and occur in the western foothills of the ciatedwithphyllicalteration(e.g.,Tamavein;Fig.
WesternCordillera(Fig.1);theyrepresentdeeply 7; Srivastava et al. 2008). The Gaby and Papa
eroded porphyry systems hosted by various fa GrandeporphyrysystemsareseparatedbytheE
ciesofthecentralEcuadorianOligoceneMiocene W striking Guanache normal fault resulting in a
batholith (MMAJ/JICA 1991; Prodeminca 2000a; deeperexposureleveloftheGabyrelativetothe
Chapter 2). Hydrothermal alteration (mainly PapaGrandesector(Prodeminca2000a).
potassic ± sodiccalcic) is centered on multiple
hornblende quartzdiorite porphyry dikes which
are aligned with mainly NE, but also N, NW,
piperelated deposits emplaced along the NE
trending La Tigrera fault in the southern
Local advanced argillic alteration has been ob

Figure 3: Typical alteration and mineralization features of Late Tertiary porphyry systems of Ecuador (A‐D = macro‐; E‐H 
= micro‐photographs). A – Multiple veinlets of cp‐qtz and qtz‐ms‐py‐mo cross‐cutting granodiorite porphyry with per‐
vasive potassic and phyllic alteration (Junin). B – Hydrothermal breccia with subangular hbl‐plag porphyry clasts (with 
sodic‐calcic  alteration)  and bt‐qtz  cement (related  to  Tama  vein;  Gaby).  C  –  Multiple  mt  and qtz‐mt  veinlets  with  ep 
haloes cross‐cutting hbl qtz‐diorite porphyry (Cangrejos). D – Reopened mt‐qtz vein filled with later qtz and ser halo 
cross‐cutting  tonalite  with  bt‐chl  alteration,  plus  multiple  thin  cp‐qtz  veinlets  (Chaucha  batholith  at  Tunas).  E  –  hbl‐
bearing granodiorite porphyry with pervasive potassic alteration where bt flakes completely replace hbl phenocrysts

EcuadorianSierra.Itspositioncorrespondstothe 8. Pure molybdenite concentrates of 1060
projected intersection of three regional linea mg/sample were obtained from massive molyb
ments, namely the La Tigrera fault, the SE deniteorquartzmolybdeniteveinletsofsamples
trending Galena fault, and the NNEtrending Bu listed in Table 2 using a microdrill, followed by
lubulufault(Fig.2;Prodeminca2000a).Lithologi handpicking to purify the concentrates. Where
calunitsatTresChorrerascompriseanumberof molybdenite occurred as finegrained flakes in
dioritegranodiorite intrusions emplaced in silicic the matrix of hydrothermal breccias (Gaby,
Saraguro Group volcanics and volcaniclastics, Balsapamba; Fig. 9) samples were crushed to
which are associated with several breccia pipes <300 m and washed to remove clay particles,
andasubcirculartoirregularlyshapedagglomer followed by molybdenite handpicking from the
atefilled structure interpreted as a large dia heavy (> 3.32 g/cm3) nonmagnetic mineral frac
treme (Prodeminca 2000a). Gold mineralization tion>80m.RheniumandOswereseparatedat
in quartz veinlets is partly hosted by various theUniversityofArizonaaccordingtotheproce
breccia bodies and by the diatreme structure. In dures described in Barra et al. (2003, 2005).
addition, a younger set of polymetallic veins oc Weighted molybdenite fractions were spiked
cur(Prodeminca2000a).Whilebroadlyclassified with 185Re and 190Os and dissolved in a Carius
as meso to epithermal mineralization tubeusing8mlinverseaquaregia(3 16NHNO3
(Prodeminca 2000a), some of the deposit's geo +1 10NHCl);23mlofhydrogenperoxide(30%)
logic features such as tourmalinebearing hydro were added to the mixture to ensure complete
thermal breccias are typically porphyryrelated sample oxidation and spike equilibration. The
(e.g., Seedorff et al. 2005), whereas other fea tubewasheatedto240°Cforc.8h,andthesolu
tures such as polymetallic vein mineralogy are tion subsequently treated in a twostage distilla
similar to Cordilleran veintype deposits (e.g., tion process for Os separation (Nägler & Frei
Fontboté&Bendezú2009). 1997). Osmium was further purified using a mi
crodistillation technique, similar to that of Birck
The Late OligoceneEarly Miocene Cangrejos Au
et al. (1997), and loaded on Pt filaments with
Ba(OH)2 to enhance ionization. After Os separa
tion, the remaining acid solution was dried and
ter 2). It comprises multiple nested intrusions
later dissolved in 0.1 N HNO3. Rhenium was ex
using AG1X8 (100–200 mesh) resin and loaded
whose distribution is structurally controlled and
includes all intrusive lithologies; highest Au Sampleswereanalyzedbynegativethermalioni
grades are associated with quartztourmaline zationmassspectrometry(Creaseretal.1991)on
veinlets(Potter2004). a VG 54 mass spectrometer at the University of
Arizona. Rhenium and Os were measured with
Sampling and analytical tech Faradaycollectors.Molybdeniteageswerecalcu
lated using an 187Re decay constant of
niques 1.666 1011year1(Smoliaretal.1996).Errorsare
SamplingdetailsarelistedinTable2andfurther reported at the 2 level and cmprise the propa
illustrated on Figures 4 to 7. Molybdenite sam gated uncertainties of the Re decay con

Figure3(captioncontinuedfrompreviouspage): andform"shreddy"disseminationsintheporphyrymatrix(GurGur
(Gaby).G–Plagqtzporphyrywithchlbackgroundalteration,crosscutbyeppycpveinlet(Telimbela).H– Porphyritic
granodiorite with pervasive silicification and ms alteration (GurGur porphyry, Chaucha. Mineral abbreviations: ab –
silica;mo–molybdenite,mt–magnetite,ms–muscovite,plag–plagioclase,po–pyrrhotite,py–pyrite,qtz– quartz,

stant (0.31%), spike calibration for 185Re (0.08%) gated to the final uncertainties of isotopic ratios
and 190Os (0.15%), and individual weighting and and ages of each individual analysis. Uncertain
analytical random errors. Weighted mean ages tiesinthedecayconstantsof238Uand235U(Jaffey
were calculated using the Isoplot v3.31 Excel et al. 1971) were propagated separately and
macro(Ludwig2003). added quadratically to the weighted mean age.
Concordia plots and weighted mean age calcula
Hydrothermal titanite forms part of the sodic
calcic alteration assemblage at the Gaby por
macro of Ludwig (2003). All uncertainties and
phyry system (Tab. 2). Titanite from the crushed
error ellipses are reported as 2 and weighted
mean 206Pb/238U ages are presented at 95% con
ble and heavy mineral (> 3.32 g/cm3) separation
techniques, and handpicked from the slightly
magneticfraction(0.81.25A@20°sidetilt)us Results
ing a Frantz magnetic separation table. The ti Table 3 shows ReOs data for the ten molyb
tanitefractionunderwentabulk twostepwash denite concentrates analyzed in this study. Total
ing process at 140°C (30 m in. each) using (1) a Re and 187Os concentrations range between 35
mixtureofconcentratedHFand7NHNO3,and(2) 1019ppmand4.7250ppb,respectively.TwoRe
6NHCl,followedbyrinsinginultrapureH2Oand Os molybdenite ages of 6.63±0.04 Ma and
acetone. Titanite multigrain fractions (n = 47) 6.13±0.03 Ma were obtained for quartz
were spiked using a mixed 205Pb233U235U spike molybdenite veinlets at the Junin porphyry sys
solution, and were dissolved in 63 l concen tem. This veinlet type is related to potassic or
trated HF with a trace of 7N HNO3 at 110°C for transitional potassicphyllic alteration at Junin
seven days. Uranium and Pb were separated us (Salazar 2007). The new ReOs molybdenite age
ing an HClbased anion exchange chromatogra at Telimbela (19.2±0.1 Ma) was obtained on a
phy, and loaded individually on separate Re fila molybdenitequartz veinlet related to potassic
ments using the Sigel technique (Gerstenberger alteration. A ReOs molybdenite age of 21.5±0.1
& Haase 1997). Measurement routines on a Tri fortheElTorneadozoneoftheBalsapambaplu
tonthermalionizationmassspectrometeratthe ton relates to molybdenite as part of a hydro
UniversityofGenevawereidenticaltothoseout thermal breccia matrix consisting of mineral
linedforzirconanalysisinChapter2. phases of a potassic alteration assemblage (Tab.
Total analytical common Pb (Pbc) was attributed 2). Two ReOs molybdenite ages at Chaucha
tobothlaboratoryblank(isotopicallyconstrained comprise the TunasNaranjos sector (9.92±0.05
by repeated measurements as 206Pb/204Pb = Ma)andtheGurGursector(9.5±0.2Ma;Fig.6).
17.87±0.36, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.16±0.34, 208Pb/204Pb The former age was obtained on molybdenite
= 36.75±1.11) and Pbc included in titanite (iso associatedwithpotassicphyllicalterationhosted
topiccompositionestimatedatt=20Maaccord bybiotitebearinggranodiorite,andthelatterage
ing to Stacey & Kramers 1975). Lab blanks were was obtained on molybdenite hosted by grano
highly variable (1581 pg), but constant in iso diorite porphyry with phyllic alteration. A ReOs
topic composition; therefore, individual propor molybdeniteageof20.6±0.1Mawasobtainedat
tionsoftitanitePbcvs.Pbcintroducedbylabora the Gaby porphyry system where molybdenite
tory contamination were calculated assuming a formspartofahydrothermalbrecciamatrix(Tab.
constant Pbc concentration in titanite which was 2). At Tres Chorreras we dated molybdenite as
obtained iteratively by balancing the weight of part of a hydrothermal breccia matrix
the titanite fraction vs. the total amount of Pbc, (12.93±0.07 Ma), and as part of a massive poly
yielding an average titanite Pbc concentration of metallic vein (12.75±0.07 Ma). Finally, a molyb
229±14 pg/mg. The uncertainties of spike and denitequartzveinletassociatedwithsodiccalcic
blankPbisotopiccomposition,massfractionation alterationatCangrejosgaveaReOsmolybdenite
correction, and tracer calibration were propa ageof23.5±0.1Ma.

Table 2: Description of samples used for molybdenite Re-Os and titanite U-Pb datation
Deposit/sample Location/drill core Description
E06194 35050 N, 761383 E; hbl granodiorite porphyry (potassic, overprinted by phyllic alteration);
0° 19' 1'' N, 78° 39' 6'' W; qtz-mo (-cp) veinlet with fine-grained mo flakes
MJJ-29 @ 305m

E06199 35050 N, 761383 E; hbl granodiorite porphyry (potassic, overprinted by phyllic alteration);
0° 19' 1'' N, 78° 39' 6'' W; mo-qtz veinlets with coarse-grained mo flakes
MJJ-29 @ 498m

E07037 9817260 N, 705670 E; hbl tonalite (potassic, overprinted by propylitic alteration); multiple
1° 39' 9'' S, 79° 9' 5'' W; mo-qtz veinlets with coarse-grained mo flakes
MJE-9 @ 49m
E08003 9808050 N, 707840 E; brecciated hbl granodiorite (potassic-phylic alteration) with breccia
1° 44' 9'' S, 79° 7' 54'' W; matrix (+veinlets?) of chl-bt-qtz-mt with mo-cp-py; fine-grained mo
MJE-3 @ 42m flakes in breccia matrix
E07006 (Naranjos 9676800 N, 676140 E; altered host tonalite (potassic-phyllic) with intense qtz, qtz-cp, cp-mt-
sector, adjacent to 2° 55' 23'' S, 79° 24' 55'' qtz veining, and thick qtz vein with mo concentrated at vein margins
Tunas porphyry) W; NA-30 @ 53m (fine-grained mo flakes)
E06175 (Gur-Gur 9676700 N, 677800 E; altered granodiorite porphyry (phyllic) with py-qtz and qtz-py-mo
porphyry) 2° 55' 26'' S, 79° 24' 1'' W; veinlets (fine-grained mo flakes)
core-5 @ 80m
E05075 9661850 N, 643400 E; hydrothermal breccia with altered (qtz-ser), subangular porphyry
3° 3' 31'' S, 79° 42' 35'' W; clasts; breccia matrix comprises qtz, po, cp±mo, and goe, hm, jar
GD-08 @ 151m (later oxidation?); mo as fine-grained flakes
E05077 9661850 N, 643400 E; hbl-plag porphyry with strong pervasive Na-Ca alteration including
3° 3' 31'' S, 79° 42' 35'' W; act, chl, ep, ttn, and sulfides (mainly po); anhedral-euhedral ttn
GD-08 @ 340m grains of c. 50-500 m size in porphyry matrix or replacing hbl (along
with other minerals)
Tres Chorreras
E07010 9650150 N, 663591 E; hydrothermal breccia with subangular clasts of altered volcanics and
3° 9' 51'' S, 79° 31' 40'' W matrix of tm, mt (repl. by hm + goe), mo, jsp; mo as coarse-grained
E07012 9650052 N, 663543 E; massive polymetallic vein with cp-mo-jsp-sl; host rock = completely
3° 9' 54'' S, 79° 31' 42'' W replaced by clay minerals (pyrophyllite?); mo as coarse-grained
E06065 9614000 N, 633200 E; bt-bearing qtz-diorite with weak pervasive Na-Ca alteration; abun-
3° 29' 29'' S, 79° 48' 3'' W dant qtz veinlets and single mo-qtz veinlet (coarse-grained mo
Same mineral abbreviations as in Table 1, plus goe (goethite), jar (jarosite). Coordinates as PSAD-56 projection.

Hydrothermal titanite is associated with sodic gests an imperfect characterization of the Pbc
calcic alteration at the Gaby porphyry system isotopic composition, but the homogeneous dis
whereaUPbtitaniteageof20.17±0.16Mawas tributionof206Pb/238Uagesimpliesthat206Pb/238U
obtained (Fig. 9; Tab. 4). High scatter between agesystematicswerenotsignificantlyaffectedby
individual 207Pb/235U ages for Gaby titanite sug thisissue.

Discussion Ma, 6.1±0.2 Ma, and 5.9±0.1 Ma (MMAJ/JICA
1992; Prodeminca 2000a). The youngest ReOs
age thus overlaps (within error) with and con
IntegrationofReOsmolybdeniteand firmstheyoungestKArages,whereasthe6.6Ma
UPb titanite ages into the geochro ReOs molybdenite age evidences an additional
nologic framework of individual ore hydrothermalpulsepreviouslynotdetectedbyK
deposits Ar dating. In agreement with geological and
petrographic studies (Salazar 2007), the variable
The new ReOs molybdenite ages at Junin age range reflects multiple intrusive events and
(6.63±0.04 and 6.13±0.03 Ma) are significantly hydrothermalsystemsatJunin.Followingamajor
younger than the UPb zircon age of 9.01±0.06 period of host batholith construction from c. 19
Ma of a hornblende granodiorite porphyry dike to12Ma(Chapter2,andreferencestherein)re
fromthesamedrillcore(Fig.5;Chapter2).Asthe peated porphyry dike emplacement associated
relative ReOs age difference of 0.5 m.y. is out with several hydrothermal systems occurred be
side the maximum life span of a moderately tween9and6Ma.PreviouslyobtainedKArages
sized, single intrusiondriven hydrothermal sys of 7.9 and 7.3 Ma (overlapping with each other
tematshallowdepth(e.g.,Marshetal.1997)this within error) might either reflect an additional
age distribution suggests that widespread potas intrusive event at that time, or might relate to
sicphyllicalterationisrelatedtoseveral(atleast olderintrusiveevents(suchasporphyrydikeem
two) post9 Ma porphyry systems. Published placement at 9.01 Ma) and subsequent distur
whole rock and biotite/hornblende KAr ages of banceoftheKArisotopicsystembyyoungerin
Juninporphyryintrusionsare7.9±0.3Ma,7.3±0.3 trusive/hydrothermalpulses.



Table 3: Re-Os data for molybdenite of Miocene Ecuadorian ore deposits
187 187
Deposit/sample weight Total Re Re Os age ± 2
[mg] [ppm] [ppm] [ppb] [Ma]
E06199 39 294.4 184.3 18.8 6.13 ± 0.03
E06194 16 408.8 255.9 28.3 6.63 ± 0.04
E07037 60 312.8 195.8 62.6 19.2 ± 0.1
E08003 14 580.1 363.1 130.4 21.5 ± 0.1
E07006 30 354.6 222.0 36.7 9.92 ± 0.05
E06175 11 70.4 44.1 7.0 9.5 ± 0.2
Gaby-Papa Grande
E05075 44 442.9 277.3 95.0 20.6 ± 0.1
Tres Chorreras
E07010 55 641.0 401.3 86.4 12.93 ± 0.07
E07012 52 35.3 22.1 4.7 12.75 ± 0.07
E06065 50 1019 637.9 249.9 23.5 ± 0.1
Propagated total age uncertainties (c. 0.5%) include uncertainties in the Re decay constant (0.31%), Re (0.08%) and
Os (0.15%) spike calibration, weighting, and analytical random errors.
Weighted mean ages were calculated using the Isoplot v.3.31 Excel macro (Ludwig 2003).

A ReOs molybdenite age of 19.2±0.1 Ma over reference ages were also obtained within the El
laps with several KAr ages obtained on various Torneado zone of the northern Balsapamba plu
facies of the Telimbela pluton (19.119.4 Ma; ton. These ages are significantly younger than
MMAJ/JICA1989;McCourtetal.1997)wherethe previouslypublishedKAragesoftheBalsapamba
total age range of the Telimbela pluton is 25.5 pluton(33.125.7Ma;MMAJ/JICA1989;McCourt
14.5 Ma (KAr hornblende, biotite, and whole et al. 1997) and show that the Balsapamba and
rockdata;MMAJ/JICA1989,1991;McCourtetal. Telimbela plutons, along with the spatially asso
1997;Chapter2).Thissuggeststhatformationof ciatedplutonsofChasoJuan,LasGuardias,ElCo
the porphyry system occurred after some 6 m.y. razon, and La Industria, were formed at broadly
of pluton construction, and was still followed by similartimesandconstituteanintrusivecomplex
youngerplutonicactivity. AKArageof15.7±1.0 of batholith dimension (cf. Chapter 2). The inte
Ma was obtained on a “quartzporphyry” gratedgeochronologicresultsfortheBalsapamba
(MMAJ/JICA1991)possiblyindicatingfurtherde andTelimbelaplutonsdemonstratethatmultiple
velopmentofporphyrysystemstowardstheend porphyryrelated hydrothermal pulses occurred
ofplutonassembly. in a relatively short time span during the Early
Our new ReOs molybdenite age of 21.5±0.1 Ma
pamba pluton significantly predates a previously Molybdenite associated with hydrothermal al
obtained ReOsmolybdeniteageof19.7±0.3Ma terationattheTunasNaranjosandGurGurpor
from the same area (Chiaradia et al. 2004). It is phyry systems at Chaucha yields different ReOs
identical with the UPb zircon age of the major ages (9.92±0.05 Ma vs. 9.5±0.2 Ma). Both por
pluton lithology (hornblendebearing granodio phyry systems comprise different intrusive
rite;21.5±0.1Ma;Chapter2),andoverlapswithin lithologies, alteration characteristics, and host
errorwiththeUPbzirconageofaquartzdiorite rocks,andoccurat>2kmdistancetoeachother
porphyry dike (21.2±0.2 Ma; Chapter 2); both (e.g., Prodeminca 2000a; Fig. 6). Combined with

the ReOs relative age difference of 0.4 m.y. 
span of a single intrusiondriven hydrothermal
system at shallow depth) these characteristics
suggest that the Tunas and GurGur intrusions
define two distinct porphyry systems separated
denite hosted by biotitebearing granodiorite
Ma (UPb zircon; Chapter 2) closely approaches
Chapter 2) of a closeby granodiorite porphyry
dike in the Tunas sector at Chaucha whose em
placement might have been associated with a
hydrothermal porphyry system. The age differ
ence between the nonoverlapping zircon and
timated analytical uncertainties, or, possibly, an
underestimation of the zircon age by subtle ra
BalsapambaTelimbela, porphyry deposit forma
tion at Chaucha postdates the major batholith
Papa Grande (Fig. 7) where the main lithologies,
represented by hornblendeplagioclase porphyry
and 19.89±0.07 Ma (Papa Grande; UPb zircon;
Chapter 2). At Gaby, the dated main porphyry
body is additionally cut by multiple porphyry
dikes. The age of hydrothermal titanite
(20.17±0.16 Ma) associated with sodiccalcic al
teration at Gaby overlaps within error with the
age of the main porphyry intrusion, consistent
with a close relationship between intrusion em
placement and fluid circulation causing sodic

phases and locations of samples dated in this study
For example, "coarsegrained quartzfeldspar porphyry" corresponds to "hornblende granodiorite porphyry" in our
seems to represent the oldest porphyry intrusion at Junin dated so far, where the wall rock (Apuela batholith) is

 In contrast, our new ReOs molybdenite age
(20.6±0.1 Ma) is older than the previously dated

porphyry intrusion. The age difference might be
 age caused by Re loss ofmolybdenite which, for
example, might accompany crystallographic
 transformations from 3R to 2H polytypes
 (McCandless et al. 1993; see also Barra et al.
 Gaby, which exsolved fluids responsible for mo
lybdenite precipitation. Earlier intrusive activity

 dated tonalite intrusion closely associated with
and (according to field relationships) predating


The two ReOs molybdenite ages at Tres Chor
ing of hydrothermal brecciation possibly related
 to the emplacement of spatially associated por
 phyry intrusions for which no ages are available
 dates the timing of polymetallic mineralization.
 Both ages are significantly younger than their
 style and polymetallic mineralization might indi
cate that both events ultimately relate to the

same magmatichydrothermal system, but more
 detailed geologic studies of the Tres Chorreras

A quartzdiorite of the Cangrejos intrusive com
 ter 2) and is intruded by plagioclasehornblende
porphyry (Potter 2004). The new molybdenite
 age of 23.5±0.1 Ma might thus be related to a
 hydrothermal system generated by the post26
Ma porphyry intrusion. These ages are signifi
 cantly older than a KAr age of 16.9±0.2 Ma ob
 tained on the Paccha intrusion in the center of

 as an age reference for the Cangrejos porphyry
broadly similar to UPb zircon ages of intrusions
Ma and 24.0±0.1 Ma; Chapter 2) at the western

Figure 6: Geological map of the Chaucha Cu‐Mo porphyry system showing locations of dated samples. Samples for U‐
Pb zircon datation (Chapter 1) were collected from surface outcrop exposure whereas samples for Re‐Os molybdenite 
datation (this study) are drill core samples (cf. Tab. 2). Adapted from Micon (2005b). 
A  quartz‐diorite  of  the  Cangrejos  intrusive  com‐ in the Portovelo‐Zaruma mining district (20.7±0.9 
plex has a U‐Pb zircon age of 26.0±0.7 Ma (Chap‐ Ma  and  24.0±0.1  Ma;  Chapter  2)  at  the  western 
ter  2)  and  is  intruded  by  plagioclase‐hornblende  end of the Cangrejos‐Zaruma intrusive belt. 
porphyry  (Potter  2004).  The  new  molybdenite 
age  of  23.5±0.1  Ma  might  thus  be  related  to  a  Magmatic  characteristics  of  the  Mio‐
hydrothermal  system  generated  by  the  post‐26  cene metallogenic belt of Ecuador 
Ma  porphyry  intrusion.  These  ages  are  signifi‐
cantly  older  than  a  K‐Ar  age  of  16.9±0.2  Ma  ob‐ Miocene  Ecuadorian  ore  deposits  investigated  in 
tained  on  the  Paccha  intrusion  in  the  center  of  this  study  are  always  intimately  associated  with 
the Cangrejos‐Zaruma intrusive belt (Fig. 2; Pratt  intrusive  activity  (e.g.,  Fig.  2;  Chapter  2).  Several 
et al. 1997) which had previously been proposed  porphyry  Cu  deposits  in  Ecuador  (Junin,  Balsa‐
as  an  age  reference  for  the  Cangrejos  porphyry  pamba‐Telimbela,  Chaucha)  are  associated  with 
system (Potter 2004). In contrast, these ages are  the  final  pulses  of  batholith‐scale  intrusive  sys‐
broadly  similar  to  U‐Pb  zircon  ages  of  intrusions  tems, which record protracted periods of precur‐
sor  magmatism  over  several  million  years.  To 

visualizethis,wehaveplottedthedistributionof tionofprecursorintrusivemagmatism(e.g.,Har
intrusive and mineralization/alterationrelated risetal.2004;Barraetal.2005).
radiometric ages for several Ecuadorian arc seg
Systematic acrossarc variations with respect to
ments (Fig. 10). All major batholith systems of
the timing of magmatism and mineralization do
Ecuador associated with ore deposits show a
Instead, both magmatism and metallogenesis
(BalsapambaTelimbela) after initialization of ba
at a given time, in agreement with an inferred
tholith magmatism. A similar precursor intrusive
period of arc broadening in the Early Miocene
history might be inferred for the Cangrejos por
phyry system, although available geochronologic
the El Mozo highsulfidation epithermal deposit,
situated at the easternmost margin of the Mio
cene metallogenic belt, broadly coincide in time
(1510 Ma; Chapter 2), polymetallic mineraliza
Gaby porphyry system, where geochronologic
tion at Tres Chorreras (12.912.8 Ma), and mag
evidence points to a rather shortlived intrusive
system and directly associated large intrusive
alteration (18.9 Ma, ArAr sericite) at the Rio
Multimillionyearbatholithassemblysignalseffi all situated at the western side of the belt. The
cient channeling of arc magmas ascending timingofmineralizationmaydifferprofoundlyat
through the crust resulting in large, repeatedly agivenpositionwithinthemetallogenicbelt:for
replenished mid to shallow crustal magmatic example, the neighboring (at c. 40 km distance)
systems;catastrophic,calderaformingignimbrite GabyandChauchaporphyrysystemsformedatc.
eruptions often accompany voluminous batho 20Maand10Ma,respectively.Theseconsidera
lithrelated magmatism (e.g., Bachmann et al. tions corroborate recent results of Noble et al.
2007).Thus,shallowcrustalbatholithsitesrepre (2004) for the northerncentral Peruvian metal
sent a potentially favorable environment for the logenicbeltwheremineralizationwaspartlycoe
formation of porphyryrelated ore deposits as valatthewesternandeasternbeltextremities.
they provide large volumes of magma and ther
mal energy to drive hydrothermal systems (e.g., Structural characteristics of the Mio
Cline & Bodnar 1991). However, intense shallow cenemetallogenicbeltofEcuador
crustal magmatism might have negative implica
tionsformineralization(e.g.,duetodispersedor TheprincipalspatialdistributionofTertiaryintru
catastrophicvolatilelossinsteadoffocusedfluid sions in Ecuador mimics the major upper plate
exsolution) or its preservation (e.g., destruction structures(Chapter2);theseincludetheChimbo
ofmineralizationbysubsequentintrusivepulses). Toachi shear zone in centralnorthern Ecuador
During the waning stages of batholith assembly, (associated with the Apuela batholith including
on the other hand, less vigorous magma replen theJuninporphyrysystem,andtheBalsapamba
ishment and downwards migration of the focus Telimbela intrusions), the CalacaliPallatanga
ofmagmaticactivitymightrepresentafavorable Pujili fault zone in central Ecuador (associated
tectonomagmatic environment to form and pre with the Chaucha batholith), and the diffuse
serve porphyryrelated ore deposits where pro northern limit of the Amotape terrane, probably
gressive melt volatileenrichment at midcrustal bracketed between the PiñasPortovelo and
levels takes place (e.g., Rohrlach & Loucks 2005; Jubones faults (associated with the Cangrejos
Chiaradia et al. 2009a). In this context, the ton Zarumaintrusivebelt;Fig.2).
nage of potentially formed ore deposits is not ThelocationsofsingleMioceneoredepositsand,
expectedtodirectlycorrelatewiththetotaldura especially,oredepositclustersinPeruarepartly

controlled by intersections of the regional mag tion of Miocene subbelt metallogenesis in
matic belt with variably oriented arctransverse northerncentral Peru (Noble & McKee 1999;
structures(e.g.,Noble&McKee1999).Southern note,however,thatsomedisagreementastothe
Ecuador hosts a number of first and second timingofthedifferentQuechuaphasesinnorth
orderarctransversestructureswhichrepresenta erncentralPeruexists,withdifferenttimeranges
structurally favorable environment for porphyry proposedbyBenavidesCáceres,1999,andNoble
related mineralization (Tosdal & Richards 2001; &McKee,1999)andmightthereforebeofsimilar
Richards 2003). Arctransverse structures might importance in southern Ecuador. A number of
relate to collision tectonics between the tectonicstudiesassesstheMiocenedeformation
parautochthonous Ecuadorian mainland and the historyofsouthernEcuador.TheLateOligocene
allochthonous forearc block, which undergoes Early Miocene stress field was probably mostly
dextral displacement along major fault zones of characterized by horizontal extension, as evi
the Western Cordillera in an oblique subduction denced by growth sequences of Saraguro Group
setting (Ego et al. 1996; Prodeminca 2000a). Al volcanicsformingthickeningwedgestowardsthe
ternatively, or additionally, transpressional de southern PiñasPortovelofault, indicative of syn
formation creating arctransverse structures in volcanicnormalfaultslip(Spenceretal.2002).
Horizontal extension in southern Ecuador was
Paleocene 25±12° clockwise block rotation in
followed by transpression which is recorded by
ferred for the Amotape terrane from paleomag
in the area north of the fault producing a major
The identification of possible arctransverse anticline subparallel to the CangrejosZaruma
structures in centralnorthern Ecuador is ham intrusivebelt(Spenceretal.2002),aswellasbya
pered by Quaternary volcanosedimentary cover conjugatesetofNEtrendingfaultswithevidence
sequencesoftheInterandeanDepression.Apos for dextral movement (Prodeminca 2000a). A
sibletoolforidentifyingconcealedarctransverse compressivepulseat19Maisconstrainedbythe
structures might be the structural correlation of age of Saraguro Group volcanics unconformably
TertiaryintrusionsoftheWesternCordillera(e.g., overlying deformed sedimentary rocks of the
theApuelabatholith)withTertiaryintrusionsex Jacapa Formation in southern Ecuador (Hunger
posed in the Eastern Cordillera (Aspden et al. bühler 1997). Furthermore, wholescale tilting
1992), analogous to the structural grain of the (30° to the SW) of the Saraguro Group volcanic
Late OligoceneEarly Miocene CangrejosZaruma sequence north of the PiñasPortovelo fault is
intrusive belt in southern Ecuador, which con observed (Spencer et al. 2002). Small plutons
nects eastwards with the PaleoceneEocene San north of the PiñasPortovelo fault which, based
Lucas pluton (Fig. 2). However, the existing geo on the radiometric age systematics discussed in
chronologic framework for Ecuador’s Eastern Chapter 2, can be inferred to be of mainly Early
Cordillera is largely based on KAr data, which Miocene age, show asymmetric sigmoidal plan
commonly show thermally disturbed Late Creta view geometries indicative of syntectonic intru
ceoustoEarlyTertiaryages(Aspdenetal.1992). sion into a dextral transpressional stress field
Therefore, further UPb zircon geochronologic (Spencer et al. 2002). Geologic evidence thus
studies of undeformed Eastern Cordillera intru documentsachangefromadominantlytensional
sions are required to unambiguously confirm toatranspressionalstressfieldinsouthernEcua
their Tertiary age before meaningful structural dor in the Early Miocene, which is broadly cor
correlationsarepossible. relativeintimewiththeQuechua1eventofNo
ble & McKee (1999). Following a period of Mid
Shortlived compressional Quechua events have
Miocene extension a second, major compressive
been proposed to control the onset or termina


pulseatc.9Maledtowidespreadbasininversion presentedinthisstudyaswellasgeometriccon
in southern Ecuador (Hungerbühler et al. 2002) tinuity in map view (Fig. 1) strongly suggest that
and is approximately correlative with the the Miocene metallogenic belt of northern
Quechua2eventofNoble&McKee(1999). centralPeruiscontinuousatleastuntilsouthern
Ages obtained in this study show that Miocene
of Miocene ore deposits in centralnorthern Ec
uador and southern Colombia, the northward
overlaps with, and postdates the regional
continuation of the belt is less well defined.
“Quechua 1” and “Quechua 2” events (Fig. 10).
However, given the continuous distribution of
Miocene magmatism along the Ecuadorian mar
cene mineralization in Ecuador. This relationship
gin (Chapter 2), and the punctual occurrence of
is rather coincidental, however, as it correlates
Miocene ore deposits in centralnorthern Ecua
dor (Junin, Balsapamba, Telimbela), the metal
Ecuador where minimum ages progressively
logenic belt might continue further northwards
young northwards until the southern end of the
and connect with the metallogenic belt segment
Peru; Chapter 2). We therefore argue that re The typically vertically stacked environments of
gionalcompressiveeventsdonotseemtosignifi epithermalvs.porphyrystylemineralization(e.g.,
cantly control Miocene metallogenesis in Ecua Fontboté&Bendezú2009)implythattheerosion
dor. Rather, favorable conditions for intrusion levelatthedepositscaleconstitutesamajorcon
emplacement and mineralization at structurally trolfactorfortheexposedoredeposittype.This
favorablesites(seeabove)mightbeassociatedin iswellexemplifiedinthewesternfoothillsofthe
time with local stress regime changes, particu Western Cordillera in Ecuador which are deeply
larlyattheonsetoflocalpostcompressionaldila erodedandmostlypresentthecoresofMiocene
tion(Prodeminca2000a). porphyry systems (Prodeminca 2000a). In con
The connectivity between the Mio Ecuador are less deeply eroded and preserve
cene metallogenic belts of northern abundant Miocene epithermal mineralization
centralPeruandEcuador northerncentralEcuadorianInterandeanDepres
Sillitoe (1988) popularized the concept of seg sion can be expected to conceal Tertiary arc
mented metallogenic belts in the Andes and magmaticunits(Chapter2)and,potentially,Mio
placed a fundamental segment boundary at 5°S, cenemineralizationatrelativelyshallowdepth.
corresponding to the Huancabamba Deflection
vian and Ecuadorian belt segments calls for a
Ecuadorian ore deposits at that time Sillitoe
closer inspection of their respective geologic
central Peruvian Miocene metallogenic belt to
Both belt segments essentially host ore deposits

