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AR187-1 / MAPUA Resource Management /A50


What is the most important factor in the construction industry?

The construction industry is considered one of the arising enterprises of today that incredibly af-
fects the economy of any country. In the construction industry, some factors will influence the quality of
constriction in the long run. Operating Management is the most important factor, for it can deal with the
business proficiently, especially in managing fixing contests. The rating thought profoundly consolidated
the capacity to diminish costs and improve effectiveness. Organizations that can offer more serious valu-
ing will have a better situation to win a delicate. Having proper management joined with command over
account receivables and synchronizing it with the company's costs that have dispensed are likewise signif -
icant variables to keep up with working capital necessities as low as possible conceivable. In similar in -
stances, this could limit the reliance on outer getting of the construction industry—the examination of
working edges through the operational management. The analysis and factor help quantify working pro-
ductivity in the construction industry.

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