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Scene 1: The Summons

(Leia and Jude are fighting)

Leia: ...Alright, we were in perfect form! It won't be long until we're masters, don't you think!

Jude: Hey, Leia, why don't we take a small break? We've been sparring for a while, so it's been a long
time since we had food.

Leia: Huuuh, Juuude, you're already tired? I can still...


Leia: ...Ah.

Jude: Haha, I knew you were ready for lunch. That's why I made sure to bring a perfectly portioned
lunchbox for you.

Leia: Really?! I should've figured you would, Jude! Then, let's get started right now so we can eat

(fade to black)

Leia: ...Whew, what a feast! Ah, I really ate to my heart's content, but now I don't think I'll be able to
move for a while.

Jude: Leia, it's not good to lie down right after eating.

Leia: Come on, it'll be fiiine, Jude. It feels fine so it's okay.

Jude: Yeah, yeah. By the way, Leia, why were you suddenly wanting to practice with me?

Leia: Well… there wasn’t any particular reason, but I figured it might be good to give you a reason to put
your whole heart into moving your body.

Jude: What kind of reasoning is that… But, maybe you’re right. Recently all I’ve been doing is reading

Leia: Sheesh, it’s just like I thought. But, it won’t be long before you’re working hard again so you might
as well use this time to take it easy.

Jude: …Take it easy, huh. Hey, have you heard what everyone else is up to?

Leia: Uh-huh. Milla’s still flying around the continent with the people in Keele’s Labs, and because of
that Muzet’s been lonely since she hasn’t been able to see her.

Leia: Oh, that’s right. Because of that, Muzet follows Gaius around since she has the time.

Jude: So that’s what’s going on. But, I would think Gaius would stand out with Muzet.

Leia: Yep. In the city, it seems like he’s become a kind of celebrity known as “Playboy Erston with his
Mysterious Beauty.”

Leia: But, it seems like the people in the city really trust Gaius a lot. That’s just like him, isn’t it?
Jude: I see. After all, both Milla and Gaius are doing what they need to do.

Jude: …Me too, I need to make sure to keep giving it my all so I don’t lose to the two of them.

Leia: …Jude?

Jude: Huh? I’m receiving a Mirrage Com from someone. Who could it be…

Ivar: Hey, Jude! I have something to tell you!

Jude: Ivar? What’s wrong? This is sudden.

Ivar: It’s fine, so just be quiet and listen. Come to the city of the Coliseum at the date and time I give

Leia: Coliseum? That has to be the place with the arena, right?

Jude: *sweatdrops* Um, Ivar, can’t you give us a little more details…

Ivar: You don’t need it. You’ll understand when you get there. Anyway, you better not be late, you

Jude: …Oh, it cut off. What was that communication…

Leia: Huh? By the way, did Ivar even tell us when to go to the Coliseum after all? That place is really

Jude: Wait, I received a Mirrage Com from Ivar.

Jude: …The meeting place is the arena lobby and the date and time are here too, but the detailed
requirements aren’t written.

Leia: Hmm… why did he call you to the arena… Wait, do you think he wants a duel with you, Jude?

Jude: I don’t really think so… Anyway, he’s doing really well compared to his circumstances and the
direction he was moving in before.

Leia: Jude, one way or another, you’re going to be Ivar’s opponent.

Jude: You think so? But I don’t think that would be why Ivar would contact me like that.

Leia: Well, whatever. Anyway, if you’re going, I’m coming with you, alright?

Jude: Huh? But he didn’t mention anyone but me…

Leia: It’s already decided! I’ll head out first to start getting ready, okay! Oh, that’s right! I’ll let everyone
else know to come, too.

Jude: Really, Leia…

Jude: But… what kind of business did Ivar call me for…?

Scene 2: At the Colosseum

Jude: There really are a lot of people here, aren’t there. But, if he said he’s in the lobby… Ah, I found

Ivar: You’re late, Jude! Wait, what, Leia. So you came with him.

Leia: That’s because I was curious. Hey, why did you call Jude?

Ivar: Hmph, that’s because… Jude, you’re helping me with my work!

Jude: Work? Is it like last time with Santa Claus?

Leia: Ohh… You know, that was fun! It really surprised me to hear we were in the newspaper.

