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Hi there,

This summer (June 18th - 24th, 2022), Jared will be on a team from Antioch Community Church doing
mission work in the great city of Houston! Our heart is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to broken
people. On this mission, we will serve under one of our sister churches in the city.

During this trip, we will live out the book of Acts, seeking God in community through prayer and worship,
encountering Jesus and then going out to share that love among those who have never heard. While our
team hosts and participates in different interactive platforms (e.g. Bible clubs, sports ministries, praying
for the sick, etc.), you will be looking for “People of Peace” (those who are spiritually hungry and whom
God has prepared to expand His kingdom) who can bring the Gospel to their friends and family. God is at
work in Houston, and He is healing a broken city and we are honored to be a part of that work.

We will need prayers that God will prepare us for our visit and bless our efforts as we minister to these
people needing the hope of Jesus. Please join us by praying for His leading and power.

Another way we could use your help is in you providing that financial support. Would you consider
supporting us with a donation? We will need to raise $750 as soon as possible and our first big deadline
is coming soon. If you can help, please give online or make checks payable to Antioch Community Church
with my name in the memo line. There are a total of 15 of us going from our church. Anything you can
give will be an enormous blessing. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or
both, all your support is appreciated.
We look forward to serving Jesus in this city and letting you know all about how God has worked through
this team when we return. This is a step of faith for us as an urban church, but we feel the Lord moving
and we would deeply appreciate you being a sender and prayer warrior in this great opportunity to see
the nations changed!
God Bless,

Jared and Andi Johnson


Here are some easy ways to give:

1) Online – (look for the Houston team fund button on the main page, the
Give page, and the Missions page).

2) On the Antioch Wichita APP. (Download from all App stores)

3) Direct link to team giving page:

4) Scan the QR Code with your phone (in the corner of this page)

5) By mail: Please write checks to: Antioch Community Church (Place my name, Family name, or team
fund in the memo – MUST HAVE NAME IN THE MEMO)

Please Send Checks to

Antioch Community Church
255 S Estelle
Wichita KS, 67211

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