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(Từ ngày 13/12/2021 đến ngày 20/12/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 13/12/2021

(Cụm động từ với “Go”)
I. Lý thuyết
1. Go ahead: cho phép ai bắt đầu làm việc gì; tiếp tục, tiến bộ
2. Go against: chống lại, phản đối, đi ngược lại, không có lợi cho ai
3. Go at: tấn công ai; cố gắng nỗ lực làm gì
4. Go after: theo đuổi điều gì; cố gắng để có/giành được cái gì
5. Go along: đi đến một nơi nào hoặc sự kiện
6. Go around/round: có đủ; lây truyền, lan truyền, hành xử tệ
7. Go along with: đồng ý, đồng tình với ai/điều gì; hòa hợp
8. Go away: biến mất, rời đi
9. Go about: xử lý, giải quyết, đối phó với điều gì
10. Go back: trở lại, bắt đầu làm lại gì đó
11. Go by: trôi qua (thời gian, …); tuột mất (cơ hội)
12. Go down: giảm xuống
13. Go into: đi sâu vào điều gì (để xem xét, thảo luận)
14. Go off: nổ (bom), reo (chuông), hỏng (thức ăn)
15. Go on: tiếp tục, diễn ra; dùng để năn nỉ, khuyến khích ai làm gì; trôi qua (thời gian)
16. Go out: mất điện, ra ngoài, đi chơi
17. Go over: kiểm tra, khảo sát, xem xét kĩ lưỡng cái gì
18. Go under: phá sản, chìm xuống
19. Go up: tăng lên
20. Go with: kèm với
21. Go without: không có; … mà không có
22. Go through: trải qua, nghiên cứu

II. Bài tập

1. "Could I ask you a rather personal question?" "Sure, _________________."
A. go ahead B. go against C. go out D. go at
2. Are you planning to _________________ Paul's job when he leaves?
A. go after B. go out C. go off D. go by
3. We’d like to help but we’re not sure what’s the best way to _________________ it.
A. go off B. go away C. go about D. go without
4. The judge's decision _________________ us.
A. went ahead B. went against C. went out D. went at
5. She hesitated for a moment and then_____________.
A. went on B. went about C. went round D. went off
6. He would not _____________ his parents' wishes.
A. go up B. go on C. go off D. go against
7. We've received permission to _________________ with the music festival in spite of opposition from
local residents.
A. go ahead B. go at C. go around D. go after
8. Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to _________________ with it.
A. go along B. go on C. go under D. go at
9. The crowd showed up to see the two golfers _________________ it the final day of the tournament.
A. go ahead B. go at C. go around D. go after
10. You'll get into trouble if you keep _________________ behaving like that.
A. going round B. going under C. going down D. going back
11. She's _______ for six months, but strangely enough, her boyfriend doesn't seem too unhappy about it.
A. gone on B. gone over C gone away D. gone off
12. "I don't really feel like seeing a film tonight." "Oh _________________. We haven't been to the cinema for
A. go out B. go on C. go away D. go at
13. The launch party will be _________________ as scheduled.
A. going without B. going ahead C. going with D. going into
14. The bomb _________________in a crowded street.
A. went on B. went off C. went after D. went away
15. The temperature ___________________to minus ten last night. It was chilly.
A. went against B. went up C. went at D. went down

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 14/12/2021

(Cụm động từ với “Go”)
I. Lý thuyết
1. go for: nỗ lực để đạt được điều gì; mê tít (ai); chọn cái gì
2. go down with = come down with: nhiễm bệnh, mắc bệnh
3. go up (to): vào đại học
4. go in for: thích cái gì; tham gia vào (kì thi, cuộc thi)
II. Bài tập
1. The students _________________ the issue for hours but they could not come up with a way around it.
A. went away B. went out C. went off D. went at
2. We really can't _________________ living like this - we'll have to find a bigger house.
A. go out B. go over C. go on D. go off
3. If we want something, then we _________________ it in the best possible way we know.
A. go for B. go into C. go off D. go away
4. Half of Martha's class has _________________ flu.
A. gone down with B. gone up to
C. gone in for D. gone out of
5. We were having dinner when the lights suddenly__________.
A. went out B. went over C. went on D. went down
6. She doesn't _______________team sports.
A. go down with B. go in for C. go up to D. go out of
7. I looked through the window, but I didn't actually _________________.
A. go away B. go at C. go under D. go in
8. The firm will ____________unless business improves.
A. go towards B. go under C. go by D. go off
9. The days seemed to ______________very slowly.
A. go by B. go off C. go back D. go up
10. This icon /ˈaɪkɒn/ keeps appearing on the screen. How do I make it_________________?
A. go off B. go under C. go away D. go for
11. She's decided to ______________ to teaching.
A. go back B. go up C. go down D. go for
12. There's a rumor ____________that they're having an affair.
A. going round B. going under C. going down D. going back
13. There wasn't time for breakfast, so I had to_______________.
A. go without B. go ahead C. go with D. go off
14. She left the room in tears so I ___________her.
A. went after B. went out C. went in D. went away
15. Disease often _____________poverty.
A. goes with B. goes without C. goes off D. goes out