Ivar: That’s right! And, you guys don’t know but after that, I led the group with Ludger to a big success

Leia: Oh, sorry. Because it’s going to take a while, please make it shorter.

Ivar: What the—?! Well, alright… Anyway, the requests came flooding in from people who wanted leave
the work to me.

Leia: I see… You’re doing his best, too, then.

Jude: So then, the reason you came here was for work?

Ivar: You got it. But, there’s been a problem with what kind of work it is…

Leia: Problem?

Ivar: Okay, I’m only saying it once, so listen carefully.

Ivar: This time the client is someone who runs a trading company in the Rieze Maxian continent and he
says he wants to negotiate a trade treaty with the Colosseum.

Ivar: But there are many other companies that want to be the leaders in managing trade across the
continent. I want that to be clear before starting negotiations with the Colosseum side.

Leia: Um… so you mean your client wants talks to move forward with their company at the center.

Ivar: That’s how it is. Then, the Coliseum side suggested to hold an arena tournament to determine the
representative of the Rieze Maxian side.

Ivar: Naturally, each company started hiring people who could fight right after that, and that’s why my
client saw my strength and hired me! Hahaha!

Leia: By the way, didn’t Mileena and other people go to the arena to negotiate with the coliseum
representative? This might be like that time.

Jude: Mm… I understand what you’re saying but that doesn’t explain why you called me.

Ivar: That’s… The rules are annoying and state that it’s a tag battle…

Leia: Huh? Then it’s impossible with you. You’re always alone.
Ivar: Don’t say that like I’m a lonely person! Most of the time when I receive requests, they’re about
getting hurt.

Ivar: But, Ludger turned me down since he’s on a family picnic and Victor did too because he’s going out
with his daughter…

Ivar: Damn it! Why do those guys just happen to be doing important things on the same day?!

Leia: No, I think they’re probably all going on a picnic together. Knowing Elle, she’d say everyone should
go together.

Ivar: Anyway! Jude, I had no other choice but to call you so I could get the job done! It looks like I have
to be grateful to you!

Leia: Ivar, you really don’t have that many friends, do you…?

Ivar: And don’t think you can turn me down. I’ve already talked to my client and completed entry as a

Jude: …Haah. I understand. I would have preferred if you told me in advance, but since you seem to be
in trouble, I’ll help you.

Leia: You’re lucky, Ivar. Jude’s a nice guy.

Ivar: Hmph, it’s only natural for him to cooperate with me. Okay, Jude, you’d better not be less serious
about my job than I am.

Ivar: Although I have to say, you’re just here to be an extra number on my team. The other guys’
representatives would kill me in an instant!

Gaius: I see, so you are all here as well.

Jude: Huh, Gaius?!

Ivar: You! Why are you here?!

Muzet: Teehee, that’s because we’re also part of this arena tournament.

Leia: You’re here too, Muzet?! Wait, did you say you’re entering the tournament?

Muzet: Yes, Gaius and I have just now finished our entry together.

Gaius: Jude, I see that you are joining the tournament as well.

Jude: M-Mm… But, why are you…

Gaius: It is a similar story to yours. I also was asked by people in a company I have a relationship with.

Gaius: I have decided to take their request on as “Playboy Erston.”

Muzet: I’m just here by association, but if you’re here too, Jude, I think it might be a little fun.

Ivar: What just a second! I’m the leader here and Jude’s just a number!

Muzet: Who… are you again?

Ivar: You forgot me?! Even if you’re Lady Milla’s sister, your humiliation is…!

Muzet: Teehee, it was just a joke. But if you were the only one, I’m sure it wouldn’t be a good fight, so
I’m glad Jude is here.

Ivar: Wha--?!

Gaius: That’s enough, Muzet. Still, as she says, with both of you here this will be much more

Gaius: Jude, when it comes to the battlefield, I won’t go easy on you.

Jude: Gaius…

Gaius: Let’s go, Muzet.

Muzet: Coming. Goodbye and you should do your best out there.

Leia: I’m really surprised… Even Gaius and Muzet are participating.

Jude: …Mm.

Ivar: Ha! Even against those two, the winner in the end will be me! Jude! Don’t lose your nerve either!

Jude: We have to fight Gaius and Muzet…

Leia: …Jude?

