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Anatomy & Physiology – Lecture (Nursing)

Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

Kriztel Andrei Navaja

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
BSN 1-A19 Schedule: ________________________________________
Section: ____________ 08-17-2023
Date: ________________


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be
given to the correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures
in your answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 20 minutes for this activity.

Multiple Choice

1. The lymphatic system plays a role in maintaining fluid balance within the body by:
a. adding lymph to GI tract secretions. d. carrying excess fluid to the kidneys to be
b. returning interstitial fluid to the plasma. excreted.
c. transporting lymph from tissues to the liver. e. actively absorbing fluid from the blood.
ANSWER: ________
The lymphatic system is vital in fluid balance. The extra 3 L of fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries and

becomes lymph. It passes through the lymphatic vessels to return to the blood.


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Anatomy & Physiology – Lecture (Nursing)

Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

Kriztel Andrei Navaja

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
BSN 1-A19 Schedule: ________________________________________
Section: ____________ 08-17-2023
Date: ________________

2. Germinal centers are the sites of:

a. increased blood flow to the lymph nodes. d. entrance of lymph into lymph nodes.
b. fluid production. e. proliferation of lymphocytes in the lymph
c. increased flow of lymph from infected nodes.
ANSWER: ________
Lymphatic nodes contain lymphatic nodules are dense aggregations of tissue formed by lymphocytes &

other cells that contain rapidly dividing lymphocytes called germinal centers.

3. Which of the following is the molecule that displays an antigen on the surface of cells?
a. Antigen c. Antigen receptor
b. Antibody d. Major histocompatibility complex molecule
ANSWER: ________D.
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Molecules are glycoproteins that have binding sites specific
RATIO:_____________________________________________________________________________ _ for
certain antigens. Antigens are substances that stimulate adaptive responses. Antibodies bind to antigen. Antigen
receptors are located in the surfaces of B cells and T cells.
4. What is the nonspecific lymphocyte that kills tumor cells and virus infected cells?
a. Macrophages c. Eosinophils
b. Natural killer cells d. Basophils
ANSWER: ________
Natural Killer (NK) Cells are nonspecific lymphocytes that recognize classes of cells such as tumor cells or virus infected
cells which kill target cells by releasing chemicals that damage cell membranes & cause cell lysis. Macrophages are large
monocytes that leave blood & enter tissues and are responsible for most phagocytic activity in late stages of infection. Eosinophils
participate in inflammation associated with allergies & asthma. Basophils are motile WBC that can leave blood & enter infected
5. Which of the following occur during the inflammation? (Select all that apply) tissues that produce inflammatory responses to
a. Chemical mediators cause vasodilation d. Fibrin walls off the infected area fight against pathogens.
b. Blood flow is decreased to the area e. Complement attracts phagocytes to the area
c. Vascular permeability is decreased
ANSWER: ________ADE
All are events that occur during the inflammation, except options B and C. Due to the increased vascular permeability,
the blood flow is increased to the area.

6. Which is the proper order of events in cell-mediated immunity?

(1) Cloning of cytotoxic T cells and memory T cells
(2) Antigen presented to T lymphocyte
(3) Activation of T lymphocytes
(4) Cytotoxic T cells attack target cells
a. 2, 3, 4, 1 d. 3, 2, 4, 1
b. 1, 4, 2, 3 e. 1, 2, 3, 4
c. 2, 3, 1, 4
ANSWER: ________ C.
In cell-mediated immunity, here’s the proper order of events: antigen presented to T lymphocyte
􀀀activation of T lymphocytes cloning of cytotoxic T cells and memory T cells cytotoxic T cells attack target cells.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION 7 of 9

Anatomy & Physiology – Lecture (Nursing)

Module #17 Student Activity Sheet

Kriztel Andrei Navaja

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
BSN 1-A19 Schedule: ________________________________________
Section: ____________ 08-17-2023
Date: ________________

7. Which of the following is correctly matched?

a. IgA - found in saliva and tears d. IgM - antigen-binding receptor on B cells
b. IgD - can cross the placenta e. IgE - transfusion reactions
c. IgG - first to challenge the antigen
ANSWER: ________ A.
IgA is found in saliva and tears. IgG can cross the placenta. IgM is first to challenge
RATIO:__________________________________________________________ the antigen & transfusion

reactions. IgD is an antigen-binding receptor on B cells. IgE binds to mast cells & basophils to stimulate inflammatory


8. Active natural immunity occurs when:
a. antibodies pass from a pregnant mother to c. an individual develops a disease.
her fetus. d. a person is vaccinated.
b. antibodies are injected into a host. e. antibodies are passed in breast milk
ANSWER: ________C.
Active natural immunity occurs when an individual develops a disease. Option A & E is for passive natural immunity.
Option B is for passive artificial immunity. Option D is for active artificial.
9. Cytotoxic T cells attack:
a. viruses. d. cells that display normal proteins on the
b. bacteria. surface.
c. cells that display foreign proteins on the e. viruses and bacteria
ANSWER: ________C.
Cytotoxic T cells are responsible for immediate immune response by binding to antigen on surfaces of these cells
(viral antigen, tumor antigen, & foreign antigen) & kill them.
10. Pepper is experiencing difficulty swallowing and inflamed tonsils. Which of the following signs will be
associated with her condition? (Select all that apply)
a. pain c. loss of appetite
b. paleness d. swelling
ANSWER: ________AD
The signs associated with local inflammation are pain, heat, swelling, redness, and loss of function.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION 8 of 9

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