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PE 14

Jazmin Faye N. Ramos BSCE 2B June 06, 2022
ESSAY (30 points) 
◎ Explain briefly what you had understood with the
movie CENTER STAGE and connect your ideas with the
topic theatrical and social dance?

"Center Stage" follows a group of teenage ballet students at

the fictional American Ballet Center in New York through their
first year of advanced instruction. To get in, they had to be
exceptional. It's about combining hard labor and artistic
achievement. To be a world-class ballet dancer is to be a world-
class athlete. It is an example of social dance since their primary
purpose is to socialize with everyone; they dance in groups and
have a relaxed, enjoyable, and friendly attitude; they also
perform for specific audiences and dance in a theater location,
which characterizes theatrical dance.

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