Figure 8 (previous page): Typical mineralization/alteration assemblages for molybdenite samples dated in this study
(red rectangles mark used vein type). A – hornblende granodiorite porphyry with pervasive potassic, overprinted by
diorite with weak chlepabrt alteration; breccia matrix = msbtqtz with disseminated cppymo (Balsapamba). D –
jspslveinswithpervasiveclayalteration(TresChorreras).G– Jigsawbrecciawithangular,silicifiedvolcanicclastsin

ofthesametypesandagerangewiththepossi agewiththeyoungeragepeakidentifiedinPeru,
ble exception of skarn and Cordilleran vein type andpolymetallicmineralizationatTresChorreras
deposits; the latter, although very common in (12.912.8Ma)andadvancedargillicalterationat
Peru(Noble&McKee1999;Fontboté&Bendezú El Mozo (15.4 Ma; Prodeminca 2000b) tend to
2009), are not clearly described as such in Ecua overlap with the older age peak in Peru. In gen
dor. This difference might only be an apparent eral,however,dataforEcuadoraretooscarceto
one,causedbydifferentoredepositclassification allow a representative statistical treatment at
standardsinEcuador,and/orcouldberelatedto thispoint.Qualitatively,depositformationinthe
the scarcity of reactive limestone host units in Ecuadorian belt segment additionally tends to
Ecuadorcomparedtotheirabundantoccurrence peak in the Early Miocene, comprising the por
in Peru (e.g., the Pucará Group; Noble & McKee phyry Cu deposits of Telimbela, Balsapamba,
1999) where they host economically important GabyPapa Grande, and Cangrejos; there is no
polymetallic replacement bodies (Fontboté & equivalentpeakinthenortherncentralPeruvian
Bendezú 2009). Contrasting deep crustal base belt segment at that time. One might speculate
mentcompositionsinEcuadorandPeru(oceanic that this age difference partly relates to a sam
vs. continental; Tab. 5) do not seem to produce pling bias due to differential exposure levels in
major differences in metallogenesis between variousoredepositdistricts.
these arc segments, although crustal contribu
As noted above, Early Miocene ore deposits in
tions may influence commodity proportions of
the Western Cordillera and in the Cangrejos
porphyry Cu deposits elsewhere (e.g., Mo; See
Zaruma intrusive belt of Ecuador represent rela
tively deeply eroded porphyry systems domi
The temporal distribution pattern of the north nated by sodiccalcic and potassic alteration zo
erncentral Peruvian Miocene metallogenic belt nes (e.g., Prodeminca 2000a; Fig. 3). In contrast,
showstwomaximaforradiometricmineralization the younger Ecuadorian porphyry deposits such
ages at 1513 Ma and 107 Ma (Noble & McKee as Chaucha and Junin consistently display wide
1999; note that these maxima are not weighted spread phyllic alteration zones indicating that
by tonnage). A few Ecuadorian porphyry Cu de theyhavebeenlessdeeplyeroded.Spikingsetal.
positssuchasChaucha(c.9.59.9Ma)andJunin (2005) show that increased Mid to Late
(several events between 9 and 6 Ma) overlap in

Figure 9: Concordia plot and weighted mean 206Pb/238U average age for hydrothermal titanite related to sodiccalcic

Miocene cooling rates inferred from thermo magmatic cycle under favorable exposure levels
chronologicmodelingrelatetotherapidexhuma (Kayetal.1999;Richards2003).
tion of fault blocks in the Western Cordillera of
The distribution pattern of Tertiary arc magma
Ecuador. Similarly, NS contraction (see discus
tism in northerncentral Ecuador suggests a
broadly stable slab dip until the Late Miocene
when minor slab shallowing occurred, possibly
sive belt which intrudes the hinge and southern
relatedtosubductionoftheCarnegie Ridgesea
mount chain (Chapter 2). Slab shallowing might
PiñasPortovelo fault (Prodeminca 2000a;
thus contribute to generating a favorable expo
that younger ore deposits in deeply eroded
blocks were completely removed by erosion; a
gration of Late Miocene to Quaternary arc vol
higher density of geochronologic studies on Ec
canism. Similarly, progressive broadening of the
flat slab region below southern Ecuador (and
blocks might preferentially reveal younger min
eralization ages. This includes, for example, a
a favorable exposure level for porphyryrelated
large number of potentially younger epithermal
deposits in the Azuay district of Ecuador (e.g.,
Miocene volcanic cover sequences are lacking

Geodynamic impacts on the spatio Rosenbaum et al. (2005) present geodynamic
temporal distribution of Miocene ore of anomalous oceanic bathymetric features, the
depositsinEcuador IncaplateauandtheNazcaridge,withrespectto
Two geodynamic factors have been proposed to the Peruvian margin. These authors observe an
influence the formation of porphyryrelated ore apparent spatiotemporal coincidence between
deposit in the Andes and elsewhere: slab shal bathymetric high collision and Miocene ore de
lowingflattening (e.g., James & Sacks 1999; Kay posit formation (note, however, that these au
et al., 1999; see also review by Richards, 2003, thors do not quantify any uncertainties for their
and references therein) and the subduction of reconstructionmodels),andproposethatadirect
bathymetrichighs,i.e.seamountchains(“ridges”; link exists between the two. In this context it is
e.g., Rosenbaum et al. 2005; Cooke et al. 2005). interesting to investigate the metallogenic re
As they represent overthickened oceanic crust, sponsetocollisionoftheCarnegieRidgewiththe
thesubductionofseamount chains maycontrib ColombianEcuadorianmargin.
ute to slab shallowing by virtue of their relative The timing of initial collision of the Carnegie
buoyancy, thus mutually linking ridge collision Ridge with the ColombianEcuadorian margin
andflatsubduction(e.g.,vanHunenetal.2004). cannotbeaccuratelydeterminedbecause,unlike
Slab dehydration during periods of flat subduc for other ridges such as the Nazca Ridge, a sym
tionmayleadtointensehydrationoftheoverly metricmirrorhotspottrackoftheCarnegieRidge
ing crust; subsequent slab resteepening and doesnotexist.WhiletheCocosRidgewasformed
trenchward migration of hot asthenosphere atthesametimeattheGalapagoshotspotasthe
leaves the thus rheologically weakened crust Carnegie Ridge, it does not represent a direct
highly susceptible to deformation and melting mirror image due to repeated jumps of the
which is potentially favorable for metallogenesis NazcaCocosspreadingcenteracrossthehotspot
(James & Sacks 1999). Shallowing of the slab position (Barckhausen et al. 2008). Furthermore,
principally results in the landward migration of the leading edge of both ridges has been sub
the locus of arc magmatism on the upper plate, ducted(e.g.,Gutscheretal.1999).Consequently,
and may result in porphyryrelated ore deposit theshapeofthesubductedpartoftheCarnegie
formation at the end of a given tectono

alization is concomitant with the lastpulse of magmatism and final batholith assembly for Apuelaand Chaucha,but
followed by minor ongoing magmatism at BalsapambaTelimbela (though note that the latter observation is solely
based on KAr ages which are susceptible to disturbance by younger hydrothermal alteration events). Mineraliza

Table 5: Comparison of geological features of the Miocene metallogenic belts of Peru and Ecuador
northern-central Peru Ecuador
Main commodities Au, Cu, base metals Au, Cu
Mineralization age range 23 - 6 Ma 24 - 6 Ma
Mineralization peaks 15 - 13 Ma; 8 - 7 Ma not enough data available to evaluate
Ore deposit types porphyry Au-Cu, porphyry Cu-Mo, porphyry Au-Cu, porphyry Cu-Mo, high-,
high-sulfidation epithermal, Cordil- intermediate-, low-sulfidation epithermal
leran vein, skarn
Main host lithologies of ore Mesozoic shelf carbonates and Late Cretaceous-Paleogene island arc vol-
deposits sediments canics (northern Ecuador) and oceanic pla-
teau units (central Ecuador)
Neogene volcanics-intrusions Paleozoic-Mesozoic metasediments (south-
ern Ecuador)
Neogene volcanics-intrusions
(southern Ecuador)
Deep crustal basement units Mature continental crust Oceanic plateau crust (Western Cordillera)
Oceanic ± continental crust (southern Ecua-
dorian Sierra)
Continental crust (Cangrejos-Zaruma intru-
sive belt)
Data for Ecuador from this study and Prodeminca (2000a, 2000b). Data for Peru from Noble & McKee (1999) and Noble et al.
Note that the age of the oldest deposit dated in this study (Cangrejos: 23.5 Ma) corresponds to the latest Oligocene

Ridgeisnotknown,althoughitseemstobevisi 1998) and of the hotspotSouth Amer
bleinseismicitydistributionpatternsbycausinga ica/Farallon/Nazca reference systems (Müller et
seismicgap(Gutscheretal.1999). al. 1993; Rosenbaum et al. 2005). This approach
enables us to reconstruct the ridge assuming ei
Predicting the initial collision of the Carnegie
reference. Results are presented as a series of
kinematic reconstruction of the ridge track
time slices in Figure 11 and yield initial collision
estimates of 8±3.5 Ma (hotspotFarallon/Nazca
pagos hotspot, followed by progressive stepwise
tonic reference system. Previous reconstructions
hotspotSouth America reference systems). Er
rors include a 25% relative uncertainty estimate
for the angular velocity of a given rotation pole
e.g., Daly 1989; Gutscher et al. 1999), although
(cf. Chapter 2) and a ±50 km uncertainty for the
Lonsdale & Klitgord (1978) estimated a more re
hotspot location. Both ages overlap within error
cent collision at c. 1 Ma. Using minimum/ maxi
mum plate convergence rates of PardoCasas &
sitions of initial Carnegie Ridge collision at c. 8
Ma. It should be noted, however, that (1) these
ings et al. (2001) estimated an initial collision of
calculations (like all plate tectonic reconstruc
We have performed a kinematic Carnegie Ridge (2) the reconstructions model a linear hotspot
reconstructionusingthesamestartingreference track whereas spreading center jumps (Barck
time (22 Ma) as Spikings et al. (2001), and the hausenetal.2008)mighthavecausedridgeseg
mostrecentsetsofavailablerotationpolesofthe mentation.
NazcaSouth America reference system (Somoza

different reference frames were used: a fixed South American plate and the relative motions of hotspots and the
struction, reference point positions are theoretical and only become geologically relevant at the trench where the
Nazca/Farallon and South American plates are in direct contact. In contrast, for fixed hotspotbased reconstructions
offshore locations have geological relevance. Carnegie Ridge seamounts dated by Christie et al. (1992) were rotated
back to theirorigin to test rotation pole accuracy; theymostly overlap with the hotspot starting position suggesting



The timespace distribution of Ecuadorian por speculate that ridge collision causes increased
phyryrelatedoredepositsshowsthatthereisno deformation in the upper plate which might aid
spatiotemporalcoincidencebetweenoredeposit oredepositformation.AsdiscussedbyMacMillan
formationandCarnegieridgecollision,exceptfor etal.(2004)andMichaudetal.(2009),however,
the Junin porphyry CuMo deposit (Fig. 10). Ore a direct causative relation between ridgetrench
deposits in southern Ecuador also predate the collision and geological features (such as defor
arrival of the inferred Inca plateau at the Peru mation)oftheoverridingplateusuallycannotbe
Ecuador trench, which Rosenbaum et al. (2005) demonstrated unambiguously. An exception is
estimateatc.1412Ma.Rosenbaumetal.(2005) the forearc region where, depending on its

rheologicalstrength,ridgecollisioneitherinduces able sites for porphyryrelated mineralization.
uplift, or indentation and conjugated strikeslip However, extensive shallow crustal magmatism
faulting(Hampeletal.2004).Cookeetal.(2005) associated with peaks in batholith construction
note that ridge collision (and flat subduction) is (potentially including catastrophic voluminous
norequirementfortheformationofaveragesize ignimbrite eruptions) might prove disadvanta
porphyryrelated ore deposits, but might consti geous from a metallogenic perspective. In con
tuteapositivetriggermechanismfortheforma trast, during the waning stages of batholith as
tion of giant ore deposits. More detailed studies sembly when thermal relaxation occurs and the
exploring the potential connection between Car focus of magmatism migrates from upper to
negie Ridgemargin collision, tectonomagmatic wards deeper crustal levels favorable petroge
processes,andporphyryrelatedmineralizationat netic preconditioning of potential porphyry pa
Junin might contribute to unravel these mecha rental melts for subsequent porphyryrelated
nismsinmoredetail. mineralizationmighttakeplace.
A general direct relationship in space and time
Conclusions betweenseamountchainsubductionorpulsesof
We have presented the first regionally extensive regional compression and ore deposit formation
dataset of radiometric ages on Miocene ore de is not observed in Ecuador except, perhaps, for
posits of Ecuador based on the ReOs (molyb the Junin porphyry CuMo deposit in NW Ecua
denite) and UPb (titanite) isotopic systems. dor. The subduction of bathymetric anomalies
These new data allow us to infer that the Mio such as the Carnegie Ridge or the Inca Plateau
cene metallogenic belt of northerncentral Peru may, however, have a metallogenetically favor
extends northwards into southern Ecuador, and able effect by their influence on slab dip (with a
potentiallyfurthernorthuntilColombia.Theages potential lag time of several m.y.) and thus sur
ofintrusionsandtheirrelatedhydrothermalsys facemigrationpatternsofarcmagmatismculmi
tems in Ecuador coincide with the age range of natinginanarcmagmaticgap.Thelatterresults
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The crustal basement of Ecuador comprises a collage of mostly PaleozoicMesozoic tectonostratigraphic
units of both continental and oceanic affinity in the Eastern Cordillera, and oceanic plateau units in the
Western Cordillera and forearc region which were accreted in the Late Cretaceous. The diffuse paleo
continental suture zone is bracketed by the regional Andean (NNE) trending Peltetec and Calacali
PallatangaPujili fault zones, and is situated between the Eastern and Western Cordillera ranges where
reas Tertiary cover sequences in southerncentral Ecuador are poorly characterized isotopically. In this
Fault, respectively. Late Oligocene to Late Miocene arc volcanics and intrusions of the southern Ecuador
Sierra region overlap isotopically with recent arc volcanics east of the Peltetec Fault in northern Ecuador
sitions identified in TertiaryQuaternary Ecuadorian arc magmas so far; primitive Cretaceous oceanic pla
teau units constitute their assimilants at depth, causing these arc magmas to become isotopically more
primitive while assimilating crustal material. Crustal isotopic contamination of TertiaryQuaternary arc
arcpatternwheretheyevolvetowardsprogressivelymoreradiogenic 87Sr/86Srand 207Pb/204Pb,andlessra
diogenic 143Nd/144Ndcompositionsatdeeptomidcrustallevelswithincreasingdistancefromthetrench.

Introduction nental margin (Pratt et al. 2005). Exotic Creta
Geochemical studies in the southern and central ernCordilleraandforearcregion(e.g.,Mamberti
AndeshaverevealedpronouncedvariationsinSr, etal.2003;Vallejoetal.2009).Geophysicalstud
Nd,andPbisotopiccompositionsofarcmagmas. iesyieldcontradictoryresultswithrespecttothe
These variations are mainly attributed to crustal geometryoftheboundarybetweentheaccreted
contamination effects where lateral and vertical oceanic plateau material and the parautochtho
basement heterogeneity (Davidson & de Silva nous paleocontinental domain below the Inter
1992;Wörneretal.1992),crustal thickness(Hil andean Depression (IAD) between Ecuador’s
dreth&Moorbath1988),andtheextentofdirect Eastern and Western Cordilleras. Based on gra
magmacrust interaction (Dungan & Davidson vimetric data Feininger & Seguin (1983) suggest
2004)areinferredtobethemajorcontrolfactors that continental Eastern Cordillera basement
fortheisotopicvariabilityofarcmagmas.Crustal floors the IAD; in contrast, Guillier et al. (2001)
isotopic imprints on arc magmas may be super provide seismic evidence for regionalscale un
posed on continentscale mantle wedge isotopic derthrusting of oceanic plateau material below
variability (Chiaradia & Fontboté 2002) which theIAD.
While isotopic data for individual arc volcanic
by subduction erosion (e.g., Stern & Skewes
centers and the accreted oceanic domains are
2005). In a given arc segment, the isotopic char
acteristics of TertiaryQuaternary arc magmas
ly a single study has attempted to comprehen
may be used to outline different crustal base
sively assess the Pb isotopic composition of the
different terrane basement units on a regional
In the northern Andes, significant crustal base wearepresenting58newwholerockSr,Nd,and
mentvariationsoccurbothinalongandacross Pb isotopic compositions of Late Oligocene and
arc dimension. The TertiaryQuaternary arc sys younger granitoids and volcanic formations (and
tem of Ecuador is constructed on a basement some of their host lithologies) of the Western
collage of multiple tectonostratigraphic units Cordillera, its western foothills, and the central
separatedbymajorNNEtrendingfaultzones(Li southern Ecuadorian Sierra region. We are com
therlandetal.1994).Juxtaposedagainstthecra bining these new data with published isotopic
tonic basement of the Amazon foreland basin, compositions of basement units and Quaternary
severalPaleotoMesozoiccontinentalandisland arc volcanoes to discuss tectonic implications of
arc units form the major basement units of the isotopicvariationsinthecrustalbasementofthe
Eastern Cordillera (Fig. 1; Litherland et al. 1994), IADandthesouthernEcuadorianSierra,andhow

Feininger &Seguin(1983) inthe Cordillera region(thickwhite lines). Note the overall lower elevation in southern
intrusions). Arc volcanoes and intrusions are colorcoded according to their isotopic composition reflecting crustal
basement domains as discussed in the text (yellow: Ndinitial >5, 87Sr/86Sr <0.7038, 206Pb/204Pb <18.9, 207Pb/204Pb
<15.62;blue:Ndinitial=46, 87Sr/86Sr=0.70380.7044, 206Pb/204Pb<19.03, 207Pb/204Pb<15.60;green:Ndinitial=36,

they relate to the proposed suture zone geome Eastern and Western Cordillera ranges. Major
triesofoceanicplateauunitsandthepaleoconti arcparallel fault systems thought to bracket the
nental Ecuadorian margin. No attempt is being diffuse suture zone between oceanic plateau
madeheretoextendthediscussiontowardsiso unitsandthepaleocontinentalmarginbelowthe
topically discerning the complex Eastern Cordil IAD (CalacaliPallatangaPujili fault zone, CPPF,
lerabasement(Litherlandetal.1994;Prattetal. and Peltetec fault, PF; Winkler et al. 2005) tend
2005). to dip subvertically at the surface, but define c.
35°Edipping faultplanesatmidtodeepcrustal
Geologicalframework levels implying that oceanic material forms the
Paleozoic and subordinate Precambrian base Jaillardetal.2005);atectonizedmélangeofcon
mentunitsofEcuador’sEasternCordillerahosta tinental crust and oceanic plateau units is in
numberofmajorbatholithsandvolcanicsresult ferred at shallow crustal depth (e.g., Spikings et
ing from intense TriassicJurassic arc magmatism al.2005).Incontrast,IADbasementunitssimilar
(Litherland et al. 1994). While Litherland et al. totheparautochthonousEasternCordillerahave
(1994)tendtointerpretmajorbatholithbounda been inferred in previous studies (Chaucha ter
riesassuturezonesdelineatinganumberofboth rane; Feininger & Seguin 1983; Litherland et al.
oceanic and continentalaffinity allochthonous 1994).
these contacts as intrusive and infer an autoch Seismicstudiesconstrain the crustal thicknessin
thonous crustal basement for Ecuador’s Eastern Ecuador to 4050 km below the Western Cordil
Cordillera. Overthickened oceanic crust, partly lera in the presentday frontal arc, and to 5075
associated with the CaribbeanColombian oce km below the IAD and the Eastern Cordillera in
anic plateau (CCOP) and mainly accreted in the the presentday main arc region (Guillier et al.
Late Cretaceous, is juxtaposed against the East 2001). The significantly lower mean elevation of
ern Cordillera basement along a suture zone the Ecuadorian Andes compared to the Central
comprisingpartsoftheIAD(e.g.,Mambertietal. Andean Altiplano region of only slightly higher
2003;Jaillardetal.2005;Spikingsetal.2005;Val crustalthicknessmightbeisostaticallysupported
lejo et al. 2009). The allochthonous oceanic pla by a column of continental crust underthrusted
teauunitshostseveralpreandpostaccretionary byhighdensityoceanicplateaumaterial,follow
island arc systems of Late Cretaceous to Early ing the inferred suture zone geometry at depth
Tertiary age (Rio Cala and Macuchi units; e.g., (Guillieretal.2001).Periodsofcrustalthickening
Chiaradia2009;Vallejoetal.2009).MidtoLate in Ecuador are not as well constrained as in the
Tertiary arc magmatism in northerncentral Ec southerncentral Andes; tectonic crustal thicken
uador,resultingfromthesubductionoftheFaral ingbywestwardsbasalforearcwedgingseemsto
lon/Nazca plate below the accreted oceanic pla haveoccurredthroughouttheTertiarywithama
teaumaterial,focusedontheWesternCordillera jor period of thickening affecting the Andean
regionandonlysporadicallyaffectedtheEastern main arc region since the Late Miocene (Jaillard
Cordillera until the Late Miocene, when major etal.2005).
landwards arc broadening towards the Eastern
Cordilleraisrecorded(Chapter2).Activearcvol Methodology
canism of the Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ) in
outcrop exposures or drill cores in Ecuador ac
to the Western Cordillera, and from the Colom
nitoids and arc volcanic formations investigated
TertiaryQuaternary volcanosedimentary cover inthisstudyareofLateOligoceneoryoungerage
sequences conceal the basement of the IAD and (Fig. 1; Chapter 2). Intrusive rocks comprise
thecentralEcuadorianSierraregionbetweenthe hornblendeandbiotitebearingtonalites,grano

diorites, quartzdiorites, and granodiorite por Lead,SrandNdisotoperatiosweremeasuredon
phyries emplaced along major fault zones of the aThermoTRITONmassspectrometeronFaraday
Western Cordillera, its western foothills, and in cupsinstaticmode.Lead wasloadedonRefila
the Sierra region of centralsouthern Ecuador. mentsusingthesilicageltechniqueandallsam
SampledvolcanicrocksoftheIADandthesouth ples(andstandards)weremeasuredatapyrome
ern Ecuadorian Sierra comprise (1) the wide tercontrolled temperature of 1220 °C. Lead iso
spreadLateOligocenetoEarlyMioceneSaraguro toperatioswerecorrectedforinstrumentalfrac
Group, composed of andesiticdacitic lava flows tionationbyafactorof0.07%peramubasedon
and tuffs, and daciticrhyolitic ignimbrites; and more than 90 measurements of the SRM981
(2) the Late Miocene Quimsacocha volcanic cen standardandusingthestandardvaluesofTodtet
ter which forms a caldera with associated ande al. (1996). External reproducibilities (2) of the
siticdacitic lava flows and daciticrhyolitic standard ratios are 0.05% for 206Pb/204Pb, 0.08%
domes.Inaddition,wecompiledisotopicdataof for 207Pb/204Pb and 0.10% for 208Pb/204Pb. Stron
NVZvolcaniccenterswhich,fromnorthtosouth, tiumwasloadedonsingleRefilamentswithaTa
comprise Imbabura, Cayambe, Pululagua, Pichin oxide solution and measured at a pyrometer
cha, Chacana, Ilalo, Atacazo, Antisana, Cotopaxi, controlled temperature of 1490 °C. 87Sr/86Sr val
Chalupas,Quilotoa,andSangayvolcano.Sumaco ues were internally corrected for fractionation
volcano, occupying a backarc position 380 km using a 88Sr/86Sr value of 8.375209. Raw values
fromthetrench,wasnotincludedinthecompila werefurthercorrectedforexternalfractionation
tion because its magmas are significantly en by a value of +0.03‰, determined by repeated
riched in Sr and Nd, minimizing the isotopic lev measurements of the SRM987 standard
erage of potential crustal assimilants (Chiaradia (87Sr/86Sr=0.710250).Externalreproducibility(2)
etal.2009). of the SRM987 standard is 7 ppm. Neodymium
was loaded with 1 M HNO3 and measured with
All sample preparation steps and isotopic analy
the double filament technique. 143Nd/144Nd val
ues were internally corrected for fractionation
alogy, University of Geneva. Samples were
usinga 146Nd/144Ndvalueof0.7219andthe 144Sm
cleaned with water, crushed using a steel jaw
crusher, and powdered (<70 m) using an agate 147
Smandcorrectedusinga 144Sm/147Smvalueof
disc mill. Preparation for isotopic analysis used
the techniques of Chiaradia (2009) and refer
JNdi1 standard (Tanaka et al. 2000) is 4 ppm.
ences therein. Powdered samples (100150 mg
as carbonates with potential isotopic disequilib
where 143Nd/144Nd was measured in a semidy
trifugation and subsequent leachate discarding
was followed by twofold sample residue rinsing
and centrifugation using deionized water. Sam Neodymium isotopic ratios were agecorrected
pleswerethendissolvedinamixtureof4mlcon and recalculated to initial 143Nd/144Nd values us
centrated HF and 1 ml 15 M HNO3 at 140°C for ing appropriate age estimates (Tab. 1) and sam
seven days, followed by sample drying on a hot ple compositions (Chapter 5). Strontium isotopic
plate,redissolutionin3ml15MHNO3at140°C ratios were not agecorrected because of signifi
for three days, and a final drying step on a hot cant alterationinduced modifications of whole
plate. Strontium and Nd separation was carried rock Rb contents rendering Rbbased 87Sr/86Sr
out using cascade columns with Srspec, TRU corrections to hypothetic initial values geologi
spec and Lnspec resins following a modified cally meaningless. Most samples are character
method after Pin et al. (1994). Lead was further ized by Rb/Sr ratios of 0.1 or below, and age


Table 1: Whole rock 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb com-
positions of investigated magmatic centers in Ecuador
87 143 206 207 208
Sample Magmatic center Sr Nd Nd Ndin Pb Pb Pb age age
86 144 204 204 204
Sr Nd Pb Pb Pb [Ma] ref.*
Neogene intrusions
E06209 Apuela (Junin) 0.70365 0.51298 6.7 6.8 18.769 15.595 38.442 15 1
E06200 Apuela (Cuellaje) 0.70374 0.51295 6.0 6.1 18.754 15.565 38.394 13 2
E06202 Apuela (Cuellaje) 0.70379 0.51296 6.3 6.4 18.875 15.594 38.548 13 2
E05127 Junin 0.70376 0.51297 6.4 6.5 18.853 15.602 38.533 9 2
E06211 Junin 0.70378 0.51295 6.1 6.2 18.856 15.583 38.474 9 2
E07032 Junin 0.70377 0.51296 6.3 6.4 18.876 15.601 38.537 9 2
E06127 Balsapamba 0.70366 0.51293 5.6 5.8 18.863 15.592 38.510 22 2
E06136 Balsapamba 0.70368 0.51297 6.5 6.7 18.793 15.603 38.502 22 2
E06131a Balsapamba 0.70369 0.51296 6.3 6.5 18.692 15.583 38.358 21 2
E06132 Balsapamba 0.70369 0.51297 6.5 6.7 18.719 15.619 38.457 21 2
E06135 Balsapamba 0.70370 0.51294 6.0 6.1 18.716 15.587 38.361 21 2
E06138 Balsapamba 0.70371 0.51294 6.0 6.1 18.710 15.589 38.396 21 2
E07045 Telimbela 0.70366 0.51297 6.5 6.7 18.879 15.611 38.572 26 2
E06150 Telimbela 0.70371 0.51299 6.8 6.9 18.823 15.617 38.553 21 3
E06153 Telimbela 0.70372 0.51297 6.5 6.7 18.800 15.604 38.500 16 4
E05070 Gaby 0.70422 0.51290 5.1 5.2 18.900 15.587 38.570 20 2
E05078 Gaby 0.70421 0.51289 5.0 5.1 18.760 15.607 38.461 20 2
E05083b Gaby 0.70416 0.51292 5.5 5.7 18.679 15.598 38.436 20 2
E05088 Gaby 0.70440 0.51286 4.4 4.5 18.848 15.603 38.564 20 2
E05090 Gaby/Papa 0.70427 0.51288 4.7 4.9 19.043 15.634 38.706 20 2
E06049 Gaby 0.70420 0.51287 4.5 4.7 18.972 15.642 38.731 20 5
E06052 Gaby 0.70427 0.51289 5.0 5.0 18.889 15.600 38.578 20 5
E07002 Chaucha: Naran- 0.70441 0.51270 1.2 1.3 19.017 15.648 38.781 10 2
E07005 Chaucha: Tunas 0.70445 0.51269 1.0 1.1 19.032 15.636 38.761 10 2
E07001 Chaucha: Naran- 0.70430 0.51275 2.2 2.3 18.968 15.617 38.667 15 5
E07003 Chaucha: Tunas 0.70430 0.51276 2.4 2.5 19.054 15.677 38.885 15 2
E07008 Chaucha: Tunas 0.70434 0.51274 2.0 2.1 19.012 15.630 38.724 15 2
E06158 Chaucha: Gur-Gur 0.70464 n/a n/a n/a 19.012 15.642 38.764 15 5
E06071 Cangrejos 0.70646 0.51253 -2.2 -2.0 19.067 15.682 38.974 26 2
E05-M4 Cangrejos 0.70546 0.51265 0.2 0.4 19.033 15.660 38.894 26 2
E06069 Cangrejos 0.70541 0.51255 -1.7 -1.5 18.923 15.631 38.745 23 6
E06070 Cangrejos 0.70560 0.51253 -2.1 -1.8 19.055 15.646 38.889 23 6
E06090 Portovelo 0.70549 0.51261 -0.6 -0.4 18.955 15.661 38.823 24 5
E06112 Portovelo 0.70567 0.51263 -0.3 0.0 19.040 15.666 38.922 24 2
E06115 Portovelo 0.70588 0.51266 0.4 0.5 18.988 15.665 38.847 21 5
E06123 Portovelo 0.70474 0.51271 1.4 1.5 18.888 15.643 38.716 21 5
E07023 Zaruma 0.70482 0.51269 1.1 1.2 18.991 15.639 38.791 21 2
E07016 El Mozo 0.70478 0.51267 0.6 0.7 18.949 15.629 38.730 16 2
E07017 El Mozo 0.70488 0.51266 0.4 0.5 18.972 15.669 38.858 16 2
E07020 El Mozo 0.70461 0.51269 1.0 1.1 18.934 15.634 38.735 16 2


Table 1 (continued)
87 143 206 207 208
Sample Magmatic center Sr Nd Nd Ndin Pb Pb Pb age age
86 144 204 204 204
Sr Nd Pb Pb Pb [Ma] ref.*
Neogene volcanics
E05102 Quimsacocha 0.70455 0.51269 1.0 1.1 18.990 15.642 38.761 7 2
E06020 Quimsacocha 0.70457 0.51270 1.1 1.2 18.999 15.650 38.783 7 2
E05099 Quimsacocha 0.70440 0.51272 1.6 1.7 18.960 15.649 38.744 7 5
E06022 Quimsacocha 0.70430 0.51272 1.6 1.7 18.917 15.582 38.630 7 5
E06157 Saraguro at 0.70476 0.51275 2.1 2.2 n/a n/a n/a 25 7
E06166 Saraguro at 0.70707 0.51266 0.4 0.5 19.173 15.690 39.026 25 7
E06010 Saraguro at Cani- 0.70443 0.51274 1.9 2.2 n/a n/a n/a 20 7
E06012 Saraguro at Cani- 0.70440 n/a n/a n/a 18.975 15.665 38.837 20 7
E06082 Saraguro at Por- 0.70534 0.51261 -0.5 -0.4 18.990 15.667 38.871 25 7
E07013 Tres Chorreras 0.70477 0.51274 2.1 2.3 19.038 15.664 38.858 31 2
Late Cretaceous intrusions
E07029 Curiplaya 0.70412 0.51279 2.9 3.6 18.848 15.665 38.744 92 2
E07027 Curiplaya 0.70450 0.51282 3.5 4.3 18.962 15.622 38.781 92 2
E07031 Curiplaya 0.70419 0.51287 4.5 5.1 18.890 15.640 38.680 92 2
E07028 Curiplaya 0.70420 0.51277 2.6 3.4 18.996 15.643 38.833 92 2
Host rocks
E05123 Macuchi (?) at 0.70371 0.51298 6.6 6.8 18.550 15.593 38.243 40 5
E06148 Macuchi at Balsa- 0.70402 0.51301 7.2 7.4 n/a n/a n/a 40 5
E06145 Macuchi at Balsa- 0.70535 0.51301 7.2 7.4 n/a n/a n/a 40 5
E06035 CCOP basalt 0.70367 0.51301 7.3 7.5 19.012 15.631 38.768 90 5
*Age references: 1 - MMAJ/JICA 1992; 2 - this study (Chapter 2); 3 - McCourt et al. 1997; 4 - MMAJ/JICA 1991; 5 - estimated
from field relationships and regional geology; 6 - this study (Chapter 3); 7 - Hungerbühler et al. (2002)

corrections using measured, alteration Pb/204Pb<19.14, 207Pb/204Pb<15.64;group3:
influenced Rb contents typically affect the Ndinitial > 2, 87Sr/86Sr < 0.7049, 206Pb/204Pb <
Sr/86Sr ratio by ±0.0001or less; thismagnitude 19.08,207Pb/204Pb<15.70),followingasystematic
is below the uncertainty range relevant to the acrossarcdistributiontrendinnorthernEcuador
discussioninthisarticle,andnosignificantbiasof (Figs. 1, 2; Appendix Tab. A1). The range of iso
our interpretations based on differences be topiccompositionsdefinedbymultiplevolcanoes
tween measured and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios is ex in a given group is homogeneous for about 100
pected. kmstrikelength,correspondingtothewholearc
Results The least radiogenic SrPb and most radiogenic
Compiled Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic data allow the Ndcompositionscommontoallthreegroupscor
distinction of three groups of Quaternary volca respondtotheisotopiccompositionofthepetro
noes (group 1: Ndinitial = 46, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7038 logically most primitive samples identified by
0.7044, 206Pb/204Pb < 19.03, 207Pb/204Pb < 15.60; Chiaradia(2009)andChiaradiaetal.(2009)based
group2:Ndinitial=36, 87Sr/86Sr=0.70400.7043, onisotopeandwholerockchemicalcorrelations,


