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Social justice (climate change)

Climate change is the most pressing issue at the movement over the world. There are many reasons behind
climate change, some are natural and some are human activities that release greenhouse gases. Climate change is not
area or region specific, it's changing all through the world. Climate change occurs when atmospheric temperatures
increase a lot which in turn causes many different changes to the earth such as more floods, intense rain, droughts,
increase in rate of more frequent and severe heat waves, increase level of oceans, melting glaciers, warming oceans,
sea water becoming more acidic, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner and so much
more. All these changes may become more frequent in the future decades and hugely challenge the society and

We humans are the main cause of climate change; these are a few reasons why. When fossil fuels like coal,
oil and gas are burned and turned into electricity they release carbon dioxide. Which is also a form of greenhouse gas
into the atmosphere. This causes the climate to change, as the layer of greenhouse gases gets thicker and traps in heat
and therefore changes the climate by making the earth warmer. In the matter of fact the earth will be increased by six
degrees this century .We also change the climate by cutting down trees in order to make land available for our other
uses, this is also known as deforestation. Deforestation hugely contributes to climate change as it disturbs the carbon
cycle because photosynthesis “the process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to create food and
release oxygen” which is a part of carbon cycle cannot occur as the plants are cut down, and therefore leaves more
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The final reason how we humans cause climate change is because of disturbing the
albedo effect “the process when the ice or snow that lies on the ground reflects 100 of incoming radiation back into
the space by not absorbing it. We disturb the albedo effect by releasing more greenhouse gases which makes the earth
warm and cause the snow or ice to melt and therefore let the earth absorb the radiation without reflecting it back to
space. It is believed that there are only 20 000 to 25 000 polar bears living in the wild due to the melting of ice and
snow. Therefore climate change affects us in a lot of ways for example habitat loss, species extinct, food chain
disruption, which leads to more species extinct (humans).
Climate changes is the most unpredictable threat to our planet, the earth‘s climate has changed over the last
century due to human activities that release greenhouse gases .Climate changes cause loss of habitat which leads to
extinct species which affects the ecosystem, some ways on how we could reduce the release of greenhouse gases are,
Using alternative energy sources are renewable and are known to be “free “energy sources. They have lower carbon
emission when compared to conventional energy sources; include bio fuel, geothermal, solar energy, wind energy and
hydroelectric energy sources. It’s amazing that there is enough energy in sunlight that shines on the earth in just 1
hour to meet the world’s energy demands for a whole year. Most transportation that we use now releases Co 2 which is
a greenhouse gas, which will affect the climate. Instead we should use green transportation like walking and cycling
which does not release any greenhouse gases .A few benefits of green transportation is that there will be a less
polluted environment, better health and it saves money. Another way that we affect the environment is by purchasing
more unwanted stuff as they have to be produced in a factory, keeping the planet in mind while shopping is a simple
Social justice (climate change)
but effective way to protect our planet .This can be done by asking some simple questions to yourself like do I really
need this? Is it durable? Or just by buying things in a garage sale. It is important to follow these solutions because
between 2002 and 2011 over 215 billion tons of ice melts each year .Therefore by using alternative energy sources,
green transportation and by keeping our planet in mind while shopping would help us to reduce the harmful hazards
that climate change could cause to our health.
Yes, these solutions do work if we follow them properly, but there are still some cons to these solutions.
Alternative energy is expensive and it occupies more land. The most harmful alternative energy is a wind turbine, as it
causes noise pollution and is a threat to bats and birds. The current status is a bit bad as only 24 countries out of 195
countries use geothermal energy but biofuels and wind energy are growing fast. The world’s first geothermal
generated electricity was produced in 1904 in Italy. Green transportation like walking and cycling is hard for ill and
sick people .so ill people use cars and motorbikes which release co2.thinking about our plant while shopping is simple
and effective. It does not have any cons to it and will work as it does not harm anybody or anything .it is said that the
earth will increase six degrees more this century. Therefore there are some cons to these solutions as they will need
more land, cost more or affect other living things and might not be the thing for sick people.
As a conclusion, we can see there are many effects of climate changes that seriously affect our environment,
health and biodiversities. If we still have not take any actions to prevent the climate changes, our mother earth will be
become sick more seriously. Furthermore, when the deforestation continuing occurs, there will be many different
consequences to our environment. Climate changes will also leads to psychological problem such as post traumatic
disorder, stress, anxiety and violence among the communities. So, to protect our environment and give our next
generation to have a better place to stay, we must always know how to prevent the climate changes such as stop
cutting off the trees, save energy, car-pooling, using alternative energy sources and green transportation and by
keeping our planet in mind while shopping would help us to reduce the harmful hazards that climate change could
cause to our health, the climate would not change suddenly but take time to change, but our planet would be a
healthier and a safer place to live in.

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