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Packing is an extract from the book “Three Men in a Boat” written by Jerome K.
Jerome. This book is a boating holiday account of three friends – Jerome, the author
and his two friends – Harris and George. Packing is particularly that section of the book
where the author along with his friends are busy in the tedious work of packing just
before they set off for their journey. As Jerome, George and Harris are ready to set
out on a boat journey, they begin with packing their bags.

Jerome, the narrator is the one who explains his experiences of packing. He is pretty
confident about his packing skills as he mentions that he can handle loading his stuff
into his bag on his own. In reality, he simply wants to monitor his friends while they are
engaged in the packing session and make them work under his supervision. Nonetheless,
they sit and relax and let him handle the packing process all by himself. Although this
irritates him, he still packs the bags diligently.

As Jerome continues with his packing session, his friends silently watch him do all the
work. Soon, Harris reminds him of the shoes and Jerome reopens the bag to make some
space for it. Suddenly, Jerome is unsure if he has packed his toothbrush or not. So, he
again unpacks the luggage bag just to find the toothbrush inside one of his boots and
repacks the bag again. Soon after, George queries Jerome about the soap, but he gets
irritated, ignores the comment and packs his bag regardless. However, he reopens his
bag as his spectacles were locked inside the bag. Finally, he slams his bag shut and
concludes his packing session at 10.05 p.m.

As the food hampers were left to be done, George and Harris start packing to show
Jerome the art of packing by consuming less time. However, even they are caught up in
an awkward situation when they break a cup into pieces. Further, Harris squashes the
tomatoes while packing the strawberry jam and George walks on the butter and ends up
smashing the pies by packing it at the bottom of the hamper. Besides, the salt is
spread all over the things and the hamper packing ends up in a messy state. After much
chaos, they finally try to put all the things together systematically.

To their dismay, their pet dog, Montmorency creates nuisance and worsens things. He
sits on those items which were meant to be packed and puts his leg into the jam and
crushes the lemons like rats. Harris accuses Jerome of creating all the mess by the
pet. However, Jerome says that Montmorency was born with this natural instinct of
cluttering things everywhere. Finally, after much muddling, the packing ends at around
12:50 a.m. After a prolonged and tiring packing session, the friends decide to take
some rest before they set out on their journey the next morning. As they head to bed,
George asks about what time he should awake his friends. Harris says seven o’clock,
Made by warid waheed
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while Jerome maintains six. They split their difference and agree to wake up at 6.30
a.m. and finally go off to sleep.

Moti guj mutineer

The story is about a powerful and magnificent elephant referred to as Moti Guj, who is
employed by a coffee-planter to uproot stumps in some forest land that is being
cleared for coffee planting. This “very best of elephants” belongs to “the terribly
worst of mahouts” – a drunkard known as Deesa. After a tough day’s work, Deesa
continuously gets drunk with a mixed drink, sharing his liquor with the elephant, and
calling him with a range of terms of love and abuse.

One day, Deesa decides that he should get a break from his workman’s toil, and decides
to go off in search of drunken orgy. He wants himself properly drunk. He asks for
permission from the planter, who tells him that he will depart for 10 days, however on
condition that he can instruct Moti Guj to work under the directions of another driver,
a gentle married man referred to as Chihun. Deesa agrees, and Moti Guj begins hauling
stumps beneath Chihun’s care.

Chihun’s partner and baby pamper Moti Guj, and Chihun treats him very well. However,
Moti Guj “was a bachelor by instinct, like as Deesa was”, and doesn’t perceive the
“domestic emotions”. For 10 days Moti Guj works smoothly, and on the eleventh day,
When Deesa doesn’t return – and Moti Guj goes on strike and starts rebelling.

Chihun calls him to come back to his work, but Moti Guj does not obey. He strolls
around, creating fun of the other elephants WHO had simply set to work.

He refused to wrench out stumps and hence became mutineer. The threat of Chihun
had no effect on him. He was still unmanageable, ruined the garden, disturbed other
elephants in their work and talked about their rights. Even, the planter tries to control
him, chain-whip him with the help of two other elephants, however, Mot Guj was the
most powerful and unmanageable beast that his taskmasters-to-be decide at the last
minute to change their attitude and pretend that they had “brought the chain out for
amusement”.In this way, Moti Guj continues strolls around, “talking nonsense regarding
labour and also the inalienable rights of elephants and idleness around ” till finally, at
dawn the following day Deesa returns, has a joyous reunion with Moti Guj, and – to the
planter’s astonishment – they get back to work clearing stumps.

Made by warid waheed

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