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leam English learn Spanish music teacher dance instructor © Look at the profile, letter, and photos. Think and predict. 9 What nationality are Enrique and Samantha? How old are they? What is Enrique looking for? Myname’s Saman tha, My friends call me Sam. Im ten years old and lve Manchester, in the north of Engl th of England, ¢ in Manchester but don foo Manchester United oooa econ he ithe mm ard dad Myo an ny dads ami teacher atmy school. @) | a little brother, H, ee rac Josh Andy done ld. | live in Salamanca in Spain. I'm looking for friend in the UK. I hai ou play the drum and sisters, but I've gota really cool dog called hoping ore emal Tat6 relly coel pay the guitan nee Pepe. | like playing the drums, taking photos Pictures ofM; love taking photos. ican send you some ster: Is a fantastic city like learning y. I don't like Write to me, ur family, your and playing compu way.lm not learning Sparich at Pabout Spain, need to find out elle about Salamanca? y. Can youte © Read and answer. Listen and check. %) 1 Who has got a dog? “samantha” 2 Who plays the drums? “Samantha 3. Who is learning English? “Samantha “Samantha 4 Who has got a brother? © Think. Ask and answer. () @» Do you have things in common with Sam and Enrique? What? | ee. i aah EXTENSION. Tints | Notices ! doapuzzle play aboard game > once amonth twice a week ae ued We meet (twice month). @ Look at the notices. Think and predict. How many notices are there? What are the notices about? Do you think the notices are in a sports centre or a school? @ listen and read. Check your predictions. #) FRENCH CLUB Speak French, Friday lunchtime, z2UeS - CRYPTIC Room 22 ‘CROSSWORDS - This Friday, come and try some French cheese. Mmm! DAY: Monday to Friday are as oe ay | yynen: On wedresdoy oe school Wet is of games oY OM | cts of people 1o meet eve game tis week: | peopl wo wont py mes eet ees CUE Liray EET ie rout scent one amonthwe vache fn ne ool hal Gree & myth we wathetim art NEXT PLN The: peered DAY: Thursday a PLAGE: SetetHat Te. 430" 820 jonster CY | € Read and answer. Listen and check.“ 1 What day is the Chess Club? 2. What time is the Book Club? 3. Where is the Board Games Club? 4 Which club is sometimes in the school hall? want to join the Film Club because | love watching films, @ Think. Ask and answer. am Which clubs on the noticeboard do you want fo join? Extension vocabulary: co a puzzle F chess board diving board - "What are they doing? "| What is he/she doing? © Look at the quiz. Think and predict. What is the topic of the quiz? Are the questions easy or difficult? Do you think the quiz is fun? © listen and read. Check your predictions. Pirie eau Do you know the difference between a football and a handball? Do you know the difference between a chess board and a diving board? Pen medaka keuk ues ® Inwhich sport do you hit a ball over a net with a racket? ‘e Inwhich sport do you kick a ball into a goal? fe How many players are there in a basketball team? ‘fe Inwhich sport do you jump off a diving board into water? 4 Isa marathon 22 km, 32 km or 42 km? Ye Inwhich game do you move a king and queen on a board? Give yourself 2 points for each correct answer. © Answer the quiz. Listen and check. Add up your score. “ © Think. Ask and answer. |) ® How many of the sports in the quiz do you do? How many do you want to do? Key lear Tdo gymnastics and I play hockey. | want to do skateboarding, Extension vocabulan board, jump into, jump off iguana turtle island rocks There are many @ ook at the holiday brochure. Think and predict. Which’place is the brochure about? Which animals are mentioned in the brochure + Do you think there are interesting facts in the brochure? ® listen and read. Check your predictions. #!) € Read and answer. Listen and check. #) 1 Where are the Galapagos Islands? 