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Invisibility to Undead (UA)


Range: Touch Components: V,S,M

Duration: 6 Rounds Casting Time: 4 Segments
Area of Effect: One Individual Saving Throw: Negates


Magic Stone (UA)


Range: 2" Components: V,S

Duration: 6 Rounds or Until Used Casting Time: 1 Round
Area of Effect: 1 small pebble or stone Saving Throw: None


Penetrate Disguise (UA)


Range: 12" Components: V,S

Duration: 1 Round Casting Time: 2 Rounds
Area of Effect: 1 Individual Saving Throw: Negates

This spell is quite similar to sanctuary, but only affects undead of 4 or fewer hit dice. A saving throw versus spell is made
for each type of undead within 30 feet of the caster, and if failed, all undead of that type will ignore the caster completely
for the duration of the spell. (Note that this negates subsequent attempts by the caster to turn those undead.) However, if
the saving throw succeeds, all undead of that type will attack the spell caster in preference to any other possible targets.

The effect of this spell ends if the caster attacks or attempts to cast any other spell. If the caster is of neutral morals (with
respect to good and evil), the undead save at -2. The material component is the cleric’s holy sym bo1 .

To use this spell, the cleric picks up a small stone or pebble and then (via the casting process) places a magical aura on
it. The spell cannot affect stones that are already magical. The magic stone can be thrown at a target up to 4” distant
(assuming no intervening obstacles and sufficient head room). It will act as a +1 weapon for “to hit” determination, and if a
hit is scored the stone will do 1 point of damage. Ranges are 2“/3“14”, with standard modifications. If the stone travels
more than 4” from the thrower or if it does not score a hit, the missile loses its dweomer and falls harmlessly to the
ground. A magic stone must be thrown within 6 rounds after the casting of the spell is completed, or it turns back into an
ordinary item.

A hit from the stone will break the concentration of a spell caster only if the victim fails a saving throw versus spell. Any
target with innate magic resistance cannot be affected by the stone. A shield spell will protect a target from a magic stone,
as will a brooch of shielding, a protection from normal missiles spell, a minor globe of invulnerability, or any similar (more
powerful) magic. A cleric of 6th through 10th level can enchant 2 stones with this spell, one of 11th through 15th level
can use it on 3 stones, and an additional stone is allowed for every five levels of experience the caster has gained beyond
the 11th (Le., 4 stones at 16th level, 5 stones at 21st level, etc.). It is possible for a cleric to give the enchanted stone(s) to
another character to throw. Note that some religious organizations may forbid their clerics from using this spell, since it
enables the cleric to use a missile weapon (of sorts).

By means of this spell, the cleric is empowered to see through a disguise composed solely of makeup or altered clothing
(i.e., non-magical in nature). The cleric cannot identify what class or profession the disguised figure actually belongs to,
nor the true appearance of the figure; the spell merely points out that the target figure is posing as someone or something
else. The spell does not detect actual rank or status and cannot reveal an illusion for what it is, but it can detect whether a
figure is the object of a friends spell. The spell cannot detect any deception involving alignment. The target of the spell is
allowed a saving throw versus spell, and if this saving throw is made, the disguise will be enhanced in the eyes of the
cleric, so that the caster becomes convinced that the target figure actually is what he claims to be. Being under the effect
of a bless spell, wearing magic armor, or using a magic item of protection (such as a cloak orring) will give the target an
appropriate bonus to the saving throw.

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