Figure 2: Diagrams of εNdinitial vs.  87Sr/86Sr (plus magnified area),  207Pb/204Pb vs.  206Pb/204Pb (plus magnified 

area),  87Sr/86Sr vs.  206Pb/204Pb, εNdinitial vs.  206Pb/204Pb, and  208Pb/204Pb vs.  206Pb/204Pb isotopic compositions 
of Late Tertiary (except for Curiplaya) samples analyzed in this study, and isotopic fields for potential crustal
assimilants and NVZ magmas. Orange X marks the isotopic composition of the most primitive melts identi‐
fied by Chiaradia (2009) and Chiaradia et al. (2009), and serves as a proxy for parental melt isotopic compo‐
sitions of Late Tertiary‐Quaternary arc magmas derived from an isotopically broadly homogeneous mantle
wedge.  Individual  Quaternary  arc  volcanoes  (see  Fig.  1  for  references)  span  a  relatively  narrow  field  in  Sr
isotopes, and show increased isotopic diversity in Nd and Pb isotopes reflecting an oceanic plateau compo‐
nent as main assimilant for volcanic edifices situated west of the Peltetec fault.

suggesting that all magmas originated in an iso tion, their very limited isotopic variability is con
topically homogeneous mantle wedge. The iso sistent with assimilation of older (Macuchi?) arc
topicarraysdefiningthethreegroupsarecharac intrusiverootswithasimilarisotopiccomposition
terizedbyvariableincreasesinradiogenicSrand (Dungan&Davidson2004).UnlikeRioCalamelts
Pb,andnonradiogenicNdcomponentsfrommi (Chiaradia2009),granitoidparentalmeltsdidnot
nor (frontal arc, close to the CPPF) to slightly interact with seawateraltered CCOP lithologies
higher(mainarc,westofthePF),andsignificant characterized by high radiogenic Sr values. Fur
(rear main arc, east of the PF); 143Nd/144Nd and ther south, the CCOP basalthosted Gaby intru
Pb/204Pb are the most powerful isotopic dis sivecentershowsslightlymoreradiogenicSrand
criminatorsbetweenthethreegroups.Theseiso Pb,andlessradiogenicNdisotopiccompositions
topic distribution characteristics suggest that than Western Cordillera granitoids to the north,
mantlederivedarcmagmasacquiretheirdistinct and overlaps completely with isotopic composi
isotopic signatures either by variable degrees of tionsofNVZfrontalarcvolcanoes.
assimilation (or mixing with partial melts) of a
crustal component with constant isotopic com
southern Ecuadorian Sierra are characterized by
position, by assimilation (or mixing with partial
variably higher radiogenic Sr and Pb, and lower
melts) of crust of different isotopic composition,
radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions than West
overlap with the range of isotopic compositions
of the Macuchi Unit (Eocene islandarc; Fig. 2),
intrusions in southern Ecuador, as well as with
volcanoes east of the fault are characterized by
3 above); they consistently plot between poten
Tertiary samples measured in this study (Tab. 1) (CCOP and Eastern Cordillera or Amotape base
define homogenous groups in uranogenic and ment; Fig. 2). Several granitoids and volcanics in
thorogenic Pb isotope and combined SrNdPb southernEcuadorcompletelyoverlapisotopically
isotope plots for given intrusive suites (Fig. 2). withtheisotopiccompositionsofmainarcvolca
LateTertiarygranitoidsoftheWesternCordillera noes west of the PF in northern Ecuador. This
foothills (ApuelaJunin, BalsapambaTelimbela) includes the Midto Late Miocene Chaucha ba
aresignificantlylessradiogenicinSrandPb,and tholith,MidMioceneSaraguroGroupvolcanicsat
moreradiogenicinNdisotopiccompositionsthan Cañicapa, and the Late Miocene Quimsacocha
the most primitive Quaternary NVZ samples volcanic center. The El Mozo intrusions, situated
(Ndinitial>5,87Sr/86Sr<0.7038,206Pb/204Pb<18.9, atthelimitbetweentheLojaandAlaoterranesof
Pb/204Pb < 15.62); they isotopically overlap Litherlandetal.(1994),andSaraguroGroupvol
with the most primitive Macuchi and Rio Cala canics at Tres Chorreras overlap with this group
units (their immediate host rocks), and parts of inNdandPbisotopiccompositions,butarechar
the CCOP (the regional basement unit at depth; acterizedbyaslightlymoreradiogenicSrcompo
Fig. 2). Given the low thickness of the Macuchi sition,althoughtheyarestillmoreprimitivethan
Unit(<2.5km;Kerretal.2005)granitoidparental the bulk Earth (Fig. 2). A significant contribution
melts likely assimilated primitive CCOP material of Loja (highly radiogenic Sr and Pb) or Alao


(highly radiogenic Pb) basement units is thus homogeneousatthistimescale.Thelatterseems
unlikely for parental melts of the El Mozo intru a plausible assumption if related discussions in
sions. Rather, along with other southern Sierra the Central Andes are taken into account. Sub
intrusions and volcanics, they define an isotopi duction erosion is proposed to have influenced
cally homogeneous group suggesting that their the Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic composition of the
parentalmeltsevolvedbyassimilationprocesses Central Andean mantle wedgeimplyinga chang
ofsimilarcrustalbasementunits. ing source composition through time (Stern &
Skewes 2005). However, these isotopic changes
Theregional distributionofIADandsouthernSi
in source composition are shown to be mostly
erra basement units is relatively, but not com
negligible compared to crustal contamination
a Saraguro Group tuff collected in the Chaucha
mantle wedge can be assumed as broadly con
stant during TertiaryQuaternary times (Mamani
isotopic compositions of the whole dataset. The
latter notion is in agreement with the surface
exposure of several metamorphic inliers around While the Ecuadorian margin has been partly
ChauchawhichmightrepresentAmotape(ElOro) erosivesincetheLateMiocenecollisionwiththe
basementfragments(Litherlandetal.1994;Pratt Carnegie Ridge seamount chain (e.g., Sage et al.
et al. 1997) implying that a definite northern 2006),therelativestabilityoftheEcuadorianarc
Amotape basement border cannot be accurately position during the Tertiary excludes significant
drawn and rather corresponds to a northwards earlier subduction erosion (Chapter 2). Poten
extendingtectonizedzone(Spikingsetal.2005). tiallycontaminatingeffectsofsubductionerosion
Further south, plutons of the CangrejosZaruma
intrusive belt compositionally extend towards
significantly more radiogenic Sr and Pb, and less
des (Stern & Skewes 2005). This is confirmed by
radiogenic Nd values (Ndinitial <1, 87Sr/86Sr
studies of Eocene Macuchi arc magmatism
>0.7047, 206Pb/204Pb >18.9, 207Pb/204Pb >15.62)
(Chiaradia 2009) and Quaternary arc volcanoes
suggesting they assimilated continental crust
(e.g., Chiaradia et al. 2009) which show that the
dominated basement lithologies in the range of
mantle wedge below Ecuador represents an iso
Late Cretaceous Curiplaya intrusive center,
enriched by a sedimentary component, and has
hosted by the CelicaLancones basin in south
ernmost Ecuador, compositionally overlaps with
theCCOPhostedGabyintrusionsin 87Sr/86Srand
143 wedgePbisotopicheterogeneityalongtheSouth
American margin only applies at a larger scale,
gle regression line in uranogenic and thorogenic
Discussion Pb diagrams (Chiaradia & Fontboté 2002). This
notion is supported by overlapping isotopic
Isotopiccompositionalchangesinthe ranges for specific groups of NVZ volcanoes in
Ecuadorian mantle wedge along northern Ecuador and Late Tertiary granitoids in
strike, and from the Late Tertiary to
We therefore argue that similarities or differ
Differences or similarities in the isotopic compo
sition of Late Tertiary and Quaternary arc mag
arc magmas in the Western Cordillera and the
southern Ecuadorian Sierra, and Quaternary arc

caused by assimilation of specific crustal base low crustal assimilants may be of significantly
ment lithologies, additionally influenced by vari moreradiogenicisotopiccompositionsthandeep
ablecrustalthickness.Secondordermodulations to midcrustal lithologies, and thus may leave a
of isotopic ratios originating from variations in distinct isotopic fingerprint on arc magmas (Hil
source (mantle wedge) composition cannot be dreth & Moorbath 1988; Dungan & Davidson
ruledout,butarenotconsideredassignificantat 2004).Consequently,discriminatingbetweenthe
the isotopic scale relevant for the following dis upper and lower crustal contributions to whole
cussion. rock isotopic compositions of arc magmas is of
The role of crustal thickness on iso shallowcrustalbasementarchitecture.
topic compositions of Tertiary Petrologic studies (e.g., Chiaradia et al. 2009)
QuarternaryEcuadorianarcmagmas demonstrate that Quaternary NVZ magmas in
northern Ecuador mostly evolved in the stability
Assimilation of oceanic plateau units may drive
fields of garnet and amphibole, and outside the
TertiaryQuaternary arc magmas in Ecuador to
magmas dominantly acquired their crustal iso
topic signatures through polybaric evolution at
melts (Chiaradia 2009); assimilation of (partly)
lower to midcrustal levels, although minor peri
continental Eastern Cordillera basement may
have the reverse effect, producing complex iso
topic patterns of crustmagma interaction (Chia
tiary arc magmas evolved in an overall thinner
radia et al. 2009). A thick crust maximizes the
likelihood of crustal contamination of arc mag
2005) and form two distinct groups (Chapter 5):
mas (e.g., Hildreth & Moorbath 1988; Annen et
the Western Cordillera (Apuela, Junin, Balsa
crustal column bulk crustal thickness does not
pamba, Telimbela, Gaby, Chaucha), as well as
Rather, the relative thickness of crustal material
and Tres Chorreras; Quimsacocha) in the south
of contrasting isotopic composition (here: oce
erncentral Ecuadorian Sierra. REE patterns of
indicating that the parental magmas of these in
magma evolution in a given crustal column con
trusionsand volcanicsdidnotfractionatesignifi
stitute the dominant control factors for the final
cant amounts of plagioclase at shallow crustal
isotopic composition of TertiaryQuaternary Ec
levels (e.g., at <0.4 GPa, corresponding to the
maximum pressure where plagioclase precedes
AtwhatcrustalleveldidLateTertiary andesiticmelts;Groveetal.2003).Rather,paren
and Quaternary arc magmas acquire tal melts to these intrusions and volcanics seem
theirisotopiccharacteristics? to have evolved at deep to midcrustal levels
without major compositional overprinting by
Bulk crustal contamination of evolving arc mag
shallow crustal magma evolution (Chapter 5). A
mas by assimilation of crustal lithologies or mix
second group comprises some intrusions of the
CangrejosZaruma intrusive belt, the bulk of the
hot zones at lower to midcrustal levels; shallow
Saraguro Group (here: at Portovelo and
Chaucha), as well as some minor intrusions at El
cant compositional modification of arc magmas
Mozo. REE patterns of this group are usually
by crustal contamination (or, more general, as
characterized by minormoderate negative Eu
similation and fractional crystallization; AFC)
anomalies suggesting that these intrusions and
unless large, suprasolidus magmatic systems
volcanics derive from parental magmas which
supply rates (Annen et al. 2006). Potential shal

shallow  crustal  levels  (Chapter  5).  Late  Tertiary  does not directly scale with the absolute depth of 
arc  magmas  thus  variably  acquired  their  crustal  magma  evolution,  as  it  can  also  be  affected  by 
isotopic  signatures  at  deep,  mid‐,  and  shallow  pressure‐insensitive  accessory  phase  fractiona‐
crustal levels.  tion  (Chapter  5).  Figure  3  shows  the  Sr,  Nd,  and 
Pb isotopic compositions of NVZ volcanic centers 
Shallow vs. deep to mid‐crustal magma evolution 
and  Late  Tertiary  samples  as  a  function  of  Sr/Y 
can  be  qualitatively  discriminated  using  the  Sr/Y 
ratios, and Sr isotopic compositions as a function 
ratio (e.g., Bachmann et al. 2005); in our dataset, 
of  SiO2  (SiO2,  Sr,  and  Y  concentrations  for  Late 
Sr/Y  ratios  >30  indicate  the  absence  of  pro‐
Tertiary  samples  from  Chapter  5).  Individual 
nounced shallow crustal magma evolution in Late 
groups  of  Quaternary  arc  volcanoes  identified  in 
Tertiary Ecuadorian arc magmas (Chapter 5). It is 
the  previous  section  mostly  define  subparallel 
important  to  note,  however,  that  the  Sr/Y  ratio 

Figure  3:  Diagrams  of  87Sr/86Sr,  εNdinitial,  206Pb/204Pb,  and  207Pb/204Pb  vs.  Sr/Y,  and  87Sr/86Sr  vs.  SiO2.  The  Sr/Y  ratio 
serves as a proxy for shallow crustal vs. mid‐ to deep crustal (>30) magma evolution. Arc magmas color‐coded ac‐
cording to the isotopic classification scheme of Figs. 1 and 2, except for southern Ecuadorian Sierra units which are 
uniformly shown in black. The various groups define broad subparallel isotopic arrays at Sr/Y >30 suggesting that 
specific groups of arc magmas undergo AFC (assimilation and fractional crystallization) ± mixing processes at deep to 
mid‐crustal levels involving variable proportions of different basement units. In addition, Late Tertiary arc magmas 
of the Cangrejos‐Zaruma intrusive belt undergo significant shallow crustal AFC processes and assimilate crustal ma‐
terial  characterized  by  more  radiogenic  Sr  and  less  radiogenic  Nd  isotopic  compositions  than  deep  to  mid‐crustal 
basement units. Distinct crustal AFC trends exist in a  87Sr/86Sr vs. SiO2  plot, in agreement with the notions above. 
Sr/Y and SiO2 data from Chapter 5 (Tertiary magmas), and references given in Fig. 1 (NVZ). See text for discussion.

isotopicarraysforSr/Yratios>30(thedistinction Tectonic implications of SrNdPb iso
whilemostlyoverlappingin 87Sr/86SrandNdinitial,
topicsystematicsinLate Tertiaryand
they systematically differ in 207Pb/204Pb vs. Sr/Y Quaternaryarcmagmas
plots,butthelatterdifferenceisclosetotheana The isotopic similarities between Quaternary
lytical resolution). Parental melts to these arc northernEcuadorianvolcaniccenterseastofthe
volcanics thus variably assimilated deep to mid PF and Late Tertiary southern Ecuadorian intru
crustal basement lithologies of distinct isotopic sionsandvolcanicsatSr/Y>30(Figs.13)suggest
compositions.Magmadifferentiationbyassimila that the isotopic compositions of lower to mid
tion of different crustal lithologies is further crustalIADbasementunitsnorthandeastofthe
demonstrated by an 87Sr/86Sr vs. SiO2 plot show Jubones fault (Fig. 1) are broadly homogeneous
ingdistinctcrustalAFCtrendsforvariousisotopic inalongarcdimension.Incontrast,isotopicdata
groups(Fig.3). for the CangrejosZaruma intrusive belt record
Asnotedabove,Quaternaryarcvolcanoesmerge bothshallowanddeeptomidcrustalassimilation
atacommonisotopiccomposition(Fig.2)corre ofcontinentalcrustdominatedbasementlitholo
spondingtothemostprimitivemagmacomposi gies (high radiogenic Sr and low radiogenic Nd);
tions.ThisisnotdirectlyvisiblefromFigure3be thelatterdatasupportthenotionthatthenorth
cause the Sr/Y ratio of mantlederived primitive ernlimitofdeepcrustalbasementunitsoftheEl
melts may show a higher variability both across Oro microcontinental block is bracketed be
and along the arc, e.g., due to variable amounts tween the PiñasPortovelo and Jubones faults as
of mantle wedge fluxing by slabderived fluids, significantlymoreprimitiveisotopiccompositions
and different degrees of partial melting (Chiara occuronlynorthoftheJubonesfault.
diaetal.2009). Isotopic compositions show a systematic across
Western Cordillera granitoids define a further arcdistributioninnorthernEcuador.Intheframe
isotopic subgroup at Sr/Y ratios >30; as noted of a basement architecture characterized by jux
above, these magmas acquire their crustal iso taposed oceanic and continental basement do
topicsignaturesbyassimilationofprimitiveCCOP mains (as applicable for Ecuador; e.g., Jaillard et
units at depth. Late Tertiary intrusions and vol al. 2005) of strongly contrasting isotopic compo
canics of southern Ecuador overlap with the iso sitions(comparereferencefieldsinFig.2),more
topic range defined by arc volcanoes east of the radiogenic Sr and less radiogenic Nd isotopic
PF (group 3) at Sr/Y ratios >30, but show more compositionsofarcmagmasaremainlyindicative
radiogenicSrandlessradiogenicNdratiosatSr/Y of increasing continental signatures imposed on
<30(Fig.3).Consequently,weinferthattheiso evolvingmagmasbyahigherproportionofconti
topic characteristics of Late Tertiary magmas in nentalversusoceanicbasementassimilationina
southern Ecuador partly reflect deep to mid given crustal column. The role of Pb isotopes is
crustal assimilation of basement units similar to moredifficulttodefineasoceanicplateaumate
arcvolcanoeseastofthePFinnorthernEcuador, rialinEcuadorischaracterizedbyawiderangein
buttheymayadditionallyacquiredistinctisotopic Pb/204Pb (Fig. 2) such that the latter isotopic
signaturesbyfurthershallowcrustalmagmaevo ratio cannot discriminate oceanic vs. continental
lution.Notethattheisotopiccompositionofthe material on a regional scale; more radiogenic
ElMozointrusionsisratherprimitive(Fig.2)sug Pb/204Pbcompositions,ontheotherhand,are
gesting that, despite showing minor negative Eu indicative of a stronger continental basement
anomalies, isotopic contamination of El Mozo signature, but isotopic variations are of such a
parental magmas by upper crust material was small scale that they approach the analytical
limited such that their lower to midcrustal iso resolutionlimit(Fig.2).
topicsignatureswerepreserved. Figure 4 illustrates a schematic cross section of
the Ecuadorian arc at c. 0.5°S based on seismic
studies (Guillier et al. 2001; Jaillard et al. 2005).
Eastward underthrusting of highdensity oceanic
plateau material below the IAD results in east

ward thickening of the proportion of Eastern diogenic Nd isotopic compositions overlapping
Cordillera basement (simplified here as a single withbasementunitscroppingoutintheWestern
unit) relative to oceanic plateau material in a Cordillera (amphibolites of Amortegui 2007; Fig.
givencrustalcolumn.Consequently,thepotential 2). A single Pichincha xenolith detected by
roleofCordilleraRealbasementasanassimilant Chiaradia et al. (2009) has an isotopic composi
forNVZmagmasevolvinginlowertomidcrustal tion resembling shallow crustal metapelites of
hotzonesprogressivelyincreaseseastwards.This theWesternCordillera(“WesternCordillerashal
regionalunderthrustingofoceanicplateaumate lowbasement”inFig.2;Amortegui2007).Incor
rial below the IAD is mirrored by acrossarc poration of this type of xenolith into Pichincha
trendsinSr,Nd,andPbisotopiccompositionsof meltsmightthushaveoccurredatshallowcrustal
NVZ arc volcanoes which get progressively more levels. Alternatively, if this xenolith type repre
continentalincharactertowardstheeast(Figs.1, sents a deep to midcrustal lithology, its occur
4). Initial magma differentiation in a hot zone at rence might be reconciled with the generalized
thebaseofthecrust(orintheuppermostlitho model presented in Figure 4 if nonvertical
spheric mantle) would mostly include oceanic magma ascent along transcrustal fault systems
plateau material, whereas subsequent mid suchastheCPPFistakenintoaccount.Structur
crustal magma processing should progressively ally controlled melt ascent including significant
involve increasing amounts of Eastern Cordillera nonvertical components has been documented
basementunits.Incontrast,parentalmagmasto elsewhere, e.g., by pluton emplacement along
Western Cordillera granitoids were entirely con faultrampsintheSevierfoldandthrustbelt(Ka
finedtooceanicplateaumaterial(orarcintrusive lakayetal.2001).
root zones) during their crustal transit such that
Highresolution seismic data imaging crustal
arc magmas evolve towards less radiogenic Sr
and more radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions
(compareFig.2). Tertiary andNVZisotopiccom
ture is implied by a major change in structural
positions in northern Ecuador, therefore, are
consistent with the crustal structure inferred
W (El Oro massif south of the Jubones fault in
from seismic studies involving regional under
southern Ecuador; Fig. 1), and is further clearly
thrusting of oceanic plateau material below the
visible in the isotopic compositions of granitoids
of the CangrejosZaruma intrusive belt (see
In addition to considering the differing isotopic above).Inthisarea,thewesternsurfacetraceof
characteristics of main arc volcanoes east and the oceanic plateaubounding suture zone (the
west of the Peltetec fault zone purely as a func CPPF)splays offandintersectsthe WesternCor
tion of a transitional change of deep to mid dillera towards the Gulf of Guayaquil. Instead of
crustal, continental versus oceanic basement displaying a transition in isotopic compositions
units, the presence of different continental (Li across the arc as in northern Ecuador, there
therland et al. 1994) or oceanic terrane units seemstobearathersharpchangeinSr,Nd,and
(such as a second, preLate Cretaceous oceanic Pb isotopic compositions from the west (Gaby
plateau fragment; e.g., Mamberti et al. 2003) intrusions) to the east (Quimsacocha volcano,
might further influence the isotopic signature of Chaucha intrusions, Saraguro volcanics) of the
arc magmas produced at these volcanoes, al CPPF. This might suggest that, concomitant with
thoughthegeometryoftheirdeeptomidcrustal its change in strike direction, the mid to deep
extensions cannot be predicted with the current crustal structure of the suture zone possibly
dataset. changes from 35° Edipping in northerncentral
Ecuador towards a more subvertical orientation
Ecuadorian frontal arc volcanoes such as Pichin
in southern Ecuador. An alternative interpreta
cha are characterized by the presence of crustal
tion of the relatively sharp isotopic contrast
absence of an additional terrane unit equivalent
gin (Chiaradia et al. 2009). Most xenoliths are
characterized by low radiogenic Sr and high ra

to  the  NVZ  basement  west  of  the  Peltetec  fault 
zone as discussed above. 
Based  on  gravimetric  data,  Feininger  &  Seguin 
(1983)  modeled  crustal  thickness  profiles  in  Ec‐
uador  using  a  strictly  vertical  dip  for  the  CPPF 
(their “Romeral” fault), and confined oceanic pla‐
teau  material  to  the  west  of  the  CPPF.  Conse‐
quently,  these  authors  identified  the  absence  of 
the IAD in southern Ecuador (with its low‐density 
volcaniclastic  infill)  as  a  major  influence  on  the 
gravimetric anomaly pattern, and suggested that 
the  crustal  thickness  in  southern  Ecuador  might 
exceed the thickness in northern Ecuador. When 
taking  into  account  a  more  realistic  35°  E  dip  of 
the  CPPF  in  northern  Ecuador  implying  regional 
underthrusting  of  high‐density  oceanic  plateau 
material, highly negative gravity anomalies (down 
to  ‐292  mgal)  in  the  Andean  region  east  of  the 
CPPF  might  necessitate  an  even  thicker  crustal 
root in northern Ecuador, making it unlikely that 
the  crustal thickness of southern  Ecuador gener‐
ally exceeds northern Ecuador (50‐70 km; Guillier 
et  al.  2001).  Rather,  the  crustal  thickness  of  the 
main Andean root in southern Ecuador might be 
similar to or slightly thinner than in northern Ec‐
uador,  in  agreement  with  data  from  northern 
Peru  where  a  maximum  crustal  thickness  of  45 
km below the Western Cordillera is inferred (Fu‐
kao et al. 1989). 

Figure  4:  Schematic  crustal  cross  section  of  northern 

Ecuador,  and  87Sr/86Sr,  εNdinitial,  206Pb/204Pb,  and
Pb/204Pb  across‐arc  distribution  trends  for  NVZ  vol‐
canoes,  the  Apuela  batholith  and  the  Junin  porphyry 
intrusions  between  1°S  to  0.5°N,  orthogonally  pro‐
jected  onto  the  cross  section  shown  in  Fig.  1;  same
symbol  key  as  in  Fig.  3.  Crustal  section  simplified  and 
modified  from  Jaillard  et  al.  (2005)  sketching  under‐
thrusting of oceanic plateau units (v pattern) below the
paleo‐continental margin (gray). For simplicity, Eastern
Cordillera basement is visualized  here as a  single unit,
 but  in  detail  consists  of  multiple  meta‐sedimentary  and  meta‐igneous  units  possibly  representing  different  ter‐
ranes of both oceanic and continental affinity (Litherland et al. 1994). Orange bars indicate deep to mid‐crustal hot 
zones where major magma evolution occurs (Fig. 3; Annen et al. 2006), progressively including a higher component 
of Eastern Cordillera basement towards the east, and most clearly reflected by decreasing εNdinitial, and increasing 
Pb/204Pb across the arc. Note that transcrustal magma ascent might partly be focused along non‐vertical struc‐
tures such as the Chimbo‐Toachi shear zone (CTSZ) and the Calacali‐Pujili‐Pallatanga fault (CPPF), and, possibly, the 
Peltetec fault (PF), allowing incorporation of crustal xenoliths of continental crust affinity into frontal arc (Pichin‐
cha) magmas. Section not vertically exaggerated. 

Conclusions GranitoidsoftheCangrejosZarumaintrusivebelt
in southern Ecuador are characterized by highly
Late TertiaryQuaternary arc magmas in Ecuador radiogenicSrandPb,andlowradiogenicNdiso
derivefromanisotopicallybroadlyhomogeneous topic compositions, which have no equivalent in
mantle wedge, and acquire variable deep, mid, centralnorthern Ecuadorian arc magmas. Their
andshallowcrustalSr,Nd,andPbisotopicsigna isotopic compositions relate to the mostly shal
tures during subsequent magma evolution low crustal assimilation of basement units form
stages. These isotopic imprints provide insights ing part of the El Oro block of continental crust
into the crustal basement architecture of Ecua affinity,whoseconcealednorthernlimitseemsto
dor’sWesternCordillera,theIAD,andthesouth be bracketed between the PiñasPortovelo and
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TableA1:Wholerock 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb,and 208Pb/204PbcompositionsofNorth


87 86 143 144 206 204 207 204 208 204
Table A1: Whole rock Sr/ Sr, Nd/ Nd, Pb/ Pb, Pb/ Pb, and Pb/ Pb compositions of
Northern Volcanic Zone volcanoes
87 143 206 207 208
Sample Magmatic Sr Nd Nd Pb Pb Pb latitude ref*
86 144 204 204 204
center Sr Nd Pb Pb Pb (projected)

Frontal arc
E05001 Pululagua 0.70420 0.51286 4.4 18.889 15.587 38.552 78.60 1
E05003 Pululagua 0.70416 0.51289 4.8 18.868 15.596 38.565 78.60 1
E05007 Pululagua 0.70417 0.51290 5.0 18.906 15.604 38.619 78.60 1
E05008 Pululagua 0.70415 0.51293 5.7 18.912 15.587 38.566 78.60 1
E05042 Pululagua 0.70412 0.51291 5.4 18.933 15.609 38.645 78.60 1
Pul-9 Pululagua 0.70412 0.51291 5.4 18.934 15.605 38.610 78.60 2
Pul-11 Pululagua 0.70414 0.51292 5.5 18.893 15.606 38.562 78.60 2
Pul-4 Pululagua 0.70414 0.51295 6.2 18.921 15.595 38.572 78.60 2
Pul-7 Pululagua 0.70414 0.51289 5.1 18.921 15.596 38.572 78.60 2
E05016 Pichincha 0.70408 0.51287 4.6 18.957 15.575 38.690 78.60 1
E05017 Pichincha 0.70399 0.51286 4.4 19.018 15.589 38.728 78.60 1
E05018 Pichincha 0.70410 0.51287 4.5 18.884 15.596 38.578 78.60 1
E05130 Pichincha 0.70409 0.51293 5.8 18.927 15.596 38.638 78.60 1
E05131 Pichincha 0.70407 0.51286 4.3 18.934 15.597 38.631 78.60 1
E05010 Pichincha 0.70404 0.51290 5.2 19.017 15.593 38.780 78.60 1
E05012 Pichincha 0.70400 0.51289 4.9 18.957 15.575 38.690 78.60 1
E05013 Pichincha 0.70401 0.51287 4.5 18.999 15.577 38.738 78.60 1
E05014 Pichincha 0.70404 0.51292 5.5 18.945 15.589 38.654 78.60 1
E05015 Pichincha 0.70410 0.51289 4.9 18.933 15.582 38.630 78.60 1
PICH 4C Pichincha 0.70404 0.51288 4.7 19.001 15.591 38.723 78.60 3
PICH 9C Pichincha 0.70407 0.51288 4.8 18.984 15.577 38.670 78.60 3
PICH 10 Pichincha 0.70406 0.51289 5.0 19.000 15.584 38.708 78.60 3
Gp-1 Pichincha 0.70395 0.51289 4.9 18.958 15.597 38.698 78.60 2
Ql-12 Quilotoa 0.70403 0.51286 4.4 18.985 15.644 38.750 78.65 2
ATAC 2C Atacazo 0.70420 0.51289 5.0 18.878 15.589 38.521 78.55 3
ATAC 8 Atacazo 0.70422 0.51286 4.4 18.962 15.601 38.627 78.55 3
ATAC 12B Atacazo 0.70434 0.51286 4.4 18.967 15.600 38.604 78.55 3
AT01 Atacazo 0.70419 0.51285 4.1 n/a n/a n/a 78.55 4
8557 At Atacazo 0.70430 0.51289 4.9 n/a n/a n/a 78.55 4
At-02 Atacazo 0.70408 0.51289 5.0 18.933 15.602 38.619 78.55 2
957 g Atacazo 0.70430 0.51288 4.7 n/a n/a n/a 78.55 2
Frontal arc basement xenoliths
E05008a Pululagua 0.70415 0.51289 4.9 18.862 15.552 38.473 78.60 1
E05130a Pichincha 0.70392 0.51288 4.8 18.861 15.588 38.587 78.60 1
E05011 Pichincha 0.70686 0.51260 -0.7 18.607 15.651 38.548 78.60 1
E05015a Pichincha 0.70401 0.51290 5.1 18.945 15.611 38.699 78.60 1
Main arc (west of Peltetec fault)
Imb-1 Imbabura 0.70408 0.51290 5.2 19.098 15.600 38.770 78.40 2
Imb-3 Imbabura 0.70408 0.51291 5.3 19.099 15.606 38.786 78.40 2
Imb-11 Imbabura 0.70407 0.51293 5.7 19.072 15.611 38.766 78.40 2
Imb-26 Imbabura 0.70412 0.51288 4.7 18.921 15.607 38.614 78.40 2
Imb-28 Imbabura 0.70406 0.51292 5.5 18.953 15.616 38.657 78.40 2
Imb-29 Imbabura 0.70411 0.51289 5.0 18.974 15.629 38.717 78.40 2
Imb-30 Imbabura 0.70420 0.51282 3.7 18.913 15.622 38.677 78.40 2
Imb-36 Imbabura 0.70402 0.51291 5.3 19.123 15.617 38.833 78.40 2


Table A1 (continued)
87 143 206 207 208
Sample Magmatic Sr Nd Nd Pb Pb Pb latitude ref*
86 144 204 204 204
center Sr Nd Pb Pb Pb (projected)

Imb-38 Imbabura 0.70425 0.51282 3.6 18.900 15.630 38.712 78.40 2

Imb-45 Imbabura 0.70402 0.51290 5.1 19.073 15.618 38.784 78.40 2
E05132 Ilalo 0.70414 0.51282 3.5 18.951 15.612 38.695 78.40 1
E05133 Ilalo 0.70409 0.51296 6.2 18.955 15.621 38.717 78.40 1
E05134 Ilalo 0.70405 0.51285 4.0 18.940 15.606 38.647 78.40 1
E05046 Ilalo 0.70406 0.51284 3.9 18.940 15.607 38.652 78.40 1
Il-2 Ilalo 0.70406 0.51286 4.4 n/a n/a n/a 78.40 2
Cx-9 Cotopaxi 0.70414 0.51282 3.7 18.963 15.631 38.710 78.30 2
Cx-10 Cotopaxi 0.70419 0.51284 4.0 18.951 15.637 38.716 78.30 2
Main arc (east of Peltetec fault)
CAY56 Cayambe 0.70431 0.51274 2.0 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY55B Cayambe 0.70441 0.51274 2.1 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY106B Cayambe 0.70442 0.51264 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY107 Cayambe 0.70442 0.51272 1.6 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY31 Cayambe 0.70446 0.51273 1.7 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY80A Cayambe 0.70451 0.51271 1.3 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY78A Cayambe 0.70454 0.51262 -0.4 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY168D Cayambe 0.70434 0.51280 3.1 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY98 Cayambe 0.70432 0.51280 3.2 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY8 Cayambe 0.70432 0.51277 2.5 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY179A Cayambe 0.70445 0.51268 0.9 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY39 Cayambe 0.70439 0.51276 2.3 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY87 Cayambe 0.70443 0.51274 2.1 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY44A Cayambe 0.70437 0.51281 3.3 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY46B Cayambe 0.70442 0.51277 2.6 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
CAY45C Cayambe 0.70408 0.51270 1.3 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 5
ANT 54 Antisana 0.70454 0.51273 1.8 18.895 15.637 38.711 78.20 3
ANT 26 Antisana 0.70441 0.51274 2.0 18.886 15.654 38.758 78.20 3
ANT 29C Antisana 0.70449 0.51275 2.2 18.974 15.691 38.914 78.20 3
ANT8 Antisana 0.70424 0.51276 2.4 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT10 Antisana 0.70440 0.51273 1.8 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT14C Antisana 0.70440 0.51274 1.9 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT28 Antisana 0.70439 0.51275 2.1 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT32 Antisana 0.70445 0.51273 1.7 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT36 Antisana 0.70431 0.51273 1.9 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT37 Antisana 0.70432 0.51275 2.2 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT46 Antisana 0.70438 0.51273 1.8 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT47 Antisana 0.70437 0.51274 1.9 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT60 Antisana 0.70434 0.51273 1.7 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT61 Antisana 0.70437 0.51272 1.6 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
ANT62 Antisana 0.70426 0.51276 2.4 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 6
3.2An Antisana 0.70421 0.51280 3.1 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 4
HHJ-An Antisana 0.70419 0.51280 3.1 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 4
GS-3 Antisana 0.70420 0.51289 5.0 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 4
3D2 Antisana 0.70424 0.51289 5.0 n/a n/a n/a 78.20 4
3D1 An Antisana 0.70414 0.51285 4.1 18.936 15.618 38.728 78.20 2
2G3T-A Antisana 0.70437 0.51275 2.3 18.924 15.643 38.762 78.20 2
HHV Antisana 0.70416 0.51279 3.1 18.985 15.703 38.978 78.20 2


