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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Teamwork.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Interference.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of

Love Forgetting into the Gift of Mindfulness.
The highest expression of my heart is Mastery.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Humanity.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Turbulence.
I thrive best in a partnership.

A journey of self illumination


My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 33

Your Life's Work is to live a mythic life. To live a mythic life means that you have to carve your own unique
path, which is only important if it constantly forces you to grow, evolve, and keep letting go. You have to
experience life to its fullest potential. You have to plumb the depths and soar to the heights. You have to try
anything and everything. You may live lifetimes within a single life. Yours is not the safe path — yours is the
way of pleasure and pain, of contradiction and adventure. Whatever you do in this life, and it truly doesn't
matter what it is, you have to live your life as a hero or heroine on a great journey. Eventually you will return
home, but the journey is all-important. If at the end of your life, no one has pleaded to write your biography,
you have probably not given all of yourself to the experience!

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 19

The most important thing for you in life is not to cut yourself off from others. Because the 19th Gift governs
how you evolve as an individual, you can never escape the needs of the material plane. Thus, most of your
key issues in life will stem from deeply material issues. You must learn to be sensitive both to your own
needs and those of others. Balancing these two will be your great task and over time, it will become your
greatest gift to others. There is one great truth you must always hold in your mind; as long as you have a
place to live, enough food to eat, and friendship, you have all your needs met. Anything else is, strictly
speaking, luxury. If you always keep this perspective, you will never lose sight of the real meaning of your life.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 24

More than anything in your life you need a sense of spaciousness. You may lead an extremely busy life, but
you need to have an inner oasis that you can visit regularly. Most important for you is to have silence in your
life — a place where you cannot be disturbed and that is yours alone. Some people create this feeling
through activities such as meditation or even sports. For you to really shine in the world, you need something
that allows you to switch off from your outer life entirely. You also need to replicate this feeling externally
through an actual physical space that belongs only to you. This space needs to be as uncluttered as possible
— it could even be empty. Such a space symbolises an inner space that frequently arises within you. You
must learn to identify when you are ignoring or avoiding these times, because they are filled with magic. It is
through this inner space that all your great insights and transformations emerge.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 44

One's inner purpose is always a by-product of fulfilling one's Life's Work. In your case, it concerns what
some people call a 'soul group'. Your soul group, or 'fractal' consists of those people with whom you have
an unconscious genetic contact. As you follow your destiny, these people will gradually assemble in your life,
and you will learn to recognise them the moment they appear. For you, it is like meeting old friends. Such
relationships never leave your life, even if you do not see each other for years. Because certain people hold
keys for you in life, your Purpose must wait for you to meet them. You cannot hurry this process and you
cannot force it. Only by relaxing and enjoying your life will they appear at the appointed time. If what you are
doing is authentic, they will appear just at the right time.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2022 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Revelation Birth City: Jilin, Jilin, China

Life's Work
Forgetting Birth Date: 1 Aug 2010
Line 2 - Dancer 33.2
Birth Time: 09:11

Universal Love
Pearl Acceptance
25.6 Line 6 - Nature

Revelation Vocation Culture Compassion

Mindfulness Humanity
Line 6 - Philanthropy (ethics) 33.6 36.2 Turbulence
Line 2 - Partnership

Silence Mastery Sacrifice

Radiance SQ Evolution
Invention Versatility Sensitivity
Line 4 - Friendship 24.4 Indifference
Line 2 - Freedom (wildness and boundaries) 16.2 19.2 Co-Dependence
Line 2 - Passion &
Peace IQ EQ Ecstasy
Diplomacy Delight
Line 2 - The Brilliant mind (provocative)
6.2 46.4 Seriousness
Line 4 - Kindness/Meanness

Attraction Patience
5.4 Line 4 - Frigidity/Romance

Purpose Synarchy
44.4 Interference
Line 4 - Breath (rhythm)

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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© Gene Keys Publishing 2022 My Hologenetic Profile Page 3

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