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Peripheral Artery Disease: Past, Present, and

Umberto Campia, MD,a,b Marie Gerhard-Herman, MD,a,b Gregory Piazza, MD,a,b Samuel Z. Goldhaber, MDa,b
Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Mass; bHarvard Medical School, Boston.


Peripheral artery disease is a prevalent but underdiagnosed manifestation of atherosclerosis. There is insuf-
ficient awareness of its clinical manifestations, including intermittent claudication and critical limb ische-
mia and of its risk of adverse cardiovascular and limb outcomes. In addition, our inadequate knowledge of
its pathophysiology has also limited the development of effective treatments, particularly in the presence
of critical limb ischemia. This review aims to highlight essential elements of the epidemiology and patho-
physiology of peripheral artery disease, bring attention to the often-atypical manifestations of occlusive
arterial disease of the lower extremity, increase awareness of critical limb ischemia, briefly describe the
diagnostic role of the ankle brachial index, and go over the contemporary management of peripheral artery
disease. An emphasis is placed on evidence-based medical treatments to improve symptoms and quality of
life and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and limb events in these patients, including supervised exer-
cise training, smoking cessation, antagonism of the renin-angiotensin system, lipid-lowering, antiplatelet,
and antithrombotic therapies.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.  The American Journal of Medicine (2019) 132:1133−1141

KEYWORDS: Cardiovascular risk; Critical limb ischemia; Intermittent claudication; Peripheral artery disease

INTRODUCTION therapy for its symptoms and has contributed to the subopti-
Peripheral artery disease is one manifestation of atheroscle- mal outcomes of revascularization, particularly in the pres-
rotic vascular disease. Despite its high prevalence, peripheral ence of critical limb ischemia. In the present review, we will
artery disease often remains unrecognized and underdiag- highlight essential elements of the epidemiology and patho-
nosed. There is insufficient awareness of its clinical manifes- physiology of peripheral artery disease and will describe the
tations, including impaired walking, classic intermittent often-atypical manifestations of peripheral artery disease,
claudication, and critical limb ischemia, and of the associated including critical limb ischemia, the most advanced form of
adverse cardiovascular events and limb outcomes. Our occlusive arterial disease. We will describe the diagnostic
incomplete knowledge of peripheral artery disease pathophys- role of the ankle brachial index and will outline the contem-
iology has limited the development of innovative medical porary management of peripheral artery disease. We have
placed an emphasis on evidence-based medical treatments to
improve symptoms and quality of life and to reduce the risk
Funding: None.
Conflicts of Interest: UC and MGH, none. GP receives grant and
of cardiovascular and limb events in patients with peripheral
research support from BMS, Daiichi-Sankyo, BTG, Janssen, Bayer, and artery disease, including supervised exercise training, smok-
Portola and is on the advisory panel for Pfizer. SZG receives research sup- ing cessation, antagonism of the angiotensin system, and
port from Boehringer-Ingelheim, BMS, BTG EKOS, Daiichi, Janssen, lipid-lowering, antiplatelet, and antithrombotic therapies.
NHLBI, and Thrombosis Research Institute and is a consultant for Bayer;
Boehringer-Ingelheim; BMS; Daiichi; Janssen; Portola.
Authorship: All authors had access to the data and a role in writing DEFINITIONS
this manuscript. UC conceived, drafted, designed figures, and had final A number of terms refer to arterial occlusive disease of the
approval of the manuscript. MGH, GP, and SZG revised and had final lower and upper extremities (eg, peripheral vascular disease,
approval of the manuscript.
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Umberto Campia, MD, Brig-
peripheral arterial disease, peripheral arterial occlusive dis-
ham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis St − AB 378, Boston, MA 02115. ease, and arteriosclerosis obliterans).1 In this review, periph-
E-mail address: eral artery disease will refer to atherosclerotic disease of the

0002-9343/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1134 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 10, October 2019

