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It’s looks like let’s see what helpers of the seller how we can

help to maintain a good job and make sure that he continued

to celebrate good doesn’t have problems with it so the first
part here off the title photos there is nothing really that said
we can help him because this is already something that was
decided before and that it doesn’t change by the time it will
not be affected by any customer and nobody can change it
so the thing that we can change and help that error
questions and answers and this is the ask questions and
answers as and the second part will be the product reviews
so let’s start with this part as we decide as we talked about
last chapter and customer if he has a question about that
product you can just type it in here and then and then send it
and it will be sent to the seller itself it will be sent to his email
you could read it and answer it from there not even the same
time he could be sent to all the people that gave a review
about this product maybe they have maybe they can help
him and give another opinion not always I want to listen to
the answer of the seller so your job will be to look every time
there is a new question here you could also look at the
emails of the seller if he will give you the authorization do
you see that email you could already see from the email
because they would get email about it question was asked
and then and they also it will show up here once somebody
else answered so let’s let’s go over this center and see if
there were any important question here we can see that the
first question was asked in inches the first question was
answered personally by the server itself center elephant play
see more answers here I can see that somebody else also
answered it but this is something that they have to click on
most important thing most customers is to see the first thing
that shows up and this is very important your job will be
every time to look at the question and answers and see if
there are new questions we can see that also the second
question was answered by seller itself question but this is
very disturbing center did not answer I mean there are no
other questions answers here it’s not like the other one see
more answers here nobody else answered it and it was
answered by a customer so let’s see what the question was I
can’t get it back into the slot what should I do the customer
had a problem with his umbrella and this is the job of the
center had to tell him what to do with it because otherwise it
looks like there is a problem with the product answer it and
then somebody else did sit down brother has always closed
for me but after closing he does not speak easily back into
the cover and then he continues to write and don’t use a
copper or work for seven minutes to get that covered this is
not a good thing about the product it’s not an expensive well
designed and this is almost like writing a bad review about
the product you should see it so he would know that
somebody is writing that there is this even before somebody
answer this when you’re looking in the count of the center
and then you could answer it and it herself but if you just
leave it like that and leave it to other people to write it then it
would mean that everybody else that will go on this page will
see this question and this will be affecting the sales of this
product when a customer will see a bad day answer think
twice before he wants to buy this probably look for another
product so this will be your job is to look at the questions and
answer for the other customers and even if you see
somebody that answered before you this is still the chance
to to answer need a second one to answer that question and
then we can also make this disappear how can we make this
disappear now we’ve got it down like this OK this question
really helped me and then it will be next time if there would
be enough questions here and you see there are two more
questions that are hit and the next time this question will
disappear and one of the other questions will pop up here
instead because this is not really helping so there are things
that you can do in order to help the seller this question will
not show up on the first page and the and the even better to
answer it before somebody else right said that things about it
and the second thing that you should look for are the reviews
control what people are writing on the right side send
customer reviews most of them are five reviews sometimes
somebody right that’s so good but you cannot control it daily
they can write whatever they want but on the left side top
customer reviews and this is something that most customers
you can see this review for example and they and their
pictures on it and 10 people thought that this was helpful to
them and they but it would be the first one to see that there
are only five star reviews in here maybe sometimes it could
be four stars if it’s a good review so let’s go over here star
five star video photos start here lots it says you can’t go
wrong with this umbrella so even though he gave more
stores sometimes it’s OK because the customers when they
will read it and we see very good reviews cytoplasm photos
on it and then that’s OK even if it’s four story maybe even
show more right reliable to the customer so this is OK if I
continue to go down so this is OK if I continue to go down
there is photos and then and that’s it almost at the top
reviews so your job will be to make sure that there is always
five star reviews in here maybe a four star very good photos
in there and a good title there are and and this let’s see what
happens if I go back to the first page and look at the different
example products and then find something else that is less
good this seller is doing their job and this one is an umbrella
by hampering and if I click on it and I go into the page and
Scroll down all the way to the same area to the same and
talk customer reviews I can see that the first thing that that
shows up here is a one star review and this is a very bad
thing here it’s only four people found this helpful we can’t
vote we can say that this review was not help to us and if we
just won’t know and maybe two other people will vote no on
it and then it will disappear from this page the first thing that
people see about this says not went no not improve when
closing and then and then and then also photos that showed
that it broke so your job here it will be the first to tell the
seller that he has a very bad review and you can do is to
answer and you can comment here and the seller itself you
can comment here or give you the option to comment and to
write down to the customer new customer and we apologize
that this something happened go to decide what to write on
music in order for the customer to feel safe to feel that
somebody is looking and reading what he wrote and will do
everything it takes to make it better and your product may be
telling me how you are improving your product better not do
anything about it he just left it there like this as I said shows
up first in the top reviews an…. So your job will be to go over
there shows up first in the top reviews and this is a very bad
thing so your job will be to go over the top reviews This is
why four star four star three star two stars so he’s not even
looking at this very important part at the most just tell me this
product is very good example it’s working good question
example about there done something in order to correct it
and also an example of a very bad review here that that was
not wasn’t nobody took care of it then do that something
yeah in order to fix it so this will be a job and then and then
I’m gonna be waiting for you send me these examples
before we continue to the next episode

 You should address the customer by name, next is to

apologize to the customer if possible, then state you're
solving the problem and ask the customer to change the

step #7. put up with negative reviews.

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