Jude: …Yes, as Ivar says, even with Gaius and Muzet as our opponents, I’ll use all my power in our clash.

Ivar: Alright, since it’s settled, let’s go too! I’ll show off my success to the audience!
Scene 3: Beginning of the Performance

(Leia inviting the rest of the group to watch)

(Jude and Ivar do their first fight)

(Leia and the group cheer in the stands)

(Jude and Ivar meet with Gaius and Muzet in the arena but not to fight; they’re going in while they’re
going out)

Jude: Perhaps, but I don’t think Gaius’s group will lose in the qualifying rounds…

(Gaius and Muzet win in one blow)

Jude: Just like I thought, as I am now…

(crowd cheers for Gaius and group in stands isn’t surprised)

(Leia’s distracted by seeing Agria so she goes to talk to her but Agria shakes her off)
Scene 4: Ahead of the Main Competition

Teepo: Jude! Congratulations on going on to the finals!

Elize: Jude, you were so cool out there.

Jude: Thank you, Elize. Besides that, all of you came to support us even though you were far away.

Alvin: Not by our choice. Leia wouldn’t have shut up if we hadn’t.

Leia: Ohh… Fine, if you’re saying that, then I won’t contact you again.

Alvin: I’m just kidding. Well, I can imagine Jude’s not happy that the person he wanted most couldn’t

Elize: Leia, have you had any contact with Milla?

Leia: No… Maybe she just hasn’t seen her Mirrage Com messages yet…

Jude: It can’t be helped. I know how busy Milla is…

Leia: Jude…

Rowen: …By the way, I don’t see Ivar. Where did he go?

Jude: Ah, right. Ivar was called before the client. I think they’re discussing something.

Leia: Oh, he’s back.

Ivar: I see you were waiting on me!

Alvin: I wasn’t waiting on you. Is your discussion over?

Ivar: Yeah, I was just told again that I’m not allowed to lose.

Client: Agent Ivar, I’ll believe it if you say it, but don’t forget you’re also being paid a lot.

Client: To the company that hired the man known as Erston, you seem to be just a couple of children.
Can you truly back up your talk to deprive them of the win?

Rowen: Excuse me. You said “deprive them” just now but isn’t this tournament just a matter of deciding
on a representative to conclude the trade treaty?

Client: …Business isn’t that simple. We can’t leave it to those who are not yet experienced or
knowledgeable. We have decided to prioritize our own interests.

Alvin: Well, that’s a good idea, but isn’t it all the same to you? That’s why you’re paying him a lot of
money to win.

Client: The words of an amateur don’t matter. They also have been full of themselves for a long time.

Ivar: Ha, rest assured, it doesn’t matter what amateurs like them say. The battle’s as good as one! Jude,
say something like that, too!

Jude: Um… I’ll… do my best tomorrow…

Client: …Will this really be okay. Well, it is what it is. Do what I asked of you tomorrow, Agent Ivar.

Ivar: Damn it, Jude! What is wrong with your attitude?!

Alvin: Hey, hey, I’m know you’re nervous about fighting Gaius’ group, but you could have just puffed
yourself up and told a lie.

Elize: Don’t blame this on Jude. Jude’s not a liar, unlike you, Alvin.

Leia: Th-That’s right! Even I’d be scared going against Gaius and Muzet suddenly…

Jude: …No, it’s as Ivar and Alvin say, I didn’t show the right attitude for this.

Leia: It… It’ll be okay! You can definitely beat Gaius, Jude!

Jude: …Thank you, Leia. That’s right, everyone’s here to support me so that’s why I have to do my best.

Leia: Jude…

Jude: I’m sorry, I should head back to my room.

Elize: Is Jude… going to be okay?

Rowen: For Jude, Gaius is a person he respects, and at the same time, someone he has to overcome
some day. As long as he is fighting against Gaius, it is only natural for Jude to have worry and conflict in
his heart.

Teepo: Is there anything we can do?

Rowen: Let’s just watch over Jude for now. So long as he’s aware, he will surely be able to overcome his

AlvinL I hope so.

Ivar: …

Jude: Tomorrow, we may finally be fighting against Gaius and Muzet.

