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The proposed methodology will be illustrated and explained detail in this section. The
qualitative method of research, namely the descriptive method, was chosen for this study.
This is due to the fact that the study focuses on teaching styles and secondary school (Form
2) students' motivation to learn English in a mixed ability classroom of SMK Seksyen 16.
According to Bhat (2020), the descriptive method focuses on the ‘what' demographic of a
problem or issue while disregarding the ‘why' phenomena.


3.2.1 Research design

This study will be conducted using a qualitative method. The phenomenological qualitative
design was adopted to acquire information on the topic under research, and then to analyse
and characterise the phenomena of mixed ability classrooms through the actors' perceptions
of the students. The data is then reviewed and reread in search of similar phrases and themes,
which are subsequently aggregated to produce meaning clusters (Creswell, 2013). In order to
answer the research questions, the observation and interview, which are connected to the
research topic, are required to demonstrate and elaborate on the various points of view from
samples. For observation, it will be particularly useful in determining Form 2 students'
motivation to learn English in a mixed ability classroom at SMK Seksyen 16 meanwhile for
interview method, it will be conducted to find out teachers’ teaching styles in teaching
English in a mixed ability classroom at SMK Seksyen 16.
3.2.2 Population of study

For this research, the target group population are the secondary school students in SMK
Seksyen 16, Shah Alam, Selangor and the English teachers at the school. Since the main aim
of this study is to investigate the teaching styles used by English teachers to teach English in
mixed ability classrooms at SMK Seksyen 16 in order to increase student motivation, these
populations were chosen. Moreover, the students' population was chosen for the purpose of
observing their motivation to learn English in terms of their behaviour, peer-teacher
interaction, and engagement during the English class in a mixed-ability classroom.

3.2.3 Sample

Sample means a subgroup of the members of population chosen for participation in the study.
Meanwhile, sampling refers to the process of selecting a group of people for a research in
such a way that the people chosen represent the wider population from which they came. A
total of 50 secondary school (Form 2) students in SMK Seksyen 16 will be chosen for this
research project to be observed in order to analyse their motivation in learning English in a
mixed ability classroom, and three (3) teachers will be interviewed in order to identify the
differentiation strategies and teaching styles used in teaching English to mixed ability
students. Therefore, for this research project, there will be two classes to observe.
Furthermore, for the selection of the respondents, a snowball sampling method will be used.
Non-probability sampling (which includes purposeful sampling) is referred to as snowball
sampling (Crossman, 2020). Meanwhile, a purposive sample approach will be employed to
choose the three (3) teachers for the interview, all of them are English teachers at SMK
Seksyen 16, Shah Alam.

3.2.4 Instruments

In a qualitative study, a research instrument refers to the theories and procedures used by
researchers to collect data from a sampled data source. In order to conduct this research, I
will conduct interviews with teachers at SMK (later appointed during practicum) as well as
observations of secondary school (Form 2) students in learning English in a mixed ability
classroom. The interview questions will be based on a previous study by Ann- Christin Svärd,
2006. It is questions of three upper secondary English regarding the challenge of mixed-
ability classes and how should upper secondary English teachers work in order to help the
weaker students.

Then, for observation, it will also be based on previous study by Jamie Danzi, B.A. Kelly
Reul, B.S. Rana Smith, B.A., 2008. The observation checklists are on the topic “Improving
Student Motivation In Mixed Ability Classrooms Using Differentiated Instruction”. The
observation checklist was to observe student behaviours during instruction and work time. In
addition, the observation checklist consisted of 10 different behaviours in which tally marks
were used to show when each behaviour occurred. Both interview questions and observation
checklist will be adapted and adopted. Questions or items used will be changed according to
the research context whereby it will be specific for the academic setting in the classroom. The
items in the interview and observation checklist will have some changes, whether to keep it,
change, or discard the item according to suggestions by advisor.


1. How long have you been an English teacher?
(Berapa lama anda menjadi guru Bahasa Inggeris?)

2. Do you think that students, in general, in English classes are at many different ability
levels? Is it a problem? Why? / Why not?
(Adakah anda berpendapat bahawa pelajar, secara amnya, dalam kelas Bahasa
Inggeris berada pada tahap kebolehan yang berbeza? Adakah ia satu masalah?
kenapa? / Kenapa tidak?)