Table A1 (continued)
87 143 206 207 208
Sample Magmatic Sr Nd Nd Pb Pb Pb latitude ref*
86 144 204 204 204
center Sr Nd Pb Pb Pb (projected)

E05035 Chacana 0.70434 0.51273 1.9 18.979 15.617 38.705 78.15 1

E05137 Chacana 0.70428 0.51277 2.6 18.933 15.625 38.704 78.15 1
E05138 Chacana 0.70427 0.51277 2.6 18.920 15.641 38.762 78.15 1
E05142 Chacana 0.70430 0.51278 2.7 18.880 15.612 38.640 78.15 1
E05143 Chacana 0.70423 0.51276 2.4 18.901 15.633 38.722 78.15 1
E05144 Chacana 0.70423 0.51279 2.9 18.889 15.604 38.631 78.15 1
E05147 Chacana 0.70426 0.51273 1.8 18.912 15.610 38.675 78.15 1
E05141 Chacana 0.70445 0.51270 1.3 18.953 15.602 38.671 78.15 1
E05030 Chacana 0.70409 0.51281 3.3 18.977 15.632 38.781 78.15 1
E05036 Chacana 0.70414 0.51280 3.2 18.911 15.626 38.723 78.15 1
E05135 Chacana 0.70426 0.51275 2.2 18.938 15.639 38.768 78.15 1
E05136 Chacana 0.70419 0.51273 1.8 18.927 15.638 38.769 78.15 1
E05019 Chacana 0.70430 0.51276 2.4 18.897 15.624 38.688 78.15 1
E05021 Chacana 0.70430 0.51274 2.0 18.953 15.646 38.799 78.15 1
E05032 Chacana 0.70427 0.51276 2.5 18.916 15.634 38.743 78.15 1
E05025 Chacana 0.70464 0.51255 -1.8 19.057 15.654 38.872 78.15 1
E05028 Chacana 0.70456 0.51275 2.2 18.933 15.624 38.748 78.15 1
E05139 Chacana 0.70465 0.51269 1.1 19.008 15.650 38.833 78.15 1
E05140 Chacana 0.70465 0.51271 1.4 19.026 15.626 38.763 78.15 1
Ch-3 Chacana 0.70404 0.51284 4.0 18.956 15.613 38.680 78.15 2
Ch-6 Chacana 0.70432 0.51277 2.6 18.983 15.633 38.755 78.15 2
Ch-7 Chacana 0.70423 0.51276 2.5 19.028 15.688 38.947 78.15 2
Ch-8 Chacana 0.70427 0.51280 3.3 18.925 15.646 38.694 78.15 2
Ch-4 Chacana n/a 0.51271 1.5 18.925 15.646 38.775 78.15 2
Ch-5 Chacana 0.70434 0.51278 2.7 18.918 15.632 38.732 78.15 2
Sg-13 Sangay 0.70437 0.51274 2.0 18.816 15.644 38.754 n/a 2
Cl-11 Chalupas 0.70443 0.51274 2.0 18.993 15.668 38.873 78.10 2
*References: 1 - Chiaradia et al. (2009); 2 - Bryant et al. (2006); 3 - Bourdon et al. (2003); 4 - Barragan et al.
(1998); 5 - Samaniego et al. (2005); 6 - Bourdon et al. (2002)


This study presents a comprehensive dataset of the geochemical composition of Late Oligocene to Late
Miocene intrusions associated in space and time with porphyryrelated ore deposits in Ecuador, supple
the spatiotemporal distribution pattern of adakitelike geochemical features related to Late Tertiary arc
intrusions are moderately to highly differentiated hornblende ±biotitebearing tonalites, granodiorites,
and quartzdiorites, and often form part of larger OligoceneMiocene batholith complexes; arc volcanics
The overall spatiotemporal distribution of adakitelike features in Ecuadorian arc magmas is semi
In Early to MidMiocene Ecuadorian arc magmas, amphibole (± accessory titanite) fractionation/restite
equilibration caused silicic melts to evolve towards adakitelike compositions; combined amphibole and
Y depletion already in more mafic melt compositions, i.e, during earlier differentiation stages. Significant
observed in the Early Miocene in a regional petrogenetic setting otherwise dominated by lowpressure
changes between porphyry and host intrusions mostly reflect broad changes in arc magma composition

favorable tectonomagmatic preconditioning of porphyry parental melts for subsequent porphyryrelated

Introduction TertiaryQuaternary adakitelike
ActivearcvolcanismintheAndeanchain,where magmatisminEcuador
plate edge of South America, clusters in three
sentday NVZ volcanism is the mechanism to
generate adakitelike geochemical signatures in
Southern Volcanic Zone (NVZ, CZV, and SVZ, re
spectively). These zones are separated by arc
sition indicative of, amongst others, parental
arc volcanism (Fig. 1). Voluminous Tertiary arc
element; HREE) retentive mineral phase, and
magmatic products extend beyond the present
absence of significant plagioclase fractionation
(seereviewbyRichards &Kerrich2007,andref
While the geochemical features of Pleistocene
erences therein). The term “adakitelike” was
introduced by Richards & Kerrich (2007) for arcs
have been extensively studied (e.g., Bourdon et
al. 2003; Garrison & Davidson 2003; Samaniego
to avoid confusion with adakite sensu stricto
et al. 2005; Bryant et al. 2006; Garrison et al.
2006; Chiaradia et al. 2009a), geochemical data
(Defant & Drummond 1990). In this context, the
on Tertiary arc magmatism are sparse. Building
term "adakitelike" does not carry any specific
on a pilot study by Chiaradia et al. (2004), this
petrogenetic implication with respect to the
magma source. In particular, adakitelike chemi
number of Late Tertiary intrusions and volcanic
formations of the northerncentral Ecuadorian
essarily associated with slab melting as adakites
Western Cordillera and the Interandean Sierra
sensu stricto potentially are (Richards & Kerrich
region of southern Ecuador, representing the
ous rocks in the northern Andes. We focus on Generationofadakitelikegeochemicalcomposi
investigating the occurrence of adakitelike fea tions in presentday NVZ magmas is envisaged
tures in Tertiary arc magmas associated with either by slab melting and mantle wedge con
porphyryrelatedoredeposits,andevaluatetheir tamination by slab melting of the subducting
metallogeneticsignificance. young(<24Ma),hotNazcaslab(e.g.,Gutscheret
al. 2000; Bourdon et al. 2003; Samaniego et al.
mas at deep to midcrustal levels (e.g., Garrison

Figure1(nextpage):GeologicalmapofTertiaryQuaternaryEcuadorianarcunits andmagmaticcentersinvestigatedin

&Davidson2003;Garrisonetal.,2006;Chiaradia Thepresentstudyaimstocontributetoabetter
et al. 2009a). Bryant et al. (2006) note the diffi understandingofthespatiotemporaldistribution
cultytoclearlydiscriminatethesetwoprocesses, ofadakitelikemagmatismaspartofthegeneral
and present intramantle wedge partial melting petrogenetic evolution of OligoceneMiocene
processesinthegarnetstabilityfieldasanaddi Ecuadorian arc magmatism. In particular, we ex
tional option. The Late Miocene collision of the plorethemetallogenicsignificanceofadakitelike
CarnegieRidgeseamountchainwiththenorthern magmatism for porphyryrelated mineralization
Ecuadorianmarginisconsideredtoexertamajor in Ecuador, as spatial associations of intrusions
influenceonarcmagmatismeitherbyincreasing with adakitelike geochemical features and por
the geothermal gradient along the subducting phyryrelated ore deposits have been observed
slab surface thus facilitating slab melting (Sama elsewhere(e.g.,Thiéblemontetal.1997).Conse
niegoetal.2005),orbypotentiallyaffectingfar quently,magmaticcentersofthisstudywerese
fieldstressandtranscrustalmagmaascentkinet lected based on their spatial association with
ics(Chiaradiaetal.2009a).Seismicstudiesatthe porphyryrelated ore deposits. The widespread
Ecuadorian margin demonstrate a continuously occurrence of this ore deposit type in Ecuador
subductingNazca/Farallonslab,subductingatan (Prodeminca2000)ensuresaregionallyrepresen
angle of 2530° down to at least 150200 km tative coverage of Late Tertiary arc magmatism.
depth (Guillier et al. 2001) such that earlier sug Parallel geochronologic (Chapters 2, 3) and iso
gestions proposing slab melting due to slab flat topic (Chapter 4) studies provide age and base
tening in response to Carnegie Ridge subduction mentcontrol,enablingustocalibrategeochemi
(e.g.,Gutscheretal.2000;Beateetal.2001)can cal changes in arc magmatism through time and
beexcluded. acrossdifferentcrustalbasementdomains.
in the Ecuadorian subduction system through Regional geology and geody
time is not clearly understood. Beate et al. namicsetting
(2001), Somers et al. (2005), and Amortegui
(2007) demonstrate that adakitelike rock com The Ecuadorian margin is characterized by the
positions already occur in Late Miocene intru typical principal geologic features of a collisional
sions and volcanics. Chiaradia et al. (2004) show continental arc comprising a foreland basin
that a number of Tertiary, preLate Miocene in hostingbackarcregion,amajororogen,splitinto
trusionsandvolcanicformationslackadakitelike theEasternandWesternCordillera,andaforearc
features,andnoteanapparentmutualexclusivity sliver which undergoes trenchparallel, dextral
ofmainlyEarlytoMidMioceneporphyryrelated strikeslip displacement relative to the continent
mineralization and Late Miocene to Holocene asaresultofobliqueplateconvergencebetween
adakitelike magmatism in Ecuador. Recently, theNazcaplateandSouthAmerica(Litherlandet
Chiaradia(2009)presentedevidenceforadakite al.1994;Egoetal.1996).Basementunitsofthe
like features of small intrusive bodies of the Eo backarcregionandtheEasternCordilleraareof
cene Macuchi island arc sequence of central PrecambrianPaleozoic age; they are intruded by
northernEcuador. a voluminous TriassicJurassic arc sequence

resentative for analyzed samples of Late Tertiary magmatic centers in Ecuador. A – hornblende and biotitebearing
granodiorite with weak sericitechlorite alteration (Chaucha batholith). B – plagioclase and hornblendephyric dacite

whoserootsareexposedintheEasternCordillera Miocene, and was accompanied by voluminous
(Litherland et al. 1994). The forearc sliver and arcvolcanism(Chapter2;Fig.1).
Western Cordillera basement consist of oceanic
Following the Late Cretaceous oceanic plateau
plateau fragments accreted to the paleo
accretion, oblique Farallon/NazcaSouth America
continental margin in the Late Cretaceous and
plate convergence characterized the Ecuadorian
interpreted to form part of the Colombian
margin throughout the Tertiary (Chapter 2). A
major geodynamic event affected the Tertiary
tween the Eastern and Western Cordillera are
Farallon plate, followed by initiation of Cocos
obscured by NVZ and Tertiary arc volcanic prod
Nazca seafloor spreading during the Early Mio
ucts; they likely consist of a tectonized mélange
of oceanic plateau units and Eastern Cordillera
the ColombianEcuadorian margin, this led to a
basement where the proportion of the latter
change in subducting slab properties from old,
progressively increases towards the east (Fein
cool (Farallon) to young, hot (Nazca) oceanic
ings et al. 2005; Chapter 4). Southwestern Ecua
represented by the offshore ENEtrending Grijal
dor additionally contains a rotated micro
vas scarp progressively propagating southwards
continental block known as the El Oro massif
along the margin, and currently intersects the
whose basement units are of Eastern Cordillera
Farallon plate motion reconstructions (Somoza
1998)imply thatseamountsformedat the Gala
the Farallon plate below South America was ac
tive along the Ecuadorian margin until the Late
Jurassic (Litherland et al. 1994). Except for the
MidCretaceous Tangula batholith (Hall & Calle
1982) and few minor backarc intrusions (Barra
they were subducted at, or docked onto the Pa
gan et al. 2005), voluminous Cretaceous arc
magmatism has not been identified in Ecuador
2002). This situation changed fundamentally in
suggesting a magmatic lull during that period.
the Late OligoceneEarly Miocene when a major
Following oceanic plateau accretion(s), arc mag
matism resumed in the latest Cretaceous, and a
in the Early Miocene caused Galapagosderived
continuous Tertiary arc developed along the
seamounts to drift eastwards, resulting in the
whole continental margin (Vallejo et al. 2009;
collision of the Carnegie Ridge seamount chain
Chapter 2). While southern Ecuador is mostly
with the Ecuadorian margin in the Late Miocene
characterized by continental, subaerial arc mag
matism throughout the Tertiary, magmatism in
island arc system represented by the Macuchi
Chapters 2, 3). While Gutscher et al. (1999),
teau basement; this arc was juxtaposed land
wards against a minor subaerial arc system and
tear along the projected trace of the Grijalvas
scarp below southerncentral Ecuador, the shal
low (2530°) subduction setting below central
Ecuador inferred from highresolution seismic
Jailliard et al. 2005; Chiaradia 2009; Chiaradia et
al. 2009a). Emplacement of multiple intrusions
batholithsize intrusive clusters in northern, cen
central Peru (James & Sacks 1999). The flat slab
geometry initiating below northern Peru in the


Late Miocene (e.g., James & Sacks 1999) contin Table 2: Hydrothermal alteration-influenced
ues northwards into southern Ecuador where compositional variability of exemplary refer-
Late Miocene or younger arc magmatism is con ence lithologies
sequentlynotobserved(Chapter2). Elements Remarks
Low compositional variation
Sampling and analytical tech SiO2, TiO2,
scatter < ±10% for all systems

niques Zr, Hf scatter < ±10% for all systems

Moderate compositional variation
CaO, P2O5 scatter < ±20% for all systems
from mineral exploration drill cores or outcrop
Sr scatter < ±10% for Apuela-Cuellaje, Gaby,
exposures of multiple intrusions and volcanic Balsapamba; scatter ~20% (sometimes higher)
formationslistedinTable1.Samplingdidnotfol for Saraguro
low a systematic grid pattern but reflects drill Nb, Ta scatter < ±20% for Apuela-Cuellaje, Balsa-
core distribution as well as outcrop accessibility pamba, Saraguro; mostly < ±20%, but up to 35%
scatter for Gaby
and suitability. Sampled Quimsacocha volcanics
are all related to a single volcanic caldera, whe Y scatter < ±20% for Gaby; variable (up to 38%)
for Apuela-Cuellaje, Balsapamba, Saraguro
reas sampling localities for Saraguro Group vol
Sc scatter < ±20% for Apuela-Cuellaje, Balsa-
canics show a large geographical spread (c. pamba, Saraguro; slightly higher scatter (up to
100 km) comprising three areas (Chaucha, Cañi 26%) for Gaby
capa, Portovelo; Fig. 1) to reflect its widespread Th scatter < ±20% for all systems
distribution in southerncentral Ecuador. Both V scatter < ±10% for Apuela-Cuellaje, Balsa-
intrusive centers and Saraguro Group volcanics pamba, Saraguro; systematic bias at Gaby
caused by reference sample composition, oth-
integrate magmatic events of up to 1015 m.y. erwise scatter at Gaby would be < ±20%
(the time span for batholith construction in cen High compositional variation
tralandnorthernEcuador;Chapter2). Fe2O3, MgO scatter < ±20% for Apuela-Cuellaje, Balsa-
pamba, Saraguro; highly variable scatter for
To ensure compositionally representative geo Gaby (up to 52%)
chemical analyses, sample quantities typically Na2O scatter < ±10% for Apuela-Cuellaje, Balsa-
comprisedc.0.5orc.1kgofmaterialforfineor pamba, Saraguro; highly variable scatter for
coarsegrained samples, respectively. Lower
samplequantitieswereoccasionallyobtainedfor K2O highly variable scatter for all systems

drill core samples where sampling material was Cs, Rb, Ba highly variable scatter for all systems; at Gaby
correlated with K2O (potassic alt.)
limited. In areas where rocks were affected by
U highly variable scatter for all systems
porphyry intrusionrelated hydrothermal sys
Cr, Ni highly variable scatter for all systems
tems, careful outcrop selection and drill core
REE highly variable scatter for all systems; LREE
quicklogging ensured sampling of least altered decoupled and La/Yb ratios potentially inaccu-
material for a given alteration facies. Intense rate; coupled behavior within MREE & HREE
groups such that Eu/Eu* and Dy/Yb are poten-
feldspardestructive phyllic and argillic alteration tially accurate
was avoided where possible (essentially every Main alteration types for reference centers where isocons
where except for some Junin porphyry intru were constructed
sions). Pervasively veined material was avoided Apuela potassic, propylitic
for sampling, and isolated hydrothermal veins (Cuellaje)
and vein alteration haloes were removed by a Balsapamba potassic, propylitic
diamondbladediscsawpriortosampleprocess Gaby sodic-calcic, potassic, propylitic
ing. Saraguro propylitic

Sampleswerecleanedwithwater,crushedusing Single-analysis outliers are not noted, but might be significant;

a steel jaw crusher, and powdered (<70 m) us refer to Table A2 (Appendix). Note that feldspar phenocryst-
destructive alteration was generally avoided as far as possible,
ing an agate disc mill, where each step was fol but is unavoidable for some samples at Junin and Chaucha; Sr
lowed by sample splitting into representative scatter is expected to increase for these centers.

proportions  to  reduce  the  sample  quantity  for  out  during  the  2006‐2008 period  at  the  Institute 
subsequent analytical steps. Reconnaissance XRF  of  Mineralogy  and  Geochemistry,  University  of 
analysis  for  major  and  trace  elements  (10‐15  Lausanne.  XRF  measurements  were  done  on 
g/sample) for a total of 139 samples was carried  pressed  powder  pellets  or  fused  glass  beads  

Figure  3:  Isocon  plots  of  representative  Tertiary  granitoids  and  volcanics  in  Ecuador,  constructed  after  Grant  (1986) 
assuming  constant  concentrations  of  Al2O3  (the  least  alteration‐affected  major  element  oxide)  between  altered  and 
least‐altered reference sample. Elemental scatter outside gray area (± 10% analytical uncertainty) reflects alteration‐
induced compositional variation (± lithologic compositional heterogeneities) of altered samples with respect to a least‐
altered reference sample of the same lithology. Note that displayed isocons correspond to average compositions of all
compared lithologies and serve only for illustrative purposes; to quantify alteration effects individual isocons were cal‐
culated for each sample and considered for relative concentrations shown in the Appendix (Tab. A2). Isocon slopes vary
according to dehydration‐induced mass loss effects. Alteration acronym key: K – potassic; Na‐Ca – sodic‐calcic; propyl. 
–  propylitic.  Feldspar‐destructive  phyllic  or  argillic  alteration  is  expected  to  increase  Sr  mobility  but  was  avoided  for
most samples. See Seedorff et al. (2005) for definitions of alteration assemblages. Refer to Appendix for discussion of 
alteration effects, and to Table 2 for a summary of expected alteration effects on sample compositions. 

fluxed with Li2B4O7 using a Philips PW 2400 ana dataset are listed in the Appendix (Tab. A1).
lyzer. Data accuracy, precision, and reproducibil Samples are grouped according to localities (in
itywerecontrolledusinganumberofnaturaland trusions) and stratigraphic units (volcanics; Tab.
synthetic international or inhouse standard ma 1). Considering the constraints on sampling pro
terials (BHVO, EMU3.14, QLO, QTW, MFTH1, cedures described above, it is important to em
NIMG,SDC1,SY2)whichwereselectedaccord phasize that samples within single and between
ing to sample composition and analytical meas differentsamplegroupsaregenerallynotconsid
urement program. Expected 2 uncertainties ered as cogenetic. Apart from sharing an overall
fromrepeatedstandardmeasurementsare27% similarpetrogenesisintermsofLateOligoceneto
for major elements and up to 10% for trace ele Late Miocene arc magmatism, their chemical
ments. compositions are therefore not systematically
related to each other by a single specific petro
Combined microscopic analysis and XRF result
genetic process (such as magma mixing or AFC,
ples in a given intrusive suite or volcanic forma
tion for subsequent laserablation inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LAICPMS) Rockalterationandelementmobility
analysis. LAICPMS analysis of glass bead frag Depending on their spatial and temporal prox
ments recovered from XRF analysis (n = 97) was imitywithrespecttocentersofporphyryrelated
carried out at the Institute of Mineralogy and hydrothermal systems, most rocks display vari
Geochemistry, University of Lausanne, using a abledegreesofhightolowtemperaturealtera
193nmLambdaPhysikExcimerLasersystemas tion comprising potassic, sodiccalcic or calcic
sociated with a PerkinElmer ELAN 6100 DRC sodic, phyllic, (advanced) argillic and propylitic
quadrupole ICP mass spectrometer. The Laser alterationassemblages(e.g.,Seedorffetal.2005;
system was operated at 10 Hz frequency using Fig.2).Effectsofhydrothermalalterationonrock
140or160mJoutputenergyanda120mbeam chemistryinourdatasetaresummarizedinTable
diameter. Background measurement for c. 90 s 2 and Figure 3, and are further discussed in the
wasfollowedby3040ssampleablationwith34 Appendix.
ablationpitsforeachsample.Usedinternalstan Element mobility and redistribution due to hy
dard elements were CaO (for sample CaO >1 drothermal alteration commonly strongly affects
wt.%) or Al2O3 (for sample CaO <1 wt.%), refer largeionlithophileelements(LILE),whereashigh
enced to NIST SRM610 and SRM612 standard field strength elements (HFSE) are less affected.
materials and sample major element composi As shown above (Fig. 3, Tab. 2; see also discus
tions measured by XRF. Offline data reduction sionintheAppendix)certainLILE(e.g.,Cs,Rb,as
including automatic spike correction used the wellasKasmajorelement)arestronglyaffected
Matlabbased SILLS codec (Guillong et al. 2008). by hydrothermal alteration and are thus not
TraceelementsmeasuredbyXRFandselectedfor suited as petrologic tracers, whereas most HFSE
datapresentationinthisstudycompriseSr,Y,Pb, and Sr (although a LILE, and often considered as
V,Cr,Cu,Zn,andGa,whereasforallothertrace mobile during hydrothermal alteration) tend to
elementsLAICPMSresultswerepreferred.Xray stay relatively immobile in our dataset. Light,
fluorescenceandLAICPMStraceelementanaly mid,andheavyrareearthelements(LREE,MREE
ses generally agree within error, except for Nb, andHREE,respectively)donotconsistentlyshow
whereasystematicbiasofelevatedcontentsfor chemicallycoupledbehaviorduringhydrothermal
XRF measurements was detected, and Zr, where alteration, whereas alterationinduced intra
XRF results scattered outside of the expected MREEandHREEscatterappearstobecoupledin
±10%analyticalerrorlimit. ourreferencesamples(Fig.3,Tab.2;Appendix).
Consequently, while chondritenormalized REE
Results distributionpatternscanbeusedforaqualitative
Combined wholerock XRF and LAICPMS major petrogeneticdiscussion,LREE/HREEratiossuchas
andtraceelementcompositionsofthecomplete La/Yb are potentially inaccurate; intraHREE and
MREE/HREE ratios such as Dy/Yb and Sm/Dy, on

the  other  hand,  are  more  likely  to  reflect  petro‐ in  several  of  the  investigated  magmatic  centers 
genetically  significant,  rather  than  alteration‐ though). 
biased values. We emphasize that these observa‐
tions  reflect  our  sample  selection  according  to  Rock petrography 
alteration mineralogy, and cannot be generalized  Geologic  features  of  sampled  magmatic  centers 
for  other  datasets.  Throughout  this  article  we  are  summarized  in  Table  1.  The  igneous  (as  op‐
avoid  using  any  chemical  element  for  petroge‐ posed  to  alteration‐induced  hydrothermal)  min‐
netic  discussions  whose  concentration  is  consid‐ eralogical  inventory  of  most  phaneritic  intrusive 
ered as significantly affected by alteration in one  rocks  comprises  plagioclase,  hornblende,  quartz, 
of  our  reference  magmatic  centers  (Tab.  2,  Ap‐ and  biotite  with  accessory  opaque  minerals 
pendix; some of these elements may be immobile 

Figure 4: Rock petrographic classification of Late Tertiary granitoids and volcanics in Ecuador. Upper left: plutonic rock 
classification by normative quartz‐alkali feldspar‐plagioclase (QAP) proportions (Gillespie & Styles 1999) using projec‐
tion parameters of Le Maitre (1976); due to alteration‐induced Ca depletion, normative albite was used instead of an‐
orthite to calculate the plagioclase component of Junin porphyry intrusions. CIPW norms were calculated assuming Fe2+
= 0.7 ∑ Fe. Upper right: alumina saturation index classification of plutonic rocks (Maniar & Piccoli 1989). Lower left:
Total alkali‐silica classification for plutonic and volcanic rocks (Le Bas et al. 1986). Lower right: SiO2 vs. Zr/TiO2 / 10,000 
classification for plutonic and volcanic rocks (Winchester & Floyd 1977); note that using Nb/Zr instead of SiO2 as differ‐
entiation index produces systematic inaccuracies for rock classification in our dataset and is therefore not applied. 

(mostly magnetite), apatite, and zircon; most stant values with increasing SiO2. Secondorder
highly differentiated intrusions additionally con scatter of major elements partly reflects hydro
tain minor alkalifeldspar and accessory titanite. thermal alteration (especially for K2O). Most
Most of these intrusions mineralogically classify samplesseemtoclassifyaslowKseriesorstrad
astonalite,granodiorite,orquartzdiorite(Fig.2). dle the low to mediumK series border (Fig. 5),
In decreasing order of abundance, phenocryst butrockalterationprecludesadetailedclassifica
modes of porphyry intrusions mainly comprise tion. Except for Quimsacocha dacites, all mag
plagioclase, ±hornblende, ±quartz, ±biotite, with maticcentersplotinthecalcalkalinefieldofMi
quartz commonly displaying rounded, resorbed yashiro (1974). The broad similarity of major
grain margins. Sampled Quimsacocha andesite element trends displayed by the whole dataset
lava flows and dacite domes contain plagioclase suggests that similar processes of magma evolu
and hornblende phenocrysts (the latter often tion operate in all investigated Oligocene
opacitized), frequently embedded in a glassy, Miocenemagmaticcenters.
nondevitrified matrix; clinopyroxene occurs as
additionalphenocrystinandesites.Saragurovol Traceelementcontents
canics comprise andesitic, dacitic, and rhyolitic Where appropriate, trace element Harker dia
flowsandsubordinatetuffswheremainphenoc grams (Figs. 6, 7) are plotted together with the
ryst assemblages are plagioclase, ±hornblende, compositionalfieldsofthepresentdayNVZmain
±clinopyroxene,plusquartzwithaccessoryzircon and frontal arc (Chiaradia et al. 2009a), and Eo
fordaciticrhyoliticcompositions. cenelavasoftheMacuchiUnit(Chiaradia2009).
Chemical classification plots based on normative These references were chosen for increased in
mineralproportionsofquartz,alkalifeldspar,and ternal analytical consistency with our dataset as
plagioclase (QAP), total alkali versus silica con they were measured in the same laboratory;
tents, or ratios of immobile trace elements (Fig. morecompositionalNVZdataareavailable(e.g.,
4) yield consistent results, with most samples Bourdonetal.2003;Samaniegoetal.2005;Bry
classifyingasandesitictorhyodaciticincomposi ant et al. 2006), and mostly overlap with the
tion,orastonalite,granodiorite,ormonzogranite givenreferencefields.
in normative QAP proportions. Based on com In primitive mantlenormalized spidergrams all
parison with visually estimated mineral modes, Late Tertiary samples display negative NbTa
the alkalifeldspar component calculated from anomaliesrelativetoLILEindicativeofaslabflu
normativemineralproportionsinFigure4seems idmetasomatized mantle wedge as the magma
to be slightly, and in the case of Zaruma source (Fig. 8). With the exception of few Sara
Portovelo samples moderately, overestimated guro Group samples, trace elements incompati
due to hydrothermal alteration. Most intrusions ble in basaltic melts (Th, U, Zr, Hf) consistently
straddle the metaluminousperaluminous border plotbelowthepresentdaymainarc,butoverlap
(with a tendency to plot in the peraluminous withNVZfrontalarccompositions(Fig.6).Within
field)withonlyGabyclassifyingasentirelymeta a given Late Tertiary magmatic center, these
luminous(Fig.4). traceelementsforthemostparteitherstaycon
stant or show decreasing contents at SiO2
Majorelementcontents >65 wt.% possibly reflecting the influence of ac
Mostsamplesdefinebroadlycontinuousdistribu cessory phase fractionation which only become
tion patterns in Harker diagrams (Fig. 5) where stabilized in relatively silicic melts (e.g., Hoskins
TiO2, Fe2O3 and CaO steadily decrease with SiO2, etal.2000).Traceelementscompatibleinbasal
i.e., they show gross compatible behavior, ticmeltsshowpetrologicallycorrelatedbehavior
whereasK2OandNa2Omainlydisplayincompati withthepreviousgroupinthattheyconsistently
ble behavior or constant values with increasing plot above, or overlap with, frontal (and main)
SiO2. Al2O3 and CaO/Al2O3 distribution trends di arcNVZmagmas;overall,basaltcompatibletrace
verge and show either a broad decrease or con


Figure 5: Major element oxide vs. SiO2 concentrations of investigated samples. Low‐K, medium‐K, and high‐K classifica‐
tion from Gill (1981). Tholeiitic vs. calc‐alkaline dividing line from Miyashiro (1974). 

element contents (e.g., Y, Yb, Sc) decrease with orhotzone(Hildreth&Moorbath1988;Annenet
increasingSiO2. al. 2006) through differing AFC ± mixing proc
esses compared to OligoceneMiocene magmas.
These contrasting magma evolution trends can
centrations around 300 ppm for the 5565 wt.%
be bracketed in time between the Quimsacocha
SiO2 interval and major scatter (100 to
volcano (7.1 Ma; Chapter 2), whose composi
c. 800 ppm) for more evolved compositions, al
tional trend largely mirrors presentday NVZ
though average Sr contents do not shift system
magmas, and the Chaucha batholith (14.8 Ma;
atically for compositions >65 wt.% SiO2 if Quim
sacocha is excluded (Fig. 6). With the exception
of Quimsacocha, Sr contents of Late Tertiary arc
highly differentiated to confidently predict their
magmas between 5565 wt.% SiO2 overlap with,
compositional behavior in the differentiation in
defined by the less differentiated Macuchi ba
saltsandesites, but consistently plot below both Chondritenormalized REE plots (Fig. 8) display
main and frontal arc NVZ magmas, although no moderatetostrongLREEenrichmentsoverHREE,
datafor<59wt.%SiO2existforthelatter(Fig.6). except for Gaby, where relatively flat REE pat
not driven by strongly HREE/LREEfractionating
mineral phases. Most REE plots lack negative Eu
the development of adakitelike chemical signa
anomalies indicative of plagioclase fractionation
dillera granitoids (ApuelaJunin, Balsapamba
at c. 1.0±0.4 in Fig. 7); however, negative Eu
Telimbela, Chaucha) qualify as adakitelike in a
anomalies do characterize a number of mainly
southern Ecuadorian magmatic centers compris
because of potential LREE/HREE decoupling dur
toveloZaruma (but not at Cañicapa and Tres
ing alteration as mentioned above) due to
Chorreras), several intrusions of the Cangrejos
strongly depleted Y contents (<10 ppm) and de
Zaruma intrusive belt (Cangrejos porphyries; in
spite only moderately high (mostly subadakite
like, i.e., <400 ppm) Sr contents. A Sr/Y vs. SiO2
plot demonstrates that most presentday NVZ
sion below for their petrogenetic interpretation)
magmas acquire adakitelike Sr/Y ratios during
relatively early differentiation stages, whereas
lith samples and the GurGur porphyry intrusion
most OligoceneMiocene magmas (excluding
at Chaucha. Several magmatic centers are
Quimsacocha) only display clear adakitelike fea
strongly depleted in HREE and display concave
tures for highly differentiated (>65 wt.% SiO2)
partlydecreasewithincreasingSiO2inthe6570 Chondritenormalized Dy/Yb ratios may be used
wt.% SiO2 interval; this might be an alteration aspetrologicfingerprintsforgarnetoramphibole
effect). Quimsacocha, in contrast to other Oligo fractionation (leading to strongly increasing or
ceneMiocene magmatic centers, tends to over slightly decreasing trends with increasing SiO2;
lapwithNVZmagmas,althoughitisdepletedinY Davidsonetal.2007).IndividualQuaternaryNVZ
with respect to the latter (Figs. 6, 7). These sys volcanic centers show Dy/Yb and Nb/Ta trends
tematic differences imply that Oligocene negatively correlated with SiO2 indicative of am
Miocene magmas were either derived from a phibolefractionation(Chiaradiaetal.2009a).No
source with a different trace element composi such systematic trends can be clearly discerned
tion than presentday main arc NVZ magmas, forOligoceneMiocenearcmagmas;Nb/Taratios
or/andthatthelatteracquiredtheirsurplusinSr are subchondritic and, mostly, subprimitive
(and other basaltincompatible elements) during mantle(Fig.7).
initial stages of basalt differentiation in a MASH

Figure 6: Trace element vs. SiO2 concentrations of investigated samples; two columns arranged in order of downwards 
decreasing trace element incompatibility in basaltic melts. Macuchi reference fields from Chiaradia (2009); NVZ main 
and frontal arc from Chiaradia et al. (2009a). 

