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Group :
Title : Walking To Improve Health
Organizational Pattern : Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Visual Aids :
General Purpose : To persuade
Specific Purpose : To persuade my audience to To persuade my audience start walking
For improve their health and lifestyle.

Central Idea : Walking regularly can improve both physical and mental health.


I. (Attention Material/Credibility Material) – We do live in convenient, comfortable,

and effort-free life society. We have so many equipment which is can help us live
in time- saving and energy saving. With this kind of lifestyle, life’s been really great
and wonderful, but it has consequence turning us into a sedentary lifestyle, couch
potatoes, lethargic and inactive style. Walking is simple, free and easy way to get
more active, more healthier and last but not least also can lost weight.

II. (Tie to the audience) I want to prove to all of you how walking regularly can improve
our physical and mental health. Walking around two minutes out of every hour can
increase your life span by 33 percent. What happen to me after one month after I
walking everyday in 30 minute.

III.  (Thesis and Preview) Preview main point ; The Need, the solution and the visualization

(Transition: Lets take a look my different after I walking everyday in 30 minute.)



I.  Almost Malaysian have a sedentary lifestyle. Citing the findings of a 2016 study
published by San Francisco, US-based PLOS One, a peer-reviewed open access scientific
journal, Lai said obesity and NCD cases linked to physical inactivity have increased dramatically
in Malaysia over the past 20 years.

A.The reason for the increase in obesity is an inactive lifestyle

1.  Malaysia is set to experience a “very high” increase in adult and child obesity
rates, warns World Obesity Atlas 2023. The report projects an economic impact
on GDP of 2.8% or USD20 billion by 2035..

2. Obesity is All-causes of death (mortality).

B.Mental health will be risk when the physical is not healthy

1. Sedentary lifestyle is give bad influence for mental and emotional state.

2. Physically active helps reduce the risk of clinical depression, and spending
more time in nature can also help to quiet the mind.

C.Excess fat also caused by inactivity that leads to a higher incidence of heart disease.

1. Heart disease occurs when plaque develops in arteries and blood vessels that lead
to the heart.

2. This blocks important nutrients and oxygen from reaching the heart.

D. According to (WHO), cardiovascular disease (CVDs) is one of the major risk of

physical inactivity.

1. This disease causes 12 million deaths in the world each year.

2. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are group of disorders of the heart and blood
Transition : Now that we have identified the problem, let us look to understand the solution to
this problem.)
II, Walking is a simple exercise that we can all do. Its benefits can be seen by comparing it
to the lifestyle choices we recently have.

A. Walking is an exercise can improve heath.

1. Having a walk for 15 minutes at a moderate pace of 3 times per week is advisable for
good mental and physical health (Ullman 9). Instead of spending our leisure time in
comfortable couches watching a movie and taking junk foods, we should practice the
culture of taking a 15 to 20 minutes walk.

B. Walking is simple exercise but effective.

1. Taking a walk is less costly and needs zero training, just walk and walk.
2. Walking requires no special skill or facilities

C. The importance of taking a walk in relation to cardiovascular

1. Taking a walk regularly reduces the chances of heart failure.

2. Walking promotes the secretion of an enzyme that gets rid of triglycerides from our
blood (factual example – Ullman 10). Good cholesterol is significant to the body. Bad
cholesterol is harmful to the body. Taking a 20 minutes’ walk raises the good
cholesterol levels in the body and lowers the bad cholesterol from the body.
Therefore, walking is crucial for reducing cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, even
without weight loss.

D. According to a study by a Southern California University professor, more people

walk each day, the more energetic they feel and the better their mood..

(Transition : So how? Still think accuse for being inactive? Let’s move to the
next point.).
III. We can visualize the benefits of walking by contrasting the lifestyle choices we

A. We can take shortcuts in life and make our life easier.

1. Find the closest parking space in the parking lot.

2. Drive to the convenient store even it is just around the corner from our house.
3. Taking the stairs instead of the escalators.

B. We can choose to lessen our risk for cardiovascular disease, heart disease, obesity and
improve our mental health by making an effort to walk.

1. Small improvement in the amount of daily walking is better than no walking.

2. Dr Chin Pang Wen said “if one active in physical activity, one in six all cause
deaths could be postponed”


I. All of us need to start walking because regular walking can improve both your mental
and physical health.
III. Walking is a simple and easy activity that everyone can do. Just walk and don’t give any
IV. Taking the stairs instead of escalators or walking into a restaurant instead of using the
drive-thru window can make a huge difference.
V. Don’t be lazy.

 Naomi Leach. (2015, September 16). Meet The Man Who Travelled 47,000
Around The World On Foot. Retrieved from

Tam Cal Lian and Gregory Bonn. (2016, January 22). Physical Activity and
Its Correlates among Adults in Malaysia. Retrieved from

 Dr Zawiah Hashim and Dr Chin Yiet Siew. (2017, April 2). Get Up & Move!.

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