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Your Quick Start Guide to Building a Better Coaching Business

Pt. 1 - Discover your Ideal Customer

Ideal Customer

Who is Your Ideal Age range: ________________ Gender: __________________
Income / job type: _____________________________________________
Customer Psychographics
If you try to sell to everyone, you’ll end up selling to no one. 1. What’s their Training age / experience?
You need to identify THE person you wish to help.
2. What are their Interests?

An ideal customer is the hyper-specific “persona” for a group of 3. What do they like to read and where do they go to find
customers that will absolutely love your content and products. information?
This will help you create targeted product development and 4. Top 3 Motivations: Why are they training? Why are they looking
marketing that allows you to focus on delivering solutions and
for coaching? (these are very different)
messages to the right people – the people who are most likely
to buy from you AND stick with you. Remember, a handful of 5. Top 3 Struggles: What’s keeping them from achieving goals?:
people that stay with you forever are way more valuable than a 6. What would stop them from purchasing your product?
ton of folks who come and go only making one purchase!
7. What would they buy if your product didn’t exist? Why?

Start by answering the questions on the right, thinking about

your most ideal customer. Be as specific as possible. DETAILS
Ideal Customer

JObs to be done statement

What will create Use the template below to define your target audience’s
“jobs to be done” statement. Be as specific as possible. It’s
more important that the ending statement is
progress comprehensive and accurate than easy to read.

As _______________________________________
People don’t buy products just to buy products. People buy products to Plug in your “Target Customer” from the previous slide
create progress in their lives. Progress sells. Similarly, your customers
When I ____________________________________
are not training to train, but training to move closer to an ideal version
The “When” portion describes your customer’s situation
of themselves.

I Want ____________________________________
Does your target audience want to train so they can podium at their
The “I want” portion describes your customer’s motivation
next event? Do they want to thrive and feel alive during their weekend
outdoor adventures? Do they just want to look better, feel better, and So that____________________________________
live longer? The “So that” describes your customer’s expected outcome

All of your customers are “hiring” you to create progress in a specific E.g. “AS a busy professional with a growing family, WHEN I can
“job to be done” that they have along their journey. Understanding your no longer afford to shell out $200/mo for coaching, I WANT to
target audience’s job(s) is critical to delivering a winning solution. find an affordable way to keep doing intense, goal-oriented
training, SO I can continue feeling like an athlete while staying
committed to healthy habits on a budget.
Refer back to the Psychographic constructs of your audience while filling
out this section.
Ideal Customer


Where to highlight the Write a punchy, short statement of your value proposition

value you create ____________________________________________________

Your solution functions in direct relation to your customer’s struggle and
jobs to be done - this is their journey. They are the hero on this journey, Examples
not you. You are the mentor that steps in to guide them and help them
get to where they want to go. TrainingPeaks - Results Start Here

TrainHeroic - Coach More Athletes, Better

Think of your value proposition as your promise to your customer.
DIGIT - Save Money without Thinking
If they work with you, your value proposition is what they will get. This
is a short, memorable statement of the value you will deliver. It’s a one Barbell WOD - Get Stronger for CrossFit in 3 hours/week
liner that exists at the intersection of your customer’s problem, desired
outcome, and your solution. CrazyEgg - Website Behavior Tracking at an Unbeatable Price

WalMart - Everyday Low Prices

Southwest Airlines - Low Fares, Lovable Customer Service

Ideal Customer

Why they choose your List your solution’s three primary benefits
Eg) Podium at next race, PR your events, Stay accountable, Have fun training, Access

solution training anywhere/anytime, Improve your technique, Learn New Exercises, etc.

Pro tip: the more specific and concrete you can be, the better.
Remember, what you are selling is progress, not programming. ____________________________________________________
In what specific ways does your solution create progress on your
customer’s journey (jobs to be done)? How do you help them move
closer to their ideal self? These factors are called “Benefits.”
The methods and ways you create this progress are referred to as List your solution’s key features
“features.” All the engaging community stuff you do, your world-class Eg) HD instructional videos, evidence based programming, weekly office hours, daily
programming and science-based training, innovative motivational check-ins, video technique reviews, monthly challenges, peer accountability, nutritional
guidance, daily mobility work, vision setting exercises, etc.
techniques, mindset training are all “Features” that work together to ____________________________________________________
“get the job done”. ____________________________________________________
Ideal Customer

Competitive Solutions
How to Set Yourself List a few alternative solutions your customers may “hire” to

apart complete their job to be done. Rank them in order of what you
think the “best” alternative solution is in your customer’s mind
We live in the digital age. Everything is just a few clicks away. When ____________________________________________________
customers are “hiring” you to help create progress in their lives, chances ____________________________________________________
are, you’re not the only one they’re looking at. The best product ____________________________________________________
developers assume this to be true and think carefully about what they’ll *think broadly and creatively. What might your solution “replace”? For example, the original
Model T Ford didn’t compete with other cars, it mostly competed with horses.
need to do to differentiate.

To stand out in the crowd, you need to be able to:

1. Differentiate your service from competitive offerings in ways
that matter List your solution’s key advantages over the competition:
2. Speak clearly about those differences so your customers can ____________________________________________________
make quick, informed decisions ____________________________________________________

*again, be creative and think deeply here. Saying the same thing someone else is saying, using
slightly different words, isn’t a differentiator at all. What truly sets your solution apart?

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