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Group 9 - JIB
1. Definition
A frequently used word in Japan,
- When starting a new project
3. Originals
Rice growing
with the meaning of doing one's you think of "Gambari" Geography
best and hanging on - Going off to new beggining Equal opportunities to raise
"I will not disapoint you" in social standing
In the imperative form "Gambare"
- Encouraging during games
or "Gambatte", it often used as a
and sports: "Gambare
- Encouragement during a
crisis: "Gambaro kobe"

2. Meaning
Gambaru is an unique expression in Japan and expresses
certain qualities of the Japanese characters.
WILL JAPANESE If Japanese companies do not apply the
“Gambari" norm in the policy
COMPANIES CHANGE? Consequence may be similar to the context
Japanese companies should change “ 学級崩壊” - Gakkyuu hookai, or collapse of the
their working environment because of classroom: The manager may find difficult to
some negative consequences below:
control his employees.
“ 過労死” - Karoshi, or a death from However,
=> This would affect the company's If the “Gambari" context can be

reputation and expense for large amount applied in intelligent way - in a flexible

of compensation. way
The fanaticism of the Japanese => encourage workers to work hard and
engage in leisure activities in a
appropriate extent
=> gain both the effectiveness and
efficiency at work.

Should have certain understandings about diversity management
in order to treat employees equally.

Train Japanese employees about the cross culture while

working in a team with colleagues from other countries that
leisure time is as important as working time.

Work effectively, not unstoppability!

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