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Eliza C.


Mr. Carlos Cruz

March 2022

Senior Film


What is resilience? Resilience can show in many different shapes and

forms, different for everybody. Resiliency is an important trait to have, it helps us

all to get through life and survive. Resilience is defined as “the capacity to recover

quickly from difficulties.” I find myself to be a resilient person through many

different situations throughout my life.

I’ve dealt with many different difficult situations throughout my lifetime. All

teaching me how to be more and more resilient. Situations such as school, my

mental health, my parents seperation and many more, have forced me to learn

resilience all throughout my life.

One of the most signifigant situations I can thnk of that has taught me

resilience has to be my mental health. Dealing with strong depression and anxiety
has really been a struggle throughout the years. There has been many times where

I wanted to give up. Being hospitalized several times has always been difficult.

Having to put everything on pause for a while then being expected to seamlessly

return back to normal life is really challenging, especially while dealing with really

dark thoughts.

Another signifigant situation where I had to learn resilience has to be my

parents separation and my relationship with them. When they first told me that

they were going to get a divorce I was very suprised. I almost didn’t believe it at

first. Initially I was really distressed, this was really difficult to deal with especially

with them still living together.

School is another situation that requires resilience. School has always been

tough for me. Whether it be other kids, or just the workload, I’ve always had

problems with school. I’ve been dealing with loss of motivation and burnout for a

while now and it’s been difficult to try and make yourself keep working when all I

want to do is literally anything else.

More of the times when I had to be resilient was when my aunt had passed

away. She and I were really close together. She was like a mother to me, she

would watch me at her house multiple times a week when my mom would have to

go to work. I was devastated when I heard that she had died, it had really broke my

heart. Pushing through these feelings was really tough, I didn’t know how long I

was going to feel this way or if I’d ever feel OK again.

Each of these situations had formed me to be resilient in many different

ways. Resiliency is definitely something I have learned throughout the years

starting from a young age. Many of these situations have built off one another to

form my resilience stronger and stronger. Whether it be resiliency in myself or

resiliency with others, I am resilient and I will continue to become more and more

resilient throughout the years.

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