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Global Warming and

Green House Effect

Government Polytechnic, Gandhinagar

Bio-medical Department

 Subject:-

 Name :-
 Enrollment no :-
Global Warming
Key Concepts

 climate change—

 a term used to describe trends in the earth’s climate.

 For example, scientists see that the planet’s average temperature is
rising. This affects wind and ocean currents as well as yearly amounts of
rain and snow. Climate change affects different parts of the world in
different ways. Take a look at what is happening in the Arctic as
compared to the Hudson Valley.
 global warming—
 refers to the general increase in the earth’s
 average temperature, which causes changes in climate patterns across
the globe.
 The earth’s average temperature has been increasing over the
last century.
 For example, there is some evidence that suggests that the
U.S. Northeast will gett colder as the poles melt and cold, fresh water
changes currents near the East Coast.

key events in American environmental
 for example,
 Earth Day, an environmental movement that was founded in 1970
when 20 million Americans protested for a healthy and sustainable
 Earth Day represents the hope for a clean planet.

 Other examples are the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act,
Endangered Species Act, Kyoto Protocol and the
Solutions for Global Warming

 Reduce

 Take canvas bags to the grocery store

 Bring your lunch and drinks in reusable containers Cut down on the amount of trash
you produce

Save energy

 Turn off lights, TVs, computers and radios when not in use
 unplug your stuff!
 Turn down the heat or air conditioning
 Walk or ride your bicycle whenever possible.
 Conserve water

 Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth

 Take shorter showers

 Recycle

 Recycle paper, metal, glass and plastic

 Use recycled products
 Use rechargeable batteries
Green House Effect
 “Greenhouse effect is the process by which radiations from the
sun are absorbed by the greenhouse gases and not reflected back
into space. This insulates the surface of the earth and prevents it
from freezing.”

 What is the Greenhouse Effect?

 A greenhouse is a house made of glass that can be
used to grow plants. The sun’s radiations warm the
plants and the air inside the greenhouse.
The heat trapped inside can’t escape out and warms
the greenhouse which is essential for the growth of
the plants.
Causes of Greenhouse Effect

 Burning of Fossil Fuels

 Fossil fuels are an important part of our lives.

 They are widely used in transportation and to produce electricity. Burning of
fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide. With the increase in population, the
utilization of fossil fuels has increased. This has led to an increase in the
release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

 Deforestation
 Plants and trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
 Due to the cutting of trees, there is a considerable increase in
the greenhouse gases which increases the earth’s temperature.
 greenhouse gases—

 This are carbon dioxide and methane, mostly caused

by human activity. Greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere,
absorbing and holding heat, which causes earth’s temperature
to rise.

 Keywords to explore and know:-

 acidification, alternative energy, atmosphere, biomass, carbon cycle,
carbon dioxide, carbon footprint, conservation, deforestation, ecosystems,
energy, estuary, food web, fossil fuels,fuel efficiency, greenhouse effect,
habitat, Industrial Revolution, invasive and native species, natural resources,
ozone, photosynthesis, pollution, renewable and solar energy, species
migration, symbiosis, watershed.
 Farming

 Nitrous oxide used in fertilizers is one of the contributors to the

greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.

 Industrial Waste and Landfills

 The industries and factories produce harmful gases which are
released in the atmosphere.
 Landfills also release carbon dioxide and methane that adds
to the greenhouse gases.
 Smog and Air Pollution
 Smog is formed by the combination of smoke and fog.
 It can be caused both by natural means and man-made activities.
 In general, smog is generally formed by the accumulation of more
greenhouse gases including nitrogen and sulfur oxides.
 The major contributors to the formation of smog are the automobile
and industrial emissions, agricultural fires, natural forest fires and
the reaction of these chemicals among themselves.
Thank you

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