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 15/12/2021

(Cụm động từ với “LOOK”)
I. Lý thuyết
1. look through: đọc lướt, đọc nhanh hoặc nhìn/xem qua cái gì
2. look away: quay đi, nhìn chỗ khác
3. look in: tạt qua, ghé qua thăm ai
4. look back: nghĩ lại, nhìn lại, xem lại
5. look over: kiểm tra, xem qua (để xem nó như thế nào)
6. look down on: khinh thường ai đó
6. look up to: kính trọng
7. look to: cân nhắc, suy tính, tìm cách
=> look to sb for sth: trông mong ai sẽ làm gì cho bạn
8. look at: nhìn, ngắm nhìn; cân nhắc, nghiên cứu; đọc
9. look into: nghiên cứu, điều tra
10. look out= watch out: coi chừng, cẩn thẩn
11. look ahead: tiên liệu, tính toán trước
12. look up: nâng cao, cải thiện; trở nên tốt hơn; tra cứu
13. look sb/sth after: chăm sóc ai/ trông nom cái gì = take care of sb/ sth
14. look on: đứng ngoài xem
=> look on/upon sb/sth as sb/sth: xem ai/cái gì đó như là ai/cái gì
15. look for: tìm kiếm
II. Bài tập
1. Airport security ____________ her purse and confiscated her nail scissors.
A. looked through B. looked away C. looked in D. looked back
2. Would you quickly ____________ these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?
A. look away B. look over C. look down on D. look up to
3. We need to _____________ways of improving our marketing.
A. look away B. look to C. look at D. look back
4. She thinks they ____________ her because she doesn't have a job.
A. look out B. look into C. look for D. look down on
5. Whenever I’m upset, I ____________ Mary to cheer me up.
A. look to B. look back C. look ahead D. look away
6. I hope things will start to ____________ in the New Year.
A. look up B. look to C. look at D. look out
7. "Is that the correct spelling?" - "I don't know - look it ____________ in a dictionary."
A. up B. back C. ahead D. after
8. She ____________ when the nurse pricked her arm with the needle.
A. looked in B. looked away C. look up to D. look down on
9. I’ve always ____________ him as the ideal candidate for the job.
A. looked away B. looked ahead C. looked on D. looked back
10. Don't worry about me—I can _____________myself
A. look after B. look away C. look over D. look through
11. Businesses need to ____________, and decide where they are going to place their investments.
A. look in B. look ahead C. look down on D. look up to
12. I'm going to spend some time ____________ my options before I decide to apply for the job.
A. looking at B. looking after C. looking in D. looking back
13. Look out! There's a car coming! Please ____________ when you’re crossing streets.
A. look away B. look after C. look out D. look to
14. I haven't had time to ______________the papers yet.
A. look after B. look at C. look away D. look up
15. When you ____________ on this in a year or two, it won't seem so bad.
A. look up B. look out for C. look in D. look back

