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Chapter 5

Summary and Conclusions

Chapter 5

Summary and Conclusions


This chapter provides a summary and conclusions based on the study

results. This summary includes: the hypotheses of the study,
pedagogical implications, Limitations. In addition, recommendations
and suggestions for further studies are presented.


The present Study investigated the effect of mindmapping on

developing some reading comprehension skills in English for second year
prep school pupils. Results are encouraging as far as the suggested
strategy is concerned. They revealed that the use of the suggested
strategy positively enhanced the participants' reading comprehension
skills. The suggested strategy also provides pupils with a safe learning
environment where the teacher and peers provide scaffolding for all
learners who were encouraged to cooperate and interact at the three
stages of reading. In this atmosphere, pupils played an active role in the
reading process.

Problem of the study

The problem that motivates the researcher to do the current research is
that there is a lack in learners' vocabulary skills. Furthermore, there is a
dire need to prepare our 21st century school learners for keeping pace
with the world class technologies in classrooms all over the world.
Questions of the study
The main question at the base for this study goes as follows:
"What is the effect of using multi-media in enriching vocabulary of
third-year prep school students?"
Off the main question branch the following sub-questions:
1-What are the vocabulary sub-skills required to enrich vocabulary of
third-year prep students?

2-What is the effect of using multimedia on developing the skill of

differentiating between similar words among third year prep student?

3- What is the effect of using multimedia on developing the skill of

realizing the different meanings of the word among third year prep

4- What is the effect of using multimedia on developing the skill of

dealing with the word and its opposite among third year prep student?

5-What is the effect of using multimedia on developing the skill of

defining the words correctly among third year prep student?

6- What is the effect of using multimedia on developing the skill of

using the words in correct sentences among third year prep student?

7- What is the effect of using multimedia on developing the skill of

deriving new words from the one he/she knows among third year prep

8- What is the effect of using multimedia on enriching vocabulary skills

as a whole among third-year prep students?

Hypotheses of the Study:

In order to answer the previous questions the following hypotheses were

1- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01)
between the mean scores of the experimental group in pre and post
measurement in the skill of differentiating between similar words in
favor of the post measurement.
2- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01)
between the mean scores of the experimental group in pre and post
measurement of realizing the different meanings for the word skill in
favor of the post measurement.
3- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01)
between the mean scores of the experimental group in pre and post
measurement of Dealing with the word and its opposite skill in favor
of the post measurement.
4- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01)
between the mean scores of the experimental group in pre and post
measurement of defining the words correctly skill in favor of the post
5- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01)
between the mean scores of the experimental group in pre and post
measurement of using the words in the correct sentences skill in
favor of the post measurement.
6- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01)
between the mean scores of the experimental group in pre and post
measurement of deriving new words from the one he/she knows skill
in favor of the post measurement.
7- There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01)
between the mean scores of the experimental group in pre and post
measurement of the vocabulary skills in favor of the post
Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions can be
1- The potential of multimedia use in enriching vocabulary skills.
2- The multimedia method was more distinctive in comparison with the
traditional methods in teaching English language.
3- The teacher's role remarkably changed while carrying out the tasks of
the multimedia; due to the fact that he/she exerts the role of the
facilitator, guide, advisor and evaluator.
4- The multimedia method developed the cooperative learning within
the same group and competition with other groups
5- The multimedia activities motivated the pupils well to do their utmost
in the tasks.
6- Dividing pupils into groups helped them feel the pride of ownership
and cooperation in doing the tasks in question.
7- The multimedia method increased pupil-pupil communication which
provided fluency practice and reduced the domination of the class.
8- Integrating multimedia in teaching and learning English is crucial;
because it is authentic material.
9- The multimedia method provided pupils with enjoyment, pleasure,
enthusiasm as well as variation which were significant enough to
affect the pupils' achievement positively.
10- Using the summative assessment, which was clear test and
the formative assessment, which was clear in doing the activities in
the lessons, proved their effectiveness in this program.
Pedagogical Implications
The pedagogical implications based upon the previous discussions are as
1- The study revealed that multimedia is a promising opportunity to
combine a wide range of effective instructional practices in one
activity as well as integrating technology, scaffolding, collaborative
learning, critical thinking, authentic assessment and constructivism
all in one package.
2- The study indicated that multimedia pushes the students’ motivation
to learn through the challenge of confronting authentic tasks, which
require them to solve a problem, to make a comparison, or to
construct a hypothesis in relation to a real-life situation using real
3- The study demonstrated the urgent need on the one hand to
transform the pupil from a passive component into an active
component in the educational process and on the other hand to
assist the teacher to play the role of the facilitator, the supervisor
and the evaluator.
4- The study revealed that the suggested strategy provided an
opportunity for collaboration; due to that students need to work
together to complete the given task.
5- The study revealed that collaborative tasks reduce the feeling of
isolation students may have when they go through problems for the
first time.

The present study has some limitations .These limitations can be

summed up in the following points:

 Some of the pupils did not like group work. This problem was
overcome through assigning roles to pupils in the group
 Some of the pupils did not want to participate. This problem
was overcome through supporting pupils and giving them

Based on findings of the study, the researcher recommends educators and

pedagogical researcher to:

1. Providing an interactive educational atmosphere.

2. Teachers should be trained on using modern teaching methods .

3. Teachers also should be aware of using and dealing with new

technology in teaching as multimedia.

4. Place more emphasizes on developing students' vocabulary skills in


5. Take the vocabulary skills and techniques into account while

designing English language curricula as they help in motivating the
students to get involved in learning process.

6. Get more attention to develop students' skills of learning EFL.

7. Teachers should place more emphasis on vocabulary skills due to

its vital role in teaching the four skills.

8. Learners should provide with enough opportunities to express their

unique ideas, opinions, and reactions freely.

9. Curriculum designers of English language should be aware of

incorporating interactive images in the English language textbook
of beginners.
10. Support schools with all effective aids such as visual and audio
aids, wall pictures of lessons and computers to facilitate teachers'
implementation of the new strategies in the classes.
11. Conduct workshops that aim at familiarizing teachers of how to
teach vocabulary by using multimedia.
12.Move from the traditional teaching methods to modern methods in
real situations .

Suggestions for Further Research

In the light of the result of the study, the researcher suggests the
following for the further research:

1- Replicating the present study to investigate its effect on other English

2- Investigating the effectiveness of using mind mapping in developing
other language skills: namely listening, speaking and reading.
3- Conducting a study in developing reading comprehension using
novel strategies.
4- Investigating the effect of using mind mapping to improve English
5- Developing similar study to develop reading comprehension skillsfor
slow learners in the prep stage.
6- A study can be conducted to investigate the effectiveness of using
mind maps to enhance the students 'ESL efficiency.
7- The effects of using mind maps in teaching story for secondary
8- Investigating the effectiveness of using different strategies, other
than mind maps in enriching students' vocabulary skills.

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