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Abejoice C.

Professional Education
EDUC 12 – The Teaching Profession

Reflection Paper
What I've learned in this subject is that teachers are the most responsible and
important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of
the earth. The teacher's thoughts, values, and actions are somehow shaped by
events and by people with whom they come in contact. They, in turn, help, shape
society, its events, people, and its destiny
I have learned that the philosophy of education is an essential one. Through
these philosophies, you can determine what strategy of teaching you have to use.
As well as your philosophy of life that will serve you as your window to the world
and compass in the sea of life. If you want to succeed, you should have the
philosophy to mirror the experiences that lead you to a harmonious flow of living.
As a future teacher, it depends on what philosophy of education you are using. As
long as you can be effective and at the same time efficient in your work. Doing
what is right and doing the right things for the best possible method.
According to the book, National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
(NCBTS) is a set of competencies (behaviors, attitudes, and skills) that each
teacher must possess to function effectively and satisfactorily. Based upon the core
values of Filipino teachers and on the principles of effective teaching and learning.
NCBTS are consist of 7 Domains that represent the desired features of the teaching
and learning process, 21 strands that incorporate the desired teaching performance,
and the so performance indicators. I realize that as a teacher you are committed and
accountable for providing classroom instruction. They must facilitate the learning
by considering the diversity of their learners. They must acts positively because in
the community teacher looks at you as a role model in society. As a future teacher,
I have to consider the differences among my students in planning for effective
instruction in the classroom in terms of their different cultural backgrounds,
different languages, abilities, different attitudes, and behavior.
I have learned that the school and its community, in collaboration with
public and private institutions and organizations, are indeed inseparable if they are
creating an impact on the lives of the students and members of the community they
are committed to serving. As the saying goes, “we cannot live for ourselves alone."
Yes, we indeed need our school and of course, our community to survive life. It
serves as our laboratory in facing our future. It is our guide and at the same time
our steps to building a life soon.
I realize that without these linkages and networking with the organization
our life seems like nothing, especially in our studies. This linkage is a big help to
us. It is our advantage. And also it wills a great help to some foundation. As a
future teacher, one thing that comes to my mind, we should give appreciation to
this linkage and other networking organizations because they give the value of life.
Gives the children hope and broadens their knowledge and understanding.

Presidential Decree 1006, entitled providing for the Professionalization of

Teachers, Regulating Their Practice in the Philippines. The Republic Act No. 7836
known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994- this law
recognized the vital role of teachers in nation-building. The act created the Board
for Professional Teachers - which gives the Licensure Examination for Teachers
(LET). Passers of the LET is granted the license to teach. As a future teacher, I
should be licensed, and possess dignity and a reputation with high moral values as
well as technical and professional competence. The code of Ethics for
professionals. This lesson tackles the articles of the code of ethics for teachers,
their limitations, the teacher and the state, the community, the profession, the
teaching community, and the like. I realize that teachers should have moral and
ethical values because they play a great role in the community. So they must act
Abejoice C. Lig-ang
Professional Education
DR 1 - Developmental Reading 1

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