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The article I selected for this assignment is ‘Personality Change: Implications for

Organizational Behavior’ written by Tasselli, S., Kilduff, M., and Landis, B. It is published

in 2018. This study is focused on impact of personality change in organization behavior

for productive response. It is arising the debate concerning personality change and

stability on maintaining professional relationships. The authors included the theoretical

and literary aspects in the dealing with personality problems.

The main purpose of this article

The authors included foundation of psychological research related to personality

of individuals considering traits, tastes, needs and interests. They got the support from

the background to establish a system to investigate the outcomes of personality change

processes. They took personality change as the useful aspect to design approaches

and theories which have help in betterment implementation of organization goals.

The key question(s) that the author is addressing

The authors are addressing the importance and issues related to personality

change. They wanted to identify that what has been neglected in dealing with

personality changes. They tried to calculate that what likely to happen in case of

implementation of personality development structure. Whether the pressure of job,

impact the change in personality from positive to negative one? What aspects of

organizational culture should work for the increasing the impact of personality

characteristics? To what extend the personality face the change, because of

circumstances and pressures? Why high self-monitors are successful in organizational

behavior for flexibility of change in personality?

The most important information or key points in this article

The authors have used theories and other evidences to support their conclusion

in the paper. They defined the personality change theory to define the main concept of

paper as the change in individual’s characteristic of thinking, feeling and behaving.

Along with it, they used theory of humors to investigate the temperaments of

personalities. Along with it, they extracted the aspects from theory Heraclitus, personal

construct theory and Big Five trait approach. They included the perspective of other

researchers, who though that personality change is difficult for those who think it is

difficult. And it is easy for those who thinks it is easy.

The main inferences/conclusions in this article

The article concluded to present a different aspect in which the authors stated

that individuals are likely to experience change in the life, because of their experiences

with different people and different situations. They also uncovered the evidence that the

personal efforts of personality change to induce productive traits are really beneficial.

Personality change is considered to be dependent variable in dealing with the

organization behavior approaches. It can be inhabited from organization during the long

working routines. The old though was that the personality could not be changed. But,

the authors did research study and proved that the organizational environment can

impact the personality to change in positive or negative way. Personality change will be

the most effective outcome of organizational experience.

The key concept(s) we need to understand

In this article, we need to understand the importance of five personality traits

along with the importance of motives, needs and values. The personality has great

impact to get social acceptance more than achieving the status in organization. The life

experiences have great effect on construction of personalities and these effects can

stay for a long time. Only through implementation of psychological process, they can be

avoided (Tasselli, Kilduff & Landis, 2018). The flexible personalities are more effective to

accept challenges and opportunities. The external organizational processes can

improve the personalities of employees.

The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking

The authors really take the difference between trait or state change of human

personality through assessment change process for granted. They also used the

assumption in stating the results of positive psychology movement (Tasselli, Kilduff &

Landis, 2018). They connected the young employment with negative outcomes, which

can be defined in terms of personality dysfunction. The excess organization pressure

and control over employees can destroy the entire personality and even confidence of

the employees (Tasselli, Kilduff & Landis, 2018). The organization behaviors are

associated with individuals and their personalities. The interactions and professional

relationships can stay well with the higher well-being and psychological achievement,

when the individuals will get a good emotional support from organization.

If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications

The organization who will neglect implications of author will face sever damages

in the form of poor management of organizational behavior and employees. The

personality changes without managing the psychological needs of employees, will

induce more mental pressure on employees and at the end they will show bad

performance along with showing involvement in conflicts in negative way (Tasselli,

Kilduff & Landis, 2018).

What new research has been conducted in this topic?

MAN (2016) extracted that the personality factors like neuroticism,

consciousness with agreeableness and counterproductive work behaviors (CWB) have

great relationship. He found that CWB has positive relationship with neuroticism, but

negative with agreeableness and consciousness. Petrou, Demerouti and Schaufeli

(2018) said in this article that the personality changes have connection with the

organization behaviors and working relationships. They also emphasized on the

concept of change in organization setup. The positive personality characteristics and

adequate change in communication setups will support the positive organization

behavior and employment work engagement. Farias (2017) stated that social

interactions and organization behaviors are dependent on the personality of individuals.

The organization environment can impact the development of changes on the

personality of employees. These three sources used the concept of personality change

in organization behavior to better management of professional life.

Organizational Behavior examples

Through the article, I learned that the positive psychology is helpful for better

outcome of organization behavior among the individuals in the form of improvement in

confidence, self-efficacy, hope, well-being, optimism, happiness and motivation to work.

All these elements nominated the positive changes in personality. Along with it, I got the

idea that organization policies have great impact on providing the productive

environment to employees to encourage them to stay positive and confident. The

organization pressure can damage the confidence level of employees by discouraging

them and removing the events of freedom. It will induce the negative personality

characteristics and at the end they lose interest to work. This type of organization

behaviors needed to be eliminated.

All these examples are giving me lessons to learn and change my old

perspective related to organizational behavior. I got deep understanding about the

processes which will enhance the impact of organizational behavior. The organization is

based on the people who have their personalities to give response to work environment

and culture. The use of productive psychological process will surely support the

organization. The employees will develop a good relationship with each other and

collectively work for the betterment of the organization.


Farias, C. (2017). That’s what friends are for: Hospitality and affective bonds fostering collective

empowerment in an intentional community. Organization Studies, 38(5), 577-595.

MAN, M. (2016). Behavior Intended to Damage the Organization or Members of the

Organization. Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre, 21(2), 145-150

Petrou, P., Demerouti, E., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2018). Crafting the change: The role of employee

job crafting behaviors for successful organizational change. Journal of

Management, 44(5), 1766-1792.

Tasselli, S., Kilduff, M., & Landis, B. (2018). Personality change: implications for organization

behavior. Academy of Management Annals, 12 (2), 467–493.

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