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Heneral Luna: A Reaction& Review

Heneral Luna is a Filipino film that was released in 2015 under the direction of Jerrold Tarog
production by E. A Rocha. The film receives different reactions and claims from its audience. At first
hearing, the Heneral Luna film was an overrated film but upon watching the film it is a great film, not just
for its story, but the way the author wrote the sequence, twist and plot of it produced a great film for the
country. In watching it I was against the decision of pres. Emilio Aguinaldo to kill Luna, because I
believe that he could contribute a lot to win the war at that time.
General Luna is short tempered but as Pres. Aguinaldo says “Si Luna ang pinaka mahusay kong
heneral”. Luna is known for its smart incomes to war. I can say that he is the bravest general that fights
the America. His tactics and strategy in comes of war brought the Filipinos a hope to win the war. He is
also known for being a man that stood his words and a man that they couldn’t buy its dignity.
As I watch the film multiple times, I still stand in the belief of General Luna. The country could
have been free at that time if Filipinos had chosen to unite rather than be selfish. Filipinos in the film
portray the cowardness of being killed by Americans rather than dying for saving their own country. The
high officials or the people that are rich and have the knowledge are quarrelling with each other for the
greediness of power and the gained to make their self a royal. This is why I think Luna has his character
as a General being called Heneral Artikulo Uno.
Other Generals upon that time are also brave, but some of them don’t have the smart, brave and
the character of Luna as a General to lead the army in a war. Like General Thomas Mascardo, rather than
helping Luna and the other Generals that are with Luna in making the tunnel under ground and helping
other armies in Bagbag that are being asked for Mascardo’s help by Luna in helping them fight the
American. Most generals, captains and allies at that time were against General Luna for his arrogancy;
but the truly reason is they were jealous of him. For Aguinaldo and Apolinario Mabini valued Luna at that
time and use him as a weapon to win the battle.
If Aguinaldo chose the independence of the country over his pride of being the president, then
there is a chance that the people who died at that time can be lessened at that time if they unite with Luna.
But because of being scared that General Luna would take his place as the president of the Philippines, he
would rather kill him than lose his power and positions. He says that Luna is his best General. But chose
to kill him, and as a result they lost the battle once again against America. And the American General said
that “they killed the only real general”. This is why Aguinaldo shouldn’t killed Luna.

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