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5/19/2022 EAP Assignment

Cause and effect of Obesity and


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Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980 and most of the world’s
population now live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than
underweight. (Ng M, May 28, 2014)

Obesity has reached epidemic levels in developed as well as in developing countries.

Overweight and obesity are known to have significant effect on both physical and
psychological health. Obese people are likely to stay obese into adulthood and more
likely to develop non-communicable diseases like heart and bone diseases at a very
young age. The mechanism of obesity development is believed to be a disorder with
multiple causes. Food industries, lifestyle preference, food habits, stay out of physical
activity and cultural environment play a major role in the rising prevalence of obesity all
around the world. (Krushnapriya, April 2015) Normally, obesity are assumed to be the
results of an increase in caloric and fat intake and decreased energy expenditure.
Additionally, there are supporting evidence that people gain weight by obesogenic
products such as sugar-sweetened beverage and packaged foods. Other elements of
globalization apart from economic globalization may contribute to rising obesity rates
globally. Cultural globalization, or “Westernization” may encourage the consumption of
fast foods like McDonalds to appear more “modern”. This may be less or more due to
cultural appeal of Western lifestyle which can causes of obesity as people abandon
local cuisines for Western-influenced diets. (Fox, 2019)

These days food industries trying to feed people more food even though they are not
hungry. Food manufacturers are trying to increase sales by making foods as tasty as
possible. But they also promote overeating and it causes obesity. These products are
designed to be cheap, last long on the shelf and taste so incredibly good that they are
hard to resist. Most of these foods do not resemble whole food at all. Fast-foods can
also cause addiction in susceptible individuals. These people lose control over their
eating behavior, similar to people struggling with alcohol addiction. Food producers
spend a lot of money marketing junk food, sometimes they target children, who don’t
have the knowledge and experience to realize they are being misled. Inactivity such as
working a desk job, watching TV, driving, using a computer or phone is also a common
contributor to weight gain and chronic diseases. (Bjarnadottir, 2022)
We can prevent obesity by avoiding fast-foods, healthy eating behaviors, regular
physical activity, and reduced sedentary activity. Consuming whole grain foods, such as
brown rice and whole wheat bread. Do not eat highly processed foods made with
refined white sugar, flour, high-fructose corn syrup and saturated fat. By preventing
obesity we can redeem us from life-threatening diseases such as coronary heart
diseases, back pain and many more.

Obesity is increasing throughout the world. It seems that each of us will have a risk to
developing obesity and can only hope that the improving understanding of the causes
and complex relationships of obesity will lead to better prevention and treatments. Until
then we only need to look around us for motivation in our personal battles with these

Bjarnadottir, A., 2022. [Online]
Available at:

Fox, F. a. A., 2019. What is driving global obesity trends? Globalization or “modernization”?.
Globalization and Health, 27 April, 15(1), p. 32.

Krushnapriya, B. A. N., April 2015. Childhood obesity: causes and consequences. Familly medicine and
primery care, pp. 187-192.

Ng M, F. T. R. M. T. B. G. N. M. C., May 28, 2014. Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight
and obesity in children and adults during 1980–2013. The Lancet Journal.

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