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 16/12/2021
(Cụm động từ với “LOOK”)
I. Lý thuyết
1. look through: đọc lướt, đọc nhanh hoặc nhìn/xem qua cái gì
2. look away: quay đi, nhìn chỗ khác
3. look in: tạt qua, ghé qua thăm ai
4. look back: nghĩ lại, nhìn lại, xem lại
5. look over: kiểm tra, xem qua (để xem nó như thế nào)
6. look down on: khinh thường ai đó
6. look up to: kính trọng
7. look to: cân nhắc, suy tính, tìm cách
=> look to sb for sth: trông mong ai sẽ làm gì cho bạn
8. look at: nhìn, ngắm nhìn; cân nhắc, nghiên cứu; đọc
9. look into: nghiên cứu, điều tra
10. look out= watch out: coi chừng, cẩn thẩn
11. look ahead: tiên liệu, tính toán trước
12. look up: nâng cao, cải thiện; trở nên tốt hơn; tra cứu
13. look sb/sth after: chăm sóc ai/ trông nom cái gì = take care of sb/ sth
14. look on: đứng ngoài xem
=> look on/upon sb/sth as sb/sth: xem ai/cái gì đó như là ai/cái gì
15. look (a)round: thăm thú, thăm quan, ngoảnh đầu lại nhìn cái gì
16. look forward to + V-ing: mong đợi, mong chờ, trông mong
17. look for: tìm kiếm
II. Bài tập
1. I’ve just been ____________ your cookery books for inspiration.
A. looking through B. looking after C. looking back D. looking ahead
2. We’re interested in buying this house. Can we ____________ tomorrow?
A. look around B. look away C. look to D. look back
3. I deeply ____________ David for what he has achieved.
A. look away B. look to C. look back D. look up to
4. The government is ____________ ways to reduce the cost of health care.
A. looking after B. looking for C. looking in D. looking out for

5. She was _________________to seeing the grandchildren again.
A. looking forward to B. looking down on C. looking up to D. looking out for
6. Passers-by simply looked __________as he was attacked.
A. away B. after C. into D. on
7. We're _____________the possibility of merging the two departments.
A. looking away B. looking into C. looking up to D. looking down on
8. I thought I might ____________ on Bob on my way to the shops.
A. look away B. look in C. look ahead D. look back
9. He ____________ hiring another secretary, but it would have been too expensive.
A. looked into B. looked away C. looked in D. look after
10. It can’t have been incorrect as I looked it __________in the dictionary.
A. away B. on C. in D. up
11. The police have warned shopkeepers to ____________ for forged notes.
A. look away B. look out C. look in D. look back
12. He heard a voice and ____________ to see a man wearing dark clothes.
A. looked around B. looked to C. looked ahead D. looked after
13. I tried to get Michele’s attention at the party, but she looked right ____________ me!
A. to B. over C. into D. through
14. I realized I was ____________ the problem from the wrong angle.
A. looking at B. looking to C. looking down on D. looking up to
15. When we went to Boston, we only had a couple of hours to ____________.
A. look down on B. look around C. look out for D. look after
CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 17/12/2021
1. We're ______________buying a new computer.

A. going into B. looking into C. looking out D. going out

2._____________! There's a car coming!

A. Look out B. Look at C. Go off D. Go out

3. I’m _____________my vacation.

A. looking up to B. looking down on C. going down with D. looking forward to

4. My aunt ___________me after my parents died.

A. went after B. went over C. looked after D. looked on

5. I've ______________some catalogues and then put them down.

A. looked through B. looked around C. went through D. went down

6. We need to _____________to decide how to expand our business.

A. look up B. go up C. go down D. look ahead

7. Can you ____________the opening times on the website?

A. go at B. go on C. look up D. look back

8. The alarm should ____________automatically as soon as smoke is detected.

A. go out B. go off C. look at D. look ahead

9. Please close the door as you_________.

A. go out B. go against C. look away D. look through

10. The ship _____________just minutes after the last passenger had been rescued.

A. went under B. went about C. looked back D. look around

11. Our youngest boy has _______________chickenpox.

A. gone in for B. gone up to C. gone down with D. looked up to

12. His thinking _______________all logic.

A. goes along B. goes around C. looks around D. goes against

13. She _______________eating for three days.

A. went with B. went without C. looked to D. looked for

14. I’ve been _____________that book everywhere.

A. going for B. looking for C. going after D. looking after

15. I don't really _____________modern art.

A. look out B. look on C. go with D. go for


1. I’ve ____________ all my papers but I still can’t find the contract.
A. looked through B. went along C. looked down on D. went at

