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A: Hello, Kim Ngan

B: Hello, sister
A: What’s the matter, Ngan?
B: I don’t know
A: You’re not well
B: I’m sorry. May I lie down?
A: Yes, of course
B: I’m cold. May I have a blanket, please?
A: Yes. I’m thirsty. May I have a drink, please?
B: Yes.
A: Have you got a sore throat?
B: Yes, I have
A: Ok. Take 2 pills after meals.
B: I’m hungry. May we have lunch, please?
A: Yes, may I have a/an …. (apple, banana,...), please?
B: Ok. What’s this, sister?
A: It’s a dress.
B: Whose dress is it?
A: It's my mother's dress. What’s this, Ngan?
B: It’s a shirt. It’s my father’s shirt.
A: What’s this?
B: It’s my skirt. This is a sock, is it your sock?
A: No, it’s your sock. It’s dirty. Whose hat is it (pic)?
B: It’s her hat. Look! That’s a big dinosaur (teddy)
A: Those are pretty butterflies. I like butterfly wings
B: Me too! I like old cars
A: I don’t like old cars. I like new cars
B: This is a small pen. My pen is purple
A: This is a big pen. My pen is green
A+B: We like our colorful pens
1. Vở 5 ô li : 20 quyển
2. SGK + SBT 9 : 1 bộ
3. Bao sách loại nhỏ : 20 cái
4. Bao sách loại lớn : 10 cái
5. Sách BT Mai Lan Hương 9 (có đáp án) : 2 quyển
6. Bút kim tím : 10 cây
7. Tẩy, thước, bút chì (Bơ)
Glass - umbrella - glasses - winter scarf
1. Glass : Let’s start with the glass! Shall I start first?
Because the girl lives in a cold country, I think the glass
would be a good idea. As a result, she can use it to
drink hot water, or hot chocolate as well. I belive that
the glass is an affordable present. So, what are your
2. Umbrella : agree hoặc không agree. How about this
nice umbrella? I think this would be also a good choice.
But the problem is that the umbrella is broken easily
when move from a place to another place, isn’t it?
3. Glasses : I see what you mean, and I completely
agree with you. What do you think of these lovely
glasses? From my point of view, choose the glasses as a
gift doesn’t make sense at all. If I were the boy, I
would’t choose it. In addition, the glasses appear to be
useless to the girl because she lives in a cold country,
not a hot one.
6. Winter scarf : And the final choice is this beautiful
winter scarf. In my opinion, this is a good idea because
the scarf would help the girl keep warm, and the scarf is
really stylish too. So, which one shall we choose?
MNgoc: Let’s go with the winter scarf as our best
option. It’s not only fashionable but also the warmest
one, which can make the girl always think about the
Uyên: Yes, that is the best idea.

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