Jude: It’ll be fine, even if I’m…

*clang, clang, clang*

Jude: That sound… is it coming from the window? But, I don’t think it’s that windy outside…

Ivar: Hey, open up! Jude!

Jude: I-Ivar?! Why are you clinging to the window…

Ivar: --Can you hear me?! I told you to open it!

Jude: I-I’m coming…

Ivar: …Whew, I was about to fall.

Jude: W-What’s wrong? If you needed something from me, you should have come through the door…
Ivar: Jude, come with me.

Jude: Huh?

Ivar: I’m telling you to come with me! Let’s go!

Jude: Huh? Ivar, it’s cold! Hey—Aaah…!

Jude: …Hah… Hah… Ivar… why did you do that? You suddenly yanked me out the window and brought
me here…

Ivar: …Jude, I’m going to fight you now.

Jude: Fight—wait, Ivar?!

Ivar: What else!

Jude: W-Wait a second! Why not tell me what your reason is…!

Ivar: Shut up! Right now I’m going to beat your will into shape! Prepare yourself, Jude!
Scene 5: Former Self

Jude: (drops down, defeated) Guh…

Ivar: What’s the matter, Jude! Why are you being so weak?!

Jude: Weak… I…

Ivar: That’s right! I know you’re not as much of a coward as you seem right now!

Ivar: Aren’t you supposed to be a man who never gave up, no matter what kind of trouble he faced?!
Isn’t that why Lady Milla chose you?!

Jude: ?!

Ivar: Remember, Jude! Remember who you were when standing with Lady Milla!

Jude: …That’s right! I…!

Ivar: If you don’t remember, I’ll beat you as you are now! Eat this! Cyclone Kill Shot!

Jude: --Haaah!

Ivar: Wha--?!

Jude: Ivar… It’s just like you say, I’ve always… wavered somewhere in my heart.

Jude: Milla and Gaius have found and done what they needed to do even after coming into this world,
but it wasn’t true for me, was it…

Jude: Still, as Milla and Gaius have recognized, I’m not the type of person that just continues to stand

Ivar: Guh… this move is…!

Jude: I… I have to move forward using my own will!

Ivar: --Guh!

Jude: …Haah… Hah…

Ivar: …Whew. Looks like you finally woke up.

Jude: Mm, thanks to you, Ivar.

Ivar: Sheesh, that was a lot of work. Well with that, I’m going back.

Jude: …Ah, wait, Ivar. By the way, there was something I wanted to give to you…

Ivar: What is this… a mirrage?

Jude: It’s a Purifying Mirrage, and if you want to know the details it’ll take a while to explain, but
basically everyone carries Points of Exoflection and this is one that I kept in reserve.
Jude: Some people haven’t been given Purifying Mirrages yet, like you, so I’m sure this will come in
handy in the future.

Ivar: …Hmph. If that’s how it is, I’ll take it. Is that the whole story? Then I’m heading back. Looks like I
was able to fix your willpower back up by attacking you.

Jude: Ivar…

Ivar: I don’t need your thanks. This is just for my job because I’m a professional agent!

Jude: Um… Ivar, that’s the opposite direction from our inn.

Ivar: I-I knew that! I was just taking a detour before going home!

Jude: Haha, I wouldn’t have thought I was going to be lectured by Ivar.

Jude: But… thank you, Ivar.

Leia: ….

Rowen: Miss Leia, wouldn’t it be wise to return to the inn before Jude finds you?

Leia: Hiaaaa?! Huh, what, it’s just Rowen… Don’t scare me like that.

Rowen: My, my, pardon my intrusion. However, it does seem like your worries have been put to rest as

Leia: Yeah… But I can’t believe Ivar was the one that cheered Jude up.

Rowen: As surprising as it may seem, we don’t know how he was in the future. He may have approved of

Leia: In that case, couldn’t he have just been more upfront about it?

Rowen: It’s not as easy as that, being a rival. No, no, this is a form of youth.

Leia: What that…? I don’t get it.

Leia: But… I noticed how Jude wasn’t looking right, but I couldn’t do anything about it…

Rowen: Miss Leia, I don’t believe that’s the case at all. In fact, you were very worried about Jude, were
you not?

Rowen: I have no doubt your kindness has helped Jude out many times.

Leia: You really think so?