lower extremity, including the aortoiliac, femoropopliteal, to maintain calfmuscle perfusion despite a decrease in sys-
and infrapopliteal arterial segments, which comprises its tolic pressure.8 However, in the exercising muscle, this
most prevalent form.2 mechanism fails to sufficiently increase blood flow to match
metabolic demands, with ensuing muscle ischemia. The
occurrence of repetitive cycles of exercise-induced ische-
mia followed by reperfusion triggers the formation of
Intermittent claudication, the occurrence of leg pain, aching,
reactive oxygen species, leading to abnormal myocyte
cramping, or fatigue triggered by walk-
metabolism and impaired con-
ing and relieved by rest, has long been
tractile performance.9
recognized as a manifestation of a CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE
reduced arterial perfusion of the lower  Peripheral artery disease is a common CLINICAL
extremities.3 However, when intermittent
manifestation of atherosclerosis and is MANIFESTATIONS OF
clausidcation was used in epidemiologi-
cal studies to define peripheral artery dis-
associated with cardiovascular morbid- PERIPHERAL ARTERY
ease, it led to underestimation of the ity and mortality, and with limb events. DISEASE
prevalence of the disease. This limitation  Peripheral artery disease remains The majority of patients with
was overcome with the introduction of underdiagnosed and undertreated. peripheral artery disease do not
the ankle brachial index, a more objec-  Management aims to improve symp- present with the classic features
tive, noninvasive test that can detect the toms and quality of life and reduce the of intermittent claudication.
presence of arterial occlusive disease in risk of cardiovascular and limb events. The Edinburgh Artery Study
patients who are both symptomatic and  Exercise and novel medical therapy showed that, in participants
asymptomatic. An ankle brachial index reduce risk of cardiovascular and limb with an ankle brachial index
of ≤0.90 is generally considered diag- events in patients with peripheral arte- ≤0.90, only 15% reported clas-
nostic of peripheral artery disease for rial disease. sic intermittent claudication,
both epidemiological and clinical pur- whereas 35% reported no exer-
poses.4 Generally, when this ankle bra- tional leg symptoms. A large
chial index value is used, the prevalence of peripheral artery proportion of patients have possible claudication, defined as
disease in the United States is low in people 50 years and exertional calf pain starting with exertion but not otherwise
younger. However, peripheral artery disease rates increase meeting the standard criteria. Additional presenting symp-
sharply with age, reaching approximately 20% in octogenar- toms include “leg pain/carry on” (leg pain that occurs with
ians. Of note, rates of peripheral artery disease at any given exertion but does not force the patient to stop walking) and
age have been reported to be approximately twice as high in “leg pain on exertion and rest” (consistently triggered by
African Americans compared with other races.3 activity but at times be present at rest; Figure 2, top).


A small proportion of patients with peripheral artery disease
Lower-extremity peripheral artery disease is associated with
presents with or progresses to the most severe manifesta-
all major atherosclerotic risk factors. Cigarette smoking is
tions of arterial occlusive disease, critical limb ischemia,
associated with a 2- to 4-fold increased risk of peripheral
defined as: “A condition characterized by chronic (≥2
artery disease.5 Similarly, diabetes mellitus is associated with
weeks) ischemic rest pain, nonhealing wound/ulcers, or
an approximately 2- to 4-fold increase in risk. The risk associ-
gangrene in 1 or both legs attributable to objectively proven
ated with hypertension appears to be more modest, with
reported odds ratios from 1.5 to 2.2.3 The association between arterial occlusive disease.”2 Critical limb ischemia is asso-
ciated with a high risk for or actual tissue loss, amputation,
dyslipidemia and peripheral artery disease appears to be multi-
and cardiovascular events. Usually, patients with critical
faceted. Higher total cholesterol is associated with increased
limb ischemia present with an ankle brachial index < 0.4
risk, whereas higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL) choles-
and toe systolic pressure < 30 mm Hg10 (Figure 2, bottom).
terol is associated with decreased risk.3,6


MANIFESTATIONS A comprehensive medical history and thorough physical
Patients with peripheral artery disease present with a spec- examination are an essential first step in the diagnosis of
trum of lower-extremity symptoms and functional peripheral artery disease (Figure 3). However, various condi-
impairment as a result of both blood flow limitation during tions associated with leg symptoms, such as spinal stenosis,
exercise and progressive myocyte damage with muscle osteoarthritis, chronic venous insufficiency, and neuropathy,
remodeling7 (Figure 1). At rest, in the presence of hemody- may masquerade as or be present in addition to peripheral
namically significant stenosis, vascular resistance decreases artery disease. Therefore, the diagnosis of peripheral artery
Campia et al Contemporary Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease 1135

Figure 1 Pathophysiology of lower-extremity manifestations in peripheral artery disease. Left panel: In the normal artery, the
healthy endothelium maintains arterial homeostasis through the balanced release of nitric oxide and endothelin-1. The reflected
waves and the elasticity of the vessels lead to an increase of systolic blood pressure in the ankle arteries, with normal ankle brachial
index values. With physical activity, physiologic vasodilatation allows for a large increase in blood flow to match the increased
metabolic demands of the exercising muscles. In the presence of atherosclerosis, endothelial activation and dysfunction lead to
endothelin-mediated baseline vasoconstrictor tone and a prothrombotic milieu. The hemodynamic effects of the stenosis include
the generation of turbulent flow, abnormal shear stress, and loss of potential energy with drop of systolic blood pressure in the ankle
arteries and abnormal ankle brachial index. During exercise, the inability to increase blood flow causes a demand/perfusion mis-
match, leading to muscle ischemia. Right panel: Effects of cycles of recurrent ischemia and reperfusion on the lower-extremity
skeletal muscle in patients with peripheral artery disease. ABI = ankle brachial index; ET-1 = endothelin 1; NO = nitric oxide;
SBP = systolic blood pressure.

