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In many nations, especially developed countries, the government will spend a lot of financial

resources on education to reduce the education burden of families on their children. This has
brought many benefits to the country, and its purpose is to allow more children to have the
opportunity to receive education, so as to increase the national cultural level and increase
productivity in the long-term. For example, many European countries are facing the problem of
labor shortage, so the country bears most of the cost of raising children, of course, including
education expenses. This encourages families to have more children to a certain extent, because
there is no burden of raising children. In this way, the problem of negative population growth has
been alleviated and the labor force has been increased.
However, there are also problems. The first thing to consider is the opportunity cost. If the
government spends a lot of money on education, it means that it must make compromises in
other aspects of spending. In addition, public schools will inevitably have the problem of
insufficient efficiency, because they are not driven by interests and cannot stimulate the desired
effect. This may cause the teacher to be irresponsible, and the students will not get the education
effect they deserve. Therefore, the high cost of education is not necessarily useless. If it can be
exchanged for a better quality of education, it is actually a good deal.

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