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Environmental Issues

faced by the world

By : Class 9T
What is Climate change?
 Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures
and weather pattern.
 These shifts are usually a natural cycle which occur due to
various changes in the solar cycle, but lately human activities
have become the main reason of rapid climate change.
 Contrary to what most people think, climate change is not
just the warming of the planet. Since Earth is a system,
changes in one area can influence changes in others.
Why is Climate Change bad??
 Climate change has brought hotter temperatures around
The globe. It has increased the surface temperature of the
Earth by approximately 1.1 Celsius since 1880’s.
 Climate change has brought drought in many areas, whereas
It has also flooded some areas entirely.
 It is one the main reasons of global hunger. Crops and
Livestock have been destroyed or become less productive
In the recent years
Why is Climate Change bad??

 Itis also one of the main reasons of extinction

of marine and wildlife species. Some affected
species include Elephants, Dolphins, Pandas,
Whales, and etc.
 As climate change worsens, dangerous weather
events such Typhoons, Hurricanes, Tornadoes,
etc. have become frequent and have been
What causes climate change?
 Themain reason for climate change is
because of the Heat trapped in the earth’s
atmosphere. This is known as The
greenhouse effect.
 Greenhouse effect occurs when the solar
radiation and Heat from the Sun is absorbed
by the earths atmosphere. However, due to
greenhouse gases(Carbon Dioxide, Methane,
CFC’s, and etc.), the heat is trapped in the
earth, warming it.
How has climate change affected our
 Climate change has brought multiple adverse
Effects to our environment.
 Many places experienced changes in rainfall which
Lowered their crop production. These changes brought
Intense rainfall, severe flooding, or increased drought.
 Glaciers have melted causing in higher sea levels.
 Oceans have becoming more acidic as well, causing
Marine extinction on a large scale.
How Human influence has affected
our environment?
 The burning of fossil fuels has been the
biggest reason of greenhouse gas
emissions. It significantly increased global
 Deforestation(cutting of trees) is also
taking place for industrial infrastructure,
causing less greenery.
 Certain fertilizers containing nitrogen or
fluorinated Gases are emitted, damaging
the ozone layer.
How can we prevent further
environmental damage?
 As seen from the above information, climate
change has significantly damaged our environment
to the point where it is irreversible.
 At this point, we need to minimize the damage
done to preserve the sustainability of our planet.
 Decreasing the use of fossil fuels and instead
utilizing renewable resources such as hydroelectric
power, afforestation and other methods can
significantly reduce the effects of climate change.
What is conservation?
 Conservation is the act of protecting something of
Environmental importance from harm or destruction.
 Conservation is important especially nowadays since our
Environment has been damaged severely.
 This is done in order to reduce or repair the damage done
By humans and maintain the environment for future
How can conservation of our
environment be done??
 One of the most famous ways of conservation is
the 3 R’s of recycling.
 The first R stands for Reduce, which is the
Reduction of waste generation by not purchasing
Unnecesary objects.
 The second R stands for Reuse, which is the
Repurposing of things for another reason.
 The last R stands for Recycle, which is simply the
Sorting of waste into specific containers.
What is the importance of the 3 R’s
of recycling??
 Waste is an unavoidable result of human activity.
It is present in numerous forms, whether leaving
a tap running, or throwing garbage into the
ocean. Since it can not be stopped, we need to
invent ways in which the least damage is done.
 Withthe help of this principle. We can
considerably reduce the amount to damage we
are doing to our precious environment and
maybe even reverse the inflicted scars.

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