ThelackofsystematicDy/YbandNb/Tadistribu theirREEpatterns,andhaveSiO2contentsinthe
tiontrendsisnotsurprisinggiventhatmostsam range of 5366 wt.% (except for a single higher
plesdonotdefinecogeneticsuites,suchthatdif differentiatedApuelasample).Forthemostpart,
ferentiation trends of individual magmatic sys theseplutonicandvolcanicrocksshowrelatively
temsarenotvisible,andanylongtermbulkdis flat MREEHREE patterns with HREE concentra
tribution trends might additionally become tions 10x chondrite; slightly fractionated or U
blurred by the somewhat contrasting, superpos shapedHREEpatternsarerare.Allintrusionsare
ingeffectsofamphiboleandgarnet(orotherin characterized by high modal proportions of pla
traHREEfractionating phases; e.g., Davidson et gioclase,andtheirREE distributionpatternssug
al. 2007) fractionation. In contrast, Sm/Dy ratios gestthattheirparentalmeltsfractionatedplagio
will increase in response to both amphibole and clase. Although amphibole is present in signifi
garnet fractionation and are thus supposed to cantmodalproportionsinseveralintrusions,sig
showamorehomogeneousdistributionpattern. nificant amphibole fractionation did not take
This is evidenced in Figure 7 where chondrite place.InH2Osaturatedexperimentalrunsofba
normalized Sm/Dy ratios show an overall steady salticandesitic bulk compositions buffered at
increase with SiO2, albeit showing pronounced NNO, plagioclase appears earlier on the liquidus
variations between different magmatic centers than amphibole only at pressures <0.4 GPa
foragivendifferentiationstage.Withfewexcep (Groveetal.2003;themaximumpressuremight
tions,Sr/YandSm/Dyshowabroadpositivecor increase towards higher degrees of melt H2O
relation(Fig.7). undersaturation) suggesting that parental melts
of intrusions and volcanics of this group under
Rare earth element distribution wentasignificantevolutionstepatshallowcrus
patterns deeper parental melt evolution in a MASH/hot
Four major groups of variable REE distribution zonemostlydidnotinvolvesignificantamphibole
patterns can be distinguished for the Late Terti (or garnet) fractionation. The latter condition
ary Ecuadorian intrusions and volcanic rocks in mightapplyforprimitivemeltevolutioninahot
vestigated in this study (Fig. 8; Tab. 3). These zone at the base of a relatively thin crust (or a
groups mainly differ in their ways of HREE frac midcrustal hot zone in a thicker crust) where
tionation and in the occurrence or absence of H2Oundersaturatedparentalmeltswouldmainly
negative Eu anomalies. The facts that (1) no Ce crystallize pyroxene instead of amphibole
anomalies are observed, and (2) the main vari (Münteneretal.2001).
and HREE instead of the LREE (Fig. 8) have been Group 2: REE patterns without nega
used elsewhere to argue for the petrogenetic tive Eu anomalies or strong HREE de
significanceofREEpatternsofalteredrocks(Kay pletion
This group comprises variably differentiated (52
Group 1: REE patterns characterized
jos, Zaruma) and Saraguro Group volcanics (at
bynegativeEuanomaliesandwithout CañicapaandTresChorreras)whichneithershow
strongHREEdepletion significant negative Eu anomalies nor strongly
Thisgroupmainlycomprisesvolcanicsandphan depleted HREE contents, although slightly con
eriticporphyritic intrusions in southern Ecuador caveupwards MREEHREE patterns can be ob
(CangrejosZaruma intrusive belt, El Mozo, Sara served for some samples. Parental melts of this
guroGroupatChauchaandPortovelo).Addition group probably share a similar deep to mid
ally, few samples of the Apuela and the Balsa crustal evolutionary history with the previous
pamba and Telimbela batholiths share the same group in that parental melt evolution at depth
characteristics.Rocksofthisgroupuniformlydis was dominated by pyroxene fractionation, al
play minormoderate negative Eu anomalies in though it might have included minor amphibole


Figure 7: Trace element ratios vs. SiO2 contents of investigated samples. Reference fields as in Fig. 6 where applicable.

fractionationinsomecaseswheremorehydrous mannetal.2005)suchthatsmallamounts
meltswereinvolved(e.g.,thePortoveloporphyry of amphibole fractionation, or trace
intrusions;Fig.8).IntraHREEfractionationdueto amounts of titanite fractionation (Bach
garnetfractionationcannotbeobservedinanyof mannetal.2005;Glazneretal.2008)both
thesemagmas.Incontrasttothepreviousgroup, succeed in explaining strong HREE deple
the absence of negative Eu anomalies is indica tion. HREE fractionation patterns do not
tiveoftheabsenceofsignificantplagioclasefrac suggest significant garnet fractiona
tionation and thus suggests limited shallow tion/restiteequilibration(butseebelow).
crustal opensystem magma evolution. Alterna
ƒ Negative DEu anomalies for titanite or am
tively, plagioclase fractionation took place in
phibole and the resulting positive Eu ano
riably (depending on the prevailing fO2)
Group 3: REE patterns with strong terns by plagioclase fractionation; depend
HREEdepletionand concaveupwards ing on PT conditions, melt composition,
toflatHREEdistribution andfO2anintegratedfractionatingmineral
Significant HREE depletion (<10x chondritic val
phibole + trace amounts (<1%) of titanite
ues) combined with mostly concaveupwards or
can produce relatively smooth MREE pat
terns without negative Eu anomalies
mainly porphyritic, plus some phaneritic intru
(Glazner et al. 2008). Smooth LREEMREE
sions at Chaucha (GurGur), Balsapamba
patterns, and/or positive Eu anomalies
(which are probably not attributable to
rocks of this group are highly differentiated (64
plagioclase accumulation in our samples)
tionation coincides with the development of a
illustrate this effect (Fig. 8). Minor plagio
minormoderate positive Eu anomaly. The latter
clase fractionation, although it is not obvi
samples are characterized by moderate Sr con
tents (300400 ppm; see discussion below), and
petrographic studies indicate that they do not
low, nondepleted Sr contents of these
Whileindividualmineralphases(e.g.,amphibole, samplesindicatethatplagioclasefractiona
titanite,plagioclase,garnet,zircon)imposechar tionwasnotsignificant.
acteristic fractionation signatures on REE pat
The absence of concaveupwards MREEHREE
terns, their integrated (not necessarily concomi
patterns characteristic of amphibole (and ti
tant) fractionation effects might in part produce
tanite) fractionation for some intrusions might
signal minor additional fractionation/restite
equilibration with a HREEfractionating residual
and the following considerations apply in this
prior to, or concomitant with amphibole (or ti
ƒ The strong HREE depletion displayed by tanite) fractionation. AlonsoPerez et al. (2009)
samples of this group (and, possibly, their show that garnet and amphibole are both the
partlypositiveEuanomalies)areindicative firstliquidusphasesinH2Orichandesiticmeltsat
of amphibole and/or titanite fractionation high pressures; their modal proportions vary
(or equilibration with a restite bearing from garnetdominated (at 1.2 GPa) to amphi
these minerals; e.g., Davidson et al. 2007). boledominated(at0.8GPa).Whilebothminerals
Given the highly differentiated sample drive bulk HREE depletion, their integrated frac
compositions,liquidamphiboleHREEparti tionation effects (or restite equilibration) might
tion coefficients will be fairly high (Bach


Figure 8: C1 chondrite‐normalized REE diagrams and primitive mantle‐normalized spidergrams of investigated samples.
Note that LILE scatter in spidergrams is an effect of hydrothermal alteration, such that these elements are of limited 
petrogenetic relevance. Normalization values from Sun & McDonough (1989) 

Figure 8 (continued) 
partly  mask  their  characteristic  fingerprints  on 
intra‐HREE fractionation (e.g., Dy/Yb).  Group  4:  REE  patterns  with  strong 
Most  parental  melts  of  this  group  of  intrusions 
HREE  depletion  and  a  negative  HREE 
are  thus  inferred  to  have  undergone  significant  slope 
amphibole  (±  minor  titanite;  see  below)  frac‐ This group, comprising the Quimsacocha volcanic 
tionation.  Additional  effects  from  integrated,  center  and  some  Junin  porphyry  intrusions,  is 
relatively  minor  plagioclase  or  garnet  fractiona‐ characterized  by  significant  HREE  depletion  and 
tion,  as  well  as  from  pyroxene  fractionation  (as  steadily  decreasing  MREE/HREE  ratios  (Fig.  8). 
the  groups  above)  may  be  variably  superposed  Negative Eu anomalies are not observed. A single 
on  the  observed  patterns,  but  do  not  strongly  sample  of  a  Balsapamba  porphyry  intrusion 
influence REE distribution characteristics.  shows  similarly  strong  HREE  fractionation,  but 
displays a minor negative Eu anomaly; it is there‐
fore included in group 1 above, but the following 
considerations  might  apply  for  the  deep  crustal 

petrogenesisofthissample.Quimsacochadacites andYdistributionswithpetrogenetic constraints
showflatterbulkREEpatternsthanQuimsacocha obtainedfromREEpatternsdiscussedabove.
resent derivative liquids from andesite differen Strontiumcontents
tiation; dacite REE patterns resemble Quimsaco Despite a lack of negative Eu anomalies in the
cha andesites, but both LREE/HREE and intra majorityofLateOligocenetoLateMioceneintru
HREEfractionationislesspronounced.Juninpor sionsandvolcanicssuggestinglimitedplagioclase
phyry intrusions show similar intraHREE frac fractionation, wholerock Sr contents are mostly
tionation as Quimsacocha dacites, but their relatively low: most samples show Sr contents
LREE/HREE fractionation is slightly less pro around the 348 ppm value of the average lower
nounced;thelattermightbeanalterationeffect crustofRudnick&Gao(2003)and<410ppm(av
as these samples often show pervasive phyllic erage andesite of Gill 1981); except for Quimsa
alteration,inagreement with thegeneralnotion cocha, most samples invariably plot below pre
that LREE are more mobile in fluids than HREE sentdaymainarcvaluesatagivenSiO2content,
(seeaboveandAppendix). and there is a broad bulk increase in Sr concen
The strongly fractionated intraHREE patterns trations through time (Fig. 9). These low Sr con
combinedwithmoderatestrongLREE/HREEfrac tents might reflect source and/or a crustal
tionationobservedinthisgroupcloselyresemble magma differentiation effects. Considering the
some Quaternary arc volcanoes such as Young former,thehighlyvariablegeodynamicregimeat
Chacana, whose parental melts are inferred to the northernAndeanmarginintheLateTertiary
evolvethroughcombinedamphibole,clinopyrox makes source controls on the Sr budget of arc
ene, and garnet fractionation/restite equilibra magmas by processes operating in the mantle
tion(Chiaradiaetal.2009a).Thesemineralsmay wedge likely (e.g., variable degrees of mantle
bestabilizedinvariablyH2Orichmeltsprocessed wedge contamination/metasomatization, or par
in deep to midcrustal hot zones (e.g., at 0.81.2 tialmelting).Theseeffectscannotbeevaluatedin
GPa;AlonsoPerezetal.2009).Thesimilaritiesin this study, however, as our dataset mainly com
REE characteristics between some presentday prises highly differentiated samples. In the fol
NVZmagmasandtheLateMioceneQuimsacocha lowing, we therefore focus on discussing crustal
and some Junin porphyry magmas suggest that magmadifferentiation.
they might share a similar petrogenesis. In the
lattercase,slabmelting(Beateetal.2001)would Mid to shallow crustal magma differentiation
not be required to explain intraHREE fractiona (insidethestabilityfieldofplagioclase)
tion (and other adakitelike geochemical fea Low Sr contents of Late Oligocene to Miocene
tures)oftheQuimsacochavolcaniccenter. samplescaninpartbeattributedtoshallowcrus
talmagmadifferentiation followinganinitialdif
Adakitelike features of Late Ter ferentiationstepfrommantlederivedbasalticto
andesiticdacitic compositions in deep to mid
tiaryEcuadorianarcmagmas crustal MASH/hot zones. This is the case for a
When discussing adakitelike features, we focus groupofMioceneintrusionsandvolcanics(group
in the following on Sr and Y concentrations and 1intheprevioussection)characterizedbynega
the Sr/Y ratio, the latter often representing the tive Eu anomalies indicative of plagioclase frac
most distinctive discrimination criteria for ada tionation. Significant Sr depletion by extended
kitelikemagmatismatconvergentmargins(e.g., mid to shallow crustal plagioclase fractionation
Tulloch & Kimborough 2003). Furthermore, for might be considered unlikely for a number of
the majority of samples in our dataset (see dis Late Oligocene to MidMiocene magmatic cen
cussion above and Appendix) the Sr/Y ratio is ters(group2intheprevioussection)unlessmelts
morerobustwithrespecttohydrothermalaltera were highly oxidized such that negative Eu
tion than other adakite discrimination criteria anomalies were not produced. The latter is pos
(e.g.,La/Yb).WecorrelateourobservationsonSr siblysupportedbybroadlysimilarSr contentsof
groups 1 and 2 at similar degrees of differentia

tion (Tab. 3) despite significant variations in the ofthefocusofcrustalhotzonemagmatism(e.g.,
magnitudeofEuanomalies. Mamanietal.2010).
thanSr contentsofgroups1and2 (Tab.3).Pla
gioclase fractionation hence was probably minor Basement (assimilant) composition represents a
in parental melts of group 3 intrusions, as also furtherpotentialcontrolfactoronarcmagmaSr
supported bytheir REEpatterns (Fig.8).Inaddi budgets. Mature arc systems (i.e., the Late Mio
tion, if parental melts of these intrusions were ceneQuaternary Ecuadorian arc) include arc in
H2Orich,assuggestedbytheamphiboleimprint trusive roots which are already enriched in in
ontheirREEpatterns,plagioclasemightbeanor compatibleelementsandthushaveahigherpo
thiterich. As shown by Blundy & Wood (1991), tential to contaminate arc magmas of a given
theplagioclasemeltpartitioningcoefficientforSr starting composition in incompatible elements
decreases with increasing molar fractions of an thanalessmaturearcsystem(i.e.,theOligocene
orthite in plagioclase. Consequently, residual to Early Miocene Ecuadorian arc; Hildreth &
melt Sr depletion by (minor) plagioclase frac Moorbath 1988; see also Davidson et al. 1987).
tionationwouldbelesspronounced. However, while this could drive bulk incompati
ble element enrichment in Late Miocene
Of further significance might be the tendency of Quaternaryarcmagmas,itwouldnotexplainse
plutonic rocks to be slightly depleted in incom lectiveSrenrichment.
patible elements with respect to cogenetic vol
canicrocks(Bachmannetal.2007).However,this Strontium contents of CCOP units as potential
effect should be more pronounced for more in assimilant are generally low (typically 11267
compatibleelementssuchasThorU(compared ppmSr;e.g.,Mambertietal.2003)comparedto
to Sr incompatibility), opposite to what is ob averagelowercontinentalcrustvalues(348ppm
served(Fig.6).Furthermore,volcanicrocksofthe Sr;Rudnick&Gao2003);incontrast,CCOPwhole
Saraguro Group have similar low Sr contents as rockSrcontentsreportedbyAllibonetal.(2008)
coevalintrusiverocks(Fig.6)suchthatasystem are heterogeneous and extend to significantly
atic compositional difference between volcanic higher values (981123 ppm Sr; possibly in part
and plutonic rocks is an unlikely cause for the reflectingalterationinducedincreases),suchthat
observedvariationsinSrcontents. partialmeltingandmixingofhighSroceanicpla
Deeptomidcrustalmagmadifferentiation(out inalowercrustalMASH/hotzonemightcontrib
sidethestabilityfieldofplagioclase) ute to producing derivative liquids with Sr con
Melts extracted from a MASH/hot zone at the
base of a thick (c. 50 km) crust variably equili
bratewithmineralphasesofbasalcrustallitholo Significant Late Miocene eastward arc broaden
gies, e.g., pyroxene or garnet granulites; crustal ing(Chapter2)likelyaddedfurtherlithologiesas
assimilationormixingwithcrustalpartialmeltsof potential assimilants at depth (whose geochemi
these lithologies results in elevated melt Sr con cal composition is unconstrained, but might be
tentsandplagioclasediminishedcrustalresidues higherinSrthanoceanicplateauunits),andfur
where the latter effect increases with crustal ther caused arc magmatism to migrate towards
thickness(Hildreth&Moorbath1988).Theover the region of maximum crustal thickness in
all crustal thickness in Ecuador during the Oligo acrossarcdimension(Jaillardetal.2005).There
ceneMiocenewaslowerthanatthepresentday fore, the Late Miocene arc migration might con
(Jaillardetal.2005)suchthatthebulkincreasein tribute to increased Sr contents of NVZ and
Sr concentrations from Late Tertiary to Quater Quimsacocha volcanics, relative to Oligocene to
naryarcmagmas(Fig.9)mightreflectstepwiseor MidMioceneEcuadorianarcmagmas.
progressive crustal thickening. Additionally, in
creasing highpressure magma differentiation

Yttriumcontents DifferentiationeffectscausingYdepletion
Maximum and minimum Y contents of Late Oli Excluding the Late Miocene Quimsacocha ande
goceneMiocene arc magmas show a broad de sites,allsamplescharacterizedbyY<10ppmrep
creasefrom24to9Ma(iftheElMozointrusions resent silicic intrusions (SiO2 >64 wt.%). Mineral
are excluded; Fig. 9). Extreme Y depletion phases whose stability field is extended in silicic
(<10ppm)canbeobservedforpartsoftheEarly melts, and which are highly compatible for Y
Miocene BalsapambaTelimbela batholith, and comprise amphibole, zircon, and titanite. As
the Mid to Late Miocene Chaucha and Apuela notedabove,amphibole(asmajormineralphase)
Junin batholiths. It includes both phaneritic and as well as zircon ±titanite (accessory phases)
porphyritic intrusive rock facies, and correlates wereobservedinalloratleastsomeoftheLate
with strong HREE depletion (groups 3 and 4 in OligoceneMioceneintrusions.Zirconandtitanite
previoussection).StrongYdepletionfurthermore are unlikely to saturate in bulk andesitic melts
affects the Late Miocene Quimsacocha volcanic (althoughtheymightsaturateinlocalmeltpock
center. ets;Hoskinetal.2000).Whileamphiboleisstable
Yttriumdepletioninarcmagmashasbeencorre garnet, drive Y depletion in maficintermediate
latedwithincreasingcrustalthicknessasthelat meltsatdeeptomidcrustallevels(e.g.,Richards
ter favors the stability of minerals with a strong & Kerrich 2007), its partition coefficient for Y is
affinity for Y (in particular, garnet; Hildreth & highly sensitive to melt composition and sharply
Moorbath 1988; Richards & Kerrich 2007). The increases in silicic melts (Bachmann et al. 2005).
broad correlations of Sr, Y, and Sm/Dy distribu Fractionation (or restite equilibration) of these
tiontrendsthroughtime(Fig.9)areinagreement minerals thus succeeds in explaining the ob
with progressively increasing highpressure servedrestrictionofstrongY depletiontohighly
crustalmagmadifferentiationbycrustalthicken differentiatedcompositions.
ing. The latter does not apply for Ydepleted in
trusions at BalsapambaTelimbela, however, as Toillustrate thepetrogeneticsignificanceofam
the crustal thickness in the Early Miocene was phibole, zircon, and titanite fractionation, some
significantly below the presentday crustal thick exemplary fractionation trends are displayed in
nessinEcuador(Jaillardetal.2005). Figure10.Figure10aillustratesthat,startingata
A possible explanation for these compositional sitioninourdataset(285ppmSr;19ppmY),the
anomaliesisamoreprominentroleofaccessory gross Sr/Y vs. Y distribution trend of the investi
titanite fractionation which might also occur at gated Late OligoceneMiocene intrusions and
low pressures (see below). Alternatively, the ir volcanicscouldbeentirelydescribedbyprogres
regular geochemical signature of Balsapamba sive amphibole fractionation using a Damphibole/melt
Telimbela might be related to anomalies in the value for andesitic melts (Rollinson 1993). How
subducting lithosphere such as oceanic fracture ever, using a constant Damphibole/melt value for an
zones. The latter may lead to a locally increased andesitic melt requires unrealistically high F val
volatilefluxintothemantlewedgegivingriseto ues(upto70%)toexplainextremelyfractionated
unusuallyH2Oricharcmagmaswhereamphibole Sr/Y ratios, and therefore should only apply for
and garnet stability is increased (e.g., Rodriguez moderateYdepletion(c.1020ppmY;notethat
etal.2007).WhileKayetal.(2005)notethatlo the parental melt composition could also start
cal peaks in mantle wedge contamination by within this range and subsequently evolve to
subductionerosionmayalsoexplaintheirregular wards higher Y concentrations by fractionating
occurrence of adakitelike arc magmas, this is solely Yincompatible minerals such as plagio
ratherunlikelyforBalsapambaTelimbela,asLILE clase).
notobserved,andlargescalesubductionerosion Startingfromapositioncorrespondingtoamore
didnotaffecttheOligoceneMioceneEcuadorian silicic rock composition in our dataset (as proxy
margin(Chapter2). for an evolved intrusive parental melt; 335 ppm
Sr; 9 ppm Y), and using D values for dacitic

Figure 9: Trace element and trace element ratio vs. age diagrams. Age‐trace element distribution patterns show sys‐
tematic increases (Sr, Sm/Dy, Sr/Y) or decreases (Y) in Late Oligocene to Late Miocene arc magmas suggesting progres‐
sively increasing high‐pressure magma differentiation (trends marked by yellow arrows). The latter might be caused by
crustal thickening, or by the downwards migration of crustal hot zones. Extreme Y and HREE depletion at Balsapamba is
a local, anomalous phenomenon, and produces elevated Sr/Y and Sm/Dy ratios in the Early Miocene. Sr depletion for 
some  Junin porphyry  intrusions  might be caused by  shallow  crustal plagioclase  fractionation or  hydrothermal  altera‐
tion. Ages estimated from geochronologic constraints summarized in Chapters 2 and 3. NVZ main and frontal arc data 
from Chiaradia et al. (2009a). See text for discussion. 
rhyolitic melts (Bachmann et al. 2005), fractional  contributions can be discerned when other trace 
crystallization of small amounts (<10%) of amphi‐ elements are considered. Fractionating only trace 
bole,  or  trace  amounts  (<1%)  of  either  zircon  or  amounts  (<1%)  of  zircon  from  a  dacitic‐rhyolitic 
titanite,  reproduces  the  observed  extreme  Y  de‐ melt results in extreme Zr depletion of derivative 
pletion.  Fractionating  subequal  amounts  of  pla‐ liquids, which is not observed in our dataset (Fig. 
gioclase and amphibole in a dacitic‐rhyolitic melt  6). Although compatible in both minerals, titanite 
results  in  Y  depletion  at  constant  Sr/Y  ratios  of  is  characterized  by  a  much  lower  D  value  for  Sc 
derivative liquids and might apply for some Junin  than  amphibole  in  silicic  melts  (6  vs.  45:  Bach‐
porphyry  intrusions  (Fig.  10a),  although  hydro‐ mann  et  al.  2005;  note  that  pyroxene,  although 
thermal  alteration‐driven  Sr  depletion  is  more  not  observed  in  these  intrusions,  is  also  highly 
probable to explain the distribution of Junin por‐ compatible for Sc, and its presence in hypothetic 
phyries in the Sr/Y vs. Y space.  parental melts cannot be  ruled out, as it is com‐
monly reacted out during late stages of intrusion 
While  amphibole,  zircon,  and  titanite  fractiona‐
development  to  form  amphibole  or  biotite; 
tion  in  silicic  melts  affects  Sr/Y  vs.  Y  distribution 
Bachmann  et  al.  2007).  Therefore,  if  Sr/Y  frac‐
trends in a similar way, their potential  individual 
tionation  was  mainly  driven  by  amphibole  frac‐

tionation,itshouldbeaccompaniedbyapropor The petrogenetic significance of Sr/Y
tionally higher increase in Sr/Sc (as DSc >> DY for
In contrast, titanite fractionationdominated Strong Y depletion at broadly constant Sr con
changes in Sr/Y should have a minor effect on tents in the abovelisted Miocene intrusions im
Sr/Scratios.Figure10bshowsthatsmallamounts pliesthatSr/Yratiosoftheseintrusionsaremain
(<5%) of combined amphiboletitanite fractiona ly controlled by Y depletion; Sr/Y ratios may in
tion (in 95:5 proportions) closely reproduce the crease towards adakitelike values (Fig. 7) al
compositional Sr/Y vs. Sr/Sc range of most silicic thoughSrcontentsareoften<400ppm(themin
intrusions, although a higher proportion of ti imum Sr content inferred for most adakitelike
tanite with respect to amphibole might be re rocks; e.g., Richard & Kerrich 2007). As outlined
quiredforsomeintrusionsatBalsapambaTelim above, this is mainly due to silicic melt differen
bela. Several Saraguro Group volcanics (at Cañi tiation by amphibole ±titanite fractiona
capa)arecharacterizedbyhighSr/Scratioswith tion/restiteequilibration,althoughinsomecases
out a concomitant strong increase in Sr/Y sug Ydepletionisalsoinfluencedbygarnetfractiona
gesting Sr/Sc fractionation there was mainly tion/restite equilibration (REE group 4: Quimsa
drivenbyamphibole(orclinopyroxene)fractiona cocha,Juninporphyries).
tion.Thelatterisinagreementwiththescarcely AdakitelikegeochemicalfeaturesofmodernNVZ
reported occurrence of titanite in volcanic rocks magmas in Ecuador have been shown to be
(Hoskinetal.2000). mostly the result of crustal magma evolution
WehencesuggestthatextremeY(andHREE)de (e.g., Chiaradia et al. 2009a). In the latter case,
pletion of Miocene Ecuadorian intrusions was high Sr/Y ratios commonly signal highpressure
mainly driven by amphibole ±titanite fractiona magma differentiation, whereas low Sr/Y ratios
tioninhydroussilicicmelts.Asnotedabove,sig indicate upper crustal magmatism at low pres
nificant plagioclase fractionation is not observed sures(e.g.,Tulloch&Kimbrough2003;Bachmann
for these intrusions (mostly REE group 3), such et al. 2005). High Sr/Y ratios (with a threshold
that pronounced magma evolution at shallow value of c. 3040) in our dataset are associated
crustal levels (<0.4 GPa), where plagioclase is with parental melt evolution without significant
stable closer to the liquidus than amphibole, is plagioclasefractionationatshallowcrustallevels
unlikely (e.g., Grove et al. 2003). Deep crustal as inferred from REE distribution patterns (Tab.
(e.g., at 1.2 GPa) H2Orich magma evolution po 3),andcorrelatepositivelywithSm/Dy(Fig.7).In
tentially involves significant garnet fractionation contrast,Sr/Yratios<3040poolwithlowSm/Dy
(AlonsoPerez et al. 2009), which is mostly not ratiosreflectinglowpressuremagmadifferentia
observed. Consequently, parental melts to most tion.
Miocene intrusions might have dominantly Increasingmagmadifferentiationpressuresresult
evolvedatpressuresofc.0.40.8GPawheream in an increasing relative proportion of garnet in
phibole is the dominant liquidus phase (Alonso an amphibolegarnet liquidus assemblage for
Perezetal.2009).In contrast,Quimsacochavol H2Orich andesitic melts (AlonsoPerez et al.
canics(andseveralothersamplesofREEgroup4) 2009). As discussed above, considering variable,
share many compositional features with Quater melt compositiondependent partition coeffi
nary NVZ magmas, including a prominent garnet cients, extreme Y depletion by amphibole frac
signature in their REE patterns (Fig. 8). Conse tionation only applies to relatively silicic melt
quently, Y depletion in these magmas was likely compositions, whereas garnet fractionation may
driven by combined amphibole and garnet frac produce strong Y depletion in more mafic melts
tionation/restite equilibration, possibly at higher already. Late Miocene (e.g., Quimsacocha) or
pressures than inferred for most Miocene intru younger arc magmas evolving by combined am
sivecenters. phibolegarnet fractionation/restite equilibration
may therefore develop towards adakitelike Sr/Y

lier  differentiation  stages  than  pre‐Late  Miocene  ture (Chapter 4) they are shown in separate dia‐
arc magmas (Fig. 7).  grams in Figure 11. 
Trace element concentrations and ratios used as  Southern‐central Ecuadorian Sierra intrusions and 
proxies  for  increasing  high‐pressure  magma  dif‐ volcanics (“east of CPPF” in Fig. 11) in the south‐
ferentiation  (and  further  modulated  by  melt  wards projection of the NVZ main arc consistently 
composition and differentiation effects) in Figure  display low radiogenic  87Sr/86Sr values at Sr/Y ra‐
9 show a north‐south division of associated mag‐ tios  >30  (Fig.  11).  In  contrast,  magmas  in  south‐
matic  centers:  low‐pressure  differentiation  is  ern Ecuador with a significant shallow crustal dif‐
mainly inferred for southern Ecuador (Portovelo‐ ferentiation  step  (mainly  the  Cangrejos‐ 
Zaruma,  Cangrejos,  Saraguro),  whereas  high‐
pressure differentiation mostly applies for north‐
ern‐central  Ecuador  (Quimsacocha,  Apuela‐
Junin). We suggest that this is mainly an effect of 
the  spatio‐temporal  distribution  of  arc  magma‐
tism  in  Ecuador;  Mid‐  to  Late  Miocene  arc  mag‐
matism  in  southern  Ecuador  migrated  north‐
wards  in  response  to  progressive  slab  flattening, 
such  that  arc  magmatic  exposures  in  southern 
Ecuador  are  biased  towards  older  arc  units  and, 
by inference, an overall thinner crust (Chapter 2). 
However,  regional  along‐arc  differences  might 
additionally  apply,  as  the  potential  for  tectonic 
crustal  thickening  may  be  higher  in  northern‐
central  Ecuador  where  the  paleo‐continental 
margin  is  buttressed  against  the  allochthonous 
oceanic plateau block (e.g., Jaillard et al. 2005). 

Isotopic  constraints  on  shallow 

vs. deep crustal magma evolution 
Figure  11  shows  plots  of  several  radiogenic  iso‐
tope ratios (see Chapter 4 for isotope references) 
vs. Sr/Y ratio s; Paleogene intrusions and volcan‐
ics  in  central‐southern  Ecuador  (Chiaradia  et  al. 
2004)  are  shown  for  reference.  As  discussed 
above,  Sr/Y  ratios  in  our  dataset  may,  to  some 
extent,  discriminate  between  dominant  magma 
evolution at shallow (usually Sr/Y <30) or mid‐ to 
deep crustal levels (Sr/Y >30) if significant amphi‐ Figure 10: Sr/Y vs. Y (A) and Sr/Y vs. Sr/Sc (B) distribu‐
bole  ±garnet  ±titanite  fractionation  is  involved  tions of Late Tertiary Ecuadorian granitoids and volcan‐
which  is  not  always  the  case  (e.g.,  at  Gaby).  To  ics,  with  theoretical  effects  of  amphibole,  titanite,  zir‐
account  for  the  latter  we  additionally  report  the  con, and plagioclase fractional crystallization (FC) using 
partition  coefficients  of  Rollinson  (1993)  for  andesitic 
presence of negative Eu anomalies in the legend 
melts,  and  Bachmann  et  al.  (2005)  for  rhyolitic  melts. 
of  Figure  11,  indicative  of  significant  shallow 
Tick  marks  (small  white  diamonds)  on  andesitic  melt 
crustal  plagioclase  fractionation.  As  Miocene  in‐ amphibole  fractional  crystallization  trend  correspond 
trusions  emplaced  in  the  northern‐central  Ecua‐ to 10% steps in F values. Fractionation curves for am‐
dorian  Western  Cordillera  show  significant  iso‐ phibole, titanite, and zircon in silicic melts overlap and 
topic  differences  to  central‐southern  Ecuadorian  are  simplified  as  one  in  the  diagram;  whole  curve 
Sierra  intrusions  and  volcanics  reflecting  along‐  range  corresponds  to  c.  10%  amphibole,  and  <1%  ti‐
and  across‐arc  differences  in  basement  architec‐ tanite and zircon FC. See text for discussion.


ZarumaintrusivebeltandSaraguroGroupvolcan tamination in arc magmas is a function of the
ics; groups 1±2) extend towards higher 87Sr/86Sr compositional and isotopic leverage of potential
values, analogous to the Paleogene intrusions assimilants; opensystem magma differentiation
and volcanics of Chiaradia et al. (2004). Plotting atthebaseofthecrustmaybereflectedbyonly
Sr concentrations instead of the Sr/Y ratio (Fig. subtlechangesinisotopiccompositionsofderiva
11)resultsinthesamedistributionpatternwhere tive liquids if the arc position stays stable over
a Sr content of c. 300 ppm corresponds to the geologicallylongperiodsoftimesuchthatevolv
threshold value dividing high and low radiogenic ing arc magmas mainly consume arc intrusive
maximum 87Sr/86Sr values. This trend is further roots(e.g.,Davidsonetal.1987).Thisisreflected
reflected in a Eu/Eu* vs. 87Sr/86Sr plot (Fig. 11) by relatively constant 87Sr/86Sr values for intru
where lower Eu/Eu* values (shallow crustal sions and volcanics with Sr/Y >30 (Fig. 11); only
magma evolution) again tend to be associated samples with Sr/Y <30 tend to extend to signifi
withhigher87Sr/86Sr. cantlyhigher87Sr/86Srvalues.Note,however,that
Isotopebased discrimination between shallow
and mid to deep crustal magma evolution in
southerncentral Ecuador becomes slightly more
additionally also indicate assimilation of oceanic
blurred for 143Nd/144Nd, and significantly more
plateau units. The latter is clearly visible for
blurred for 207Pb/204Pb (Fig. 11), suggesting that
Western Cordillera intrusions which show quasi
constant 87Sr/86Sr values, but slight to moderate
crust have a higher variability in these isotopic
variationsintheir 143Nd/144Ndand 207Pb/204Pbra
ratios. This is mirrored by systematic acrossarc
trendsin 143Nd/144Ndand 207Pb/204Pbpossiblyre
flecting changes in the mid to deep crustal Petrogenesis of Late Tertiary arc
4). magmasinEcuador–summary
Western Cordillera intrusions (“west of CPPF” in Building on the constraints and caveats pre
Fig.11)donotdisplaysystematicisotopicdiffer sented in the preceding sections, we combined
ences for samples with or without negative Eu the available petrologic evidence to qualitatively
anomaliesandthus,byinference,withorwithout estimateatwhichcrustallevelsLateOligoceneto
significant shallow crustal magma evolution. The Miocene Ecuadorian arc magmas acquired their
absenceofsystematicisotopicoffsetsmightindi geochemicalandisotopiccharacteristics(Tab.3).
cate a vertically relatively homogeneous isotopic Variable parental magma evolutionary paths are
compositionofthecrustbelowtheWesternCor reflected by systematic compositional and iso
dillera, in agreement with tectonic constraints topic differences in Late Tertiary arc magmatic
(e.g., Vallejo et al. 2009). There is a small differ products and allow the distinction of four major
ence, however, between the isotopic composi groups. These comprise distinct differentiation
tions of the Gaby intrusive center and Western processes in lower to midcrustal hot zones, as
Cordillera granitoids situated further north wellasvariableshallowcrustaloverprinting,and
(slightly more radiogenic Sr and less radiogenic areschematicallysketchedinFigure12.
Nd at Gaby; Fig. 11) potentially indicating along (1) Most intrusions and volcanics characterized
arcisotopicdifferencesofoceanicplateauunits. by a significant shallow crustal magma evolution
Overall,theisotopiccompositionsofLateTertiary stage occur in southerncentral Ecuador (Sara
intrusions and volcanics in southern Ecuador guro Group volcanics and the CangrejosZaruma
clearlyreflectpolybaricmagmaevolutionatlow intrusive belt) and have Early to MidMiocene
ertomid,and,variably,uppercrustallevels.Up ages (Chapter 2). These lithologies show minor
perandlowercrustalunitsoftheWesternCordil moderate negative Eu anomalies and variable,
lera seem to be of similar isotopic composition relativelyhighYandHREEcontents(1125ppmY,
suchthatisotopesfailtoillustratepolybaricevo Tab. 3; note, though, that most of these values
lution stages there. The visibility of crustal con still qualify as adakitelike), variable Sr contents

Figure 11: Radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic composition vs. Sr/Y (plus Sr and Eu/Eu*) distribution of Late Tertiary Ec‐
uadorian granitoids and volcanics. Plots are divided according to different upper crustal compositions (continental vs. 
oceanic, i.e., east vs. west of the Calacali‐Pallatanga‐Pujili fault zone, respectively) to better resolve isotopic variations. 
As discussed in the text, the Sr/Y ratio serves as a proxy to discriminate lower vs. upper crust‐dominated magma evolu‐
tion (threshold value for our dataset = c. 30). Paleogene intrusions and volcanics of Chiaradia et al. (2004) are shown 
for  reference;  they  consistently  overlap  with  distribution  trends  of  Late  Tertiary  magmas  where  significant  shallow
crustal magma evolution is inferred suggesting a broadly similar petrogenesis. See text for discussion. 