2. I promised to ____________ on Dad and see if he’s feeling any better.
A. go away B. look in C. look for D. go ahead
3. When I ___________ on those days I realize I was desperately unhappy.
A. look to B. look back C. go off D. go out
4. Do you have a few minutes to ____________ these samples _________?
A. look – up B. go – down C. look – over D. go – by
5. Mr. Garcia ____________ anyone who hasn’t had a college education.
A. looks down on B. looks into C. goes out D. goes under
6. I’ve always ____________ Bill for his courage and determination.
A. went away B. looked up to C. went down D. looked on
7. We need to ____________ ways of improving our marketing.
A. go back B. go in for C. look to D. look down on
8. ___________ the machine quite carefully before you buy it.
A. Go at B. Look at C. Look up to D. Go up
9. Police are _____________ the disappearance of two children.
A. going with B. going back C. looking into D. looking in
10. ____________! You almost hit that cat!
A. Look out B. Look into C. Go up to D. Go with
11. All footballers have to _______________ to the time when they leave the game.
A. go up B. look ahead C. go around D. look in
12. Things are ____________ - I've got a new job and a new boyfriend.
A. looking on B. going down with C. going away D. looking up
13. Don’t worry, I’ll _____________ the kids tomorrow.
A. look after B. go into C. look ahead D. go up
14. Only one man tried to help us, the rest just ___________ in silence.
A. looked for B. went for C. went along D. looked on
15. The speaker finished her speech and ____________ to see if there were any questions.
A. looked round B. looked up C. went back D. went with
16. We're really _____________ skiing in Aspen.

A. going down B. looking forward to C. going off D. looking for
17. Detectives are still ___________ the escaped prisoner.
A. looking for B. looking up to C. going along D. going under
18. They’ve decided to ___________ with plans to build 50 new houses on the site.
A. go out B. look down on C. go ahead D. look in
19. She was scared to ____________ her father’s wishes.
A. go against B. look in C. look around D. go by
20. Mary ___________ the task with great enthusiasm.
A. went down B. looked up to C. went at D. looked out
21. I can’t decide whether to ___________ the job or not.
A. go after B. look around C. go down D. look in
22. I might ___________ to the meeting tonight.
A. go about B. go along C. look into D. look through
23. A rumour was _________ that I was having an affair with my boss.
A. going down B. looking down on C. going around D. looking away
24. I would be happy to _____________ the idea.
A. go along with B. look around C. go under D. look in
25. He's been really unhappy since she ___________.
A. went off B. went away C. looked on D. looked into
26. I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to ____________ it.
A. go about B. look in C. go out D. look around
27. I left my hometown 12 years ago, and I have no desire to ____________.
A. go up B. look through C. go back D. look down on
28. Things will get easier as time ____________.
A. goes by B. goes up C. looks into D. looks for
29. His income ____________ last year.
A. went off B. went down C. looked out D. looked in
30. I don’t want to _____________ the matter now.
A. go into B. go up to C. look around D. look on

31. Fireworks were ____________ all over the city.
A. looking into B. going with C. going off D. looking out
32. ___________ to the next question when you’ve finished.
A. Go on B. Go up C. Look up to D. Look in
33. You should ____________ and get some fresh air.
A. look into B. go out C. go over D. look back
34. Don't worry if you don't understand everything - she'll __________ the main points again at the end.
A. go over B. look in C. go up to D. look ahead
35. More than 7,000 businesses have ____________ in the last three months.
A. looked at B. gone under C. gone without D. looked in
36. Unemployment in the country has ____________ by a million.
A. looked around B. looked to C. gone up D. gone for
37. They should accept the duties that ___________ being a member of the club.
A. go with B. look ahead C. go out D. look back
38. New parents ____________ much sleep for at least the first few months.
A. go without B. look on C. go into D. look back
39. I don't really ______________ modern art.
A. look in B. go under C. look ahead D. go for
40. The food must be properly cooked to ensure the diners don't __________ food poisoning.
A. go down with B. look up C. go over D. look away
41. She ____________ Cambridge university after she finished high school.
A. looked down on B. went up to C. looked out D. went out
42. She's ______________ the Cambridge B2 First exam.
A. going in for B. looking up to C. going off D. looking in
43. If you don't know what it means, ___________ it ___________ in the dictionary.
A. look – down on B. look – up C. go – down D. go – up
44. Tom will ___________ on you later to see if you need anything.
A. look in B. look ahead C. go down D. go under
45. Clare wouldn't _____________ details about her divorce.

A. go off B. look away C. go up to D. go into
46. One of the actors was unwell and couldn’t ___________ with the performance.
A. go on B. look over C. go down D. look through
47. Half the team had _____________ flu.
A. gone down with B. looked at C. gone back D. looked in
48. I'd have to wear a costume that'd make people ___________ me.
A. go down B. go under C. look up to D. look ahead
49. After Berg left baseball in 1978, he never ____________.
A. looked back B. looked in C. went up D. went up to
50. The thieves ran away when the alarm ________.
A. looked ahead B. went off C. looked in D. went over


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