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Climate Change Essay

Why climate change is hurting the environment and people are to blame. Climate change
is defined by changes in the regional or global climate patterns over a period of time. It is
commonly accepted that the causes, effects, and temperatures of climate change are in fact
actual phenomena. These effects have been proven by several of the greatest scientists in the
world. Many experts think temperatures throughout the globe have been growing over the years
due to greenhouse gases from fossil fuels and other non-natural energy sources. Humans are
one of the key factors for the changes in our weather patterns. Many other natural processes are
also impacting the climate such as the ocean current and volcanoes.
Human actions are one of the reasons the globe is going through climate change. The expanding
population is increasing the quantity of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are
released into the atmosphere, via processes like the burning of fossil fuels. The gases trap the
energy which causes the Earth to heat up, type of like a blanket. We as humans aren't doing
enough to attempt to solve the issues we are generating, even though it is badly harming our
environment. People are adjusting to the heating of the climate, but the harm is being done and
the effects are likely to come.
Another factor for climate change is Earth’s natural causes. Some natural activities that have
created alterations include volcano eruptions ocean currents. Eruptions of volcanoes send
Sulphur dioxide, water vapor, dust, and ash into the atmosphere. The Sulphur dioxide gas climbs
to the upper layer of Earth’s atmosphere. A volcanic eruption creates a cooling impact on Earth
because of microscopic particles of ash and dust obstructing the sun beams. Ocean currents are
another reason that is affecting the Earth’s climate. The seas have a role in the concentration of
carbon dioxide. Changes in the circulation of the ocean will impact the climate via the flow of CO2
in and out of our atmosphere. Because the seas cover more than 70 percent of Earth, they
produce a lot change on our planet and is a contributor in climate change.
Earth’s climate change is undoubtedly a serious world issue. Greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere have been progressively heating up the planet. Humans have caused a lot of the
change in the climate through the use of fossil fuels. The over population in many locations is
producing a greater amount of carbon dioxide which is contributing to climate change. Natural
events like volcanic eruptions and ocean currents have also caused climate alterations to Earth.
Scientist fear if existing methods aren't modified worldwide there, we be bad results.

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