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Dunes International School

Academic Session 2017-2018

Periodic Test 2- Revision Worksheet

Name: __________________________ Subject: Science

Grade: 5 Sec: ____ Date: 07-01-18

1. Choose the correct answer

a) _____________ poles of a magnet always attract each other.
(Opposite, Same, All)
b) Gravitational force was discovered by _______________________.
(Newton, Archimedes, Boyle)
c) Living beings are seen in the ____________________ layer of the atmosphere.
(troposphere, mesosphere, exosphere)
d) The _______________ layer protects life on planet earth.
(troposphere, ozone, exone)
e) _________________ gas present in the air is necessary for photosynthesis
(oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide)
f) ________________, this property of air helps us to drink liquids using straw.
(Air occupies space, Air has weight, Air exerts pressure)
g) ______________________ force acts in a direction opposite to the motion of an object.
(Gravitational, Frictional, Magnetic)
h) _____________ is the ability to do work.
(Energy, Gravity, Friction)
i) The process by which a clear liquid is separated from the sediment is called ______________.
(sedimentation, decantation, filtration)
j) _____________ added to water helps to kill germs.
(chlorine, microbes, filters)
k) Which of the following methods can be used to remove soluble impurities?
(sedimentation, decantation, chlorination, distillation)
2. Fill in the blanks
a) The amount of water vapour in the air is known as _______________.
b) A simple machine uses a _______________ force.
c) Machines that are made up of many parts are called ________________machines.
d) The layer of atmosphere in which all weather changes takes place is known as
e) ____________ gas is filled in glow signs.
f) _____________________ is the layer of the atmosphere that helps radios to work.
g) Nearly three-fourth of air is __________________ gas.
h) ________________________ process uses both evaporation and condensation to purify water.
i) ______________________ plants are often used as cover crops.
j) Farming done on steps made on hill slopes is called _________________________________.
k) _________________ is made up of a mineral called calcite

3. State (T) for true and (F) for a false statement.

a) Friction pulls all objects towards the centre of the earth.
b) Tap water is free from all impurities
c) The lowest layer of the atmosphere is the stratosphere.
d) The nitogen present in the stratosphere protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
e) Filtration can be done to remove soluble impurities.
f) Air pressure acts only in the downward direction.
g) Many complex machines together form a simple machine.
h) All living things depend on soil directly or indirectly
i) Solar energy is a non-renewable source of energy.
4. Classify the following as igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary rocks

(Basalt, limestone, soapstone, slate, pumice)

Igneous rocks Sedimentary rocks Metamorphic rocks

5. Name the following

a) Force exerted by machines.
b) Energy possessed by an object because of its motion.
c) Force that slows down the motion of an object.
d) The process of chaning of water vapour into water on cooling
e) The layer of air surrounding the earth
f) The gas presented in all aerated drinks.
6. Match the following
a) wheel and axle (i) pulley

b) screw jack (ii) door knob

c) hoists flags (iii) ramp

d) inclined plane (iv) screw

7. Answer the following

a) What is a lever? Differentiate between the three types of lever.











b) What is ionosphere? How is it important?





c) How does the atmosphere protects us from the meteors?





d) State the properties of air.




e) Distinguish between soil erosion and soil conservation.







e) Mention any one use of the following gases.










f) Draw to show
a. Layers of atmosphere.

b. Third class lever

8. Give scientific reasons:

a) Mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders.






b) The liquid rises up when we suck the straw.






c) Doctors use distilled water to make solutions of medicines.





d) An inclined plane is used for loading objects.





e) Shyamu insists that her son Babloo does not take the cattle for grazing to the same pasteurs again

and again.

i. Why do you think she does so?




ii. What are the harmful effects of overgrazing?






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