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JWT Token Auto Renew in

Adam C. | 2 years ago
Photo by: ZSun Fu
Here are how we implement authentication using feathers in DNA.

We first login user using username and password with a "local" strategy,

"strategy": "local",
"email": "",
"password": "adam123$"
Then, we save the returned access token in local storage, and then we
check if the token is expired or not when the user loads the page (the logic
is in layout.js.) The user does not need to re-login until the token is
expired. But our jwt token is set to expire in 1 day, so it causes some
issues on the post editing page. Says we logged in yesterday at 10 am
and started writing a post at 9:40 am today, so we have only 20 mins left
before the jwt token is expired. While we are writing, the jwt token could be
expired already, then when we click on the Publish button at 10:10 am, for
example, we go the "NotAuthenticated" error.
Updated: We don't save JWT in the localStorage anymore, instead, we
use httpOnly cookie. Check it out.

So how to fix this? Somehow we need to auto-renew the jwt token, but
when? Our editing page has an auto-save function, which is called every
time user inputs something, so we can add the jwt renewal logic there:

onAutSave = () => {
// if jwt expires?
// yes, show alert popup -> logout
// else, will jwt expires in 5 mins?
// yes, renew it
// continue;
We do cover the case that users may be idle for a long time, but when
they come back, and input something, it will trigger onAutoSave, and they
will see the logout alert. So it's not bad, isn't it? If we really need, we could
add idle checking as well to logout the user or extend the session.

Then back to another issue, the feathers JWT authentication method does
not support auto-renewal out of the box, when we call the authentication
function using the jwt strategy and current access token, it will return the
same access token if the token is not expired. Good thing is that we can
have a custom JW strategy function to regenerate the token.

const { JWTStrategy } =

module.exports = class CustomJWTStrategy extends JWTStrategy

async authenticate(authentication, params) {
// run all of the original authentication logic, e.g.
// if the token is there, is valid, is not expired, etc.
const res = await super.authenticate(authentication,
// and now the key trick - by deleting the
accessToken here
// we will get Feathers AuthenticationStrategy.create()
// to generate us a new token.
delete res.accessToken;
return res;
The above code is borrowed from Karolis provided the solution to
dynamic extend the JWT token session length, but In our case, the
JWTStrategy is solely used to renew access token, so no need to check
oat (original issuing timestamp), etc.

The solution here could be an issue if someone got our token, which is
supposedly expired in 1 day, but now they can call the authentication
function with it before it's expired to get an unlimited access token. But I
think the security behind the JWT token is assuming the bad guy won't see
our token, otherwise, it's already big damage. What do you think?
Deni Apps LLC - 2022 | Source Code

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