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: 1 Februari 2011


: FM-AKM-03-
TAHUN AKADEMIK 2022/2023 No Revisi
: 00
Mata Kuliah/ SKS : Qualitative Research in TEFL
Dosen : Silih Warni, Ph.D
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 1 Agustus 2023
Waktu : 10.10 – 11.50
Semester/Kelas : 6A dan 6C
Bentuk Soal : Uraian
Sifat Ujian : Open book (Take home assignment)
Metode Ujian : Daring

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2. Untuk file video/Ms. office/dll yang diunggah dengan ukuran di atas 5 MB
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3. Nama file dituliskan dengan format: Kelas_Nama_NIM (Contoh:
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1. Bentuk Tugas : Rencana Penelitian

2. Judul Tugas : Menyusun rencana penelitan kualitatif
3. Deskripsi Tugas :Mahasiswa menyusun rencana penelitian kualitatif dengan menuliskan
komponen-komponen utama dalam penelitian kualitatif
4. Metode Pengerjaan :Individual
5. Bentuk dan Format Luaran :
a. Objek Garapan :
b. Bentuk Luaran :Rencana penelitian kualitatif dalam format yanag ada di bagian
6. Kriteria Penilaian/Pedoman Penskoran: ada pada bagian setelah rencana penelitian


You have learned how to design a qualitative research and how to search and select qualitative
research articles. Referring to the topic you are interested in and the articles you have read, you are
going to plan your own qualitative research. Break down your research plan by filling out the form
below. Write a narration for each of the following aspect.
1. Write the reserach topic you chose, the importance and usefulness of the topic in the
research area.
I chose "Student's Perception of Using Small Group Discussion in Improving English
Speaking Ability" as my research topic. Speaking is a fundamental skill in human life to
communicate, including in the learning process in class. In addition, speaking skill is one of the
most important skills in learning English. Therefore, students' speaking abilities must be improved.
There are various ways to improve students' speaking abilities, one way is to have a dialogue or
discussion with their peers. This method takes a role to help the student to get efficient
communication in English activities. Practicing speaking English with friends feels more fun and
makes students comfortable, students feel free and not ashamed when practicing speaking with
friends. This is because in order to learn something, students must learn as comfortably as possible
without pressure or fear of making mistakes. This method is still relevant to use today.
2. Write a brief summary of two similar studies in the same topic; what are the research
questions, research setting, research participants, techniques of data collecting and
analysis. Add in this part your critical comments on the previous studies you have
summarized; what similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses you can identify.
a. The Students’ Perception of Small Group Discussion for Developing EFL Students’
Speaking Skills (Hadijah, 2022)
This study aimed to determine students’ perception of using small group discussions in
learning speaking skills in the Intensive English Guidance Program (UPGRADING).
Qualitative in nature was used. The instrument used in this study were interview questions and
audio recordings. This research was conducted in Indonesian Muslim University. The
participant of this study were 10 students and 10 instructors as subjects. Responses to questions
about participants' perceptions of the small group discussion program were obtained through
interviews. First, the author questioned the instructors about the organization of the program
and their perceptions of the participants. The author next asked the participants about their
impressions of the small group discussion program and how they use it to develop their public
speaking skills. The authors qualitatively explained and analyzed data where students increase
speaking skills through a small group discussion program for two weeks. The researcher used
Miles & Huberman’s data analysis techniques namely data consolidation, data display, and
conclusion verification.
b. Students' Perception on the Implementation of Small Group Discussion in English Speaking
Activity (A Study at SMP N 1 Palembayan) (Indah et al., 2023)
This study was conducted to find students’ perceptions of the implementation of small group
discussions in English-speaking activities. Descriptive research was used in this study. The
researcher collected the data by conducting a questionnaire consist of 20 questions and then
interview for more in-depth information. This study carried out in SMPN 1 Palembayan,
including three classes of second grade student, 95 students in total.
3. Write how your research will be different from the previous research you summarized in
number 2.
The difference:
a. The research questions. Both of the source article only has one research question, which is
to find or determine students’ perception of using small group discussion in English speaking
activities. Meanwhile, this study has two research questions (as stated in the number 4.)
b. The settings and participant. The first source article conducted in college (Indonesian
