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The factors causing difficulties of year 3 students’ learning in translation subject in

Department of English, Faculty of Letters, NUOL.

❖ Purpose
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors causing
difficulties of year 3 students in learning TI subject in
Department of English, Faculty of letters, NUOL.

❖ Research Questions
1. What are the factors causing difficulties of year 3 students
learning TI subject in Department of English, Faculty of
letters, NUOL?

❖ Significant of the study

• The finding to improve the Department of English,
Faculty of Letters, NUOL and support the year 3
students to have better learning skills in order to help
them have quality of their study.
• The finding this research is to know the factors causing
difficulty of year 3 students in learning TI subject
moreover; to help year 3 students more capable in
learning and to improve the learning-teaching,
curriculum to be more effectively in order to attract year
3 students see an essentially of TI subject.

❖ Research Design
Mixed research is a synonym as the natural complement to
traditional qualitative and quantitative research, to present
pragmatism as offering an attractive philosophical pertner
for mixed methods research, and to provide a framework for
designing and conducting mixed methods research (Johnson
& Onwuegbuzie, 2004). The term "mixed methods" refers to
an emergent methodology of research that advances the
systematic integration, or "mixing," of quantitative and
qualitative data within a single investigation or sustained
program of inquiry (Wisdom & Creswell, 2013).

Mixed methods' is a research approach whereby researchers

collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data
within the same study. Mixed methods research draws on
potential strengths of both qualitative and quantitative
methods, 3 allowing researchers to explore diverse
perspectives and uncover relationships that exist between the
intricate layers of our multifaceted research questions. As
providers and policy makers strive to ensure quality and
safety for patients and families, researchers can use mixed
methods to explore contemporary healthcare trends and
practices across increasingly diverse practice settings
(Shorten and Smith, 2017).

❖ Research Methodology
Methodology is the systematic, theatrical analysis of the
methods applied to a field of study (Ologies & Isms, 2008). It
comprises the analysis of the methods applied body of methods and
principle associated with a bunch of knowledge (Ologies & Isms,
2008). The methods section describes actions to be taken to
investigate a research problem and the rationale for the application
of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,
process, and analyze information applied to understanding the
problem, thereby, allowing the reader to critically evaluate a
study's overall validity and reliability (Kallet, 2004). There are two
kinds of methodology; qualitative and quantitative (Ologies &
Isms, 2008). This research is designed in both qualitative and
quantitative method.

❖ Population
A research population is generally a large collection of
individuals or objects that is the main focus of a scientific query. ...
This is the reason why researchers rely on sampling techniques.
A research population is also known as a well-defined collection of
individuals or objects known to have similar characteristics.

❖ Sample
In research terms a sample is a group of people, objects, or
items that are taken from a larger population for
measurement. The sample should be representative of the
population to ensure that we can generalize the findings
from the research sample to the population as a whole.

In our research we focus on large population of students

comprised of 100 students in year 3 who encountered.
Sample should ensure that we can draw conclusion from the
sample to total population.

In this research, we will select only sample people who are

studying translation and are encountering problems from
students in the subject of translation in Department of
English, Faculty of letters, NUOL. Especially, those who are
normal and have delayed thinking including gender and age
order too.

❖ Sampling
Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a
predetermined number of observations are taken from a
larger population. The methodology used to sample from a
larger population depends on the type of analysis being
performed but may include simple random sampling or
systematic sampling.

In our sampling group that we choose to study. We

determined to study in Department of English, Faculty of
Letters, NUOL. Particularly, year 3 students who study
Translation subject that they have found the difficulties in
this subject to answer the questions in our questionnaire. We
selected 100 students in 5 classes and 20 people in each

❖ Research tool

Research tool may be defined as: Anything that becomes a

means of collecting information for your study is called a
research tool or a research instrument. For example,
observation forms, interview schedules, questionnaires, and
interview guides are all classified as research tool.

According to our research study, we decided to choose

Questionnaire to collect the information in this time.
Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series
of questions (or other types of prompts) for the purpose of
gathering information from respondents. ... Although
questionnaires are often designed for statistical analysis of
the responses, this is not always the case.
​ ​


We are year 4 students of Department of English, Faculty of

Letters, National University of Laos. The purpose of this
questionnaire is to collect the data for our final project the topic
about “The factors causing difficulties of year 3 students’ learning
in translation subject Department of English, Faculty of Letters,
NUOL”. The information you respond us will not take any bad
effecting and all of the information will be secreted. So, please
answer all of these following questions and honesty. Thank you for
your kindness to answer this questionnaire.
(please choose one answer with following questions by marking a
tick Ö into a box )

I. Personal information
1. The gender
Female Male
2. Age
3. 17-20 years 21-25 years
4. Class of study

3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
5. Do you like learning Translation subject?
Yes No

Please give the reason

II. The factors causing difficulties of year 3 students’
learning in translation subject Department of English,
Faculty of Letters, NUOL.
Please answer the following questions by marking the tick (Ö )
into your answer below:
5). Strongly agree
4). Agree
3). Neutral
2). Disagree
1). Strongly disagree

No. The factors causing difficulties of year 3 students’ 12345

learning in translation subject
1. Internal factors

1) Students

4 Lack of translation skills.

5 Do not know a lot of vocabularies.

6 Do not have enough passion to study Translation

subject because it is difficult subject.
7 Do not know how to use vocabulary in the text or
8 Afraid of doing mistakes in translation.

9 Do not know how to transform complex structure from

source language to target language.
10 Do not know how to analyze the context of source
11 Limitation knowledge of idioms so it causes the
confusion of translation because it has complex
structure and meaning.
2) Time management

12 Students do not have enough free time for self-learning.

13 Students work part-time and be tired in classroom.

14 Students get up late and do not get school on time.

15 Students do not do homework or submit assignment on

16 Students do not have good time management on
learning in the classroom (come to school late, do not
prepare homework, do not review previous lesson,
cannot complete task given by the teacher).
2. External factors

3) Subject itself

17 Theory is too difficult for students’ to understand.

18 There is difficulty of complex structure that effect

19 According to, English has a lot of similar meaning
words. So finding the suitable word to translate the text
it is really difficult.
20 The vocabulary in the text book is too difficult for
4) Environment

21 Do not have enough facilities to help translate the text.

Such as, electronic tools, dictionary and etc…
22 Learning hour is not enough.

23 Studying is interrupted from noise.

24 Students feel uncomfortable with the climate condition

in the classroom: too hot.

5) Teacher

25 Teacher does not manage the classroom well.

26 Teacher does not make suitable activities motivating

students to improve their skills.
27 Teacher does not come to classroom on time.

28 Teacher does not allow students to use electronic

devices for translation
29 Teachers does not give feedback or suggestion on areas
to be improved of student’s translation.

III. Other opinions or suggestions

What are other factors causing difficulties in translation
subject you found?
Thank you very much for your

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