Rowen: Indeed, I’m certain of it.

Leia: Okay, in that case it’s alright. Thanks, Rowen.

Rowen: No, no, it’s nothing. Now, let’s keep what we saw today a secret between the two of us.
Scene 6: Agria’s Purpose

(short scene involving the rest of the group in town seeing that there’s a lot of people here today to see
Gaius and Muzet)

(Leia spots Agria and tells them she’ll be gone for a while and goes after her)

(catches up to her in a forest and finds her fighting soldiers; joins in)
Scene 7: Conflict

(end of the fight, Leia wants to know Agria’s okay but Agria doesn’t get why she’s asking)

(soldiers attack Agria and Leia blocks it with her body)

(Agria’s mad and is prepared to fight them but Leia gets up with the intent to fight despite her injury)

(Leia’s Purifying Mirrage shines and she gets her dMA)

Scene 8: The Girl’s Struggle

(they defeat the soldiers and Leia’s in bad shape but she keeps Agria from killing them and the soldiers

(after a bit of arguing, Agria picks Leia up to carry her back)

Jude: --We made it to the finals without any problems.

Ivar: Of course! No one can defeat me!

Gaius: You are indeed our last opponents, I see.

Muzet: You put in a lot of hard work. It’s just like you, Jude.

Ivar: Hmph! It’s finally time to settle this! I’m telling you now, I’m not going easy on you!

Gaius: That is what I intended from the beginning.

Ivar: Guh… I should have thought so. Don’t get cold feet from what I said…!

Muzet: Teehee. Then, we can beat you without reservation.

Jude: We’re not about to lose.

Muzet: Jude, you…

Gaius: …Heh. You have a good look in your eyes, Jude. It’s different from yesterday.

Jude: Mm, I’ve found my resolve to fight both of you.

Gaius: I see.

Gaius: That’s good to hear. I too will respond with all my power.
Scene 9: The Final Tournament

Coliseum Announcer: It is now time! This tournament, where we have seen many brave fighters at their
fiercest, is finally onto its final match!

Crowd: --Yeaaaah!

Elize: Leia hasn’t gotten back yet, has she…

Teepo: And the match is about to start.

Rowen: I’ve contacted her mirrage com multiple times, but I haven’t seen a response yet.

Alvin: You know how she is with Agria. They’re just having a long fight. Don’t worry, just wait and she’ll
be back.

Alvin: In other news, the audience is betting everything on Gaius. Do you think Jude’s group will be

Rowen: I don’t think you need to worry about Jude anymore.

Ivar: Alright, Jude. Let’s be sure and use our strategy.

Jude: …Mm, I understand.

Gaius: Muzet, I may want to use your power here.

Muzet: If that is what you wish.

Coliseum Announcer: Now, the excitement of this arena is at its peak! The players of both teams are

Coliseum Announcer: In that case, fight to heart’s content! –Let the game start!

Ivar: Victory goes to those who strike first! Prepare yourself, Gaius!

Gaius: It’s a good move… but!

Gaius: At that level, I don’t even have to lift a finger.

Ivar: Tch. Jude!

Jude: --Haaaah!

Muzet: That’s not going to be enough!

Jude: Guh!

Muzet: Don’t forget about me, Jude.

Gaius: Muzet, I’ll leave support to you.

Muzet: Indeed, I’ll give it my all.

Ivar: Damn it! My strategy of attacking immediately to defeat Gaius first…!

Jude: Ivar, withdraw for a moment!

Ivar: Even if you hadn’t said anything, I already would have!

Alvin: Ivar’s idea wasn’t bad.

Rowen: Indeed. However, this is Gaius and it isn’t possible to make a surprise attack.

Rowen: Of course, Jude was moving in expectance of that, but Muzet seems to have read their
movements as well.

Alvin: If Gaius’s team can make such an improvised combo, then wouldn’t they still be superior?

Elize: Oh no…

Teepo: Then are Jude and Ivar in a pinch?

Rowen: Not necessarily. Take a closer look into Jude’s eyes…

Rowen: There’s no sign of giving up yet. On the contrary, he’s continually looking for ways to win the
battle. Of course, the same is true with Ivar.

Alvin: They’re experiencing the bitter taste of resignation.