Muslim University) including students and instructors, while the second was conducted in
Junior High School including three classes with total of 95 students. This study will be carried
out in Senior High School with second-year student, including 36 students from one class.
c. The data collecting. The first source article only used interview to collect the data. Then, the
second used questionnaire and structured interview. On this study, the researcher will collect
the data by using close-ended questionnaire consist of 15 questions and semi-structured
interview to get more in-depth attitudes, opinion, or actions from student based on their
experience and point of view.
4. Write your research questions.
The research questions of this research are:
a. What is students' perception of using small group discussions on improving their English-
speaking ability?
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using small group discussions on improving
their English-speaking ability?
5. What terminologies/concepts you need to define clearly in your research proposal, and
explain the definitions of the terms according to two experts you chose.
a. Speaking Ability
Speaking ability is the ability to use language to communicate verbally in various contexts
using verbal or nonverbal signals, which can be increased through language instruction.
Several experts explained their thoughts regarding speaking ability, Bygate (1987) defined
speaking ability as the capacity to communicate with others through the oral organ in order to
clarify a message and ensure that the recipient fully comprehends it. Moreover, according to
Harris (1969), the ability to speak a foreign language is the most desirable skill, because
someone who can speak a language will also be able to understand it.
b. Small Group Discussion
Small-group discussion is a student-centered practice that encourages students to actively
participate in and be partners in the teaching-learning process. Students discuss and share ideas
with their peers and educators. They improve their ability to reach group consensus. According
to Galanes, Adams, and Brihart (2004, p.9), a small group of people communicating with each
other to achieve some interdependent purpose such as increased understanding, coordination
of action, or solutions to a shared problem. Furthermore, Arends (2007, p.430-431) stated that
a small group discussion is a circumstance in which students communicate and share
information with their group in order to solve a problem.
6. Write the setting and participants of your research.
This research will be conducted at a Senior High School in East Jakarta. The participants of
this study were a class of second-year students at Senior High School, total of the students are 36
students. The questionnaire will be filled in by all participants, while the semi-structured interview
will be conducted by 12 students.
7. Explain what data collecting techniques you are going to apply and why.
All information collected is obtained from the experiences and perspectives of students. To
collect data, researchers used closed-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews.
Interviews were conducted to obtain more specific data related to the responses from the
questionnaire. A closed-ended questionnaire will be conducted with Google Form and contains a
number of questions related to students' speaking abilities and information about how well students
know about the small group discussion. Then, the researcher will select 12 students to be
interviewed to get more specific data. Both questionnaire and interview will be carried out in
Indonesian, so students could understand well the meaning of the question and make them easier
to answer the questions.
The researcher will use this data collection method because these methods are suitable for this
study. A questionnaire can provide information and evidence amongst a large population while
interview often gather the data in more in-depth information on student's attitudes, opinions, and
actions in improving their English-speaking ability with small group discussion method.
8. Explain how you will analyze the data.
To analyze the data that has been collected, the researcher uses the opinion of Miles &
Hubberman (Sugiyono, 2019), which is suggested three steps in analyzing data; data reduction,
data display, conclusion drawing, and verification. The conclusion drawing will include
percentages, the frequency being the search percentage and the number of cases. By using the three
steps, the findings of this study will be provided in numerous points based on the findings of
observations, interviews, and documentation in order, as well as briefly analyzed, in order to be
easier to comprehend and expressed openly.


Hadijah. (2022). The Students’ Perception of Small Group Discussion for Developing EFL Students’

Speaking Skills. ELT: Journal of English Teaching, 9(2), 456.

Indah, N., Putri, P., & Hamzah, H. (2023). Students’ Perception on the Implementation of Small

Group Discussion in English Speaking Activity (A Study at SMP N 1 Palembayan). Journal of

English Language Teaching, 11(4), 659–668.

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