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Task: Questions and Project


Course: Certificate III in Commercial Cookery -

Stage 1

Unit: SITHCCC005-Prepare Dishes using

Basic Methods of Cook

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Written Questions
Q1.  Identify which pieces of equipment you would select for the following
methods of cookery: 
Boiling: pot, stove, chinois/colander, tong wooden spoons and trays.

Poaching: pot, stove/burner, chefs spoon(perforated) and tray.

Roasting: oven, rack, thermometer, tongs and trays

Baking: oven, thermometer, trays, measuring cups, measuring spoons, scales,
mixer and mould.

Grilling: grill/skillet, tongs, trays, rack and carving fork.

Methods of cookery 
Q2. Define what is meant by the following terms? 

Boiling is the method of cooking food in boiling water or other water-based

liquids such as stock or milk. Simmering is gentle boiling, while in poaching the
cooking liquid moves but scarcely bubbles. Boiling is used to enhance the
texture of starchy foods and tougher proteins, making them more edible. It
also revives grains, dried pasta, and dried legumes, making them soft and
tender. The boiling process serves two purposes: it destroys organic impurities,
and it transforms raw ingredients into cooked foods. Boiling water hardens the
albumen in eggs; toughens fibrin and dissolves tissues in meat; and bursts
starch grains and softens cellulose in cereals and vegetables.

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Cooking at a temperature that is slightly below boiling. Simmering is a food

preparation technique by which foods are cooked in hot liquids kept just below
the boiling point of water (lower than 100 °C and above poaching temperature
(higher than 71–82 °C ).Simmering is a food preparation technique by which
foods are cooked in hot liquids kept just below the boiling point of water and
above poaching temperature. To create a steady simmer, a liquid is brought to
a boil, then its heat source is reduced to a lower, constant temperature.

Blanching is a cooking process in which a food, usually a vegetable or fruit, is

scalded in boiling water, removed after a brief, timed interval, and finally
plunged into iced water or placed under cold running water (shocking or
refreshing) to halt the cooking process.Blanching is a must for most vegetables
to be frozen. It slows or stops the enzyme action which can cause loss of flavor,
color and texture. The blanching time is very important and varies with the
vegetable and size. Under blanching stimulates the activity of enzymes and is
worse than no blanching. Blanching is a quick way to cook them while
preserving that peak crunch and taste. It involves partially cooking something
by plunging it into boiling water for a short time, then “shocking” it in ice water
to stop the cooking.


Baking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, typically in an oven,
but can also be done in hot ashes, or on hot stones. The most common baked
item is bread but many other types of foods are baked. Heat is gradually
transferred "from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to their center.It is
used for making bread, cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, cookies, and much more.
Such foods made by baking are called "baked goods".

Ingredients and cookery methods  
Q3. What is a Court Bouillon? 

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A type of broth that is often used as a braising or poaching liquid, such as for
poaching fish. It is prepared with various vegetables including onions, carrots,
and celery and a bouquet garni (herbs bundled together) such as parsley, bay
leaves, and thyme. All of the ingredients are cooked in a pot with water and
some wine or lemon juice to keep the fish or seafood firm after being cooked.
After the ingredients have been thoroughly cooked, the liquid is drained and
used as a flavorful poaching liquid for fish or seafood.Court bouillon loosely
translates as 'briefly boiled liquid' (French court) or "short broth" because the
cooking time is brief in comparison with a rich and complex stock, and
generally is not served as part of the finished dish. Because delicate foods do
not cook for very long, it is prepared before the foods are added. Typically,
cooking times do not exceed 60 minutes. Although a court bouillon may
become the base for a stock or fumet, in traditional terms it is differentiated by
the inclusion of acidulating ingredients such as wine, vinegar, or lemon juice. In
addition to contributing their own flavor, acids help to draw flavor from the
vegetable aromatics during the short preparation time prior to use.

Q4. Which method of cookery retains more vitamins and nutrition?  

Boiling or Steaming?  
Since vegetables don't come in contact with cooking water during steaming,
more vitamins are retained.While methods like steaming are better than
boiling, the answer depends on the vegetable. Steaming is best, especially for
broccoli – As a general rule, keep cooking time, temperature and the amount
of liquid to a minimum when cooking vegetables. That's why steaming is one of
the best ways to maximize nutrients.

Q5. What are two kinds of food coatings suitable for deep-frying? 

1. Breading/ Crumbing. Panure à l'Anglaise/ English-style
Coating: Flour, egg wash, and breadcrumbs. Panure à la Française/ French-style
Coating: Food is first dipped in milk or egg wash then coated in flour.

2. Batter. Plain Batter: Water, flour, egg. Beer Batter: Beer/ soda water, egg,

Q6. Name four kinds of food suitable for baking: 

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1. Bread
There’s nothing like taking a loaf of fresh yeast bread out of the oven. Just the
enticing scent alone makes one of the world’s most celebrated foods worth
baking! From a handful of ingredients at its most basic flour, yeast, water,
and salt to the finished product, learn all about the stages of bread baking
here, including how to store your prized loaf. But some breads do not have
yeast, such as flatbreads.