3. Do you think dividing the English classes into one “faster” and one “slower” group
would be a good way to deal with the different ability levels? Why? / Why not?
(Adakah anda fikir membahagikan kelas Bahasa Inggeris kepada satu kumpulan
"lebih cekap" dan satu "lebih perlahan" akan menjadi cara yang baik untuk menangani
tahap keupayaan yang berbeza? kenapa? / Kenapa tidak?)

4. What do you think that the English teacher can do to improve learning for the weaker
(Pada pendapat anda, apakah yang boleh dilakukan oleh guru Bahasa Inggeris untuk
meningkatkan pembelajaran bagi pelajar yang lemah?)

5. How do you approach the weaker students? Do you help them in a specific way?
(Bagaimanakah anda mendekati pelajar yang lemah? Adakah anda membantu mereka
dengan cara tertentu?)
6. How do you think an English teacher can motivate the weaker students?
(Pada pendapat anda, bagaimanakah guru Bahasa Inggeris boleh memotivasikan
pelajar yang lemah?)

7. What is important, in the classroom situation, to make the best possible environment
for the weaker students?
(Apakah yang penting, dalam situasi bilik darjah, untuk menjadikan persekitaran yang
terbaik untuk pelajar yang lemah?)

8. Do you talk to you students, one at a time, about how they are doing in English and
what they need to improve?
(Adakah anda bercakap dengan pelajar anda, satu demi satu, tentang prestasi mereka
dalam bahasa Inggeris dan perkara yang perlu mereka perbaiki?)
Behaviours Descriptions

(Tingkah laku) (Pernyataan)

Talking during work time

(Bercakap semasa waktu kerja)

Talking during instruction

(Bercakap semasa diberi arahan)

Playing with object

(Bermain dengan objek)

Making noises

(Membuat bising)

Does not participate in any activities

(Tidak menyertai sebarang aktiviti)

Disrespectful comments to one another

(Komen yang tidak menghormati antara satu

sama lain)
Working on other tasks/assignments during

(Mengerjakan tugasan lain semasa arahan)

Working slowly

(Bekerja secara perlahan)

Lacking enthusiasm toward task/complaining

(Kurang semangat terhadap tugas/mengeluh)

Rushing through work

(Tergesa-gesa melalui kerja)


In qualitative research, reliability refers to the consistency of responses to different coders of

data sets. It can be improved by taking thorough field notes, recording devices, and
transcribing digital files. In qualitative research, credibility, authenticity, transferability,
dependability, and conformability all contribute to trustworthiness which is validity. A
detailed explanation is required to ensure that the results are transferrable between the
researcher and those being investigated. Thus, it is dependability and the results will be prone
to change and instability.


Data collection is the process of obtaining and evaluating information on variables of interest
in a systematic manner that allows researchers to answer research questions, test hypotheses,
and assess outcomes. Firstly, before conducting an observation and interview session, I will
first seek permission from SMK Seksyen 16, Shah Alam, Selangor and request schedules to
ease my observation work, which will require me to observe 50 students, or two classes of
Form 2. I will try to interview three (3) English teachers at the school when I complete my
observation. Meanwhile, I will try to work with teachers to identify the three levels of
competency in their classrooms so that I will know precisely what to check off and record in
my observation checklists. By doing so, it is a way of enabling me as a researcher in keeping
track of or knowing the names of the students during my visit. However, due to pandemic
hits, it may be impossible to physically go to the classroom to observe the students and
interview the teachers. Thus, this observation and interview might be carried out via an online
platform like Google Meet. The same procedures will be done, but in a slightly different way,
as they will be carried out virtually.


The information of observation and interviews will be gathered by coding the data for
particular words or content, identifying trends, and interpreting the meaning. The findings
will consist of categorising the data into themes that will enable in answering the research
question. Following that, descriptive analysis will be used to further explain the data.
Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set which
can be either a representation of the entire population of a sample of it.

3.6 Chapter Summary

To conclude this chapter, the research methodology for this study will focus on quantitative
methods employing questionnaires that will be distributed to the samples. It will be analyzed
by using SPSS software and analyzed through quantitative descriptive method analysis. As a
future teacher, one must be familiarized with the usage of the software as it will be useful in
the near future to your advantage.

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