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I think one of the main cause of deforestation is Urbanization because trees are cut down to build roads
and because forest are being destroyed to expand cities and to create more establishments. And for me
the effects of it are greenhouse effect because if there’s not much trees, nothing will absorb carbon
dioxide and also flooding because when rain comes, there’s no more trees that will retain the water in
which leads to calamity.

Land transformation

Economic reasons for me is one of the cause of land transformation because some forests are converts
to farm land since there’s lack of land to grow crops . And the effect of it is deforestation because they
destroy forests in order to have agricultural land which leads in bad causes such as global warming.

Global warming

One of the major causes of global warming is the greenhouse effect which is a natural phenomenon. Yet,
the rise in greenhouse gases can be related back to human activity like deforestation, mining and etc.
The effect of global warming is example on our diversity temperature will rise, climate change will
disrupt the ecosystems and it changes the conditions and cycles of plant reproduction. If global warming
continues through the years it can slowly destroy the whole world because it can cause supercell storm,
massive flooding and can even increase tornados.

Greenhouse effect

I think one of the most common causes of greenhouse effects is poor waste management, poor waste
management leads to climate change and pollution and has a direct impact on nearly every aspect of
ecosystems and species. The effect of greenhouse effect is the natural disasters such as super typhoon.
For me the best example that will change our habit and start loving our environment is the typhoon
Haiyan (Yolanda) that hit the Philippines in 2013, we need to be careful on what we are doing in our
environment to avoid this kind of tragedy.

Climate change

I think one of the most common causes of climate change is deforestation because trees absorb and
store carbon dioxide. The effect of climate change can be rising sea levels and storms. The best example
will be based on what I said in global warming which is it can slowly destroy the whole world because it
has the capacity to create supercell storms, massive flooding, and even tornadoes, on the other hand
the greenhouse effect which it can cause a super typhoon.

Climate change nowadays is getting worse, it is alarming because the impacts of climate change are
happening faster than scientist predicted years ago. Some of the evidences of climate change are the
melting of the glaciers is speeding up, sea level is rising, temperatures are rising throughout the planet
as a result of more heat being trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. It happens because of
many reasons, one of the reasons is deforestation since the trees are cut down and burned, their carbon
is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide which then traps in the atmosphere.
Youth is important in protecting environment because youth make up major portion of the global
population and we will be forced to live with the consequences of environmental decisions. And
because we are going to live long in this world, we want to live with good quality of air, many trees, and
have natural resources while we are still alive and in the future. We can help in stopping climate change
in simple things such as adopting environmental friendly practices, learning 3 Rs , and conserving natural
resources like water and etc. And we can also help by studying to discover energy sources that do not
harm environment.

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