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The Greenhouse Gases

What do you think is the biggest threat to your future? The factors that surround you, the foods you
consume, and the air you breathe might endanger your life. My name is Kathleen Faith Mariano and
I will describe what greenhouse gases are, what is the advantage and disadvantages of
it, and how to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

The Earth is a pleasant place to live. All of the animals and plants, as well as humans, dwell here.
Mountains, valleys, plains, and much more can be found there. 70% of the earth's surface is covered
with water. When it comes to living, Earth is truly unique. We're going to talk about the greenhouse
effect now. Its benefits and drawbacks are examined, as well as how to limit greenhouse gas
emissions. To begin, what are greenhouse gases? The gases in the Earth's atmosphere that trap heat
are known as "greenhouse gases." A greenhouse, for example, is a structure with glass walls and a
glass roof that allows sunlight to enter while storing the sun's heat inside. This is how the
greenhouse keeps the plants warm at night and in the cold. The Earth's surfaces keep itself warm in
the same way. The Earth's surface, however, is encircled by a layer of gases known as the
atmosphere, rather than a glass wall. The sun's light passes through the atmosphere and warms the
Earth's surface. At night, the Earth's surface cools. As a result, heat is released into the atmosphere.
Furthermore, some of the heat retained by gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, water
vapor, and methane, is now referred to as the greenhouse effect. Just to keep the correct
temperature for living, the Earth need a well-balanced greenhouse gas. Nonetheless, some human
activities are altering the natural greenhouse effect of the Earth.

The common advantage of Greenhouse Effect:

The hazardous solar radiation is blocked from reaching the planet's surface by greenhouse gases. It
filters out undesired and harmful energy and bounces it back into space. The most important
greenhouse gas is ozone. It absorbs the sun's ultra-violet (UV) radiation, causing harm to people,
animals, plants, and other living things. The greenhouse effect aids in the regulation of temperature
on Earth's surfaces, which is beneficial to living humans, animals, plants, and other species. The
Earth is sufficiently heated to support life. The Earth's surface, on the other hand, would be cooler
without the heat. The planet has been able to maintain its water level on the surface because to the
greenhouse effect.

The common Disadvantages of Greenhouse Effect:

The climate is the principal influence of greenhouse gases. This suggests that the temperature is
rising, which means that there will be more natural disasters over time. The Earth's water supply
would be depleted. Flooding would occur in low-lying areas, and polar ice would melt, resulting in an
increase in sea level. The environment and marine life would be destroyed. The ocean absorbs the
majority of the heat generated by greenhouse gases. As a result, ocean temperatures will rise. Coral
bleaching and the loss of breeding habitats for marine fish and animals are two examples of how it
affects marine species and ecosystems. Weather patterns would be affected by global warming. In
many places of the planet, rainfall would become unreliable, resulting in desertification. Human and
economic life would be significantly impacted. A 2% to 3% increase in global temperature would
result in a 2% to 3% reduction in world output, costing trillions of dollars. Furthermore, agricultural
productivity is harmed, resulting in famines and famine-related diseases.
Here are the ways on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:


Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and, in turn, give off oxygen. One tree absorbs
around one ton of carbon dioxide in the whole of its lifetime. Hence, if someone has the means to
plant trees, now is the time.


It entails maintaining a vehicle's tires correctly inflated, which decreases gas mileage by over 3%, and
ensuring that your automobile is properly maintained, which may boost it by 4%. If a person wants
to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, they must keep their automobile in good working order.
For every gallon of petrol saved, a person saves money on expenditures. Similarly, it helps to keep
about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the environment, lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Without a question, automobile emissions are the primary driver of global warming. The creation of
these automobiles, as well as the production of gasoline and the construction of roads, is a major
source of greenhouse gases that are hazardous to the environment.


Accordingly, When people recycle close to half of their household waste, they can save around 2,400
pounds of carbon dioxide each year. Instead of throwing excess waste into the atmosphere,
increasing the amount of carbon dioxide, one can instead buy products with minimal packaging.
Reducing waste also involves purchasing reusable products rather than disposable ones like getting a
reusable water bottle. Most importantly, people have to figure out the size of their carbon footprint,
which is the amount of carbon they are releasing to the atmosphere through their activities.
Additionally, they can determine the appliances which are producing a high amount of energy and
work on eliminating them.


Fewer automobiles on the road and fewer greenhouse emissions in the environment result from the
usage of public transit, carpooling, bicycling, and walking. Adding bus lines, bike lanes, and walkways
to cities and towns can make it simpler for individuals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
According to CENTER FOR CLIMATE AND ENERGY SOLUTIONS, Bicycling and walking are not just
recreational activities; these options help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, traffic congestion and
our demand for oil. Additional benefits include reducing other environmental impacts of motorized
transportation, such as noise and the destruction of open space, wetlands, and other habitats.

The entire process of acquiring beef necessitates a lot of fuel and energy. As a result, people should
limit their meat consumption to reduce their carbon footprint. Growing vegetables, on the other
hand, needs extremely less energy when compared to the process of producing meat. As a result,
eating fruits, vegetables, beans, and other beans is an excellent way to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Changing your diet may have a significant influence on your carbon footprint. In addition,
pollution will be reduced, the environment will be preserved, and global warming will be slowed.
Many of these modifications can also help you save money, enhance your health, and keep you in


Nonetheless, natural greenhouse gases need the Earth to maintain its natural heat for living things.
However, some destructive human actions, such as burning fossil fuels, raise the heat of the Earth's
surface, causing damage to the atmosphere. Furthermore, illegal tree cutting is one of the primary
causes of carbon dioxide increases. Trees assist in absorbing carbon dioxide and offer us oxygen in
return. Increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases can contribute to climate change
and global warming, which we are currently experiencing.

All of this can only mean one thing: if we do not care for our environment, we will all face the harsh
consequences that will result. All of our acts are jeopardizing and shortening our existence. After
reading all of this, one issue to consider is whether you believe it is saving or harming our world. Life
is short, don’t make it shorter.

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