(228459ppm),andSr/Yratiosintherangeof13 gestedbytheisotopiccompositionsofsomeLate
32. Their composition is consistent with H2O Tertiary magmas (mainly the CangrejosZaruma
undersaturated parental melt evolution at basal intrusive belt), which are significantly more ra
to midcrustal levels of a relatively thin to mod diogenicthananyknownisotopiccompositionof
erately thick arc crust in the Late Oligocene to presentday NVZ magmas (compare Chapter 4),
Early Miocene where pyroxene constitutes the in agreement with the inferred continental
dominant liquidus phase (e.g., Müntener et al. basementdomainsofthesouthernEcuadorianEl
2001), followed by shallow crustaldominated Oroblock(Litherlandetal.1994).
(3) A third group of Miocene intrusions, mainly
not show any prominent MREEHREE fractiona
foothills in northerncentral Ecuador, is charac
terized by strong Y and HREE depletion (mostly
a Yfractionating mineral is required to explain
with concaveupwards HREE patterns) and con
the variable degrees of Y depletion prior to, or
sistentlydisplayseither minormoderatepositive
Eu anomalies, or smooth SmEuGd transitions,
(2)Asecondgroupofintrusionsandvolcanicsin indicative of amphibole ±titanite fractiona
southern Ecuador overlaps with the previous tion/restite equilibration without significant pla
group in time and space (often forming part of gioclase or garnet fractionation. Strontium con
the same integrated intrusive center), and their tents are in the 300600 ppm range. Depending
main difference to the previous group is the ab on the degree of Y depletion, Sr/Y ratios range
sence of negative Eu anomalies in their REE dis from 31 up to 282 (Tab. 3) and thus qualify as
tribution patterns, suggesting the lack of signifi adakitelike (Fig. 7), although Sr contents are
cantshallowcrustalplagioclasefractionation,or, mostlybelowthethresholdforadakitelikecom
alternatively, indicating highly oxidized melts positions(<400ppm).StrongYdepletionbyam
where plagioclase fractionation did not result in phibole ±titanite fractionation occurs in silicic
negative Eu anomalies. The lower to midcrustal meltswheretitanitemaybestable(Hoskinetal.
petrogenesis of these magmas is similar to the 2000) and DY values of amphibole increase sig
previous group. At roughly constant Sr and nificantly(e.g.,Bachmannetal.2005).
Crystallization experiments on hydrous andesitic
are slightly higher than in the previous group
melts show that amphibole is the dominant liq
uidus phase at moderate crustal depth (e.g., at
Theintegratedverticalmagmaevolutionofthese 0.8GPacorrespondingtoc.25kmdepth;Alonso
groups (1 and 2) is clearly recognizable in Perez et al. 2009). A change from pyroxene to
Sr/86Sr,andtoalesserextentin143Nd/144Ndiso amphiboledominatedmagmaevolutionatdepth
topic compositions (Fig. 11), and supports the (groups 1 and 2 vs. 3) is commonly associated
principal notion of Chiaradia et al. (2009a) that withincreasinghotzonedepth(e.g.,Kay&Mpo
isotopic differences between Tertiary and Qua dozis 2002). Additionally, amphibole becomes
ternary NVZ magmas (in northerncentral Ecua destabilizedtowardslowermeltH2Ocontentsat
dor)arepartlycontrolledbythecrustaldepthof a given temperature and pressure (e.g.,
magma evolution. Additionally, our regionally Müntener et al. 2001; AlonsoPerez et al. 2009).
more representative dataset of Late Tertiary Consequently, in addition to reflecting an in
magmasallowsustorefinethisconclusionintwo creaseinhotzonedepth(bycrustalthickeningor
points: (1) the Miocene magma evolution in bydownwardshiftingofthehotzoneposition(s)
southerncentral Ecuador does not always in from mid towards deep crustal levels), the
cludesignificantshallowcrustalmagmadifferen change from pyroxene to amphiboledominated
tiation, although it is common; and (2) the iso magmadifferentiationbetweenthetwoarcseg
topic composition of the mid to upper (and ments might also be related to overall higher
lower?)crustmight beregionallyheterogeneous melt H2O contents. Whereas crustal thickening
andthuscanfurthermodulatetheobservediso canbeconsideredasaregionalscaleeffect,vari
topic distribution patterns. The latter is sug ationsinmeltH2Ocontentscouldalsoapplyata



to Quaternary (right) Ecuadorian arc magmas. Arc magmas in both periods are generally processed in lower to mid

 petrogenesis in each case and may variably include amphibole ± garnet (± titanite) fractionation or restite

gioclase fractionation) may depend on multiple regionallocal factors such as magma supply rate and crustal heat




rather local scale (e.g., Rodriguez et al. 2007). the lower to midcrustal petrogenesis for paren
Thismightpartlyexplainthecontrastinglowerto talmeltsofagivenmagmaticcenter.
midcrustal magmatic evolution at Gaby and
(4) A last group comprises Late Miocene intru
Balsapamba, where only the latter involves sig
sions and volcanics (Junin porphyries and Quim
bration. Both intrusive systems share a number
depletion and negative HREE slopes indicating
of similar features which include age (c. 20 Ma;
combined amphibole and garnet fractiona
Chapter 2), a frontal arc position hosted by the
tion/restite equilibration during their petroge
same basement lithology (oceanic plateau), and
moderatelyhighly differentiated compositions
a midcrustal hot zone at 0.8 GPa; AlonsoPerez
et al. 2009). Strontium contents are high at
blende constitute the main phenocrysts; these
Quimsacocha (448858 ppm), but low at Junin
broad similarities suggest that local (in addition
(<336 ppm), the latter probably influenced by
to regional) factors can exert a major control on
hydrothermal alteration. Negative Eu anomalies

are not present suggesting the absence of signifi‐
cant shallow crustal plagioclase fractionation sub‐
sequent  to  MASH/hot  zone  processing  of  Late 
Miocene arc magmas. 
The  petrogenetic  evolution  of  Late  Miocene  arc 
magmas (group 4) resembles several present‐day 
NVZ  volcanic  centers  where  Chiaradia  et  al. 
(2009a) propose that bulk arc compression caus‐
es  their  parental  melts  to  evolve  at  deep  crustal 
levels of a thick crust; a similar mechanism might 
apply  to  Late  Miocene  arc  magmas  in  northern‐
central  Ecuador.  However,  while  Chiaradia  et  al. 
(2009a)  propose  collision  of  the  Carnegie  Ridge 
with the Ecuadorian margin as the cause for bulk 
margin compression, the latter can only apply for 
arc magmas  <8 Ma, the  maximum age of the in‐
ception  of  Carnegie  Ridge  collision  (Chapter  3). 
Furthermore,  initial  ridge  collision  took  place  in 
northern  Ecuador;  the  ridge  axis  then  progres‐
sively swept southwards along the margin (Chap‐
ter  3).  Carnegie  Ridge  subduction  thus  cannot 
have  affected  the  far‐field  stress  regime  of  the 
central  Ecuadorian  arc  in  the  Late  Miocene  such 
that alternative causes of compression are neces‐
sary  to  explain,  for  example,  pronounced  deep 
crustal  magma  evolution  at  the  7  Ma  Quimsaco‐
cha volcanic center in central Ecuador. The latter 
could be related to local compression in a region‐
ally restraining bend structural setting associated 
with oblique plate convergence at the Ecuadorian 
margin  (Chapter  2).  Alternatively,  compression 
might  not  always  be  required  to  cause  pro‐
nounced  magma  evolution  at  mid‐  to  deep 
crustal levels. 

Figure  13:  Sr/Y  vs.  Y  distribution  of  Late  Tertiary  por‐

phyry intrusions and spatially associated host intrusive
units  in  Ecuador.  Except  for  the  Cangrejos  porphyry
intrusions,  all  porphyries  lack  petrogenetic  evidence
for  shallow  crustal  plagioclase  fractionation.  Amphi‐
bole  ±titanite  ±garnet  fractionation/restite  equilibra‐
tion at mid‐crustal levels drives some porphyry paren‐
tal  melts  towards  adakite‐like  compositions.  Mid‐
crustal magma evolution towards the end of magmatic 
cycles  of  batholith  construction  seems  to  represent  a
metallogenically  favorable  environment  whereas  intense shallow  crustal  magmatism  during  batholith  peak  assembly
may  be  less  favorable  to  form  and  preserve  porphyry‐related  mineralization.  Overall,  the  occurrence  of  adakite‐like 
features in porphyry intrusions follows the regional compositional characteristics of arc magmatism at a given time. If
present,  trace  element  compositional  differences  between  porphyries  and  associated  host  intrusions  are  associated
with regional arc magmatic trends through time. Intrusive ages from Chapters 2 and 3, and references therein. See text 
for further discussion. 

Significance of adakitelike fea sociated precursor intrusions in Sr/Y vs. Y dia
tures for Late Oligocene to Late BalsapambaTelimbela, Chaucha, Gaby, Cangre
Miocene porphyryrelated min jos) investigated in this study (Fig. 13). Porphyry
stocks at Junin, BalsapambaTelimbela, and
eralizationinEcuador Chaucha are characterized by adakitelike signa
Aspatialassociationofadakitelikemagmacom tures, whereas Gaby and Cangrejos are not (Fig.
positionsandporphyryrelatedmineralizationhas 13). At the individual deposit scale, the occur
beenobservedinanumberofstudiesofcircum rence of adakitelike magmatism seems to be
Pacific subductionrelated ore deposits (e.g., broadly temporally controlled (see Chapters 2
Thiéblemont et al. 1997; see Richards & Kerrich and3foragereferences):thereisashifttowards
2007 for a comprehensive summary and an adakitelike magma compositions at Junin (from
evaluation of metallogenic implications). Petro >15 Ma to 136 Ma; note that Sr contents of
geneticcontrolsforthedevelopmentofadakite Junin porphyries might have been lowered by
like features in Late Tertiary Ecuadorian arc hydrothermal alteration such that these intru
magmas have been discussed above and com sions would originally plot at higher Sr/Y ratios),
prise a combination of regionalscale (hot zone at Telimbela (from c. 26 Ma to 20 Ma), and at
depth,totalcrustalthickness)tolocalscale(melt Chaucha(from15to10Ma).Incontrast,nosys
H2O contents, differentiation effects in silicic tematic shifts are recorded at Gaby and Cangre
magmas including accessory phases) factors. As jos (always low Sr/Y) and Balsapamba (always
noted above, adakitelike features (Sr/Y ratios high Sr/Y) where the intrusive evolution spans a
>3040) in our dataset indicate the absence of relatively short time range of <2 m.y. (note that
extensive shallow crustal plagioclase fractiona Balsapambabatholithgrowthcomprisesasignifi
tion, and the fractionation (or restite equilibra cantlylongertimespan,butgeochemicaldatafor
tion) of amphibole ±garnet ±titanite at higher olderintrusivepulsesarenotavailable).
pressureoratrelativelyhigh meltH2O contents. The distribution of adakitelike features of Late
As such, the abovementioned observation of Tertiary porphyry systems along the Ecuadorian
adakitelike magmatism associated with por margin demonstrates that porphyryrelated min
phyryrelated mineralization would imply that eralization is not exclusively associated with a
pronounced deep to midcrustal H2Orich melt specific geochemical signature or a specific path
equilibrationwithmainlyamphibole,andtheab of crustal magma evolution in Ecuador; any arc
sence of a pronounced shallow crustal magma magma may potentially form porphyryrelated
evolutionstepgeneratedfavorableconditionsfor mineralization in a favorable tectonomagmatic
subsequentporphyryrelatedmineralizationfrom setting. The spatiotemporal distribution of ada
fluids exsolved from these melts at somewhat kitelike features in Ecuadorian porphyry intru
shallower depth. The latter has been demon sions largely reflects regional temporal trends in
strated at the Late MiocenePliocene Tampakan arc magma geochemistry. In addition, the con
porphyry Cu/epithermal high sulfidation CuAu trastingchemicalsignatures(adakitelikevs.non
ore deposit district (Mindanao, Philippines) adakitic) do not show any firstorder basement
where parental melt evolution involves pro control, as intrusions and porphyry systems of
nounced amphibole fractionation at moderate both groups are mainly hosted by oceanic pla
crustal depth (0.50.6 GPa) whereupon the melt teauunitsorTertiaryarcvolcanicsandgranitoids.
becomes enriched in H2O (and Cl); the latter re Only the Cangrejos igneous complex and the as
sultsinearlier,i.e.,higherpressurevolatilesatu sociatedporphyrysystemshowisotopicevidence
ration of subsequently ascending melt batches ofsignificantmagmacontaminationbycontinen
where exsolved fluids are highly saline and Cu tal crust (Chapter 4). There are a number of
rich(Rohrlach&Loucks2005). broadlyapplicablesystematicdistributioncriteria
TotestthesignificanceofthisassociationforLate betweenthevariousporphyrysystems:
TertiaryEcuadorianporphyrysystems,weplotted ƒ If BalsapambaTelimbela is excluded, Sr/Y
the compositions of porphyry intrusions and as ratios tend to become broadly higher with

decreasingintrusiveageonaregionalscale underrepresentationoflonglivedshallowcrustal
(influencing the age distribution systemat magmatic systems directly associated with por
icsatthedepositscaleasnotedabove). phyry intrusions might relate to (1) lower H2O
solubilities of melts stalled at lower pressures
ƒ PorphyrysystemsinFigure13arearranged
such that less parental melt preconditioning by
from north to south; bulk Sr/Y ratios of
volatile enrichment takes place; for a given melt
rence of adakitelike features at Balsa
of the porphyryrelated hydrothermal system,
northsouth trend corresponds to a pro
gressively increasing age distribution, con
focused flow; (3) destruction of shallow crustal
mineralization by later intrusive pulses. As such,
ƒ Except for Cangrejos, porphyry intrusions adakitelike compositions of porphyry intrusions
lack negative Eu anomalies indicating the might signal favorable tectonomagmatic precon
absence of significant shallow crustal pla ditioning of porphyry parental melts for subse
gioclasefractionation. quentintrusionrelatedmineralization.
ƒ Allporphyrysystemscharacterizedbyhigh The observed mutual exclusivity of CuMo and
Sr/Y ratios (Junin, Balsapamba, Telimbela, AuCuporphyrysystemswithorwithoutadakite
Chaucha) represent CuMo porphyry de like magma compositions, respectively, may be
posits (Prodeminca 2000), whereas AuCu an apparent one, as adakitelike features are as
porphyry systems (Gaby, Cangrejos) show sociated with AuCu or CuAu por
lowSr/Yratios. phyry/epithermal mineralization elsewhere (e.g.,
The geochemical composition of most porphyry Rohrlach&Loucks2005;Chiaradiaetal.,2009b).
intrusions points to the absence of significant However, it might indicate that deep to mid
shallowcrustalmagmaevolutionoftheirparental crustal magma evolution and the inferred con
melts; where porphyry intrusions are associated comitant volatile enrichment (and its bearing on
with larger intrusive complexes, porphyry em therelativetimingofvolatilesaturationandfluid
placement is late with respect to batholith con exsolutiondepth)ofporphyryparentalmeltsmay
struction (Chapters 2, 3). Peaking of the latter is be particularly important for the CuMo budget
commonly associated with high magma supply of a given porphyry system, whereas additional
rates and might have allowed establishment of factors influence its Au budget. The significance
large shallow crustal magma chambers involving of magma chemistry for the total tonnage of a
major plagioclase fractionation (e.g., Bachmann givenoredepositinEcuadorcannotbeaccurately
etal.2005,2007).Dwindlingmagmasupplyrates evaluated as the Late Tertiary porphyry systems
might eventually cause a downwards collapse of arevariablydeeplyerodedsuchthattheircurrent
the focus of magmatism towards greater depth tonnage does not necessarily reflect the initial
(pressure) where amphibole is stable closer to depositsize(Prodeminca2000).
the liquidus than plagioclase (e.g., Grove et al.
2003); magma subsequently intruding into the Conclusions
The overall spatiotemporal distribution of ada
kitelike features in Late Tertiary Ecuadorian arc
et al. 2006). As discussed by Rohrlach & Loucks
magmas is semisystematic; magmatic centers
(2005), progressive melt volatile enrichment by
characterized by (partly) adakitelike magmatism
are mainly hosted by the Western Cordillera in
northerncentral Ecuador and comprise Balsa
kinetics (and pressuredependent meltfluid par
subsequently ascending melt batches with re
spect to porphyryrelated mineralization. The

ian arc magmas are mainly due to strong Y and porphyry parental melts to evolve towards ada
heavy REE depletion of their parental melts at kitelike compositions (e.g., at Junin and Chau
broadly constant Sr contents, and are related to cha)indicativeofdownwardmigrationofthefo
fractionation/restite equilibration effects of am cus of crustal magma evolution towards greater
phibole,garnet,andtitanite. depth and/or increasing melt H2O contents.
While this may reflect favorable tectono
magmatic preconditioning of porphyry parental
tional changes are of a regional arc magmatic
magmas and thus their evolution towards ada
scale, and broadly controlled by the relative age
kitelike features in Ecuador, either by fractiona
tion, or equilibration with an amphibolebearing
Systematic compositional changes between por
restite. The onset of Y and heavy REE depletion
phyry and precursor intrusions are not recorded
by garnet fractionation/restite equilibration (in
if the time difference between their respective
concert with amphibole) seems to be restricted
ter case, magmas may be both of adakitelike
tionation/restite equilibration is particularly effi
grejos). The fact that porphyryrelated minerali
cient in silicic melts, Y depletion by garnet frac
tionation/restite equilibration is also efficient in
mafic melts and allows Late Miocene and
range (c. 0° to 3°30’S) supports the notion that
tential to form porphyryrelated mineralization.
tion stages than Late Oligocene to MidMiocene
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3), and more detailed studies are necessary to
mas in southern Ecuador; it is of minor petroge
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AppendixI–Rockalterationand turesofrockssubjecttohydrothermalalteration
element mobility in porphyry suchasoursitisusefultofirstevaluateelement
mobility during hydrothermal alteration stages
relatedhydrothermalsystems andtheresultingchangesinrockgeochemistryto
Porphyryrelated ore deposits typically comprise definethedegreetowhichelementscanbeused
multiple intrusive bodies of variable geometry as reliable tracers for petrogenetic processes.
such as cylindrical stocks (commonly <1 km di While it is generally accepted that the group of
ameter, but several km in length), dikes, or largeionlithophileelements(LILE)and,toaless
domes(Seedorffetal.2005).Theintrusivebodies er extent, light rare earth elements (LREE), are
act as focal points for the flow of metalbearing readilytransportablebyfluids,whereashighfield
magmaticfluidsexsolvedfromamagmachamber strength elements (HFSE) and mid to heavy rare
situated at greater depth (Sillitoe 1973). These earth elements (M/HREEE) tend to be fluid
fluids generate hydrothermal alteration of vari immobile, detailed geochemical studies of al
ableintensitybothinsidetheporphyrybodyand teredrocksshowthatHFSEandM/HREEcanalso
in a significantly larger aureole surrounding the be mobilized to significant extents under certain
intrusion.Fluidevolutionbyfluidascent,cooling, conditions(e.g.,Lesheretal.1985;Fulignatietal.
mixingwithexternal(mainlymeteoric)fluidsand 1999;Polat&Hofmann2003;Vermaetal.2005;
fluidwall rock equilibration dictates its chemical Shikazonoetal.2008).
characterandtheresultingtypeofhydrothermal We tested the compositional scatter caused by
alteration (Seedorff et al. 2005). Typical altera hydrothermal alteration for a number of litholo
tion zones associated with porphyry Cu deposits gies where multiple samples of the same lithol
comprise sodiccalcic and potassic alteration at ogy are available (ApuelaCuellaje, Balsapamba
depth,givingwaytophyllicandargillicalteration and Gaby intrusions; Saraguro volcanics at Por
athigherormoredistantlevels,andgradinginto tovelo) by calculating isocons based on least
propyliticalterationintheperipheralpartsofthe alteredsamplesofeachlithology(Grant1986).At
porphyrysystem.Fluidphaseseparationintoco Gaby, samples comprise two different porphyry
existing vapor and brine phases additionally re intrusions which are compositionally indistin
sults in concomitant advanced argillic alteration guishable, such that they may be treated as one
bytheascendingvaporintheuppermostpartof for evaluating alterationinduced compositional
theporphyrysystem.Similaralterationzonesex changes. Isoconslopesarecalculated fromAl2O3
istinepithermaldeposits.Acollapseofthefluid contents of leastaltered versus altered samples,
flow pattern driven by decreasing temperatures as this oxide consistently shows constant con
and fluid supply rates can promote overprinting tentsirrespectiveofstyleandintensityofaltera
of the different alteration types. For a compre tion, attesting to its immobile nature. We limit
hensive summary on mineral assemblages asso isoconcalculationstomajorelementoxidesanda
ciatedwiththesedifferenttypesofalterationsee number of trace elements serving as important
Seedorffetal.(2005). tracers for certain petrogenetic processes. Some
Hydrothermal alteration produces metasomatic mineralogicalfeaturesofvariablyalteredsamples
changes of magmatic rock compositions (e.g., areexemplifiedinFig.2;isoconplotsareshown
Ulrich & Heinrich 2002). As hydrothermal altera in Fig. 3, and a complete overview table where
tion is inevitable in a porphyry environment, therelative,isoconbasedcompositionalchanges
sampling for our study focused on “least altered arequantifiedcanbefoundinTableA2.
samples” which are supposed to be closest to Compositional scatter between samples of a
original magmatic compositions. In this context, given lithology only becomes statistically signifi
this term has a relative meaning, depending on cantatrelativedifferencesexceeding10%corre
the local alteration style and intensity, such that sponding to the analytical precision of trace ele
alterationinduced compositional changes in mentanalysis.Toaccountfortheintensealtera
samples labeled as “leastaltered” cannot neces tion typically associated with porphyry systems,
sarilybepredictedwithconfidence(Giffkinsetal. we double this value and define a 20% relative

scatterinelementcontentsofthesamelithology Giffkins, C., Herrmann, W., Large, R. (2005): Altered
as acceptable, while regarding elements consis volcanic rocks: a guide to description and interpreta
tently showing higher scatter as unreliable to tion. Centre for Ore Deposit Research Publication,
characterizemagmaticprocesses.Usingthisclas UniversityofTasmania;275p.
sification scheme, we find the element behavior Grant,J.A.(1986):Theisocondiagram–asimplesolu
patterns listed in Table 2 which we assume as tiontoGresens'equationformetasomaticalteration.
representative for our whole dataset. Elements EconomicGeology81;19761982.
of the LILE (Cs, Rb, Ba, K) and REE (especially Lesher,C.M.,Goodwin,A.M.,Campbell,I.H.,Gorton,
LREE) groups show alterationinduced scatter M. P. (1986): Traceelement geochemistry of ore
beyond acceptable means and are thus inappro associatedandbarren,felsicmetavolcanicrocksinthe
priate to constrain petrogenetic processes. This Superior Province, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth
inhibits usage of crustal contaminationsensitive Sciences23;222237.
incompatibleelementratiossuchasRb/K,aswell Polat, A. & Hofmann, A. W. (2003): Alteration and
asLa/YbasanoverallindicatorofREEfractiona geochemical patterns in the 3.73.8 Ga Isua green
tion. stone belt, West Greenland. Precambrian Research
Strontium, though part of the LILE group, shows
acceptable scatter and its concentrations are Seedorff,E.,andsevenothers(2005):Porphyrydepos
therefore considered as petrogenetically signifi its: characteristics and origin of hypogene features.
cant. The relative immobility of Sr in most sam Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume; 251
phenocrystdestructive alteration types during Shikazono, N.and six others (2008): Geochemical be
sampling, although potential alteration of small haviour of rare earth elements in hydrothermally al
feldspar crystals in the submicroscopic porphyry teredrocksoftheKurokominingarea,Japan.Journal
dominant mineral in potassic alteration assem Sillitoe, R. H. (1973): The tops and bottoms of por
blages in Ecuador; substitution of biotitehosted phyry copper deposits. Economic Geology 68; 799
interstitialsite K with Rb, Cs and Ba, but not Sr 815.
(Deer et al. 1992) is consistent with the inferred Ulrich,T.&Heinrich,C.A.(2002):Geologyandaltera
highmobilityoftheseelementscomparedtothe tion geochemistry of the porphyry CuAu deposit at
relative immobility of Sr in our samples. Chemi Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina. Economic Geology
cally correlated behavior of MREE and HREE in 97;18651888.
altered rocks suggests that element ratios based Verma,S.P.,TorresAlvarado,I.S.,Satir,M.,Dobson,
on these groups (e.g., Sm/Dy, Dy/Yb) are rela P. F. (2005): Hydrothermal alteration effects in geo
tivelynonsusceptibletoalteration.Severalmajor chemistry and Sr, Nd, Pb, and O isotopes of magmas
elementsandtheHFSEshowonlyminortomod fromtheLosAzufresgeothermalfield(Mexico):asta
eratevariationsforrocksaffectedbythevarious tisticalapproach.GeochemicalJournal39;141163.
alteration types listed in Table 2, such that their
concentrations in hydrothermally altered rocks
Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., Zussman, J. (1993): An in
troduction to the rockforming minerals. Pera
Fulignati, P., Gioncada, A., Sbrana, A. (1999): Rare
of the active magmatichydrothermal system of Vul
cano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Journal of Volcanology


Analyzed elementsnotdescribed/discussedinChapter5(mostlymetalsandS)arelistedat the end of


Tab. A2: Relative changes in concentration compared to leastaltered reference sample concentration


Table A1 (continued)
Sample Method E05129 E06209 E07034 E06200 E06202 E06205A E06206A E06206B
Location Apuela batholith at Junin Apuela batholith at Cuellaje

Lithology granodiorite granodiorite qtz-diorite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite

SiO2 XRF 69.52 68.27 64.38 66.22 65.69 66.49 66.67 68.12
TiO2 XRF 0.41 0.41 0.54 0.41 0.44 0.40 0.43 0.39
Al2O3 XRF 14.87 15.57 16.31 16.58 16.55 16.21 16.10 15.43
Fe2O3 XRF 3.82 4.37 5.97 3.60 3.73 3.63 3.81 3.39
MnO XRF 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.05
MgO XRF 1.58 1.70 2.31 1.69 1.89 1.86 1.85 1.62
CaO XRF 1.67 3.07 3.46 3.99 4.37 4.26 4.14 3.60
Na2O XRF 3.05 3.52 3.10 4.42 4.44 4.50 4.49 4.42
K2O XRF 3.34 2.53 1.97 1.46 1.50 1.71 1.55 1.69
P2O5 XRF 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.13
LOI XRF 1.21 0.81 0.98 1.19 0.51 0.38 0.32 0.30
Total XRF 99.6 100.4 99.2 99.7 99.3 99.6 99.6 99.2
Nb ICP-MS 2.6 2.4 2.5 2.6
Ta ICP-MS 0.22 0.16 0.14 0.15
Zr ICP-MS 104 79 71 82
Y XRF-Rho. 14 14 14 5.9 7.5 6.9 7.1 7.4
Hf ICP-MS 3.0 2.1 2.0 2.2
Cs ICP-MS 3.7 1.8 1.2 1.0
Rb ICP-MS 50 29 25 28
Ba ICP-MS 211 1406 479 654
Sr XRF-Rho. 246 289 331 563 577 549 555 489
Pb XRF-Rho. <2 4 3 <2 2 4 3 4
U ICP-MS 1.7 1.0 0.78 0.84
Th ICP-MS 3.9 1.7 1.5 2.3
La ICP-MS 13 8.5 9.1 11
Ce ICP-MS 25 17 18 20
Pr ICP-MS 2.9 2.0 2.2 2.4
Nd ICP-MS 12 9.0 9.7 10
Sm ICP-MS 2.6 1.9 1.9 2.0
Eu ICP-MS 0.61 0.55 0.53 0.60
Gd ICP-MS 2.2 1.5 1.5 2.0
Tb ICP-MS 0.36 0.17 0.21 0.25
Dy ICP-MS 2.1 0.91 1.31 1.2
Ho ICP-MS 0.39 0.19 0.24 0.22
Er ICP-MS 1.4 0.47 0.69 0.74
Tm ICP-MS 0.22 0.06 0.09 0.10
Yb ICP-MS 1.3 0.52 0.62 0.82
Lu ICP-MS 0.23 0.09 0.10 0.09
Sc ICP-MS 15 8 9 9
V XRF-Rho. 84 87 126 81 84 70 81 69
Cr XRF-Rho. 18 22 29 27 28 26 40 30
Co ICP-MS 12 8.5 9.8 9.5
Ni ICP-MS 11 13 18 16
Cu XRF-tr. 176 12 191 36 8 2 63 10
Zn XRF-Rho. 28 29 46 38 38 47 54 52
Ga XRF-Rho. 14 15 18 18 18 19 19 18
As XRF-tr. <3 4 4 <3 <3 <3 4 4
Mo ICP-MS 2.1 0.47 0.36 0.31
Ag ICP-MS 0.27 <0.10 <0.06 0.08
Sn ICP-MS 1.9 0.84
Sb ICP-MS 1.0 0.32 0.16 0.17
W ICP-MS 1.1 3.0
S XRF-tr. <3 12 288 329 23 107 104 8


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E05120 E05127 E06183 E06211 E07032 E06186 E06197 E07035 E06127 E06130
Location Junin porphyry intrusions Balsapamba ba-
Lithology granodioritic granodioritic granodioritic granodioritic granodioritic fsp-qtz fsp-qtz porphyritic tonalite tonalite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porpyhry porphyry microdiorite

SiO2 69.30 70.45 69.13 68.66 70.36 70.84 70.22 67.16 67.53 67.54
TiO2 0.23 0.24 0.22 0.33 0.25 0.24 0.20 0.43 0.39 0.38
Al2O3 16.26 15.94 16.70 16.33 16.54 16.01 17.02 16.75 16.53 16.48
Fe2O3 1.32 1.74 2.35 2.93 2.32 2.09 1.92 3.31 3.77 4.01
MnO 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.05
MgO 0.51 0.76 0.82 1.15 0.74 0.72 0.65 1.25 1.52 1.52
CaO 0.17 0.72 0.21 0.39 0.43 0.45 0.10 2.28 4.72 4.67
Na2O 3.39 5.69 4.00 4.67 5.07 5.61 2.80 3.63 3.89 3.83
K2O 5.77 2.91 3.39 3.99 3.44 2.74 5.15 2.85 1.05 1.17
P2O5 0.09 0.10 0.02 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.13 0.12 0.11
LOI 1.24 0.95 2.33 1.39 1.00 1.32 1.80 1.42 0.41 0.29
Total 98.3 99.5 99.2 100.0 100.3 100.1 99.9 99.2 100.0 100.0
Nb 0.7 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.8 0.7 1.7 2.7 2.0
Ta 0.06 0.13 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.04 0.08 0.22 0.13
Zr 50 68 74 63 71 53 65 61 51
Y 2.4 3.9 6.1 4.4 3.9 4.1 2.4 4.3 6.5 6.9
Hf 1.4 1.9 1.8 1.6 2.0 1.5 1.9 1.7 1.6
Cs 0.4 1.4 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.3 2.6 1.5 1.1
Rb 46 40 51 44 38 55 36 19 18
Ba 620 636 624 836 543 376 1346 222 290
Sr 129 336 210 218 297 298 87 291 402 396
Pb <2 <2 <2 <2 2 3 <2 3 3 3
U 0.46 0.70 0.88 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.38 0.40 0.58
Th 0.34 0.82 0.98 0.75 0.95 0.55 0.57 1.1 1.3
La 1.8 5.9 8.1 6.7 7.2 2.6 6.7 7.5 7.5
Ce 3.9 12 17 14 15 4.9 14 15 15
Pr 0.5 1.6 2.0 1.7 1.8 0.6 1.8 1.8 1.7
Nd 2.2 7.1 8.7 7.4 8.0 2.3 8.6 7.8 8.0
Sm 0.34 1.4 1.9 1.3 1.3 0.51 1.7 1.7 1.9
Eu 0.13 0.35 0.63 0.38 0.49 0.13 0.47 0.56 0.60
Gd 0.36 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 0.33 1.4 1.4 1.4
Tb 0.04 0.15 0.16 0.13 0.14 0.05 0.11 0.19 0.26
Dy 0.35 0.81 0.71 0.70 0.82 0.26 0.82 1.1 1.1
Ho 0.07 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.06 0.14 0.23 0.20
Er 0.16 0.41 0.36 0.26 0.36 0.19 0.38 0.62 0.69
Tm 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.09
Yb 0.18 0.43 0.24 0.41 0.48 0.24 0.33 0.59 0.65
Lu 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.09 0.10
Sc 2 5 5 4 5 3 6 8 8
V 36 46 37 56 40 43 50 80 68 65
Cr <2 7 7 5 5 6 3 16 12 15
Co 1.3 3.1 6.5 4.5 6.5 4.9 6.7 5.6
Ni 1.3 4.4 6.9 2.7 5.3 2.4 6.1 6.5 5.2
Cu 3536 357 370 617 127 291 775 22 62 20
Zn 20 26 28 86 22 29 12 41 38 39
Ga 18 17 18 18 18 18 20 20 17 17
As 3 <3 19 6 3 18 5 5 <3 3
Mo 64 6.3 2.0 0.54 1.2 7.7 0.35 1.3 0.45
Ag 0.43 0.38 0.23 0.15 0.22 0.16 <0.09 <0.10 <0.12
Sn 1.7 1.9
Sb 0.32 0.47 0.52 0.28 0.62 0.42 0.67 <0.12 <0.08
W 8.5 4.0 4.8 6.9 10 0.35 0.48
S 1025 22 5 458 35 938 568 88 222 82


