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Academic session 2017- 2018

Worksheet no. 5
Topic: Eat Right, Stay Healthy

Name: __________________________ Date:

Grade: 5 Sec: ____ Subject: EVS

Lesson Objective

To identify the ways to keep our body fit and strong


1. Tick the correct answer:

a) Malaria is caused by a virus/ protozoa
b) Jaundice is a communicable/ non-communicable disease.
c) Fats/Proteins build new cells.
d) Heart attack/Typhoid is a communicable disease.
2. Fill in the blanks
a) Carbohydrates and fats provide _______________ to the body.
b) Vitamins and minerals help the body to fight ________________and remain ____________
c) Disease causing microorganisms are called ________________.
d) Diseases which spread from one person to another are called _______________________
3. Match the following

a) Vitamin A (i) Beri-beri

b) Vitamin B (ii) Rickets

c) Vitamin C (iii) Anaemia

d) Vitamin D (iv) Goitre

e) Iodine (v) Night blindness

f) Iron (vi) Scurvy


4. State whether true or false. Correct and rewrite the false statement:

a) A person who eats a balanced diet is healthy.


b) Lack of proteins does not harm the body.


c) Scurvy is a communicable disease.


d) Houseflies cause chikungunya.


e) Fruits and vegetables do not contain fibre.


f) Fibre cleans the digestive system.


5. Fill in the empty boxes with the help words given below

Diabetes, Malaria, Arthritis, Asthma, Cholera, Obesity, Typhoid, Rabies


Communicable Non-communicable

6. Answer the following questions

a) What is malnutrition? List the symptoms a child suffering from malnutrition shows.







b) List any three ways by which communicable diseases can be prevented.






c) How does vaccination protect a person from a communicable disease?







7. Answer the following

a) Rahul is suffering from chicken pox; he is advised by the doctor to stay at home and not to

go to school. Why?





b) Raman, an 8 year old boy, drinks only milk during the day; will he grow well. Why?





c) Why is it important to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily?





Worksheet Objective

To know about different types of diseases.

To understand the different types of diseases, symptoms and preventive measures.

To give reason for why we should take a balanced diet.

Self Assessment Rubric

No Understanding

Understanding of concept but not able to apply

Understanding of concepts, can apply but commits errors

Understanding of concept, can apply accurately

Parameters of Assessment



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