Alvin: And that’s when he’s at his best. So, what are you going to do, Honor’s Student?

Gaius: Where is your strength?

Ivar: …Hah… Hah… I’m not out of breath, but…

Jude: …….

Ivar: Hey, what’s up with you, Jude? What’s gotten into you?

Jude: …Yes, this is the only way we can beat Gaius team.

Ivar: Wha--?! What did you just say?!

Jude: It’s a way to beat Gaius’ team. It’s the only way we can win. Because of that, I need your

Ivar: *gurgle* I don’t really like the idea of following your orders, but I’ll listen to your idea. What is it?

Jude: Ivar… from now on, let’s stop fighting together.

Ivar: Wh-What the--?! No way! Can’t you trust my power?!

Jude: …That’s not it. It’s not a lack of trust that’s keeping us from fighting together.

Ivar: Wh-What are you saying…?

Jude: And this is why I want you to trust me too. I’ll leave you to watch my back.

Ivar: H-Hey, wait! Jude!

Jude: Gaius!
Gaius: Are you planning to attack me from the front… Jude!

Jude: …It’s a fist of no indecision.

Jude: It’s not over yet! Haaaaaah!

Ivar: What… Jude’s… Is he really challenging Gaius alone?!

Muzet: Hey, Jude. Did you forget about me?

Ivar: ?! Hey, Jude! Muzet’s attack is incoming!

Muzet: Come water spirits—Blue Sphere!

Ivar: Jude! …Damn it!

Muzet: Oh my, I didn’t expect you to cover Jude.

Ivar: Just because I didn’t like it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t hesitate! Hey, what are you doing, Jude! If I
hadn’t done anything, you would’ve been hit!

Jude: There!

Gaius: No, you don’t!

Ivar: I guess… you can’t hear me?

Muzet: Jude… it’s very cruel to ignore me.

Ivar: …I get it! That guy… what a bold strategy!

Muzet: If that’s the case, I’ll make you turn around.

Ivar: I won’t let you get near him!

Muzet: Hey, don’t bother me.

Ivar: No, I’m your opponent! Take this!

Muzet: How clever.

Gaius: …I see, so that’s what your plan is. Muzet! Come to me!

Jude: ?!

Gaius: So seeing Muzet close in makes you keep your distance. Jude, your desire must be for a one-on-
one fight.

Jude: That’s right. If your team’s ability to coordinate is better than ours, we can’t let you fight together.

Muzet: Wait a minute. Then are you planning to beat Gaius alone, Jude?

Jude: It may be reckless, but if there’s any possibility, then I want to bet on it.

Gaius: …Very well, I can see your resolution. With that in mind, I will show you the power to match it. …
Muzet: Are you sure, Gaius? Alright, take… my power!

Ivar: Wh-What the…! They look different?!

Gaius: Muzet, from now on, as Jude desires, Ivar is your opponent.

Gaius: …Jude, if you lose focus for an instant, you’ll lose.

Jude: Thank you, Gaius. But we won’t lose!

Ivar: Hey, Jude! I’m not here to look good for you! Don’t forget I’m the main character this time!

Gaius: This light… a Purifying Mirrage, huh. Interesting. Now, show us your strength!
Scene 10: VS Champion Gaius and Muzet

Ivar: Hahaha! How was that! This is my true ability!

Muzet: My… you truly are persistent! How about this…!

Ivar: She disappeared….?! No, she’s above?!

Muzet: Teeheehee, how about this? You can’t attack from this far away, can you?

Muzet: From here, I’ll attack you will all my most powerful artes! You’re finished!

Ivar: I’m not… giving up!

Muzet: No way…?! How did you jump so high…?!

Ivar: If you thought you were safe here, you were careless!

Muzet: This isn’t…!

Ivar: It’s too late! Take this!

Muzet: That’s…!

Coliseum Announcer: And so the player Ivar has taken player Muzet out of the ring by tackling her with
his whole body!

Ivar: Hahahahahaha! How about that! Now you can’t say you’ve forgotten about me!

Coliseum Announcer: However, in doing so, player Ivar has also thrown himself out of the ring at the
same time!

Muzet: You… sacrificed yourself to take me out…

Ivar: Sacrificed? That’s not how I remember it. All I did was played my own role. And “win” is what he
told me to do.

