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Benchmark: Reflection of Professional Development Session

Summary of Presentation

The professional development session presentation I gave was on how to maximize

student learning. I provided three strategies for teachers to use and had them practice the

strategies in small group settings. Then, teachers were given time to determine which strategy

they would like to use in their classroom, determine when they could implement it, then provide

feedback on how the implementation worked.

To plan for the presentation, I received feedback from our Instructional Coach who

facilitates most of our professional development sessions. She was able to provide constructive

feedback which improved my presentation. I felt confident going into the presentation because

she had given me pointers on how to engage learners and present the content to learners. It was a

different experience than teaching students as I was presenting to my peers and mentor rather

than kids.

In giving the presentation to my colleagues and principal mentor I was given feedback

via a survey. The feedback was mostly positive in how I engaged the learners and provided

strategies that they could practice in the session. Questions my colleagues and mentor had were:

how will you ensure teachers use the strategies and how will you follow up with teachers who

did not benefit from the use of strategies? Based on our school structure, I would meet with

teachers in their PLCs to discuss strategies from the presentation as well as other strategies they

are using that are beneficial. I would then, from each PLC, compile a resource for my staff to use

and edit in order for them to share ideas for maximizing student learning. Our vision states:

“Kickapoo High School will be a nationally recognized and comprehensive high school

· offers an engaging and rigorous curriculum.

· continually increases the use of the latest technology.

· promotes a highly competitive and wide-ranging array of MSHSAA-sponsored and

extra-curricular activities.

· develops mutually beneficial partnerships with students, parents, and community.

· maintains a safe and positive learning environment.”

I feel, the first two points would be supported by a community in which teachers share

their ideas in order to maximize student learning in their classrooms through rigorous curriculum

and the use of technology. Our school improvement plan also has a great emphasis on teacher

collaboration in order to ensure student learning and achievement. The use of the PLCs to

discuss strategies to maximize learning seems like the logical choice in ensuring teachers are

held accountable for their use of learning.

Next Steps

To follow up with teachers and ensure skills from the professional development are

embedded in the classroom, I would have teachers participate in Quality Teacher Rounds (QTRs)

where teachers are placed in PLCs outside of their content area, they will discuss strategies used

in class and take turns observing each other then providing feedback. Teachers will either

observe during their plan time or be given coverage from admin or another teacher on plan to

observe their peers. To ensure learning and collaboration is occurring, teachers will be required

to fill out a Google form in which they reflect on their experience of each observation.

The QTR would allow teachers to gauge their success through peer feedback as well as

find new and meaningful ways to implement similar strategies into their classrooms. It also

provides time for teachers to collaborate with teachers who they otherwise would not.
Future Planning

To plan for new and emerging trends, I will ensure I am staying up to date through

research journals, meaningful social media pages, and the best resource of all, my colleagues.

My current mentor is a member of multiple groups dedicated to educational leaders and he gains

a lot of knowledge from those groups through networking. I will also seek information in the

form of professional development opportunities and other avenues of learning like social media

and research journals. I feel it is important when assessing new trends to ensure I am being

analytical of the trends and assessing how they would benefit my school culture. I will also make

sure I am not just following a trend because it is fancy and rather doing my research on its

effectiveness and benefits.


Burns, M. K., Naughton, M. R., Preast, J. L., Wang, Z., Gordon, R. L., Robb, V., & Smith, M. L.

(2018). Factors of Professional Learning Community Implementation and Effect on

Student Achievement. Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation, 28(4), 394–


Gore, J. M., Miller, A., Fray, L., Harris, J., & Prieto, E. (2021). Improving student achievement

through professional development: Results from a randomised controlled trial of Quality

Teaching Rounds. Teaching and Teacher Education, 101. https://doi-

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