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E06140 E06144A E06136 E06139 E06138 E06131A E06132 E06135 E06141 E06134
Balsapamba batholith Balsapamba porphyry intrusions

Lithology tonalite tonalite tonalite tonalite qtz-diorite qtz-diorite qtz-diorite qtz-diorite qtz-diorite qtz-diorite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry

SiO2 66.26 65.68 67.65 67.85 62.02 66.06 65.62 65.63 65.85 57.63
TiO2 0.39 0.41 0.46 0.46 0.65 0.43 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.64
Al2O3 15.80 16.31 16.99 16.77 18.46 16.05 16.46 16.45 16.10 17.84
Fe2O3 3.97 4.49 2.37 2.91 3.96 5.18 4.48 5.70 5.61 7.23
MnO 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06
MgO 1.62 1.65 2.02 1.75 3.24 2.04 1.98 2.01 2.00 3.15
CaO 4.59 5.00 4.68 4.60 4.46 4.94 4.67 4.68 4.64 5.14
Na2O 3.84 3.81 3.78 3.80 4.02 3.42 3.52 3.39 3.31 3.12
K2O 1.74 1.16 1.29 1.21 2.09 1.23 1.46 1.32 1.27 1.98
P2O5 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.13
LOI 0.15 0.41 0.72 0.41 0.84 0.44 0.49 0.60 0.70 2.76
Total 98.5 99.1 100.1 99.9 99.9 100.0 99.3 100.4 100.0 99.7
Nb 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.2
Ta 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.22 0.18 0.19 0.06
Zr 65 48 57 56 59 55 45
Y 8.6 7.5 3.5 1.4 2.4 11 8.0 8.7 9.0 11
Hf 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.3
Cs 1.3 2.2 1.8 2.6 2.5 1.9 2.2
Rb 22 39 24 28 31 27 40
Ba 282 287 262 243 202 202 213
Sr 355 379 393 395 348 333 348 340 335 344
Pb 4 4 3 2 3 <2 3 3 2 3
U 0.29 0.29 0.67 0.92 0.98 0.89 0.46
Th 0.99 0.33 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.3 0.52
La 3.5 2.0 6.3 8.3 5.3 5.5 4.9
Ce 6.6 4.0 13 17 10 10 11
Pr 0.8 0.5 1.8 2.1 1.3 1.2 1.4
Nd 3.5 2.2 7.4 8.2 5.0 5.0 7.4
Sm 0.84 0.44 1.8 1.6 1.1 0.97 2.1
Eu 0.44 0.39 0.51 0.53 0.50 0.40 0.60
Gd 0.81 0.34 1.6 1.0 1.1 1.1 2.2
Tb 0.11 0.07 0.27 0.18 0.20 0.16 0.36
Dy 0.67 0.38 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.8
Ho 0.12 0.08 0.33 0.24 0.30 0.28 0.34
Er 0.33 0.26 1.1 0.78 0.85 0.89 0.89
Tm 0.06 0.04 0.15 0.11 0.15 0.14 0.13
Yb 0.36 0.32 0.96 0.81 0.98 0.98 0.77
Lu 0.07 0.05 0.18 0.14 0.15 0.18 0.11
Sc 11 19 13 12 13 12 14
V 66 75 79 73 138 98 109 100 97 189
Cr 13 15 19 20 21 14 14 16 14 21
Co 3.0 6.6 5.9 5.8 24
Ni 5.7 9.0 11 9.9 9.6 8.2 13
Cu 5 12 9 8 69 40 23 24 27 658
Zn 40 48 38 45 54 55 58 60 45 49
Ga 17 18 16 17 17 16 17 16 17 19
As <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 4 <3 <3 <3 3
Mo <0.30 1.4 0.97 0.85 0.39 0.40 1.4
Ag <0.10 <0.10 <0.08 0.20 <0.11 <0.10 <0.10
Sb 0.13 <0.08 0.11 0.19 0.22 0.13 0.18
W 0.47 0.84 0.38 0.78 0.78 0.67 0.56
S 123 128 14 257 1162 61 105 66 79 11392


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E07044 E07045 E06150 E06149 E06153 E05070 E05072 E05073 E05076 E05078
Telimbela batholith Telimbela Gaby porphyry intrusions
Lithology tonalite tonalite qtz mi- qtz mi- qtz-diorite hbl-plag hbl-plag plag-hbl hbl por- hbl por-
crodiorite crodiorite porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry phyry phyry

SiO2 64.62 65.23 57.34 52.96 64.48 63.85 62.09 62.63 64.00 62.90
TiO2 0.55 0.50 0.72 0.81 0.49 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.54 0.53
Al2O3 16.16 16.37 17.58 18.03 16.47 16.56 16.66 16.26 17.34 16.24
Fe2O3 5.35 5.14 7.96 9.10 4.68 3.67 6.16 5.27 2.70 5.27
MnO 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.07
MgO 2.28 2.24 3.86 4.70 2.02 2.79 2.85 2.83 2.67 2.93
CaO 4.74 5.25 7.26 3.87 5.42 7.34 6.71 7.17 6.70 7.26
Na2O 3.36 3.59 3.60 3.18 3.88 3.94 3.78 3.84 5.20 3.87
K2O 1.94 0.52 0.82 2.79 1.02 0.18 0.55 0.23 0.19 0.17
P2O5 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11
LOI 0.90 1.04 0.69 3.36 0.72 0.66 0.30 0.61 1.04 0.48
Total 100.1 100.1 100.1 99.1 99.4 99.7 99.8 99.5 100.6 99.8
Nb 4.2 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.1 2.1
Ta 0.29 0.15 0.13 0.09 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.18
Zr 113 107 55 41 68 65 65 66
Y 18 17 13 15 7.4 14 14 15 14 15
Hf 4.5 2.8 1.5 1.3 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8
Cs 0.9 0.7 2.5 18 3.1 0.4 0.4 0.3
Rb 53 9 13 78 18 3 4 2
Ba 593 199 202 212 147 136 164 134
Sr 309 349 400 321 393 309 302 300 256 297
Pb 13 4 3 <2 3 2 2 2 <2 2
U 1.8 0.90 0.27 0.24 0.56 0.42 0.44 0.46
Th 4.4 2.5 0.52 0.20 0.88 1.1 1.1 1.1
La 16 10 4.9 4.7 4.3 4.5 4.1 5.1
Ce 34 21 12 11 10 11 10 12
Pr 4.3 2.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.6
Nd 19 13 7.5 7.7 6.0 6.5 7.1 6.7
Sm 4.8 2.6 2.0 2.0 1.2 1.7 1.8 1.9
Eu 1.2 0.69 0.59 0.65 0.51 0.64 0.65 0.58
Gd 4.8 2.8 2.3 2.4 1.4 1.8 2.0 1.8
Tb 0.75 0.45 0.38 0.42 0.19 0.29 0.35 0.32
Dy 4.6 2.8 2.2 2.5 1.3 2.2 2.3 2.3
Ho 0.88 0.54 0.45 0.54 0.25 0.46 0.50 0.50
Er 2.8 1.7 1.3 1.6 0.66 1.40 1.5 1.5
Tm 0.39 0.26 0.18 0.20 0.11 0.21 0.23 0.21
Yb 2.7 1.8 1.2 1.5 0.67 1.53 1.6 1.6
Lu 0.39 0.29 0.18 0.20 0.10 0.22 0.25 0.24
Sc 23 13 20 23 11 21 22 21
V 104 88 187 248 114 118 136 136 74 171
Cr 24 25 36 44 28 29 33 29 30 30
Co 19 9.9 21 26 9.7 9.3 10 10
Ni 20 12 22 23 16 8.9 8.2 9.6
Cu 31 8 69 1857 25 98 89 154 36 187
Zn 62 101 74 84 44 32 29 32 26 35
Ga 17 17 19 21 18 16 17 16 15 16
As 4 5 5 105 4 <3 <3 <3 5 <3
Mo 3.4 0.27 0.98 80 70 3.7 5.1 14
Ag 0.22 0.09 <0.15 0.42 0.18 <0.17 0.29 0.27
Sn 2.4 1.8
Sb 0.68 0.80 0.15 0.33 0.22 0.67 0.78 0.61
W 0.51 0.62 4.2 1.5 1.4 1.1
S 851 143 114 5627 729 1358 216 3785 561 713


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E05083a E05083b E05086 E05088 E06033 E06041 E06046 E06048 E06050 E06051 E06053
Gaby porphyry intrusions

Lithology plag-hbl plag-hbl plag-hbl plag-hbl plag-hbl plag-hbl hbl-plag hbl-plag plag-hbl plag plag
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry
+ enclave
SiO2 60.49 61.08 61.19 61.22 60.80 61.60 61.07 62.72 62.80 61.59 60.67
TiO2 0.54 0.53 0.55 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.53 0.52 0.55 0.53 0.57
Al2O3 16.52 16.69 17.05 17.21 17.18 17.16 16.71 16.56 16.54 16.84 16.47
Fe2O3 7.51 7.09 6.64 6.55 6.52 5.43 6.53 5.21 3.33 5.45 6.71
MnO 0.07 0.07 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.06
MgO 2.57 2.61 2.38 2.34 2.35 2.30 2.77 2.69 2.96 2.76 3.00
CaO 6.71 6.76 6.62 6.84 6.77 6.70 6.58 7.19 8.08 7.31 7.09
Na2O 4.10 4.19 3.27 3.31 3.16 3.98 3.60 3.92 3.81 3.45 3.39
K2O 0.30 0.33 0.60 0.67 0.61 0.22 0.71 0.25 0.35 0.60 0.63
P2O5 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11
LOI 0.66 0.66 0.90 1.04 1.28 1.05 0.39 0.52 0.51 0.45 0.43
Total 99.6 100.1 99.5 100.0 99.5 99.2 99.1 99.8 99.1 99.1 99.1
Nb 2.4 2.4 2.8 2.8 2.0 2.3 2.3
Ta 0.18 0.16 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.17 0.16
Zr 65 65 73 71 67 69 66
Y 12 12 17 16 16 17 14 15 15 14 16
Hf 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Cs 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.4 1.1 1.4
Rb 5 6 9 11 2 14 16
Ba 96 93 425 413 125 178 147
Sr 279 283 307 308 310 292 290 293 304 294 287
Pb 3 5 4 4 5 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2
U 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.42 0.63 0.94 0.77
Th 0.98 0.91 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.1
La 4.7 5.4 6.8 6.6 3.6 12 6.2
Ce 11 12 14 14 10 20 12
Pr 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.1 1.4 2.3 1.6
Nd 6.9 7.8 8.6 8.0 8.4 8.5 6.6
Sm 1.8 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.5 1.7 1.8
Eu 0.62 0.65 0.76 0.66 0.74 0.53 0.58
Gd 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.6 1.6 1.7
Tb 0.31 0.30 0.38 0.37 0.40 0.28 0.32
Dy 2.0 2.0 2.7 2.6 2.3 2.0 2.1
Ho 0.41 0.39 0.52 0.55 0.52 0.44 0.45
Er 1.2 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.4
Tm 0.16 0.17 0.25 0.23 0.23 0.20 0.22
Yb 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6
Lu 0.20 0.17 0.27 0.29 0.23 0.25 0.25
Sc 18 18 20 20 17 20 21
V 129 129 116 112 116 115 139 133 132 142 156
Cr 31 29 24 24 24 17 29 28 40 23 62
Co 7.8 8.3 13 8.3 14 10
Ni 7.9 8.7 6.1 4.6 9.8 13 11
Cu 72 128 24 21 19 479 155 440 79 822 113
Zn 32 34 82 89 83 48 30 40 28 29 30
Ga 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 17 17 18 18
As <3 7 <3 6 4 5 4 5 <3 <3 <3
Mo 3.8 13 0.97 0.56 1.3 17 5.1
Ag 0.39 0.21 <0.12 <0.12 0.33 0.38 0.16
Sb 1.2 0.85 1.3 0.95 0.69 0.39 0.50
W 2.1 1.8 0.46 0.39 0.74 1.0 1.6
S 2632 2612 169 49 160 3003 1107 1918 292 1765 1906


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E05090 E06044 E06042 E06043 E06049 E06052 E06054 E06055 E06056
Gaby/Papa Grande Gaby/Papa Grande tonalite
porphyry intrusions

Lithology hbl-plag plag(-hbl) tonalite tonalite tonalite tonalite tonalite tonalite tonalite
porphyry porphyry

SiO2 61.63 62.08 61.26 63.00 65.27 62.51 61.84 61.90 60.21
TiO2 0.52 0.50 0.54 0.51 0.43 0.52 0.56 0.56 0.62
Al2O3 16.87 16.27 15.96 16.11 15.74 16.22 16.33 16.49 16.33
Fe2O3 6.43 6.36 6.30 5.77 5.21 5.77 5.07 5.25 6.68
MnO 0.17 0.12 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.07
MgO 2.84 2.81 3.09 2.65 2.16 2.62 2.83 2.65 2.93
CaO 7.97 7.58 6.17 6.13 5.26 6.73 7.34 7.15 7.25
Na2O 2.18 1.95 3.46 3.80 3.55 3.77 3.55 3.44 3.95
K2O 0.18 0.38 0.71 0.69 1.02 0.52 0.35 0.51 0.28
P2O5 0.11 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.10 0.11
LOI 1.25 1.26 1.47 0.43 0.69 0.47 1.02 0.93 0.77
Total 100.2 99.4 99.1 99.3 99.5 99.3 99.1 99.1 99.2
Nb 2.5 2.5 2.7
Ta 0.14 0.21 0.18
Zr 70 69 75
Y 13 12 13 13 12 16 15 15 17
Hf 1.5 1.9 2.1
Cs 0.8 1.3 0.8
Rb 3 22 10
Ba 75 453 245
Sr 309 299 255 283 254 282 293 299 294
Pb 4 3 <2 <2 <2 2 <2 <2 <2
U 0.48 1.2 0.52
Th 1.1 2.8 1.6
La 6.3 7.2 6.3
Ce 14 14 13
Pr 1.5 1.4 1.7
Nd 7.4 6.9 6.8
Sm 1.6 1.6 1.9
Eu 0.53 0.48 0.56
Gd 1.7 1.2 2.3
Tb 0.29 0.29 0.34
Dy 1.9 1.7 2.4
Ho 0.33 0.35 0.52
Er 1.2 1.1 1.6
Tm 0.15 0.16 0.22
Yb 1.6 1.2 1.8
Lu 0.19 0.18 0.27
Sc 16 13 20
V 129 128 147 121 101 125 140 148 162
Cr 35 36 35 29 23 33 24 33 22
Co 16 11 11
Ni 10 6.5 9.4
Cu 35 31 336 101 54 166 2302 1095 775
Zn 73 49 39 46 43 34 43 42 37
Ga 18 17 17 16 16 16 17 17 18
As 5 7 <3 4 <3 <3 <3 <3 4
Mo 0.30 0.91 5.32
Ag <0.17 0.16 0.21
Sb 6.2 0.48 0.53
W 1.5 2.3 1.3
S 611 289 8228 94 1977 1769 6691 8838 3256


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E07002 E07005 E06179 E06181 E07001 E07003 E07008 E06158 E05092 E05093
Chaucha porphyry intrusions Chaucha batholith Quimsacocha
(Gur-Gur/Tunas) dacite domes
Lithology dacitic dacitic granodiorite granodiorite tonalite tonalite tonalite qtz-diorite dacite dacite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry

SiO2 64.49 68.40 73.26 73.41 64.74 68.65 65.39 67.87 69.63 69.19
TiO2 0.59 0.42 0.19 0.21 0.46 0.49 0.50 0.37 0.35 0.34
Al2O3 17.57 16.55 14.86 15.10 16.57 16.65 17.41 16.45 16.58 16.37
Fe2O3 5.20 2.99 1.05 1.13 5.18 3.10 4.77 4.30 2.09 2.17
MnO 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02
MgO 1.51 1.23 0.77 0.92 1.96 2.09 2.20 1.53 0.25 0.64
CaO 4.89 3.34 3.38 3.30 5.04 4.04 4.22 3.79 2.74 3.50
Na2O 3.94 4.16 4.35 4.11 2.78 3.20 3.17 3.43 4.26 4.64
K2O 1.20 1.75 0.44 0.41 1.23 1.11 1.38 0.51 1.95 1.80
P2O5 0.19 0.13 0.07 0.02 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.09 0.12 0.13
LOI 0.33 1.29 1.34 1.47 1.80 0.82 0.85 1.64 1.20 0.95
Total 100.0 100.3 99.8 100.1 99.9 100.3 100.1 100.0 99.2 99.8
Nb 3.2 3.4 2.1 2.0 3.5 2.7 3.3 2.3 2.9
Ta 0.21 0.22 0.31 0.30 0.27 0.19 0.26 0.22 0.21
Zr 122 92 59 64 81 77 86 63 107
Y 8.3 7.2 4.6 1.7 13 12 13 7.8 4.8 5.1
Hf 3.1 2.5 2.2 2.4 2.9 2.3 2.3 1.8 2.9
Cs 2.1 1.8 1.5 2.0 2.2 1.1 2.2 2.9 0.5
Rb 40 37 10 10 44 42 52 16 34
Ba 407 198 189 170 359 686 251 291 876
Sr 611 492 329 307 409 336 356 416 466 858
Pb 4 7 5 4 9 5 5 5 13 10
U 0.58 1.6 1.8 1.6 2.7 1.1 2.2 0.90 0.82
Th 1.3 5.0 11 10.9 6.5 2.4 7.8 2.6 2.4
La 12 8.0 5.3 3.6 13 12 10 5.6 16
Ce 25 18 9.4 5.5 27 25 21 11 29
Pr 3.1 2.2 0.9 0.5 3.1 3.1 2.5 1.3 3.6
Nd 13 9.4 4.3 1.7 13 13 9.8 5.1 14
Sm 2.9 2.1 0.94 0.28 2.8 2.3 2.1 1.2 2.5
Eu 0.92 0.64 0.47 0.41 0.75 0.54 0.63 0.44 0.63
Gd 2.6 2.0 0.63 0.33 2.7 1.9 2.5 1.1 1.3
Tb 0.33 0.35 0.11 0.03 0.41 0.24 0.33 0.17 0.15
Dy 1.5 1.9 0.78 0.20 2.2 1.3 2.2 1.1 0.79
Ho 0.31 0.40 0.10 0.06 0.46 0.23 0.40 0.21 0.14
Er 0.69 1.1 0.45 0.22 1.3 0.51 1.2 0.61 0.43
Tm 0.12 0.19 0.06 0.02 0.18 0.10 0.16 0.10 0.05
Yb 0.74 1.3 0.54 0.25 1.4 0.64 1.3 0.66 0.37
Lu 0.12 0.21 0.11 0.04 0.21 0.09 0.20 0.11 0.04
Sc 9 12 5 5 12 7 12 8 5
V 79 62 41 23 89 90 111 75 36 33
Cr 5 11 7 7 18 16 18 13 4 3
Co 4.3 8.7 1.5 1.9 8.2 6.4 8.0 2.4 2.3
Ni 2.0 7.6 4.4 5.2 8.5 4.0 9.8 8.6 1.9
Cu 19 34 542 190 9 386 818 826 14 20
Zn 43 38 40 35 55 48 56 87 136 59
Ga 22 20 15 15 17 17 19 17 20 20
As 4 5 4 <3 4 6 <3 3 <3 <3
Mo 0.61 5.9 2.2 2.7 0.84 0.34 2.3 1.1 0.68
Ag 0.16 0.12 0.23 <0.23 0.11 <0.08 0.41 0.32 <0.08
Sn 1.1 1.7 1.2 0.95 1.7
Sb 0.12 0.14 <0.30 0.66 <0.12 0.67 0.12 2.1 0.31
W 3.6 3.3 8.9 0.21
S 478 123 658 371 11838 273 1460 954 <3 <3


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E05094 E05102 E05115 E06017 E06018 E06019 E06020 E05098 E05099 E05114 E06022
Quimsacocha dacite domes Quimsacocha andesite flows
Lithology dacite dacite dacite dacite dacite dacite dacite microdiorite microdiorite andesite andesite

SiO2 69.49 69.32 70.33 68.97 69.76 68.67 67.42 62.44 61.60 62.80 61.59
TiO2 0.34 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.36 0.38 0.34 0.68 0.70 0.68 0.77
Al2O3 16.43 16.40 16.49 17.11 16.59 16.92 16.28 17.35 17.25 17.43 17.81
Fe2O3 2.16 2.30 2.14 2.38 2.42 2.44 2.17 4.74 4.76 4.63 5.15
MnO 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.05
MgO 0.56 0.23 0.22 0.18 0.15 0.18 0.64 1.87 2.06 2.23 1.98
CaO 3.39 2.84 2.66 2.53 2.65 3.05 3.37 5.56 5.26 5.21 5.82
Na2O 4.67 4.39 4.28 3.96 4.08 4.55 4.84 4.06 3.68 4.02 4.53
K2O 1.81 1.94 2.04 1.99 2.03 1.82 1.57 1.46 1.29 1.41 1.15
P2O5 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.07 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17
LOI 0.75 1.10 1.17 1.71 1.21 0.97 2.46 1.19 1.97 1.13 0.42
Total 99.8 99.0 99.8 99.3 99.4 99.1 99.3 99.6 98.8 99.8 99.4
Nb 3.0 2.8 3.1 2.8 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.3
Ta 0.19 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.13
Zr 111 115 108 103 98 90 88 84
Y 4.1 5.7 5.1 4.6 5.0 5.0 4.7 7.8 7.4 7.4 11
Hf 2.8 3.2 2.7 2.9 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.2
Cs 0.7 1.3 0.6 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.6
Rb 38 42 32 26 31 25 30 20
Ba 888 984 794 692 666 693 683 481
Sr 605 489 457 448 463 556 649 594 578 586 696
Pb 11 12 13 15 15 13 12 10 9 9 6
U 0.89 0.97 0.83 0.69 0.89 0.63 0.67 0.52
Th 3.3 2.7 2.2 1.9 2.4 2.0 2.0 1.5
La 28 17 15 15 14 14 14 13
Ce 49 33 28 30 27 27 28 23
Pr 5.8 3.7 3.6 3.8 3.3 2.9 2.9 3.2
Nd 21 15 14 15 14 13 13 14
Sm 3.1 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.4 3.0
Eu 0.70 0.54 0.63 0.73 0.81 0.63 0.85 0.82
Gd 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
Tb 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.32
Dy 0.91 0.81 0.81 0.83 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.8
Ho 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.24 0.23 0.25 0.29
Er 0.42 0.46 0.36 0.38 0.71 0.59 0.69 0.90
Tm 0.07 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.14
Yb 0.37 0.38 0.28 0.39 0.67 0.49 0.44 0.78
Lu 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.06 0.09 0.14
Sc 5 5 5 5 11 11 10 12
V 35 35 39 32 35 38 37 127 128 125 146
Cr 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 53 12 128 19
Co 2.3 3.1 3.0 3.2 11 11 10 11
Ni 2.5 1.5 2.7 3.0 5.2 4.3 5.1 7.7
Cu 20 10 12 19 18 21 17 23 31 19 39
Zn 56 85 84 62 64 63 79 81 126 93 95
Ga 20 21 21 22 21 22 21 21 21 20 23
As 5 3 5 <3 6 3 5 6 <3 <3 3
Mo 0.84 0.44 0.29 1.0 1.2 0.43 0.55 1.4
Ag 0.15 0.20 0.17 0.18 0.24 <0.15 <0.18 0.18
Sn 1.1
Sb 0.30 0.25 0.32 0.52 0.36 <0.24 0.39 0.46
W 0.20 0.87 0.54 0.25 0.18 0.25 0.19
S <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 9 9 32 10 <3


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E06157 E06166 E06172 E06004 E06009 E06010 E06011 E06012 E06015
Saraguro Group at Chaucha Saraguro Group at Canicapa

Lithology andesite andesite andesite dacite (sub- dacite dacite dacite dacite andesite
volcanic?) (flow) (flow) (subvol- (subvol- flow
canic?) canic?)
SiO2 57.16 65.79 61.36 69.86 70.59 70.07 69.37 68.69 62.03
TiO2 0.67 0.57 0.64 0.26 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.53
Al2O3 18.49 15.62 16.74 14.75 15.23 15.28 15.17 15.60 16.52
Fe2O3 7.88 5.15 6.76 2.36 2.47 2.73 2.76 2.85 5.27
MnO 0.18 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.13 0.06 0.11
MgO 3.00 2.26 3.20 0.86 0.67 0.81 1.06 1.02 2.15
CaO 7.88 4.70 4.97 2.83 2.58 2.53 3.14 2.94 5.22
Na2O 2.62 2.30 2.37 3.65 3.96 3.96 3.62 3.81 3.38
K2O 0.75 1.64 1.59 2.41 2.33 2.37 2.20 2.28 1.70
P2O5 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14
LOI 0.60 1.14 1.56 2.03 0.98 0.92 1.30 1.45 2.25
Total 99.4 99.4 99.4 99.2 99.3 99.2 99.2 99.1 99.3
Nb 2.8 5.7 4.7 6.0 5.9 6.0 5.1
Ta 0.22 0.48 0.35 0.53 0.46 0.47 0.38
Zr 72 131 117 94 100 100 87
Y 20 20 19 15 13 12 12 12 15
Hf 2.0 3.5 3.0 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.3
Cs 1.7 5.4 9.4 1.8 2.8 2.6 0.5
Rb 20 67 70 45 42 45 36
Ba 220 534 266 723 682 702 526
Sr 395 320 270 289 340 329 417 401 424
Pb 8 2 <2 14 15 15 15 16 5
U 0.72 2.7 1.3 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.7
Th 1.8 8.1 4.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 4.9
La 7.2 17 10 17 16 17 15
Ce 15 33 21 30 30 31 28
Pr 2.0 4.0 2.6 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.3
Nd 9.4 15 11 13 13 12 13
Sm 2.5 3.4 2.8 2.4 2.1 2.5 2.5
Eu 0.77 0.80 0.67 0.68 0.61 0.59 0.72
Gd 2.8 3.32 3.12 2.2 1.9 1.6 2.5
Tb 0.43 0.47 0.40 0.28 0.26 0.30 0.35
Dy 3.0 3.1 3.1 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.3
Ho 0.66 0.63 0.64 0.35 0.36 0.35 0.46
Er 1.9 2.0 1.8 0.96 1.0 1.0 1.3
Tm 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.19
Yb 1.88 1.8 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2
Lu 0.33 0.31 0.29 0.18 0.17 0.20 0.21
Sc 23 16 22 5 5 6 11
V 156 122 138 26 22 27 25 26 95
Cr 10 25 30 2 5 9 <2 <2 10
Co 6.4 12 12 3.5 3.7 3.6 11
Ni 9.5 17 19 3.0 2.2 <1.5 5.6
Cu 49 1082 508 8 6 11 7 7 13
Zn 93 101 48 47 49 57 55 42 54
Ga 19 17 19 15 16 16 15 17 18
As 3 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4
Mo 0.67 14 2.7 0.90 0.81 0.86 0.75
Ag 0.05 0.59 0.24 0.15 <0.10 <0.15 0.12
Sb 0.23 0.25 0.84 0.38 0.28 0.59 0.12
W 0.36 0.89 2.1 0.89 0.56 0.82 0.34
S 454 1664 308 3 10 <3 11 <3 70


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E06074 E06075 E06081 E06082 E06083A E06083B E06084 E06086 E06117 E06118 E06120
Saraguro Group at Portovelo

Lithology andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite

SiO2 57.82 59.30 58.85 57.35 58.48 59.37 59.11 58.40 56.13 55.09 57.96
TiO2 0.72 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.71 0.69 0.69 0.71 0.94 0.83 0.73
Al2O3 16.27 16.34 16.16 16.24 16.07 15.81 16.03 15.97 19.17 19.49 16.39
Fe2O3 7.25 6.82 6.70 7.05 6.40 6.38 6.44 6.49 6.94 8.13 6.96
MnO 0.16 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.26 0.14 0.19 0.16 0.16
MgO 3.58 3.52 3.52 3.92 3.96 2.97 3.35 3.74 3.89 4.77 3.47
CaO 7.05 6.60 6.67 6.49 6.06 7.26 5.59 5.24 6.68 6.00 6.19
Na2O 2.52 2.62 2.50 2.67 2.51 2.66 2.61 3.27 2.50 2.78 2.36
K2O 1.54 1.62 1.48 1.21 1.24 0.88 2.08 1.71 0.44 0.96 2.10
P2O5 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.17 0.15 0.12
LOI 2.08 1.69 2.32 3.50 3.40 2.74 3.01 3.35 2.14 1.64 2.84
Total 99.1 99.5 99.2 99.5 99.1 99.0 99.3 99.1 99.2 100.0 99.3
Nb 4.1 3.8 4.0
Ta 0.25 0.24 0.25
Zr 122 107 113
Y 19 19 20 19 20 20 20 19 21 15 20
Hf 3.3 3.0 2.9
Cs 1.4 2.1 5.2
Rb 29 31 62
Ba 677 456 552
Sr 284 284 344 299 274 310 280 347 309 350 256
Pb 8 18 17 4 8 15 4 7 21 43 10
U 1.8 1.4 1.5
Th 5.6 4.8 4.8
La 13 12 13
Ce 28 25 26
Pr 3.3 3.0 2.9
Nd 14 13 13
Sm 3.4 3.1 2.8
Eu 0.72 0.78 0.76
Gd 3.2 3.2 3.1
Tb 0.53 0.49 0.48
Dy 3.4 3.4 2.9
Ho 0.64 0.63 0.63
Er 2.1 2.1 1.7
Tm 0.30 0.25 0.25
Yb 2.1 1.9 1.7
Lu 0.29 0.30 0.28
Sc 21 23 22
V 159 145 146 152 146 142 139 140 123 142 163
Cr 44 40 46 47 46 41 39 54 44 44 87
Co 19 17 17
Ni 19 13 17
Cu 33 31 32 26 51 11 26 30 39 25 27
Zn 71 68 124 106 128 94 104 92 152 140 79
Ga 19 19 18 18 17 18 18 17 21 23 18
As 7 7 8 6 15 22 13 20 14 <3 4
Mo 2.0 1.1 1.7
Ag 0.48 0.24 0.17
Sb 3.8 1.9 1.7
W 1.2 0.76 0.98
S 286 134 521 1806 1722 2498 178 2050 5618 1093 65


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E07013 E06068 E06071 E05-M4 E05-M10 E06067 E06069 E06070 E06088 E06089
Saraguro Cangrejos host intrusive Cangrejos porphyry intrusions Zaruma-Portovelo
Group at 3 porphyry intrusions
Chorreras complex
Lithology granodioritic diorite diorite qtz- plag-hbl plag-hbl plag-hbl plag-hbl qtz-diorite qtz-diorite
porphyry diorite porphyry porphyry porphyry (qtz eyes) porphyry porphyry
SiO2 60.41 52.22 55.88 61.59 64.01 61.51 64.89 64.40 65.33 66.27
TiO2 0.47 0.66 0.38 0.60 0.55 0.63 0.52 0.49 0.41 0.39
Al2O3 16.37 16.07 15.29 16.25 16.29 16.55 15.76 16.50 15.35 15.04
Fe2O3 5.85 7.20 6.35 6.97 4.91 5.25 4.11 4.51 3.93 3.71
MnO 0.06 0.13 0.10 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.07
MgO 1.91 7.94 7.53 2.73 2.70 2.97 2.53 2.47 1.96 1.76
CaO 3.83 11.60 9.49 5.93 5.06 5.47 6.81 5.08 3.57 3.98
Na2O 2.14 1.75 2.15 3.27 2.86 2.89 3.22 2.96 2.61 2.88
K2O 3.61 0.48 0.86 1.30 1.62 1.73 0.20 1.50 3.36 2.60
P2O5 0.13 0.08 0.02 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09
LOI 4.47 1.02 1.04 1.20 1.47 2.03 0.94 1.37 3.52 3.26
Total 99.3 99.2 99.1 100.0 99.6 99.2 99.1 99.4 100.2 100.1
Nb 3.0 4.8 5.0 4.1 4.8 4.9 5.1 4.7
Ta 0.21 0.29 0.35 0.24 0.29 0.36 0.40 0.32
Zr 86 41 54 118 128 118 115 113
Y 10 18 14 17 19 22 23 17 13 12
Hf 2.0 1.3 1.6 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Cs 19 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.8 0.9 0.1 1.6
Rb 109 12 26 45 63 62 3 50
Ba 584 67 94 254 281 339 108 242
Sr 210 239 229 302 285 317 308 298 201 275
Pb 3 6 5 12 5 8 7 4 10 11
U 1.3 0.63 0.71 0.87 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.5
Th 2.4 1.8 2.7 2.8 5.1 3.2 4.4 4.6
La 9 6 7 9 19 19 9.3 17
Ce 19 14 17 23 38 39 22 35
Pr 2.2 2.0 2.1 3.0 4.3 4.8 3.0 4.1
Nd 9.3 9.1 9.8 13 18 20 14 16
Sm 2.1 2.5 2.1 3.2 3.9 4.4 3.2 3.3
Eu 0.67 0.77 0.72 0.75 0.83 0.92 0.75 0.79
Gd 1.8 2.6 2.4 3.2 3.6 4.4 3.3 2.6
Tb 0.31 0.44 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.58 0.53 0.43
Dy 1.6 3.0 2.4 2.9 3.2 4.0 3.5 2.9
Ho 0.35 0.61 0.50 0.55 0.67 0.76 0.74 0.57
Er 1.1 1.9 1.3 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.2 1.5
Tm 0.18 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.27 0.30 0.33 0.25
Yb 1.1 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.7
Lu 0.16 0.27 0.20 0.24 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.25
Sc 10 45 34 16 16 20 17 15
V 75 190 154 117 102 120 95 92 70 65
Cr 9 260 103 37 42 40 34 35 19 28
Co 4.2 30 19 12 3.7 14 9.0 2.9
Ni 4.7 56 32 13 12 18 12 15
Cu 143 327 550 388 7 483 1028 8 18 13
Zn 51 101 66 48 82 49 70 72 59 53
Ga 18 16 16 18 17 18 17 19 16 15
As 10 <3 <3 6 4 6 7 <3 8 4
Mo 3.0 0.95 13 1.3 0.34 3.0 4.5 0.43
Ag 0.33 0.37 0.80 0.18 <0.14 0.38 0.34 0.64
Sn 1.3 2.3 3.2
Sb 19 0.50 0.37 1.4 0.38 2.7 0.42 0.45
W 9.4 1.4 0.98 0.98 1.9
S 168 944 928 279 <3 484 2229 16 69 21


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E06072 E06073 E06090 E06092 E06112 E06115 E06123 E07023 E06114 E06124
Zaruma-Portovelo porphyry intrusions Zaruma-Portovelo phaneritic intrusions

Lithology qtz-diorite qtz-diorite qtz-diorite qtz-diorite plag-hbl granodiorite diorite diorite qtz-diorite diorite
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry

SiO2 64.79 65.76 64.44 64.67 63.36 65.86 55.24 60.46 62.76 57.47
TiO2 0.40 0.41 0.45 0.42 0.52 0.51 0.73 0.67 0.47 0.70
Al2O3 15.29 15.86 15.97 15.75 16.55 15.56 18.79 17.41 14.52 16.11
Fe2O3 3.97 4.16 4.39 4.23 5.05 4.15 7.61 6.42 4.20 7.28
MnO 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.14
MgO 2.00 2.12 2.19 2.13 2.57 2.18 4.37 3.00 1.86 4.60
CaO 4.17 1.42 4.34 4.53 2.94 4.83 8.50 5.60 3.33 4.74
Na2O 3.13 3.83 3.45 2.96 4.42 1.83 2.98 2.98 2.35 2.27
K2O 2.18 3.70 2.06 2.37 2.47 3.46 0.55 1.56 2.60 1.84
P2O5 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.09 0.13
LOI 2.92 1.83 2.54 2.90 2.09 1.18 0.95 1.25 7.90 3.77
Total 99.0 99.3 100.0 100.1 100.2 99.8 100.0 99.6 100.2 99.1
Nb 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.7 4.3 2.6 3.8
Ta 0.33 0.31 0.33 0.26 0.32 0.17 0.24
Zr 91 85 92 100 127 66 108
Y 13 12 12 12 14 17 14 19 19 18
Hf 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.6 3.5 1.9 3.1
Cs 3.4 2.8 3.4 4.6 2.7 1.4 4.5
Rb 59 64 75 82 80 14 51
Ba 586 520 573 518 868 239 463
Sr 313 293 309 291 313 228 372 329 308 228
Pb 12 9 14 12 29 26 6 22 20 14
U 1.9 2.1 2.1 1.8 2.4 0.62 1.4
Th 6.8 6.5 6.8 4.8 7.8 1.7 4.9
La 13 13 14 13 14 6.9 11
Ce 25 25 27 25 29 16 24
Pr 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.7 3.4 1.9 3.0
Nd 11 11 11 13 14 8.7 13
Sm 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.5 3.1 2.4 3.2
Eu 0.67 0.59 0.61 0.67 0.83 0.74 0.72
Gd 2.2 1.8 2.0 2.4 3.1 2.5 3.4
Tb 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.34 0.40 0.39 0.52
Dy 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.5 3.2
Ho 0.41 0.40 0.37 0.48 0.54 0.47 0.61
Er 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.8
Tm 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.28
Yb 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.8 1.4 1.7
Lu 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.28 0.20 0.26
Sc 11 12 12 15 14 26 19
V 68 76 80 76 98 100 182 121 91 158
Cr 20 25 112 67 35 28 34 26 27 90
Co 9.1 11 11 13 9.0 23 15
Ni 8.3 12 11 15 8.1 16 13
Cu 18 13 17 17 21 38 68 9 25 25
Zn 55 52 64 56 155 83 82 98 65 92
Ga 16 16 16 16 17 16 20 18 16 17
As 6 7 7 10 13 13 <3 11 11 16
Mo 0.91 1.0 0.99 1.5 1.5 0.90 0.93
Ag 0.37 <0.12 0.19 0.51 0.50 0.23 0.39
Sn 1.3
Sb 1.3 1.5 1.5 4.4 3.5 0.56 2.4
W 1.1 1.4 1.6 2.2 2.0 0.66
S 11 <3 14 41 47 562 963 173 2148 4411


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E07016 E07017 E07020 E07026 E07029 E07027 E07031 E07028
El Mozo intrusions Curiplaya intrusions

Lithology dioritic dioritic plag-hbl plag-hbl microdiorite qtz dioritic hbl-plag plag porphyry
porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry porphyry (Celica flow?!)