Ivar: So, Jude! I’m all done! Settle this as fast as you can!

Gaius: …So you tied with Muzet, huh. In that case, it seems the match has been entrusted to us.

Jude: …Hah… Hah…

Gaius: Jude, you have fought well so far. However, you are at your limit.

Jude: …Isn’t that the same for you, Gaius?

Gaius: …Hmph, so you noticed. Very well. Let this be the blow that settles it.

Gaius: Come, Jude!

Jude: I… won’t lose!

Both: Uoooooooo!

Gaius: …Guh!
Jude: …Ugh!

Coliseum Announcer: Both are down! There is no doubt they both did enormous damage to each other!

Elize: Jude…!

Teepo: What going to happen?!

Rowen: The rule uses a ten-count method, but if both have been downed and don’t get up…

Alvin: The match will be a draw. If they managed to do that much to Gaius and Muzet, it’s still good
work, but…

Rowen: Indeed, Jude will not accept it. Naturally, neither will Gaius.

Elize: Jude, please get up!

Teepo: Get up fast, Jude!

Jude: (…I need to… I need to stand up quickly even if… I can’t move any part of my body…)

Jude: (Just like I thought, it was hopeless. My power wasn’t… enough to beat Gaius…)

???: Jude, stand!

Jude: …That voice.

Jude: …Milla!

Milla: Stand up, Jude! You should not be a human that just gives up at the end!

Jude: …Uuuugh!

Coliseum Announcer: Oh my! Here is player Jude getting up! And player Erston has not yet even woken

Jude: …Hah… Hah…

Milla: Excellent job, Jude. It is your win.

Coliseum announcer: The winner is Ivar and Jude’s team!

Leia: --So that’s what happened. Then I guess Milla got there at the last minute for Jude’s game.

Milla: Yes. I noticed the mirrage com you sent, Leia, and rushed over as quickly as I could, but I was still

Leia: But at least you were able to see the end. Maaan, I wanted to watch too…

Jude: That’s really not much compared to what happened to you, Leia. …Is your injury really okay?

Leia: Sheesh, Jude. You worry too much. It’s just fine.

Leia: Still… I wish I’d gotten to say thanks to Agria. Before I knew it, she’d already left the city’s clinic…

Gaius: I see. Then I will tell Agria myself.

Jude. Gaius. And Ivar, thanks for all your hard work. Did the trade convention go well?

Gaius: It did. Fortunately, the Rieze Maxian’s merchant’s comments placed large. After that, there
should be no problem to leave it to them.

Leia: But it’s really surprising, isn’t it? Ivar’s client wasn’t in a good relationship with the merchant on
Gaius’ side but despite that they’re cooperating to make the trade treaty work…

Ivar: I know right. Even though it was our win.

Gaius: From what I heard, your client was the one who brought the discussion to the table. Jude, this is
thanks to your influence.

Jude: Huh? Um… but I didn’t do anything…

Gaius: No, they saw how you were while fighting and thought that they shouldn’t cast aside other youth
that still had more room to grow.

Leia: Oh, so that’s how it happened. That’s right, didn’t you say that Ivar’s client entered because Gaius’
client wasn’t any good since they were too young?

Gaius: That’s true. However, Jude, you were the one that gave them the idea to give them a chance.

Jude: That’s not… I just… was desperate to beat Gaius at that time.

Milla: No, you have the power to move people’s hearts. Me being one of them, naturally.

Jude: Milla…

Ivar: *grumble* It wasn’t long ago you were nothing…! How dishonest, Jude!

Milla: Whoops, I didn’t say it earlier, but you did well out there as well, Ivar.

Ivar: Lady Milla…! Heh… heheheh! How about that, Jude! Lady Milla complimented me too! I still have
her favor!

Jude: Y-Yeah… I see that.

Jude: But, I think that I’m only able to be a person like that thanks to Milla and Leia… and meeting
everyone else too. Not just them, but Gaius, also…

Jude: That’s why I’m glad to have been able to fight so earnestly. …Thank you, Gaius.

Gaius: Yes. I will continue to be a person you won’t need to be ashamed of.

Gaius: Jude, you will grow even stronger. I’m truly looking forward to how strong you get in the future.

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