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Bahasa Inggris IV


HYGIENE : Page 6

Oleh :

Fadhila putri
19 A

Dosen Pembimbing :
Richa Fionasari


1. Before you read the passage, talk about the questions.
1) Why is proper hygiene important?
Good personal hygiene is one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting
gastro or infectious diseases such as COVID-19, colds and flu. Washing your
hands with soap removes germs that can make you ill. Maintaining good
personal hygiene will also help prevent you from spreading diseases to other
2) How do nurses help patients use proper hygiene?
The way nurses help patients maintain personal hygiene is as follows:

 Bathing  Assisting patients with bathing is a fundamental aspect of

maintaining the patient's hygiene. Bathing not only helps the patient to
feel clean and gain a sense of normalcy, but bathing also removes dirt,
perspiration, bacteria, and dead skin as well as promotes blood
 Bathing in a Bathroom

With this type of bath, assistance may be given to

1. Help the patient reach the bathroom.

2. Check to see if the patient needs to use the restroom before
3. Keep the bathroom warm.
4. Run the water. Make sure to start the water off cool to prevent
large amounts of steam. Once the water is warmed up, check the
temperature with an elbow to assess for an appropriate and
comfortable temperature. Recommended temperatures for
bathing are 115 degrees F. Ask the patient to test the water to
see if the temperature is comfortable to them.
5. Provide a shower chair, if necessary.
6. Place all necessary toiletries in an easily accessible spot.
7. Remain nearby in case the patient needs more help.
 Self-Wash in Bed
Equipment needed includes clean bed linen, washcloths, clean clothes,
disposable washbasin, disposable apron, bath towels, toiletries, linen
skip, disposable wipes, a plastic bag to dispose of wipes, and non-sterile
gloves if needed for protection or patient preference.
With this type of bath, assistance may be given to
1. Ensure the patient has privacy while bathing.
2. Warm the room and provide sheets to prevent the patient from
becoming cold while bathing.
3. Explain the procedure of using a water basin to clean oneself.
4. Specify that the patient should wash their genitals last. When
washing the genitals, provide disposable wipes and ask that the
patient disposes of them in a plastic waste bag that you have
5. Warm water may stimulate the need to urinate. Provide a
bedpan and explain to the patient that it may be needed.
6. Provide a washbasin filled three-fourths of the way with warm
water, make sure the water is a comfortable temperature by
placing your elbow under the running water before filling the
7. Ensure that all necessary toiletries are available such as the
washbasin of water, cloths, soap, bath towel, disposable wipes,
and a plastic bag to dispose of wipes.
8. If needed, help undress the patient and cover the patient with a
 Bed Bath
This type of bath requires the most assistance. Allow the patient to help
as much as they are able to. First, ensure that the room is warm and there
is privacy by shutting windows, closing doors, or drawing a curtain
closed. Secure all the necessary toiletries, clean bed linen, washcloths,
clean clothes, disposable washbasin, disposable apron, bath towels,
patient toiletries, linen skip, disposable wipes, a plastic bag to dispose of
wipes, and non-sterile gloves if needed for protection or patient
preference. Have a urinal or bedpan on hand, as warm water may cause
the patient to need to urinate. Ensure that the patient's bed is at the
proper height. 
 Dental Care  
Dental care can be a relatively simple procedure to maintain the patient's
hygiene. Let the patient contribute to this routine as much as they can.
 Hair Care
Haircare is a vital part of the hygiene routine. While hair does not need
washing every day, brushing the patient's hair can boost their self-esteem
and prevent knots from forming. Before touching the patient, sanitize
your hands and use disposable gloves.
 Nail Care
Nail care gives the patient a neat appearance and helps prevent them
from scratching themselves. Regular nail care can remove bacteria from
underneath the fingernails to help prevent infections. Take the time to
observe the patient's nails, fingers, and toes. Note and report any
swelling, thick or brittle nails, changes in nail texture, changes in nail
color, exquisite tenderness, or foot ulcers. Special care is necessary for a
patient who has diabetes.

2. Read the poster. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1) ( F ) Viruses cannot survive on inanimate objects.
2) ( F ) Antimicrobial soap should be used to disinfect bathrooms.
3) ( T ) People with diseases that pass quickly from one person to another
sometimes require quarantine.

3. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G)

1) ( A ) antibiotic
2) ( D ) bacteria
3) ( B ) disinfectant
4) ( F ) isolate
5) ( C ) transmit
6) ( E ) infection
7) ( G) hygiene
A. a substance used to clean an object and kill any microorganisms on it
B. used to kill or prevent the growth of unicellular microorganisms
C. to pass something from one place to another
D. unicellular microorganisms that are capable of infecting a host organism
E. a colonization of a host organism by a microorganism
F. to put a person or animal in isolation to prevent the spread of a disease
G. the practice of keeping oneself clean

4. Check () the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly
1. () A It's important to use a good infection when you're cleaning your
() B The man contracted a virus and was so ill that he could not go to
2. () A Mr. Kim was transmitted to avoid making the other patients sick.
() B Jerry uses antimicrobial soap because it kills more viruses than
regular soap.
3. () A Wear a facemask when with sick people.
() B To prevent infection, the nurse applied bacteria to the patient's

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