2. Cakes
Layer cakes, cupcakes, snack cakes, roulades, and even cheesecakes the cake
category is vast. Most cakes are often classified into two categories: whether
they contain fat, such as butter or oil (shortened cakes) or whether they
contain little or no fat (unshortened or foam cakes). Find out more here
about types of cakes, the ingredients used to make them, and plenty of tips
for success.

3. Cookies
Whether you call them “cookies,” “biscuits,”are loved the world over. They can
be dropped, sliced, molded, rolled and cut, baked into bars, sandwiched with
fillings, and decorated with colorful icings. They can range from simple to
elaborate, an after-school snack or essential to your family’s holiday traditions.

4. Pies and Tarts

Buttery, flaky, toothsome, tender, crisp: these are all words that can describe
the most ethereal pie or tart crust. This relatively thin dough is used to
envelope a sweet or savory filling and can take many different forms lattice
topped double crust pies, hand pies, open-faced fresh fruit tarts, crostatas to
name a few.

Q7. What is meant by ‘blind baking’? 

Baking blind (sometimes called pre-baking) is the process of baking a pie crust
or other pastry without the filling. Blind baking is also used to keep pie crust
from becoming soggy due to a wet filling.You use your nose. Thus "blind"
relates to the means of determining baking time. The French phrase for blind
baking is cuire à blanc literally to bake white.

Which method of cookery?  
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Q8. Which method of cookery was used for the following foods?  

It's the biscuit method, which is used to mix most biscuits and scones. It is
sometimes called the pastry method because it incorporates the same
technique as for mixing pie dough. (There are some biscuit recipes that call for
using the creaming method, but those biscuits turn out to be more cake-like.

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French Fries  
French Fries Deep frying is to submerge the french fries in hot fat, most
commonly oil.

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Filet steak  
Dry heat methods can do it in a pan or on a grill.
Rack of Lamb  
Heat a heavy-based frying pan on the stove until hot. Add a drizzle of olive oil
and place the lamb racks in the hot pan and sear all the sides. Once well
coloured, remove the lamb racks and place on a cake rack in a roasting tray.
Food production requirements  
Q9. What are the advantages of using a standard recipe? (Name at least
1. A consistent quality and quantity.
2. Standard portion size/cost.
3. Assuring nutritional content and addressing dietary concerns, such as special
diets or food allergies.

Q10. Where do you confirm food production requirements from?  
The first step in preparing for service is to review the menu for the day (or
service period) to determine what items need to be gathered and prepared,
and the standard recipes for the dishes on offer are useful in determining the
exact food production requirements.
Q11. You are checking perishable supplies before use. What are some signs
that they are spoilt?  
1. Signs of spoilage on fruits and vegetables are mould, a soft and mushy
consistency and a bad smell. Low-risk foods can also spoil.
2. Degradation of flavour, aroma, colour and texture.
3.Enzyme browning.
4. Drying and hardening.
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Q12. Explain the special dangers of a fire in the oil of a deep fryer:   
It expands quickly, which can cause oil to splatter and risk bodily injury. Do not
let water get into the hot fat or use water to cool, or clean the appliance while
food is deep-frying. put out the fire. Using water can cause flaming oil to
splatter and spread.If you discover the fire quickly, you can cover it with a lid or
fire blanket to smother the flames. You should also be aware that hot oil can
re-ignite, even if you think you have extinguished the fire. If the fire has
already taken hold, approaching it with a lid or blanket is difficult and
Organising work  
Q13. If a soup recipe of two litres calls for 500gm of potatoes and we need to
make 10 litres, how many potatoes do we need?  
2.5 kg

Q14. You are preparing two main course dishes for a function. One is braised
and the other is deep fried. If you need them both at the same time, which will
take longer to cook?  
The braised one will take longer to cook.

Q15. You are cooking a lamb stew; the recipe says it takes one hour to cook.
After one hour you check the meat and it is still not tender. What do you do?  

Let the stew cook longer.

Q16. Food cost is an important cost in the kitchen so a cook needs to ensure
food is not wasted. Describe two ways that quality off cuts or trimmings can be
used instead of being wasted: 
1. You can make stock.
2. You can make soups.
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Prepare and cook food using basic methods of cookery 
Q17. Why should a Bain Marie (water bath) be used when baking egg custards
or terrines in the oven? 

A bain-marie (French for water bath) is a simple technique used for baking
delicate dishes like custards, cheesecakes, mousses and terrines. It works to
prevent cracking or curdling by surrounding the food being baked with hot
water to produce an even, gentle heat. It retains moisture, avoid burning and it
is gently cooking.

Q18. What does the term ‘en papillote’ mean? 

En papillote (French pronunciation; French for "enveloped in paper"), or al

cartoccio in Italian, is a method of cooking in which the food is put into a
folded pouch or parcel and then baked. This method is most often used to
cook fish or vegetables, but lamb and poultry can also be cooked en papillote.
It is a wrapping of foil or oiled paper in which food is cooked and served.

Q19. What is the temperature range for baking? 

