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Keen Learner looking for career in field of Data Science & Analytics with giving
best to my owned skills and seeking to leverage skills and experience. Aspiring Data
Scientist, Proficient in Data Science focus on Data Gathering, EDA, Features
Engineering, Feature Selection, Data Preprocessing techniques, and Deep learning in
python Programming language.

UP A DH YA Y M.Sc. ( Data Science & Analytics ) 8.24 CGPA Till 3 rd Sem
2020 - 22

Bachelor of Computer Application 60.1%

Govt Holker Science College,
Anshulupadhyay00 2017 - 20
Higher Secondary 86%
in/Anshul-upadhyay- Vivekanand Convent School
3b37301a9 Soyat Dist. Agar Malwa ( M.P )
2016 - 17
Big Market Sales Prediction.
Brief: Predict item sales by taking Big Market sale Prediction dat a
from various Open Sources.
Tools: Scikit learn, Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Data
validation & Statistical Analysis, Linear Regression, Random Forest
MS - Excel & Ensemble Technique using boosting.

University Admission Prediction.

Brief: Analyze grades by taking University admission Prediction
dataset which include CGPA & Chance of admit based-on which we can
Predict whether we can take admission or not.
Tools: Scikit learn, Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, DecisionTreeClassifier.

Covid-19 prediction Using SIR Model.

Brief: Show Covid-19 cases using Suspectable-Infected-Recovered
Based on Prediction when the cases will increase or decreases.
Tools: Scikit learn, Pandas, Numpy, Pandas, SIR Model.

Twitter Sentiment Data Analysis.

Brief: Find recent tweets & store & Clean raw data in log file then
generate Word Cloud and create inverted index for hashtags, mentions &
Word Appearing in the tweets then Perform Sentiment Analysis &
Publish distribution by place.
Tools: NumPy, Pandas, NLTK, tweepy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, WordCloud.

Full Stack Data Science from ineuron.
Machine Learning Masters, ineuron.
Applied Microsoft AI Classroom Series.
Contact: +91 7312470330

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