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What's the Distinction Between Direct and Indirect Distribution Channels?

Direct distribution channels enable a manufacturer or service provider to interact directly with its end
client. A direct distribution route would be used by a company that creates clothes and sells them
directly to clients via an e-commerce platform. In contrast, if that same corporation sold its items
through a network of wholesalers and retailers, it would be using an indirect distribution channel.

What Are the Three Different Types of Distribution Channels?

Wholesalers, retailers, and direct-to-consumer sales are the three types of distribution channels.
Wholesalers are companies that buy large amounts of a product from a producer and then resell it to
retailers or, in some cases, to end users. Retailers are typically wholesalers' customers, and they provide
high-touch customer support to end users. Finally, direct-to-consumer sales occur when the
manufacturer sells directly to the end customer, such as through an e-commerce platform.

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