SiO2 62.40 62.41 61.31 64.73 50.59 62.18 63.17 56.18

TiO2 0.58 0.57 0.56 0.31 0.86 0.51 0.64 0.69
Al2O3 16.83 17.53 17.02 14.72 17.30 16.48 16.10 17.49
Fe2O3 6.99 6.46 6.01 3.21 8.77 4.98 5.35 7.25
MnO 0.17 0.24 0.13 0.25 0.19 0.14 0.11 0.18
MgO 3.50 2.79 2.48 0.98 3.95 2.76 2.11 2.82
CaO 1.93 3.74 5.67 4.96 7.91 2.18 5.60 5.81
Na2O 2.15 2.56 2.81 1.87 3.35 5.43 3.97 4.79
K2O 0.91 1.22 1.70 2.46 0.38 1.78 0.44 0.48
P2O5 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.11 0.23 0.17 0.17 0.23
LOI 3.72 2.54 1.19 6.43 5.89 2.44 1.65 3.24
Total 99.3 100.2 99.0 100.0 99.4 99.1 99.3 99.2
Nb 4.6 5.0 5.2 3.0 2.1 2.5 1.9 3.0
Ta 0.32 0.41 0.41 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.14
Zr 85 87 91 89 53 65 85 76
Y 16 19 25 13 18 15 18 21
Hf 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.4 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.1
Cs 10.0 7.2 1.5 3.0 1.8 0.8 0.4 2.1
Rb 28 28 45 60 9 34 5 9
Ba 249 552 558 1233 277 1267 387 293
Sr 197 316 459 142 516 637 432 193
Pb 8 29 10 16 12 4 4 9
U 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.3 0.77 0.75 0.33 1.0
Th 5.2 5.4 5.4 5.7 2.8 2.5 1.3 3.4
La 15 16 20 18 13 14 7 17
Ce 30 31 32 34 27 30 17 36
Pr 3.5 3.5 4.1 3.7 3.4 3.7 2.3 4.4
Nd 14 15 17 15 16 16 12 19
Sm 3.0 3.4 3.7 2.9 3.7 3.3 2.8 4.1
Eu 0.83 0.93 1.1 0.75 1.1 0.99 0.94 1.4
Gd 2.6 3.2 3.9 2.2 3.4 2.8 3.2 3.9
Tb 0.45 0.49 0.52 0.30 0.48 0.40 0.51 0.53
Dy 2.6 3.0 3.5 1.8 3.0 2.5 2.9 3.4
Ho 0.47 0.59 0.71 0.37 0.53 0.44 0.62 0.66
Er 1.5 1.9 2.3 1.2 1.9 1.5 1.7 2.0
Tm 0.25 0.24 0.35 0.17 0.23 0.20 0.22 0.28
Yb 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.9 1.9
Lu 0.24 0.27 0.37 0.21 0.27 0.21 0.27 0.30
Sc 15 16 15 6 18 11 10 16
V 98 105 94 43 195 79 64 102
Cr 17 341 13 <2 9 13 8 5
Co 6.0 13 11 5.4 20 8.9 6.9 17
Ni 4.5 5.5 5.1 1.4 7.7 5.2 2.1 5.7
Cu <2 7 15 20 8 20 147 55
Zn 193 233 53 160 77 51 38 57
Ga 18 18 18 15 18 17 18 19
As <3 4 5 <3 <3 13 5 10
Mo 1.1 1.2 0.67 0.64 0.31 0.26 <0.20 0.50
Ag 0.15 0.33 0.14 0.16 <0.07 0.09 0.14 0.12
Sn 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.1 2.2 0.99
Sb <0.12 0.21 <0.14 3.9 1.5 3.0 0.61 0.92
S 503 6359 179 105 390 168 216 373


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E05122 E05123 E06148 E06145 E07040 E07042 E07043 E06144B
Basement units

Lithology Macuchi subvolcanic at Macuchi basalt at Macuchi subvolcanic at Echeandia xenolith in

Junin Balsapamba Balsapamba
tonalite (Macu-
SiO2 64.66 63.95 50.77 52.81 49.45 56.04 57.72 49.02
TiO2 0.64 0.59 0.93 0.94 0.93 0.72 0.75 0.72
Al2O3 15.66 16.63 17.45 17.42 21.23 17.54 17.25 16.37
Fe2O3 3.22 5.44 11.27 10.71 9.10 10.61 7.71 16.82
MnO 0.02 0.05 0.29 0.58 0.19 0.27 0.13 0.28
MgO 2.40 2.87 5.42 4.54 4.97 5.35 3.89 4.58
CaO 0.20 1.21 9.17 6.90 7.95 1.33 7.48 6.86
Na2O 1.74 2.67 3.17 3.89 2.51 4.87 2.93 3.97
K2O 7.49 3.84 0.98 1.34 0.12 0.16 1.45 0.97
P2O5 0.13 0.21 0.17 0.24 0.14 0.09 0.13 0.14
LOI 1.19 2.14 0.35 0.51 2.55 3.14 -0.04 0.13
Total 97.4 99.6 100.0 99.9 99.1 100.1 99.4 99.9
Nb 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.6
Ta 0.15 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.13
Zr 106 66 66 44 34 88
Y 25 20 25 25 16 25 18 34
Hf 3.2 2.2 2.0 1.2 1.0 2.6
Cs 2.3 0.9 1.7 0.2 0.2 2.5
Rb 66 13 27 2 2 32
Ba 262 120 544 134 34 268
Sr 56 199 318 616 288 108 374 332
Pb <2 <2 <2 9 5 4 6 8
U 2.4 0.42 0.23 0.22 0.18 0.87
Th 5.0 0.83 0.81 0.63 0.36 1.9
La 11 5.0 5.3 4.1 2.9 6.3
Ce 23 12 12 10 8 15
Pr 2.9 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.2 2.2
Nd 14 9.6 10 7.9 6.1 11
Sm 3.0 2.6 2.7 2.6 2.1 3.0
Eu 0.62 0.83 0.90 0.89 0.75 0.77
Gd 3.1 3.9 3.8 2.8 3.2 3.2
Tb 0.51 0.57 0.59 0.39 0.55 0.51
Dy 3.2 4.1 4.1 2.7 3.7 3.0
Ho 0.69 0.90 0.88 0.59 0.81 0.60
Er 2.1 2.5 2.5 1.8 2.4 1.7
Tm 0.27 0.38 0.36 0.20 0.29 0.28
Yb 1.9 2.5 2.6 1.6 2.0 1.8
Lu 0.32 0.40 0.43 0.26 0.30 0.28
Sc 14 49 47 33 30 25
V 169 150 386 337 313 288 175 309
Cr 51 37 49 51 38 78 38 162
Co 12 33 29 21 14 20
Ni 18 17 26 22 5.2 22
Cu 3864 346 678 43 64 338 97 14
Zn 30 61 124 140 143 135 66 113
Ga 18 18 19 17 20 17 19 24
As <3 <3 <3 3 5 <3 8 5
Mo 41 0.67 0.63 0.30 0.32 1.7
Ag 0.21 <0.12 0.12 <0.12 0.14 0.10
Sn 1.81 1.5 1.6
Sb 0.17 0.44 0.28 0.59 0.34 0.79
W 5.5 0.35 0.44
S 1290 459 564 94 2437 5711 145 263


Table A1 (continued)
Sample E06213 E06035 E06036
Basement units

Lithology Rio Cala CCOP basalt at Gaby

subvolc. at
SiO2 53.53 50.65 49.73
TiO2 1.08 2.01 2.11
Al2O3 18.05 13.07 13.20
Fe2O3 8.39 14.86 15.55
MnO 0.06 0.21 0.17
MgO 7.52 5.36 6.36
CaO 0.30 9.71 8.50
Na2O 0.41 1.60 1.62
K2O 7.00 0.15 0.13
P2O5 0.11 0.16 0.17
LOI 2.56 1.39 1.71
Total 99.1 99.2 99.3
Nb 3.1 5.8
Ta 0.18 0.35
Zr 60 97
Y 18 36 40
Hf 2.1 2.9
Cs 4.8 0.2
Rb 120 2
Ba 162 70
Sr 25 105 80
Pb <2 <2 <2
U 1.6 0.15
Th 1.6 0.50
La 7.0 5.8
Ce 16 15
Pr 2.1 2.0
Nd 9.8 12
Sm 2.5 3.7
Eu 0.55 1.3
Gd 3.0 5.6
Tb 0.45 0.85
Dy 3.0 5.9
Ho 0.62 1.2
Er 1.8 3.8
Tm 0.24 0.54
Yb 1.7 3.7
Lu 0.28 0.57
Sc 35 44
V 241 482 489
Cr 335 84 69
Co 28 38
Ni 94 55
Cu 1515 159 145
Zn 64 175 154
Ga 21 20 21
As <3 5 6
Mo 5.9 0.80
Ag 0.16 0.24
Sn 1.7
Sb 0.70 1.6
W 0.43
S 295 1663 1020


Tab. A2: Relative changes in concentration compared to least-altered reference sample concentration calculated
from Grant (1986); isocon constructed assuming constant mass of Al2O3
Sample Magmatic Lithology Alteration SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5

E06200* Junin-Cuellaje granodiorite propy 66.22 0.41 16.58 3.60 1.69 3.99 4.42 1.46 0.14
E06202 Junin-Cuellaje granodiorite K + propy -1% 6% 4% 12% 10% 1% 3% 1%
E06206A Junin-Cuellaje granodiorite K 4% 6% 9% 13% 7% 5% 10% 4%
E06205A Junin-Cuellaje granodiorite K 3% -2% 3% 13% 9% 4% 20% -4%
E06206B Junin-Cuellaje granodiorite K 11% 1% 1% 3% -3% 7% 25% 1%

E06135* Balsapamba qtz-diorite por. K + propy 65.63 0.43 16.45 5.70 2.01 4.68 3.39 1.32 0.10
E06131A Balsapamba qtz-diorite por. K + propy 3% 3% -7% 4% 8% 4% -4% 3%
E06132 Balsapamba qtz-diorite por. K + propy 0% -2% -21% -1% 0% 4% 11% 10%
E06141 Balsapamba qtz-diorite por. K + propy 3% 2% 1% 2% 1% 0% -2% 2%

E05078* Gaby hbl por. Na-Ca 62.90 0.53 16.24 5.27 2.93 7.26 3.87 0.17 0.11
E05070 Gaby hbl-plag por. Na-Ca 0% -4% -32% -6% -1% 0% 4% -2%
E05073 Gaby plag-hbl por. Na-Ca -1% -4% 0% -3% -1% -1% 35% 0%
E05083a Gaby plag-hbl por. Na-Ca -5% 0% 40% -14% -9% 4% 73% -2%
E05083b Gaby plag-hbl por. Na-Ca -5% -3% 31% -13% -10% 5% 89% -12%
E05086 Gaby plag-hbl por. Na-Ca -7% 0% 20% -23% -13% -20% 240% 12%
E05088 Gaby plag-hbl por. propy -8% -4% 17% -25% -11% -19% 275% 11%
E06048 Gaby hbl-plag por. Na-Ca -2% -4% -3% -10% -3% -1% 44% -11%
E06051 Gaby plag por. K -6% -4% 0% -9% -3% -14% 240% -12%
E06053 Gaby plag por. K -5% 6% 25% 1% -4% -14% 266% -1%
E05090 Gaby hbl-plag por. Na-Ca/propy -6% -4% 17% -6% 6% -46% 1% -4%
E05072 Gaby hbl-plag por. Na-Ca/propy -4% -4% 14% -5% -10% -5% 216% -2%
E05076 Gaby hbl por. Na-Ca -5% -3% -52% -14% -14% 26% 4% 2%
E06033 Gaby plag-hbl por. propy -9% -3% 17% -24% -12% -23% 242% -6%
E06041 Gaby plag-hbl por. propy -7% -1% -3% -26% -13% -3% 22% 3%
Gaby hbl-plag por. K + Na-Ca
E06046 -6% -3% 20% -8% -12% -10% 306% -12%
Gaby plag-hbl por. K + Na-Ca
E06050 -2% 2% -38% -1% 9% -3% 102% -11%
plag(-hbl) por. Na-Ca/propy
E06044 Gaby -1% -5% 20% -4% 4% -50% 121% -19%

E06081* Portovelo andesite propy 58.85 0.70 16.16 6.70 3.52 6.67 2.50 1.48 0.11
E06082 Portovelo andesite propy -3% 0% 5% 11% -3% 6% -19% -2%
Portovelo andesite propy (weak)
E06120 -3% 2% 2% -3% -9% -7% 39% 7%
E06074 Portovelo andesite propy -2% 2% 8% 1% 5% 0% 3% 0%
E06075 Portovelo andesite propy 0% -2% 1% -1% -2% 4% 8% 0%
Portovelo andesite propy (strong)
E06083A 0% 2% -4% 13% -9% 1% -16% 9%
Portovelo andesite propy (strong)
E06083B 3% 0% -3% -14% 11% 9% -40% 11%
E06084 Portovelo andesite propy 1% -1% -3% -4% -16% 5% 42% 9%
Portovelo andesite propy
E06086 0% 3% -2% 8% -21% 32% 17% 0%

Abbreviation key minerals: qtz - quartz, hbl - hornblende, plag - plagioclase; alteration: propy - propylitic, K - potassic, Na-Ca - sodic-
calcic (cf. Seedorff et al. 2005); por – porphyry intrusion.
* reference sample where concentration is given in wt.% (major element oxides) and ppm (trace elements)


Tab. A2 (continued)

Nb Ta Zr Y Hf Cs Rb Ba Sr U Th

E06200* 2.4 0.2 78.8 5.9 2.1 1.8 29.5 1406 563 1.0 1.7
E06202 5% -8% -9% 27% -3% -31% -14% -66% 3% -23% -13%
E06206A 11% -1% 7% 24% 9% -43% -4% -52% 2% -15% 35%
E06205A 20% 0%
E06206B 35% -7%

E06135* 2.2 0.2 59.0 8.7 1.7 2.5 30.7 202 340 1.0 1.6
E06131A -3% -6% -1% 26% 1% -23% -21% 33% 0% -30% -13%
E06132 2% 18% -5% -8% -2% 4% -8% 20% 2% -7% -3%
E06141 -7% 5% -5% 6% -4% -20% -12% 2% 1% -8% -13%

E05078* 2.1 0.2 66.2 14.6 1.8 0.3 2.0 134 297 0.5 1.1
E05070 0% -3% -4% -7% 3% 22% 30% -1% 2% -10% -5%
E05073 -1% -5% -3% 1% 4% 13% 99% 22% 1% -3% 2%
E05083a 9% -1% -3% -18% -1% 3% 122% -30% -8% -10% -14%
E05083b 10% -15% -5% -17% -1% 7% 196% -33% -7% -7% -20%
E05086 25% 2% 4% 9% 5% 74% 325% 201% -2% -8% -11%
E05088 21% 3% 1% 5% -5% 94% 415% 190% -2% -14% -13%
E06048 -10% -35% 0% 1% 0% 9% 18% -9% -3% 36% 3%
E06051 5% -11% 0% -6% -3% 232% 569% 28% -5% 99% 5%
E06053 4% -14% -2% 5% 2% 344% 671% 8% -5% 66% 2%
E05090 10% -23% 1% -15% -20% 153% 67% -46% 0% 0% -4%
E05072 -7% -1%
E05076 -13% -19%
E06033 4% -1%
E06041 10% -7%
E06046 -7% -5%
E06050 -2% 0%
E06044 -17% 0%

E06081* 4.1 0.3 121.8 19.7 3.3 1.4 28.5 677 344 1.8 5.6
E06082 -7% -6% -12% -7% -8% 46% 10% -33% -13% -21% -16%
E06120 -3% -1% -9% -2% -14% 259% 115% -20% -27% -18% -17%
E06074 -2% -18%
E06075 -4% -18%
E06083A 1% -20%
E06083B 4% -8%
E06084 1% -18%
E06086 -1% 2%


Tab. A2 (continued)

La Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Yb Sc V Cr Ni

E06200* 8.5 9.0 1.9 0.5 1.5 0.9 0.5 7.9 81 27 13.3
E06202 7% 8% -1% -2% -3% 43% 20% 10% 4% 4% 32%
E06206A 31% 18% 8% 13% 40% 40% 62% 20% 3% 53% 26%
E06205A -12% -1%
E06206B -8% 19%

E06135* 5.3 5.0 1.1 0.5 1.1 1.2 1.0 12.5 100 16 9.6
E06131A 23% 52% 64% 4% 47% 49% 1% 8% 0% -10% 16%
E06132 58% 64% 46% 7% -7% -6% -17% -5% 9% -13% 3%
E06141 6% 2% -12% -19% 4% 1% 2% 2% -1% -11% -13%

E05078* 5.1 6.7 1.9 0.6 1.8 2.3 1.6 21.3 171 30 9.6
E05070 -12% -4% -13% 8% -4% -9% -4% -2% -32% -5% -8%
E05073 -19% 6% -5% 11% 8% -1% 5% 1% -21% -3% -14%
E05083a -9% 1% -6% 5% 21% -14% -30% -15% -26% 2% -18%
E05083b 3% 14% -15% 8% 22% -16% -22% -18% -27% -6% -12%
E05086 26% 23% 6% 24% 21% 8% 12% -12% -35% -24% -40%
E05088 22% 13% -3% 6% 20% 6% -11% -13% -38% -24% -54%
E06048 -30% 24% 30% 24% 37% -2% -2% -21% -24% -8% 0%
E06051 121% 22% -16% -13% -17% -20% -5% -8% -20% -26% 29%
E06053 20% -2% -8% -2% -11% -12% 2% -5% -10% 104% 18%
E05090 19% 6% -21% -12% -10% -21% -3% -26% -27% 12% 1%
E05072 -22% 7%
E05076 -59% -6%
E06033 -36% -24%
E06041 -36% -46%
E06046 -21% -6%
E06050 -24% 31%
E06044 -25% 20%

E06081* 13.3 13.8 3.4 0.7 3.2 3.4 2.1 20.9 146 46 19.4
E06082 -12% -8% -9% 7% -1% -1% -10% 8% 4% 2% -31%
E06120 -7% -6% -19% 4% -6% -18% -20% 4% 10% 87% -13%
E06074 8% -5%
E06075 -2% -14%
E06083A 1% 1%
E06083B -1% -9%
E06084 -4% -15%
E06086 -3% 19%


Late Miocene led to the eastward migration of
Conclusions arcmagmaticactivityinnorthernEcuador.
The main objective of this thesis was to explore Chapter 3 demonstrates that porphyryrelated
the mutual relationships of geodynamic envi ore deposits in Ecuador formed throughout the
ronment, the geochemical features of arc mag Miocene (and latest Oligocene) and follow the
matism,andporphyryrelatedoredepositforma general distribution of arc magmatism in space
tion in Ecuador at a regional scale. Organized in andtime.Theseoredepositssharemanycharac
four principal chapters, I describe and discuss teristicswith,andmayberegardedasthenorth
new geochronologic data on arc magmatism ern extension of the centralnorthern Peruvian
(Chapter 2) and porphyryrelated hydrothermal Miocene metallogenic belt of major economic
systemsinEcuador(Chapter3),aswellasonthe importance.Oredepositsareoftenlocatedclose
isotopic(Chapter4)andmajorandtraceelement to regional structures where focused upper
geochemicalcomposition(Chapter5)ofLateTer crustalmagmaascentissuggested bytheoccur
tiary porphyryrelated arc magmas. The geody rence of batholithscale intrusive clusters. Por
namicevolutionofthePanamabasinandtheEc phyryrelatedoredepositstendtoformtowards
uadorianmarginasknownfrompublisheddatais thefinalstagesofbatholithassembly.
referenced where appropriate, and supple
Suitable exposure (in particular, the lack of
of available Farallon/NazcaSouth America plate
Late Miocene flat slab region of southern Ecua
convergence parameters for central Ecuador
dor) and preservation levels are key factors in
(Chapter 2), a discussion of the oblique subduc
controlling the outcropping parts of porphyry
tion system of Ecuador and its implications for
systems and their total tonnages (compare, for
crustal strain partitioning (Appendix of Chapter
example, the deeply eroded western foothills of
the Western Cordillera where locally only the
ing of the Carnegie Ridge seamount chain with
As shown in Chapter 2, the regional distribution been eroded). A firstorder spatiotemporal cor
pattern of Tertiary arc magmatism in Ecuador relation between ore deposit formation and
showsastrongdependencyoncrustalstructures seamount chain subduction, as proposed by
(oftenreactivatedsuturezones)andslabdip,the some authors for the central and southern An
latter probably influenced by the subduction of des, is not observed in Ecuador. However, by its
buoyant oceanic features such as the Inca pla influenceonslabdip(withapotentiallagtimeof
teau (southern Ecuadornorthern Peru) and the severalm.y.),thesubductionofbuoyantoceanic
Carnegie Ridge seamount chain (northern Ecua featuresmaystronglyinfluencetheoutcroppat
dor). An arc magmatic flareup event comprising tern of arc magmatism, and thus the exposure
widespread ignimbrite eruption and batholith andpreservationlevelsofolderporphyryrelated
construction occurred in the Late Oligocene to oredeposits.
Early Miocene and coincides in time with an ac
Pronounced crustal evolution of Tertiary arc
celeration of Farallon/NazcaSouth America con
magmas can be demonstrated by systematically
vergence rates. Mid to Late Miocene slab flat
changing isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) compositions
at depth (Chapter 4). Entirely oceanic basement

domains host both AuCu and CuMo porphyry optimum exposure and preservation conditions
systems suggesting that crustal basement com for Miocene porphyryrelated ore deposits in
positiondoesnotcontrolthetypeofmineraliza southernEcuador(andnorthernPeru).
tion encountered in a given porphyry system in
From a regional mineral exploration point of
view, the following major conclusions apply for
AsdiscussedinChapter5,traceelementcompo Ecuador:
sitions of Ecuadorian arc magmas change sys
ƒ Miocene intrusive rocks in Ecuador are inti
tematically through time suggesting progressive
mately associated with porphyryrelated ore
crustal thickening, downwards migration of the
oracombinationofboth.Moreover,localfactors ƒ TheclusterofsouthernEcuadorianporphyry
such as different melt water contents may influ related ore deposits can be regarded as the
ence variations in trace element trends through northward extension of the Miocene metal
time. Additional variations in the magma source logenic belt of northerncentral Peru. The
composition(e.g.,withthechangefromFarallon beltispossiblycontinuoustowardsColombia.
to Nazca seafloor subduction at the Ecuadorian ƒ Aspecialgeodynamicsetting(e.g.,ridgesub
trenchduringtheMiocene)arepossible,butcan duction) facilitating slab flattening and a
not be evaluated with the current dataset of shutdown of arc magmatism may create fa
mostly highly differentiated compositions. With vorable exposure conditions for porphyry
few exceptions, Late Tertiary Ecuadorian arc related ore deposits formed earlier. This is
magmas are mainly nonadakitic until the Late the case for Miocene ore deposits in south
Miocene when adakitelike signatures are ob ernEcuadorwhereLateMioceneslabflatten
servedfrequentlyonaregionalscale,atrendthat ingoccurred.
ƒ Miocene porphyryrelated ore deposits in
Chapter5showsthat,forthemostpart,thegeo Ecuador are not preferentially associated
chemical signatures of porphyry intrusions, in with intrusions of special (in particular, ada
particularadakitelikefeatures,aresimilartothe kitelike) geochemical compositions. Por
regional geochemical characteristics of arc mag phyryparentalmeltsarenotpetrogenetically
matism for a given period of time. Distinct geo related to slab melting, and thus do not re
chemical signatures of porphyry intrusions with quire a special geodynamic setting to form,
respect to spatially associated phaneritic intru although the latter may strongly influence
sions are occasionally observed. In the latter the exposure conditions of porphyryrelated
case,however,thereisatimegapofseveralm.y. mineralizationasnotedabove.
between mineralizing porphyry intrusion and
phaneritic pluton emplacement, and the change
on a regional scale. These observations suggest This thesis was designed to discuss the metal
that parental melts of Tertiary porphyryrelated logenic and petrogenetic evolution of multiple
ore deposits in Ecuador are related to ordinary arc segments for which available literature data
arc magmatism; they are not associated with a areverysparse.Consequently,theconclusionsof
distinctive petrogenetic source process such as this work have to be rather general, and several
slabmeltingrequiringaspecialgeodynamicenvi problematicissuesarise;eachofthesewaspartly
ronment. This agrees well with multiple studies addressed in the discussion of the appropriate
which have shown that adakitelike features of chapter(s) of this thesis, but will briefly be re
active Ecuadorian arc volcanoes are the product addressedinthefollowing,combinedwithagen
of crustal magma evolution, rather than being eral outlook for future work directions. Three of
exclusively related to a specific petrogenetic themainissuesare:
source process such as slab melting. As noted
above, however, the postporphyry establish
implies that, in addition to newly acquired data
ment of a flat slab segment may locally create

within the frame of this PhD project, literature necessarily be equivalent to (or representative
datahadtobetakenintoaccountforvariousdis of) the general evolution of Tertiary arc magma
cussions(inparticularwithrespecttothespatio tism for which very limited reliable data exist.
temporal distribution of arc magmatism). Are Thus, although presentday Northern Volcanic
geochronologic data used from the literature ro Zone (NVZ) geochemical data are used for com
bustatascalesignificantforthiswork? parative purposes in Chapter 5, the discussed
systematic differences between NVZ and earlier
The lack of robust geochronologic data in Ecua
Tertiary magmatism might in part be due to in
complete coverage of the latter, in particular as
porphyryrelated intrusions were often of highly
Ar isotopic system for the purpose of a regional
chronologic data were available for the same Sampling at a given deposit site was not carried
lithology, existing KAr data show broadly (on a outusingasystematicgrid,butinsteadwascon
multim.y. scale) similar ages. All KAr ages used trolled by outcrop and drill core accessibility, al
in this thesis were screened carefully and a sys thoughanattemptwasmadetoincludeallrele
tematicdisturbancewasnotdetected;singlepo vant lithologies in the sampling campaign. As
tentiallydisturbedKArageswereexcludedfrom knowledge of the individual ore deposit geology
thedatabase(AppendixChapter2).Asystematic atthetimeofsampling,dependingonthedevel
age bias and resulting significant inaccuracies in opmentstageofagivendeposit,washighlyvari
the discussion (especially of Chapter 2) are thus able, it is further possible that sampling was
unlikely, although they cannot be entirely ruled somewhatbiasedandnotalllithologieswerein
out.FuturegeologicstudiesinEcuadoraimingat cluded (this applies to both geochemistry and
constructing a regionally extensive and robust geochronology). Hence, the number of samples
geochronologic framework, both of Tertiary and for geochemical analysis for a given ore deposit
older lithologies, would be highly desirable and doesnotreflectthevolumeofaparticularlithol
seem scientifically and economically justified, ogy. Samples chosen for geochronologic analysis
given the geologic complexity and metallogenic provide snapshots of the temporal evolution of
potentialofthecountry. the magmatichydrothermal system, but do not
cover its complete history, especially when mul
(2) How representative (in terms of spacetime
tiple porphyry intrusions are present. This issue
distribution and geochemical composition) is the
complicates comparing ages obtained from dif
regional sampling approach of this study for Ec
ferent isotopic systems (e.g., UPb zircon vs. Re
This thesis does not comprehensively assess the outcrop accessibility improves, and significant
geochemical evolution of Tertiary arc magma progressinprojectdevelopmentonbehalfofthe
tism. Instead, it focuses on intrusive suites asso concessionholderhasbeenmade.
ciated with the major porphyryrelated ore de
this PhD project (20052007). Several major
batholiths(suchasPortachuelainsouthernEcua I attempt to statistically evaluate hydrothermal
dor) which are partly associated with Tertiary alterationinducedelementmobilityinChapter5
porphyryrelated mineralization (e.g., the Rio beyond the generic "LILE are mobile, HFSE are
BlancoporphyryatthePeruvianEcuadorianbor immobile" scheme by using isocon plots where
der) had to be excluded completely due to diffi possible. The results of this exercise are some
cult field logistics; arc volcanics were generally what discouraging as most elements (including
notsampledexceptonfewoccasionswherethey HFSEsuchasY,Nb,andTa)maybevariablymo
arespatiallyassociatedwithepithermalminerali bile, and scatter within a given lithology often
zation.Consequently,the traceelementvs.time exceeds the expected 10% relative error as in
distribution trends shown in Chapter 5 may not ferred from analytical precision. Although some

nificantly affected by alteration in three out of
four isocon plots shown in Chapter 5, the as
tive for the whole dataset cannot be proven.
However, individual trace elements and trace
element ratios mostly show correlated behavior
where expected (e.g., amphibole fractionation
causes increasing Sm/Yb and decreasing Y, both
scale), and trace element distributions through
time are consistent with the conclusions pre
sentedinChapter5 (cf.synthesisabove). There
fore, while alteration has undoubtedly affected
a significant extent, broad regional trends seem
to hold some petrogenetic relevance. Further
are only moderately mobile in most cases, I ex
nonadakitic features of porphyry and phaneritic
intrusions is possible (with the exception of the
Junin porphyry system where strong phyllic al
sericite, and measured Sr contents probably do
For future works, highresolution geochemical
ing petrogenetic trends for suites of cogenetic
electron microprobe analysis of igneous and al
teration mineral compositions) which may be
used as a reference for regional studies under
most investigated porphyry systems comprise
multiple intrusive phases, such a highresolution
study would ideally be coupled with more de
campaign which should also include local
regional structural studies. The latter is of major
importance when evaluating geodynamic
it might help unraveling the transitions from in
ferred regional to observed local stress field
variations, and the potential implications for


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