disease requires a high index of suspicion and confirmation CARDIOVASCULAR AND LIMB EVENTS RISK IN
with a more objective and physiology-based approach. PERIPHERAL ARTERY DISEASE
Peripheral artery disease is associated with high risk of coro-
nary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease.11 The rates of
THE ANKLE BRACHIAL INDEX IN THE DIAGNOSIS myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and vascular death in
OF PERIPHERAL ARTERY DISEASE patients with peripheral artery disease without critical limb
In healthy individuals, the systolic blood pressure increases ischemia has been estimated at 5%-7% per year. The most
distally in the arterial circulation4 and is higher in the lower common causes of death in patients with peripheral artery
than in the upper limb. In the presence of hemodynamically disease are coronary and cerebrovascular disease, which
significant stenosis, there is a decline in the systolic pressure account for 40%-60% and for 10%-20% of occurrences,
distal to the obstruction that is proportional to its severity. respectively. Of note, in patients with critical limb ischemia,
Based on these principles, the ratio of the systolic pressure the risk of death at 1 year is as high as 25%.3 Major amputa-
measured at the brachial artery and at the ankle arteries has tions in patients with intermittent claudication have been
been adopted to diagnose peripheral artery disease.4 Of note, reported in 1% to 3% of patients over a 5-year period. How-
ankle brachial index values >1.40 result from reduced arte- ever, in the presence of critical limb ischemia, the risk of
rial compressibility and cannot be used to diagnose periph- major amputation at 1 year is approximately 50%.10
eral artery disease. In that case, the ratio of the pressure
measured at the first toe and at the brachial artery (toe bra-
chial index) should be used (Figure 3). A toe brachial index MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF PERIPHERAL ARTERY
≤ 0.7 is diagnostic of arterial occlusive disease. Currently, DISEASE
the resting ankle brachial index is the initial diagnostic test The goals of medical therapy for peripheral artery disease
recommended by the 2016 American Heart Association/ include improvement of limb symptoms, exercise perfor-
American College of Cardiology (AHA/ACC) guideline on mance, and quality of life, as well as reduction of the risk
the management of patients with peripheral artery disease.2 of adverse cardiovascular events and limb events (Figure 4).
1136 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 10, October 2019

Figure 2 Clinical manifestations of peripheral artery disease. ABI = ankle brachial index; IC = intermittent clau-

The availability of evidence-based treatments has led to the Currently, evidence supporting the use of medical therapy
publication of focused guidelines to help manage patients is limited to cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase type 3 inhibitor
with peripheral artery disease.2,12 Unfortunately, despite with unclear mechanism of action. Cilostazol increases walk-
evidence that adherence to guideline-recommended man- ing distance from baseline by approximately 50%, or 42
agement is associated with better outcomes,13 patients with meters, over placebo.19 Based on the available evidence, the
peripheral artery disease are undertreated in comparison 2016 AHA/ACC guideline gives a class Ia recommendation
with those with coronary artery disease.14 for cilostazol.2


