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1.Develop a Bibliography English Research Project with Advice and Obligations

support that follow, knowing that the use of should when giving Advice in questions,
negative and positives, is very important thing in English Language.

Give advice to the following people

Use I think_____should or I don’t think_____should.


Peters got a very bad cold.

I think he should go to bed.

I don’t think he should go to work.

1) One of my teeth is loose.


2) I've lost my credit cards and cheque book.


3) John wants to drive home, but he hasn’t got his glasses.


4) Ann's phone bill enormous!10.000,00 Meticais!


5) My shoes have got a hole in them. I only bought them last week.


6) Jenny and Tony are only sixteen, but they say they want to get married.


7) My children spend all their pocket money on sweets.


2. Asking for advice

Ask for advice in the following situations.

Use do you think……………….should…………?


George has asked me to marry him.

Do you think I should say yes?

(1) Teresa has invited me to a party at her parents' house.


(2) Hazel still hasn’t given me back money she owes me.


(3) My boss said today that I can have a pay rise if I learn Chinese.


(4) Lulu isn’t speaking to me today because yesterday I said she was stupid.


(5) Jeremy doesn’t know whether to go to university or travel round the world.


(6) This stereos beautiful, it's so expensive.


3. Complete the following sentences in suitable way. Use have to, has to, or had to.

Use the following verbs: go, be, take, drive, make, wear.

Example:I have to wear glasses because my eyes aren’t very good.

(1) I've got some tablets from the doctor. I_____________________them three
times a day.

(2) Thanks for a lovely evening! We___________________now or we'll miss our

(3) Remember! When you drive in England you___________________on the left!

(4) Mary's in a panic. She_______________ at the Airport at 2:30, but it's 2:00 and
she isn’t ready yet.

(5) Can I go and see the dentist when I want?

(6) Well usually____________________have an appointment, unless it's an


(7) At the week end Jack wears jeans and a t-shirt. During the week ______a suit
and a tie.

(8) Why are you late?

Sorry. I ___________________to the bank, and there was a queue.

4. Put a form of have to or should into each gap. Sometimes the verb forms are

(1) Your hair's too long. I think you___________________________get in cut.

(2) You smell bad you’ve got a cough.You_______________smoke.

(3) I'm going to bed. I ___________________ be up early tomorrow.

(4) I'd like to meet your boyfriend. You_____________invite him around.

(5) You____________come with me if you don’t want to. I'll go on my own.

(6) If you need some help with your homework, you __________go to the library.

(7) If you've got a ticket, you__________queue. You can go straight in.

(8) You _________________________________tell lies. It's naughty.

Good Lucky and Blessings.

Your Lecture

MSc. Eugénio Alberto Alfredo Bread


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Note: Don’t forget to put the Introduction, the general and specific objectives,
development, conclusion and Bibliography

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