2 How fast can green sea turtles swim 3 How long can marine iguanas 4 Why are the Galapagos Islands swim underwater? important? © Find out more about the Galapagos Islands. Tell your friends. & > There are lots of birds on the Galapagos Islands like the blue-footed booby. ae AI Benutione eee tracksuit football boots rucksack sunglasses Whose is this? Naming ad @ Look at the story. Think and predict. @ Does the picture show the past, the present or the future? How many characters are in the story? Do you think it’s a sad story or a happy st¢ @ listen and read. Check your predictions. s) Family Photos [eee Glasgow. Amy puts her rucksack on her back and she leaves the station. She's very excited. She’s going to the Scottish Ballet School for a week. At the dance school, Amy opens her rucksack. She's surprised to find strange clothes inside. “These sunglasses aren’t mine. And whose is this, jumper? Where are my things? Where are my clothes?” She looks at the label on the rucksack. ‘Oh no! This rucksack looks like mine, but it isn't mine.’ The next day, Amy goes to the address on the label. A young man in a tracksuit answers the door. When he sees the rucksack he's very angry. ‘You've got my rucksack. Give me my football boots now. [can’t play football in your ballet shoes. “Excuse me’ says Amy. ‘You don’t need to be so rude. You've got my rucksack. And I can’t go dancing in your football boots. Then they smile and laugh, because the situation is funny. ‘I'm sorry’ says the man. ‘You're right. Please, let me buy you a cup of tea, There's a café across the road. 430 Thirty-nine years later, Amy is a grandma. She's at home, showing her grandchildren a photograph of the ‘two identical rucksacks and the man in the tracksuit. ‘The man looks like Grandad,’ says the boy. ‘ttis your Grandad’ 'No way!” says the girl. ‘So, the story is about the day you and Grandad met. ‘Exactly. And 39 years later, we're still together’ ‘That's a great story’ ‘Itis, Let's look at more photos, suggests the boy. ‘Let's hear more stories about you and Grandad. © Read and answer. Listen and check. # 1 What does Amy find in her rucksack? 3 What is the man wearing in the photo? @ Think. Ask and answer. @ @» jell me about a family photo you like. 2 What does the man find in his rucksack 4 What is the grandmother's name? It's. a photo of me and my sister. We are at the beach ® Key learning outcomes: a Extension vocabulary: fracksuit, football boots, rucksack sunglasses (aa au te amar ely © Look at the radio play, Think and predict. () © listen and read. Check your predictions. ” The mobile library sweet shop clock tower Is the play about a city or a village? How many characters are in the play? Do you think the play is scary? steange and creepy village SCENE1 Narrator: Vicky and Noah are going to see their friend Ed in the countryside, Ed: Hello? Noah: Hi, Ed, It's Noah and Vicky. Vicky: We're on the train going to your village. Ed: Great! What time do you arrive? Vicky: Half pasttwo. Ed: Let's meet at the library, at 3 o'clock. Noah: — Where's the library? Ed It’s opposite the clock tower. Just ask someone for directions. SCENE 2 Vicky: Whata creepy village. | don’t like it Noah: I'm going to ask about the library. Excuse me. Where's the library? Woman: The library? There isn’t a library in this village. Vicky: What about a clock tower? Woman: Oh yes. The clock tower's famous. Go down this road and turn right at the lamp post. The clack tower's just after the sweet shop. Noah: — Thanks very much. Vicky: Whata strange woman. © Read and answer. Listen and check. 7 © Think. Ask and answer. ® 1 In scene 1, who are Noah and Vicky talking to? I'm going to (sk lamp post.” this woman), SCENE 3 Noah: Look, here's the sweet shop. And there's the clock tower. Vicky: But look, there isn'ta library, Why don't you call Ed on your mobile phone? Noah: I can't. There's no battery left. Vicky: Seriously! | don‘tlike this. This village is really strange and creepy. And nowit's 3 o'clock. Noah: Look. There’s Ed. In that van. Ed Vicky! Noaht I'm here! Hi there. Welcome to the village and our new mobile library. Vicky: — What's a mobile library? Ed It's a library in a van. It goes from village to village. This is my mum, She's the librarian, Hello, Please, have a look. We've got lots of books to read. Ed's mum: Vicky: Wow. Fantastic, We love books! Noah: — We do. Look, here's ane for you Vicky. It's a horror story called The Strange and Creepy Village. Vicky: Ha ha. Very funny. 2 In scene 2, who do they talk to? 3 Inscene 3, why can’t Noah use his mobile Phone? 4 What is a mobile library? i) {Which books do you Tike reading? ) I like (ike reading te stories. > true stories ==? Key learning outcomes: predict radio play content, reo Extension vocabulary: mobile library, sweet shop, clock tower, lamp post

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