PERFORMANCE, AND QUALITY OF LIFE Intensive treatment of risk factors should be the first step to
The most effective approaches include supervised exercise reduce the risk of cardiovascular and limb events in patients
training and endovascular revascularization. Supervised tread- with peripheral artery disease.
mill exercise is associated with an increase in maximal tread-
mill walking distance.15 Endovascular revascularization of the SMOKING CESSATION
lower extremity often results in rapid improvement of walking Cigarette smoking is one of the strongest risk factors for
distance and quality of life.16 In the Endovascular Revasculari- peripheral artery disease. More than one-third of patients with
zation and Supervised Exercise (ERASE) trial, patients with peripheral artery disease are current smokers.20 Smoking ces-
peripheral artery disease were randomized to either supervised sation is the most important modifiable risk factor and is con-
exercise alone or supervised exercise and endovascular revas- sidered a performance measure in the management of patients
cularization.17 In the exercise-alone group, significant with peripheral artery disease.21 Smoking cessation is associ-
increases from baseline were observed at 1 year in mean walk- ated with improved cardiovascular and limb outcomes.22
ing distance (285 m vs 1240 m, P = 0.001), pain-free walking However, despite the availability of counseling and pharma-
distance (135 m vs 712 m, P <0.001), and quality of life cologic strategies (eg, nicotine replacement, bupropion, and
measures, including the VascuQOL score and SF36 scores. varenicline), abstinence rates are as low as 21% at 6 months
Both primary and secondary outcomes improved more in the despite intensive intervention.23 The recently published Expert
combination group compared with the exercise-alone group. Consensus Decision Pathway provides a useful approach to
The results of this trial confirm the efficacy of supervised exer- help clinicians in the evaluation and treatment of patients with
cise and support a combination strategy when revasculariza- tobacco dependence.24 A simplified algorithm based on the
tion is feasible. Based on the high-quality evidence, the document’s recommendations is reported in Figure 5.
2016 AHA/ACC guideline has given a class 1A recommenda-
tion for structured-exercise therapy.2 Supervised treadmill STATINS AND OTHER LIPID-LOWERING THERAPIES
exercise is now covered by the Center for Medicare and Med- A wealth of data indicate that statins lowers cardiovascular
icaid Services, which should lead to more widespread use.18 risk in patients with atherosclerotic risk factors or stable
Campia et al Contemporary Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease 1137

Figure 3 Diagnosis of peripheral artery disease. DM = diabetes mellitus; PAD = peripheral artery disease.
*Diabetes mellitus, smoking, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and family history of peripheral artery disease.
#Coronary, carotid, subclavian, renal, or mesenteric stenosis, or abdominal aortic aneurysm
yNon-joint related and not fitting the pattern of classic claudication. Consider alternative diagnoses: spinal stenosis;
nerve root compression; hip, knee, or ankle arthritis; venous claudication; chronic compartment syndrome; popli-
teal entrapment; and symptomatic Baker’s cyst.

coronary artery disease. In the Heart Protection Study, for revascularization, or amputation.27 Based on the overall
which included a large group of patients with peripheral beneficial effects of statin, the ACC/AHA guideline give a
artery disease, the use of simvastatin was associated with a class I indication for statin treatment in all patients with
reduction of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular events,25 and peripheral artery disease.2 More recent evidence of the impact
peripheral vascular events.26 Data from an international regis- of lipid-lowering therapy in patients with peripheral artery
try suggest that statin therapy also leads to reduction in pro- disease is provided by the results of the Further Cardiovascu-
gression of claudication, incident critical limb ischemia, need lar Outcomes Research With PCSK9 Inhibition in Subjects
1138 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 10, October 2019

Figure 4 Management of peripheral artery disease. ACE = angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB
= angiotensin receptor blocker; PAR = protease activated receptor; PCSK9 = proprotein convertase
subtilisin/kexin type 9; QOL = quality of life.

With Elevated Risk (FOURIER) trial. This study randomized moderate- or high-intensity statin therapy, and the median
27,564 patients with atherosclerotic disease on statin therapy low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol at baseline was
to the PCSK9 inhibitor evolocumab or to placebo. Among 94 mg/dL. Evolocumab significantly reduced the primary
them, 3642 patients had symptomatic peripheral artery dis- composite end point (eg, hospital admission for unstable
ease, defined as having intermittent claudication and an ankle angina, myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization,
brachial index <0.85 or a history of prior peripheral vascular stroke, or cardiovascular death) as well as the risk of major
procedure. Almost all of the patients (99.8%) were on adverse limb events (eg, acute limb ischemia, urgent

Figure 5 Smoking cessation algorithm.

Campia et al Contemporary Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease 1139

