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Greenhouse gases prevent radiation from escaping in to the outer space which results in gradual warming of the
temperature of the Earth surface that causes global warming. The equilibrium of the radiation earth receives and
the radiation that is reflected back to the space makes the Earth habitable for humans, with average temperature
of 15⁰C (59 degrees), as per NASA.

Without this balance our planet would be either too cold or too hot. The exchange of the radiation of the sun that
warms up the temperature of our planet is called greenhouse effect as a greenhouse also works in a similar way.

Greenhouse Effects on the Climate

Climate is dramatically affected by greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere. Emission of various greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere has increased significantly since Industrialization. Greenhouse gases are majorly produced
by burning fossil fuels. The gases that add to the greenhouse effect are Carbon dioxide (CO₂), Water vapor (H₂O),
Methane (CH₄), Ozone (O₃) and Nitrous Oxide (N₂O).

CO₂ contributes majorly to the greenhouse gases and has increased by 40 percent since industrialization. Natural
processes can absorb the gases in the atmosphere. For instance, the process of photosynthesis can absorb carbon
dioxide, but the emission of the gases gradually began exceeding the capacity to absorb greenhouse gases through
natural process. This imbalance between the ability of natural processes to absorb gases and emission of
greenhouse gases has increased the intensity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

We have burnt large amount of fossil fuels, cut down vast areas of forests, farmed livestock producing large
amount of methane and contaminated our atmosphere with toxic gases. Greenhouse gases that absorb the
radiation are in excessive quantity in the atmosphere and can force climate changes. Global warming is the biggest
challenge we are witnessing presently.

Effects of Climate Change

• Forests play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere majorly responsible for global
warming. Destroying trees further emit carbon dioxide adding to the greenhouse gas in atmosphere and
causing global warming.
• Climate change affects the water systems and may result in floods and droughts more frequently. Water
bodies are also contaminated around the world and the quality of water has degraded due to excessive
pollution and presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Glaciers are melting that impacts the
freshwater ecosystems. Increasing acidification of oceans is a threat for the oceanic wildlife.
• Climate change is a threat for several species. It is the cause of extinction of various species. Species that
live in the areas that are highly affected by climate change are unable to adapt to rapid change in the
• Increase in the temperature of Earth may result in extremely dangerous climate change.


The damage already caused to the Earth’s atmosphere and climate is severe and cannot be reversed. We can either
adapt to the climate change and live with the adverse consequences like floods and rising sea levels or mitigate the
impact of global warming by implementing policies that reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the

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