The temperature range for baking is 180 Degrees celsius till 200 degrees celsius

Q20. Why should you only use a dry cloth to handle grill equipment? 
Water is better at transferring heat than air (and solids better than liquids). Dry
clothes insulate better since it impairs the transfer of heat more.You should
always use dry potholders when moving hot items in the kitchen. The steam
created from damp or wet potholders will instantly burn you. So , better to use
a dry cloth as it will prevent you from burning your hands.


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1. Briefly explain the difference between stewing and braising
Braising involves cooking large pieces of meat or chicken partially covered in
liquid, while stewing uses smaller pieces of meat totally immersed in liquid.

2. Explain the two hour/four hour rule of food storage

Put simply the rule is: Under 2 hours = Good to use or you can refrigerate at
5°C or less. 2to 4 hours = This timeframe means the food is okay to use. Over 4
hours = Throw your food away immediately.

3. What is a Court Bouillon used for and what are the ingredients?
Court Bouillon (pronounced "coor boo-YONE") is a flavorful, aromatic liquid
used for poaching fish and shellfish. The simplest court bouillon consists of
nothing but salted water, and some traditional recipes call for a mixture of half
salted water and half milk.

4. What are some safety points when using a deep fryer?

Use oil with a high smoke point, use a large, wide, sturdy pan, make sure you
have a well-fitting lid close to hand in case the oil catches fire, check the
temperature of your oil and never put wet food in the fryer.

5. Explain how to cook pasta

Boil water in a large pot. To make sure pasta doesn't stick together, use at least
4 quarts of water for every pound of pasta. Salt the water with at least a
tablespoon—more is fine. The salty water adds flavor to the pasta. Add pasta,
stir the pasta. Test the pasta by tasting it and drain the pasta.

6. What are the advantages of a standard recipe?

● a consistent quality and quantity.
● standard portion size/cost.
● assuring nutritional content and addressing dietary concerns, such as
special diets or food allergies.
● helping ensure compliance with “Truth in Menu” requirements.
● aiding in forecasting and purchasing.

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7. Why is teamwork important in a kitchen?
Teamwork in the kitchen is critical for creating the best food experiences. A
kitchen is unlike any other workplace. The intense pace, close quarters and
long hours can create a challenging environment, especially when employees
aren't working in sync.

8. What cuts of meat are suitable for grilling?

● Poultry: Skinless, white meat chicken or turkey; ground turkey breast.
● Beef: Flank steak, top loin, sirloin, porterhouse, T-bone steak and
tenderloin; 90% lean ground beef.
● Veal: Any trimmed cut.
● Pork: Pork chops or tenderloin.
● Lamb: Look for the word “loin”

9. How can we minimise food waste in the kitchen?

● Measure food waste.
● Predict food orders.
● Engage staff.
● Practise good stock control.
● Keep an eye on overproduction.
● Have a plan for excess food.
● Recycle.

10. What equipment do you use for stewing?


11. How can you clean the work area and equipment after use?
1. Dry clean. Remove visible and gross soils and debris.
2. Pre-rinse. Rinse all areas and surfaces until they are visibly free of soil.
3. Wash (soap and scrub).
4. Post-rinse.
5. Inspect.
6. Sanitize.
7. Dry.
8. Verification

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Coconut poached salmon

Recipe prepared by: Chef Joyce Faria Date: 22/05/2021

Method of cooking: Poaching No of portions: 1

Equipement: Oven, saucepan, spoom, tray

Aumount Ingredient

400 ml Coconut cream

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0,002kg Lemon grass

0,001 Ginger

1pc Lime juice and zest

1 tbsp Fish sauce

1 tbsp Caster sugar

0,02kg Spring Onion

0,2kg Salmon

0,005kg Sesame seeds

● Preheat the oven to 180°C.
● Place coconut cream, lemongrass, ginger, lime zest and juice, fish sauce, caster
sugar and spring onion in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a simmer.
● Meanwhile, place fish in a baking dish and pour over the hot coconut mixture.
Cover with a piece of foil and bake for 10-12 minutes until the fish is just cooked.
Sprinkle over sesame seeds and serve with steamed greens.

Danish Apple Cake

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Recipe prepared by: Chef Joyce Faria Date: 03/05/2021

Quantity: 01 cake No of portions: 8

Equipement: Scales, Electric Mixer, vegetable peeler.

Aumount Ingredient

175g Butter

175g Castor sugar

3 Eggs

175g Self-raising flour

500g Golden apple

1 tsp Ground Cinnamon

1 tbsp Write sugar

Method of cooking: Baking


● Preheat the oven to 180C. Grease a 22cm round cake tin.

● Beat butter and sugar with an electric mixer until the mixture is light and fluffy.
Beat in eggs, one at a time. Sieve flour into mixture and fold in thoroughly. The
mixture will be quite stiff.
● Peel, core and quarter apples, then slice them.
● Spread half the mixture in the bottom of the cake tin and cover with half sliced
apple. Cover with the rest of the mixture and arrange the remaining in a wheel
pattern over the top.

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● Mix cinnamon and white sugar, then sprinkle over the apple.
● Place in the centre of the oven and bake for 35 minutes.
● To check if it is ready, insert a skewer in the centre; it should come out clean.

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