peripheral revascularization for ischemia, or major amputa- in the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.38
tion). Of note, in the FOURIER trial, the lower the level The study randomized 27,395 patients with stable coronary
of LDL cholesterol achieved, the lower the risk of limb artery disease, peripheral artery disease, or both to receive
events.28 aspirin (100 mg once daily), rivaroxaban (5 mg twice
daily), or rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice daily) plus aspirin
(100 mg once daily) The primary outcome was a composite
LOWERING BLOOD PRESSURE of cardiovascular death, stroke, or myocardial infarction.
In the patients with peripheral artery disease enrolled in the Of note, COMPASS was stopped early, after a mean follow
Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) trial, treat- up of 23 months, for superiority of the rivaroxaban-plus-
ment with the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor aspirin group compared with the aspirin alone in reducing
(ACE-I) ramipril was associated with a significant reduc- the primary efficacy outcome (4.1% vs 5.4%, respectively;
tion in the primary outcome (ie, myocardial infarction, hazard ratio [HR], 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.66
stroke, or cardiovascular death)29 independent of symptoms to 0.86; P < 0.001). A total of 7470 participants had periph-
and ankle brachial index values.30 In addition, a retrospec- eral artery disease, defined as history of revascularization,
tive analysis of data from the Peripheral Artery Disease- amputation for arterial disease, intermittent claudication
University of California−Davis Registry showed that using with documented occlusive disease, carotid disease, or cor-
ACE-I or angiotensin receptor blockers is associated with onary artery disease and an ankle brachial index of < 0.90.
significantly lower risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascu- Besides the primary cardiovascular efficacy endpoint, the
lar events and mortality in patients with critical limb primary peripheral artery disease outcome was major
ischemia.31 adverse limb events including acute limb ischemia, chronic
limb ischemia, and major amputation.39 When treatment
ANTIPLATELET THERAPY with rivaroxaban 2.5 mg twice daily plus aspirin was com-
The benefit of antiplatelet drugs in peripheral artery disease pared with aspirin alone, it reduced the primary efficacy
is not universal. Aspirin as a single agent in patients with outcome (5% vs 7%, respectively, HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.57
asymptomatic peripheral artery disease was not better than −0.90, P = 0.0047) as well as major adverse limb events
placebo in the Prevention of Progression of Arterial Disease (1% vs 2%; HR 0.54 95% CI 0.35−0.82, P = 0.0037). The
and Diabetes (POPADAD) trial32 and in the Aspirin for combination of rivaroxaban plus aspirin was associated
Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis (AAA) trial.33 However, in with higher risk of major bleeding compared to aspirin
patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease, aspirin alone (3% vs 2%, respectively; HR 1.61, 95% CI 1.12
monotherapy can reduce the risk of systemic atherothrom- −2.31, P = 0.0089). However, no excess in fatal or critical
botic events.34 Clopidogrel was evaluated in the Clopidog- organ bleeding was observed with the combination therapy.
rel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk of Ischaemic Events The benefit−risk analysis showed a net benefit for the com-
(CAPRIE) trial. Among patients with peripheral artery dis- bination therapy compared with aspirin alone (7% vs 9%,
ease enrolled in the study, clopidogrel was associated with respectively; HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.59−0.87, P = 0.0008).
an almost 24% relative risk reduction of the combined risk
of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or vascular death
compared with 325 mg of aspirin. In a subgroup analysis of SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
the Clopidogrel for High Atherothrombotic Risk and Ische- Peripheral artery disease is a common but often unrecog-
mic Stabilization, Management, and Avoidance (CHA- nized and underdiagnosed manifestation of atherosclerotic
RISMA) trial, patients with documented prior myocardial vascular disease. Intermittent claudication, the classic man-
infarction, ischemic stroke, or symptomatic peripheral ifestation of peripheral artery disease, is associated with
artery disease had a significantly lower rate of cardiovascu- reduced quality of life and mobility limitation. However,
lar death, myocardial infarction, or stroke with dual-anti- even when patients with peripheral artery disease report no
platelet therapy with low-dose aspirin and clopidogrel or atypical symptoms, they present with functional
compared with aspirin alone.35 impairment and are at risk of adverse limb events, including
acute and chronic limb ischemia requiring revascularization
or amputation. Furthermore, peripheral artery disease is
COMBINED ANTIPLATELET AND associated with high risk of systemic atherothrombotic
ANTITHROMBOTIC THERAPY events, including myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardio-
Atherothrombosis is considered a fundamental mechanism vascular death. Analyses of large clinical trials have
in the pathogenesis of peripheral artery disease and its com- demonstrated that using statins and ACE-Is reduce cardio-
plications.36 Although intensifying antiplatelet therapy vascular risk in patients with peripheral artery disease, with
appears to exert some benefits in the reduction of risk of less clear effects for antiplatelet therapies. Additionally,
cardiovascular events35 and, in the case of vorapaxar, of both low-dose antithrombotic therapy in association with
limb events,37 the results of the pivotal COMPASS trial aspirin and lipid lowering with a PCSK9 inhibitor are asso-
indicate that the combination of antiplatelet and a low-dose ciated with reduction of both cardiovascular and limb
anticoagulant represent one of the most promising advances adverse events. Implementation of these therapies remains
1140 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 132, No 10, October 2019

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macy. Further study is necessary to identify the patients tion and supervised exercise for peripheral artery disease and intermittent
with peripheral artery disease who will benefit the most claudication: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2015;314:1936–44.
18. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Decision memo for
from these advances. Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for symptomatic peripheral artery
disease (PAD) (CAG-00449N). Available at:
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