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According to Wikipedia, Outsourced is a 2006 Romantic comedic American film, directed by

John Jeffercoat and written by Jeffercoat and George Wing. Starring Josh Hamilton (Todd),
Ayesha Dharker(Asha) and Asif Basra (Puro) The Film won several awards for been a box office
hit, earning over 703,042 dollars worldwide . The story is about the conditions and reality of
having to outsource jobs in the film’s case, having to outsource the novelty companies call center
to India. Todd, the protagonist, works at a novelty company and learns that he has to go to India
to mentor his replacement, Puro, where they outsourced the call center for customer care. Todd
must maintain an MPI, minutes-per-incident level to 6.0 before he could come home without
risking his stock options. Todd was unimpressed by the working conditions he had to endure
during his time of management. He saw the in competencies of his workers when it comes to
handling American customers, and even tried to lecture them the ways of the American Life but
ended up offending their culture. It seems that for Todd to teach his call center agents about the
American way, he should also learn the Indian way. Todd meets an American inside a ripped off
version of an American Fast-food chain, the old man told him that he is struggling because he
keeps on resisting India, once he has given in it would be much easier for him to live life in
India. After a long self-realization scene, along with Puro and Asha, one of his employees
opened his eyes to the beautiful parts of their Indian culture. After he gave in, he established a
more employee friendly environment under his management, the more employees got to express
themselves the more they become efficient and motivated. In a matter of time, the MPI started to
go down faster and reached the goal of 6.0. below. Dave, his boss visited Todd from India to see
if what he had accomplished weas real. A few conundrums passed by, and Dave saw the success
in Todd and his ability to adapt to environment. After the huge incident, Todd invited Dave to
their employees after work party. But Dave insisted Todd to stay and talked about his work
conditions, it turns out that the Novelty company had shifted their outsourcing to China and that
he should mentor new personnel. Todd was baffled by the offer and rushed to the after party to
informed Puro and his employees about the situation. He was shockingly surprised on how
casual of a reaction it was for his employees being fired. Puro explained how natural it is to be
fired very often and that it would just take them weeks to get another Job. Puro on the other
hand, worries that he might not get another Job and that he will lose the love of his life months
from now. Todd refuses to go to China but suggests Puro as a replacement. Puro is seen leaving
for China with his new wife. Upon his return to the United States, Todd receives a phone call
from Asha just as the screen turns black and the end credits roll.

The movie has to do with Intercultural communication, a great example of the effects of
intercultural communication, specifically a subtopic cultural
miscommunication/misunderstanding is greatly shown in one of the scenes where the employees
were questioning several novelty items, it got to the point that they questioned one product, a
label branding tool, and asked Todd why they would use the tool. Todd unknowingly offended
his Indian employees by explaining that it was used to brand cow meat, since Americans love
cow meat, multiple farms have different brands for their specific cow meats. As if it weren’t that
shocking to them. As Todd continuously explained that they put the brand into baby cows, is
when he realized that he had offended their Culture. Intercultural communication plays an
important role in our society, where the goal is, theoretically, if we were all culturally aware of
the diversifying cultures present in our society, tensions from our society would loosen up.
Though it is still a working progress, there is still hope for that right harmony that will come out
of the chaos.
By now, with all the social media and technology present in this era. We know that we can
spread information worldwide in just a click of a button, so why don’t we educate close minded
individuals to the beauty of diversifying cultures and practices of different backgrounds. It
because some of them still believe that it could cause harm, to their beliefs and religious rights.
other believe that it takes great effort and time to see what is really behind each culture. As seen
in the movie, it took Todd weeks to realize the beauty within the superficial chaos in the City of
Gharapuri. Throughout half of the film, he always has that disgusted look every time he goes out
of the house. But as soon as he experiences the love within the people, he began to embrace the
different flaws and only focused on the brighter side everybody is seeing, the festival he
participated in, the people who thanked him and so much more. So, the reason why we still don’t
fully accept the intersecting harmony is because it is still unknown to us. What we think and
perceive far away always changes when we’re right in front of the scenario. Everything’s
confusion and a mystery from a far, to get a clear picture, we must experience it close, physically
emotionally and spiritually, then I believe that well be able to understanding it fully.

I haven’t personally experience what is in the movie, but I’ve seen people talked about the
experience of seeing the other side of the story. I watched this comedian, he’s a very popular
comedian, and what I loved about the video is his mixed expression on his trip to perform in
Saudi Arabia. Now Saudi Arabia is a very private Country, you cannot go over there as a
civilian, somebody with power must personally invite to go inside the country. among the stories
or stand-up specials that this comedian has performed, this one by far is the best. When he went
through his experience, jokes, and moments during that trip. It somehow reminded me of this.
almost of all of us see middle eastern countries as the biggest enemy of the world, because we
see new of Jihad terrorists coming from these lands. When we try to enumerate countries that
involved terrorism, we automatically think that Saudi Arabia is one of the numerous countries
and what’s worse is we generalized the thought that all the people, for example Saudi Arabians,
are Terrorist. Well others might say, no we don’t, but face it the majority thinks otherwise. I
loved how this comedian explained that even though comedies around the country is illegal and
that religious officers are very strict in upholding these certain kinds of law, he saw the beauty of
the citizen. When he started his show, he was surprised on how the people got along with him
and his joke, in general they had a good time, even religious officers came to his show and
laughed, and they say that their religious officers never laugh. When I finished the video, I
pondered a bit about the thought of generalizing opinions, accusations, acts, etc. and when you
hear someone famous, who’s lifestyle and societal choices is very different from the subject, and
he enjoyed being with the people, thinking that it’s as bad as he thinks. You come to realize that
we aren’t close enough to tell whether you and I are truly enemies, and that preconceived notion
of bad imagery is just superficial and dumb observation. Who are the recipients of this action?
The people within and outside the country, a lot of people misunderstands the ideas and culture
and practices of these people already, and with the idea of overgeneralizing one thought, no
wonder small ethnic groups from these cities get easily offended and often mistreated. I believe
that if we put all the efforts into understanding the people who deserve to be understood, then we
can finally get somewhere, peace is always desirable.

It was a nice movie, didn’t undermine any culture be it American or Indian. Generally
showed the bad and goods of both countries. Outsourcing is generally bad for countries America
whose big companies prefer this method instead of giving jobs to their own people, the topic is
quite sensitive for them, for us, were like India, we also have multiple foreign call centers here. I
liked how they took this very serious subject and portrayed it in an easing way. what I loved
about the movie is the realization part, that the goodness of the people their exceed the ugly and
flawed superficial part. That when looking out for the beauty of other culture, one must not look
by its cover, but within that is why I would recommend watching the film and other films like

Name: Eduard A. Danda VI

Subject: Reaction paper on Outsourced

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